#pallegina mes rèi
sun-marie · 4 months
@bragganhyl asked
May I suggest Pallegina and Maneha for the 2 character sketches? 😊 (Prompt: "Snow")
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Maneha thought Pallegina looked a little cold, so she thought she'd take her mind off it. Pallegina, on the other hand, is... preoccupied 😳
Send me 2+ characters and/or ships and a prompt, and I will draw a very quick, very messy sketch of them 🎨🖌
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perenians · 5 months
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corès, aimora...
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triflingshadows · 2 years
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pillars redraw. my besties....2!
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herearedragons · 2 months
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Fire & Feathers
@galesdove FRIENDLY FIRE! I heard "godlike Watcher who romances Pallegina" and knew I only had one choice here.
(going to add the sketch under the cut, because I really like how Pallegina looked before I did the lineart)
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adozentothedawn · 5 months
If you want to do more voice line compilations, how about one with combat voice lines?
Indeed I do! Since you didn't specify character or situation I decided to be a bit creative. I did limit the ones that are just funny noises but those last two made me laugh too hard to not take them. xD Also turns out Maneha has a whole set of very funny reactions like this one, I might do that one seperately some time.
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ritasanderson · 2 years
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apeirotilio · 4 months
day ?? at Ondra's Gift. still no Pallegina.
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elluvians · 1 year
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he really does say whatever is on his mind huh 😭
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bragganhyl · 2 years
pallegina a4 for the outfit meme :3
Behold a she 😌
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hecata · 3 months
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she's everything to me
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corffiser · 7 days
make a poll of your favourite female characters ( no limits - as many or as little as you want ) and see which your followers like the most !
thank you so much for the tag @eternalergo :) i'll tag : @illusivesoul , @devotion-that-corrupts , @deepdwellingsteamboat , @nicolajpg
@gortash , @hawke , @lockescoles , @aesfocus , @beardedladyqueen and anyone else who would like to do this !! as always , no pressure !!
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sun-marie · 6 months
Pallegina Deadfire Portrait Consistency Mod
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Vanilla Deadfire Pallegina (Left)
Updated Deadfire Pallegina (Middle)
Vanilla PoE1 Pallegina (Right)
Pallegina's Deadfire portrait has few notable changes from her PoE1 portrait, namely smaller hair and a slightly lighter skin tone. In my eyes, this makes it a little bit harder to connect the two as the same character, so I thought I'd try my hand at tweaking it.
Some changes include:
Brighter, rounder eyes with larger pupils
Slightly darker skintone to match her PoE1 portrait
Removed lipstick
Made her hair larger and gave the ends a lighter-brown highlight
Rounded out some of the feathers around her eyes
Adjusted the angle her facial features
I made this for personal use so the changes aren't perfect, but I tried to keep the them minimal and true to Deadfire's original style, so I figured I'd share in case anyone else was interested!
Also includes an attempt at Watercolor portraits!
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Download Here
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perenians · 5 months
it honestly just kills me how little we know about pallegina. we know that as a child she was put on a pedestal for being a godlike and that she loathed her existence, so much so that she begged giacolo to cut her chime out or else she'd have no choice but to kill herself. what about her family, though? did she just not have that? from the way she speaks it sounds like the vailian republics were the only thing she had from day one but that can't be true. i want to know about her early days is what i'm saying
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starlightcleric · 4 months
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B A S I C S:
Full Name: Jessamine Fitzwode, or Vanessa mes Rèi, or Alessa the Green, or Bess
Gender: Cis Female (or “Godlike” according to the Vailians)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Background: Slave in Aedyr, Old Vailia, and the Vailian Republics
Race: Nature Godlike, elf ancestry
Class: Rogue, Harbinger (Trickster/Skald)
O T H E R:
Family: Unknown to her, was separated from her mother at a young age
Birthplace: Aedyr
Job(s): Singer, assassin, spy (all as a slave)
Fears/Phobias: Losing her freedom again, Guls
Guilty Pleasures: She picks up every book she comes across (including stealing) to fill the library of Caed Nua.
Hobbies: Music, reading, petty theft, dueling
M O R A L S:
Morality Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Virtues: Diligence, Fortitude
Sins: Avarice, Envy
T H I S – O R – T H A T:
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower/ flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realist
traditional/ modern / in between
hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
OTP: Unknown
Acceptable Ships: Adaryc, Aloth, Pallegina, Tekehu
OT3: None of the ship options would be in a polycule together
BroTP: Kana, Serafen
NOTP: Durance is cheating but it’s true
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herearedragons · 6 months
...so yesterday I noticed a fun Pillars of Eternity thing.
There are 11 companions in POE1. There are also 11 gods in Eora.
So, naturally, I decided to see if you can match every companion's themes/aesthetic/general plot to a god, and, you kind of can? So I'm going to put the list of matches I ended up with here, and more detailed explanations under the cut.
The List
Edér - Eothas
Aloth - Berath
Sagani - Rymrgand
Kana - Wael
Durance - Magran
Pallegina - Hylea
Hiravias - Galawain
Grieving Mother - Woedica
Maneha - Ondra
Zahua - Skaen
Devil of Caroc - Abydon
(disclaimer: this is not the "every companion secretly represents a god" theory. this is just me having fun and seeing how far I can take this idea. some of these are A Stretch)
(another disclaimer: I'll be referencing both the first game and the short stories, so, uh, spoilers)
(also special thanks to @solas-backpack-mug for helping me brainstorm this)
...the first thing I should probably mention is that, to make things easier for myself, I assumed that every character we know to be devoted or otherwise connected to a specific god will be representing that god. That mostly worked out (I'll get into my reasoning for Hiravias later), and in some cases there was even additional evidence to support this.
