#pam mahone
afaimsarrowverse · 6 months
Meine „Prison Break“-Fics:
The Things We Do For Love
A/B/O-AU, A/B/O-Dynamik, Seximus, Gefängnis, Erpressung, Nötigung, Gewalt , Character Death, PTSD, Polygamie, Machtmissbrauch, Vergewaltigung,, die Handlung spielt vor allem in den ersten drei Staffel, es gibt aber ein paar Spoiler für Season 4, während Season 5 wird als das seltsame Paralleuniversum, das es ist, ignoriert wird, Michael/Alex, Michael/Sara, Alex/Pam,  Linc/Veronica, Alex/Whistler/Michael, Kellerman/Sara, Kellerman/Caroline, Caroline/Terrence, Gretchen/Whistler. Michael glaubte niemals wirklich daran, dass er damit durchkommen würde. Von all den komplizierten Winkelzügen, die er sich ausgedacht hatte um seinen Bruder aus dem Gefängnis retten zu können, war das hier derjenige, in den er am wenigsten Vertrauen setzte. Ein Teil von ihm war zutiefst davon überzeugt, dass es früher oder später irgendjemanden auffallen würde, dass ihm früher oder später irgendjemand auf die Schliche kommen würde. Michael schleicht sich als Omega in ein Alpha-Hochsicherheitsgefängnis ein um seinen Bruder zu retten. und hat mit allem gerechnet, daber nicht mit dem FBI-Alpha-Spurhund Alex Mahone.
Von dysfunktionalen Familien und Fragen der Liebe
Fortsetzung von „The Things we do for Love“. Sammlung zugesammenhängender One-Shots, die während der 4. Staffel von „Prison Break“ spielen. Michael/Alex, Michael/Sara, Alex/Pam, Linc/Sofia, ein Hauch von Gretchen/Sara, Alex/Whistler/Michael, Gretchen/Whistler. „Ihr wart niemals nicht auf ihrem Radar, sie haben nur beschlossen euch kurzfristig in Ruhe zu lassen. Das könnte sich jederzeit ändern, und ihr würdet es nicht einmal kommen sehen“, behauptete Whistler. Michael hat sein Happy End gefunden, doch eine Bitte um Hilfe bringt ihn und sein Rudel zurück auf auf den Radar der Company.
Point of View
Companion Piece zu „The Things we do for Love“. Die Fic spielt während des Prologs bzw. des ersten Kapitel von „The Things We Do For Love“ funktioniert aber eigenständig. 5 Personen, die dachten zu wissen, dass Michael Scofield nicht das war, was er vorgab zu sein, und eine Person, die es wusste. Gen-Fic mit ein bisschen MiSa.
Die ganze Serie auf AO3:
Der vorbestimmte Weg
Kompass-Verse-AU, Gefängnis, Erpressung, Nötigung, Gewalt, Gen-Fic, mit ein wenig MiSa, Spuren von Michael/Alex und Kellerman/Sara, Nein, niemals, er konnte es nicht. Er würde alles opfern um Lincoln zu retten, doch was er nicht opfern konnte war der Wegweiser von drei anderen Menschen, die ihm genauso wichtig sein sollten wie Lincoln es war. Michael befreit seinen Bruder aus dem Gefängnis, nicht nur weil er auf seiner Haut steht, doch als er von einem Mann, der ebenfalls auf seiner Haut steht gejagt wird und die Ärztin, die ihm geholfen hat und auf seiner Haut steht, in Bedrängnis gerät, muss er entscheiden, wo seine Prioritäten liegen.
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eastern-lights · 3 years
Pam: You ready for your coffee, babe?
Alex: No, thanks. Starting today, I am giving it up.
Pam: Seriously? Coffee is your only source of water.
*5 minutes later*
Alex: ...
Alex: Take a sip of your coffee and kiss me.
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fuckmealexmahone · 4 years
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Mahone and Pam's relationship was 😍
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johnbly · 6 years
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If I didn't have this job anymore, or if I were free...if I were free --
I need to know. 
I'm not saying no. 
I will make this right, I swear to God.
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alex-mahone-archive · 7 years
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itskindofablur · 7 years
(Me, watching season 4 of Prison Break:)
Alex: "my wife--"
Me (mentally): EX-WIFE.
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fichtner-fics · 4 years
Christmas Miracle (Alex Mahone)
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Warnings: none (besides some spoilers in the context describing, mention about family problems (just a few words)), in contrary TOO MUCH FLUFF AND CUTENESS OMG my heart just can’t take that
Context: So this is a bit out of the PB storyline. Cameron, Alex’s son is alive, but Pam is not in the picture at all. I didn’t exactly clarified, where she is or what has happened to her (she’s not necessarily dead), and from the point of this fic it doesn’t matter. What does matter: Cameron is five (just like in the serie), living with his dad, spending so much time with Y/N (who isn’t from the office, not even working in law-enforcement). And the rest is down there, I just wanted to explain the basics. 😊
A/N: So I thought it would be nice to surprise you with a little Christmassy-Mahone, with so much fluff, cuteness, love, joy, gingerbread and sparkles. This is the end result. ✨  (2298 words??? sorry I was just typing and suddenly it happened) (I’m already visualising a secod part of this, help, things started to get out of my control)
Originally I wanted to post this on the 22nd, BUT I JUST COULDN’T WAIT YOUR REACTIONS so tell me tell me whatever you think about this. 😭😭
I know this is quite early to say, but I want y’all to have yourself a very happy, merry, holy, jolly, fun Christmas, take care yourselves, and rest as much as you can. We all have things to recover from, so let this period be that recovery’s time. Thank you all for making my 2020 whole, giving me some light during these shadowy times. It is such an adventure which started this year. ❤
I know I have 2 requests pending, I’ll start the next year with them. Pinky promise!
