oraclememehacker · 5 months
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"Panther! Watch out!" They were in the middle of a battle in mementos when an enemy got an attack that was heading right towards Ann. With its strength, and the fact that they had been in there a while and were all starting to get tired, she realized that was going to knock her completely out. With just a few moments to spare, Futaba casted final guard, blocking the attack outright.
She let off a sigh of absolute relief, her heart racing in her chest from the adrenaline. "You'll be fine Panther, let's just wrap this battle up and get out of here. Two more enemies left. Let's do this!" Once they wrapped things up, it was time to lick their wounds and head back out for the day. "Are you alright still by the way Panther? Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Just felt like I barely managed to succeed in a QTE event, heh."
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navihack · 5 months
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after having a casual lunch at bikkuri boy in another excursion to help futaba overcome her social anxiety, she leaves the table after helping pay the tab. however, futaba's attention is immediately captured by the sound of music coming from the arcade; it's music she instantly recognizes. " ann ! i think the ddr machine in here added a few risette songs ! " she beckons her friend to follow her, the sleeves of her jacket making a subtle swish noise as they move with her gesture. " c'mon, i'll even pay for the first dance ! " oracle offers, already taking out the required yen in coins to put into the machine. " ooh, they've got a muses song, too !? i didn't think their music was still popular ! "
starter for @pansmaki.
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tvstarkuma · 5 months
@pansmaki | Disney Starter Call
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“Everywhere you look I’m standing in the spotlight!”
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mjrarcana · 5 months
@pansmaki ♥'d!
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"Wow--- I like your bag! Where did you get it?" She would love to be able to have nice things like that. Maybe she should get another part time job.
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blazeoflife · 5 months
@pansmaki // moved ask from here
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"Hey, no worries! I know this is a lot of people and information to take in in the last few days." Junpei stated, rubbing the back of his neck, as he also was trying to remember who everyone was. On top of the Phantom Thieves having their own names, they even had code names, and Junpei thought that was the coolest thing on the planet. That is, next to fighting shadows and saving the world.
"I'm Junpei Iori." He put his hand from his neck to his chest and grinned. "I...think you are Takamaki-chan? I only caught your last name by Mitsuru-san. Though, Panther is such a cool code name!" Of course Junpei would remember that over Ann's full name.
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voltbones · 5 months
walk me to the station ? i mean ⎯ with me !!
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ryuji   paused,   taken   aback.   his   instinct   screamed   for   him   to   deny   her.   he   wanted   nothing   more   than   to   be   alone   with   his   misery.   the   last   thing   he   needed   was   company.   today's   failures   weigh   heavy   on   his   mind.   his   teachers'   voices   echoed   in   his   mind,   berating   him   for   skipping   classes   again.   to   top   it   off,   he'd   just   found   out   he   was   tanking   english.   combined   with   the   sting   of  his   mother's   job   hanging   by   a   thread—alone   was   exactly   what   he   preferred   right   now.
he scratched behind his head.    ...   there   was   something   off   about   ann   today   and   despite   everything,   ryuji   wasn't   one   to   leave   his   friends   hanging—not   when   they   might   need   him.  
he   might   not   be   great   at   picking   up   cues,   but   it   didn't   take   a   detective   to   see   ann   needed   support.
he   pushed   aside   his   own   turmoil   and   mustered   a   grin ( not   quite   as   raucous   as   usual   ) but   genuine   nonetheless.   "sure   thing,   ann,"   he   replied,   trying   to   inject   some   cheer   into   his   voice.   "let's   go."
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faithbless · 4 months
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" ann! what a pleasant surprise. i wasn't able to catch up with you after the last mission.." pushing her red glasses back into position, kasumi tries her best to make a radiant smile despite cheeks becoming blushed. " you did great, as always. " @pansmaki sc.
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ochazos · 5 months
ann has a crush on you !! ⎯ bc i really hc this LOL
Send "____ has a crush on you!" to my muse to see their reaction / @pansmaki
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"Nah. No way."
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nijimx · 5 months
haaappy happy happy birthday , to you !! she comes baring sweet treats & buchimaru trinkets !!
