#dont get me started on the one time sweetheart went out on her own and clotho followed and kabu called giovanni thinking it was nanu
sleepypsyducks · 2 years
Kabu and Sweetheart the Espurr
Since Kabu is known as a fire type trainer, everyone expects him to have a house full of fire types. That is mostly true.
However, there are two exceptions.
Sweetheart, a shiny Espurr, is the keeper of the house. She's abnormally small for an Espurr but commands the house and it's residents with ease. She isn't allowed to train with Kabu and his Pokémon because he's afraid she'll get hurt so instead she sits on the porch and cheers them on with a little fire type flag and her fire type outfit (fireproof of course). During matches, she sits in a private box that only Kabu has access to and cheers for them while holding a small little camera to the glass for two men on the other end to watch the battle.
Unbeknownst to Kabu, Sweetheart has a strong psychic bond with Mewtwo, whom she sees as her older brother. Sweetheart was found by Giovanni and Mewtwo during a rainstorm one day and after watching the Espurr fight with all her might to stand up and fight him to get away, Mewtwo carried her back to Giovanni's home and they healed her. (Mewtwo is very protective of Sweetheart.) Through a little bit of convincing, and help from Nanu, they were able to make it so that Sweetheart ended up in Kabu's care.
Nanu and Giovanni "know about Sweetheart" (they don't tell Kabu until much later that they somewhat set up their encounter) and spoiler her rotten because she's the baby. Kabu tries to keep them at bay but Nanu tends to go overboard and Giovanni is even worse. The first present Nanu ever gets Sweetheart is a tiny shirt that says "Meowths are my favorite" and Kabu glares at the shirt for hours but spams the group chat he really never talks in with dozens of photos of Sweetheart. (There's a Team Rocket shirt that Giovanni sends as well that Sweetheart will often sleep in because it's big and baggy and she can curl up in it.) Giovanni tends to get the best Pokémon treats and food money can buy for Sweetheart and is the worry wort constantly sending Kabu demands for updates. He sends article after article to Kabu about what to look out for in regards to her health and her abilities. Kabu just sighs and reads the articles out loud as bedtime stories. Nanu on the other hands sends a lot of random advice about keeping his house clean as well as often requests video chats so the Meowths in his care can see her. Kabu always make sure she's wearing her fire type gear when those calls happen.
Sweetheart can and will fight other Pokémon who try to be mean to her family, especially if they try to be mean to Centiskorch. More often than not Centiskorch has to pick up Sweetheart by her shirt of the day and carry her back to the house because she can and will throw hands.
Sweetheart's most prized possession is her everstone that she made Kabu get her. She cried and cried until he figured out what she wanted. She always carries it in her little backpack that has a teeny tiny little R sewn on the front. Along with the everstone there is an old folded up photo of three young men.
The other exception is Clotho, Kabu's Galarian Meowth that rarely leaves the house. Terrified of people and other Pokémon, Clotho tends to hide under Kabu's bed. Sweetheart is incredibly protective of him. When Kabu has nightmares of the past, Clotho often will curl up next to him and purr until Kabu's nightmare cease. While Clotho would prefer to hide forever, he is meticulous about his appearance and will follow Kabu around the house with a hairbrush. (Sweetheart is also known to tie little bows in his fur.)
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cloudybarnes · 1 year
Secret Admirer
Pairing: slytherin boys x reader
Summary: you never get mail in the morning, not until one day you receive a letter from an anonymous sender, a secret admirer. From that day forward, you’ve been getting letters, poems, and cute little notes each morning at breakfast. His words were sweet, and as you began to fall for them, your quest of figuring out who sent them only grew.
Word Count: 4.1k+
note: trying something new! basically I dont wanna spoil who her secret admirer is, so I’m gonna call it slytherin boys x reader hehe guess you’ll have to read til the end to see who sent her the letters ;)
✰  ✰  ✰
“Theodore Nott, I’m gonna kick your sorry ass!” You shouted. 
You reached across the table in the great hall where Theo sat directly in front of you. He had stolen all of the bacon off of your breakfast plate and refused to give it up. Mornings were always quite hectic at the slytherin table, but this was downright unacceptable.
“Nope,” he smirked as he popped a piece into his mouth, “they were all out when I went up for breakfast. This bacon is mine now, sweetheart.”
You huffed, and sat back down in your seat. “You’re ridiculous. If you weren’t so damn late all the time, maybe you would have had some bacon of your own.”
“Here (Y/N),” Enzo smiled from his seat right next to you. “You can have some of my bacon.” He picked the best looking pieces and put them on your plate. 
“Aw, Enzo!” You grinned as you picked a piece up and ate it happily. “This is why you're my best friend.”
“Hey!” Pansy shouted from the other side of you. “Thought I was your best friend.”
“You didn’t give up a piece of bacon for her,” Draco smirked, “you’ve been demoted.”
Mattheo gruffed. “Enzo, you’re kind of mean, you know that? (Y/N) complains she’s all out of bacon and you jump to give her a piece, but when I say I need someone to do my charms homework for me, you don’t even try to lift a finger.”
“Mattheo, how many times do I have to tell you,” Enzo said, “I’m never gonna do your homework. And it’s not fair to compare that to giving up a piece of bacon! I don't even like bacon all that much!”
“Dude!” Blaise gasped from next to Draco, “if you don’t like bacon you should have passed that down this way a long time ago.”
Pansy scoffed and shook her head. “I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“Hey,” you whined as you ate another piece of bacon, “I’m the least idiot of the bunch, right Pans?”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, (Y/N/N).”
You grinned, about to rebuttal when the morning owl dropped an envelope in front of you.
“What’s this?” You questioned as you picked it up. 
“Uh, I think it’s quite obviously a letter, (Y/N/N).” Mattheo said as he stuffed his mouth full of bacon. “And, to think, you were trying to say you’re the least idiot of us.” He laughed.
“Oi,” Theo knocked his shoulder against Mattheo’s. “Leave her be. I’ve never seen her get a letter before, I’m curious.”
Draco shifted slightly in his seat. “Who’s it from, (Y/N/N)?”
“Nevermind who it’s from,” Blaise chuckled, “I wanna know what it says.”
“Why would you wanna know what it says and not know who it’s from?” Enzo asked, “That's like half the fun.”
You shrugged as you tore open the envelope. Opening the folds of the letter, your cheeks started to warm as you read what was inside. 
“What is it?” Pansy asked as she leaned closer, trying to catch a glimpse. 
“It says, uh,” you cleared your throat, a little bit flustered. “It says ‘people love to stare up at the stars, glimmering as they might in the night sky, yet everyone is too scared to enjoy the beauty that is the sun. you are my sun, and I would willingly go blind to catch even just a glimpse of you each day.’”
You friends all stared at you in shock. Draco, Blaise and Mattheo had their mouths hung open in shock. Enzo blushed a little bit, Theo had his eyebrows raised like he appreciated the words written on the page, and Pansy all but squealed as you read the letter. 
“Oh my god, I think I’m going to combust,” Pansy swooned. 
“Who’s it from?” Theo asked.
You shrugged, “I don’t know.” You flipped the letter to the back to see if it was signed at all. “It’s only signed with a heart.”
“That is so romantic!” Pansy squealed as she clasped her hands around your arm. “Our sweet (Y/N) has a secret admirer!”
“Wonder who it could be,” Draco said as he flicked his fingers in motion to hand him the letter. 
You complied, and passed the note to him. 
“I don’t know,” he said as he flipped it all around. “The handwriting sort of looks familiar.”
“Maybe it’s someone you know?” Theo suggested as he grabbed the letter from Draco’s hands. He took it upon himself to check it out a time or two before passing it to Mattheo’s eager grasp.
“I think it’s kind of funny,” Mattheo chuckled. “What if it’s some first year trying to make their move on you?”
You shuttered. “Merlin, I sure hope not. I honestly don’t think a first year would be able to write something so beautiful.”
“Yeah, no way,” Pansy shook her head. “Mattheo, you’re just jealous you weren’t the one who sent (Y/N) this letter. Maybe she’d give you a chance if you did something romantic, or just not annoying for once.”
“First,” Mattheo said, “ouch. Second, who says I’m not the one who wrote (Y/N) this love letter?”
“Mattheo, you wouldn’t know romance if it hit you with a ten foot pole.” Pansy said. 
“Hey!” Mattheo complained. “Someone tell her I’m romantic.”
“Hell no,” Draco scoffed. “You’re ‘bout as romantic as bloody boil, mate.” 
You laughed as Mattheo scrunched his face up. The bells chimed signaling the end of breakfast and the start of first class. 
“I’m not too worried about it,” you said as you stood and started packing your stuff up. “It’s just a little letter. No harm in it.”
“But you don’t want to know who sent it?” Pansy asked as she grabbed her belongings as well. 
You shrugged, “I don’t know yet. I’m not silly enough to expect something to come from this; it’s just a note. It could be a prank for all we know.” 
“No one who writes like that is doing it as a prank,” Theo remarked. 
“Well, still, whatever the reason may be, I’m not gonna go out looking for this person. No matter how sweet the words are.” You smiled, “I’m gonna head to class, bye guys.”
On your way to class, you couldn’t help but recite the words written in the letter. They had made your heart flutter, as stupid as that sounds. You slightly resented the way it made you feel as it was only a few measly words on paper, but the romantic part of you couldn’t help but want to know who was behind them. 
✰  ✰  ✰
In your last class of the day, you finally were able to see your good friend Luna Lovegood. You had been waiting all morning to have class with her so you can inform her of the letter you received that morning. 
“And it was just so poetic, Luna. No one has ever said anything like that about me before.”
She smiled at you as you mindlessly drew on your assignment. “I think it sounds quite lovely. Do you have any idea who it may be from?”
You shook your head. “No idea. I don’t even think I know anyone who writes, well, anything.” 
“What about that boy Enzo you always hang out with?” Luna suggested. “I’ve got him in my literature class, he’s very talented.”
You thought to yourself for a second. Could it be possible Enzo was your secret admirer? You’d been friends for so long, and he’d always be especially kind to you.
Well, he’s especially kind to everyone, now that you think about it. 
“I don’t know,” you honestly replied. “I guess I just never would have expected it to be one of my friends, let alone Enzo.”
“I wouldn’t rule out your group of friends,” Luna said with a smile, “it could really be any one of them.” 
“You think so?” 
“Well, maybe not all of them, but I think it could be a good place to start if you were wanting to figure out who it is.”
As you pondered over Luna’s words, Slughorn made it a point to reiterate there was no talking allowed during the assignment. 
You rolled your eyes and got back to work, waiting for this class to be over so you could finally figure out who wrote you the letter. 
✰  ✰  ✰
Back in the common room you saw Pansy, Draco, and Enzo sitting on the couches. 
“Hey, (Y/N/N)!” Pansy smiled as she scooted over and patted the spot next to her. “Find out anything new about your secret admirer?”
You smiled with a roll of your eyes as you sat with her. You kicked your shoes off and folded your legs under your body. “No, but I think I’ve got an idea brewing of how to find them.”
“Oh,” Draco smirked from the couch across from you. He folded his arms over his chest, “do tell, (Y/N), I’m very curious to see who it could be.” 
You shook your head, teasingly, “not a chance, Malfoy. I’m not giving up my secrets til I get to the bottom of this thing.” 
Draco raised his hands in mock surrender. “Alright, doll, if you wanna be secretive about your already secret admirer, I respect it.”
Enzo shifted in his seat a little uncomfortably. “It’s kind of strange though that they went out of their way to write something to you but kept it a secret. It just makes me a little apprehensive.”
“Oh, chill out, scaredy cat,” Pansy said. “(Y/N) will be fine, and if it’s someone weird at least she’s got us to look out for her.”
You grinned and wrapped your arms around Pansy’s neck. “Quit getting all sweet on me, Pans.”
She chuckled and playfully pushed you away. “Yeah, yeah. I’m not getting sweet, don’t get it twisted.”
You chuckled. “I think I’m gonna head up, got lots of scheming to get to,” you teased with a wiggle of your eyebrows. 
You stood up from the couch and Pansy stood with you. “Farewell, boys, it’s been awful as usual.” She said with a smirk. 
“Thank Salazar you’re leaving,” Draco said to her. “Your presence was such a nuisance.” 
Pansy snarled at him and dramatically turned away to head up the stairs. You and Enzo shared a short laugh before you followed her up the stairs to your shared bedroom. 
✰  ✰  ✰
The next morning, you were last to the dining hall for breakfast. 
“Finally, she makes it,” Mattheo called out before taking a swig of his orange juice. 
You huff and settle into your seat between Enzo and Pansy. “I know, I overslept something horrible this morning.”
Since you were so late, the kitchen staff had already stopped serving breakfast meaning you were going without this morning. 
Theo glanced at you from across the table and pushed his plate towards you. “Here,” he said, “take anything you want.”
You looked down at saw scrambled eggs, french toast, and sausage links on his plate. 
“Really?” You grinned as you grabbed a sausage link from his plate. 
Theo nodded, “yeah, can’t have you go without eating. Lord only knows what a monster you can be without food.” He teased with a small smirk. 
You crinkled your nose up at his and grabbed a piece of french toast as well. “I’m gonna let that slide since you were nice enough to give up your breakfast. Don’t make me regret my kindness.”
Theo chuckled and pulled his plate back to him, glancing up at you before delving back into his plate. 
Mattheo tried to reach his hand over to Theo’s plate but was met with a slap on the wrist. 
“Ow!” Mattheo said as he cradled his wrist in fake hurt. “Theo, how could you? I thought we had something special.”
Theo rolled his eyes. “You got more food on your plate then the rest of us combined. I think you’ll be alright.”
You chuckled, but a thought crept into your mind. “Hey, guys, uh, did the post come today?” You asked. 
Draco raised his eyebrow with a smirk. “Waiting for another letter, are we?”
Your face burned as you shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t know. I kinda wanna get to the bottom of who it is.” 
“You’ll find ‘em, (Y/N/N),” Pansy said, “even if I have to interrogate everyone we know. We’ll get down to the bottom of it.” 
Just as she said that, the morning owl came swooping down towards you and dropped a small slip of paper in front of you. 
Draco smirked, “Looks like someone really wants your attention, (Y/N/N).”
You tried to hold back your smile as you unfolded the small post it note. 
You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you read out to them, “'I love to see you smile, especially when you’re smiling at me.’ Aw, that’s kind of sweet, actually.”
“Don’t tell me you’re starting to get sweet for this mystery man,” Blaise interrupts. 
