diaperloverdomi · 7 months
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Ilove wearing diapers 😍🚼
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acidvalleymagazine · 1 year
Malintesi uterini
La riscossa degli embrioni internazionali, immigrati con le carte in regola che vengono a popolare i paesi dei vecchi.
Embrioni internazionali alla riscossa La recente maternità, sarebbe meglio dire “acquisto di maternità” di una monumentale e attempata attrice spagnola, ha travolto tutti i giornali e telegiornali possibili e immaginabili del ridente paese iberico. Stavo per scrivere un post intitolato “Pannolini e Pannoloni” ma a fermare la mia satirica mano fu la pietà. La neomamma in questione,…
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gelatinatremolante · 8 months
Ho fatto un bagno di realtà scoprendo quanto costano certi passeggini e dopo lo stupore la prima cosa che ho pensato è stata che almeno non c'è bisogno di metterci anche la benzina.
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vintagebiker43 · 4 months
🚨In diciannove mesi le dichiarazioni del PdC, dei suoi Ministri, degli esponenti di aree di destra e centro destra, di gruppi di nostalgici con braccio alzato, hanno tessuto il racconto di un paese che non esiste.
📸 Bilancio del governo Meloni:
👉🏻 Sei milioni in povertà assoluta 👉🏻 Lotta ai magistrati 👉🏻 No alle gare d’appalto 👉🏻 Carcere ai giornalisti 👉🏻 Carcere a chi protesta 👉🏻 Duecentomila sbarchi 👉🏻 800 milioni regalati all’Albania 👉🏻 300 milioni regalati alla Tunisia 👉🏻 Pro-Vita nei consultori
✴️ Inoltre, totale disinteresse per sanità, pensioni, scuola, stipendi, asili, ambiente, strade, mezzi pubblici, sicurezza sul lavoro.
✴️ Senza contare la truffa elettorale in piena regola per tutte le promesse non mantenute, come:
▪️Blocco navale ▪️Taglio delle accise ▪️Dicevano che il ponte sullo stretto non stava in piedi e oggi vorrebbero buttare 12 miliardi per un’opera inutile ▪️Erano contro le trivelle e oggi trivellano tutto l’Adriatico. ▪️Volevano abolire la Fornero, l’hanno mantenuta e hanno tagliato sulle pensioni. ▪️Esultavano per aver messo una tassa sulle banche ma se la sono rimangiata subito. ▪️Volevano prorogare il Superbonus fino al 2025, poi l’hanno cancellato. ▪️Volevano difendere la natalità ma hanno aumentato l’IVA su pannolini, latte in polvere e prodotti per l’infanzia. ▪️Dicevano no a nuove tasse e hanno messo 2 miliardi di nuove imposte nell’ultima legge di bilancio.
➕E si potrebbe andare ancora avanti (pos, commissioni bancarie, vitalizi, ecc).
‼️Un governo composto da persone incompetenti oltreché arroganti, che quando parlano fanno gaffe una dopo l’altra (es. Lollobrigida, Santanchè, Salvini, Sangiuliano etc.)
Ivano Panetti
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bupia · 11 months
Serendipity: Chapter 2 - Papa Emeritus IV x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Following the mesmerizing Halloween ball, your second day at the Ministry arrives, marked by a celebratory lunch in honor of the Ministry's new Papa Emeritus, Copia. Little do you suspect that the events of this fateful day will unveil unexpected twists.
Words: 8.228
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol; Alcohol drink; Mentions of drunkenness.
Available on AO3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 3
Day 2: The Lunch.
In an instant, you were wide awake, your instincts kicking in as you untangled yourself from the cozy cocoon of your bedsheets. There was no time for hesitation or grogginess. With determined steps, you navigated your way through the dimly lit corridor, the soft patter of your footsteps echoing in the silence. As you entered, there, in his crib, was Andras, tiny and vulnerable, his face scrunched in distress.
Without a second thought, you reached down, scooping him up into your arms. You cradled him close, your touch gentle and soothing. As his cries gradually gave way to soft whimpers, laying him down on your arm. His cries began to subside, but he still clung to the remnants of his distress.
"Shh…" you cooed softly, your voice a soothing melody that only he could hear. "I'm here, I'm here, it's fine."
You continued to sway gently, your heartbeat and warmth a comforting presence against his tiny frame. The bedroom door swung open with a soft creak, drawing your attention away from Andras. Terzo, entered the room, his eyes locking onto yours.
"Oh, you didn't need to check him this early, piccola," he said, concern evident in his voice.
You met his gaze with a reassuring smile. "It's fine, Papa. Really."
Terzo approached the two of you, his footsteps measured and deliberate. His eyes softened as he looked down at the little one nestled in your arms. With a warm smile, he gently extended his hands, and you willingly passed Andras into his care.
"I guess someone needs a diaper change," you remarked with a playful grin.
"Mio figlio ha bisogno di pannolini freschi, sì?" Terzo inquired with a chuckle.
Together, Terzo and Andras headed toward the bathroom connected to the bedroom. You followed closely, just in case they needed a hand or any assistance. As Terzo expertly tended to Andras's diaper change, you found yourself momentarily lost in thought, your gaze drifting back to the bedroom. Copia, had suddenly invaded your mind. Images of him holding Andras in his arms, with a soft smile on his face, played like an unbidden daydream. It was a fleeting and unexpected thought, one that lingered in your mind, even as your attention returned to the tender scene in the bathroom.
"How was the Halloween ball yesterday, Papa?" you inquired, curiosity gleaming in your eyes.
Terzo didn't miss a beat, his hands working diligently. "È stato buono, molto buono," he replied, a hint of exhaustion in his voice. "We had fun, but I feel completely wasted now. I guess my days of partying until late are over."
You couldn't help but giggle at his statement. "Don't say that, I think you still can do it."
"Grazie," he said, lifting Andras into his arms. "So, I need to pass the schedule to you for today."
You nodded in agreement and followed him back into the bedroom. As he began to outline the day's plans, you listened attentively.
"Today we are going to have a meeting in the morning," Terzo began, walking toward the bedroom door with you in tow. "Then we have lunch with the clergy, and they requested it to be here," he continued, heading into the kitchen. "So I'll need you here for us."
"Me?" You looked surprised.
"Sì," Terzo nodded, busying himself in the kitchen. "I'll need you to help the siblings who will come to cook and of course, you're more than welcome to join us at the lunch."
"No problem at all, Papa," you assured him.
"Molto bene," he replied, handing you Andras. "I'll make some coffee."
"Do you need any help, Papa?" you offered.
Terzo shook his head, declining your assistance. "Could you just put Andras in the high chair? And if you'd like, it's still quite early, and you can go back to sleep, or perhaps explore the Ministry and visit the cafeteria to meet the siblings from here."
Nodding in agreement, you made your way to the high chair, gently settling Andras into it, ensuring his comfort. "Very good, you're a good boy," you whispered, earning a delightful smile from the little one. "Papa, do you need anything else?" you asked as you turned back to face Terzo.
