#papatonio au
gamerbearmira · 2 years
Art finally❗❗
Did you miss my art? No? Understandable <333
ANYWAY these are. Really confusing but like. I don't know about y'all, but I love manhua covers so. What did I do.
These ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧ enjoy
So there's 2 variations of this. One is the normal protective one and the other is cut throat. Other than Alma's face and the background, there's also another very small difference. Bet you can't find it though <33
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Mermaid AU❗ I couldn't really think of a title, so. bury me at makeout creek it is. There is another version, one where its from Alma's pov and how she views them, but idk, I don't think its all that good </3
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Good old Papatonio. Very simple, not much going on. Idk if I'll add more </33
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There is so much happening here but I guess that's what I was going for???
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Again, very simple. Not much going on, but that's because Alma is meant to be the main focus. Also I left the baby in her hands purposefully up to interpretation, y'know, so people can insert their fave <33
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Not really a cover so much as it is me just thinking about this au and wanting to draw for it. Love Usagi cheering her chirrens on <33
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I never introduced this au because. I don't know if people will ever be interested in it but.
This is an au where Alma, is sort of stuck in a 'game'. She has to beat the 'game' and get the good ending. Lots of shenanigans
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THATS IT <33333 I did this yesterday and today so. That's why I was late to answer asks but. Hopefully you accept this as an apology ((ૢ(⁎❝ົཽω❝ົཽ⁎)✧
If you guys have any title ideas for literally any au, send them in and I will more than likely turn it into a manhua cover because.
I'm insane (in the membrane) ✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺
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queenofthedisneyverse · 8 months
Mama julieta au: Wait…wait…you were FOUR…when you started to take care of Mirabel?
Mama luisa: Yeah I-
Mama Julieta seething with pure unadulterated rage (with some tears) : YOU.WERE.FOUR?!
Mama luisa: Uh…yes?-
Mama Julieta gripping Luisa’s hands tightly and staring her dead in the eye: I swear on my life if you ever need ANYTHING you call me!!!
Mama luisa visibly confused, concerned, but also thankful: Thanks?
(Safe to say she wanted to strangle every adult in Mama Luisa’s family. Her reaction was pretty much the same as everyone else's. They were FLOORED. Luisa started out younger than ALL of them combined when it came to caring for a child. 
Papa Agustin and Julieta’s Agustin were absolutely horrified that Luisa’s Agustin let such a thing happen.
Mama isa and Mamalores want to smack their variants across the face for not helping/being a good sister/prima. 
Papa Bruno wants to strangle his other self, pepa, and Agustin for not stepping up. He understands that grief is a lot to deal with but come on…BE AN ADULT. 
Mamabel, Papatonio, and Pamamilo can only shake their heads in disappointment and help out where they can. But if they ever get to see the adults in Luisa’s world the teen instincts are gonna kick in and they are gonna do some damage. 
Mamabuela has beef with all of the adults, specifically her variant, and when she sees them it’s on sight. 
But hey, at least Luisa gets to know her mama and a more helpful Agustin in a way? And let’s just say Mama lulu won the mother of the year award that day.)
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Papatonio: Prologue
I was re reading some snippets, and had reread some Papatonio ones. And I got inspired. So.
This goes out to the ones who have been here since Paptonio. I know I've neglected it, and after finding the old doc for it, I decided to finish the prologue and give y'all a little drawing as well <33 We going back to our roots
Antonio wasn’t stupid. In fact, he was quite smart. He noticed things, things other people didn’t notice.
Like how even after helping her, Isabela still was mean to her and took credit for finding out about the new exotic plants. How his hermana Dolores would hear Mirabel crying herself to sleep but wouldn’t help, so he had to by bringing her some water. How hermano mayor stopped trying to make Mirabel laugh. How his prima Luisa stopped paying attention to his Mirabel more and more.
But he also noticed it in the adults. It seemed worse with the adults.
Like how Abuela would yell at his Mirabel for no good reason. How Julieta and Agustin would show her pity. How his mama and papa would push her aside when she tried to help or even talk.
Antonio didn’t like it. He and Casita would help her. He didn’t like it when Mirabel was sad. And it only got worse as he got older. The family slowly started to forget she was there. Mirabel would take her plate up to the nursery and eat while crying. Antonio would join her, when he could.