You shrug as you fold the note back up. “I don’t know, it is pretty sweet, no? And this must mean it’s someone I know personally because they said I smile at them.”
“Oh Godric,” Mattheo grinned, “you’ve fallen for a mystery man.”
“No I haven’t!” You protest. “I just think it’s sweet and now I know it’s someone I’m friends with and not some creepy first year.” 
“Wait,” Theo said, “how do you know it’s someone you’re friends with?”
“Because it says I smile at them,” you said obviously. “Who else do I smile at?”
“(Y/N), I hate to break it to you,” Pansy said as she placed a hand on your shoulder, “but you’re the most smiley slytherin I’ve ever met.”
You shrugged off her hand with a fake glare. “Hey! Give me some credit, I can be bad sometimes.”
Enzo chuckled, this is the first time he spoke all conversation. “You’re too sweet to be bad, (Y/N/N).”
You grinned and playfully bumped your shoulder against his. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I just know it’s someone I know. I can feel it. It’s not some random person, it can’t be.” 
The bell rang, signaling the end of breakfast. You and your friends stood up to leave. You couldn’t help but think about the notes you received, pondering on who it could possibly be. 
✰  ✰  ✰
“Post is running late this morning,” Draco noted as the clock struck 8:26 with no sight of the morning owl. 
You were a tad disappointed. You had pondered all day yesterday about who it could be. You’ve narrowed it down quite a bit, and you think Luna may be on to something. While you don’t exactly think for sure that it’s Enzo, you do think you’ve narrowed it down to your group of close friends. 
You really just can’t see anyone else knowing you well enough to be this fascinated with you. The only one out of your friend group that you completely had ruled out is Blaise. 
Blaise was definitely out because out of the whole friend group, he was the least close with you. Frankly, you guys just don’t talk nearly as much as you talk to the rest of them. 
“Great,” Mattheo gruffed, “how will I be entertained this morning without (Y/N)‘s secret stalker and his confession of love.”
Okay, maybe Mattheo was out too. 
“Oi,” Theo piped up. “Don’t knock it too hard, (Y/N) seems to be enjoying herself with the letters.” 
You blushed a little as you shrugged. “I don’t want to seem weird by how invested I am in it, but I just think it’s sweet. No one’s ever really expressed this kind of feeling for me, so… you know,” you shrugged awkwardly, your face definitely beet red by now. 
“Well I for one am extremely invested in this,” Pansy said. “I’m lowkey jealous that I’m not the one with a secret admirer. What I wouldn’t give for someone to think of me that way.” 
“Maybe someday someone will like you, Pansy,” Enzo said reassuringly. 
“We might all be dead by the time that happens, but who knows, it might happen,” Mattheo said. 
Pansy gasped with a glare. “Wow what crawled up your ass this morning?”
Mattheo shrugged and focused his attention back to his breakfast plate. 
“Anyway,” Draco said, “I’m intrigued as well. I think I’ve got an idea who it could be, but I'm not quite positive.” 
You parked up at that. “Really? Who’s your guess?”
Draco smirked, “Wouldn’t you like to know.” He teased. 
You glared at him, “Malfoy, if you know who it is you better spill.”
“I’m not saying I know who it is, I’m just saying I have a hunch at who it may be.”
“Oh!” Enzo exclaims as he points up in the air, “here comes the owl.”
You grin in anticipation as the owl drops a little note down in front of you. It was a larger note than yesterday, but this time it didn’t have something sweet written on it. 
It had a clue. 
“It just says ‘being your friend is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, though I’d be lying if I said i didn’t want to be more.’” You read. 
“So it is one of you!” Pansy shouted as she pointed her finger towards everyone at the table. 
Draco smirked, “that was my hunch. ‘Had a feeling it was one of these blokes.”
“And who says it’s not you, Malfoy?” Mattheo questioned with a raise of his brow. 
“Please,” Draco scoffed, “if I wanted to woo (Y/N) she’d be mine by now.” 
“Oh big talk from down that end,” Pansy rolled her eyes. 
“I could get anyone I want,” Draco puffed his chest. “I don’t need to be anonymous to do so.” 
“Hey, don’t hate on my letters, Draco.” You complained. “Least they got the balls to say something.” 
“Barely counts as having balls when they won’t even say who they are.” Mattheo countered. 
You huffed as your table fell into somewhat of a silence. Conversations picked up without you as your thoughts trailed off. 
Theo had been extremely quiet this entire time. While he was never the chatter bug, it was odd having gone almost the entire breakfast without hearing from him. 
As everyone else was engaged in conversation, you stared at the boy sitting across from you. His head was down as he played with his breakfast, pushing it around with his fork. 
You lightly kicked his leg under the table. 
Theo’s head perked up. His eyes stared into yours, and for a moment, you couldn’t remember what you wanted to say to the boy. 
His eyebrow raised in question as a small smirk glazed his lips. 
You blushed a little. “I-uh just wanted to see if you were alright. You didn’t really say too much the whole time we’ve been here.”
Theo shrugged as his smile dropped. “yeah, just don’t got too much input.” 
Your heart swelled. You really had turned each morning to revolve around you and your secret pen pal. 
“Sorry, Theo. I didn't mean to annoy you with all my talk of the letters.”
He shook his head. “You could never annoy me, doll.” 
Your heart beat like crazy. 
“Still, though, I feel bad about how much I’ve put into this. Let’s talk about something else.” You offered, “how’s class going?”
Theo chuckled and ran a hand through his tousled hair. “Shit. I’m drowning in assignments and got two quizzes coming up that I’m just not ready for.” 
The bell rang. 
Theo groaned. “Got one next class. I think I might skip, though. Give myself some more time to prepare for it.”
As everyone started walking out of the dining hall, you grabbed Theo’s arm and pulled him back. 
His eyes widened slightly, but quickly reverted back to normal. 
“Maybe I‘ll skip with you,” you said, “if you’ll have me, that is. I can help you study. What class is it?”
Theo hesitated. “It’s, uh, herbology. ‘m not very good with plants and all that.”
You grinned, “I can help! I’m not too bad with flowers and plants.”
Theo nodded, “yeah, I could really use the help.”
“Okay, you wanna go to the library then?”
Theo shook his head. “I’ve got a good spot. Come on.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you with him. 
You followed him all the way out to the courtyard towards the opposite end of the school. You walked until you reach a large bench with intricate designs on the backing and arm rests. 
Theo took a seat. “Figured this would be good as any. Least now we can look at some plants up close, eh?”
You chuckled and took a seat next to him. “Yeah, sounds great, Theo. You got your textbook?”
He nodded and dug through his bag to pull it out. Once he handed it to you, you started flipping through the pages to get to the important material. 
“I’ve got the herbology exam 4th period, so I can help you study and it’ll help me study too! Win, win.”
Theo grinned and ran a hand through his hair. “Sounds good, doll.”
Your cheeks blushed. You couldn’t help the smile that graced your face. “I like when you call me doll.”
Your smile dropped. “Oh, geez, I did not mean to say that out loud.”
Theo’s face remained blank. That just made you more nervous. 
“Great, now I’ve weirded you out.” You exasperated. “I’m really sorry, Theo, I didn’t mean to-“
“I’m not weirded out, doll.” He cut you off. “Was just a little stunned is all. Didn’t expect you to say something like that.”
You thought your face couldn’t get any hotter than it already was, but somehow it did. 
“Well, still,” you mumbled as you looked down at the textbook again, “sorry.”
Theo sat for a minute, watching as you flipped through the book. Your eyebrows furrowed a little in aggravation. You were annoyed at yourself for how stupid you were being. It was Theo for Salazar sake. 
Though, you couldn’t help but admire the boy. He was gorgeous, for one, but he was also charming and witty. He was sweet and generous. You couldn’t deny you were attracted to him, but you had never thought he would see you in the same light. 
“(Y/N)?” Theo called. 
You looked up into his eyes. 
Theo stared at you, taking in each one of your features. Your eyes, your lips, your nose. You shifted a little, way too aware of his gaze on you. 
“Theo?” You called back. His gaze shifted back to your eyes. 
Before you could say anything, he softly spoke, “I’m the one sending you those letters, (Y/N/N).” 
You stared at him in shock. 
No way. 
“Y-you’re the one who wrote me the letters?” 
He slowly nodded his head. Theo’s lip was drawn in between his teeth. “Is, uh, are you disappointed?”
“What?” you exclaimed. 
He shrugged, “I mean, you just really seemed to like the letters, and I know you wanted to know who it was, so I just hope I haven’t disappointed you in the revelation.”
You shook your head. “Actually, it’s quite the opposite.”
Theo’s head shot up to look at you. “Really?”
You smiled and nodded. “Mhm, I like you Theo. I have for a while now, actually, I just thought you’d never give a chance.”
He laughed. “You thought I’d never give you a chance? I thought you’d never give me a chance.”
You laughed loudly together. When it finally subsided to quiet chuckles, you said,  “I really like you, Theo.”
Theo’s smile grew. In a quick moment, he grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you in for a kiss. 
You gasped against his lips, and wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed him back. His textbook fell off your lap as he pulled you closer by the waist. 
You kissed him until you couldn’t kiss anymore. Finally pulling back, Theo’s grin was the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, even with his lips a little puffy from your kiss. 
“I really like you, Theodore.”
He grinned, “I really like you, more (Y/N).”
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ssparksflyy · 7 months
percy x zeus!gf hcs pls!!! and could i request it to be more on the funny side and how percy and zeus have beef but also get along cuz of gf
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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percy jackson dating hcs ! ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
pairing: percy jackson x daughter of zeus!reader warning(s): little bit of swearing an: hi! ty for requesting <3 im literally not even funny but i hope u enjoy thissss! also theres a lotta taylor in this one 🤭
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it doesnt matter if youre a social butterfly or antisocial, everybody knew you and percy before you even started dating
so best believe when you actually got together, everybody ( literally ) cheered
but your flirting era had to be on of the most painful things to watch
seriously doesnt matter if you got game or not, percy is literally oblivious and a LOSERRRRR
im so sorry but somebody had to say it
bro had THE BIGGEST crush on you and whenever he'd try to like compliment you itd usually sound a little weird
tell me why he'd probably say something like
"i like your outfit today! that shirt for sure looks better with those jeans than it did with the shorts you wore 2 weeks ago :)"
lil creep
cue silena crying in the corner because she made a bet with beckendorf and it is NOT looking good for her right now
you guys are iconic
like well-known power couple
I'D be scared to train with you guys cause like what do you MEAN i gotta go against the best swordsmen at camp and the daughter of the king of the gods??
no thank you, i choose life ♡
when people are asked to think of a couple, they immediately think of you guys
everybody loves you guys for real
if you ever broke up ( which you wont, percy would probably just say "no" ) itd probably leave everybody super torn
if you havent watched gilmore girls, that basically sums the situation up. lorelai is literally like the town's sweetheart and luke is the owner of the most popular diner in their small town ♡ very cutesy
so sorry for the spoiler
she's literally so sweet and treats you as if you were her own child
she'd definitely bake cookies when you first meet and if you liked them, you best believe you are being sent back to camp with a baggie full of cookies
cant love you as much as percy does though !!
youre literally his queen
( sorry i say literally a lot )
he treats you like royaltyyyyy
always opening doors for you, walks you everywhere, follows the sidewalk rule, everything ♡
when its raining, he picks you up bridal style and takes you wherever you need to go, so you dont get your shoes wet ♡♡
yall literally live in the rain tho
neither of you leave your cabin with an umbrella, the rain just gives you life
one time, you went out for a fancy dinner, got dressed up all nice very fancy very fancy
BUT you BOTH forgot to check the weather
and it ended up POURING rain by the time you got out of the restaurant
and i kid you not
percy just grabs you by the hand, leads you out into the rain, and begins to dance with you.
no coverage, no music, no fucks given. just him and his girl.
he treasures that moment forever and ever
all the gods looked down at you from olympus and melted
neither of you care if you're disrespecting your fathers, you spend almost every night together ♡
percy is absolutely a big cuddler
literally just adores the feeling of you close to him
oh lord save him his drug is his baby he'll be using for the rest of his life
falling asleep together is so easy, you just melt into each other's touch
waking up is what's harder
neither of you want to leave the bed, and neither of you want the other person to leave the bed either.
percy's the typa guy to just have a sweet little conversation with you before he gets up for the day
you always get a good morning ( and a good night! ), then percy asks you what's on your schedule for the day ( as if he hasn't memorized it by now ), and what you wanted for breakfast that morning
he simply cannot get up without it
he's also the type of guy to just whisper sweet nothings into your ear if he wakes up before you ♡
he just goes on a little ramble about how pretty you look when your sleeping, even though you are sleeping while he's 'talking' to you
sorry where was i?
the bastrard HATES percy and percy HATES the bastard
theyve literally been beefing since he was 12 years old
so best believe when zeus found out his daughter was dating this son of poseidon??? oo he was PISSEDDD.
poseidon is literally so chill with you. like he just cares that percy is happy. seriously doesn't care about who your dad is. if anything, he already sees you as family
zeus holds back everything in him to not kill percy on the spot every time you make out
he doesn't do it because he knows you'd probably walk to the underworld to get him back and hades would go feral if he got another orpheus & eurydice
percy gives zero fucks. he flips off the sky every time he walks outside
percy is so sweet and caring and kind and shows your father such respect like hes literally an angel 😇😇
i wouldn't say that he starts like actually respecting him, but he tries not to offend him as often as usual, just for you ♡
in the scenario that you'd have to make a trip to olympus, percy and zeus put on their big boy pants and try to tolerate each other
hera dont like you or percy bro she's literally just there
its okay though, you both despise her for kidnapping percy and wiping his memory ♡♡♡
thalia would definitely be the dramatic dad that zeus cant be (in person, at least)
whenever she and the hunters stay at camp she ( jokingly ) tells percy
"jackson, i want her home by NINE PEE EM. no later. i expect you won't be drinking, and you will be TAKING CARE OF HER. in the instance that i hear you DONT, i think you'll be taking a second trip across the river styx, you hear me?"
in like an sergeant voice and everything
percy plays along with it and salutes her going "yes ma'am!"
jason thinks you are so cute together
since you were at camp when the whole switcheroo thing happened, jason knew you first, and you were instantly best buddies
you told him about percy, and once he met him, he was happy to find out he was exactly like you described him
jason and thalia are ur #1 supporters ♡
in summary, alexa play that should be me
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icarusredwings · 27 days
I rewatched Deadpool 2 and took notes.
Disclaimer: He's mentally ill and does mentally ill things (GASP, who would have thought?). Also, violence. A lot of violence. It's really long. Like.. really really long.
