vivienvalentino · 2 years
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thiamblogger · 8 months
just watched the dead poets society and now i lay in bed with my hot water bottle, my regular water bottle and my glasses that lay beside me because i haven't stopped crying for the last hour..
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oisinwrites · 8 months
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              Bad Panda Mom
This is fan-fiction. I do not own Zootropolis. All rights go to Disney and Pixar. This fan-fiction was based on real facts about pandas and may contain spoilers for the movie.
“This is wrong!”, said Officer Judy Hopps, looking at the street vendor, where so many tabloids and gossip magazines all showed the same large, rotund, middle-aged panda in bright pink flowery clothing. Apparently, she was the worst mother in all of Zootropolis, but Judy didn’t think this was possible. Then again, if she hadn’t known better, she wouldn’t have thought it was possible for the media to be this unbearably harsh. It was bamboozling to her. “I’m not so squeaky clean myself, but having two cubs, only loving one and abandoning the other, that is very outrageous.” Said Nick Wilde, who was just flicking through his smartphone. “you’re a parent too, aren’t you?”, asked Judy. “I thought you had figured out by now,” answered Nick, “He’s not really a cub, He’s an adult of a different fox breed much smaller than me who pretended to be my baby as part of a con, which you fell for, because you were a rookie cop.” “It’s not like she was a cannibal trying to eat her own cub,” stated Judy,” it’s obvious she was just carrying him in her mouth, so we’ve both fallen for a con.” “Maybe I should have been more careful,” Nick admitted, “you can’t always believe what you read in the papers, but I know about con’s and this is technically more of a hyperbole than a con.”
At the station, Judy wondered if it was the same Panda that she was now seeing as an equally large  panda in the same pink flowery clothing entered the building, followed by cameras and wiping her eyes with a tissue. This was confirmed by the thunderous voice of Chief Bogo. “Mrs. Panderson, you are here for questioning in relation to your cubs!”, he boomed. Officer Judy, Chief Bogo and Mrs. Panderson withdrew to another room and began the questioning. Chief Bogo’s imposing demeanour and quick temper made him perfect for the role of “bad cop”, while Officer Judies soft heart and sympathy towards mothers made her more suited to being “good cop”. “You may introduce yourself”, permitted officer Judy. “Hi, I’m Pamela Panderson, I am a mother of two, they are twins, but unfortunately have not been able to maintain custody of both cubs.” Answered Mrs. Panderson, still sniffling and wiping her eyes. Chief Bogo raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really”, he said, skeptically, “Why ever not?”. “I’m sure there’s a good reason.” Said Officer Judy.” Mrs. Panderson raised a paw and gestured towards her chest. “Well, I was able to get it going in here but…” “Argh, you’re on a tangent about breastfeeding!” interrupted Chief Bogo, “get to the point!” “No that’s okay,” said Officer Judy, “It’s a natural thing that all moms do or have done at some point, go on…”. Mrs. Panderson was already sniffling, but now she was really crying. “It was only enough for one cub! Their names are Fuzzy and Wuzzy, so I had to choose between Fuzzy and Wuzzy and have the other taken into care.”
