#papa strickland
rule-number-3 · 2 years
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I love their relationship.
Real question: since Bular has presumably been with the Janus order for a long time, now, do you think he has at least some knowledge of human technology? Do you think he has a phone to use for emergencies? Does he know what a meme is?
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albentelisa · 5 months
Hi! Here's a slight angsty idea. What if Claire was kidnapped as baby and raised to believe she was Morgana's daughter?
In an effort to make the lie convincing, and as a side affect to make sure Ophelia and Javier can't find their daughter easily, Morgana changed her name to Fontaine.
As for NotEnrique, let's just say Jim's the older sibling in this AU since the Nuñez parents didn't want to risk having another kid, only for a repeat to happen.
Jim is still the Trollhunter though.
Oh, another angsty one!
So, Morgana feels she needs an actual magic user in addition to the changelings to help her get out of her imprisonment. She decides that the best solution is to raise one herself (well, kinda).
A search for a baby with a good shadow magic aptitude leads her to Claire. The Janus Order has never gotten in trouble kidnapping babies so it's not that problematic here. The only difference is that there is no substitute baby, so Ophelia and Javier start the search frantically.
Morgana picks two changelings to act as Claire's parents for the public but she commands them to treat the baby as her own daughter (basically, Claire is kind of the Janus Order's princess in this AU). Morgana communicates with her 'daughter' either through possessing one of the 'parents' or via dreams. Claire started learning shadow magic early on and has made good progress.
When Claire is older, she starts to question how Morgana, who has been sealed for centuries, can be her mother, but Morgana invents the plausible lie that Claire is the creation of her magic and the two are connected to the point that if Morgana dies, Claire will disappear..
Initially, Claire and her fake family live outside Arcadia to throw off Javier and Ophelia, but they move back when Claire is 14. Morgana initiates it so that Claire can watch Strickler's actions (as she absolutely trusts Claire and has doubts about Stricklander).
As for Jim and his relationship with Enrique, in this AU Barbara had another relationship that gave her a second son (and another bastard ran away, this time when the kid was only a month old). Enrique is older in this AU, he's five by the beginning of the Trollhunters. The switch happened when Enrique was only nine months old, so basically Jim has had NotEnrique as a brother for more than four years. Jim suspects nothing, only thinking that his little bro is too spoiled and annoying. NotEnrique, on the other hand, has gotten dangerously attached to both Jim and Barbara.
Claire is under a lot of stress as Morgana forces her to practice her magic which is based on negativity. She has only two outlets - Papa Skull music and theatre. That's why she joins the school play.
When Jim finds the amulet, there are three people from the enemy's camp who learn about it - Claire, who notices it during the lesson, NotEnrique, who sees it at home, and Strickler, who learns much like in the canon.
Claire reports to her mother about the amulet and gets an order to seize it before anyone else (as Morgana wants to use it as a bargaining chip). Claire decides to seduce Jim (not aware that he's already head over heels for her).
NotEnrique, on the other hand, is deadset on getting the amulet from Jim before Bular learns who is the new Trollhunter. He wants to keep his family safe from the mess.
Strickler also wants to get the amulet. He could use NotEnrique for that, but somehow he doubts that NotEnrique will give him the amulet and not get all the credit for himself. So Strickler comes to the Lakes' household and meets Barbara (NotEnrique is obviously upset and tries to shoo Strickler away).
From now on, there are three people trying to get the amulet while not letting others succeed. The complication is that both Strickler and Claire start to actually fall for Barbara and Jim respectively. It's even worse for Claire, who has trouble understanding her budding feelings. She even starts to wonder if she can convince Jim to switch sides and become Morgana's champion.
Everything goes downhill when Jim accidentally exposes NotEnrique with a gaggletack as NotEnrique tells him Strickler's true identity out of spite. It leaves Claire the only one off the hook, and Strickler begrudgingly suggests to her to unite their efforts, promising her that Jim will be fine. However, Claire doesn't have her advantage for long as NotEnrique exposes her as well once he realizes that the girl Jim dates is actually Morgana's daughter.