Antonio would hang out with Mirabel constantly. His other family members may have forgotten about her, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. She was too important to him. While he was out doing chores, which was usually guiding animals to help around town, he would always look for Mirabel in the square. He tried asking his other family, but they either ignored the question or just didn’t care enough to know her whereabouts.
“Mirabel?” Isabela scoffed. “How should I know? She tried too hard anyway, it’s good she’s out of the way. You should finish your chores while she’s gone.”
Antonio hated when they said things like that. He hated it when they hurt his Mirabel’s feelings.
Over the years, Antonio noticed something. Mirabel got quieter and quieter, only ever opening up to him. She would disappear for days at time, worrying the heck out of Antonio. She noticed that she would try to blend into the background.
He was 6, and she was 16, when he noticed that she had stopped trying to talk to her other family members. She only talked to Antonio and Casita. Not that it mattered; they hadn’t seen the difference. But Antonio did.
He was 7 and she was 17 when he noticed that Mirabel wasn’t coming to breakfast, lunch or dinner at all. The family didn’t realize it, because they were too caught up in playing happy family. But Antonio did.
He was 8 and she was 18 when he saw Mirabel visiting their Tio Bruno in the walls more often. Bruno never minded the company, and Mirabel finally had someone else to talk to. Eventually, when he could, Antonio would go with Mirabel. Every visit, Antonio and Mirabel would talk with Bruno and give him more food and water, keeping him company. The family was always paying attention to themselves, so they didn’t know. But Antonio did.
He was 9 and she was 19 when Antonio noticed that Mirabel wasn’t at Dolores and Mariano’s wedding. Everyone got an invitation, except Mirabel. He tried to get her to come, he really did, but she said it was best to stay away. So, despite being one of the groomsmen, he left early, just to stay with Mirabel. The family noticed Antonio was gone, and he told them he felt unwell. But they didn’t notice Mirabel was gone. But Antonio did.
He was 10 and she was 20, only a month away from turning 21. Antonio noticed something. Mirabel was gone. And not like before where she would disappear for a few hours and come back. This time, she left and didn’t come back. After 2 days, Antonio got worried. He sent animals far out to the forest to search for the girl.
He himself searches Casita and the town. He looked everywhere, leaving no stone unturned. He asked around the town, but everyone either didn’t know, or didn’t care. At one point he even asked his family. It was the same as the town. They didn’t know or care. Julieta and Agustin didn’t even seem half as worried as they should have been.
“Tia! H-have you seen Mirabel? I’ve been looking for days, and I can’t find her!” Antonio said, frantically explaining the situation.
Julieta glanced at him before turning back to her stand. “O-Oh Mirabel? You know her, she’ll be back. Just give it a while,” Julieta brushed him off, sending him on his way.
Antonio hated how his family reacted. They didn’t care for his Mirabel. Not like he did. He loved her with all of his heart, no matter how big or small it was. He would find her, if it was the last thing he did.
That’s what he thought. And he tried. But he never found her. 4 weeks went by, and he never found her. He didn’t stop looking though. Everyday, he would tell some animals to help around the villagers and take the rest to look for his Mirabel. And he never stopped. And yet…
He never found her.
Antonio walked into his room, animals who had been with him that day walking in. His eyes were puffy and his throat was sore, but he didn't care. He couldn't bring himself to care. Not after what happened.
For almost 2 months, Mirabel had been gone. And only he and Bruno had noticed. Bruno tried his best to help, and so did Antonio's animals, but it was all in vain. Mirabel was nowhere to be found.
And the family didn't care. Abuela sure didn't and none of the cools cared…expect maybe Luisa. She showed some sympathy and tried to help but she was always busy, and Antonio knew she needed her breaks when she had the chance. Dolores and Mariano were newlyweds, and Camilo wasn't much help. His parents may have tried, but they were focused on Dolores at the moment.
The boy sniffled, wiping away his tears. He slumped to the ground, tears falling despite his best efforts to stop them. He could hear his animals talking to him but…he couldn't comprehend what they were saying. He couldn't, because he had failed. Failed to protect Mirabel like he promised her. He wasn't there for her.
"I'm sorry…I'm sorry Mira…" Antonio sobbed, gripping the grass below him. He sat there and cried, uncaring of his surroundings. He didn't care how pathetic he looked, he felt pathetic.