“You had the choice no mother wants to have!”, exclaimed Judy. “Yes, but doesn’t Fuzzy have the right to know he has a twin brother called Wuzzy who was separated at birth?” asked Chief Bogo, “and are you aware that Fuzzy is obese?” “Panda cubs are supposed to be getting fatter and fatter,” said Judy, “I’d be worried if a panda cub wasn’t becoming a roly-poly blob of dough.” “Did you burn him alive by pouring barbecue sauce all over his body and lick it all off him?” asked Chief Bogo. “Why in blazes would I do that?”, exclaimed Mrs. Panderson, “then I’d burn my tongue!” “But did you lick him?”, he went on. “Well, that’s our culture,” answered Mrs. Panderson, “licking is a form of affection, it’s pretty much our equivalent of kissing and we panda moms lick our cubs all the time, but especially potty time, when we lick their tummies.” “So, you weren’t trying to eat him?” he asked. “what? No, of course not!”, Mrs Panderson spluttered. “Did you bite his ear off?” Chief bogo asked next. “That’s ridiculous! Ear-nibbling is also a form of affection among pandas and it’s a gentle bite”, she answered. “You’ve been accused of so many ridiculous things, they can’t all be true!”, stated Judy. “But we have found out one that is true,” replied Chief Bogo, “I would like to ask one more thing, did you sit on top of Fuzzy and crush him?”. “Well, yes and no”, answered Mrs. Panderson, “Thats another thing we Panda moms do, but it’s just a way of keeping them safe and we’re very careful not to crush them. I suppose it might seem strange to those outside of our culture, but in the panda communities its normal for mothers to squat down with their bum over their cub. It also signals to those nearby to watch out for those little cubs and please be gentle.” “Does that mean it was just a load of exaggerated nonsense all along?” asked Chief Bogo. “I think you’re a wonderful mum!” said Judy. “Thank you, but it’s very clear that Mrs. Tigerson does not agree.”, answered Mrs. Panderson.
“Who is this Mrs. Tigerson?” asked Judy. “I think it’s time to wrap it up”, said Chief Bogo, “We’ve found out what we needed.” “Well, she’s another mom, but she’s not a panda mom like me, she’s a tiger mom and I tend to avoid her.” Chief Bogo stood up. “You’re free to go.”, he said loudly and clearly. “Wait, I want to hear the rest of this!”, enthused Judy. “I Don’t bring fuzzy to the same pre-school where she’s around,” Mrs. Panderson went on, “or the same creche, or the same playground, okay, I think you get the picture now.” “I get that picture, but tell me more about why you avoid this other Mom?”, asked Judy. “I think the two of you can discuss this on your own time,” said Chief Bogo, “Its time for her to come back out of the station and you will probably be seeing her on parole.” Mrs. Panderson left the way she came, followed by cameras, journalists and officer Judy. She was still sniffling, but this time she was also thanking officer Judy in front of the press. The media had been incredibly harsh, but one particular Bunny had cut her some slack.
It was mostly Nick who she was seeing and talking to on parole and they were still arguing about whether Mrs. Panderson was really a “bad mom”. “When you put a cub into care, you make sure it’s the right place.” argued Nick. “let’s look at this logically for a moment.” began Judy, “She probably would have been very careful about where this cub ended up, you can’t just ASSUME!” “I am looking at it logically!” answered Nick, ”bottle-feeding is an option.” “Yes, but you see, it’s not a complete formula.” Explained Judy, “what do you know about babies anyway? He wasn’t really a cub, he was an adult of another fox breed smaller than you pretending to be your baby.” “So, you admit it, you were just a rookie cop!” snapped nick. “Yes, it was a rookie mistake and you can call me a dumb bunny, but do you have any experience with actual cubs?” “Alright, I don’t know much about cubs”, nick admitted, “but was that the only reason she had to choose between two cubs?” “There could have been more, but chief Bogo cut it short.” complained Judy. “I don’t think he was really all that interested in the whole mother’s story. He didn’t even want to hear about breast-feeding.” “Well, all that sounds dumb to me too.”, said Nick. “Goodness, That Mrs. Panderson really is a disgrace!”, butted in a rather intimidating mother tiger who was holding onto her cub’s paw.