[yeah, that’s Carl Hickman on the gif, but as I realized there’s no footage in the wide Internet of Mahone smiling so I had to improvise😆; gif’s from here, thank you!]
Alex and I were friends for such a long time. Though during his marriage we hadn’t seen each other as frequently, our friendship remained. What’s more, since they split up with Pam and he was left alone with his son, I was the first person he came to. I usually cooked them and spent so much time with the little boy. We grew closer and closer – with both of the boys. With Cameron in the sense of a mother-son relationship and with his father… well, I fell in love with him, and I was quite sure that he felt almost the same way. There was nothing on Earth I would enjoy more than our long nights with deep conversations and a cup of tea, which happened pleasantly often. We could talk about anything and everything, he shared with me all his ups and downs, everything at the office, in his (ended) marriage, and vice versa. I didn’t have a failed marriage to talk about, but given my drunk father, I had some things to share about as well. Long story short, basically we would just have to say things out loud to become a couple.
Given Alex had to work late (unfortunately) on the 25th of December, he asked me to look after Cameron, which I took happily. I already planned our whole day during the night before, so I arrived with decided plans at their house.
First things first, we of course bake some gingerbread to build a house. When finally it wasn’t hot, I put everything on the table and called Cameron. While I was gathering some tools missing, he took the plate in front of him.
“We won’t have anything left to build the house if you keep eating all those gingerbreads” I said laughing and messing up little Cameron’s hair. He giggled but kept chewing a gingerbread man’s leg. “And tell me” I asked, sitting on the chair next to him “what did you wrote on your list?”
While I was waiting for him to answer, I started to prepare the frosting and the tubes with coloured icing in them.
“I asked a huge… truck…” he said excitedly. “With a remote controller. And a toolbox for myself, because daddy has his own, and I want to help him repair things. And some Lego!”
“That’s amazing. You will have so much fun with these” I smiled at him. “Give me two sidewalls, please” I said after finishing the preparation of the necessities. It wasn’t the funniest part of making the house for a five-year-old, but I hoped that by involving Cameron in the process would cheer him a bit. I put some frosting on the sides of the gingerbread, then glued two pieces together.
“And I asked a gun, too” he said suddenly, while we were holding the pieces to stick. I laughed in surprise.
“Like daddy’s” I presumed.
“Yes” the little boy chuckled again. “To fight the bad guys, so daddy don’t have to do it alone. And you know what else?” he whispered, leaning close to my ear. His huge, brown eyes sparkled in excitement, and I couldn’t help but smile.
“What else?” I whispered back, pecking his cute cheeks.
“I asked for you to be my mommy” he said out finally, scanning my face just to see my reaction.
At first, I couldn’t find the words. Just in a half second all our shared little tender moments with Alex flew in front of my eyes and suddenly I was aching for his love even stronger. I was so in love with him, I would do anything to know he feels the same. And of course, I was fond of this little boy, too. I already imagined the tree of us being a real, whole family.
“Aww, you’re so sweet, darling” I hugged him finally. He put his little arms around my neck and hugged back tightly. Luckily the frosting between the two gingerbread parts was stiff enough now to stand alone. “That would be my best Christmas present, too” I said quietly.
After our little squeeze-session, Cam helped me piping frosting and icing, pouring sprinkles and gluing sweets on the gingerbread roof with some syrup. Of course, at the end he looked like he was the one who had been decorated, but it was nothing a solid wash wouldn’t fix.
Rest of the day passed by with playing, laughing, and while he had his daytime nap I rested too. When I noticed the snow started to fall, I got so excited for Cam to wake up and see it.
It was around 4pm when I heard some noise from his room, so I went to take a look. He was sitting up in his bed with cute messy hair and sleepy eyes.
“Good morning, my sweetheart” I whispered happily. I sat next to him on the bed, letting him to lay on my lap. I started to play with his soft hair. “Did you sleep well?” I murmured. He was to drowsy yet, but his waggish smile already sparkled on his face.
“Yes. And… I dreamt about stars and reindeers” he said after a yawn. “And you and daddy and I was playing in the snow, really.” 
“I’m so happy you dreamt these nice things” I smiled at him, gently touching his nose. Talking about it reminded me the fact that it was actually snowing outside.
“Hey, you want to see something amazing?” I asked after some minutes, leaving him stretching a bit and playing with his plush rabbit. When he agreed in a quiet, husky little voice, I took him, and we left the room.
Cameron stayed in my arms as we stood in front of the window in the living room. We were watching the silently falling, huge snow-petals. I was surprised that he didn’t change his mind after a few minutes and wanted to play or do anything else – he was unusually cuddly that day. He just leant to my chest with his thumb in mouth, breathing quietly while I was slowly rocking him. There were no lights on in the house besides the light garland’s yellow twinkle on the Christmas tree, which gave such a warmness to the room. It was just the two of us, the snow and the spirit of Christmas around us.