Jim has a final confrontation with Bular and barely wins (Claire at some point blasts Bular to give Jim an advantage). Unfortunately, Claire ends sucked into the Darklands together with Nomura.
Strickler still runs away and later returns with Angor. He feels that he needs some protection both from Jim and Morgana who should be enraged for what has happened to her daughter. However, Morgana actually doesn't mind Claire being stuck in the Darklands - she thinks it can be a fitting punishment for falling in love with Merlin's champion (she plans to free her later).
Jim plans to venture to the Darklands and save his real brother and Claire (as he realizes that he should listen to her story first before judging her).
In the Darklands, Gunmar imprisons Claire for helping to kill Bular (he would rather kill her, but he realizes her importance to Morgana). Claire bonds with Nomura and hears about her history with Draal. Nomura is sure that dating an enemy can only lead to heartbreak and tragedy and that love turns into hatred once the lover learns about the deception.
Angor Rot never loses the shadow staff in this AU, but he drops it at the Trollmarket when he dies.
Jim ventures into the Darklands and saves Enrique, but is stuck like in the canon when the Killahead is destroyed. That's how he meets imprisoned Nomura and Claire. Jim and Claire have a talk and reconcile.
When Jim's allies come to save him, they also save Nomura and Claire. Seeing that Claire has succeded, Nomura decides to try reconciling with Draal.
Claire finds the shadow staff at the Trollmarket and picks it up. She has no idea that it belongs to Morgana though - she thinks it's just a great staff for busting her shadowmancy. It turns out to be a grave mistake as Morgana uses it as a conduit to possess Claire.
Initially, there are just occasional blackouts, and Claire herself is unaware. During those, Morgana contacts the remains of the Janus Order, has a deal with Gunmar, and revives Angor Rot.
Strickler returns, and Jim and his team learn that Gunmar is out and that some magic user is helping him. Strickler suspects Claire, but Jim is sure his girlfriend will never betray them (the irony is that both are right).
Claire starts to realize that something is wrong but tries to solve it herself first, and fails miserably. Morgana takes over and escapes. Meanwhile, Gunmar and Angor go to Merlin's tomb and recover Merlin's staff without any complications.
Jim is desperate to save Claire from Morgana's possession. In his search for a solution, he stumbles upon GDT Arcane Books and meets Douxie. Douxie admits that he's a wizard, but his expertise might be limited, so he suggests waking up his master.
Merlin isn't happy to wake up amid the mess. His staff is stolen, his student is involved for some reason, and his supposed champion is in love with Morgana's daughter (or student, or whatever)! Merlin refuses to help Claire (both because she is a shadowmancer and because he simply cannot do a thing), and Jim tries to reach her soul himself.
Claire temporarily snaps and starts a mental fight for control with Morgana. Morgana brings back her lie about them being too connected, but Claire realizes that she wants to be free and would rather die than live under Morgana's constant control. With that determination, she banishes Morgana out of her mind.
The final battle approaches and Merlin tries to talk Jim into taking his elixir. He's less successful because Jim is already angry with him for not helping Claire. He still agrees that it would be difficult to defeat both Gunmar and Morgana.
Jim shares his concern with Claire, and she admits that she could also use transformation magic on him and give him the ability to turn into a troll at will, but she isn't sure if it will work properly and that it might have horrible consequences, and that Merlin's elixir can be a better and safer solution. Jim says that he trusts her way more than he trusts Merlin, so he's willing to risk.
Claire's magic works as intended, and the team faces Gunmar and Morgana. Claire goes against her 'mother', fully expecting to die together with her. She's rather shocked when after sealing Morgana, nothing happens.
Later, she gets some visions in her dreams regarding her true family and decides to reconnect with them.