"Per niente. Go take some hours of sleep or enjoy yourself; you deserve it."
"Excuse me, Papa," you said before leaving the kitchen.
As you returned to your bedroom and closed the door behind you, you were drawn to the morning garden outside. The soft morning light bestowed a tranquil beauty upon the landscape, holding you in its serene spell. You looked out the window with a peaceful smile, the world bathed in the gentle morning radiance. It did seem like an appealing idea to leave the chambers and venture into the Ministry, just as Terzo had suggested. With that intention in mind, you reached for the curtains, pulling them shut to grant yourself some privacy as you changed your clothes.
Then, unexpectedly, you spotted him – Copia, approaching in haste. A gasp escaped your lips, but you restrained yourself from calling out. Your eyes locked onto his figure, and you bit your lip in anticipation. He stopped suddenly, and you furrowed your brows, wondering what he was doing. His gaze turned to your window, and your eyes met, causing your heart to race.
You widened your eyes, blushing as your body felt both exhilarated and frozen in place. Copia hesitated before lifting his hand in a small wave towards you. You smiled and waved back, relief and happiness coursing through you as he mirrored your smile. He gave you a nod and then lowered his arm slowly before resuming his walk, vanishing from your view. You couldn't help but feel your heart fluttering and your stomach tingling.
You swiftly prepared for the day, changing out of your nightclothes into fresh attire. You left your bedroom and, driven by the desire to explore the Ministry, made your way to the front door.
As you ventured through the illuminated corridors of the Ministry, the morning light transformed the space into a breathtaking masterpiece. Stained glass windows cast a cascade of colors upon the marble floors and walls. It was a sight to behold.
Guided by the irresistible aroma of freshly baked bread and coffee, you navigated your way to the cafeteria. Upon arrival, you witnessed a lively gathering of siblings enjoying their breakfast and engaging in conversation. Scanning the room, your eyes locked onto Copia, sitting alone at a table near the window. Your heart raced within your chest, and a slight nervousness fluttered in your stomach as you contemplated approaching him. But then, you realized it might be your only chance to see him. Steeling your resolve, you began to move in his direction, taking one deliberate step at a time.
You approached him, saying, "You look lost, Papa."
Copia suddenly jolted at your approach, making you wonder if you had startled him.
Your voice quivered slightly as you asked, "Did I scare you, Papa...?"
He stumbled over his words before saying, "N-No... It's just... You were... now you are... lascia perdere, maybe I was lost in my own thoughts," he gesticulated with his hand to the chair in front of him. "Per favore, take a seat, sì?"
You smiled and nodded, then took a seat at the table across from him. "Thank you, Papa."
Copia seemed to regain his composure and asked, "How are you this morning? Is everything fine?"
"Yes," you replied, attempting to mask your nervousness behind a smile. "Everything is perfectly fine. And how are you, Papa?"
"Bene... I mean, good," Copia replied. "It's good to see you here. I was just thinking about you." He took a sip from his mug.
You raised an eyebrow and asked, "You were thinking about me?"
Copia almost spat his drink, but he managed to gulp it down, albeit with a cough. It seemed he had accidentally revealed his thoughts. He quickly grabbed a napkin to cover his mouth and coughed slightly.
"Are you okay?" you asked, your eyes widened as you reached for his free hand on the table.
Copia continued coughing, his grip on your hand tightening. Your worry grew as you felt the eyes of other siblings on you. After a moment, Copia stopped coughing and took a deep breath.
"Mi... mi dispiace, cuoricina," he began, his voice still a bit raspy. "I think the... the liquid went to the wrong place..."
"Was the coffee too hot?" you chuckled, brushing your thumb against his hand.
"Coffee...?" he said slowly and then looked at the mug in his hand. "Eh... no, no, this is not coffee," he chuckled, shaking his head. "It's hot chocolate."
You couldn't help but chuckle silently at how adorable he was. You released his hand, and as he took another sip, and you turned your gaze to the window.
"But, sì, sì, I was thinking about you," he continued, making you turn your face back to him.
"Were you, Papa?" you smiled, your eyes filled with curiosity and warmth. "What were you thinking about me?"
Copia's gaze was unwavering, the playful twinkle in his eyes as he spoke, "I was wondering if you enjoyed your first night here."
Your smile widened as you responded, "Ah, yes, I had a very good night. And you? How was the party?"
Copia hesitated for a moment, his gaze still locked with yours, and then he said, "It was good, but the party was not too fun."
"Why not, Papa?" you inquired, tilting your head and listening attentively.
He began to answer but paused for a moment before saying, "I felt like something was missing."
Your eyes were still focused on him, the soft light from the window playing on his face, giving him a warm and inviting aura. "Don't worry, Papa. I guess you felt that way because of your new role within the ministry. As you said, it's all new, right?"
"Sì... sì... I guess that was it," he replied, nodding thoughtfully, and taking a final sip of his chocolate milk.
"How are you feeling about lunch today?" you asked as you looked into his eyes.
"Ehh..." he hesitated.
"That doesn't sound good," you commented, your tone soft and understanding. "Did something happen?"
"Nothing happened, I'm just feeling a bit nervous, I suppose," he admitted with a soft giggle.
"Nervous about the lunch with the clergy?" you inquired.
"A little, sì," he confirmed.
"But everything is going well, you don't have to worry. Plus, your brothers will be there with you, right?" you reassured him.
"Sì, they will be there with me," he nodded.
"So, what's bothering you, Papa?" you inquired, your concern evident in your eyes.
Copia took a deep breath before answering. "I'm just a bit nervous about the rest of the week. Becoming a Papa was a dream, but now I'm feeling a little anxious about how this week will unfold."
"Oh, Papa…" you began, "I think you might be overthinking it, don't you? The week will go perfectly fine, you'll see. Besides, I believe your brothers could provide more guidance than I can. They've all been Papas before you, and I'm just a nanny."
"I know I could ask them," he admitted, his gaze locked with yours. "But talking to you makes me feel more relaxed."
"Really?" you asked, genuinely surprised.
"Sì, yesterday when we talked, you made me feel a bit more confident. Somehow, you managed to calm my nerves," Copia explained.
"I'm very glad I could help you, Papa," you responded sincerely.
Copia offered you a smile and then turned his gaze toward the window, watching the garden outside. "So, did you like your morning view today?"
"Yes!" you exclaimed with enthusiasm, turning your face to the window. "The garden looks amazing, Papa! Just look at it, all those trees, the flowers, and the grass—it's so green!"
Copia observed your excitement with a soft expression on his face. He got up from the chair, walking over to sit beside you. "Primo was the one who planted most of them or took care of them."
"No way!" your eyes widened with excitement and amazement. "Primo? Papa Emeritus I?"
"Sì, that Primo," Copia confirmed with a chuckle. "He's always had a thing for plants. I suppose it's his way of showing his softer side or something like that."
"That's really nice," you remarked, turning your head back to gaze at the garden. "Everything looks so beautiful out there. I hope I get the opportunity to visit it someday while I'm staying here at the ministry."
