rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Pantà de la Baells, Spain (No. 1)
The Baells reservoir is a Spanish hydraulic infrastructure located on the Llobregat River, in the Bergadá region, province of Barcelona, Catalonia. It consists of a dam located in the municipality of Serchs. It extends through the terms of Serchs and Vilada, between the pre-Pyrenean mountains of Catllarás, to the east, and Figuerassa and Arades, to the west. To the right of the reservoir runs the C-16 road, between the Cadí tunnel and Berga-Manresa, and is crossed by the C-26, which links Berga and Ripoll.
The aim of the reservoir is to regulate the upper basin of the Llobregat River, supply water to the metropolitan area of Barcelona and produce hydroelectric energy.
Source: Wikipedia
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boschintegral-photo · 2 years
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Pantà De La Baells Cercs, Catalonia, Spain
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A winter postcard. Pantà de Terradets dam in the High Pyrenees, Catalonia.
Photo by llampito on Instagram.
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jojacobs · 2 months
Pantà de Sau - highlighting the water crisis. An artistic research. from Sarah Fuchs on Vimeo.
Artists from various European countries meet in Pantà de Sau (Spain) to draw attention to the European water crisis. Through powerful images and sounds, they aim to create awareness across national borders. Pantà (= swamp, moor) de Sau, a reservoir on the river Ter in the province of Barcelona, stands as a vivid example of the water crisis. Approximately a thousand inhabitants of five villages were displaced during the construction of the dam (which was completed in 1962), and the church of Sant Romà de Sau was submerged.
With the reservoir's water content dwindling to a mere 5% at the beginning of 2024, it now represents an endangered source of water supply for Catalonia. The church symbolizes the failure of this water project, as it is once again completely visible due to the reservoir's low water levels. The foundations and walls of previously flooded houses have resurfaced as well. The aim of this artistic project is to use the perception and resonance of the individual artists to express their emotions, physical and sensual reactions, and associations with the situation at the drying-out reservoir. They do so through artistic means such as performance, dance, music, visual arts, and poetry.
Artists: Annette Dorothea Weber Antonio Pipolo Coral Soffer Georgia Begbie Michele Ciccimarra Peter Hinz
I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding. John O`Donohue
Funded by the EU and the Goethe Institute, Kunst & Demokratie, and the Freudenberg Foundation
'This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union'.
Trailer Editing: Antonio Pipolo, Peter Hinz Trailer Music: Michele Ciccimarra, Peter Hinz
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minister-presidents · 6 months
Cornelia Corba y Pantà de Cuerda
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brownichu27 · 6 months
#Historiesqueinspiren: L'elefant blanc
El gaig féu un esforç enorme per mantenir la seva trajectòria. Cauria. Ho percebia. Però per un motiu desconegut havia sentit la necessitat de tornar a aquell indret. El mateix lloc que originalment l���havia condemnat. De sobte, el pantà que sobrevolava arribà a la seva fi… I per sobre la superfície de l’aigua, la torre d’un antic campanar de pedra s’alçava amb majestuositat, resistint el pas del…
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agernext · 8 months
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Catalunya està vivint una de les pitjors sequeres que es recorden, quasi en un grau similar a la sequera del 2008. Tot i que diuen els mitjans que aquesta sequera no afecta tant la província de Lleida com les províncies de Barcelona o Girona, la realitat és que, al menys, la conca de la Noguera Ribagorçana també està afectada. A la foto veiem el pantà de Canelles, el segon per capacitat a tot Catalunya, en uns nivells que, de continuar així poden afectar les activitats turístiques al Congost de Mont-rebei.
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nevenkawarning · 1 year
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Pantà de Sau
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quimrs · 2 years
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#embassamendesau #sau #sequera Embassament de Sau (en Pantà de Sau) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnKuS14IO6n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ernestdescalsartwok · 3 years
SIURANA-ART-PINTURA-ESGLESIA-SANTA MARIA-EMBASSAMENT-RIU-PAISATGES-CORNUDELLA-TARRAGONA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: SIURANA-ART-PINTURA-ESGLESIA-SANTA MARIA-EMBASSAMENT-RIU-PAISATGES-CORNUDELLA-TARRAGONA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Impresionante paisaje en SIURANA, Cornudella, comarca del PRIORAT en Tarragona, catalunya, la església de Santa Maria arriba del promontorio con el agua del rio y el pantano debajo suyo. Pintura con profundidad paisajista entorno a un monumento histórico, mucha importancia en el cielo que se abre para dejar pasar la luz a través de las nubes. Cuadro del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50 x 70 centímetros, pintando la variedad de paisajes de los pueblos y monumentos con la naturaleza, piedras y árboles complementan la obra.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Pantà de la Baells, Spain (No. 2)
The dam, with a double curvature arch, was inaugurated in 1976.1Concrete containing boulders of different sizes was used in some places and, in others, reinforced concrete.
Its construction caused the displacement of the village of San Salvador de la Vadella, which was under water, and scattered houses to a newly built village, Sant Jordi de Cercs, the closure of the railway line from Guardiola de Berga to Olvan-Berga in 1972 and the construction of the Vilada bridge.​
In its waters you can practice rowing, sailing and motor navigation at less than 16 knots.​
The banks of the swamp are considered of interest for flora and fauna. In its waters you can fish carp, pike, pike perch, black-bass, catfish and some trout.​
Source: Wikipedia
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boschintegral-photo · 2 years
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Pantà De La Baells Cercs, Catalonia, Spain
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lenacostadiaz · 6 years
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del pantone azul al gris en el pantano 
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clotxa · 4 years
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#EmbassamentDeGuadalest #pantà #pantano #Beniardà #Guadalest Verano alternativo con senderismo y deportes acuáticos en el embalse y río Guadalest. (en Embalse de Guadalest) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDbkk5SILo1/?igshid=cl96ddmsca3o
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africafanlo · 7 years
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Apunts del #pantà #vallvidrera #pantàdevallvidrera #illustration #draw #dibuixant #natura #africafanloillustration #africafanlo #llibretesillustrades
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minister-presidents · 6 months
Maria Gràcia Pantà y Mariner Francisco de Corba
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