“Are you awake, honey?” I whispered, because I thought he fell back asleep. Feeling him nodding made me smile. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”
“Can we go out for a walk?” he asked in a dreamy voice.
“We should wait for your dad to come home” I suggested. “If he arrives and it’s okay for him, we can go and check the Christmas lights in the street. How does it sound?” I placed a kiss in his hazel brown curls.
It was his first thing to ask when Alex entered the house a few hours later. He said yes of course, so we put on some warm clothes, and left. Cameron ran forward, leaving us slowly mooning behind him.
“Did your day went well?” Mahone asked quietly.
“Yeah” I looked at him. “We built a gingerbread house, which you could see only in its ruins, because Cam pretended to be a shark and… bite the roof off” I laughed. “We played hide and seek, drew some amazing pictures and while he took his nap, I finally finished my book.”
“I’m glad to hear” Alex nodded. As we walked, he suddenly offered me his arm. I glanced at him, and with cheeks turned into rose I accepted the gesture. “Thank you for being here for us” Alex whispered. “I have no idea what I would do without you. Truly.”
I smiled but remained silent, only fixing Cameron standing mesmerized in front of a huge, sparkling snowman statue. His words came up in my mind, and at that moment I decided not to let the moment go.
“Did he tell you what’s he wishing for?” I asked innocently.
“You mean the gun?” Alex burst out in laugh. “Yeah, well, he won’t get that one. Not yet” he shook his head. I refused the temptation of rolling my eyes.
“Mommy look” Cameron shouted when we finally reached where he stood. Timing is perfect, little guy, I thought myself.
“What did you say?” Alex asked immediately, astonished. I remained silent, curiously waiting for what was going to happen. “Since when do you call Y/N mom?”
“It’s a secret, dad” said the little boy. “Only Santa has to know, and mommy has to know” he added, while nodding seriously. Then he took my hand and started to pull me where he saw the thing he wanted to show me. Alex just frowned more, but this time looking at me, waiting for a proper answer.
“It’s on his list” I mouthed while smiling wide at the confused agent. I only hoped this is enough information him to understand the situation. Letting him go, I crouched next to Cameron, to look at a little sheep in a Nativity Scene he was excited about.
“Look at him, he’s so cute” I said kissing the little boy’s rosy, cold cheeks.
“Can we have one at home?” he looked at me. I chuckled and looked towards Mahone who stood a few steps behind us. His face surprised me. He was watching us so tenderly, with sparkling eye, slight smile glued on his lips. I felt my cheeks burn suddenly and I had to fall my eyes.
“I don’t think your dad would approve” I answered to Cam. “Go, have a look at Rudolph” I suggested, pointing towards an at least three metres tall, red reindeer-silhouette. The boy nodded, then he started running immediately.
“Don’t rush, son” Alex tried to calm him, without any effect at all of course. I stood up biting my lips, because I had no idea what the agent will say about what happened earlier. “So, what’s this between you two and Saint Nick?” he laughed as I took his arm again. We walked slow, so he could scan my face as I looked at him almost laughing in embarrassment.
“Cameron wants Santa to make me his mom” I replied shyly. “I think he wants him to be reminded. But as you heard, it’s a secret, so I shouldn’t have told this to you.”
“This means I have to wrap you and place under our tree?” he asked. I heard on his voice that he was playing. If it wasn’t for his arm, I’d fly away by happiness for sure.
“Why, do you think it’s a wish so easy to make come true?” I teased back.
“Well, this is Santa Claus we’re talking about. He can do anything” he looked at me, smiling wide.
Suddenly I felt myself ran out of words. These past three minutes made me fall for Mahone even harder, but I couldn’t imagine what was going to happen. I pulled him closer, and in the same moment he lifted his other hand to fold on mine. When I looked at him in surprise, I found his wondrously blue, sparkly eyes already fixing me. He smiled at me, and I suddenly got sure about the meaning of the word ‘Christmas miracle’.
We remained silent until finally reaching Cameron, who basically looked around in the whole street while we walked slowly after him. When he noticed us, hugged our legs.
“Hey baby” I ran through my fingers in the boy’s hair.
“Aren’t you cold, buddy? Can we go home now, you saw everything?” Alex asked.
“Yes” Cameron nodded looking up at his father, but he suddenly froze. “Look daddy, mistletoe!” he pointed above us. And he was right. We stood right under the huge reindeer, who has a great deal of mistletoe hanging in his neck. I laughed out loud, shaking my head. This only could happen in movies.
“Do you know what it means, Cam?” Alex asked his boy but smirking at me. He shook his head. “We all can wish something” Alex explained, awfully misinterpreting the whole thing. I curiously watched them, my eyes jumping from one to the other, and I couldn’t believe what Mahone was doing. “But we must close our eyes, otherwise it won’t come true” he warned his son. “I count to three, then everybody shuts their eye, okay?”
“Okay, daddy” Cameron replied, then he lifted his hands, ready to place them in front of his face. When Alex counted three and Cam covered his face, we looked at each other, and within a split second he placed his cold lips upon mines. I felt him cupping my cheeks and I pulled him closer by his waist. He let me go after a little while, but before he would completely pull away, he whispered just on my lips:
“I love you.”
“I love you too” I breathed back. Suddenly we heard Cameron bursting out in chuckling. When we looked at him, he stretched up his arms towards me, giving a sign he wants to be taken up.
“And I love you so much too” I squeezed him after lifting him in my arms, making Cam laugh even louder.