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dominousworld · 4 months
Chi è il vescovo conservatore del Texas sospeso dal Vaticano
Chi è il vescovo conservatore del Texas sospeso dal Vaticano
a cura della Redazione 12 novembre 2023 Sabato il Vaticano ha diffuso una nota in cui comunicava di aver tolto l’incarico al vescovo di Tyler (in Texas) Joseph Strickland, senza specificarne le ragioni. All’interno del ramo più conservatore della Chiesa cattolica statunitense Strickland è una delle figure che negli anni si sono mostrate più critiche verso l’approccio riformatore di Papa…
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laus-deo · 4 months
El obispo católico Joseph Strickland intervendrá en la conferencia conservadora CPAC
A pesar de su destitución controversial por el Papa Francisco, el obispo Strickland continúa siendo una voz firme en cuestiones provida, recibiendo elogios y un premio de Sacerdotes por la Vida por su dedicación. Leer más… »
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“Omobenedizioni”? Ci sono vescovi che dicono: NO
C’è un piccolo, piccolissimo, gregge di vescovi rimasto fedele al Vangelo ed è quello che, pur perseguitato dal mondo e dalla Sante Sede, ha già vinto la buona battaglia. «Dobbiamo dire di no», afferma in un video messaggio il vescovo emerito di Tyler, Texas, mons. Joseph Strickland, recentemente defenestrato da papa Francesco per non aver seguito il suo programma ma il Vangelo di Nostro…
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bergoglionate · 6 months
Purtroppo è ufficiale: papa Francesco ha sollevato dal governo pastorale della diocesi di Tyler, negli Stati Uniti, monsignor Joseph E. Strickland, 65 anni, e ha nominato il vescovo di Austin, monsignor Joe Vásquez, come amministratore apostolico della diocesi resasi vacante. Premesso che il Papa poteva e può farlo (il sentore c’era già da qualche mese), ciò che lascia profonda tristezza sono i modi e i motivi che trapelano e che sono, chiarissimamente, anomali somiglianti più a delle epurazioni più che ad atti papali serenamente d’Ufficio…
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anticattocomunismo · 7 months
Strickland, una rimozione al di fuori del diritto canonico
La rimozione, decisa da papa Francesco, di mons. Strickland dalla guida della diocesi è avvenuta senza alcun processo, al di fuori delle norme canoniche. Idem per mons. Torres nel 2022. Ciò è contrario alla carità e giustizia naturale, come spiegava san Giovanni Paolo II. Continue reading Untitled
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myresenas · 7 months
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diarioelpepazo · 7 months
Tildan la decisión como la "Tiranía" del "dictador". Joseph E. Strickland fue apartado de sus funciones tras concluir el Vaticano que su continuación en el cargo no era factible. El obispo Joseph E. Strickland, quien criticó repetidamente al papa Francisco por hacer que la Iglesia católica fuera más acogedora para la comunidad LGBTQ, fue apartado del cuidado pastoral de la diócesis de Tyler (estado de Texas, EE.UU.), expuso el sábado la oficina de prensa de la Santa Sede en un comunicado. La decisión de despedir al obispo se tomó tras una "visita apostólica" de dos obispos a la diócesis de Tyler en junio ordenada por el pontífice, reporta Vatican News. "Como resultado de la Visitación", se recomendó a Francisco que la continuación en el cargo del obispo Strickland "no era factible". La resolución del papa ha generado fuertes críticas en diversos sectores de la comunidad religiosa. El Instituto Lepanto, una organización que se describe como la defensora de la iglesia católica, comparó al sumo pontífice con un "dictador" por tomar la decisión de retirar al obispo "sin disposición de ley". Por su parte, Carlo Maria Viganò, un arzobispo