emeritus-fuckers · 8 months
Ok so I didn’t think I’d ever ask this but could you write a old papa Nihil falling in love with one of the siblings of sin and they are obviously younger than him but it’s painfully obvious because he goes into a trance seeing them maybe idk I just need some papa Nihil my guy/girl/non-binary pal
Old Papa Nihil falling in love with a young Sibling of Sin
Nihil is always nicer to you, he's cranky with the other siblings but if you ask him for something, nothing is too much.
He can't always help but he tries. If it's work related he is, however, very useful, with all his years as Papa he knows some short cuts around Sister Imperator’s list of chores, or how to get round pointless paperwork... he wasn't the most studious of the Papas he spent more time avoiding work. Still if you ask him about the scriptures he actually has a very in depth knowledge of it all, he just hates bureaucracy.
The give away is that he always seems to be staring at you. Not in a creepy way, his gaze is loving and affectionate.
He can’t seem to tear himself away when he passes you in the corridor or if he sees you in the garden. He walked into a bookcase in the library because he was too enchanted with how you turned the page of the book you were reading.
When he gets to know you better he’ll always compliment you on something, your hair, your clothes even the way you do your makeup if you chose to wear it.
He is the first to notice when you have your hair cut.
He also seems to know before anyone else when you're sad. He takes you to one side and sits you down and says “you can tell me what’s wrong, I won’t tell a soul.” All those years of taking confession have made him a surprisingly good listener, when he needs to be.
He’ll always ask how you are and how your day has been. If are happy he’ll just sit and listen contented to be in your presence, he’ll zone out thinking about how beautiful you are when you smile.
He’s basically very sweet about it and he'll always look out for you. He knows he’s old so he doesn’t really expect anything back from you he’s just happy to be able to know you. If you did say kiss him on the cheek or something he'd just melt with happiness.
Written by Nyx.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @thecuriouss @nuntia @dio-niisio @mamacarlyle @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @ouijaboardemo
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emeritus-fuckers · 8 months
I dunno if I’ve asked but could you do some headcanons on young Nihil finding out he has a child with a fan (not inserting my oc at all) and it’s a daughter
I may have got slightly carried away XD - Nyx
Young Papa Nihil finding out he has a daughter with a fan
He's terrified. Completely terrified.
He just kinda stands there looking shocked and then asks how much you want for child support.
You don't really see him much, but he does support you financially, whatever you need.
He visits after she is born to leave a ring past down the Emeritus line. When I say more visit, more like he turns up late in at night in the hospital when no one is around. He doesn't want to see anyone who could talk into staying. He leaves the envelope with the ring next to her crib. He can't even look at her, she seems so small and tiny it makes him want to stay so he runs.
He visits again when she is two. He only accepts a cup of coffee and watches her from a distance, you can see him pale slightly.
Her eyes... she has his eyes... fuck. Her beautiful black hair is now down to her shoulders.
He leaves far quicker than he should, he sits in the car barely able to control his own breathing. He knows deep down he is becoming an even bigger fuck up.
He tries to distract himself, but he can't help but think about her, wonder how she is. He starts to realise, he misses her. But no, he can't get involved, he detroys everything he touches and she is too precious.
He keeps reasoning that she is better off without him, he can see that she is clearly well cared for by you.
He came again when she was 3 and then when she was 4. That visit really got to him.
She seemed so happy to see him, that innocent gaze broke something in him. He lifted her up and held her tightly in his arms.
She was so fascinated with his facepaint. Tracing the lines of it with her delicate fingers. He told her that he was Papa, he didn't know if she knew he was her father, but Papa was his title so he stuck with that, it worked.
From then on he visited once a year, but that was it.
When she gets older and starts to wonder a little more she finds his songs and finds out about the band.
Now that really gets to him, one day he goes to visit and she is singing his songs. He smiles to himself saying she has his gift with music, and she does her voice is beautiful.
There is a phase when they don't speak, when she realises he is her father and that he pretty much completely abandoned her.
But Nihil asks for the chance to explain, he would have failed her as a father, he really did do his best, he didn't want to mess her up like his father did to him. He just wants her to be happy.
Their relationship imrpoves, he is still distant but he takes an interest in her life. As she becomes a young adult and beyond she writes letters to him and as Nihil ages these become the most precious things to him. He always writes back and visits her when he can. He hopes she will always turn to him if she needs his advice on stuff.