The very first words he says is "fuck wolverine"
Then blows his own head off with a shit ton of gasoline. Wonder if he had insurance on that appartment.
He started taking worldwide cases
He also admits to knowing "8th grade spanish"
"Passion of the christ. Then me." Says the man whos marvel jesus now.
I wonder how much wade owes cab guy.
Cab guy killed bandu Lmao
"What is it?"
"My IUD"
"A bomb??" Tell me why he was lowkey excited for it to be a bomb?
I love how serious he gets talking about how scared he is to be a dad.
This empire joke traveled from the first movie too.
"Pretty sure it doesn't work that way but we can try" yes.
When making toaster strudles its almost as if he could sense them coming despite it being so silent. This kind of makes me think that Logans not the only one who just jumps up sometimes.
This man really just said "Fuck it" jumped out of a 2 story window, BOLTED after this guy as fast as he could, got hit by a car, rammed another car, and whole ass hugged this guy before jumping in front of a truck with him. I don't want to see anyone try to tell me he's one sandwitch drop away from jumping off a cliff.
Cinatography by Blind Al.
Directed by one of those guys that killed john wicks dog.
God I love Ryan Reynolds because you know it was him.
Wade stop peeing your pants in public.
Weasel "We still have bowie..." Yeah id lie to him too at this point.
"Yeah im fine"
Fucked up
Needy and
Emotional. Kübler ross apprently.
"Buck no more speaking lines for you" and he meant that shit.
Al is so humble and sweet. Making tea and giggling. Tries to shoot him and then just hears him collapse on the floor. How many times do you think he collapses on the floor a week? Just to be drimatic?
"Sweetheart can you speak up? Its a little hard to hear you with yhat pity dick in your mouth" Oh so shes his mom. Al is his fucking mom. Hands down. And the best one.
I love how he decided to do an entire bag of cocaine before dying. There was no reason for it and honestly was a waste of cocaine until you realize that these cocaine is wades whiskey. Shots dont work for him really, probably because hes already done it so much, but its the same way how Logan chugs that bottle before wade kidnaps him. Its easier to blame it on a substance then accept those were your actions.
Ness is so cute. The poster behind her has "I love you wade wilson" scratched into it. Its nice to know that his version of heaven is literally just a cozy Saturday morning with his wife.
Colossus just walking in to find wades body parts everywhere and put him in a bag like old dirty clothes lol
"Why cant I fucking die" tone was SO serious.
The fact that theres an x men rule book and its lowkey thicker then a bible. I bet you scott and Logan made 80% of those.
"That asshole was me" oh the tears. Baby boyy.
Wait isnt cable literally scotts son.
Im never going to understand this fucking time line jesus christ
Mutant rehabilitation?? What is he a drug addict? That kid is clearly in pain dipshits.
"X men trainee" is so funny
"Please stop cheating on me"
Daniel the pedophile looking ass
Bro casually signs ryan reynolds on the wolverine cereal box and then destroys his knee caps.
"Those guys hurt you??" It was at that moment, wade went ape shit.
Wade having fun in prison is so him. But come on imagine going to prison just for standing up to an abused child. Not to mention, His face when he immediately realizes how fucked he is and that "oh shit I actually DO have cancer now and it SUCKS"
Is it just me or does Cable reminds you of forge with all his cool fix it abilities. Or is he just futurey.
He didn't say were not friends to make him upset but to draw attention to himself. Him just eye rolling when stabbed in the hand was so funny too because he was like "Ouch. God damn it. Ducking OUCH."
Hes literally pleading with russel to find someone else to peotect him or hes gonna get molested because he cant do anything. His entire power is replacing dead cells WITH new cancer cells. His entire body is dying 24/7 but never fast enough to actually kill him, always regrowing way too quickly. Cancerous is better then dead.
"Get away from me kid" yeah cause he knows hes trouble and he REALLY doesn't wanna watch this kid die.
"Who the hell tries to kill a 14 year old boy"
"Kids give us a chance to be better then we used to be"
Dopinder is so wholesome. I love him so much. No i dont care that he killed a guy. Hes the type of friend you call to take to the movies or the zoo once every year and hes stoked just to be invited.
Peter: I just thought it looked fun :D
Dopinder: FUCK
Peter is that one dad whos kids left the nest and now he needs friends and a hobby so searches for the biggest weirdos he can find.
"Grab the boy- NOT INAPPROPRIATELY >:("
i love his crayon maps/plans
Oh my god weasel im not telling you anything ever again you snitch (same dude, cable is terrifying)
After crying over the love he has for his new team (x force) Wade confirms that he spent 10 years in special forces.
I love how supportive wade is with Peter despite him just being a normal dude only for him to immediately die LMAO
He just cassually lets his impulse win in which he steals a moped.
Oh i just noticed Dominos vitiligo. I always loved vitiligo charaters. Theyre so unique and barley ever given movie roles. Like why not?? Why wouldnt you want someone so beautiful? Im pretty sure she just has make up but it would be cool if not.
Something else is that cable just starts yeeting criminals out onto the street lol
"Theres nothing I cant kill" Let me intorduce you to the man whos on a constant road to dying but can never actually get there.
Im assuming cable wants to kill russel because he unleashes a big bad guy or something.
*cassually snaps neck back into place* Oh god that hurt!
Oh I was right! It was Juggernaut :)
Wade: *gets excited about being PHYSICALLY ripped in half*
"Rub my legs mama 🥺 I got growing pains"
"Oh noo! No no no Dp not again!" We love you Dopinder. Do not ever stop caring. "This shits happened before!?" Yes weasel. Sometimes your friends get ripped in half. Get used to it.
Wade just moves her gun to the right position.
Wade talking about saving russel is so serious that it makes you forget that he has a tiny baby ass rn. I couldn't make a deal with someone woth tiny baby legs... just... no. Not to mention that those baby legs are made of cancer.
"50 years from now you're super fucking dead"
Wade standing outside of the xmen mansion with his phone and a picture of a boom box playing music for Colossus to come outside and help him save russel is something i can see happening to Logan. They have a fight and he storms off to the mansion only for wade to stand outside like that.
"Hi Wade🎀✨️" "Hi Yukio!🥹 you guys make a super cute couple 😊 where was I? 🤨"
"So you wear a helmet so your brother cant read your mind?" "Yeaaahh" average kid conversations.
"Lets fuck some shit up is my legal middle name"
Okay sir edgelord.
Apprently wade has a gluten sensitivity
What is it with wade and metal men??? My man has a type.
"Im just gonna use this brick and maximum effort" Same wade. Same.
Yaayy!! Go yukio! Eveyone loves yukio.
"Thats how we do it in mother russia" What? Shoving an electrical cable up their ass and then put them in a pool? Damn. Ok.
That "I never should have never left you in that prison" with the hug? Man hed be a decent dad I think.
"Dont be ive been trying to make this happen for awhile" okay someone supervise him 24/7. Hes on the active watch list.
Wade: *is dying* Hi Yukio :D
Yukio: Hi wade :)
"R-dog" Oh my god hes too cute.
Them carrying the racist joke all the way til the end made me cringe but that was the point.
His last words being "do you wanna build a snow man?" Is such a deadpool thing.
I was NOT expecting to cry at the end of this stupid ass movie, AGAIN
"Dont fuck colossus" VANESSA KNEW
"Is there a knife in my dick?" "There's a knife in your dick."
Oh I just didn't even notice she has heterochromancia! <3 Aahh!!
"Dont scratch!" *shoots himself 8 times* "Love you! Bye."
Wolverine: ???
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misserabella · 2 years
stray. pt.6
joel miller x fem! reader
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< previous chapter next chapter >
summary; after saving Joel and Ellie from the brink of death, you get caught with having to live with two more strays.., and you don't do strays.
REMINDER: english is not my mother language so i apologize if there are some mistakes <3 !¡either ways, i hope y'all like it. <3
warnings; eventual +18 content! MINORS DONT INTERACT IN THE CHAPTERS WHERE IT IS IMPLIED IN THE WARNINGS. and smut, mentions of death, possible deaths, blood, fighting, angst, fluff...
warnings for chapter 6; so much fluffffffff, tension, arguing, cursing, kissing, cuddling, ellie being a sweetheart and loving reader…
Please, under no circumstances, repost my work on any other sites. I do not consent to anyone taking my work and posting it as their own.
When Ellie woke up it was too early in the morning, sunrise, just when her body started to notice the lack of warmth. Her hands reached out for something, for you, her fingertips meeting nothing more than the cold sheets that once had surrounded you.
She frowned and sat up. The darkness of the salon swallowing her whole and a gust of air coming from your open balcony met her when she stepped outside of the room. Outside was Joel, smoking, probably awake since not long ago.
“She’s gone.” he said, without even looking at her, and her shoulders fell when her suspicions became real.
You were gone for three days. Enough time for Ellie to finish reading Alice in Wonderland. You felt as the white rabbit. Always too fast to reach, too quick to disappear and leave her behind…
You closed the door of your apartment, your back aching for the weight on your bag. You sighed when you pushed yourself to your sofa, and oh god, it for once was comfortable.
You left your bag aside and leaned on it. You felt at peace just when Ellie barged in the salon from your room.
“Oh, fuck! You’re alive! Now I owe Joel the sausages of my next breakfast.” she whined, and you rolled your eyes.
“Nice to see you too, brat.”
“Where the hell did you go?” she inquired, a curious expression on her face when she saw you get up and get your back.
“Went looking for this.” you said, getting out of it about five books, some big, some small, and all about the same thing; the space.
Her eyes widened, her heart stopping inside her chest.
“No.” she said, in disbelief.
“Yeah. Went to the library up east, thought you’d like having something more of your liking to read.” you scoffed, feeling awkward. Ellie’s hand were almost shaking when she took them from you. Physics, astronauts, NASA, the universe, the planets and every little star that was known to date before the outbreak… Everything.
“Thank you.” she whispered, shiny eyes still on the books in between your arms. “Thank you so much, y/n.” she smiled at you, and you scratched the back of your neck.
“Yeah, uhm… Whatever kid.” you said, pulling your bag over your shoulder. “I’m gonna go sleep now, alright? Would probably be passed out for a couple of days. Don’t you dare wake me up.” you said before entering Laura’s room and leaving your backpack on the floor. You sighed when one of the paint cans rolled out of it. You took it in between your hands. Black.
You looked up to Laura’s ceiling, and sighed.
“Well shit.”
Your body was covered in sweat, and your muscles ached and burned with every new punch you gave to the speed bag.
It was dark at night, no soul on the streets, everybody fast asleep. Everyone except for you. Your mind was clearly a mess, and your eyes were unable to close. Training always helped you with the fear that you always felt, but this time it was stronger, and none of your punches or kicks could make it go away, beat it out of yourself.
All of this scares you shitless. The things you’d found lately doing, the person that lied stuck into your head like the roots of your hair…
Every time you closed your eyes there was him, him and his stupid hair, and his stupid brown shiny eyes, his voice, his warmth and his smell.
You wanted it all out of your head, him out of your head.
You turned around when you heard footsteps at your back, and for a moment, you were in a dream. You had to be.
“You’re back.” Joel was resting against the threshold of the door to the training salon where you boxed and boxed everyday to get stronger, rougher…
There was this silence. This unspoken tension in between the two of you that begged you to lose yourself, to ignore the warnings from your head.
He couldn’t help but take you in, with rosy cheeks and shiny flushed skin, hair wet on a high ponytail.
He was like a ghost, a ghost that you couldn’t scape from, that haunted you when awake and asleep.
“Joel…” you muttered his name, and he stepped inside the room. The air around you seemed to instantly weight down on your shoulders even harder.
You couldn’t scape from him, couldn’t scape from it all, right?
“You look good.” and by that he meant that you didn’t look hurt, not like the last time. That was good.
“I know my ways.” you shrugged, and balanced the bag, that had been swaying due to your last punch. He looked at you, and you looked at him. There was it again.
“Ellie showed me the books.” he said, and your eyes darted away.
You shrugged, trying to hide your true intentions.
“Needed to go for some things to the next town and found them.” you explained, the silence in between the two of you feeling like stone over stone, a tall wall.
“You do that a lot.” he said, and your breath hitched when he took a couple of steps closer, facing you. You could almost feel his warmth fill the air around you.
“What?” you inquired, and he was looking down at you, his head cocked slightly to the side as one of his hand reached out for you, for a lock of hair that had fallen on your forehead. You shivered when he pushed it away, his fingertips like electricity against your skin.
“Run away.” he answers, and you fell silent, until you could make the words stuck on your chest leave your lips.
“I don’t run away, Joel.” you spat, and pushed his touch away, but he just simply took your wrist, his grip soft against your skin. It burned.
“Oh but you do. You’re doing it right now.” he whispered, and your body froze. He was so close it was hard to breath.
You squinted your eyes, and in a quick movement you had pinned him to the floor, your hips straddling his, his hands on each side of his head. You felt like burning on a fire place, like snow melting under the sun, like a fire cracker being light up. You felt like giving in, like making your head stop whispering your fears, to stop the clock and freeze the time, to give into his eyes and lose yourself on his touch, on how he spoke, on how he felt…
“I’m not a coward.” you muttered, anger dripping from your lips, your eyes hard as a glaciar, but Joel was like the apocalypse, was like the unstoppable rising of global warming, and you were falling apart, melting.
Your breath left your lungs when you found yourself pinned below him, one of his hands harshly pinning your wrists to the floor, one of his legs in between your own and his weight on top of you to make you stay still. You were trapped. But had you ever been free?
“Then stop running.” he whispered, and your heart pushed harder against your ribs. His eyes were on you and solely you, his face just mere inches away. “Please stop running from me.” he muttered, and your eyes fell to his lips, to his healing cut, to his tongue dampening them. xxx
“I can’t.” you whispered back, but you were moving closer, giving in. It was unstoppable, you were drunk on his skin already. Addicted to the possibility of him. “I shouldn’t.” you said, and Joel’s grip on your wrists faltered, your voice sending chills down his body.
But now his lips were brushing yours, and your body was arching for his touch. Your mind was dead silent, as if he was the answer to all the questions, to all the doubts, as if he was the only thing that could make your world stop spinning, stop hurting.
His lips felt like stepping in heaven, like finding water in a desert, like being able to eat for the first time after starving for weeks…
He quickly let go of your hands to capture your waist, your own digging in his grayish hair. You were like gasoline. And he was a lighter. You were too gone to think about the disaster, about the fire.