He sat there, animals surrounding him. Eventually, he heard his name being called. Over and over. It got louder and he looked up, seeing a constrictor talking to him. Something about his bed…hammock…baby…
Wait. Baby?
"What?" Antonio asked and the boa repeated what he had said. There was a baby. In his hammock. No way. That's impossible, there were no new babies in the family, and babies don't come out of thin air…right?
But then again. Magic was a reoccurring thing. So maybe…
"Show me," Antonio said and followed the boa to his tree. Climbing the steps, he could see something moving in his hammock. And it definitely wasn't an animal. Moving with more haste, he finally came up to his hammock. And peering over he saw it. A baby girl, wrapped in a teal blanket, sleeping. "What?"
Antonio moved toward, looking on in disbelief. So he hadn't been lying, there really was a baby. A baby girl? She looked familiar. Too familiar.
"Do any of you…know who this is?" Antonio asked. All of the animals replied negatively, except for two. Parce and Pico. The two who had been there since the day he got his gift. He watched Parce walk over and sniff the baby. His eyes widened for a moment. Pico watched carefully before turning to Antonio and chirping something. And Antonio froze at his statement.
"That's…her? Is it really?" Antonio asked, throat becoming dry and scratchy. Pico nodded and Parce confirmed. It was true.
This baby was Mirabel.
Antonio stood shocked before he finally seemed to blink away his trance. Carefully, he scooped up the little one, getting a better look at her. And he could see the resemblance. He had seen countless pictures of the family as babies; and as of late he had been looking at albums with Mirabel in them. And he recognized her; this was the same baby that had previously been seen in Julieta's arms in photos.
"It's really you…you're back," Antonio said quietly, crying. He held her closer. Still sound asleep, Mirabel had cuddled deeper into his arms. "I missed you so much…" Antonio said as he cried, slumping to the ground as he hugged her.
"I won't fail you this time. I'll always protect you and be there for you," Antonio promised.
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Antonio starts freaking out 5 minutes later cause. It’s a newborn baby and. He’s always been the youngest and has never cared for babies. ANYWAY
DID YOU GUYS LIKE IT...I hope you did <333
Hopefully you can't tell where the writing style slightly changes. Half of this was written in like April and the rest in November. BUT THE DRAWING IS RECENT❗❗
Hopefully y'all liked this, this is for you loyal ones, I really appreciate y'all <33
Might do asks later 🥱
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Hey, remember Papatonio? I really like the idea that Papatonio Mirabel gets Cocooned Mira's old gift of flight with butterfly wings, I really like the idea of her having a gift connected to animals in some way while also being unique and not feeling like a copy or version of someone else's gift
You know I actually am gonna go with that! I went through some other ideas, but honestly I feel like this one would fit better, especially considering she spent the first year of her life in Antonio’s room and naturally already loves anything animal related <33
They’re sooooooo
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Can you please draw Ghost Grandkids and Young Grandkids and PapaTonio and Mamabuela again?
I’ll do Ghost+Young Grandkids on the next post, seeing that someone ask for virtually the same thing 😼
When they
Yeah <3333
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If y’all have any ideas for Mirabel’s gift in Papatonio lmk k byeeeeeeeee
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
The new Papatonio snippet has me thinking, what caused Mirabel to disappear and become a baby? And did the events of the movie still happen?
The movie events do occur, but it’s a little different. Towards the end the family tries but it doesn’t stick cause they don’t put in a lot of effort. Not as much to make it last, anyway. It only lasted for so long. As for Mirabel disappearing. Magic. Literally. She prayed for some kind of way to be included in the family again. And after a couple days she just…disappeared. For two whole months at that, and Antonio looked for her the entire time. Pedro The magic had taken her back and had given her to the one that show her unconditional love, to the one person that would raise her to be loved and treated like actual family: Antonio.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Mirabel's gift in Papatonio: Control The Night
Elaborate please <3 I am listening 👁👁
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gamerbearmira · 6 months
I was rereading through some of the older aus when I came across the combination of cocooned and papatonio. Him giving them each an animal companion got me thinking, what if there was a cocooned x housebroken!
The plot of Casita falling and all the grandkids getting trapped inside would be the same. And the remaining Madrigals finding them in the nursery after a while, however this time something is off. The kids all have the ears, tails, wings, of their respective animals.