Copia's arm gently enveloped you from behind, his hand supporting your chair's back. He leaned in closer, his breath brushing against your ear, and pointed to the garden outside the window. "Do you see those white ones close to the tall tree over there?"
You slowly turned your head to look at him, feeling his warmth and closeness. His face was just inches away from yours, and as your eyes locked, the bustling cafeteria seemed to fade into the background. The only sounds that remained were your racing heartbeats, and the only sight was the mesmerizing contrast of his mismatched eyes.
"Did you see them...?" Copia whispered, his face so close to yours that you could feel the warmth of his breath against your mouth.
You nodded slowly, your half-opened eyes meeting his. Copia smiled, then inhaled deeply and turned his face back to the window. You followed suit, gazing at the garden outside.
"What can you tell me about those, Papa?" you asked, feeling his cheek lightly touching yours.
"Primo had me and miei fratelli plant them," Copia began. "It was the day he became a Papa, and he said they'd be a symbol of his Papa legacy and ours as well. They are tulips, White Triumphators, I believe." He chuckled and leaned back in his seat. "We used to find it amusing because when they're closed, they resemble the mitra of a Papa."
"Well... I can see..." you began, but your voice trailed off as you felt his fingers gently tilting your chin, bringing your face to meet his, "...that."
"Grazie for talking to me," Copia expressed his gratitude. "And for listening to me, even just for a moment."
You smiled, replying, "You don't have to thank me. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always talk to me."
Copia's smile was warm. "Your gentleness means a lot to me, and I genuinely enjoy our conversations. Somehow, talking to you makes me feel better. You're the only one I know who doesn't find my problems tedious."
You smiled warmly in response. "I enjoy talking to you too, Papa. You're easy to talk to, and I don't find your problems tedious at all. We all have our struggles, and I'm here to listen and support you."
"I also need to thank you for not judging this old man as overly dramatic," he sighed.
You reached out and placed your hand on his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'll never judge you, Papa. That's not drama, well, maybe just a little," you teased.
Copia intertwined his fingers with yours, leaning his face closer to yours. Your noses were now almost touching. "Are you calling your Papa dramatic? Just because he's opening his heart to you?"
"Maybe," you replied coyly.
"Do you know you are talking to the Papa Emeritus IV?" Copia asked, a mischievous grin on his face.
"Oh, I'm fully aware of who I'm talking to," you responded, gazing into his eyes.
"So, you won't take back what you said?" he teased.
"Not at all," you whispered, a playful smile dancing on your lips.
A sense of playful tension hung in the air as his gaze lingered on your face. He tilted his head to the side, looking at you with an intrigued expression. The closeness between you made your heart race, and you couldn't help but blush. After a few moments of shared silence, you both chuckled playfully, and he leaned back in his chair, ending the intense moment.
"I truly enjoyed our conversations," Copia said with a sincere smile on his lips.
"I'm glad to hear that; it means we've developed a good friendship."
"Friendship…" he repeated, his eyes briefly turning to the floor. "I'm afraid it's time for me to attend to my morning duties," he murmured, a touch of sadness in his voice.
"That's okay, Papa... I bet your day is quite busy," you replied.
Copia reluctantly got up from his seat, his gaze lingering on the floor. "Don't forget to have your breakfast, cuoricina."
"Oh, I won't, Papa!" you said, getting up from your seat and standing in front of him.
Copia turned his face towards you, his expression hinting that he might be holding something back. "I guess this is another goodbye."
You chuckled. "Yes, but you'll see me at lunch, so it's more like a 'see you soon,' I guess."
Copia managed a smile despite the hint of sadness in his eyes. "Arrivederci, cuoricina."
You replied with a warm smile, "Arrivederci, Papa."
Copia nodded, and after a lingering gaze, he turned and left the cafeteria. You watched him walk away, feeling a sense of longing. As he disappeared from view, you decided to go to have your breakfast.
As breakfast concluded, you made your way back to the Papal apartment. Upon your return, you found that several siblings had gathered there, creating a lively and bustling atmosphere. Angèle held Andras in her arms, and she asked if you could watch over him while she briefly headed downstairs to meet Terzo.
The hours rolled by, and you kept busy tending to Andras and assisting other siblings in the preparation and organization of the upcoming lunch. As you worked alongside them, you started engaging in conversations and getting to know more people from the ministry.
As the time passed, one of the siblings approached you, explaining that they would take over the tasks, and you were free from the tasks as the clergy members and Papas were expected to arrive soon, and you might want to freshen up.
Following their advice, you made your way to your bedroom and selected some fresh clothes for the occasion. A quick but refreshing bath in the bathroom revitalized your spirits. Dressed and ready, you left the bathroom and heard Secondo's voice echoing in the distance.
Peeking into the living room from the corridor, it was clear that everyone had gathered in the Papal apartment, yet Copia was notably absent. You chuckled to yourself, musing about whether a Papa should ever be fashionably late to his own formal lunch.
Before you could return to your bedroom, Dewdrop emerged from Andras' room, clutching Andras' favorite plushie in hand. He paused upon locking eyes with you.
"Look who's here," he quipped, deftly closing the door behind him.
With a playful tone, you retorted, "I'm always here, Dew..."
He took a step closer, grinning, and probed, "So..."
You feigned innocence, asking, "So...?"
"Won't you tell me how your night was?"
"My night?" you began, "Well, I came back here to the bedroom and stayed with Andras, and..."
Dewdrop couldn't contain himself, interrupting with flair, "Ah, cut it off! You came back here with Papa Emeritus IV, and you won't tell me what happened? I thought I was like... what do they call it..." He furrowed his brow, pretending to ponder. "Best friend!"
"I came back with Papa Emeritus IV, yes, but it's not what you're thinking," you said, trying to suppress a chuckle at Dewdrop's antics. "We just talked, and he's one of the Papas, after all."
Dewdrop sighed dramatically. "I thought you were about to tell me that you and Papa fu—"
"Sorry to disappoint," you interjected. "But nothing happened, we just talked and he left."
Dewdrop playfully pouted. "Well, fine then. Maybe next time you'll have something more exciting to share."
You chuckled. "We'll see, Dewdrop."
Dewdrop couldn't help but tease further. "Not even a little kiss?"
You laughed and replied, "Dew, you have quite an imagination! No, definitely not. We barely know each other, and he's a Papa. I highly doubt he'd be interested in that after just one night."
Dewdrop playfully raised an eyebrow. "You'd be surprised what the Papas can do or have done in one night with their affairs."
You laughed again and shook your head. "I think I'd rather not know about their affairs, Dew."
Dewdrop grinned and shifted his attention to the plushie in his hand. "Well, at least I have Flufficer here to keep me company." He then brought the plushie closer to his face. "Right, Flufficer? We won't cover the secrets ourselves, will we?"
You chuckled and couldn't help but be entertained by Dewdrop's lively personality. "I think Flufficer can't actually talk."
Dewdrop couldn't resist an eye roll, but a mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he teased you. "So, why did you escape the party yesterday with Papa?"
