Dark Forest Resident: Geckopad
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Aliases / Nicknames: Dumbass, Gecko
Gender: female
Sexuality: aromantic asexual
Family: Whimbreltuft (mother), Frigatefeather (father), Morphostar, Ratnose (older sisters) Vipertooth, Orioleshatter, Juncochatter, Termiteflicker (younger brothers), three unnamed and unborn nieces/nephews
Other Relations: Palmsap (Mentor), Toucanstep (brother-in-law)
Clan: Warm-Shore Clowder
Rank: deputy
Characteristics: ‘inventive,' adventurous, secretly ambitious, did not think her murder plot through
Number of Victims: 4
Number of Murders: 1
Murder Method: luring caiman
Known Victims: Morphostar, Morphostar’s unborn kits
Victim Profile: cats who were interested in her ‘ideas’
Cause of Death: caiman
Cautionary Tale: think before you act
Morphostar clung to the branch with all their might, holding Geckopad’s tail between their teeth.
“Geckopad, this isn’t a good plan.”
Geckopad’s latest plan was to ‘communicate’ with a caiman, and she had somehow talked her sister into spotting her while she did so.
“This is a great plan!” Geckopad leaned down off the branch, pressing her paw to the back of the sleeping caimen.
“See? Friendly!”
As far as last words went, they would prove ironic.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor
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ibisawajit · 4 years
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কোন গুঢ় নয়; গুড় 😋😋 #jaggery #palmsap #nolengur https://www.instagram.com/p/CMsCq3GFx4X/?igshid=1wlsidrlt1x5p
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