And while it’s an adjustment at first, the adults are just happy to have their kids back regardless of appearance. Since they’re all so young they can’t fully control their more animalistic urges, so accidents happen every now and then
Most of the villagers accept the newest madrigals but some aren’t happy, and a select few make their disgust and know.
And Mirabel is the sassiest five year old ever, you don’t call her giftless or make fun of her siblings being hybrids if you don’t want her to snap back. Because she will, in a heartbeat. She knows she loved because all the adults make sure to spoil all the grandchildren. She won’t take crap from anyone.
(This is just an example, but remember the gut guy from “we don’t talk about Bruno”)
-Alma is just spending a day out with all of them in the village square, minding their business and having fun-
Gut Guy: “I can’t believe Alma is parading around those little freaks. I bet they go around hunting in the forest, eating raw animals.”
And before Alma can even come to the rescue of her hijos..
Mirabel: “No we don’t but it looks like you did, and the some😒”
Nah, but theyyyyyy don’t really care. Like at all. Also since the kids were brought back??? And since Pedro was dead and was the original curse carrier, I think Pedro would also be cursed still lmao. But the family’s doesn’t really view it as that. Just something that happened, but honestly they’re alive and healthy, so it makes them no difference.
Mirabel being sassy is so true 🗿
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
The Big Three
Or the original three if you will 🥱 these aus really helped my blog take off, or brought a lot of traction, besides Papatonio 🦅🦅🦅
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Oh yeah and these redraws, not the best, it was really a warm up <33 I might color it
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Just wanna ask sum. Real quick. Just see what AUs I should post more of <33 Just to make sure y’all are getting the content y’all follow me for 😨
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queenofthedisneyverse · 8 months
New parent additions to the 'El santuario de los padres au!'
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Werewolf Papa Mariano by gamerbearmira
Papa agustin and mama julieta (and agustin) by @toaverse
(you can find the au here)
The new additions sat in the living room with their kids in tow. They were all told the gist of why they're here and the rules. And safe to say...they are disappointed.
Julieta and agustin had all six of their kids playing outside, Agustin had all six of his kids playing outside, and Mariano had Mirabel and Antonio with him.
"Sooo....from what I got from this. All of us became parents by either seeing being forced to, child neglect, or in alma's case, a tragedy?" Papa Mariano asked as he held 10-month-old Antonio in his arms. His Mirabel was playing outside with her other variants and kids.
"Yep" Pamamilo shrugged as he sipped tea. Julieta looked at this Camilo and she gave him a sympathetic look. She couldn't image HER Camilo or any of her children being forced to care for a baby at a young age.
And yet, she saw versions of all her children in the living room who were literally forced to do such a thing. Mamaisa, Mamalores, Mamabel, Papatonio, Mamaluisa, papabruno...ugh. At least Bruno was of age when he took Antonio and Mirabel in. And Alma was at least in her 60's when she had to care for Mirabel, Luisa, and Isabela.
From the stories she heard, all of her cross dimensional children were very young when they took in a family member as their own...too young.
"And my variants are usually if not always the one causing these things to happen, as well as my children" mamabuela balled her fists as she sat on the couch. "Same with you, si?"
Papa Mariano nodded, Papa Agustin nodded, and the other blue couple nodded as well.
mamabuela (alma) deeply sighed and leaned back on the couch, staring up in the ceiling. "Why am I unbearable in every universe?"
"Why do you guys do here?" Papa agustin asked.
"We mostly come here when things are too stressful or when we don't have anyone in our worlds to watch our kids for a moment. Other than that, we usually have fun here" mamaisa explained.
"We sometimes have pajama parties and play games" Mamaluisa said with a smile
"Eat food and watch funny films" Mamalores added
"Gossip about people or just talk about what's happened recently" Papa Bruno also added.
"This is so...sad" Papa Mariano's shoulders slumped as he took in the information, "not the fun parts but...just..y'know"
"yeah but, we try not to think about it too much" Mamabel shrugged and softly smiled.
"So, let's get your rooms and other things situated. After that you can meet the rest of our children" Mamalores led the newcomers upstairs and mamaisa got some lunch ready for them.