“What’s so funny, little man?” Alex asked smiling as well. He stood next to me so close, resting his hand on my waist. I looked aside at him, just to see the joy in his eyes.
“I peeked” Cameron giggled with his little hand in front of his mouth. He was so sweet I almost couldn’t bear.
“You were so fast making your wish” I said pretending some surprise. Alex laughed through his nose.
“Because I knew what I wanted to wish” the little boy rolled his eyes. “But you didn’t wish. I saw” he stated.
“What makes you think we didn’t wish?” his father asked.
“Bec…” he yawned just in the middle of his sentence. “Because you kissed Y/N, so you didn’t have time for… wishing” he grimaced by pulling up his nose impishly.
“Hey, I made one” I said while nodding. “Did you make one?” I looked at Alex.
“Of course, I did. And you know what? It came real immediately” he added, looking straight into my eyes. Cameron gasped in surprise, and Alex pressed a soft kiss on my temple.
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opheliasbrokenmind · 4 years
Hey pal! I've got a request for you :) How about Mahone having a concussion and has to stay in hospital for weeks and company's not happy with this and force him into field again and he gets hurt again bc he can't concentrate and all :') I hope everyhting's alright with you
i just realised how much i’ve missed writing for him <3
‘Has anyone heard from Agent Mahone?’ Wheeler asked the office and you watched the people shaking their heads. It’s been three days since he disappeared and you found yourself at the FBI building, looking for him. ‘Do you know him?’ A woman with a sharp suit appeared in front of you and you frowned, ‘Yes, I do. I thought he could be here since he works late.’
‘And who are you supposed to be?’ She sounded harsh so you didn’t soften your face as you answered, ‘A close friend, and you are?’ You hoped the emphasis on the word would ring a bell and when she replied, you knew she got the message. ‘His colleague.’ You forced a smile and nodded, ‘Nice to meet you, Miss?’
‘Lang.’ She said and walked away, you stood alone and looked at the other man, ‘Thank you for asking people.’ The agent simply nodded and you left the building, thinking of a way to find him. Then your phone started to ring and you picked it immediately, ‘Alex?’
‘Good afternoon, Miss y/n.’ You looked at the screen and read his name again, then you frowned. ‘Who is this? Where’s Alex?’
‘Don’t panic, I’m calling from the Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Mr Mahone had an accident.’ You froze on the street and leaned to a wall, trying to stay calm but your heart was beating madly. ‘Is he alright?’ You managed to say and the woman on the other side sighed, ‘He will be. He was saying your name in his sleep so I thought I could call you.’
‘I’ll be there as soon as possible.’ You said and she ended the call. Your hands were shaking when you finally found a taxi and thanks to the traffic, you were there in twenty minutes. Time seemed to slow down though, every single minute pained you until you walked into the hospital.
‘Hello, can you tell me which room Alexander Mahone is staying?’ The secretary searched his name and turned to you, ‘Are you his wife, Pamela?’ The name pissed you off but you just shook your head, ‘They divorced. I’m his... friend.’ The girl smiled softly, ‘I see. We tried to reach her but she said she wasn’t living here anymore. His room number is 407.’
Once you found the room, a doctor was leaving but you ran after him. ‘Doctor, wait!’ The man turned to you and waited, ‘I’m here for Alex. Can you tell me what happened?’ He nodded, ‘All we know is he had a concussion but we’re not sure what caused it. It can be an accident or a fight, I’m not sure.’
‘What would you say?’ You asked and the man sighed, ‘Considering his line of work, I’d say a fight but that’s just a guess. Mr Mahone is a strong man so he will recover but it’s going to take time. We have to be sure he’s resting and your presence will be helpful.’ You listened carefully and asked once he was done, ‘Is there anything I can do now?’
‘Talk to him. He probably can’t answer but he’ll hear you. Let him know you’re here for him. If anything happens, ask for a nurse.’ Then he left and you stood at the corridor, trying to convince yourself that he’ll heal soon.
You opened the door and the scene in front of you hurt your whole body. The agent was lying unconscious on the bed, there was a bandage around his head and he looked so pale. Then there were cables on his body and machines beeping loudly. You forced yourself to close the door and walk to the armchair next to him before you let a tear fall down. 
It took you a few minutes to gather up, then you reached his hand and it felt cold compared to your warm one. ‘Hi, it’s me, y/n.’ You said and waited for a reaction but he didn’t move a finger so you continued. ‘I called you a few times but you didn’t answer. I thought you were on a mission or maybe you wanted to have some space, that you’d let me know soon. I went to the Bureau today and asked Agent Wheeler but he said nobody heard from you. Then a nurse called me from your phone, said you were saying my name.’
‘You scared me so much, Alex. I’m still afraid, the doctor said you’ll be fine but I just can’t help but fear... Don’t you ever leave me, okay?’ You sighed and played with his fingers, ‘Agent Lang asked me who I was and I told I’m your friend. Well, I think we are more than that, I mean you’re more than a friend to me but I wasn’t sure if you wanted people to know so I didn’t say anything more. I didn’t want to put you in a difficult position.’
‘Oh, I always talk and now I can talk as much as I want but I hate it. I don’t want to talk, I want to hear you talking. I want to see your eyes, the blues filled with energy and watch them.’ Then you didn’t know what to say, it felt like nothing you could say would change the situation so you stayed silent. You watched his chest moving as he breathed and you focused on the fact that he was alive and you were by his side. Otherwise, you knew you wouldn’t hold your tears.