católico italiano retirado, tildó la acción del papa de "forma cobarde de autoritarismo", así como de "tiranía escandalosa. "Este asunto revelará quién está con la verdadera Iglesia de Cristo y quién elige estar con Sus enemigos declarados", agregó el sacerdote en una publicación de X. Strickland ha criticado públicamente al papa Francisco por su intento de cambiar la posición de la Iglesia sobre cuestiones sociales, como los derechos de las personas transgénero y el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo. Por ejemplo, en enero de este año, Francisco, cuyo papado comenzó en 2013, afirmó que ser homosexual "no es un delito", aunque "sí es un pecado". Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/RT Español
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adribosch-fan · 7 months
El pontífice “exoneró del gobierno pastoral” a Joseph Strickland, un prelado ultraconservador de Texas, después de que éste se negara a renunciar; el alemán Gerhard Müller cuestionó las concesiones a la comunidad homosexual Elisabetta Piqué ENVIADA ESPECIAL ROMA.- En una movida que no sorprendió, aunque poco frecuente en los modos del Vaticano, el papa Francisco removió hoy de su cargo al…
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piyasahaberleri · 7 months
Papa Francis, 7 Kasım 2018'de Vatikan'daki Aziz Petrus Meydanı'ndaki haftalık genel seyirci kitlesinde. — AFPPapa'nın otoritesini sorgulayan ve Katolik kilisesi içindeki meseleleri modernleştirmeye çalışan sert muhalif Teksas Piskoposu Joseph Strickland, Papa Francis tarafınca görevden alındı.Vatikan, Tyler Piskoposluğunun soruşturmaları sebebiyle piskoposun sorumluluklarından " kurtulacağını " söylemiş oldu.Papa'nın ABD Katolikliğindeki reformlarına karşı suçlamaların başlangıcında Piskopos Strickland geliyor.Francis'in bazı ABD Katolik kilisesi yetkililerinin "geri kalmışlığına" karşı sözleri onun görevden alınmasına yol açtı.Papa'nın, kürtaj, transeksüel hakları ve eşcinsel birlikteliği de dahil olmak suretiyle toplumsal meseleler ve kapsayıcılık mevzusundaki Kilise'nin tutumunu modernleştirme çabaları, Piskopos Strickland'ın eleştiri yağmuruyla karşılandı.Temmuz ayında, evliliğin yalnızca bir adam ile bir bayan içinde "Tanrı tarafınca kurulduğu benzer biçimde" olduğu fikrini "baltalamaya" yönelik girişimler de dahil olmak suretiyle, Katolik öğretisinin çeşitli "temel gerçeklerine" karşı meydana getirilen zorluklar hakkında bir uyarıda bulunmuş oldu."Tanrı tarafınca verilen inkar edilemez biyolojik kimliklerini reddeden" bireylerin girişimleri, kendisi tarafınca "düzensiz" olarak kınandı.Mektubunda, "değiştirilemeyecek olanı" değiştirmeye çalışmanın Kilise'nin geri dönülemez şekilde bölünmesine niçin olacağı mevzusunda uyardı. Değişiklik isteyenlerin "gerçek bölücüler" bulunduğunu söyleyerek bir uyarıda bulunmuş oldu.Eylül ayında, Piskopos Strickland, Vatikan tarafınca soruşturma altında olmasına ve daha ilkin çekilme etme şansını reddetmiş olmasına karşın, açık bir mektupla Papa'ya kendisini görevden alması yönünde cesaret verdi."Tyler Piskoposu olarak çekilme edemem şu sebeple bu sürüyü terk etmem anlamına gelir" dedi.Bu senenin başlarında sağcı "İptal Edilen Rahipler Koalisyonu", soruşturma devam ederken kendisine destek olmak için bir toplantı düzenledi.Vatikan'a bakılırsa onun görevden alınması "Papa'nın geçen Haziran ayında Tyler Piskoposluğu'na yapmış olduğu havarisel ziyaretin arkasından geldi." Katolik medyasına bakılırsa soruşturma bununla beraber piskoposluğun mali meselelerini iyi mi ele aldığını da inceledi.Benedict XVI 2012'de papa iken, 65 yaşındaki Piskopos Strickland kutsanmıştı.Her şey, Papa'nın vasiyeti esnasında Kilise'nin ilerlemesini ilerletmek için gösterdiği büyük çabaların arkasından geliyor.Vatikan'ın perşembe günü yapmış olduğu duyuruya bakılırsa, vaftizle ilgili herhangi bir münakaşa