He groaned against your lips when you pulled from his hair, pushing him harder against you, opening your mouth for him. He was quick to give it to you, pulling from you so you could straddle his lap once again, sitting softly on his strong and thick thighs.
“Joel…” you whispered against your lips, your mind screaming for you to run away the moment you pulled away to catch your breath, but he was nipping at your neck, and your body was consumed in electricity. He must have seen that look in your eyes, ‘cause he was quick to act.
“Don’t run from me.” he pulled you back to his lips, his arms surrounding your body to press you impossibly closer to his chest. It was an indescribable feeling, to have you this close, to taste the sweetness of your mouth, to tell your heartbeat against his…
And that’s when you noticed that you’d had it wrong this whole time, ‘cause truth was that you couldn’t. You couldn’t run away from him anymore. Not ever.
You melted in his arms.
“I’m right here.” he promised, muting all the warnings in your mind. And for once, you believed him. Ignored them. ‘Cause he was kissing you as if the world was ending, when in reality it was starting for you once again.
“Okay. Close your eyes. Don’t you dare fucking look.”
“I won’t.” Ellie groaned as you pulled from her through the salon.
“Good ‘cause then I’ll kill you.” you threatened her, opening the door at your back and dragging her in. You turned on the lights to Laura’s room, room which you hadn’t let anybody stepped into for days on end, until now. “Okay…” you said, your breath shaky and shallow. You were nervous. Terrified. You’d finally finished it. There were still bits of paint on your hands. “You can…, look.” you said, slowly. And Ellie at the same pace pulled her hands away from her face and opened her eyes.
Her heart skipped a beat, her lips parted in a breath.
You were looking at her, staring at the ceiling, her shiny eyes sparking with the stars you had drawn all over it, the colors of the space, the little constellations drawn by hand. By your hands…
“I was thinking you could… Stay here. Larry seemed to have taken a liking to the two of you and…” you took a deep breath in, her eyes now on you. “I want you to stay.” you muttered, your gut growing in knots. “You don’t have to. I was thinking that you could use this room and… Since you told me you liked the stars and the space so much I went to that town where I got your books and…” you were babbling, unable to stop talking when suddenly she was hugging you, knocking the air out of your lungs.
“Thank you.” there were tears brimming her eyes, and she was clinging to you as if you were the last anchor to this cruel world. “Thank you.” she repeated, and even if your arms were shaking you hugged her back.
“I get that as I ‘yes, and thank you for the drawing, I love it’?” you sarcastically played it off, trying to lighten the weight of the situation. It was suddenly too much, but not enough at the same time. It felt nice. To have somebody to look for again, to love again.
“Yes. I love it.” she repeated, and she smiled at you, letting you go and looking once again at the ceiling. “But what about Laura… This is her room.” she whispers, careful, softly…
“I’m sure she won’t mind sharing it with a brat as cool as you.” you said, and her smile only grew even more. You let out a laughter when she only came back to your arms, her head resting on your chest. “Okay, kid. Enough of that.” you played, pushing her away.
“Can I keep her drawings? I like watching them.” she pointed at Laura’s sketches, still hanging on the walls.
“Of course.” you smiled, the air around you feeling somehow warmer.
“Oh, and y/n?” she suddenly called out for you, your eyes back to her.
“Could you teach me how to draw?” she inquired, and you couldn’t help the huge smile that softened your face.
Things between you and Joel were silent. Dead silent. Since that kiss… Since those eyes had begged you to stop running away from him… You hadn’t even be able to look at him, ‘cause you knew that the moment you would, you wouldn’t be able to stop the dam that captured all your feelings to fly open.
You were smoking on your balcony when you heard him close the door to your apartment. It was late at night, and Ellie was sleeping in her now room. With charcoal all over her face since she had stayed up late while you taught her how to draw the anatomy of the human body.
You were on your fifth now, and your body was begging you for even more. Now that you could feel his presence, hear his steps getting closer…
You felt like pray. Like a rabbit trying to run away from a wolf.
He sat by your side, and the gravity pulling you down on your seat seemed to increase.
You took a drag of your cigarette, and when you heard his own sizzling you couldn’t help your eyes to drift towards him, towards the bear on his jaw and chin, the mustache rimming his lips, the hard lines of his face, his nose, his eyes, his eyebrows, his hair, his neck, his chest…
“It’s rude to stare so much.” he casually said, and you looked away as fast as you could, harshly swallowing. That’s when you felt his index finger and thumb took your chin to make you look at him once again. “Did I tell you to stop?” he muttered, and you looked into his brown eyes, he was now closer, his thumb caressing your chin. “You keep trying to hide from me.” he said, and you sighed when he pressed against your bottom lip, his eyes taking you in. “Trying to act like you can’t feel how much I want you. How much I want to kiss you right now.”
“Joel…” you called out for him, but your next words got swallowed by his lips when he kissed you. Your eyes closed as you leaned in it, your arms surrounding his neck.
“You’ve saved me. Multiple times. You still save me everyday.” he whispers against your lips, and there are goosebumps creeping up your skin when his fingers trailed down your neck, softly, mere fingertips against your skin. “Let me save you.” he begged, and your heart ached. ‘Cause you liked him. You liked Joel Miller. And there was no turning back from that fact, not if you were scared you’d lose him too, scared of your heart breaking again. Your eyes were watering, and his were beautiful. “Can I kiss you, y/n? Can I hold you?” he inquired, mere centimeters separating you two.
And when you nodded, he didn’t waste time to surround you with his strong and warm arms, your cigarettes long abandoned and forgotten on top of the balcony table.
You could taste the remains on his lips, taste his need to keep you close, to love you.
“Joel…” you cried out when he kissed you softly, so softly it was ripping you apart. So softly it was leaving you naked in front of him, freeing you of all the walls you had surrounded yourself with.
“You’re beautiful.” he muttered against your lips, and you swore you could die when his mouth left soft pecks all over your face.
“Please don’t leave.” you whispered in between his hands as he cupped your face, kissing your forehead.
“I’m not going anywhere, baby. I promise.”
And he repeated it over and over again as he carried you to your bed, where he laid you and pulled you flush against his chest, holding you like you didn’t know you needed to be held. “I promise.”
Joel was gluing all your broken parts back together.
taglist; ♡
@bubbles-for-all-of-us @hiphopdancer101universe @amethystwonders11 @mmeerraa @azxulaa @euovennia @twilightsbiggestfan @dabria14 @minaxcarter @lynndaline @frogjumps-world @cassiepascal @mdnigts @fudosl @batweildinglittlepysco @doodlebob-mp3 @boh3mian @saintmagx @scaredknight @ipadkidsworld @somebodytookmyusername @natalia42069 @cassrox @seninjakitey @maddsfilms @issybee0611 @corpsebridenightamare @eddie-munsons-slut @wren-2-d @hiroikegawa @luvwanda @hawsx3
pedro pascal masterlist! <3
joel miller masterlist! <3
a/n; AGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! there’d probably be about 1 or 2 more chapters, sadly enough. hope you liked this one, and thank you for all the support!! love you<3
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Well one NSFW request with Chisei,i mean I can't leave him out right? so 🤭 for him ^^ I concour is something he might do with other paralive groups,as I dont think Haruomi would be interested in a game like this.
Writer's corner: Haha! Got it, sweetheart! Sorry again for being late! I hope the wait was worth it and that you like what I wrote! Fell free to let me know if I have to change or fix anything! I guess you want it to be with a FEM!reader, since you requested many with it! But let me know if it wasn't so I can fix the pronouns!♥ Thank you for requesting!♥ Enjoy~
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER (FEM!reader)
Words: 1020
☀️𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐢☀️𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝟕 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐅𝐄𝐌!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
🤭: 7 minutes in heaven (NSFW)
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Music, people speaking, chuckles and drinks. It was a normal party that night, as each team of rappers of Club Paradox were having a good time together, drinking and talking about the rap battles and about their abilities. You were holding your drink in your hand, as your eyes were looking around and your ears were hearing chuckles and people speaking about their favourite team. You looked very confused and took some steps, moving through the people at the party, as you soon spotted Chisei, your crush, sitting with some other guys. They all were from rap teams. You could recognise Anne, Allen from BAE, or Reo from AKYR, or even Ryu from The Cat's Whiskers. They all seemed to be having fun and you got curious. 
As you got closer, Chisei chuckled and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, smiling happy. His usual energetic and friendly personality was still there as he spoke: "Y/n! Good timing! We were about to start playing 7 minutes in heaven! You wanna join us, right?". He then looked at your eyes with a puppy-like expression and pouted: "Haruomi doesn't want to play.. but you want to, right?". Your sparkling eyes got wide and you could only look around at the others, who were staring at you, waiting for your answer. You could hear Haruomi's sighs: "What a stupid game..!". 
You could only nod and smile at Chisei's cute expression. After all, you were getting bored, so a game would have helped you to have fun at that party! You sat beside Chisei as you could see Anne preparing everything for that game. They took a thing from each boy in the group (such as Reo's earring or Ryu's piercing..) and put them all in a little bag. Some rounds passed as that game went on and you were laughing hard at how awkward it seemed, especially when it was Ryu's turn to pass some time with another person in that empty and tight wardrobe. You were having fun and were sure that nothing bad was gonna happen! Nor something awkward or embarrassing!
"It's your turn, sweetie!", Anne soon spoke with a cute smirk on their face, as they moved the bag close to you. You smiled at their gorgeous eyes and put your hand in that bag, grabbing something. As you moved your hand out of the bag, you realised that... you had taken Chisei's necklace! It was a golden chain necklace. The blonde rapper bursted out chuckling and patted your hair delicately. At his touch your shoulders moved up slightly in surprise. Your cheeks were already blushing hardly and you could still hear some teasing jokes by the others and Haruomi still complaining about how idiotic that game was. You agreed with him in your own mind but.. at the same time you felt excited and slightly curious about what was gonna happen.. I mean, you were going to be with your crush in a tiny wardrobe, sharing a little bit of space for seven minutes!.. Who knew what was gonna happen?!
In a blink of an eye, you were in there with Chisei. You both were sitting in the wardrobe; you were sitting with your knees on your chest while Chisei was trying his best not to fall on you. As you expected, your faces were very close to each other, as you could smell his breathing. His hands were on the wall behind your head, close to your face, as your shoulders were still slightly up maybe due to the anxiety you were feeling in that moment. As a minute passed and you both were in silence, Chisei chuckled and whispered: "S-so... hehe..", he giggled and continued: "What are we supposed to do now..?". You moved your eyes to his purple ones. Even if it was dark in there, you could still see his beatiful eyes staring into yours. It was magical. You couldn't even understand what was happening, but you felt your lips on his suddenly, your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you. Chisei gasped in surprise in the kiss, as he could feel your love hitting him strongly and suddenly. "Wh-why... what did you..?", he whispered as you pulled away. Your lips were still very close to each others', though. You moved your hands to caress his blonde hair and he moved his to caress your jaw. It was a rethorical question: he knew why you had kissed him, but he wanted to hear those words from your lips..
"I love you..", after these words, everything happened fast. Those seven minutes, which seemed to be only a little time, became a lot of time for you both, as he moved his hands caressing your skin and exploring parts of your body that you even didn't know about. You tried your best to keep your gasps and whimpers silent, but his touch was too addicting and your body was starting to move by itself. You wrapped your legs around his torso, pulling him even closer. You both didn't know what was happening.. both Chisei and you were confused and were feeling so many new feelings inside. Yet.. you both knew that you wanted to be the other's. You wanted it so bad and you wanted it in that exact moment. His lips and tongue were addicting, as he moved them on your neck, occasionally biting and nibbling on it. His hands moved under your shirt and unzipped your pants, as if they were looking for something.. and you knew what they were looking for. His body was so close to yours in the dark of that wardrobe that you could feel the warm of his skin, of his body... along with his little friend~..
In the intensity of the moment you both didn't notice immediately the light going in the wardrobe. As you looked up you could only notice Anne and Ryu chuckling and looking at you with a teasing look. Chisei gasped and immediately moved away from you. You covered your chest and blushed deeply as Anne and Ryu kept chuckling: 
"Time is over, lovebirds~"
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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chvoswxtch · 2 years
ik your requests are closed but if you have time n feel up to it, could you write a fic, blurb or even just head canons about how Frank would celebrate you and your birthday? Hes seems like the “anything you want is yours” kinda guy, even if it’s getting coffee then spending the day at home he would still make it special. Its my birthday haha and i dont want a big celebration just a low key day doing little things i love with the ppl i love. Omg this is sappy hahah but yeah if you have the time, thank you!! And I totally understand if you dont ❤️❤️
-Max 💥
my fic requests are currently closed, but i'd be more than happy to whip you up a little birthday treat! i'm gonna go with a headcannon if that's okay bc I have a lot of thoughts about frankie & birthdays I don't think I can properly translate into a blurb right now so please find my rambling below the cut :)
frank castle & your birthday
frankie strikes me as someone that is a hopeless romantic at heart, and I feel like his love language is physical touch but also acts of service. I think we've seen that he pays a huge attention to detail, so he might not go like all out for your birthday, especially if he knows you prefer something small and intimate, but he would definitely make sure it felt special
he would probably start by taking you to your favorite coffee shop, getting you a little birthday breakfast treat with your coffee, and it would probably be the one time he doesn't criticize your drink order (he definitely thinks plain black coffee is real coffee) or comment on how much espresso you added to it (i'm on that pedro pascal shit myself, & I know the only time frankie wouldn't give me shit about it is my birthday bc he's legally required to be extra nice that day)
"you're gonna be hoppin' around like the goddamn energizer bunny with all that. it's your day though. get what you want, sweetheart."
he would insist that you sit down at one of the cute little tables so you can enjoy your coffee and little breakfast together, while you try to get hints from him about what he has planned (he'd resist as long as he could but it's really hard for him to say no to you)
I could see him taking you to do something that you had been begging him to do for awhile. something he kept putting off, or there wasn't time, or he acted like he didn't wanna go, but really he was just saving it for your special day. maybe a trip to an art museum, the aquarium, some botanical gardens, or the zoo even
or maybe a romantic stroll through central park. he'd bring a blanket and your favorite book, let you cuddle up in his lap as he read to you, play with your hair and point out all the cute dogs you saw to each other
even though he'd already gotten your birthday gifts weeks ago, he'd take you to your favorite store and let you pick out anything you wanted
"what? i'm not allowed to spoil my girl on her birthday? if that's a crime, it sure ain't the worst one i've ever committed."
as far as the evening, I see it going two ways: frankie either makes a reservation at your favorite restaurant and invites your closest friends and family to keep it intimate, or he surprises you with a special dinner he cooked himself (your favorite meal) along with a homemade birthday cake (it might not be the prettiest, but it would be delicious) because we know frankie can throw down in the kitchen
if you went out for dinner, he would insist on giving you your gifts & card at home because they're special and sentimental and he's shy when it comes to things like that, and he likes it better when those moments just consist of the two of you
if you had dinner at home, he would roll his eyes when you begged him to sing you happy birthday, but he would oblige because he can't tell you no
"alright, fine. but you're patchin' up your own ears when they start bleedin'. you know I can't sing for shit."
he would ask you several times throughout the day if you were having a good birthday, because he wants to make sure that you are because he thinks you deserve nothing less than as close to perfection as he can provide
he'd also continuously tell you how pretty he thought you were and how much he loved you and how lucky he felt to get to spend your special day with you
I could see him putting your favorite song on and asking you to slow dance with him in the living room to it, drawing out every single minute of your birthday all the way up to 11:59 and making sure you spent every second of it feeling loved and special
"today's one of my favorite days. know why? cause it was the day you were brought into this world, and I think that deserves a goddamn celebration. happy birthday, sweetheart. I love you."