Doctors and nurses came and left, informing you everything looked fine. When it was almost three in the morning, you got up from the armchair and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek, ‘Good night, Alex.’
You woke up at eight and went to grab a cup of coffee, ‘Maybe the smell of coffee can wake you up, huh?’ You smiled to yourself and sipped your drink, admiring him. ‘I realise how beautiful you are now, you know? I wish I could remember every detail of your face. I also feel stupid, because I should’ve told you this earlier. Now I’m not even sure if you can hear me but just know that... you mean a lot to me and I don’t know what I’ll do if anything happens to you.’
Your hand found his fingers once again and you pressed your lips on his hand, ‘I know things with Pam have been hard and I want to be by your side as long as I can.’ He squeezed your hand weakly and your eyes widened with shock, ‘Can you hear me? Wait, I’ll call the nurse.’
‘I swear, he squeezed my hand.’ You explained to the woman and held his hand again, ‘Alex, can you hear me?’ The nurse waited but nothing happened. ‘I don’t want to upset you but that was probably a reflex.’ She gave you a weak smile and left, you sighed and rested on the armchair.
‘I avoided to answer before but yes, I used to play the piano. I wanted to be a pianist but then... I broke my wrist and it still hurts if I push the limits. Then I decided to study Art History and you know I’ll teach at the university next semester.’
‘I like to admire those paintings and they remind me of you. I know you think you’re a bit old for me but... I don’t believe it’s about ages, what’s important is understanding the other person and I’m trying to understand you. Every time I tell you something, I feel like you care about it and I like this about you, so much.’
‘I like hearing your voice.’ He whispered suddenly and you grabbed his hand, intertwinning your fingers, ‘You are awake! Wait, let me call the doctor.’ You tried to get up but he stopped you, ‘y/n, I need to talk to you first.’
‘There are some people and they know what happened to Shales. What I did to him... They want me to catch the Fox River escapees and I’m here because I had a little argument with one of them.’ Your jaw dropped as you listened to him, ‘Are you serious? Do you want me to call the police or the Bureau?’
‘No, they can’t help and if they find out about Shales, they’d send me to prison without blinking an eye.’ He watched you carefully and you sighed, ‘We’ll talk about this later, okay? What matters now is your recovery and I’m going to take the doctor now.’
The same doctor checked him and said everything was normal, ‘You need to rest at least one week to heal, otherwise, it can leave permanent damage. How do you feel now?’ 
‘I don’t feel bad.’ He said and the doctor smiled to you, ‘You see, now you can worry less.’ Then he left the room and you felt your cheeks getting hotter as Alex watched you with a sincere smile on his face. ‘Before you ask, I heard pretty much all of it.’ You turned your head to avoid his gaze but his hand stopped you, cupping your cheek softly. You leaned into his touch and closed your eyes, ‘I meant every word.’
‘I know you did but I’m not sure if that’s the safest way now, y/n. These people are on my back and I have to give them what they want. I don’t want them to know about you, I can’t risk it.’ You moved away and frowned, ‘What are you trying to say?’
‘I need you to stay away from me until this is over.’ You didn’t know what to say for a moment, ‘What? No, Alex, I want to be with you.’
‘I want you, too, love. Just for a while and when it’s over, I won’t repeat my mistakes. We’ll have a life together, alright? I promise.’ A tear dropped on your cheek and you wiped it away, ‘Don’t do this, don’t push me away.’
Later that day, you went home to have a shower and bring him some clothes and when you were back the next morning, the secretary said he checked himself out and left. You tried to reach him but his phone number was invalid. You didn’t know the visit the Company paid to him and what would happen if he continued to stay in the hospital and do nothing.
Six days after that you woke up to the knocking on your door and you weren’t expecting to see him. You stepped back so he could come inside but you noticed how it pained him to move. ‘What happened?’ 
‘I almost had Scofield but then... he ran away and let’s say that didn’t make them happy.’ You watched him sitting on the sofa and taking off his suit jacket. ‘Are they going to attack you every time something goes wrong?’ You helped him to unbutton his shirt as he leaned back, ‘If it’s not me then it’ll be Pam or Cam.’
‘Alex...’ You tried to speak but the words left you, leaving you in pain. Then you noticed the purpleness on his chest and tears escaped from your eyes, crying as you stood on your knees with his shirt in your hands. He grabbed your arms and you saw the muscles on his arms tighten, ‘I will be okay. It was a mistake to come here but... I didn’t want to be alone. I don’t want to be alone.’
You pressed a kiss on his chest and stood up, ‘I’ll draw you a bath right now, is it okay?’ He whispered thank you and you turned back to give him a kiss on the lips, ‘Then we will have dinner and you’ll get a good sleep.’ Once his body was relaxed and his stomach was full, he let you tuck him in a blanket and you two cuddled until one of you fell asleep. That night, he realised even at the worst times, there was something beautiful and unique.
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humanveil-fic · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Prison Break Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Alexander Mahone/Pam Mahone Characters: Alexander Mahone, Oscar Shales, Pam Mahone, Cameron Mahone Additional Tags: Pre-Series, Non-Linear Narrative, Mental Instability, Psychosis, Character Study Summary:
“If I buried someone in my own backyard, I’d think about it all the time.”
Every man has a breaking point. Alex has many.