“Are you Mrs. Tigerson?” asked Officer Judy. “Yes, I am Tiffany Tigerson and this is my daughter Tia, who I am raising properly!” roared Mrs. Tigerson, “I haven’t had the police involved!” Judies heart melted when she saw into Tia the tiger Cubs large, round eyes and Tia the tiger cub looked into hers. ”Hellooo!! I’m officer Judy!”, she said as she began slightly bending over before the little cub, with her paws on her hips and her legs arched outwards. “Er… Hewwo officer Judy!” Tia the tiger cub answered politely. “she’s just adorable, have you any other cubs?” asked Judy, “Er, no, just the one.” Answered Mrs. Tigerson. “Then how can you judge a mother of two?” Judy continued. Mrs. Tigerson became speechless. “Ha! You can’t answer, can you?”, Judy smirked. “That’s some solid policing right there.” Nick muttered with a slight hint of sarcasm. Finally, Mrs Tigerson was able to answer, but she was still coughing and spluttering. “Is it wrong for me to judge other mothers?”, she asked, “but when you’re a parent, you have to get your affairs in order, her life is a mess!” “Isn’t everyone’s life a mess?”, asked Judy, this time roaring back with passion, “If you don’t share another moms load, then you’re only contributing to the same problems you’re complaining about!” “Wow, where is all this fire from!?” gasped Nick, “You sure are sharing a mothers load, but you’re not actually a mother!” “I…I don’t know,” answered Judy, “something just took a-hold of me!”
“I… I never thought about it like that before at all!!”, Mrs Tigerson choked, “My whole life I’ve been roaring at everyone, It’s the first time anyone had the guts to roar back at me and it’s changed my entire universe! As for that Mrs Panderson, how will I ever make it up to her after having been treating her like this for so long?! Come to think of it, I don’t see her that often anymore, is she… avoiding me?” “I don’t weally see Fuzzy panda or her mommy anymore.”, added Tia the tiger cub. “I’m sorry Tia, you should have a playmate like fuzzy panda,” Said Mrs. Tigerson, “but you haven’t, because I drove a wedge between his mother and me, pushing us further away from each other.” Now it was Nicks turn to become speechless. He had no idea what to make of what he had just witnessed. After the tigers left, with officer Judy and Tia the tiger cub politely waving goodbye, Judy then said to Nick, “I’d like to meet Mr. Panderson, I wonder if he’s a family man? You know all the ladies love that kind of man! They go crazy over the domestic types who are fully committed to being the best husband and father!” “That’s not their culture, Judy.” Sighed Nick. “What do you mean, that’s not their culture?”, asked Judy. “Let’s get real here.” Snorted Nick, “A male bunny doing all that domestic stuff? Yeah, I could Imagine that, but a male panda, pull the other one!”
The next day, they did get the chance to meet Mr. Panderson at the tram-stop. A very sleepy-looking panda in work-clothes got off the tram saying, “What a day at work, I’m exhausted and a little peckish, I really want to munch on some bamboo and then take a nap.” “Excuse me, you’re not under arrest,” Judy addressed him,” But there’s been a case of a mother panda who had one of her two cubs taken into care, are you by any chance the father?”, “Er.. I think so.” Yawned the sleepy panda. “What do you mean you think so?!”, Screeched Judy. “Are you Mr. Panderson?”, she asked. “Yup, I’ve got my work-badge here, Peter Panderson.”, He yawned. “See, I told you!”, said Nick. “Even though it would make the girls go wild?”, asked Judy. “What are you talking about?” asked Mr. Panderson. “Well, you are a girl, so I won’t argue with you there.”, Nick backed out. “But what is this about making the girls go wild?”, asked Mr. Panderson. “Oh, you know, being involved in the childcare and stuff like that.” Judy answered. “You mean women just love being in childcare so much?” asked Mr. Panderson, “Are they really that crazy?”. “Nooo… they GO crazy over a MAN being involved in the childcare!” Judy explained. “You mean that’s the kind of man that’s irresistible.”, said Mr. Panderson. “Yes!”, answered Judy. “Uh-oh, that’s not very good news for me!”, said Mr. Panderson. “This is the good news, you just heard it too late, but better late than never.”, Said Judy. “I sure hope that’s not what they want from a man, that’s really scary!”, panicked Mr. Panderson.