Edér - Eothas
the theme of rebirth/second chances is all over his dialogue, storyline and even combat abilities (his Second Chance armor). you could argue that the warrior ability that allows you to constantly regenerate Endurance is also kind of relevant, but that's a stretch
Aloth - Berath
like Berath, his soul has two aspects, male and female (the Usher and the Pallid Knight vs Aloth and Iselmyr)
his quest is literally called "Two-Sided"
in his short story, he brings up the fact that the Aedyran priesthood of Berath, specifically, opposes animancy - which he also does
also in the short story, he for some reason chooses to pray to Berath in a moment that's important to him, and it might be a cultural thing, but I also think this is the only time we've seen him pray at all?
Sagani - Rymrgand
general arctic theming
this is one of the shakier associations, but once I started looking into it I realized that the themes of futility and deterioration are kind of present in Sagani's story. She references in her short story (and I'm pretty sure in the game as well, though I don't remember) how she's growing older and more distant from her family the longer her search takes, being literally worn down by time. And in the end, she finds Persoq as a dying animal who can't understand her; under a certain interpretation you could say that her search was futile, though that's definitely not the only reading (and it's not my personal interpretation, but for tinfoil-hat purposes, it counts).
you could argue that her hunting down a reincarnated soul is kind of like Rymrgand's entropy coming for every soul eventually
Kana - Wael
his entire character is based around different aspects of knowledge: knowledge preserved, knowledge newly discovered, knowledge lost
has a humorous streak
seems to have a tendency to wander and defy the existing order of things
Durance - Magran
I mean
Pallegina - Hylea
she's an avian godlike
I guess you could say she's devoted to the growth and prosperity of the Republics, which resonates with Hylea's theme of nurturing?
but it's mostly the godlike thing
Hiravias - Galawain
worships or used to worship Galawain, depending on your choices
druid, strongly associated with beasts and nature
he could end up as a follower of Wael, which by my own rule would qualify him for the Wael parallel, but: a) I think Kana fits Wael's thing better, b) I think that, regardless of your choices, Hiravias' quest is ultimately still about survival. Either he proves himself to Galawain by surviving his trials, or he walks away and chooses a better god to follow - but that, too, is a form of self-preservation.
Grieving Mother - Woedica
was "destroyed" when her cipher powers backfired and now lives as a lesser form of herself, can be restored to her full power depending on your choices
manipulated the minds of an entire village to hide the truth about the Hollowborn from them, and protecting secrets is very much a Woedica thing
Maneha - Ondra
instantly qualified by being an Ondrite and a Giftbearer
is a coastal aumaua, for extra ocean vibes
wants to forget a murder she committed, just like Ondra wants her murder of Abydon to be forgotten
I'm pretty sure that Maneha and Devil were at least a little intentionally written to mirror Ondra and Abydon respectively, so I'm feeling pretty good about this one
Zahua - Skaen
mutilation or self-mutilation as a means for achieving a Noble Goal (revenge for Skaenites, enlightenment for Zahua)
seeks to liberate his enslaved people
Devil of Caroc - Abydon
murdered and reborn in an artificial body
depending on your choices, her story either ends with rage or with sinking into the ocean and being forgotten (which kind of mirrors the restored untempered/not restored Abydon endings; sure, he's not forgotten in the unrestored ending, but the whole "sinking into the ocean" does fit the "Ondra wins" vibe)
again, pretty sure she's an intentional parallel to Abydon. she's also the only one who doesn't need any extra help to survive striking the crystal with Abydon's hammer at the end of TWM2
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katistrophe · 2 years
@toooldforthisbutstill and @awordwasthebeginning tagged me in a 10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags meme - thanks! I’d been meaning to respond, but things kept happening. So let’s see…
Boromir (Lord of the Rings) - look, honorable, misguided and dead as a doornail is just my type in characters
Cheery Littlebottom (Discworld) - carving out a space to be herself, and being a science nerd on top of that
Pallegina mes Rèi (Pillars of Eternity) - badass, principled, tied with Sagani for Least Taking of Shit from Durance. And admittedly a bit of a projection surface for all the gender thoughts about godlikes.
Six (Heaven’s Vault) - so, so much Snark to Snark combat, and one of my favorite quotes in anything ever: „Hope is a mathematical certainty.“
K-2SO (Rogue One) - I’d put the whole group in here if I could but only one of them is a snarky robot and see above.
Odo (Deep Space Nine) - I could go on about the themes but also… his interactions with Quark.
Vax'ildan (Critical Role campaign 1) - I love Vax and Vex‘ sibling dynamics… and of course the tiebreaker between the two is TRAGEDY
DJ the DJ (Hi Nay) - once again one where I could go for EVERYONE, but DJ‘s segments play with the podcast medium so beautifully that breaks the tie in their favor. (Also, go listen to Hi Nay everyone.)
Stephen Maturin (Aubreyad) - so many terrible life choices in the name of SCIENCE, and also nobody can believe that this ratty nerd is a coldblooded spy.
Javert (Les Miserables) - „bastard, but poor bastard“ probably sums it up
Tagging, hm… @itscatconny @black-cat-aoife @thattalviel @tatzelwyrm @emotedllama @secretmellowblog @seaglassandeelgrass @mishidraws @ackerschnacker @nebty
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