#panicking because he cant find sweetheart or clotho and giovanni damn near sends all of team rocket to galar
sleepypsyducks · 1 year
Kabu and Sweetheart the Espurr
Since Kabu is known as a fire type trainer, everyone expects him to have a house full of fire types. That is mostly true.
However, there are two exceptions.
Sweetheart, a shiny Espurr, is the keeper of the house. She's abnormally small for an Espurr but commands the house and it's residents with ease. She isn't allowed to train with Kabu and his Pokémon because he's afraid she'll get hurt so instead she sits on the porch and cheers them on with a little fire type flag and her fire type outfit (fireproof of course). During matches, she sits in a private box that only Kabu has access to and cheers for them while holding a small little camera to the glass for two men on the other end to watch the battle.
Unbeknownst to Kabu, Sweetheart has a strong psychic bond with Mewtwo, whom she sees as her older brother. Sweetheart was found by Giovanni and Mewtwo during a rainstorm one day and after watching the Espurr fight with all her might to stand up and fight him to get away, Mewtwo carried her back to Giovanni's home and they healed her. (Mewtwo is very protective of Sweetheart.) Through a little bit of convincing, and help from Nanu, they were able to make it so that Sweetheart ended up in Kabu's care.
Nanu and Giovanni "know about Sweetheart" (they don't tell Kabu until much later that they somewhat set up their encounter) and spoiler her rotten because she's the baby. Kabu tries to keep them at bay but Nanu tends to go overboard and Giovanni is even worse. The first present Nanu ever gets Sweetheart is a tiny shirt that says "Meowths are my favorite" and Kabu glares at the shirt for hours but spams the group chat he really never talks in with dozens of photos of Sweetheart. (There's a Team Rocket shirt that Giovanni sends as well that Sweetheart will often sleep in because it's big and baggy and she can curl up in it.) Giovanni tends to get the best Pokémon treats and food money can buy for Sweetheart and is the worry wort constantly sending Kabu demands for updates. He sends article after article to Kabu about what to look out for in regards to her health and her abilities. Kabu just sighs and reads the articles out loud as bedtime stories. Nanu on the other hands sends a lot of random advice about keeping his house clean as well as often requests video chats so the Meowths in his care can see her. Kabu always make sure she's wearing her fire type gear when those calls happen.
Sweetheart can and will fight other Pokémon who try to be mean to her family, especially if they try to be mean to Centiskorch. More often than not Centiskorch has to pick up Sweetheart by her shirt of the day and carry her back to the house because she can and will throw hands.
Sweetheart's most prized possession is her everstone that she made Kabu get her. She cried and cried until he figured out what she wanted. She always carries it in her little backpack that has a teeny tiny little R sewn on the front. Along with the everstone there is an old folded up photo of three young men.
The other exception is Clotho, Kabu's Galarian Meowth that rarely leaves the house. Terrified of people and other Pokémon, Clotho tends to hide under Kabu's bed. Sweetheart is incredibly protective of him. When Kabu has nightmares of the past, Clotho often will curl up next to him and purr until Kabu's nightmare cease. While Clotho would prefer to hide forever, he is meticulous about his appearance and will follow Kabu around the house with a hairbrush. (Sweetheart is also known to tie little bows in his fur.)
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