With a sigh, you explained, "I didn't escape the party with Papa! I heard that you were here with Andras. So, I told Angèle I'd come back and keep an eye on him."
Dewdrop raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "And Papa Emeritus IV came along because...?"
"Because I didn't know where to go and he wanted to see Andras since he hadn't had a chance to before," you replied.
Dewdrop nodded in understanding. "Got it."
Suddenly, the faint sound of crying echoed from a distance. Dewdrop's attention shifted, and he gave you a knowing nod before heading to the living room.
With Dewdrop attending to Andras, you returned to your room to complete your preparations for the lunch. To your surprise, when you entered, you found Copia sitting on the chair you had set near the window the previous night. He turned to you when he noticed your presence, and a warm smile spread across his face. Without a word, he approached you, wrapping his arms around your waist and gently pulling you into the room. He closed the door behind you, pinning you against it.
"P...Papa... Can I help you with something?" you started to say, but he placed his index finger against your lips, silencing you.
"I'm hiding," he whispered, looking down at you.
"Hiding?" you whispered back.
"Sì, hiding," he confirmed with a playful grin.
"From who?" you whispered.
Copia's mismatched eyes revealed a hint of nervousness as he held you close against the door. You could feel his heart racing, making it clear that he was far from feeling at ease.
You tilted your head, gazing at him with concern. "Is there something you're worried about, Papa?"
Copia sighed softly, his grip on your waist relaxing a little. "It's just... the formal lunch with the clergy. I'm not sure if I'm ready for all the conversations, the attention. I thought I could hide somewhere for a time."
"And you chose to hide here?" you asked in a hushed tone.
"Eh... I needed somewhere," he confessed.
"And the only available place was my... room?"
Copia nodded, still looking nervous. "I couldn't hide where Terzo and Angèle were, and I also couldn't hide in Andras' room, and you were at the bathroom, so there was only one option, sì?" He took a deep breath. "And I came here to stay with you."
"With me?" you asked, feeling your heart race as he closed the distance between you.
Copia hesitated for a moment, then replied, "Well, you mentioned this morning that we're friends, sì?"
"Yes," you replied, your gaze briefly darting away from his.
Copia's gloved hand gently tilted your chin upwards, urging you to meet his gaze again. His eyes held a soft, affectionate glint. "Friends support each other, sì?"
You couldn't help but smile shyly. "We can stay here as long as you need, Papa."
Copia's thumb brushed against your cheek, and he leaned closer to you, his lips grazing your ear as he whispered, "Grazie, cuoricina," his grip tightened again, and he leaned in closer. "You make me feel better, comfortable, and I trust you. I need that right now," he admitted with a wavering voice.
"Papa... you do realize that eventually someone will come looking for me, don't you?" you inquired, a soft giggle escaping your lips.
Copia sighed, his nervousness still evident in his voice. "Lo so, lo so, but I just needed a moment... to breathe, to collect myself." He looked at you with a hint of desperation in his eyes.
You reached out and gently placed your hand on his cheek, your thumb brushing lightly against his skin. "Papa, you'll do great out there. You're strong, and you have all the qualities to be a wonderful Papa."
His eyes softened, and he leaned into your touch. Slowly, he removed his arm from around you, taking a small step back to allow you to move from the door. You took a step aside and placed your hand on his arm.
"But we can stay here as long as you need to," you reassured him, gently caressing his arm with your hand.
His body shivered under your touch, and you quickly pulled your hand back, preparing to move away. However, he reached out and grabbed your arm, pausing you in your tracks.
Your bodies collided as he pulled you towards him. Your faces were so close that Copia's eyes were closed, and his breath quickened. He cupped your cheek with his other hand, sending a shiver down your spine, and a warm grip radiated from your stomach. Your eyes searched his face for something you weren't quite sure of, and he leaned in closer, his face stopping just inches from yours. His lips ghosted over yours, and you brought your hands to his arms, holding onto the sleeves of his shirt.
Your breathing quickened, and you closed your eyes as you felt his hand leaving your arm and then enveloping your waist, pressing your body against his. Your hands traveled from his arms to his shoulders and up to his neck as you began pulling him even closer. However, your moment was abruptly interrupted as your bedroom door swung open, and both of you pulled away from each other instantly.
"Fratello?" Terzo's voice echoed in the room. "What are you...?" He began but turned his gaze to you. "Oh... Did I interrupt something?" he said with a smirk, shifting his attention back to Copia.
"No, we were just talking," Copia responded.
"With the door closed?" Terzo leaned against the doorframe, maintaining his smirk. "Is this true?" He turned his gaze to you.
"Yes, Papa," you replied, unable to look at Terzo, choosing instead to focus on the floor. "Papa Copia came to my room to talk to me."
"Bene," Terzo said, nodding. "I trust you. And you," he added, addressing Copia. "I don't even have to say it, do I?"
"I'll be there in a minute," Copia replied, reaching for the door and closing it.
Copia sighed, and you kept your eyes trained on the floor. You heard his footsteps, and you could only see his shoes as he stood in front of you. Slowly, you raised your gaze to meet his, sensing a hint of longing in his expression.
"Will you stay by my side during the lunch? Just in case I need some support?" Copia asked.
You offered a warm smile. "Of course, Papa. I'll be right there with you."
"Sono ancora qui!" Terzo's voice echoed from the other side of the door.
Copia sighed, displaying his frustration, and reached for the doorknob, opening it. He proceeded to join Terzo, and together they headed to the living room to meet with the members of the clergy and their brothers. After a few moments, you followed suit and walked alongside them to the dining room.
As you arrived in the dining room, the clergy members and Papas began taking their seats. Regrettably, all the spots close to Copia were already occupied, leaving you to find a seat farther from him. However, you were content that at least you had a clear view of Copia, who was seated at the head of the table.
The lunch commenced with the arrival of the first plates, carried in by some siblings. This pattern continued as more dishes were served. Although you were already familiar with the menu, having spent a significant part of your day helping to prepare it, you couldn't help but be impressed by the elegant presentation and service of the dishes.
Throughout the meal, the conversation flowed, with some topics you couldn't quite grasp. Nevertheless, Copia expertly addressed questions from the members of the clergy, as indicated by Secondo's approving looks, Primo's nods, and the serious expression on Terzo's face. You couldn't help but feel proud of Copia, and you sent quick glances his way, each accompanied by a discreet smile. It seemed like he noticed because he mirrored your expressions throughout the formal meal.
The elaborate lunch continued for several hours until they finally reached the dessert course. However, unfortunately, you and Angèle had to excuse yourselves earlier as Andras began to cry in his room. Angèle briefly returned to the dining room, leaving you to tend to Andras until he fell back asleep. As you knew the meal was already over, and the conversation had likely shifted to Ministry matters, you decided to make your way to your bedroom, hoping to enjoy the view of the sunset from your window.
As time passed, you could still hear their voices, sometimes punctuated by the clinking of glasses, indicating that they had likely moved to the living room. At times, you left your room to check on Andras in his bedroom. You couldn't help but take quick glances at the living room, where only a few members of the clergy remained with the four Papas, sharing bottles of wine and deep conversations.