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nrdmssgs · 9 months
😿Please-please dont leave Riot sad and desperate. I want a happy ending please. 😿
Ok, here's happy mischievous Riot for you, love!
Part 1 Masterlist Fluff
Summary: Christine 'Riot' Vega (belongs to @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot) has a little vacation and Nikolai and Olga 'Zhar' Samoilova show her St. Petersburg.
"Nik, for God’s sake, let go of the poor thing! Get yourself a child and pack them in a thousand layers of clothes!" Olga sighs impatiently, propping her back against the front door.
"I'm not torturing her - just making sure, my little ray of sunshine doesn't catch cold." Nikolai and Christine grin at each other, while he wraps a scarf around her, so that it covers half of her face. "Besides, sokrovishe moye*, you want me to switch to 'getting a kid' routine right now or you're willing to wait till the evening?"
If a gaze could burn through flesh - Nik would already be on fire. It seemed, that every TF Lieutenant, even a former one, got their very own signature death stare. But the overall mood in the room was still jolly, and Christines happy laughter was the best acknowledgement to it.
She was smiling widely ever since Olga calmed her down, Nikolai came back from a meeting and promised Riot, that he'll make his second in command take a day off and spend it with them. Even on the next morning, she looked like a little lantern, lighting up the surrounding space.
On their way to café, Riot planned and executed a full 'drop your friends into a snow pile' operation.
"Captain should have seen this - I could get a raise!" She laughed, while Olga fought her way back on the solid ground and Nikolai held her firmly, not letting her away.
"Stop fighting, feisty thing. Just relax and I'll lift you myself." Nikolai whispered, pressing Zhar closer and ignoring her fruitless attempts to escape.
"You rascal. A scoundrel. Bribed my friend to do that, didn't you?" Every Olgas next phrase was interrupted by a kiss until she gave up and kissed him back.
Riots grin radiated from under the scarf, when Nikolai lifted Zhar and finally let her go.
"You two look, like you're planning some world-class heist!" Christine checked, how her friends came out on a photo she took.
"I look like an absolute sweetheart," Nikolai leaned closer to Riot and took a peak at her smartphone "It's my love, who looks like a predator on a hunt every time, she reads the dessert card."
"Christine, how much would you miss this man if-"
"If you two went on a date this evening? I won't miss him at all. Nik? No, never heard of him. Won't miss this lucky bastard at all."
Olga raised her eyes to her friend and sighed. "I was going to ask your permission to strangle Nikolai alive, but... ok, date it is, I guess."
Nik tried to make some commentary about holding the strangling part till they are back home, but Zhars fingers clasped to his shoulder so strong - they became white.
"Ok-ok, before you kill the poor guy - tell me one thing!" Christine smiled enigmatically and tilted her head slightly. "There's one detail about you, nobody from the TF could describe to me. That being, how come you never talked to each other for years of working together before that notorious operation?"
Olga looked lost, as if she tried to form an answer, but couldn't find the right words. Nikolai on the contrary was relaxed and happy and went back to hugging her.
"Well, we actually talked. Twice even. It just never went that well." Zhar broke the silence.
"Whoa, you made jokes about each other? Or shared some memories from Russia? Or straight started a fight?" Riot had so many scenarios in her head, it was a pity, none of them were close to reality.
"No, I. Well, the first one was my bloop, to be honest. But she got me scared!" It was funny to hear, that anyone could frighten Nikolai, but he went on. "I stumbled upon her in the middle of the night, and she pointed the gun at me, little crazy thing! I was lost, so I... I congratulated her with the Chekist day. It was a first thing, that I remembered!"
"Wait, Chekist as the 'Cheka' soviet secret police?... That controlled the society and executed many innocents? Nik, I love you, but were you out of your mind?"
"He was, Christine." Olga nodded eagerly. "And I didn't point my gun at him - he walked on me in the armory, where I cleaned it! I even have a witness - Ghost was there!"
"Oh yes, I forgot, that I got not one, but two side eyes! Very nice of you, guys! Super-friendly, not intimidating at all!" Nikolai moved closer to Riot just in case.
Zhar squinted her eyes unkindly and took a sip of coffee, letting Nik continue his story.
"The second time was purely her fault. I did nothing wrong, I swear!" Nikolai tried to hide behind Riots shoulders, but it wasn't that easy, considering, how much taller he was, even when seated.
"My fault?!" Zhar made another sip and closed her eyes for a moment. "My best friend came back from the mission, we all went to the pub, where this happy face already was..." She glanced at Nikolai. "There, I learn, that Nik dropped my Kyle out of his copter! My friend could have died. It was only natural-"
"It was only natural for you to wait till I go out, pin me to the wall and threaten me?" Nikolai still tried to hide behind Riots chair.
"I explained, what will happen to you, if it ever happens again. And don't play on Christine's nerves as if you are not a full head taller than me. You could push me away at any moment."
"Na-a-a-ah, I bet somebody just got horny and froze to remember every single moment." Riot chuckled, looking back at Nik.
"Horny? Solnushko*, I got terrified! She reeked of beer - this little trouble could have done anything and I couldn't fight back!" Nikolai pouted.
"Just for the record: I reeked of beer because MacTavish couldn't keep his hands still, and his glass of beer ended up on my jeans."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't check, how wet your pants were every time we had an encounter. How ungentlemanly of me. The next time you decide to pin-"
"The next time, I'm taking a bloody rope. And a gag..." Olga stood up and disappeared into the depths of the café.
Riot bent and was now suffocating of laughter. Nikolai patted her back softly.
"There's no way, I can make you not tell this story to others, isn't it?" he asked, half predicting her answer.
Riot couldn't master a single word, so she just shook her head.
"Well, at least, looks like I'll have the best date ever thanks to you." He took the menu. "Now, how about we pick you something sweet? This chocolate Ferrero cake looks nice, mm?"
sokrovishe moye - my treasure
Solnushko - sunshine
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alternativegirl23 · 4 months
Deal With The Devil- Finale
To anyone that was waiting for this, Im sorry it took so long. This was my first time writing smut and my first time writing anything in years. Im well beyond rusty but hope to improve. Also sorry if how the writing gets uploaded is weird. Still figuring stuff out on here. I hope the wait was worth it. Reblogs, likes, comments are appreciated.
Weeks had passed, then several months. You only hoped everything was running smoothly for both parties. You'd work at your desk job during the week, then go home to wait for Lee whenever he'd drop by. Parents were still being a bit too overbearing, even at your age. They should've let you be more of your own person at thirty.
      As their only child, that was hard for them. So you found your freedom where you could. Early one evening, you heard Lee's distinct knock at the door. He calmly walked into the dining room, you following behind him. He dropped the manila envelope down carelessly on the table. 
 "Just in case you thought I was lying", he said. You shook your head, a confused look on your face.
"I dont know why you think I would", you said. Lee opened the envelope to show you the papers, signed by him and his ex wife. "It was amicable. I was the only one to sign the lease of the house. So I helped her find a two bedroom apartment a few towns over". You nodded. 
      He took the papers back to his car and placed them in the glove box. The night came and went in somewhat of a blur. You tried your hand at making moms mashed potatoes from scratch. Following her recipe for cube steak and green beans from a can. Everyone ate plenty and proceeded to do their own thing. 
      Your parents, ever typical, watched TV in the living room. Lee joined them for a little while before heading up the stairs to take a shower. You followed a few minutes after, saying you were too tired to stay up late. "Okay, thats fine cutiepie", mom said cheerily. You recoiled slightly at the name she used for you as a child for so long.
      The bathroom door ajar, the shower beginning letting steam and warmth waft out steadily. You shivered slightly at the difference in temperature. Before heading to your room, you heard Lee yell "Hey hon. I think I left a shirt in my bag. Can you get it for me?" You called out a yes in response.
      Rummaging through his bag, you pulled out a clean black teeshirt. Handing it to him as you opened the door more. Only a towel wrapped around his middle. He gave a smug smirk, as if sensing the heat coursing through you. Holding it out for him, he slowly saunters the few feet to take it from you. 
     "Thank you gorgeous", with a little wink. You forget you're in a long sleep shirt, the tops of your thighs peeking out and giving him a good glimpse of more skin. He notices your face just then, eyes slightly glazed over.
"Your starin' sweetheart", he drawls. His body is only inches from yours now. You shake your head to clear your thoughts. 
      "Sorry, I didnt mean to" you admit sheepishly. 
"S'aright. I like your attention", he counters. He slowly traces a hand up your thigh, your eyes closing a little at his touch. "I should get some sleep", you say in a whisper. Lee's hands move quickly to your ass to give a firm squeeze before you protest any further. 
   "You know where ta find me", he whispered. Placing the lightest kiss on your neck. He gave one last lingering touch before hoping in the shower. You entered your room and closed the door.
    Three hours later and you still couldnt sleep, its now midnight. Your mind wandered to Lee and all the attention he's given you, no matter how small the gesture. I wonder what he looks like when he strokes his cock. Do his eyes roll in his head when he strokes it? Does he ever imagine its me? 
      What does he feel like? Hands having a mind of their own, they traveled down to your panties to slowly start to tease your clit. It didnt take any time for you to become wet, all your focus being on Lee. You tried being quiet, covering your mouth with your hand.
      You attempted to bring yourself to the edge. But just as you were almost there, something in your mind told you to stop. The quiet seemed too quiet. The darkness concealed everything within your bedroom. You were almost blind as a bat and could hardly see anything. 
      But your intuition still told you something or someone was there. You heard him before you saw his shadowy figure. A black outline resting casually in the outline of a door in the corner of your room that lead to your bathroom. 
      “Dont let me stop ya darlin’. You thinkin’ bout me”, Lee asked you in a low, somewhat husky drawl. You instantly froze, breath hitching in your throat. Did you hear that right? Lee cleared his throat softly amd strolled the few feet to the edge of your bed. His eyes lingered on your arm below the blanket, a small growl in the back of his throat.
      He sat on the edge, his hand creeping up your calf and starting to stroke it. Too entranced by his movements, you watched his face as he watched your reactions. He let out a small chuckle, shaking his head. 
      “Don't let me stop you darling. I thought you wanted all this. Now you're too scared?”, he asked. You let out a small whimper. Hardly noticing that his hand had moved to your upper thigh and was now caressing it. 
      You sat up straight now, bringing your hand to meet Lee’s and placing his hand over your pussy. Doing your best to maintain eye contact and settle your nerves.
      “Im not scared-”, you said on a shaky exhale. “I just didnt expect you there”, you continued. Lee moved in closer and put his other hand on your shoulder. Starting to kiss your mouth slowly, slipping his tongue on your lips to see if you'd let him in. Licking and biting softly, you whimpered, not able to resist. 
      Slowly, your hesitation subsided. Melting into a small flame in your core that you didn't doubt Lee would make into a spark. You scooted closer to him now, reaching out for him in the darkness. Lee’s hands entangled yours in a sweet gesture. 
      Pulling you close and bringing your head in for a kiss. Mouths opening and tongues already exploring. His large hands roaming up and down your back and sides. You
leaned forward more, connecting your mouth to his neck and started licking softly. Sucking in spots and nipping slightly. 
      Lee’s chest rumbled slightly under you. Smirking to yourself as you heard the soft moan next to your ear. He pulled you away, his mouth now doing the same things to your neck that you just did to his. Your head started to feel light and floaty. Everything in your body telling you to keep chasing this feeling. 
       Lee advanced on your body. Pushing you back a little roughly back onto your bed. Going back to kissing your mouth and neck, hands roaming everywhere. Both of you moaning now, but trying to stay quiet. 
       “Ive been waiting for this for so damn long. You know how many times I had to stroke myself and think of you”, Lee asked breathlessly. You smiled back at him. Feeling giddy and excited knowing that a man ten or so years older could think of you that way. You tore off your clothes, body totally bare and exposed for him.
      Lee did the same and he was everything you'd imagined. You had a preference for certain body types, sure. But as long as they had a handsome face and smooth voice or a certain twang, that was what typically got you off more. He chuckled as he lowered himself onto you. His hard cock poking your stomach, almost lining up with your heat. You had to hold back a whimper, not wanting to wake anyone else in the house up. Lee slowly dragged it through your wet folds, hissing as he just barely slipped inside. 
      “Fuck baby…” his voice trailed off as he kept draggin himself through you. You were in awe of his self control. Yourself on the verge of begging him to put it in. Biting your bottom lip, pouting pathetically up at him as your hand moved back down to your pussy. 
      “Nuh uh sweetheart, that's my job”, he said again in a hoarse whisper. His hand took your place and started to swipe up and down your lips and clit. Finally focusing on just your clit, hands already reaching for blankets. Lee laughed softly, watching you be so desperate for him. “I haven't even done anything and you already want it? Already wanna cum”, he teased.
       You didn’t answer, too focused on what he was doing. He kept finding your bundle of nerves and would rub in circles, up and down, side to side. Without warning, to see your reaction, he stopped. Undoing his belt and sliding down his pants hastily, he grabbed the length of his cock and roughly slid into your waiting opening. Lee chuckled at your gasp of a reaction, your fingers curling around his broad shoulders. Sure, you were with a few people before, but none seemed to be as intune with your body as Lee was. 
      His years more than made up for your slightly less experienced roster. Lee started thrusting slowly as if to try and savor the moment. His intense stare going soft as he looked down at your face half contorted in bliss. He couldnt help but reach a hand out to stroke your cheek and move your hair away. Mouth moving into a small grin as he roughly snapped his hips twice. Only because he wanted to watch you squirm. You clung to him more tightly. 