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bamboomusiclist · 4 years
9/3 Grant Green / Live at the Lighthouse  Bnla037g2 等更新しました。
Tete Montoliu / Lliure Jazz Sc2074 Gildo Mahones / I'm Shooting High Pr16004 Kenny Dorham / Una Mas bst84127 Charlie Byrd / Byrd in the Wind oj3005 Pierre Michelot /  Round About A Bass 125.500mcl Ben Webster / Big Ben Time fjl316 Dorothy Ashby / the Jazz Harpist Rmg6039  Lee Konitz / the Real Lee Konitz 1273 Stan Getz / Imported from Europe Mgv8331 Johnny Hartman / I've Been There Plp41 Pam Purvis & Bob Ackerman / st jss80107  Paul Motian / Conception Vessel 1028st Marku / st Colp12028  Grant Green / Live at the Lighthouse  Bnla037g2 笠井紀美子 / Butterfly 25ap1350
BAMBOO MUSIC(バンブーミュージック)
06-6363-2700   http://bamboo-music.net
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
Personae Dramatis:
 Prison Break- Edition:
Ein Überblick über die wichtigsten handelnden Personen in meinen entsprechenden Fics:
 Die Burrows-Scofield-Familie
 Michael Scofield, sein struktureller Ingenieur (m/Omega)
 Lincoln Burrows, sein Bruder, ein Sträfling (m/Alpha)
 L. J. Burrows, Lincolns Sohn, ein Teenager (m/A)
 Aldo Burrows, Michaels lange verschollener Vater (m/A)
 Christina Scofield, Michaels verstorbene Mutter (f/O)
 Lisa Rix, L. J.s Mutter, Lincolns Ex-Freundin (f/Beta)
   Die Mahone-Familie:
 Alex Mahone, FBI-Agent, Profiler und Spürhund (m/A)
 Pam Mahone, seine Gefährtin (f/B)
 Cameron Mahone, ihr gemeinsamer Sohn (m/NKSG)
   Fox River:
 Henry Pope, Gefängnisdirektor vom Fox River Alpha-Gefängnis (m/B)
 Sara Tancredi, die Ärztin von Fox River (f/B)
 Brad Bellick, der oberste Wachmann von Fox River (m/A)
 Theodore Bagwell, T-Bag, ein Insasse, Vergewaltiger und Mörder (m/A)
 John Abruzzi , ein Insasse, Mafia Unterboss (m/A)
 Benjamin Miles Franklin, C-Note, ein Insasse, ehemaliger Soldat und Schmuggler (m/A)
 Fernandon Sucre, ein Insasse, ein Kleinkrimineller (m/A)
 David Apolskis, Tweener, ein Insasse, ein Kleinkrimineller (m/A)
 Charles Patoshik, Haywire, ein Insasse mit geistigen Störungen (m/A)
 Charles Westmoreland, D: B. Cooper, ein Insasse, ein Dieb (m/A)
 Manche Sanchez, ein Insasse, Sucres Cousin, ein Kleinkrimineller (m/A)
 Jason Buchanan, Maytag, ein Insasse, T-Bags Liebhaber (m/A)
 Lechero, Norman St. John, der Alpha von Sona, ein Verbrecherlord (m/A)
 Sammy Norino, seine rechte Hand (m/A)
 James Whistler, ein geheimnisvoller Australier, der in Sona einsitzt (m/B)
 Der Franzose, Andrew Tygem ein Insasse von Sona (m/B)
 Luis Gallego, McGrady, ein junger Insasse von Sona (m/B)
   Mitarbeiter des FBI:
 Felicia Lang, eine fleißige Agentin aus der Fox River Acht Task Force (f/B)
 Mark Wheeler, ein Agent aus der Fox River Acht Task Force (m/B)
 Richard Sullins, Chef der Internen Ermittlung, hasst Korruption (m/B)
   Die Company:
 Caroline Reynolds, die Vizepräsidentin der Vereinigten Staaten (f/B)
Terrence Steadman, ihr Bruder, ein Geschäftsmann (m/B)
 Paul Kellerman, ein Agents des Secret Service, Carolines Jugendfreund (m/A)
 William Kim, ein Agent des Secret Service (m/B)
 Gretchen Morgan, eine Söldnerin (f/O)
 General Jonathan Krantz, der Alpha der Company (m/A)
 Lisa Tabak, seine Tochter, eine Kartenhalterin (f/B)
   Homeland Security:
 Don Self, ein aufstrebender Agent (m/B)
 Miriam Holtz, seine Partnerin (f/B)
 Verconica Donovan, Lincolns Jugendliebe, eine Anwältin (f/B)
 Nick Savrinn, ein Anwalt mit Mafia Verbindungen (m/B)
 Sofia Lugo, Whistlers Geliebte (f/B)
 Frank Tancredi. Saras Vater, ein US-Senator (m/B)
 Rita Morgan. Gretchens Schwester (f/B)
 Emily Morgan, Gretchens Tochter, denkt Rita wäre ihre Mutter (f/NKSG)
 Oscar Shales, ein Mörder (m/A)
 Roland Glenn, ein Hacker (m/O)
 Kacee Franklin, C-Notes Gefährtin (f/B)
 Dede Franklin, C-Notes Tochter (f/NKSG)
 Mariecruz Delgado, Scures Geliebte (f/O)
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prisney-land · 7 years
In response to this post:
  @itsbrookeks said: gretchen has found herself a girlfriend, someone who can understand her, can respect her and her past, and helps her living and keep going. Together, they live somewhere far off, near a lake or near the sea, where they have their own cafe/bar
When I read ‘someone who can understand her and her past’ I somehow automatically thought of A&W lmao, but it’s most them making the most badass couple ever than actually wanting them together. You have me sold on Gretchen living a normal life for maybe the first time. With someone who loves her and with whom she can learn to live normally and to be a better person, leaving the atrocities she both committed and endured behind. They chose somewhere far off and calm ‘cause Gretchen has had enough excitement for several lifetimes. Maybe her girl has had her share of battles too, maybe she’s left a war-ridden country or maybe she’s an abuse survivor. They get each other and can heal together. Or maybe she’s lived none of that kind of shit but was still able to see past Gretchen’s walls and reach the human buried there. Point is, they feel good around each other. Gretchen is finally in a place where she deems herself worth of establishing a real relationship with her daughter. She gets back in touch with her sister in the process. Gretchen gets a home and a family, plus an average of 11 people gets to avoid being killed each hour she isn’t an agent for a secret organization. All is good.
