#devil of caroc
herearedragons · 20 days
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"You're better company than Galvino." She says it in an offhand, teasing fashion, but she looks away from you, fidgeting with a rivet.
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solas-backpack-mug · 21 days
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silly pillars of eternity doodles <3
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quenthel · 28 days
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the cold metal on the hot skin....
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maxkennedy24 · 2 years
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Huevember - Day 2 Pillars of Eternity - Devil of Caroc
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adozentothedawn · 5 months
If you want to do more voice line compilations, how about one with combat voice lines?
Indeed I do! Since you didn't specify character or situation I decided to be a bit creative. I did limit the ones that are just funny noises but those last two made me laugh too hard to not take them. xD Also turns out Maneha has a whole set of very funny reactions like this one, I might do that one seperately some time.
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bragganhyl · 2 years
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People making connections between Astarion and Dragon Age characters but can we talk about...
The Devil of Caroc?
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nonopiimagines · 2 years
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day 27 of @flufftober​: reunion pillars of eternity f!watcher x the devil of caroc
The watcher expertly weaved her way through the throngs of people within the walls of Caed Nua. What was once a normal day now turned bittersweet, but only she knew that. Everyone else carried on as they should, waving to her as she passed by, her feet never stopping until she reached the eastern gate.
There, a sea green statue kneeled amongst the dirt and grass, the guards nearby eyeing her warily. Though she was a friend of the lady, they knew who the Devil of Caroc was.
“Watcher.” The Devil’s voice was faint with soul-deep exhaustion and her neck grating as she raised her head. Gone was her golden brown sheen, only a rough patina left in its place.
“Devil.” She missed no time dropping down beside her, placing a tentative hand on her shoulder. “What happened to you?”
“Don’t you like it? Everyone in Readceras couldn’t take their eyes off me.” She knew a deflective joke when she heard one.
“Right. I like it if you like it. Can you walk?”
There was a long pause before the Devil spoke again, like she was building herself up to admit the words. “Yes, but it’s not easy.”
“Can I carry you?” As the question left her mouth, she wished that she could see what was going through the Devil’s mind, that she could move the features on her face to help her understand what she was feeling. But she could only guess by the tone of her voice, and perhaps by the lack of movement in her body. 
Another few moments passed and the watcher was beginning to think something was really wrong, but she could still feel her soul pulsing, undulating inside her automaton body. She was still there. 
Then came a heavy sigh followed by, “Yep, just do it.”
The watcher smiled at her as she scooped up her kneeling form in her arms and turned back toward Brighthollow. She tried not to show too much excitement, she was sure that it was her fault that the Devil left after defeating Thaos in the first place. After Whitemarch, her fondness for the automaton may have been too evident, bordering on smothering. Especially for someone who lacked human companionship for so long.
On their way inside the keep, she stopped at the kitchens and requested a bowl of vinegar and salt paste as well as some cloths be brought to her chambers. The women closest looked from the watcher to the Devil and back again, “Perhaps the armory would have better supplies for you, Lady.”
The watcher shook her head and smiled again, “Let’s try this first.”
The woman nodded and they continued on their way, the watcher chuckled as she ascended the stairs. “I forgot how heavy you are.”
“It’s all muscle, watcher,” Devil replied without missing a beat. Her hollow tone was still there, but her quickness gave the watcher hope.
When they reached her room, the watcher set the Devil of Caroc down in the plush chair by the fireplace. The fire was already crackling, the light dancing off of Devil’s deep obsidian eyes as she slowly shifted into a shifting position, her head falling back against the chair.
“How are you feeling? Does this,” she trailed off, unsure what sensations applied to an automaton body. “Does this hurt?”
“No, it doesn’t hurt,” came her reply, the watcher imagined she watched her as she kneeled beside her chair and touched the patina on her calf. “I’m just tired. It’s exhausting to move.”
Just then, two women entered bearing a large bowl of tan paste and cloths of varying abrasiveness. The watcher thanked them and had them close the door on their way out.
“Where should I start?” She looked up to her, waiting for an answer.
“My feet, my knees, I want to walk,” her voice sounded hard, like she was trying to not to remember how difficult it was to not be able to do things, like walk around, like hold her bow, like pick a lock. 
The watcher nodded and began dismantling the complex joints of her toes and ankle. She had done this twice before. Once in Whitemarch after the Devil fell into a hot spring while they were fighting lagufaeth and she wanted to make sure she was completely dry afterward. The second time was in Twin Elms, it was pouring rain, and the Devil got mud caked all over her feet and knees, and the watcher was there again to dismantle her, clean her, and put her back together again. She remembered how nervous she felt saying the words, “I’ll always be here when you need me.” And she remembered how the Devil laughed and joked that she was better than Galvino, but that that wasn’t a high bar to clear.