“God…Lee…please just…fuck me”, you croaked. A little breathless as he put all of his weight on you. He noticed the shallow breaths from your slightly hollow throat. He raised himself up onto his elbows now, kissing and nipping your neck. Shaking his head in a chuckle, he started thrusting faster and harder now. 
      Lifting your hips to feel himself deeper. Arms circling around him in an attempt to bring him closer.
      “Cage me in Lee”, you pleaded. Clasping your hands together to encircle him. You realized then you liked the feeling of him on top of you. His whole body weighing you down like the warmest, heaviest blanket. He smiled and did as you obliged, his arms going behind your neck as he kept snapping hard and deep into you. Your moans coming out as breathy pants. 
      Fuck, he felt so good. Why hadnt I done this sooner? He twined his fingers into your hair, gripping the back of your head. Lee loved having you on your back like this. Totally at his will. His cock throbbed a little when you let you a garbled moan as he felt the light scratches of your nails down his back.
       “Goddamn honey, you keep panting like that and Im gonna come”, he rasped as he picked up his speed. You needed him to go faster and deeper. You wanted to feel yourself gush all over him. Smiling to yourself, you had a good- but maybe not smart- idea. 
      You just wanted to give Lee some…encouragement. 
    “Come on baby, I know you can fuck me harder than that. Hm?” A little chuckle escaped you, until you saw that was the wrong thing  to do. Lee’s gaze went steely and his lip pressed into a thin line. Your face fell in a little bit of fear. He seemed to enjoy that. 
      A smirk curling on his lips. Leaning down to bite your neck, and you letting out a slight cry. He started thrusting his hips wildly, not able to hold back like he was before. He kept going until you went almost limp, mouthing wordless sentences and nonsensical noises. His large hand giving your cheek a few gentle slaps. 
      When that didn't work, he gripped your chin tightly. Trying to force you to come back out of your fucked out state. Tilting his head to purr into your ear as he watched your eyes roll and then refocus again. You had never felt anything this good before. If this was his “light” side, then what was his dark like? 
      “Now listen baby…you wanted this. This was yer idea. You cant handle it, tap out now. Sides….this is jus’ me getting started”. Your eyes widened at that. So there was more to him that he wasnt showing. Your eyes in total focus now, looking him dead in the eyes. Sneering at him, a bit of a growl to your voice now. 
      “Fuck me harder, Sheriff. I can take it”, you smiled a little triumphantly. He was more than happy to listen. Both of  your releases are so close. You let out a loud squeal as you felt him hit your cervix almost painfully so. WIthout thinking, he clamped a hand over your mouth. 
      “I said you gon’ have to be quiet, my little whore”. Your eyes rolled a little, you could feel yourself flutter around him. A moan escaping your mouth with a muffled “fuck” around Lee’s hand. He grinned wickedly, hips snapping as fast as he could. :”Yeah, you liked that, didn’t ya sugar” Lee cooed at you. You nodded enthusiastically, grabbing his wrist as he kept going at a brutal pace. 
      “Wanna be my little whore for as long as I ask”, he questioned. You nodded again. Without warning, you felt yourself cum hard on his cock. Eyes fluttering wildly and you couldn't help but let out an almost screaming moan. Lee panted and huffed, burying his face into the crook of your neck, his own release so close behind your own. Your pussy couldn’t help but cum again around him. “Come on baby, lemme hear those pretty noises. Just a lil”, he cooed into your ear as a whisper. 
      “Please cum in me Lee. I want it so fucking bad”, your breath coming in breathless pants. Letting out a grunt and then groan, you felt him shoot a big load inside of you. Your pussy clamping down on him to take every drop. Lee grunted again as he felt you clamp down, his hand traveling down to knead at your chest. With a growl, “Thank fuck, baby. Damn. Wanted that for so long”, he huffed some more as he lightly played with your hair now. 
      “You always cum that hard”, he asked, brows raising in question. You shook your head in answer. Trying to catch your own breath. “Not that many times with the few guys before me. Fact if we go another round, you can probably make me cum two more times, Sir”. You felt his softening cock twitch inside you again. Unable to help it, you moaned a curse and bit hard on your lip. 
      “Like when you call me Sir”, Lee teased. Hand moving down to squeeze your ass hard, you whimpered. Hips bucking up and already begging for more. “And I just might take you up on your offer”, he finished. You thought you heard movement down the hallway. Lee noticed it too. Both of you stopped and froze still. He even looked a little worried. Maybe we hadn’t been as quiet as we thought. Suddenly, a call from a few feet from your closed bedroom door. 
      “Honey, are you alright in there? I heard some noise. If you’re watching TV, can you turn it down, please?”, she asked. Yours and Lee’s eyes widened. Unsure of what to do. Voice a little shaky, but clearing your throat. 
      “Yeah, mom, Im fine. Sorry, I’ll turn it down”, you called out. Lee sniggered and you hit his shoulder a little hard, trying to get your point across…not funny. Hearing her steps retreat, you let out a sigh of frustration and relief. Lee still grinned at you, shaking his head in amusement.  He slowly let himself up from you, pulling out slowly but relishing in the feeling of your heat until next time. 
     You collected yourself as he went to put back on his tee shirt and boxers. He turned around, a look of disbelief at what just happened. He let out a small chuckle, coming towards you again. Hands planted on the edge of your comforter and hunching over to meet your face. “And that is why I'm buying you your own apartment”, he said matter of factly. Stunned into silence, you didn't know what to say. He smiled, amused at your dumbfoundedness. “Now you best get some sleep, sexy. Im making another visit to ya tomorrow night. But next time…we’re using a gag or really turning on your TV’, he said. All you could do was nod as he sauntered away and gently closed your door. Maybe having your parents' friend around wasn’t as bad after all.     
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aettuddae · 4 months
cute little serim 🫶🫶, the idea that serim has snsd PLANT version is amazing, i love it, gardener put it back on!
thinking about how ever since theyve met eo, jimin and serim privs have just been tweets about each other
KARINA NOT EVEN ATTENDING THE FUNERAL DESPITE LIVING IN THE SAME PLACE AS SERIM WHQAHSHSHSHSHS (she just killed another shes officially a serial plant killer 😪😪)
serim girltwink confirmed
ningning undoing the bottom button on her pjs serim pls give this girl some attention 😭😭
OH WOW 😲😲😲 them kissing before they start even just enjoying the other presence 😭
hiro:1 serim:0
(ALSO HARU AND LONG CHAT LMGNFBDBD IM SORRY THAT WILL ALWAYS BE MY STUPID SILLY BARNEY/SPONGEBOB/PUPPY BABY 😖😖 i think about her all the time, harumin come home the kids miss u…)
im also very stressed trying to figure out which version of the album i should get 😭😭 MIND U i dont even own a cd player…
- 🕷️
my favorite gardener sone, i just know yuri would be proud of her
they're obsessed with each other omg what happened to tweeting about the weather and one's bad luck? 🫴🏼
i picture jimin on that very specific pajama she has (i know you guys know which one i mean cmon) with messy hair, passing by the balcony while serim is on a black dress with a veil crying to a box with dirt and some leaves and then wondering when she went wrong to end up like this
serim has an official girl twink license.
ok i feel like if you play a random musicals playlist serim is the kind to know all songs 😭 i don't know why i got this random idea of her not being able to fight the urge of starting to sing empty chairs at empty tables everytime she sees a free table (?
BUT, she enjoys musicals like hairspray, kinky boots, chicago (merely bc tiffany played roxie on it), the producers, moulin rouge, even heathers kinda. but maybe i'd say the rocky horror show as her favorite one. although she cries with rent.
hope it makes some sense..🧍
this close 🤏🏻 to turn the smau into ningning x serim i can't keep seeing this kid like this
sometimes your biggest enemy is hot, okay? and you could kiss them
SHUT UP I HEARD LONG CHAT, THEN READ THE LYRICS AND I WAS LIKE HARU WHERE ARE YOU MY SWEETHEART 😭 i'm truly so fond of her and hole in one i can't do this anymore i'm closing my blog
then buy the cdp duh 🫴🏼 (maybe it will arrive SOMEDAY 😭 can't believe it's not shipped intl). saw that the MY power version is the most complete one !! hope you can figure out, then come and brag about it 🫶🏻
(long ass answer btw sorry for yapping so much)
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prettyanddeceiving · 1 year
Run, Rabbit, Run
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dark!joel miller x f!reader
summary: joel is curious about you, until he finds you undressed in the woods.
a/n: id make this longer if i had any idea how to continue it lmao
warnings: slight noncon ref, dubcon, dark joel like really dark, fem reader, choking, FILTHY talk, mean mean joel, slight dacryphilia, ass-play
1.1k words (will finish if requested)
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Like just imagine bumping into miller during the apocalypse
“The hell?” he says like he aint ever seen something like you before.
“I-I am so sorry” he just groans and leaves before you can tell him how starving you are. After that small interaction you think that’d be the last time but to your surprise, he passes by your little rut few times in the week. He never talks to you but he definitely stares, probably due to how you look. You arent the prettiest in the bunch due to your appearance, making you want to sob, youve always been easy to upset. He must think you’re disgusting. Your cries are silent at first as he passes by following some route, you tend to find some nearby water source nearly vomiting at your own mind’s thoughts about you.
Undressing from the torn but still the only piece of clothing you had left, and well had memories attached to it. Youre on display for anyone to see, cleaning yourself desperately trying to scrub off something that was never there in the beginning. A tut can be heard behind you as your eyes shoot open, covering yourself with your hands, almost falling in the rush of adrenaline tensing your muscles. There he was, that strange man that stared and left you here and now again, you felt a scream trying to claw out of your throat but you decided it would be better to not be found by infected due to your cry. However, tears were falling unbeknownst to you as you look pitfully at the larger man.
Your hands gripping onto your skin and covering where it mattered most you shake as your small voice comes out, “Please, dont hurt me.”
He could only hold back a small bit of his chuckle before bursting out, holding his head with his hand as he looks at you with the most sincere eyes, but clearly malice behind them. Like he had done things, horrible things to people, like he had a darkness. Goosebumps vober your body as you squeeze your thighs together, his laugh was like none else.
You liked that he stared just as he did before, but you could tell with your body clean he didnt look at you with a judging stare, more like hungry. You would be lying if you could say you never looked at him like that, mostly because you really were starving but there was another pool of hunger in your stomach that seemed to grow under his gaze everytime.
“Such a pretty lil thing out here on her lonesome, dont ya think I should take ya with me, girlie?” You never wanted to scream yes so loud before, but obviously you realized the meaning behind his words.
To be used in trade for sustenance, of course he needed a flaw, a very fucking horrible one. You stumble as you try to get away, if you went any faster he could hurt you or worse, take what he wanted right now. You grab the worn sun dress, almost tearing as you rushed to put it on, you needed to get out of here now.
“Th-Thank you for the offer, I’d just be a burden, haha…” You pleaded to whatever higher power that would be merciful to you, you started speeding away with the adrenaline pumping making you slightly trip. You nearly scream as you take a look behind you realizing he’s gaining on you, ‘just fuck off’ you cry. He snares his teeth at your harsh words, understanding that you probably didnt pick the best words to throw at the much stronger looking man.
“You tryna run from me, sweet thing? How dumb can you possibly be? You really want to be punished huh, sweetheart” You accidentally let out a groan you wanted to suppress, his words hit you deep, he said all the right things however he was chasing you and you didn’t exactly find yourself in a situation where you wanted to be used in order to not starve to death.
He chuckes darkly at your groan as you fall onto the ground due to not paying attention in front of you, you fall like a clumsy slut your legs spread and your chest against the damp forest floor. You feel tears streaming down your cheeks as you try your hardest to get up as fast as you can but to your dismay you feel large fingers wrap around your ankle as you're pulled back.
“N-Nononono..NO PLEASE!” You shout, he instantly covers your mouth with one firm grip of his other hand, he growls filling you with heat “You tryna get us fucking killed, stupid bitch?!” His punishing hand lands on your exposed skin, the curve of your ass as you feel your body jolt in excitement but you begin sobbing in his hand, falling against him as if he were going to comfort you.
Huge tears falling from your puffy eyes and your lips feeling as though they were drawing in the scent of him, his hand rough and calloused your thoughts run wild as you act without reason. Relaxed but sobbing into him you have the sudden urge to lick the calloused skin, he groans and ruts his hips against your back. You muffle a small ‘sorry’ hoping he would take pity on you, it only fuels him more, the sound of your cries making his pulsing cock unbelievably hard as he controls himself from just splitting you apart on his fat cock.
He imagines the types of wails and cries you’d let out as he fucks into you, he feels your hands reach up onto his forearms, laughing at the way your small hands barley fit around his arms shaking against him. Your sun dress brought up on your ass as you try to squirm away only making the male let out muted moans, you were practically grinding against him like a typical slut. Tears fall down your cheeks again, you begin pleading even though the heat between your legs grows as you feel the outline of his cock bump against your ass.
“P-Pleasee..L-Let me..go” You manage to muffle out as he lays another slap on the flesh of your bare ass, crying out as bouncing against his aching cock. “Fuck, such a fuckin’ slut ‘s right, bounce on my fuckin’ cock.” You whimper, not being able to think straight as you cant even think before speaking. “Stop!” You cry one final time before he grips your throat and squeezes, you feel your breathing slow and you become limp in his arms.
“Weak, pathetic little girl.”
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Hi! I would love to request a follow-up to your story of CK Terry being too tempting for his own good in a new suit. No specific requests for the chapter, but something just as hot (if you're comfortable) please!
Of course 😁 thank you for reading the other part of this story, I hope this is good enough for you 😊💚💚💚 NSFW
Contains: Sexual content, sexual intercourse, toys, dirty talk, over stimulation
Terry had only left for a few minutes but it felt like hours, your moment you shared in the office had majorly turned you on. You were so tempted to ask him to stay, but you knew how important this meeting was for him. Plus, he did mention that he would return the favour later on. That just made you more exited. Deciding to try and keep your mind off it for now, you went for a shower to help clear your head, you couldn't have Terry for another couple of hours so you had to focus on something else. Once you were dried and changed, you set about making yourself some lunch and doing some things around the house.