ya da "kargaşalık" olmadığı sürece trans kişiler Katolik Kilisesi'nde vaftiz edilebilecek.Ekim ayında Francis bir grup kardinale "bir tek inkar eden, reddeden ve dışlayan yargıçlar olamayız" diyerek Kilise'nin eşcinsel birliktelikleri kutsamaya istekli olacağını ima etti.Papa, Lizbon'da Dünya Gençlik Günü etkinlikleriyle bağlantılı olarak düzenlenen konferansta birçok insanoğlunun geri kalmışlığının "yararsız" bulunduğunu belirtti."Bunu yaparak gerçek geleneği kaybedersiniz ve destek almak için ideolojilere yönelirsiniz. Şu demek oluyor ki inancın yerini ideolojiler alır." diye ekledi.Papalığı, 2015'teki ufuk açıcı çevre raporunda ve iklim değişikliğinin bir sonucu olarak dünyanın "kırılma noktasına yaklaştığı" yönündeki son olarak korkulu tahminlerinde de görüldüğü benzer biçimde, iklim değişikliğine de kuvvetli bir vurgu yapmış oldu.Buna ek olarak, iklim şüphecilerini büyük bir gayretle kınadı ve bu ayın sonlarında, zirvenin kurulduğu 1995 yılından bu yana ilk kez bir papanın katılacağı Birleşmiş Milletler İklim Zirvesi'ne (COP28) katılacak.Vatikan'a bakılırsa Austin Piskoposu Joe Vasquez, Tyler Piskoposluğunun geçici yöneticisi olarak vazife meydana getirecek.
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universomovie · 7 months
Papa afasta bispo americano ultraconservador Joseph Strickland contrário à aproximação da Igreja com LGBTQIA+
Expoente da ala católica ultraconservadora dos EUA, Joseph Strickland apoia ex-presidente Donald Trump Papa Francisco CIDADE DO VATICANO | REUTERS e AFP – Um comunicado do Vaticano publicado neste sábado (11) anunciou que o papa Francisco destituiu o bispo americano Joseph Strickland, um de seus maiores críticos entre os católicos conservadores dos Estados Unidos. Nomeado em 2012 pelo papa…
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dodgefred · 6 years
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i forced my friend to watch rise with me and here are her reactions to the first episode
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Strickler as a single father to a daughter the same age as Toby, Jim, and Claire and is also a part of the Trollhunters?
This man is beyond stressed.
~ First of he adores you, you are his entire world. He worked hard to be where he is in the Order and now that he's where he's at you are safer than you would've been before. He knows he hasn't always made the best decisions for your relationship but he does his best as a father and is always thinking of your future and saftey.
~ Thankfully young changelings who are naturally borne and not switched from the DarkLands are often coddled or given special treatment. Changelings instinctively are very protective of their young whether its their kin or someone elses. They will do whatever it takes to protect the young of their clan. Otto and Nomura love you as if you were their own and when you were growing up they were your closest family other than Strickler.
~ Otto was a doting uncle and Nomura a caring but estranged wine aunt. You are older now but many changelings still coo at you like a child depsite being a teenager. Strickler tells you to use that to your advantage since it won't last forever but in his eyes no matter how old you grow you'll always be his baby. Despite his uneasiness around Nomura and Otto he knows they feel the same.
~ No one ever told Stricklander they were proud of him growing up. No one ever thanks him for his hard work or gives him his credit where it's due unless he fights for it. He bit and clawed and chewed and fought to be where he is now. That being said he always tells you how proud he is of you. He always lets you know your accomplishments mean something and he always lets you know your loved. He's not always good with physcial affection but he will always tell you he loves you and is proud of you.