When Judy saw Mrs Panderson at the station again, not only were Fuzzy and Wuzzy there, meeting each other for the first time, but chief Bogo also announced another visitor who was there to see her. It was Mrs Tigerson, who had also brought her daughter. Judy couldn’t help crying when, in front of all the reporters and all the cameras, the two mothers hugged one another. “I disrespected you and I’m sorry.” Whispered Mrs Tigerson. “I had much more favourable circumstances to be a mom in and I didn’t think about it being a lot harder for other mothers, but now I see that the cubs should be allowed to have playdates with each other and for that to happen both their moms need to be together as friends.” “If we are going to arrange a playdate, that would make it up to me.”, answered Mrs. Panderson. “I forgive you.” “I, too, feel that I owe you an apology.” said Chief Bogo, “I think its these adorable baby pandas that are bringing out the worst in us and I allowed my emotions to interfere with my judgement, which isn’t very professional for a chief of police.” “what’s wrong with police being emotional?”, asked Judy, who was still honking into a pink, lacy handkerchief. “Well, I mean when it’s getting in the way of logic and reason.”, explained chief Bogo. “Hey, you should have been there when I managed to convince Mrs. Tigerson to make up with Mrs. Panderson!”, laughed Judy, “It’s strange, I don’t have children of my own, but there was a new fire in me unlike anything I had ever felt before, yet I still think I was able to see rationally at the same time. If I may say so myself, I must have been able to come up some good arguments to get her convinced like this.” “Well, even when you get to be police chief you’re still learning and from now on I will try harder to look at things in a more objective and detached way.”, answered Chief Bogo. “Things aren’t all so black and white, there are fuzzy areas.”
“Hey, I think the tabloids have shifted their focus!”, said officer Clawhauser, who was showing the magazine he’d been reading. “They used to be obsessed with Mrs. Panderson being a bad mom, now they’re all about Mr. Panderson being a dead-beat dad, but some bits are in his own words, so we can see that he’s at least making an effort, even if it is driving him crazy because it’s so far out of his comfort zone.” So, I have a long-lost twin brother who was separated at birth and you are that twin.”, said Fuzzy. “The police have helped me find my real family”, said Wuzzy. “And your mother was there, though you may not have known it.”, said Mrs Panderson. “I always Thought my mom was checking on someone, now I really know.”, said Fuzzy. “If I had to give up one of my children, I wanted to make sure they’re being treated humanely wherever I’ve left them.”, answered Mrs. Panderson. The next day, Judy met Nick again at the same street vendor and Nick was swiping through everything on his smartphone, as usual. Just like officer Clawhauser had said, the tabloids had shifted their focus, so now the new pandemonium was about Mr. Panderson being a deadbeat dad. “Wow, what a lazy father!”, remarked Nick. “Oh, come on!”, replied Judy, “He’s not mom, but he’s doing the best he can!”
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IDP Auction Values - LB
IDP Auction Values – LB
This is the second installment of a three part series covering linebackers in IDP auction format of fantasy football. I will investigate how much of your salary to invest in each IDP position and whether it is worth it to shell out the big bucks or spend modestly. A lot of this will depend on your league’s roster and scoring settings. Please adjust according to your league’s format let’s figure…
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greaserink · 5 years
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This is a criptid like boio I made
they are kinda fluffy and cute on the outside but the inside is like a jello tooth mess
they like to eat things, like anything, mostly people and large animals.