Terry was due home around 3, and it was 2.30. The anticipation was killing you. What could you do to wait for him? And help you get back into the mood a little more. You knew Terry, and you knew that after a time like the office, he would come home ready for you. So what could you do? That's when an idea pops into your head, a new book you had bought a few weeks ago, an erotic novel... It was upstairs in your bedside drawer, so when you went into your room, you sat against the headboard and gave the book a little read. There were a few steamy little moments in there, you couldn't deny, and it was certainly getting you back into that frame of mind. Just as you finished a rather saucy chapter, Terry called your mobile. "Hey sweetheart, I'm on my way home, I'll be 5 minutes" "Cant you be quicker?" You ask, almost catching your breath from excitement.
"Oooh, is my good girl in need of me? Do you want me sweetheart?" "I need you Terry, I cant stop thinking about you. I even have a little something hear to keep me going until you arrive" "Oh really? And what would that be?" "A naughty little book. About a man coming home and...making his woman scream out his name. Making her feel...wave after wave of deep sexual pleasure..." You can hear Terry make a low growl noise on the other end of the phone, its turning him on now too. "Well, seeing as you have been such a good girl, and your getting ready for me...I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm bringing home a little something just for you..." "What is it? Tell me" "Ah ah ah, it wouldnt be a suprise then would it? I will be there soon" "Alright, I'll start to get undressed for you-" "No sweetheart, dont undress...I'll do that for you. A man undressing his beautiful girlfriend is like opening a gift...just for him... I'll see you soon" And the phone hangs up.
The anticipation is too much, what was he bringing home for you? Before you could think of what it is, you hear the door go and Terry starts walking up the stairs. When he does finaly open the door, he saunters in with a cheeky smile. "Theres my beautiful goddess" Your still sat up against the bed when he walks to the end of it. He leans down, grabs your ankles and pulls you down so your flat on your back, making it easier for him to crawl on top of you and lean on his strong muscular arms, while looking deep into your eyes. "All through that meeting, all I could think about was what you did for me...it drove me insane" Biting your lower lip, you look up at him and say "I need you so much Terry, I need to feel you..." "You were such a good girl for me...your wish is my command..."
He leans in and gives you one of the most sensual and sexually charged kisses of your life. There was so much tention from both sides that it felt like your bodies were on fire. His hand pulls at the bottom of your top before he pulls it over your head, lying to yourself back down, his hand reaches under your back and unhooks your bra. Within seconds of him ripping your bra away from your chest, his body pressed against yours and his lips suck and his tounge flicks against your swollen nipples. My god Terry's tounge could work magic. His hands cup at your breasts as he moves between each of them, giving them the attention they craved. And with the excitement building, you pull out his pony tail to release his bouncy curls, and run your fingers through his hair and across his scalp, making a fist in his hair as you desperately need something to hold onto as the waves of pleasure flow through you. Once he had kissed every inch of your heaving chest, he sits up and pulls off his own shirt.
He takes your wrist and pulls your hand up to his belt. "I want to feel you undress me, be a good girl for me..." Doing as he says, you undo his belt and pull down his zipper. But before you could do anything else, he takes you wrists and pins them above your head as he presses against you again. "You brought me to my limit within minutes sweetheart, and now I'm going to do the same..." Sitting back up again, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a hand held mini vibrator. He had used this kind of thing before, and it just made you more exited. His hands undid your trousers and pulled them away, along with your underwear, then he slowly pulled down his boxers to release his throbbing cock.
He rests his arms against your head and leans in to kiss you again, with the same hunger and sexual desire he used in the last kiss. You try to hold onto his back, but he takes your wrists and pins them above your head against the bed, only using his one hand. You were so desperate for him to take you already. Within a split second he puts his hands under your hips and turns you over so your now flat on your stomach, and he leans down on your back kissing your bare shoulders. "I'm going to enjoy this sweetheart, I'm giving you what you deserve, and making you cry those pretty little tears for me" His hand slides under my chin and holds it up so he can kiss me again, before he kneels on his knees and lifts your hips up. You dont even have a moment to think before he slides right inside of you with a deep and hard thrust. It makes you gasp, he was so thick, you've had sex with Terry lots of times, but his thickness still made you ache for him.
"Oh god Terry, please make me feel good" "Oh I will sweetheart, I promise" He starts out slow, letting you get used to him, but that doesn't last long. He picks up the pace as he slams into you, over and over again. He is hitting your G spot again and again, making you whimper from the feeling. "Oooh god, oh fuck" You say as your voice catches, unable to control the little noises and moans that escape your lips. "You take me so well sweetheart, your such a good girl" he says as he still pounds into you. "And you deserve your treat..." As he continues to fuck you, he reaches for the vibrator and holds it close to your clit. He presses the button a couple of times, making you wince and shiver at the sensation. But he knew what he was going to do.
While one hand is teasing you with the vibrator, the other makes a fist onto your hair and pushes you down into the pillow, allowing him to go even deeper, making you feel like you were about to release. "This is what good girls get..." and as soon as he says that, he presses the botton on the vibrator, that keeps in constantly going and presses it against your clit. "OH! FUCK!" you shout out loud, its giving you an intense orgasm, so intense your legs start to shake. But Terry isn't taking it away, he keeps it there as he continues to fuck you, all while hearing you scream over and over again. You dont know how long you can be this over stimulated for, you had never had it this strong before. But Terry wasnt done with you. Still pressing it against you, his free hand comes down to your face and covers your mouth as your scream. "Oh fuck yes that's it sweetheart, i love to feel you scream against my hand. You cant let it out can you? Huh? I'm in control of those beautiful lips of yours" Tears are streaming down your face as your 4th orgasm hits you, making it almost impossible for you to scream properly with Terry covering you mr mouth with his large hand, but just as the last orgasm hits you, he pulls his hand away, letting you scream out so loud that you dont even hear Terry behind you moaning out in pleasure as he comes too.
He takes the vibrator off you as he cums, and your whole body is literally shaking. Your legs have shaked in the past, but not your whole body, and you were so sensitive down there, that any movement at all felt like too much. But my god it was the best sex of your life! Once Terry had completely finished, he pulled out of you and saw what state you were in. He helped you lower yourself back down onto the bed and lead you on your back, putting a sheet over your body as he lead next to you. He was quite breathless when he asked you "Are you alright sweetheart? Did I hurt you?" Feeling very out of breath yourself, you look over to him with a smile. "No Terry, you didnt hurt me. Holy fuck that was the best sex of my life!" You both let out a little laugh. "Terry just tell me one thing, why wont my body stop shaking? Is this normal?" "Dont you worry sweetheart, I'm going to run us a nice hot bubble bath, maybe get some champagne, and some chocolate covered strawberries. And I'll take you in there for a relaxing soak, it will help with the shakes, and also stop you feeling so tender down there" "Thank you babe, that was incredible. I'm so pleased I experienced that with you, and how you'll take care of me afterwards. I love you Terry" Leaning over to you and kissing you sweetly, he says "I love you too sweetheart, now you relax hear while I run us that bath"
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whatthefishh · 2 years
CONGRATS ON 500 FOLLOWER!!!!!!! Fun fact I hit 500 and I stillllllllll havn't done what I promised lololololol
Bc I knooooooow how we love our boi Santi, with all the Lal thots we share, can I get Santi with, of course, smut prompt, "we dont even have to take our clothes off" with fluff "As beautiful as always"
Love you bb!!!!!!
thank youuuuuu bb, this one was a bit difficult for me to come up with I won't lie, so a huge huge thank you to @melodygatesauthor for her incredible brain!
NSFW Grabby Santiago under the cut!
“C’mon baby,” Santi growled, running his hands up your thighs and pulling your skirt up with them. “We don’t even have to take our clothes off.”
His hands were digging into your ass as he buried his face into your neck, latching onto the skin there.
“Santi, the boys are right outside. They’re waiting for you to come back with the-”
Santiago cut you off, covering your mouth with his in a deep, passionate kiss that rendered you speechless, mind going blank. Picking you up, he placed you on the countertop and continued gathering your skirt up to your hips even as you glared at him to stop, the idea of his friends right outside making you anxious. 
“Santi, they’re right there-”
He put a finger on your lips, “Well then, we better be quick, dontcha think?”
He started undoing his belt, and to be honest, you shouldn’t be surprised at his eagerness as moments before the two of you came inside, you were sitting on his lap and “accidentally” wiggling on his half-hard dick. You thought it would be fun to tease him, not realising how bad the need was building for Santi this time. You played this game with each other, flirtatious glances and lingering touches in front of others, building suspense until you got the other alone. Making him so frustrated that he became ravenous, downright feral was something you prided yourself in.
Before he could get any further, you hopped off the counter and started to walk away but he pulled the both of you into the adjacent laundry room, a little further away from the door leading out to his friends. Slamming your front over the washing machine, hands on your hips, he pushed your skirt up, making quick work of your underwear and pushing his hard cock into your dripping cunt.
“Ah, sweetheart, were you really going to let yourself sit on my thigh, soaking like this? Just to fuckin’ tease me?”
He leaned forward and grabbed your breast, tweaking your nipple til he heard you gasp. You were trying so hard to keep yourself from being loud, not wanting to alert the boys outside to what might be happening indoors. They were probably wondering what was taking you two so long, considering you went in together. 
“This what you wanted, baby? Huh? You wanted me to fuck you at Frankie’s BBQ?” He asked in a low growl. 
“Y-yes, Santi.” You held on to the vibrating washing machine for support as you tried not to cry out. 
“Of course you did.” He reached the hand that wasn’t teasing your tit around your hip to slam into you harder. “Fuck, you’re so tight, so wet for me, baby.”
“Always, just for you,” you replied breathlessly.
He squeezed your hip in appreciation, “Yeah? God, you feel amazing.”
The sound of his skin slapping on yours was muffled by the Maytag cycling beneath you, but you could still hear the jingling of his belt buckle. Meaning, so could someone outside. 
“Santi.” You slapped the hand holding your hip, “Santi, I think someone’s coming in!”
“Just one more…f-fuck.” Santi was coming, and so were you, just as you heard Benny opening the sliding door to the kitchen, yelling back that you two weren’t in the kitchen.
Muffling your own cry of release into your forearm, you prayed that Benny wouldn’t think that you two slipped into the laundry to have sex at Frankie’s birthday, knowing that if he found out he wouldn’t let it go for eternity. 
Santiago pulled out and tucked himself in, then helped you adjust your own clothes to try and maintain some semblance of normalcy. You were scared to breathe, knowing that the others were wondering where you two disappeared to, worried that the smallest sound would call their attention to you like a pack of bloodhounds. Benny alone in the kitchen, mere metres away could probably sniff you two out, and you found yourself holding your breath until you heard him join the others outside again.
You felt Santi’s cum start to drip down your inner thigh, so you squeezed your legs together to try and be decent before going back out. 
Grabbing his arm before he opened the door, you adjusted his hair, his curls a little messier than before. “How’s my face? Good? Any makeup running or anything?”
He let out a smug laugh before brushing a few flyaways back. 
“Beautiful as always.”
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avintagepumpkin · 11 months
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The Kitten-Stu Macher oneshot
I read a comment asking someone to write a story about Stu having a wife and kids, so I wrote a quick one-shot.
Trigger Warning: Mature sexual language, Stu being Stu, talking inappropriate around children
Not proofread
It was a little after 5 p.m., and you were running late. It normally wouldn't bother you, but you didn't like to leave Stu home alone with the kids for too long. He wasn't exactly your idea of a suitable babysitter, great father but horrible responsible adult, so you try and limit his nanny care to only an hour two at the most.Your boss had called an urgent meeting and you had told Stu that you would get your cousin to watch them but he insisted, he was even a bit hurt that you didn't trust him with his own children. 
"Stu, are you 100% sure you can handle them while I'm gone.?"
Asking for the 100th time from the bathroom while putting on eyeliner.
"You know Y/N, I find it a tad bit offensive that you don't think I can handle taking care of my own sperm nuggets if you're not present."
He finished with a wince as he took a knee to the nuts. Grabbing your oldest child and lifting them into the air as they were laughing maniacally.
"Oh, you think it's funny to make daddy want to vomit?"
He laughed as he body slammed them into the bed, then he reached to his back and grabbed your youngest by the waist, slinging them to the front and pile driving them almost knocking their heads together, then went on to deliver blow after blow to their stomachs as they kicked and screamed, laughing the whole way.
"Honey, it's not that I don't think you're capable. It's just that you tend to be a little lax where you shouldn't."
" I'll have you know I am a strict disciplinarian, just last night I told Boo that 5 year olds can't dress up like Leatherface for Halloween. Do you know how hard that was? "
You rolled your eyes and went back to the mirror.
"The fact that she even knows who Leatherface is, that's the issue Stu."
Boo was now tugging on your dress, wanting your attention.
"What is it, sweetheart?" 
"Daddy told me that I couldn't be Leatherface because grandma already was."
Stu let's out a loud obnoxious laugh like it's the funniest thing he's ever said. All you can do is give him a stern look of disapproval.
"Honey, why don't you and James go get ready for breakfast? Your daddy will be down in a second."
With that, both of the kids took off downstairs, noise and all. You were trying to finish getting dressed, but Stu, of course, had other plans. He comes up behind you and lays his chin on your shoulder, admiring you in the mirror.
"You know this dress would look so much better on the floor."
He slowly starts to unzip it while kissing your neck.
"Stu sweetheart, our kids need to eat."
"Yes, so does daddy,"
He whispers in your ear as he kisses the lobe.
Turning you around, he lifts you up on the sink, stepping in between your legs. You can feel him pushing up against your groin. He was definitely aroused. Still kissing your neck, his hands start to rub your breasts. You want nothing more than to give in.
"Honey, stop, I have to get to work,"
"Yes, I know,"
He begins to slide his hand up your thigh.
Just as you're about to give in, you hear a blood curdling scream. The both of you run downstairs to find Boo in front of the TV dancing and singing to some show. Stu sighs, scooping her up and sitting down on the couch with her on his lap next to James as you head back upstairs to finish getting ready. 
10 minutes later, you come back down and see that Stu has made breakfast. Well, he threw waffles in the microwave and called it a day, but they were content. You give each a kiss and say your goodbyes when James asks
"Mom, what's a cockblock?"
You look at Stu in disbelief as he's putting his hand over James mouth, he smiles
"Dont listen to him, he's crazy"
then Boo begins laughing and says,
"Daddy said I'm a cookbook"
You take a deep breath and pat her on her head, looking at Stu once again
"Nice, I'm out. Are you sure you've got this?"
He grabs both kids in between both arms, leaving them dangling like potato sacks so they can all walk you out.
"Of course, what can go wrong?"
"I'll be no longer than 2 hours, I promise"
And with that, you kiss them all goodbye and pull off, leaving them waving like maniacs as you leave.