Mamabuela sighed as she took everything in...'why does this keep happening?' she thought to herself
All of it is so sad and common it's comical almost.
Link to other au's
Mamalores (you can find other info in the tags)
Mamaisa (you can also find more info in gamerbearmira's tags)
Papatonio au
(PS. Once everyone is all together all the parents and kids pose for one big photo like the gif above. The photo sits on the kitchen wall like the family tree does in the movie)
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
We haven't seen any Papatonio in a long while, could we get a snippet of Mirabel's (second) gift ceremony? I'd love to see what her room is like with her gift of flight. Also, Mirabel with butterfly wings will always be one of my favorite Mira designs
Yeah, of course! I haven't been showing this au (or any of my og aus) love have I <\\\333 I really do like this au. I gotta do more art for it tbh
But for now I hope a snippet works <3
LES GET IT (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Antonio was nervous. Really nervous. It was his baby's, Mirabel, birthday. Her fifth birthday to be exact. It had already been five years since she was given back to him. And of course, per the Madrigal tradition, she was given the chance at a gift. But that wasn't what worried Antonio. What worried him was how it would go. While he wasn't there the first time, he certainly remembers his own and the hushed stories of Mirabel's first one.
Antonio paced the hall. It was almost time. It wasn't even his ceremony and he was terrified. He suddenly was stopped in his tracks when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking behind him, he saw his parents.
"Antonio, you have to relax," Felíx said, holding his son still. "It's going to go fine."
"But what if it doesn't? What if something happens, what if she's disappointed again or worse-" Antonio cut off when his mama grabbed him by his cheeks.
"Antonio. I promise you, nothing bad is going to happen. Me and your papá and the rest of the family will make sure of it," Pepa said. "Ok?" Antonio reluctantly nodded.
"Y-yeah. It'll be fine...right?" Antonio asked and his parents nodded.
"Right. Now. Me and your father are gonna go, alright? Mirabel should be down any minute," Pepa said and with that, both she and Felíx were off.
Antonio watched them walk off when he heard the familiar giggling of his daughter and the pitter-patter of her feet running down the hall. As if on cue, she came around the corner, with several birds surrounding her. They dispersed once she ran into his legs, almost taking him down.
"Papá!" Mirabel exclaimed, hugging Antonio's legs.
"Hola mija," Antonio smiled, picking her up and kissing her chubby cheek, eliciting a giggle from the girl. "Are you excited?"
"Uh-huh! I'm gonna get a super cool gift, like you!" Mirabel beamed, and Antonio laughed, but deep down? He was terrified. He only wanted his daughter to be happy. He couldn't bear to see her upset or sad.
The two talked and laughed for a bit longer when they heard Abuela begin talking. Antonio guided Mirabel towards the curtain, gently adjusting her bow and straightening her dress. With one last kiss and a pinch of cheeks, he moved to the side, and the curtains opened.
He watched Mirabel and...she just stood there. Her eyes were wide, and she fiddled with her dress. She looked around, backing up a bit. Antonio pushed at her feet, but she didn't budge. She looked at her papá and Antonio's breath hitched when she held her hand out, her eyes a silent plea.
Antonio debated on going out there. This was her day but...she had done the same for him a decade before. And there was no way he would leave his daughter to be terrified and alone. Taking a deep breath, he walked out, grabbing Mirabel's hand.
"Let's go get you your gift," Antonio whispered gently and Mirabel nodded, holding her father's arm.
As they made their way to the stairs, Antonio looked around. He could see the sympathy and pride in his family's eyes. It made him glad that they weren't so jumpy around the topic anymore. He was so scared that they would've been upset or worse, but instead? They were nothing but supportive. Sure, it took them a minute to get used to (especially his tia and tio) but they quickly got used to it. And they adored Mirabel all the same.
It didn't take long for them to get to the top of the stairs. Next thing Antonio knew, Mirabel was touching the candle and her bisabuela was smiling warmly at her as she asked her that fated question.
With a small nod, Mirabel stood in front of her door. She glanced at Antonio for reassurance, and he nodded, smiling at her. Mirabel nodded back. She pushed up her round glasses and wiped her hands dry. Antonio chuckled lowly. She still had sweaty hands, even now.
Everyone in Casita seemed to hold their breath as Mirabel touched the door knob. To everyone's relief (and maybe even surprise), the door glowed brightly, and some of it even seemed to reach Mirabel.