They get things to trust them before they eat em and just leave no trace by swallowing shit whole. :)
____________ I love cryptid fellas very much so.
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brudnopis · 4 years
Directors mentioned by name:
• Jean-Luc Godard • William Greaves • Christopher Nolan • Judd Apatow • Billy Wilder • Charlie Kaufman (meta!) • George Clooney (mentioned as a handsome celebrity, not a director) • Sidney Drew • Jean-Pierre Melville • Alain Resnais • Oscar Micheaux • Georges Méliès • Wes Anderson (later nicknamed Wanderson) • Martin Scorsese (later as 'Scorseso', then later as 'Marvin Scorsesso') • Quentin Tarantino (deliberately misspelled as 'Tarrantinoo') • Sidney Poitier (mentioned for his acting work in To Sir, With Love) • Alfred Hitchcock • Harvey Weinstein (mentioned as a terrible human being, he also happens to have directing credits) • William Dear (protagonist B. Rosenberg's film professor) • Paul Thomas Anderson (nicknamed Panderson, later mentioned as one of the Paul Andersons) • Jean Cocteau • Ron Howard (as 'Ronson Howard') • Giuseppe de Liguoro • Francesco Bertolini • Adolfo Padovan • Sam Shepard • Vsevolod Pudovkin • Tony Scott (in reference to A.O. Scott, possibly a tribute to the director) • Marc Forster • Zach Helm (as 'Zachary H. Elms', in reference to his Stranger Than Fiction writing credit) • Manolo Cruz • Carlos del Castillo • Lav Diaz • Juho Kuosmanen • Danis Tanovic • Koji Fukada • Thomas Vinterberg • Hannes Holm • Makoto Shinkai • Martin Zandvliet • Preston Sturges • Alec Baldwin (as a Baldwin brother) • Angelia Jolie (as married to Brad Pitt) • Russell Crowe (as 'Russ Crow', for "crazy blinking" in A Beautiful Mind) • W.C. Fields • Luis Bunuel • Alexander Payne • Francois Truffaut • Kurt Maetzig • Lana & Lily Wachowski • David Cronenberg (as 'David Cronenbauer', and later as 'Dave Cronenberg') • Robert Altman (as 'Bobert Altman') • Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne • Vittorio De Sica • Satyajit Ray • Bob Balaban (mentioned as an actor in B. Rosenberg's daughter's film, playing a fictionalized version of B.) • Jonah Hill (mentioned as the star of a hypothetical Charlie Kaufman film) • Warren Beatty • Michael Cimino • Diane Keaton (mentioned as who B. had a falling out over with Warren Beatty) • Duke Johnson • Art Clokey • Andrei Tarkovsky • Ray Harryhausen • Willis H. O'Brien (initially misspelled as Wallis O'Brian) • Andy Warhol • Hal Roach • Yoko Ono (mentioned in reference to her art piece 'Wish Tree') • Giovanni Pastrone • Richard Burton (referenced as one of Bettie Page's ex-husbands, which is false) • Goldie Hawn (President Donald J. Trunk has a signed photograph in B.'s dream) • Lin-Manuel Miranda (in reference to a fictional White House rap. Note: Lin's directorial debut is in production) • Mike Myers (in reference to Austin Powers/Dr. Evil) • Alexander Sokurov • Francois Ozon • Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck • Claire Denis • Dome Karukoski • Masato Harada • Jakub Paczek • John Trengove • Charlie Chaplin (mentioned for his "dapper insouciance") • James Cagney (an actor who wore lifts) • Burgess Meredith (an actor who wore lifts) • Al Pacino (an actor who will wear lifts) • Buster Keaton • Melvin Frank • Mike Nichols (as 'Michael Nichols') • Nicolas Cage (mentioned as star of Adaptation.) • Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle • Sofia Coppola • Jerry Lewis • Shawn Levy • Rainer Werner Fassbinder • Paul Reubens (reference to Pee-wee Herman) • Robert Downey Sr. • Werner Herzog • Steven Spielberg (as 'Steve Spielman', later as 'Steve Spielberg') • Frederick Wiseman • John Candy (reference to Uncle Buck) • Beyonce (a safe talking point) • John Carpenter • Stephen King (as author of Christine) • Antonio Campos • James Cagney (as star of Man of a Thousand Faces) • Ludmil Staikov • Burt Reynolds (as star of fictional Children of a Lesser God theatre production) • Gary Oldman (mentioned in reference to his performance as Winston Churchill in Darkest Hour) • Carl Theodor Dreyer • Robert De Niro (incorrectly mentioned as star of Taxi) • Tod Browning • Alan Alda (reference to his character in M*A*S*H) • Ingmar Bergman • Ike Barinholtz • William Friedkin • Maya Deren • Samuel Fuller
Note: Directors most frequently mentioned throughout the novel are Jean-Luc Godard, Christopher Nolan, Judd Apatow, Charlie Kaufman & Wes Anderson.