Whenever you moved back and forth between your bedroom and Andras' room, you kept taking quick glances at them, especially Copia, as he engaged in conversations with the clergy members. You felt a sense of relief as you observed that his initial nervousness and fears seemed to have dissipated.
At times, while passing through the common areas of the apartment, you found yourself stopping to listen to the conversations, even though most of it was in Italian, which you couldn't fully understand. When you did pause to listen, it was not uncommon for Copia's eyes to turn to you. In response, you would nod your head and offer him a proud smile before retreating to your own space. You couldn't help but feel immense pride for him, seeing how well he was handling his new role.
The warm, yellow lights of the Garden were finally turned on, signaling the approach of night. With that transition, the voices in the apartment began to grow quieter, including the voices of the Papas. Primo was the first one to arrive at your room to bid you goodnight, but instead, you decided to join him and the others in the living room.
Upon your arrival, you found Secondo, Terzo, and Copia seated together. They were sharing laughter and engaging in lively conversation. Secondo held a bottle of wine, while Terzo had a glass in hand, and he sat with his legs crossed. Copia, on the other hand, seemed to be in a relaxed state, almost lounging in his chair. The fabric around his neck was untied, and his shirt had some of its top buttons undone, revealing his hairy chest and collarbones.
"Non preoccuparti," Primo's voice reached your ears, and you shifted your attention from Copia to him. "They won't stay much longer, bella, they'll be gone in a few minutes. They're just a bunch of old men who can't stand drinking nights anymore."
"Vecchi uomini?" Secondo chimed in, standing up. "Guarda chi parla, il più anziano di tutti noi."
"Siamo tutti vecchi, Secondo," Terzo replied.
"Beh, non mi considero un vecchio," Secondo retorted. "Mia moglie mi fa sentire giovane. Noi-"
"We don't need to hear the details," Primo interrupted, cutting Secondo off. "She doesn't deserve to hear the details of your intimacy, brother."
"Ah, come on, Primo!" Secondo huffed and turned to face Terzo. "Terzo knows what I'm talking about. There's so much love, so much passion that we feel young again."
"He's right, I do know what he's talking about," Terzo said, taking a sip from his glass. "Actually, I think it's time for you three to let me feel young tonight, as my wife awaits me in bed."
"Scortese!" Secondo exclaimed and placed the bottle on the coffee table. "Since when did you start ending the parties so early?"
"Since I became a father," Terzo replied. "No, better yet, since I married a woman I desire to worship and cherish every night."
Terzo and Secondo laughed and made their way toward you and Primo. As they walked together to the front door, you observed their interactions. However, you couldn't help but turn your gaze back to Copia, who was pouring another glass of wine and taking a sip. Your eyes remained fixated on him, and you tilted your head as a single drop of wine escaped his lips, traced down his chin, neck, and chest, disappearing into his black shirt.
Just then, the sound of the door closing drew your attention, and you immediately faced Terzo, who was approaching your direction. You smiled warmly and watched him moving to the couch, sitting down beside Copia. You walked in their directions and started to collect the empty glasses and bottles from the coffee table.
"Sono veramente orgoglioso di te," Terzo stated, his eyes brimming with genuine warmth. "You handled today exceptionally well, fratello mio."
You carried on with your tidying, and Terzo's gaze shifted toward you, offering a appreciative smile.
"Grazie," Terzo said.
"You don't need to thank me, Papa," you humbly replied.
Terzo redirected his attention to Copia and added, "I know you had your reservations about today, but I believe you've managed everything splendidly, and I'm confident the members of the clergy are quite satisfied with your performance."
Copia nodded, his mismatched eyes reflecting his gratitude.
"But," he rose from the couch, his attention focused on Copia. "For now, it's time for you to return to your chambers, fratello. This includes..." Terzo reached for the glass in Copia's hand, taking it from him. "Niente più vino per te stasera."
Copia gazed at Terzo, his eyes only slightly drowsy. You couldn't be sure if he was drunk or simply tired.
"Hai bisogno di riposo, io ho bisogno di riposo, ne abbiamo tutti bisogno," Terzo asserted as he approached you, collecting the bottles and glasses from your hands. "Can I ask you to keep him company tonight?"
"You mean..." you furrowed your brows, "...stay with Papa?"
Terzo shook his head. "No, just go with him to his chambers, it would be greatly appreciated, piccola."
You nodded in agreement. "Of course, Papa."
Copia hesitated for a moment, his mismatched eyes flickering with uncertainty. "No!" he exclaimed, a bit too quickly. "I mean, it's not necessary. I can go by myself."
Terzo chuckled and headed for the kitchen. "I know you can, but I just want to ensure you arrive safely, and I trust her. So, buonanotte, fratello," he called before disappearing into the kitchen.
Copia remained in the living room, still half-asleep. After a moment of quiet, he gradually stood up, his body swaying slightly as he sought balance. Swiftly, you reached out and held his waist to steady him, and he looked down at you.
"I guess Primo might be right," he mumbled, resting his hands on your shoulders. "We could be seen as a bunch of old men who can't handle their drinks anymore."
"Don't think like that, Papa," you reassured him. Taking his hand, you placed his arm around your neck and wrapped your arm around his waist. "You're not old, just wiser, perhaps," you said with a smile as you guided him towards the front door.
"Is that the polite way to call me old?" He shook his head.
You chuckled and shook your head, denying the implication. "Not at all, I promise."
You reached for the front door's knob and opened it to let both of you exit. After stepping outside together, you closed the door. Suddenly, it occurred to you that you had no idea where Copia's chambers were. You turned to face him, observing the slightly dazed expression on his face.
"Papa, I... You'll have to guide me to your room," you said in a soft tone. "Again," you added with a giggle.
"Of course," he responded, shifting his arm from your neck to your waist, pulling you closer. "I'll be your guide whenever you need."
Your cheeks grew warm at his words, and you found yourself unable to meet his gaze. His grip on you tightened as you both continued to walk side by side, your arms wrapped around each other, navigating the empty halls of the ministry. There were no Ghouls or siblings in sight, a fact for which you were grateful. If Dewdrop had witnessed this scene, he would undoubtedly never let you hear the end of it the next day.
The ministry was shrouded in an eerie silence at this hour, a stillness that seemed to amplify every little sound. You could almost swear you could hear the faint crackling of the flames on the candles that adorned the walls, even if you weren't entirely sure if they were real. What you were undeniably sure of was the synchronized rhythm of your and Copia's footsteps echoing through the empty corridors. And, most unmistakably, the steady thumping of your own heartbeats. Being so close to him, wrapped in each other's arms, sent waves of nervousness and anticipation coursing through you.
After a short walk, but not an overly long one, Copia stopped before a door. He gently unwrapped his arm from your waist, retrieving a small key from his pants pocket. He skillfully unlocked the door and turned to you.