“I’m glad you’re here,” she tried not to look at the Devil as she said it, turning to reach for her bag of tiny tools that were good at popping out tiny ball bearings. “I missed you.”
“Yeah,” she paused, turning her head toward the fire. “I didn’t know I was going to miss you too.”
The watcher grinned widely, wiping paste on the ankle joint in her hand and placing it carefully amongst the other ankle pieces. “Aww, you missed me. You’re going soft.”
“Shut up.”
They were silent for a while as the watcher focused on removing parts of the Devil’s leg and occasionally sitting back on her haunches to explain what the rest of their companions were up to. As much as it hurt to recount it, the Devil of Caroc was the first to leave and everyone followed her. They had other callings that could not be pursued at Caed Nua. But everyone’s rooms were still here, for the occasional visit. “Even yours.”
“You’re too sentimental,” the Devil informed her. The watcher laughed but she went on, seriousness in her voice. “I wasn’t planning on coming back, you know.”
The watcher stopped and sighed heavily. “I figured. After you left so abruptly, without saying goodbye.” She remembered it perfectly. It was the beginning of the end and it hurt the most. She knew everyone else would be okay, they said their goodbyes, there was some degree of finality. But with the Devil, it was nothing, it was sudden.
“I didn’t know what I wanted.” 
“And I would’ve helped you—”
“But that was something I needed to do on my own and you didn’t fucking get that.” The Devil sounded dangerous, though her face stayed a passive mask as it always did.
The watcher flinched, but kept going. It was easier to try to focus on removing the patina and restructuring the Devil’s leg than let the feelings bubble up from months ago. “Then did you find it? What you wanted?” It came out as a whisper.
“I walked and walked and walked,” she repeated, the venom leaving her voice in increments. “And I made it to the ocean. And it was beautiful. I tried to die there in the water, I tried to leave this stupid body to become something different. I tried so hard.” Her voice wavered like she was going to cry, not that her stone eyes would leak a drop. The watcher looked up at her again and she was still staring into the fire unmoving. “But I kept thinking of you. I think it’s your fault that I’m still here. Trapped.”
“No, shut up, let me finish. I thought revenge was keeping me here, but I killed all those fucking bastards, and I’m still here. We killed Thaos and I’m still here. I walked into the ocean and I’m still here. If I’m going to be stuck here, I should at least be with someone I can tolerate. So here I am.”
The watcher felt her heart in her throat. She tried to keep her hands from shaking as she reattached a freshly cleaned bronze leg to the rest of the Devil’s patinated body. “You flatter me, Devil,” she tried to sound nonchalant to lighten the air, but her unsteady voice betrayed her. So she grabbed the other woman’s unfeeling hand in hers and continued, “I would love for you to stay. But I never want you to feel trapped here. You can come and go as you please. Just, please, if you’re leaving for good, tell me.”
The Devil nodded slowly, her neck joints grating softly against each other. “Okay.”
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baldursyourgate · 1 year
The lack of ending slides in Baldur's Gate 3 is still very much ridiculous to me. Not only is it a staple in the CRPG genre, but it also serves as a total and complete closure, the consequence of all the actions that the protagonist has ever taken. How each of your companions fare or what they will do after the event of the game, each of the world's specific regions and how your character's decision has affected it. I want to know!
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Exhibit 1: Pillars of Eternity and the consequence of your action on Dyrwood.
Sure, the romance companion epilogue is somewhat of a saving grace, but if you somehow didn't romance anyone (or romanced a certain someone who was bugged), it truly feels abrupt.
I think the companion that's most affected by the lack of an ending slide is unromanced, vampire-spawn Astarion. You solved his personal quest, freed 7000 of Cazador's vampire spawns into the Underdark, and what do you get in the end? A 15-second footage of him scurrying away because since the tadpole is gone, his sun immunity is also gone. Better run fast or turn into dust! Then the game ends. Credit rolls, black screen, a little tune plays, and you see your clownish reflection on the screen, asking yourself if anything you've done really matters at all.
One ending slide that left a very strong impression on me was Devil of Caroc's in Pillars of Eternity 1's DLC The White March. It was so beautifully written. I expected BG3 to have something that could give me that same (or even better) impact, especially after hearing "Baldur's Gate 3 Has 17,000 Ending Variations" used as a selling point. Turns out it's just the companion saying slightly different lines and like... three actual ending cinematic.
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Exhibit 2: Ending slide of Devil of Caroc - a minor companion from Pillars of Eternity's DLC the White March.
I know that they will be "expanding" the epilogue, but it's been nearly a month after release. So many people have already finished the game, and it's quite unfair that the early adopters of a seemingly completed-for-release game get the short end of the stick.