TV shows mentioned:
• The Courtship of Eddie's Father (1969–1972) • Blossom (1991–1995) • Monty Python's Flying Circus (1969–1974) • The Bernie Mac Show (2001–2006) • Friends (1994–2004) • Grey's Anatomy (2005–present) • M*A*S*H (1972–1983) • Black Mirror (2011–present) • The Twilight Zone (1959–1964) • American Idol (2002–present) • Happy Days (1974–1984) • The Flintstones (1960–1966) • Doctor Who (2005–present) • Fox & Friends (1998–present) • Taxi (1978–1983) • Mad TV (1995–2009) • Trapper John, M.D. (1979–1986) • Bob's Burgers (2011–present)
Fictional films and TV shows mentioned:
• Herbert and Dunham Ride Bicycles (1896) [prologue] • Moutarde (dir. Rene Chauvin) • Gravity in Essence (dir. B. Rosenberg) • Ich Habe Keine Augapfel (dir. Heinrich Telemucher) • Untitled (dir. Ingo Cutbirth) • Help Me, Teach! (starring Robin Williams) • Teacher of the Year II (starring Robin Williams) • The Teacher Who Cared Very Much (starring Robin Williams) • Professor Salvador Sapperstein and the Sad Students of Salisbury High (starring Robin Williams) • Help Me Again, Teach! (starring Robin Williams) • I Am Your Teacher and I Love You (starring Robin Williams) • Jolly Roger (dir. Nunley, 1952) • Found Again (dir. Kertes Onegin) • Thyestes/Obliviate (dir. Tobleg) • 10th Birthday Party for Bobby [home video] • It's Tough Being a Teen Comedian in the Eighties! (dir. Judd Apatow) [#4 in B. Rosenberg's top 10 of 2016.] • Soy un Chimpance (dir. Unknown) • Untitled [orphan film festival film B. Rosenberg watches and describes in detail] • So You Want To Be a Funny Guy? (dir. Judd Apatow) • It's Not Appropriate to Punch Him (Cowlick) • Shrimp Coctail for Two [TV show] • The Doctor Is In[sane]! [TV show] • Who Shall Remain Nameless [hypothetical film directed by B. Rosenberg] • Dysgu i gi bach gachu (dir. Talfan) • Here Come a Coupla Fellas (starring Mudd & Molloy) • Ain't She a Corker, Boys? (starring Lucy Chalmers) • Abbott and Costello meet the Killer Robot From the Phantom Creeps [fictional film within Ingo Cutbirth's film] • Father Nose Jest (dir. Grace Farrow, B. Rosenberg's daughter) • A Coming of Rage Story (dir. Grace Less) [film within Grace Farrow's film above] • Dreams of Absent-Minded Transgression (dir. Charlie Kaufman) • Guns Blazing (dir. B. Rosenberg) [hypothetical film] • Woomin! (dir. Grace Farrow) • Woman of the Ear (dir. Sharon Old Bear) • Citizen Funny Guy (dir. Judd Apatow, a Citizen Kane remake) • The Notorious Vice Lords (starring Lance Farmer, who is an actual tornado) • What's Buzzin', Cousin (starring Rooney & Doodle) • What's Tickin', Chicken [hypothetical competing Abbott & Costello film in Cutbirth's film] • Mudd and Molloy Meet the Unseen Man [planned Mudd & Molloy film] • Fingerspitzengefuhl (dir. Sterne) [#5 in B. Rosenberg's top 10 of 2016.] • Hey, Timothy Gibbons, This Is Your Mother Calling! (dir. Judd Apatow) [#4 in B. Rosenberg's top 10 of 2017.] • Bad Luck in Bumfuck (starring Mudd & Molloy) • Mudd and Molloy Meet the 32 Foot Man (starring Mudd & Molloy) • Well Plastered (starring Rooney & Doodle) • Morons of Arabia [planned Mudd & Molloy film] • Scream Me to Sleep (dir. Egg Friedlander) • I Wake Up Sleeping [film within B's dream] • Willibald and Winibald [Hanna-Barbera TV show] • Pachinko (dir. Eisentstein) • Effluence (dir. Frederick Wiseman, 1978) • Quod Erat Demonstandum (dir. B. Rosenberg) • Issues at Hand (dir. B. Rosenberg) • Cave (dir. Plato) • Lumpy Mattress (dir. Mamoud, 1958) • Kitsui Kutsu (Tight Shoes) (dir. Kitagawa, 1997) • Hey, I'm Not Just a Towel Boy, Fellas (dir. Judd Apatow) • What A Sight! (directed by and starring Calcium, an ant) • Calcium Carbonate (directed by and starring Calcium)