"Grazie for coming with me," he said, his brows furrowing, and his eyes only half-open. "Don't forget to tell mio stupido fratello that I'm safe."
"Of course, Papa, I'll make sure to inform him," you giggled. "Goodnight."
Copia nodded and took a step toward you, but his balance wavered once again. You quickly stepped closer, your hands went to his waist while one of his hands found rest on your shoulder. His face was near your neck, and you could feel his warm breath against your skin. You needed to maintain composure, so you took a deep breath, placing your hands on his back. Before you knew it, Copia's arms wrapped around you, and you both stood there in a silent, empty corridor in each other's arms. Your heart raced, unsure of what to do or say, but you couldn't let the moment linger.
Breaking the silence, you gently withdrew your arms from around him. "Papa, are you feeling alright?"
"Eh..." he pulled his head back, looking at you. "I'm just a little... dizzy, sì, sì. I think I need my bed."
"You need to rest, Papa," you spoke gently. "Let's go; I'll help you."
You took one of his hands in a firm grip and guided him slowly into his chambers, closing the door behind you. His room was relatively small, making it easy to navigate. As you reached the bed, you placed a hand on his back and gently helped him sit on the edge of the mattress.
"There you go, Papa," you said with a gentle smile, pulling your hands away from him. "Now, please, lay down and try to get some rest."
"Are you leaving already, cuoricina?" Copia inquired, lifting his head and gazing at you. "Can't you stay a little longer?"
You chuckled and shook your head while regarding him affectionately. "No, I can't stay. I came here just to make sure you arrived safely."
"But I really wish you'd stay with me..." he said, his eyes pleading. "I need you here with me."
You chuckled, fully aware that his words were likely influenced by the copious amount of wine he had consumed since lunch, a clear attempt to soothe his nerves. It was undoubtedly the wine talking.
"Could you at least help me remove this paint?" he sighed. "I don't want to wake up with my sheets and pillow covered in paint from my face, and I doubt I can manage it on my own."
"Of course," you replied, smiling at him.
Copia rose from his bed and took small, cautious steps towards the door. You followed closely behind, your hands at the ready in case he needed assistance. He reached for the door and gently pushed it open, revealing a bathroom. He entered and flicked on the light. You continued to trail him, entering the bathroom with him, and he came to a stop in front of the sink.
He extended his arm toward the mirror, which doubled as a cabinet. Opening it, he retrieved some wet tissues and placed them on the countertop.
"That's normally what I use..." he mentioned, turning to face you.
"Why don't you take a seat, Papa?" you suggested.
He scanned the bathroom and made his way to the toilet, sitting on the lid and turning to face you. You smiled at him, then reached for the package of wet tissues. Stepping a bit closer to him, you positioned yourself in front of him and extracted some tissues from the package, using your fingers to gently lift his chin, tilting his head towards you. His eyes met yours before they slowly closed.
You set the package back on the countertop and began cleaning his face paint. With each wipe, his flushed and puffy appearance became more evident beneath the layers of paint.
"I shouldn't have drunk that much wine, I have so many things to do tomorrow..." he began.
You chuckled softly while continuing to clean his face. "How many glasses did you have?"
"Uh..." he opened his eyes and furrowed his brow. "I... at lunch, I had one, after that, in the afternoon, I had another one, with my brothers I had two more... Uh..."
"So, four glasses?" you inquired.
"Sì, quattro," he nodded.
"Close your eyes for me, Papa," you said in a soothing tone, and he obliged, shutting his eyes in response.
You gently moved the tissues toward his eyes, carefully cleaning away the round black paint that adorned them. Copia let out a contented sigh.
"This is good," he murmured, his voice laced with a hint of vulnerability.
You couldn't help but be curious. "What is good?"
He shifted on the toilet lid, his face still concealed behind his closed eyelids. "Your touch... it's comforting."
A soft chuckle escaped your lips as you recognized the unmistakable influence of the wine in his words. However, it didn't stop a warm sensation from spreading through you.
"Thank you, Papa," you replied, your voice filled with affection.
A tranquil silence enveloped the bathroom as you continued the delicate task of removing the black paint from around his eyes. You leaned in closer, bringing your face to the same level as his, scrutinizing every inch to ensure no traces were left. Lost in your work, you meticulously examined his face until he gradually opened his eyes.
His gaze traced the contours of your face, locking onto your eyes, and you felt your cheeks heat up as your eyes met. Flustered by the sudden eye contact, you quickly straightened your posture, unable to hide the blush on your face.
"I-It's done, Papa," you stammered, still feeling bashful.
Copia got up and headed to the sink to examine himself in the mirror. "You cleaned it all, cuoricina," he exclaimed, his eyes reflecting appreciation. "You're a professional!"
"Papa..." you chuckled, "There's nothing professional about that."
Copia turned his face to you, revealing himself without the face paint for the first time. Even though you had only met him in person the day before, you had only seen him in pictures with the iconic Cardinal paint. Now, seeing him like this, your heart raced, your entire body tingled, and you couldn't help but flush. You felt tense and nervous in his presence, and as you stared at him, your feelings overwhelmed you.
Setting the dirty tissues on the sink's countertop, you moved toward the bathroom's door. However, before you could reach it, Copia gently caught your wrist, sending a wave of warmth and connection through your body. Slowly, you turned to face him, finding an apologetic look in his eyes.
"What's wrong, Papa?" you inquired, trying to conceal the flurry of emotions inside you.
"Did I... Did I say something that upset you?" he asked, concern etched in his features.
You hesitated before answering, "No."
He released your wrist and nodded, visibly relieved. "I thought I had... you were walking away."
You couldn't bring yourself to tell him the real reason you had been walking toward the door. It wasn't something he had done to upset you, but rather the effect he had on you, making you feel all giddy and nervous in his presence.
"It's late," you lied, trying to find an excuse. "I need to go back."
Copia nodded, understanding. "Eh... sì, sì, you are right," he agreed, turning off the bathroom lights and stepping closer to you. "You need to go back..." he repeated your words with a hint of sadness, his eyes conveying a reluctance to see you leave.
"Yes, Papa," you replied with a warm smile.
"Let me at least open the door for you, cuoricina," he said, rubbing his tired eyes.
Copia offered a kind smile and walked toward the door, and you followed closely behind with a hand resting on his back. He glanced at you over his shoulder, and his smile made you blush. Together, you completed the short walk to his front door. Copia stopped in front of it, opened the door, and stepped aside to allow you to pass. You removed your hand from his back and walked out of his chambers, turning to face him.
"Well, Papa, Goodni-"
Before you could finish your sentence, Copia leaned in with his eyes closed and planted a gentle, unexpected kiss on your lips. His hand tenderly cupped your cheek. Your eyes widened in surprise, and your body tensed, but you gradually relaxed, closing your eyes and cherishing the taste of wine on his lips. His lips seemed to carry the essence of every grape in the glasses of wine he had been consuming since lunch, and you couldn't help but find them intoxicating.