@itsbrookeks said: LJ has gone to college and now works as a structural engineer (it runs in the family, maybe, or he’s just super impressed with Michael’s skills) and has moved to Europe (maybe Italy?) to work there
Omg imagine how proud Michael is when he gets the news. How moved he is that he could have that kind of influence in his nephew’s life. I’m just thinking of LJ mourning after his uncle’s ‘death’. Seeing how bad his father copes. Making the conscious decision to make the best of his life. Imagine Lincoln the day LJ gets his diploma, how proud he was too, and deep down, so very relieved LJ managed to do something with his life despite being saddled with him as a father (ofc Linc would think that) and everything he went through with that Company bullshit. When LJ comes back to America on his holidays, he can discuss his firm’s new project with Michael. Their engineering jargon drives Lincoln up the wall. He might be glad his son followed the good influence in the family, but there are limits. When asked why he chose to change continents, LJ goes “I enjoy traveling on my own terms now that we’re not running from anything.” Truth is, he was the one ending up going to Paris with Sofia. He took a liking to traveling, went back to Europe a few times before he got a job in Italy. When Lincoln passively aggressively complains about the distance, LJ says that the rumors about Italian women being gorgeous are true. It makes his dad laugh and shuts him up.
@alex-mahone said: alex is having fun not being hurt by the writers and is having a nice life with felicia
Alex can’t face Pam after everything. It takes Felicia kicking his ass for him to get back in touch with Pam-- there’s still a lot of coping to be done and some of it is shared as mourning parents. After lots of talking Felicia convinces Alex to go to DAA. He finds a chill job, something stress-free that keeps him busy at day and has him meet other people-- guys and gals who know nothing about tracking down criminals or underground organizations and all that bullshit. Meals with Felicia has them talking about their days. She goes about FBI work which he knows all too well but still likes hearing about (it’s a bit like watching a tv show now that he’s not part of it anymore). He still gives analyses and theories on stuck cases, and reads through the files she brings home sometimes, he can’t help it. He doesn’t put a foot at his former work again but participates in the resolution of several cases from the comfort of his living room. Felicia is totally taking advantage. Last but not least, he never puts on a suit and tie ever again.
Any headcanon about what the benched characters have been up to these last seven years?
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mrhenryharrell · 6 years
Renewable Northwest: 2019 Summer Internship
Renewable Northwest is now accepting applications for their 2019 Summer Internship: Renewable Energy Policy Research.  Due date is March 25th.
 This intern will research dual-use solar and agriculture and existing policy drivers around the country to produce a written report and presentation for use in solar policy advocacy and education in Oregon and Washington. The position is paid.
 Questions? Please contact David Wolf or Pam Mahon at: [email protected] 503-223-4544
Read more here.
Summer Internship: Renewable Energy Policy Research
Applications for 2019 will be accepted now through March 25.
The Organization: Renewable Northwest is a nonprofit advocacy group based in Portland, Oregon. We envision the Northwest powered by clean, affordable, reliable, renewable energy that protects the climate, strengthens the economy, and preserves our quality of life. We advocate for the expansion of environmentally responsible renewable energy resources in the Northwest through collaboration with government, industry, utilities, customers, and advocacy groups.
The Internship: More than ever before, renewable energy production and agriculture are being paired, creating opportunities for farming families to diversify their revenue streams, grow thriving crops, and be part of the clean energy future. This intern will research dual-use solar and agriculture and existing policy drivers around the country to produce a written report and presentation for use in solar policy advocacy and education in Oregon and Washington. The work on this project is to be completed over 10 weeks during the summer. Components of the work include:
Conduct research on the topic of solar and agriculture dual-use and produce an outline, bibliography, and list of informants for the report.
Identify the stakeholder audience and maintain a list of contacts for draft report review and final report distribution. Conduct a review process that includes key Renewable NW partners and stakeholders to ensure the report reflects outside information needs and is reviewed for accuracy.
Produce any additional content or materials needed for informative distribution of the final report, including a slide presentation summarizing the report to be used for an educational webinar to interested stakeholders.
The resultant information will help shape local and regional conservations regarding thoughtful siting of renewable energy resources on productive farmland. In addition to a focus on this project, the intern will get broad exposure to the policy and regulatory work of the organization and will gain real-world experience on renewable energy issues in the Northwest.