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mindytiger · 5 years
Workers Of Featherly Flight:
Waiters/ Waitresses:
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Macy Ghost: Age 24
Allison Lebon: Age 17
Chloe R. Jones: Age 17
Juliet Whiskers: Age 21
Daniel Flame: Age 22
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Diana Dusk: Age 25
Dawn Luminous: Age 23
Angela Goldie: Age 24
Matilda Storm: Age 28
Band Members:
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Miguel Ghost: Age 25
Andrew Panderson: Age 19
Johnny Bee: Age 27
Ernesto Buck: Age 28
Bartender and Chefs:
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Rebecca Eagle: Age 23
Marshall Chip: Age 19
Jax Milkshake: Age 24
(I finished the workers of Featherly Flight hope you like them and if you have any questions about them let me know^^)
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paul---anderson · 5 years
panderson: SO whats going on tonight? Anyone want to do something?
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tom----hardy · 5 years
tomhardy: Kids are in bed. @panderson, @HarryKirton & @cmurphy are watching the fight. Lets go @Tyson_Fury LETS FUCKING DO IT!
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mistapanderson · 5 years
panderson: I really don't want to shave my hair next month...really don't. Can Arthur grow out his hair for Season 6?
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Have some of my favourite festive themed piccies :D 
Last three are gifts and will be treasured forever.
Cherry BB 
Crimson Sun
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IDP Rookie Mid-Season Review - Part 3: DB Edition from @DFF_IDPDoc & @seahawksdan8 #IDP @DFF_IDP We’re just over halfway through the 2017 regular season in the NFL. The IDP team reviewed the 2017 rookie class:  what they’ve done this season so far and what we can expect going forward.
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crochetcreationsbyg · 4 years
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Lollipop McDazzledrops is with his new bestie Pandella Panderson
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iqvts · 5 years
7284 HIDDENBROOK Lane, Bloomfield Twp, MI 48301 from iQ Visual Tours on Vimeo.
For more information: cbwm.com/listing/209-393200/7284-hiddenbrook-lane-bloomfield-twp-mi-48301
This home offers an elegance uncommon to most homes, visible by the custom updates and features throughout. From the custom floors to ceilings, light fixtures, doors, trim and moldings, to the recently renovated custom kitchen and several bathrooms were renovated. Room by room, you will notice many exquisite, custom features and fabulous updates. Floor to ceiling windows with exquisite trim in many rooms and many transom windows. Dramatic winding staircase to second level. There is a 2nd staircase off the Butlers Pantry in kitchen. Popular Birmingham schools.