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trender-official · 15 days
Rules + Fandoms
I will write for:
-Dragon Age (obviously): Any romancable character for any game and Varric
-Cyberpunk 2077: Romancable companions + Johnny and Takemura
-Fallout New Vegas, Four, and the show: Boone, Arcade, Raul, Cassidy, Veronica, Joshua, Danes, Deacon, Hancock, Piper, Preston, Codsworth(platonically… ya hoes), Cooper(2070s and later), Maximus, Norm, Lucy
-Pillars of Eternity One (haven’t finished the second): Edér, Aloth, Kana Rua, Sagani, Durance? if u want??, Islemyr, Hiravias, Pallegina, Maneha(only women romantically), Devil of Caroc
-Baldur’s Gate Three (still playing old ones): All romancables + Jaheira
-Horror: Michael Myers, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Brahms, Thomas Hewitt
-Supernatural: Dean, Sam, Crowley, Castiel, Gabriel, Michael, Rowena, Charlie
-Mass Effect: Romancable characters + Wrex
-Ocs: Ninsun, Helgi, Vígdís(will be posting them later)
-Far Cry Three, Four, Five: Joseph, John, Jacob, Faith, Vaas, Pagan Min
-Lord of the Rings: Frodo, Boromir, Faramir, Aragorn, Legolas, Sam, Gimli, Pippin, Merry
-Overwatch: P much the whole cast
-Dbd: Most killers and surviors(keep in mind i haven’t played in a long time)
-I will write dark fics but nothing genuinely disgusting
-If you don’t see a character for a fandom, just send the ask! Ill probably still respond and probably just forgot.
-I have the right to deny any request! If I say no please don’t keep sending it.
-Yandere is fine with me!
-May take up to a week to respond, depends on how busy I am
-I will not change canonically queer identities, but I will write queer pairings for straight characters!
-This will be updated as I consume more media! I’ll update yall when I change it :)
-I will write x reader and cxc! Just send the ship and I’ll let you know :)
-I sometimes may use my inquisitor/tav/hawke/ u get the idea for a fic. If you request reader I won’t!
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camelliagwerm · 9 months
top 5 video game companions?
Huhhh this one is hard, because a lot of my favourite companions happen to be romanceable, so for ease's sake, I'm only including characters I didn't romance. @cetra also asked for this.
Jaethal (Kingmaker)
Greybor (Wrath of the Righteous)
Devil of Caroc (Pillars of Eternity: White March)
Pasqal (Rogue Trader)
Mimir (God of War 2018 & Ragnarok - he counts in my head)
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herearedragons · 1 month
observations about Devil's metal body that make me feel normal
it's ornate. there are vine/floral patterns. there are alternating colors of metal. purely aesthetic things that Galvino didn't have to put there but still did
she has fingernails (mentioned in a voice line) and sculpted realistic ears
her face is a solid mask
her face is a solid mask
literally I think the only range of facial expression she has is by moving her eyes???
you went to the trouble of engraving decorative patterns and sculpting ears and fingernails but you didn't bother with facial expressions. and why would you. if your main priority is making this body aesthetically pleasing rather than convenient to live in
Galvino I just want to talk
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solas-backpack-mug · 2 days
pov you are the devil of caroc
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i felt like painting a watercolor of @herearedragons watcher mae <3
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quenthel · 2 years
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pillars art from last year.. Peepaw and Devil of Caroc smoking together (or trying to... miss devil can no longer smoke so sad)
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modwyr · 1 year
twice now the devil of caroc has been the one to kill the adra dragon. and both times i got my ass beaten 500 times before finally going 'oh i'll try it with the devil in my party.'
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therookandthecrow · 4 months
My zodiac headcanons for the POE 1 companions
Aloth = such a Virgo in my eyes. He is such an earth sign. Moon sign likely Capricorn.
Grieving Mother = to me she is a Pisces. I think that she could be a triple Pisces.
Hiravias = Sagittarius with a Gemini moon. Fire grand trine.
Edér = another Pisces but with heavy earth placements. Pisces sun/Capricorn moon.
Sagani = an Aries with a Libra moon. Gemini rising but with substantial earth energy.
Pallegina = a Leo with her moon in a water sign. Venus in Virgo. Leo/Virgo energy is strong with her.
Kana = a Gemini, maybe with a Sagittarius moon. A good balance of earth and air energy but with little earth energy.
Durance = a Scorpio with a lot of fire placements. Scorpio sun/Sagittarius moon.
Devil of Caroc = an Aries with a Scorpio moon. Chaos gremlin energy like Hiravias, so she definitely has Gemini on her chart.
Zahua = an Aquarius, maybe even a triple Aquarius. Add Pisces to the mix, and you've got Zahua.
Maneha = a Taurus with an Aries moon. She probably has some Gemini placements.
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