He just wishes he hadn't been such a coward when he was younger. He knows that thankfully he salvaged it somehow and that at least he has one child happy to call him their father. He deeply regrets the way he went on with his own sons, but his father wasn't a good person and the scars from Nihil's childhood run too deep.
Written by Nyx.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @thecuriouss @dio-niisio@firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @ouijaboardemo
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emeritus-fuckers · 9 months
I’d like to formally request a young papa Nihil falling head over heels for reader
Bonus points if one of his songs plays in his head and he just associates that song with that person
I am more than happy to write this :D - Nyx
♡ Papa Nihil falling head over heels for reader ♡
Papa Nihil wandered through darkened corridors of the Ministry, it was a bleak time of year. The lights of the winter solstice celebrations had been extinguished and the Ministry lacked a certain something. Then again it had lacked something from the day Sister had left him.
Still tonight would be different, tonight was a party to welcome the new members.
He straightened out the collar of his tailored black shirt then tugged on the sleeve of his leather jacket.
He smiled to himself, tonight he'd finally found some slither of happiness in being single. He'd thrown himself into his role as Papa and the Clergy was in the best state it had ever been. Perhaps Sister would let him sing again!
“You’ve been playing” he sang to an invisible audience as he strutted down the corridor.
A movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention.
“Around with magic that is black” his gaze fell on you.
You smiled at him and he was drawn in, he fell for you faster than the Dark lord fell from Heaven. You were perfect, some enchantress sent to tempt him.
He flashed you his irresistible grin as he sang "But all the powerful magical mysteries never give a single thing back." Solely to you, and you alone.
When he was finished you gave him a round of applause, and he bowed deeply.
"Thank you, Papa." You say with another perfect smile. "I love your songs, I'm happy to hear you still sing them."
"I’m glad you like them." He said lightly. Nihil wanted to add something else but his entire being was entranced by the sight of you, words abandoned him.
You gave him another seductive smile, bowed slightly and taking his silence as a cue to leave, walked off.
He watched you go, the daft grin still plastered across his face. How nice it was to meet someone so genuine as you.
He tried to focus on his duties that evening, he had to make a speech that night. He needed to, at the very least, rehearse it once.
He pulled the paper out of his pocket and stood in front of the mirror practicing each word.
But he couldn't shake the image of you, the way your eyes glimmered in the faint light, the beauty of your smile and the way you just seemed to see him.
This was pointless, he'd just improvise. He shoved it back in his pocket and continued on his way.
He strolled into the main hall at the Ministry, it looked spectacular, the perfect gothic party. The chatter of voices quietened as he made his entrance, everyone did a little bow to their Papa.
He smiled at them all and then the party continued. Some siblings were already dancing together, others talking happily amongst themselves, laughter echoed off the vaulted ceiling. A place where Ghouls lurk in the beams watching the revellers below.
Nihil pressed on through the crowd making polite conversation where he could. But he didn't really hear a word anyone said to him. Could he open his bruised heart up again to someone? It's not like he'd even asked you on a date but he knew where this was going.
Nihil sighed and walked over to the opulent bar, no one stopped him going behind it, who would? He ran his fingers over the tops of the bottles and chewed his bottom lip. Finally, he clasped the top of a bottle of bourbon, pulled it out of the rack with a little flourish and the corners of his mouth tugged up into a smile. He plucked a short glass from above the bar and began his work.
When he was done, he added the final touch a twist of orange peel, the fragrance of it reminding him of his youth. Of days spent studying for Clergy exams in the orange grove at the Ministry, sat back-to-back with his friend.
He looked up from the glass to see you standing across the bar from him, head cocked to the side eyebrow slightly raised. "That looks good, what is it?"
"It's an old fashioned, but I put my own spin on it" His heart actually fluttered, what in the Dark Lord's name was wrong with him? No one has had this effect on him in years, not since Sister. He slide the glass across to you. "Try it, if you want?"
You took a sip considering for a moment. "It's good." then pushed the glass back across the bar. "But Papa what would you make for me?"
Nihil thought carefully his eyes scanning the drinks behind the bar. He was careful, took his time, before coming up with something completely new. "Try this" He past you a martini glass your fingers brushed against his.
