sarahnaomityrrell · 5 years
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BOOK COVER - Departure from Prophecy
The second book cover for Nikolaas Liquette's Pantheon Rebellion fantasy series. Read the first book, The Counterfeit God: https://amzn.to/3cyA09w And get the newly released second book, Departure from Prophecy: https://amzn.to/330scsQ
Book Blurb: "There's a power inside Riordan that ignites whenever his imagination wanders... ...and then inflicts that vision on the world.
The demigoddess of harvest, craving that ability for herself, discovered that she was rejected by it. What was denied to the gods, however, had become available to mortals... who she could manipulate. The emergence of that power, seeded in Riordan, is manifesting, except now he’s in the clutches of another demigoddess, sparking a proxy war between the two deities. Two friends come to his aid, each equipped with impossible weapons forged by his hand, but to which they are growing addicted."
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