The light died down and everyone eagerly peeked at the door, wondering what gift was given to the girl who had already been denied once. There, on the door, was Mirabel. And there were butterfly wings attached to her back. As soon as her door had come to be and everyone saw her door, they looked towards Mirabel.
And there were wings. Butterfly wings. She was looking at them, and then they were fluttering. She looked at Antonio and she moved towards her, her feet leaving the ground every so often as she got used to her new wings. She fell into Antonio's arms and beamed up at him.
"I can fly!" Mirabel said, and Antonio blinked before picking her up.
"Yee," he laughed, lifting her into the air. Her wings fluttered much more confidently now. "Yes, you can!"
The crowd erupted into cheers, congratulations all around. Alma had the biggest smile she's had in a while as she turned to the crowd. "We have a new gift!"
The other Madrigals immediately moved upstairs, hugging Mirabel and pecking her cheeks with kisses. Even her little cousins were excited, even though they weren't quite old enough to understand like the older ones.
Antonio held Mirabel as she hovered slightly above the ground, already getting used to her new gift. He kissed her forehead, giving her a warm smile. "I'm so proud of you mija."
They're so cute, I miss them <333 and did you. Catch the parallel. Cause I did (i wrote it) 🦀🦀
It was longer than I initially planned but. That's not really a bad thing <33 fun fact, I've always been a sucker for long fics. Now slow burn, but just long fics in general. I like reading them <3
OK BYEEEEE o((*^▽^*))o
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
I found your blog originally because it came up in the Mirabel Madrigal tag, and I started to follow you upon reading your Papa Antonio AU. Turned on alerts for whenever you post since, since I like reading the au’s you and others come up with.
Papatonio seems to be a reoccurring theme here, and I see why! It is one of my most popular AUs/posts, and has a lot of work under it. Glad to see people like it so much and decided to stick around for my other au’s and other peoples!
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Yeah I think I found your blog looking for Encanto AUs, probably I investigated 'cause of housebroken or mermay... -🐾
Housebroken or Mermay seems to be where a lot of people started, if its not Papatonio. At least for the older followers and anons. But hey❗❗ still very cool <333
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
On my old account I remember I found Papa Antonio drawing and writing so I was like let me follow her so did, I wanted to type something on your ask n stuff but I decided to hold on incase if you were like those slandering mean people.
So many fast forward I had build up my courage and ask on anonymously what do you think of Mamalores and to my surprise you liked it or you been liked it and you didn't slandered me... I feel so relieved to find someone who wasn't a judgey type or so.
I continue to be on anonymous or wait for some else to write their ideas, tbh I was really scared to write or share my own ideas, I know your blog was a safe place but I was still in hesitation but I did manage to put down a couple of ask.
Another fast forward when I made a new account I decided to follow you again because I don't know why, anyways yes I follow you first because I followed someone else.
So how I found your blog was when I saw Papa Antonio art.
Yeah I remember! I'm glad you feel so comfortable around here, I try to make sure everyone feels welcome. I know a lot of people have au ideas that they wanna share but just can't find anyone to share with. That's why I'm here though! I really want people to explore their aus, and know that there are tons of other people who might like them as well! I'm glad you stuck around, Papatonio is a very cool au <33
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Uh ohhhhh back again
What up y’all, I got some random art I did. Posting it now instead of later because. I can. ANYWAY LES GET IT
Supernatural AU cause I haven’t really done anything on it lately. Just Isabela defending Mirabel and Antonio because. I love them.
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What do y’all think Papatonio!Mirabel’s gift is? I was thinking of giving her Cocooned!Mirabel’s old gift, which was flight, but I’m not sure. If y’all got anything send it in 😼😼
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Thinking back to that ask where the triplets could see Pedro even after he died, cause animals can see ghosts. Just them <3
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Just Mirabel being excited that she can swim with her mom in the mermaid au <33 idk
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Abuela (along with Julieta and Pepa) about to deck some guy in the face because he hurt Mirabel <333 we love Protective Madrigals
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Just a picture of the triplets Mirabel, Bruno and Pepa
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I sometimes hate my art style but. That’s cool, Imma still draw 💀💀 idgaf, I like drawing anyway
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