Candidates should have excellent research and writing skills, have strong experience working with Microsoft Office applications (Excel, Word and PowerPoint) and Google Docs, and demonstrate passion for renewable energy and/or Northwest energy issues. Please highlight in your cover letter how your particular skills and experience relate to the potential projects outlined above. This is a paid, temporary 10-week summer position at $15/hour.
To Apply: To submit an application, send the following materials in MS Word or PDF format via email:
Cover letter (Your chance to tell us why you want this internship!)
Current resume
A writing sample of 3 to 5 pages (This should highlight your writing and research skills.)
List of three professional references. (Please include name, title, relationship to you, email address and phone number.)
Accepting applications thru 3/25/19. Incomplete or late applications may not be considered. Address the cover letter to David Wolf, Administrative Director.
Send all files via email to: [email protected]
Please direct questions to David Wolf or Pam Mahon at: [email protected] 503-223-4544
Renewable Northwest: 2019 Summer Internship posted first on Green Energy Times
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alex-mahone-archive · 7 years
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“one of the great things about this season is the twist that scofield brought back to mahone. he contacted his ex-wife, something that mahone is not ready to deal with.” - william fichtner
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cathrynstreich · 5 years
Corcoran Taps Industry Vet Michael Mahon, Enters West Coast With First-Ever Franchise Affiliate: Corcoran Global Living
New Company Combines San Francisco’s Zephyr Real Estate and Tahoe/Reno’s Exceptional Oliver Luxury Real Estate 
The Corcoran Group, a Realogy brand and leading brokerage operating in New York City, Miami, the Hamptons, New York and Palm Beach, Fla., today announced its first-ever franchise affiliate, Corcoran Global Living, bringing the company to the West Coast for the first time.
The new company combines leading independent brokerages, Zephyr Real Estate and Oliver Luxury Real Estate, serving Lake Tahoe and Reno, Nev. Led by Global Living Founder and CEO Michael Mahon, the new firm is comprised of 450 agents across 13 offices with annual combined sales of more than $2.6 billion.
“With our deep experience in high-end, competitive East Coast markets, it is a natural move for Corcoran to head West with our first franchise affiliate,” said Corcoran President and CEO Pamela Liebman. “The launch of Corcoran Global Living is a huge first step in our franchise ambitions, combining two leading firms to form one powerhouse company. Leveraging the extensive local expertise of Corcoran Global Living’s 450 agents, along with the strong recognition of the Corcoran brand and the unmatched resources of Realogy, this new partnership will enable agents to dramatically boost their visibility from coast-to-coast and tap into Corcoran’s high-impact tools, training and marketing.”
Mahon—former president of HER REALTORS® in the Midwest and Southern California’s First Team Real Estate—embarked on the mission of uniting independent brokerages and top-performing sales associates in key communities throughout the Western U.S. when he formed Exclusive Lifestyles last year.
“The thought was, ‘What if we stop competing against one another and formed one brand we feel confident in?’” Mahon explained in an exclusive interview with RISMedia. “The announcement today is the key foundation of this concept.”
According to Mahon, when Corcoran announced last year its plans to begin franchising, his interest was piqued. “I was very familiar with Corcoran on the East Coast, so I inquired to find out what they were looking to do,” he explained. “Pam and I hit it off, and decided it made sense to role out Corcoran Global Living as the franchise. We are going to be very strategic about the next markets and who our partners are.
“With access to private equity funding in excess of nine digits, Corcoran Global Living is committed to investing in like-minded professionals uniting as one in brand, action and support in the development of opportunities throughout the communities we call home,” added Mahon.
Mahon also believes that Corcoran Global Living will offer an important competitive advantage over the spate of venture-capital backed firms penetrating the real estate market. “When you look at the money flowing into real estate, it’s more focused on fractionalizing the industry— that’s what they’re capitalizing on in order to gain traction,” he explained. “We’ve also got the financial resources to go out and acquire technology and marketing tools, but it’s the talent piece that’s the big differentiator. They don’t have the recognition in the local communities that we have. We decided we’re not going to be on the defense anymore—we’re going on the offense.”
“As the industry continues to transform, the power of a well-established brand, such as Corcoran, with its significant scale, agent resources, consumer awareness and technology offerings, will be critical to the future potential of agents and brokers in any given market,” said Realogy Franchise Group President and CEO John Peyton. “The Corcoran brand has found a great franchise launch partner in Michael and his vision for Corcoran Global Living, and I am excited for the further success this alignment will bring to the brand, the brokerage and ultimately, its affiliated agents.”
Looking ahead, Mahon reported that Corcoran Global Living will look to unite a number of independent real estate brokerage partners across California, Nevada and Texas. “Our overall goal across the Western region—and the U.S.—is to bring the largest independent brokerages together so we have the wherewithal to outpace any of the capitalists,” he said.
The post Corcoran Taps Industry Vet Michael Mahon, Enters West Coast With First-Ever Franchise Affiliate: Corcoran Global Living appeared first on RISMedia.
Corcoran Taps Industry Vet Michael Mahon, Enters West Coast With First-Ever Franchise Affiliate: Corcoran Global Living published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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julifakiss · 6 years
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Pam's pretty flowers (at Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bru4jt5H70JmhLlNiNdj28YIPorcASxtf19FlA0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qeouq0ifro6o
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