You found yourself frozen, not due to unwillingness, but because you were unsure of where to touch him or what to do next. Your entire body felt tense, and the few seconds that passed felt like an eternity. As Copia pulled back, you realized that the kiss had been brief, lasting only a few seconds. When you opened your eyes, you observed that his remained closed, as though he were savoring the moment or still enveloped in the sensation. Your gaze roamed over every contour of his face, lingering on his lips until his half-opened eyes met yours.
"Buonosera, cuoricina," he whispered with his voice low and a hint of huskiness in his tone.
"Goo-Goodnight... Papa..." you replied softly, gazing at him with a mix of emotions.
He nodded and stepped back into his chambers. You took a step back toward the door, and he closed it, but his eyes never left yours until the door finally shut, leaving you with a racing heart and a swirl of emotions.
You hurriedly left Copia's chambers door, the sensations of that brief yet intense moment with him still lingering in your mind. You walked back down the empty corridor, your thoughts swirling in a whirlwind of emotions.
Suddenly, you heard a door creaking open behind you, and your body froze. You quickly turned and sought cover against the marble walls, trying not to be seen. You held your breath, hoping to go unnoticed, but your curiosity got the better of you. You couldn't resist the urge to sneak a peek.
As you cautiously glanced down the corridor, you saw Copia standing in front of his door, his gaze shifting from side to side. Panic set in, and your nails nearly dug into the marble walls. Was he looking for you? Had he come out to find you? For a split second, you wrestled with the idea of going back to him, of seeking out that connection once more. But your courage faltered, and your feet refused to move. In an instant, he retreated into his chambers, closing the door behind him, and you finally allowed yourself to exhale, feeling the tension leave your body.
You reluctantly tore yourself away from the marble wall and returned to the main corridor. You found yourself lingering for a moment, gazing at his door, feeling torn between the desire to return and the understanding that it wasn't the right time.
Resigned to this decision, you turned away and continued your on your back to the Papal Apartment. As you walked, your mind raced with thoughts, but one thing remained crystal clear – the memory of his unexpected kiss.
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Piccola: Little one
Mio figlio ha bisogno di pannolini freschi, sì?: My son needs some fresh diapers, sì?
È stato buono, molto buono: It was good, very good
Molto bene: Very good
Per niente: Not at all
Lascia perdere: Never mind
Sì: Yes
Miei fratelli: My brothers
Lo so, lo so: I know, I know
Sono ancora qui: I'm still here
Non preoccuparti: Don't worry
Bella: Beautiful
Vecchi uomini: Old men
Guarda chi parla, il più anziano di tutti noi: Look who's talking, the oldest of all of us
Siamo tutti vecchi, Secondo: We are all old, Secondo
Beh, non mi considero un vecchio: Well, I don't consider myself an old man
Mia moglie mi fa sentire giovane. Noi-: My wife makes me feel young. We-
Scortese: Rude
Sono veramente orgoglioso di te: I'm really proud of you
Fratello mio: My brother
Niente più vino per te stasera: No more wine for you tonight
Hai bisogno di riposo, io ho bisogno di riposo, ne abbiamo tutti bisogno: You need rest, I need rest, we all need it
Buonanotte, fratello: Goodnight, brother
Mio stupido fratello: My stupid brother
Sì, quattro: Yes, four
Tag list: @copiasslut @copiasprincipessa @enchantedbunny @haelithra @new-age-space-age @the-did-i-ask @sodoswitchimage @thesoundresoundsecho @fishwithtitz @nimbusghoul @da-rulahh @th4t-em0-k1d @citrusbunnies @copias-sewer-rat @reeeebeeee @ghostfangirlsweden @copiaspet622 @lilylovesdew @quaildoodle @fluffysourpatch @terzossoapbar @x1nd1g0x @fantasticdeercollection @lydz1977-blog
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massimoognibene · 11 months
Mi chiamo Giorgia, sono una donna, sono una mamma e sono una che vuole che voi fate più figli, ma l'IVA sugli assorbenti e i pannolini ve l'aumento lo stesso (tiè, w me).
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segretecose · 8 months
le migliori frasi di pier paolo pannolini me sto a cacà sotto
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fridagentileschi · 2 years
Bella risposta ai gretini
Alla cassa di un supermercato una signora anziana sceglie un sacchetto di plastica per metterci i suoi acquisti.
La cassiera le rimprovera di non adeguarsi all’ecologia e gli dice:
“La tua generazione non comprende semplicemente il movimento ecologico. Noi giovani stiamo pagando per la vecchia generazione che ha sprecato tutte le risorse! “
La vecchietta si scusa con la cassiera e spiega:
“Mi dispiace, non c’era nessun movimento ecologista al mio tempo.”
Mentre lei lascia la cassa, affranta, la cassiera aggiunge:
” Sono persone come voi che hanno rovinato tutte le risorse a nostre spese. E ‘ vero, non si faceva assolutamente caso alla protezione dell’ambiente nel tuo tempo.”
Allora, un pò arrabbiata, la vecchia signora fa osservare che all’epoca restituivamo le bottiglie di vetro registrate al negozio. Il negozio le rimandava in fabbrica per essere lavate, sterilizzate e utilizzate nuovamente: le bottiglie erano riciclate. La carta e i sacchetti di carta si usavano più volte e quando erano ormai inutilizzabili si usavano per accendere il fuoco. Non c’era il “residuo” e l’umido si dava da mangiare agli animali.
Ma noi non conoscevamo il movimento ecologista.
E poi aggiunge:
“Ai miei tempi salivamo le scale a piedi: non avevamo le scale mobili e pochi ascensori.
Non si usava l’auto ogni volta che bisognava muoversi di due strade: camminavamo fino al negozio all’angolo.
Ma, è vero, noi non conoscevamo il movimento ambientalista.
Non si conoscevano i pannolini usa e getta: si lavavano i pannolini dei neonati.
Facevamo asciugare i vestiti fuori su una corda.
Avevamo una sveglia che caricavamo la sera.
In cucina, ci si attivava per preparare i pasti; non si disponeva di tutti questi aggeggi elettrici specializzati per preparare tutto senza sforzi e che mangiano tutti i watt che Enel produce.
Quando si imballavano degli elementi fragili da inviare per posta, si usava come imbottitura della carta da giornale o dalla ovatta, in scatole già usate, non bolle di polistirolo o di plastica.
Non avevamo i tosaerba a benzina o trattori: si usava l’olio di gomito per falciare il prato.
Lavoravamo fisicamente; non avevamo bisogno di andare in una palestra per correre sul tapis roulant che funzionano con l’elettricità.
Ma, è vero, noi non conoscevamo il movimento ambientalista.
Bevevamo l’acqua alla fontana quando avevamo sete.
Non avevamo tazze o bottiglie di plastica da gettare.
Si riempivano le penne in una bottiglia d’inchiostro invece di comprare una nuova penna ogni volta.
Rimpiazzavamo le lame di rasoio invece di gettare il rasoio intero dopo alcuni usi.
Ma, è vero, noi non conoscevamo il movimento ambientalista.