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She hadn't been paying attention and the sudden song had caught her a little off guard but she quickly flashed the other a grateful smile. "Thank you, Ann." Sweets from Ann were sure to be tasty. "If you'd like we could share these? I doubt I'd finish all of these by myself." She hums looking down at the trinkets of her favourite mascot.
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fatexbound · 5 months
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@pansmaki said: we said that at the same time !! @ makoto !
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"We did...! What perfect timing." A delighted bout of laughter left the Priestess's mouth as she brought up her hand to her mouth. Surprisingly, her mandatory study session with the Lovers was going swimmingly, raising her own expectations when they both uttered the correct answer for the very last math problem in Ann's textbook. Thus, ending it without too many distractions, although she had voiced some complaints about the heat.
"Ah... finally, we can relax. Shall I bring us some snacks?" She leaned back to stretch her arms in the air and roll her stiff shoulders. "Of course, I can also treat you to lunch and dessert." She shot her a smile.
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voltbones · 6 months
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                      an  independent,  friends  only,  highly selective &  private 
                             𝚁𝚈𝚄𝙹𝙸  𝚂𝙰𝙺𝙰𝙼𝙾𝚃𝙾/𝚂𝙺𝚄𝙻𝙻  from  𝙿𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙾𝙽𝙰  𝟻.
𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚜: @pansmaki 🗲 @foxend 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚕: @regalhoax
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ochazos · 5 months
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@pansmaki said: how often do they do self-reflection? / accepting
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Before he moved into the dorm, almost never. He didn't really do anything and just went through the motions on autopilot. There wasn't much to reflect on aside from what others had said about him. After working with SEES for awhile, he does a LOT of self-reflection. And in my post game au and P5R verse, he does it a lot.
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fatexbound · 5 months
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@pansmaki said: “ you need to have more faith ! ” @ makoto !
More Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously!
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"I know, Ann..." The brunette let out a small sigh over the other end of the line, and sank into the comfort of her apartment's sofa. It's been a few days since they stole her sister's treasure and Makoto couldn't sit still. She checked into her bedroom every three hours to make sure she was alright-- just breathing, sleeping and presumably in some amount of pain from their battle.
"The apartment is so quiet without her voice, it's suffocating..." She confessed. "Maybe-- maybe I need to go get some fresh air. Do you... want to take a walk with me in the park, perhaps? Talking with you seems to help so far. I apologize if you're busy..."
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chibitantei · 5 months
@pansmaki said:
it's always refreshing to see a man accessorize .
Fashion / Unprompted
When it came to fashion, Naoto was out of her depth. So as anyone did, when put in the same situation as her, she nodded and agreed with someone who did.
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“I don’t really accessorize myself, but I see the point.” The detectives wore suits and neckties, and so did she, naturally. Comparing herself against Takamaki only revealed how out of place Naoto looked. She was going to try her best and ignore that thought, however.
“So, what do you plan to get him?”
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ochazos · 5 months
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@pansmaki said: what shampoo, conditioner, cologne/perfume and deodorant do they use? / accepting
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Makoto is actually very particular about smells. He tends to gravitate to more gentle scents. And he doesn't really like a lot of the more "masculine" types of smells as they are too strong for him. He typically likes scents like vanilla or fresh linen. Smells that are nice but not overpowering. He always makes sure that he smells decent too. I feel like people would probably notice that Makoto DID typically smell good despite his aloof personality.
When it comes to shampoo and stuff, he tends to move towards vanilla or just very mild scents. Same with deodorant. There are a few smells that Makoto likes and he sticks with those for everything.
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ochazos · 5 months
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@pansmaki said: ❛  do you ?  ❜
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He paused, eyes drifting down to the ground a little. He slipped his hands into his pockets. He had said something out of turn. That he thought he knew something about the Phantom Thieves. He had been trying to find a way to contact them. Despite his attempts to avoid talking to other people, he had to collect information somehow. He had heard Tamaki had some connection to the first target. All he had said was that he needed help from the Thieves and he was met with that response. Maybe it was a taboo subject in school after all.
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"..... yeah."
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