Kiss the go goat started playing softly in his mind, that song becoming more and more entwined with you.
You tasted it and your eyes lit up, it's perfect. "How did you know?" You stammer, for the first time taken by surprise. You had always assumed Nihil to be some kind of shallow hedonist. Charismatic and charming but nothing more than that. Yet the way he smiled when you took another sip, it was so genuine, so happy.
"I just know." He said with a flirty wink. Okay, there was the man you expected.
"Thank you for the drink, Papa" You give a polite nod.
"Wait, would you like to dance with me?" Nihil stepped out from behind the bar and offered you his hand. That look again...
You pause but then accepted lacing your fingers with his.
His skin was soft and warm. He walked you towards the dance floor before releasing your hand and starting to move to the music. You already missed his touch. Nihil kept a respectful distance, but his dance moves, were just... the movement of his hips was almost hypnotic.
You found yourself drawn to him, like someone ready to fall from grace into sin and lust. You took a step towards him and he closed the space further. Your bodies separated by only a thin slice of air, it was harder to breath, was he teasing you?
"I need a break" You blurt out suddenly aware of the pain in your feet, the burn in your legs.
Nihil nods and leads you to the side of the dance floor where you both settle on a large sofa.
You found yourself settling into an easy conversation with him. It was surprising just how much you both had in common.
As he talked you started to really look at him, the strong defined jaw, the way his shoulder length hair swept over his handsome features. He was even better looking close up than he'd appeared on stage and those eyes, his dazzling blue eyes.
"Babe?" he asked waiting for you to reply.
"Sorry, what?" You shook your head, trying to clear it.
"Do you want to meet tomorrow?" He took your hand and gently rubbed his thumb over the back of it. His touch was light but sent a shiver down your spine.
"Sure, why not." You said with a slightly tipsy smile and then jumped up. "One more dance"
You pulled him to his feet and he stumbled slightly with a giggle.
This time you danced closer to him, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
He snaked his arms around you and pulled you close to him, this time your bodies were pressed together. You could hardly think straight, it was utterly intoxicating the feel of him against you. As you let you gaze drift higher you met his eyes, they were filled with such a look of desire, you gasped. You could smell the incense on him, it lingered on his hair from all those days spent in the chapel giving dark mess. Such a heady smell you lost yourself in him further.
You danced like this, utterly unaware of your surroundings. He pressed his lips to yours and you could taste the whiskey he'd been drinking, the smokiness of it. You deepen the kiss with a soft sigh as his hands drop to your waist. It's utterly addictive, you don't think you can stop yourself and then you realise... it's gone so quiet.
He broke away with one last soft kiss. He looked just as entranced, just gazing at you. Then he looked around to see the black candles on the tables being extinguished by Ghouls.
He walked you back to your room, you tried to hide it but the shoes you were wearing were too uncomfortable for your already sore feet. You winced and he looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
You were about to admit that you didn’t think you could walk another step, when he swept you up in his arms and carried you bridal style the rest of the way. You smiled to yourself, and let your head rest against his chest.
He carefully put you down outside your room. Your heart sank, you didn’t want him to go. You considered inviting him in, but your mind was foggy from the late night and alcohol.
He gave you a deep bow and kissed the back of your hand. "Until tomorrow"
With that he left you, stood there barely able to catch your breath, what the fuck had just happened. You had said to your friends you would never be so foolish as to get swept up by Nihil, but here you were utterly under his spell.
What you didn’t expect was for him to glance back over his shoulder as he walked off, he saw you still looking and that genuine smile returned to his lips. Perhaps Nihil was falling just as hard as you.
written by Nyx
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @nuntia @dio-niisio @mamacarlyle @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @ouijaboardemo
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Did you give me my own hashtag?
Everyone who sends an ask gets their own tag when it's answered. Anon asks are tagged as #anon. It helps with organization of the asks and is pretty useful for the future. We currently have over a hundred asks in our inbox. We have also probably answered over a hundred asks at this point. If anyone who sent an ask a while ago comes back, we have very little chance to remember that person. So in case they ask something that in any way mentions another ask they sent a long time ago, it is easier for us to look at a tag of their username.
So long story short, yes. I have been doing that since the blog was made. Everyone gets their own tag. - Jez
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Your blog makes me happy
Your url makes me happy. - Jez
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