Le persone prendevano il bus, la metro, il treno e i bambini si recavano a scuola in bicicletta o a piedi invece di usare la macchina di famiglia con la mamma come un servizio di taxi 24 h su 24. Bambini tenevano lo stesso astuccio per diversi anni, i quaderni continuavano da un anno all’altro, le matite, gomme temperamatite e altri accessori duravano fintanto che potevano, non un astuccio tutti gli anni e dei quaderni gettati a fine giugno, nuovi: matite e gomme con un nuovo slogan ad ogni occasione.
Ma, è vero, noi non conoscevamo il movimento ecologista!
C’era solo una presa di corrente per stanza, e non una serie multipresa per alimentare tutta la panoplia degli accessori elettrici indispensabili ai giovani di oggi.
Allora non farmi arrabbiare col tuo movimento ecologista!
Tutto quello che si lamenta, è di non aver avuto abbastanza presto la pillola, per evitare di generare la generazione di giovani idioti come voi, che si immagina di aver inventato tutto, a cominciare dal lavoro, che non sanno scrivere 10 linee senza fare 20 errori di ortografia, che non hanno mai aperto un libro oltre che dei fumetti, che non sanno chi ha scritto il bolero di Ravel…( che pensano sia un grande sarto), che non sanno dove passa il Danubio quando proponi loro la scelta tra Vienna o Atene, ecc.
Ma che credono comunque poter dare lezioni agli altri, dall’alto della loro ignoranza!
Fonte: blog decideilpopolo.it
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orotrasparente · 11 months
il governo meloni dice A e fa B
poche settimane fa si diceva di abbassare l’iva sui beni essenziali, prossimamente aumenteranno l’iva sui pannolini e prodotti intimi (tra cui assorbenti e tamponi)
so capaci solo a contraddirsi tra loro 💀
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ilpianistasultetto · 1 year
Oggi con un cliente ci siamo ritrovati a parlare delle nostre vacanze: "io cercavo un po' di tranquillità. Il posto era molto bello e ho pagato pure poco, ma ho trovato un bordello di gente...!" Ora, che in un posto molto bello, dove hai pagato poco, hai trovato un sacco di gente mi sembra ovvio; non hai l'esclusiva dei posti belli, lo stesso pensiero tuo lo avranno fatto pure gli altri, o no? Se proprio vuoi trovare un posto tranquillo, nel mese di agosto, dove addirittura non si paga niente, io ti consiglierei il cimitero. Là ci sono gli alberi, i fiorellini, le fontanelle, gli uccellini. Trovi tutta gente molto silenziosa, per niente fastidiosa, niente rumori e una grande tranquillità, hai capito?
Ci sono sempre queste persone che conoscono “certi posti”, gli esploratori di 'sto cavolo, come quelli che sanno dove si mangia la migliore pizza, come conoscessero tutte le pizzerie del mondo. Sanno tutto loro e se ti chiedono quanto hai pagato una certa cosa, state molto attenti, non aspettano altro che conoscere il prezzo per dire: “se me lo dicevi prima ti indicavo un posto dove la pagavi meta'!"
Poi, glielo dici prima e non ti sanno dire niente, e si offendono pure quando gli dici: “ma tu non sei quello che “se me lo dicevi prima?”
Come tanti politici che promettono mari e monti: taglio le accise, faccio la flat tax, mille euro per tutti, blocchi navali, più sicurezza, pannolini gratis, più pensioni per tutti e poi scoprono che non ci sono soldi per mantenere i mari e i monti.
Sarebbe il caso che il cittadino che li ha votati gli dicesse in faccia: “se me lo dicevi prima...”.
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u-more · 5 months
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Il presente? Un disastro: potere d’acquisto in caduta libera, aumento IVA su pannolini, assorbenti, latte in polvere e passeggini, via il reddito di cittadinanza, crollo della produzione industriale, crescita del Pil a picco, sistema sanitario nazionale vicino al crac, PNRR in ritardissimo, ministri inguardabili. Il futuro? Boh. Questa la realtà: ma voi scrivete “Giorgia” e continuerete a vedere un altro film.
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principessa-6 · 8 months
😍 Bellissima da leggere!!!
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"Non ti ho messo al mondo ma hai dormito sulla mia pancia. Non ti ho allattato ma ti ho nutrito con il mio amore ogni giorno. Non ho cambiato i tuoi pannolini ma ho raccolto i tuoi bisogni in una busta. Non ho calmato il tuo pianto con un ciuccio, ma ti ho dato sicurezza quando la paura ti ha fatto rabbrividire e sei corso tra le mie braccia. Non ti ho portato sull'altalena ma abbiamo trascorso ore insieme nel parco. Non mi occupo del bullismo, ma se qualcuno ringhia o ti attacca, ti difendo con unghie e denti. Non ti insegno a scrivere e disegnare, ma ti insegno ad essere educato. Ti sgrido, ti punisco e ti perdono come una madre. Mi manchi quando non ti vedo. Ti porto ovunque con me e ti penso come un figlio. Di notte mi sveglio per vedere se dormi al mio fianco, ti guardo e ti accarezzo. Non hai il mio sangue, ma tra noi c'è un legame unico"... ❣️💕❣️
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smokingago · 8 months
Dal primo gennaio l’iva su passeggini e seggiolini auto è passata dal 5 al 22%. I pannolini dal 5% al 10%.
Viva la famiglia tradizionale, incrementiamo le nascite!
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vintagebiker43 · 2 months
Mangino Brioches
- Ciao Giorgia, scusa, dove lo mettiamo "ora in #Europa le regole le dettiamo noi?"
- Lì, mettetelo vicino a "#blocconavale", "tassa sugli #extraprofitti delle banche", "#pensioni", "#accise", "#Iva sui pannolini", "#orbeterracqueo".
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lesolitecose · 22 days
Non c'è cosa più bella che svegliarsi e ritrovarsi nell'abbraccio della mia bimba dopo settimane.
C. sei l'amore della mia vita da quando ti cambiavo i pannolini, lo sei anche quando litighiamo e facciamo pace 💞
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Giovanni ha 6 anni e sta giocando con il suo Cicciobello. Passa un signore anziano lo guarda e gli dice:
"Ma giochi con le bambole? Sei un maschio dovresti giocare con i soldatini."
Me lo immagino già uno degli uomini della vecchia generazione cresciuto con l'idea che commuoversi, lavare i piatti, prendersi cura della casa ma soprattutto prendersi cura dei propri figli, cambiargli i pannolini renda l'uomo meno virile e meno uomo.
Giovanni lo guarda negli occhi e non si scompone e regala una risposta da Oscar:
"Sono il papà mica la mamma!"
Il bambolotto è suo figlio e si chiama Mario.
Giovanni non lo sa che con una semplice risposta sta rendendo il mondo un posto più bello. La sua saggezza ha tanto da insegnare a chi probabilmente si crede più saggio.
In un attimo non è sbagliato quello che fa ma quello che gli viene chiesto.
Avanti Giovanni sarai un grande papà e un grande uomo. E sicuramente hai dei grandi genitori.
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