Contact: Pat Anderson (734) 216-5554 [email protected]
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paul---anderson · 5 years
panderson: ReMInder I haves the best boyfriends ever.
panderson: Alsos I mays have had too many drinks.
0 notes
In governor's race, abortion dispute flares among Democrats - News - providencejournal.com
In governor's race, abortion dispute flares among Democrats - News - providencejournal.com
With endorsement from 40 reproductive health-care advocates, including women’s rights leader Gloria Steinem, gubernatorial candidate Matt Brown attacks Gov. Gina’s Raimondo’s ‘pro-life’ health-insurance plans.
An abortion-rights rift among pro-choice Democrats flared Wednesday as governor candidate Matt Brown attacked Gov. Gina Raimondo for providing “pro-life” health-insurance plans on Rhode Island’s Obamacare exchange and touted endorsements from women’s rights leaders, including Gloria Steinem. 
Hoping to unseat Raimondo in the September Democratic primary, Brown released a letter endorsing him and criticizing Raimondo signed by more than 40 reproductive health-care advocates, including Steinem; Kate Michelman, former president of NARAL, and Barbara Roberts, a professor at Brown University’s Warren Alpert Medical School and former staff physician at Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island.
“Alarmingly, Rhode Island’s Democratic Governor has joined the attack on reproductive freedom,” the Brown endorsement letter said. “The Affordable Care Act requires each state exchange to include at least one plan that doesn’t cover abortion. Governor Raimondo forced insurers in Rhode Island to offer nine plans that restricted abortion coverage.”
Why endorse a man over Rhode Island’s first female governor?
“Feminism is not about electing one woman, but making life more fair for all women, so it’s important to say that the restrictions she signed deny reproductive choice to thousands of women in Rhode Island,” Gloria Steinem wrote the Journal in an email from her office.
The letter does not mean Brown, challenging Raimondo from the progressive left, has captured Rhode Island’s pro-choice community.
Michelman was president of NARAL from 1985 to 2004, but the organization itself has not endorsed anyone in the Rhode Island governor’s race yet.
The Rhode Island chapter of the National Organization for Women endorsed Raimondo last month.
The core of Brown’s attack and unease in some corners of the pro-choice camp with Raimondo stems from the fight over offering health-insurance plans that don’t cover abortions on HealthSource RI, the state’s public health-insurance exchange.
In 2015, facing a lawsuit from a Rhode Island man who objected to HealthSource’s lack of plans without abortion coverage, the exchange began offering a plan with abortion coverage limited to only extreme circumstances such as rape or incest. 
When the state later required each insurer to offer limited abortion plans at the “bronze,” “silver” and “gold” levels, the lawsuit, backed by a Christian legal group, was dismissed.
Later, this arrangement was enshrined in the state budget, including language that allowed employers to offer health-insurance plans to workers that didn’t cover abortion. It was hailed by pro-life groups and brought hand-wringing from the abortion-rights community and the American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island. 
“HealthSource RI offers 18 plans in the individual market, 12 of which cover abortion services and six of which do not except in very limited circumstances,” wrote HealthSource spokeswoman Kyrie Perry in an email about the current breakdown of plans on the exchange. “According to the Kaiser Family Foundation in 2016, 31 states have no plans that cover abortion on their marketplaces. Rhode Island is one of 19 states plus [Washington, D.C.] that offer at least one marketplace plan that includes coverage for abortion.”
Asked to clarify what Brown, if elected, would do differently than Raimondo, Brown campaign spokesman Ron Knox said he would push for legislation to scale back anti-abortion plans to the single plan required by federal law.
Raimondo spokeswoman Emily Samsel issued the following statement:
“Governor Raimondo stood up to the Trump administration’s attempts roll back Roe v. Wade and called on the Rhode Island General Assembly to codify abortion rights into state law.
“For Matt Brown to suggest that Rhode Island’s first female governor has been anything other than a champion for women’s health care is laughable.”
(401) 277-7384
On Twitter: @PatrickAnderso_
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