~ Fighting and sparring is a bonding activity. He needs to know if anything ever happens to him you'll be able to take care of yourself. He tells you to depend on Otto and Nomura but never be surprised if they turn their back on you, that is the way of changelings once they grow. Strickler is prepared for any situation and he had raised you with that same skill set making you remember the honor code of changelings. Adaption is your middle name and decepticon is a game you've always played, Strickler couldn't be more proud of your talents and skill.
~ You both communicate in Morse code when your upset or in dangerous situations. He clicks his pen and you tap your fingers. If your stressed and can't speak or feel your words catching in your throat morse is the best way to communicate your feelings. Strickler taught it to you when you were very young and now it's ingrained deeply in your mind. Thanks to your dad you know many languages and codes and you never feel out of the loop.
~ At first Strickler wants to homeschool you worried your changeling nature will be revealed but you've grown so much and have mastered your powers. Plus it would be suspicious for a teacher to keep a child at home. It's at school you meet your dads favorite student Jim.
~ Before Jim becomes the trollhunter you and him actually grow really close. Toby and him being your only real friends. Strickler trusts them and you'll often ride your bikes home together and get tacos when your dads busy. You have to dedicate a lot of time to school and the Order but at least you have Jim and Toby when your in school.
~ Acting is in your blood so the theater club seems like a natural form of escape. Thats where you meet Claire. Jims told you endless stories about his crush and now you act as an agent. You help Jim and Claire get closer and suggest he tries out for the play so he can get his dream girl.
~ Your grades are beyond excellent and your role in the Order is forming nicely as you cement a place next to your father. Strickler has high expectations of you but he never pushes you too hard to break you. As your father he's supportive of your decisions only wanting what's best, but he reminds you the Eternal Night will be coming soon. And one must always be careful with their emotions.
~ Nesting is instinctive as a changeling. Doesn't matter how old you are, your getting long cuddles from your dad as he grooms your hair and babies you. Pillowforts and blanket nests are a must after a long week. You'll be huddled together and watching movies on his day off preening each other and snuggling into each other.
~ When you relaized how bad the Eternal Night was you flee from Strickler to join the Trollhunters and stop the Order. A strong divide is created in your relationship as you seperate yourself from your father and he does everything to try and make you come back. Its thanks to you Jim knows changelings are real and in Arcadia. You've endangered everyone in the Order and yourself. Depsite your original treachery Strickler still loves you and tries to talk to you whenever he can at school.
~ You'd moved out so suddenly having preplanned this and now you worked with the trollhunters full time. Your father wasn't sure if he was proud or safe Your kept safe in Trollmarket where you live with Blinky and Aarrgh in Blinkies library. Having you living with two other trolls especially trolls you saw as fathers infuriated Strickler to no end. He tries to get in contact with you to make you come home but Jim and Toby always had your back making sure he couldn't take you back. The friends he thought would keep you safe were now keeping him away from you.
~ Once Claire joins the group he's not sure of his next step. You leaving was unplanned, the amulet picking a human unprecedented, and Bulars temper tantrum about treason were unpredictable. He was left in a giant mess you helped create and there wasn't a lot of options out. However seeing the four of you together as team did warm his heart. His baby was growing up.
~ Chaos ensues in the Order after your departure. Strickler is doing his best on the inside to keep you safe but with changelings wanting revenge it isn't easy. When Bular is killed and the power shifts however Strickler sees an opening. As Strickler and Otto rise to the top of the Order your father wonders if summoning a certain Trollhunter assassin talented in kidnapping could get rid of both of his problems...
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laus-deo · 9 months
Müller pide a Mons. Strickland que no dimita y afirma que un Papa no debe deponer a un obispo de forma arbitraria
El cardenal Gerhard Müller, Prefecto emérito de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe, ha salido en defensa de Mons. Joseph Strickland, obispo de Tyler: «Es terrible lo que le están haciendo al obispo Strickland, un abuso del cargo contra el derecho divino del episcopado». Leer más… »
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tarlosbuddie · 4 years
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Owen Strand Week 2020
Day 7: Free Choice
Skin care’s kinda my jam.
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