Now, finally, after 7 hours, you were pulling into your driveway. You couldn't wait to see everyone and get your hugs and kisses. You half expected the house to be burned down, but there it stood, exactly as you left it.
Walking in, you were shocked to see everything was clean and organized. You weren't sure if you had walked into the right home, it was so quiet. You walked around looking for everyone. Finally, upstairs in your bedroom, you hear Stus voice. He's reading the kids a story as their drifting off to sleep on your bed. He shushes you and quietly gets up and gives you a kiss.
You had to admit you felt a bit guilty for thinking he couldn't do it. You both walk back downstairs and head to the kitchen. He hands you a plate as you sit down at the table,
"You're late"
He sounded a bit upset.
"Yea, I'm so sorry. It took so much longer than I thought it would."
He looked at you and motioned for you to eat.
"So everything went OK?"
The way he was looking at you made you feel a little uneasy. He wasn't talking and was just staring.
You're just about to say something when you hear the kids coming down the stairs.
They both yell, jumping in your lap.
"You're finally home,"
James declares.
"Did yall have fun with daddy?"
They both started going through their day, 
"He let us eat icecream and we had pizza for lunch, than we went to the park and he swung the merry go round so fast I flew off."
"You didn't get hurt, did you?"
"No, just fell on my ass."
"James, language."
Stu is still just staring at you.
"Honey, what's wrong? You're being oddly quiet."
Stu kept the same emotionless face
Boo starts tugging on your dress again.
"What is it dear?"
"Did you bring home the kitten?"
You looked at her confused but noticed Stus eyes had widened.
"Honey, what kitten?"
"Daddy told Uncle Billy that he couldn't wait to feed the kitten when you get home."
Stu grabbed her up,
"You weren't supposed to hear that, time for bed you two."
He kissed her cheek and pushed her and James towards the stairs. You glared at him as you went up the stairs to tuck the kids in, Stu followed closely behind you. After they were all tucked in, you and Stu went to your own room. He wasted no time kissing the back of your neck and unzipping your dress.
"Stu, I'm tired."
"Oh, come on, Daddy has been waiting to bury his snake all day."
You turned around and looked at him
"You really need to be more careful with what you say around them"
"Oh come on, they didn't hear that"
" No, but Boo heard your kitten comment to Billy earlier"
Stu giggled and pulled you down on the bed.
" I truly didn't know she heard that, plus don't blame me, you're the one who left me for 7 hours alone, you know I can't be trusted"
You just rolled your eyes and went to get up.
"If anything, I should be upset with you"
He scoffed and mocked, being hurt. You laid back on the bed, too exhausted to continue this conversation when you knew you weren't going to win.
"Fine Stu, be mad at me, I'm gonna go shower,"
You went to get up, but he pulled you back down. He laid his chin on your shoulder and stared at you with his big puppy dog eyes. He knew it was your weakness, but you pushed him off and started heading towards the shower. He dramatically threw himself back onto the bed and let out a big sigh. You stopped at the bathroom door and looked his way.
"If you can behave yourself long enough for me to shower, I'll let you feed the kitten."
Stu shot up and gave you a salute, clicking his heals together.
"Sir. yes. sir, my cock and I will be standing at attention till your return."
You finished your shower and sure enough there he stood nude as the day he was born with a huge hard on.
"I'm gonna drill you all night long, baby."
You walked to him as he wrapped you in his arms.
"Military huh, what happened to feeding the kitten?"
"Oh, I'm about to feed her real good,
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babyfacebuttercup · 2 years
Spooky x Oc request where the reader is related to Jamal or Monse & they use to be high school sweethearts before Oscar went to jail & she comes back not alone with a kid that looks awfully familiar
Being the older sister of Monse was so annoying sometimes. It was like every time something happened, You always had to bail her out. If she did that ugly crying thing she does when you wouldn’t help her. But one of the few perks was you always had an excuse, to go and visit Spooky. He is genuinely the man of your dreams. In his own way he was caring, understanding and a bit jealous when it came to you. He made you feel safe, Spooky had a odd way of showing his emotions. Not many people understood that but you.
“Mmm give me one more kiss please.” You ask your boyfriend of eight years. Moving your hands up his slightly toned chest. Spooky looks down at you with hunger in his eyes. “Don’t start something you can’t finish amor.” He speaks in a whisper only making you chuckle. “You should know I always finish what I start.” Your eyes meet his as you lick your lips, making him grin in delight. “Oh yeah?” You smile yourself and nod. Now he’s on top of you on the couch, making you basically melt in his arms. “You like that?” Spooky man asks as he moves his hands up your shirt. “Are you trying to get freaky right now?” You ask as you bite your bottom lip. All the man could do was nod about to lean in for a kiss. Which was cut short, the front door flies open revealing Jamal and Ruby. The two boys attempt to walk past you two,” get a room! That’s nasty!” Jamal yells at you making you laugh making Spooky scowl at the two boys. Who quickly run to your sister’s room for safety.
Leaning against Spooky’s chest you can hear his silent laughter. “Boys this is normal. I love my spooky bear and you guys will have to get over it.” You say looking from the teens back to Spooky. Giving a kiss on his cheek making him grab your chin. Now you and him are staring into each other’s eyes.” What?” You ask smiling at Oscar before he could respond your dad comes home. Making you and Oscar scramble off the couch,”Y/N! MONSE! I GOT GOOD NEWS AND YOUR FAVORITES FOR DINNER!” Your dad turns around seeing Spooky makes his smile fall. “Oscar.” Spooky head nods your dad making you shake your head. “Mr.Finnnie.” They have a mini stare down, the air in the room becomes tense and you’re not sure what to do. Oscar breaks finally turning to you saying.” Y/n I gotta go my boys need me but I’ll call you later Princesa.” He kisses your cheek not before giving your dad another nod before leaving. “Really dad you didn’t need to do that.” You say while taking the food into the kitchen shaking your head. Following in behind you,”I don’t like him y/n and I don’t like him in my house. He’s not good for you not only that what message does that send to your sister?” Soon this conversation turned into an argument. Making Monse, Jamal and Ruby come from Monse’s room. “You can’t see that he’s actually good to me and for me can you!? It’s like you want me to be isolated!” You yell at your dad not even seeing monse right there. “Y/N I SAID I DONT WANT THAT SPOOKY GUY IN THE HOUSE! That’s all I have to say about this!” He says slamming the glass cabinet. “I WONT STOP SEEING HIM!” Your dad spins around now pointing at you,”IF YOU BRING THAT MAN BACK INTO THIS HOUSE AGAIN OR SEE HIM AGAIN! I’M SENDING YOU TO YOUR GRANDMOTHER FOR A YEAR! I AM TIRED OF THESE CONVERSATIONS!” He yells back letting his chest rise with anger, making you instantly cry. And run past the the teens standing off to the side. “You boys can stay for dinner if you would like to. Monse sit it’s time to eat.”
That night you sneak out of your window with a few things packed. Making sure your room door is locked and just in case, placing a chair under the door handle. Slipping out the window you basically run to Spooky’s house. He was the only one you could run to. You’re dad didn’t understand that it wasn’t the way he saw your relationship. But what’s the point of trying to explain that to him, that man will do anything to keep you two apart. Finally you make it to the house and see everyone outside drinking and smoking. Oscar sits beside Cesar as they talk but Oscar stands up already smiling to see you. “Here comes my girl!” He says as he holds his drink up to you, making the surrounding males nod and do the same. Showing that they have respect for you because of their leader. But when you get closer all you could do is walk into his chest. Making Spooky wrap his arms around you, “Mamí what’s wrong?” He ask softly against your ear which only makes you cry into his chest. Soon he gets the message and takes you inside the house. Guiding you two into his room, you take a seat on his bed. Spooky closes his door,”now what’s wrong my love?” Oscar ask caressing your cheek as he sits next you. And then you tell him what happens a few hours ago.
This didn’t sit well with spooky but what could he do? Stay away? But he loved you more than life it’s self. Hearing your cries made him mad, but he has control over his anger. “Well tonight your staying here with me.” You look at him and nod smiling sadly. So that night you two stay together in his room and have a very loving and passionate night. In the morning banging and yelling could be heard from outside the room door. Spooky rushes into the room, slamming the door behind him. “What’s wrong?” You ask holding the sheets up to your chest on the bed. “You have to leave the police are raiding the house. I don’t want you caught up Princesa.” He says hurriedly getting your stuff together and you hop off the bed getting dressed. “Oscar you better not get arrest or so help me I’ll never forgive you.” You say climbing out his window Spooky holds open for you. “I can’t make promises but be safe and I’ll call you don’t worry mamí.” You nod hurriedly and grab his face and give him a passionate kiss. And after he tells you to go which you do.
Running away from the house of your boyfriend which is swarmed in police. Thankfully none of them paid any attention to you. But you run as fast and hard as you can back home, which you get through your window and fall on your arm. Making you yell in pain causing your dad and Monse to come. “Y/n are you alright?” Your dad yells from the other side of the door. Twisting the lock aggressively, “y/n stay back I’m going to knock the door down.” Befor you or your sister could say anything the door was down. And here you at your window, it’s opened and you are holding your arm. And right after that incident and your dad found out you were with Oscar. He sent you away to your grandmother, who tried to understand what happens but didn’t take sides. Spooky never called or anything yes you could as Monse to tell him things. But if he isn’t willing to contact you what’s the point.
So now here you are a year later back home. With a little bundle of joy, which you had while you were away. Jamal let it slip that spooky was in jail the whole time you were away. “Don’t do anything stupid y/n.” Monse says pleading as she holds her new nephew. “I’m not I just want to confront him and show him his son.” You say while putting on your lashes. Jamal stands in the door way while Ruby tries making your baby laugh. “All I’m saying is don’t shoot the messenger he told us not to tell you anything.” Ruby says while pushing his nose up like a pig. “Well he’s an idiot and he’s going to get chewed out.” Soon your ready and you bring the three teens with you. To confront Spooky and it’s convenient because he’s having a cookout. You get closer and see him with his hair grown out a bit. Making you walk faster over to him soon you come face to face with him. He smiles a little and tries to hug you but you reject it. “Screw you where were you! Why didn’t you call Oscar?! Huh? We’re you out chasing women!?” Ask getting louder making people stop and watch you two argue. He tried explaining but you didn’t care he was posing you off. Until your son started to cry and that draws Oscars attention. “You had a baby?” He ask taking the carrier from Monse, “yes I did if you must know but why should you care?” He walks closer to you, a smile falls on your lips at the little boy in the car seat hooked to your arm.
Who only coos in return at you, giving you the confidence to speak up. “Spooky this is your son Mateo Oscar-Manuel Diaz.” He was moving. And that was worse than what he could say. This went on for sometime, “we made him?” He asks in disbelief staring at the little boy before him. “Yes we did. And before you ask he’s one and I had him while I was living with my grandmother.” Oscar takes the baby out the carrier and holds him up. “He is perfect.” He says smiling at the infant, who only giggles at him.
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Late night coffee talks
Cw:ask to tag. Herc being a boomer and not beliving in self care/lh. Mentions of anxiety but thats about it.
Summary: late night coffee talks with jerico leave tendo confronting his own issues.
A/n: this GIF goes so well. AND THATS TENDO TOO! goes so well lmao.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
♡Lovely Taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifepatrickbateman @mercuryships
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--Do you want some coffee?-- Tendo asked to Jerico, who was half asleep on his desk.
--Cant. Anxiety -- she replied
--Right. Tea, then?
She nodded and he got to work on brewing some tea for her-- you know you dont gotta stay here late, you can go to bed
--And let you all alone in here? No thanks-- jeri replied, relaxing into his Office chair.
--Hows herc handling the whole Marshall thing?-He asked, serving some hot water on a Cup.
--Well, hes glad its only momentaraley-- she replied-- but hes not handling it as well as he makes it look
--Yup-- jerico confirmed-- im doing the best I can with organizing stuff for him, hes a soldier through and through so without schedules...
--He falls appart-- tendo finished-- here, sweetheart
She took the warm Cup of tea and said-- exactly,and thank you
--No problem, so, 'bout those schedules?
--Ah, nothing outta the ordinary, bedtimes, meal breaks, work hours, the works
--I bet hes really gratefull-- the Man said grabbing her free hand.
--ive also given him a forty minute break to check in with himself yknow? Stretch, do breathing and grounding excercises
--He hates it, doesnt he?
--Yeah-- both chuckle-- he says hes "perfectly fine" and that "he doesnt need to do that self care thing" Because hes going to "get through it like a man", but I have seen him do them
--well hes an older generation-- he agreed-- no wonder he thinks like that
--Bravery, testosterone and aussie unhingedness, thats Hercules Hansen for ya
Tendo lets out a prolongued snort while hes drinking his coffee making him almost choke-- honestly, thats him alright, but hes a good guy
--Yeah he is, hes a very good guy, hes just emotionally constipated, arent we all though?
Both share a laugh in agreement, Tendo caresses the back of jeri's hand with his thumb-- hows ol' Chuck doing?
--Hes still going to his check ups,luckily hes raditation free and though he pouts like a child he doesnt miss any of his therapy sessions or medical appointments
--i said it once and ill say it again, itll always baffle me how you managed to not only make the hansens get along, but finally learn some emotionall inteligence
--hey Man,Takes one to know one-- she added-- I went down that same road, with some differences of course
--Between you and me? I think they are just very soft for you, but im glad those two are gettin' some help -- he said taking a sip from his coffee.
-- tell me about it, how they survived up to this Point is a mystery for the ages
He snickered-- nature finds a way!-- jerico laughed at the Jurassic Park reference, squeezing his hand.
--And what about you? How are you feeling?
Tendo snorts into his coffee, being taken off guard-- I uhm...not the most stressed ive been but stressed...
--Maybe you should indulge in some self care?
He looked away nervously-- ah its karma isnt it? I make fun of Herc and now im in the same spot as he is...-- tendo sighs-- its just--
--I have a lot of work to do and its very important-- both say at the same time.
--What?! -- he exclaims.
--Heard it from herc time and time again -- jerico explained sitting on the Mans lap, hands caressing his face-- you havent been taking care of yourself huh?
--airing out all of my dirty rags huh?
She giggled and said-- take some deep breaths for me, okay? Close your eyes
He obliged and started to breathe in deeply, focusing on the feeling of her hands smoothing over his face to his neck.
Tendo lets out a soft exhale and relaxes his body-- better?
--Yeah. thanks, Doll
--whenever you need me, finish this and we can go to bed
Jerico ended falling asleep against him, and he carried her to his bedroom. Maybe he could sleep some more before returning to work.
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