#papa antonio au
gamerbearmira · 2 years
Art finally❗❗
Did you miss my art? No? Understandable <333
ANYWAY these are. Really confusing but like. I don't know about y'all, but I love manhua covers so. What did I do.
These ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧ enjoy
So there's 2 variations of this. One is the normal protective one and the other is cut throat. Other than Alma's face and the background, there's also another very small difference. Bet you can't find it though <33
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Mermaid AU❗ I couldn't really think of a title, so. bury me at makeout creek it is. There is another version, one where its from Alma's pov and how she views them, but idk, I don't think its all that good </3
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Good old Papatonio. Very simple, not much going on. Idk if I'll add more </33
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There is so much happening here but I guess that's what I was going for???
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Again, very simple. Not much going on, but that's because Alma is meant to be the main focus. Also I left the baby in her hands purposefully up to interpretation, y'know, so people can insert their fave <33
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Not really a cover so much as it is me just thinking about this au and wanting to draw for it. Love Usagi cheering her chirrens on <33
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I never introduced this au because. I don't know if people will ever be interested in it but.
This is an au where Alma, is sort of stuck in a 'game'. She has to beat the 'game' and get the good ending. Lots of shenanigans
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THATS IT <33333 I did this yesterday and today so. That's why I was late to answer asks but. Hopefully you accept this as an apology ((ૢ(⁎❝ົཽω❝ົཽ⁎)✧
If you guys have any title ideas for literally any au, send them in and I will more than likely turn it into a manhua cover because.
I'm insane (in the membrane) ✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺
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New AUs!
Considering I have two to announce, I figured I might as well put them in one post.
The first being Fading Lights AU. I’ve played around with gift swaps many times before, but those are always with Pedro. So it’s only fair that Alma gets a turn with the gifts rearranged to see how that affects the plot. Spoiler alert: it does.
Distribution of the gifts:
Julieta - enhanced hearing
Pepa - shapeshifting
Bruno - communicating with animals
Isabela - weather manipulation via emotions
Luisa - future vision
Camilo - nature manipulation and creation
Mirabel - healing through cooking
Antonio - super strength
I am half-inclined to write the AU and there is already some outfit sketches in the works, but we’ll see how interest goes.
The second being the aforementioned Papa Bruno 2.0 AU. In which, Isabela (who won the poll by a landslide) is his daughter. Currently still finalising a few details on this, so I’m not sure how much I could answer. But I’m interested to hear any suggestions people have.
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starlynowo · 2 years
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Encanto AU: everything's the same but all the kids are Bruno's kids because why not
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queenofthedisneyverse · 5 months
Deceiver Chapter 1 - Villain Camilo au (rewrite)
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TW: Some cussing
As always likes, reblogs. and comments are appreciated. Questions are fine as well.
Special thanks to @miracles-and-butterflies and @evostar for the inspiration.
Chapter 2
These past several months have been the best fun Camilo has ever had. He bonded a little more with his family and that's the best thing he could ever ask for. Pranking people with Isabela, games with Dolores & Antonio, relaxing/talking about whatever with Mirabel/Luisa, and writing stories with his new Tio Bruno. Ok, well he's not new but still.
Not only that, but he's not forced to perform or babysit some random kid anymore. Don't get him wrong, he loved performing and babysitting but...it was getting a bit much for him.
A few years after his ceremony, it became expected for him to perform. To make people laugh. So much so that people would actively seek him out in hopes for him to make them laugh.
After he turned nine, he was given children to babysit. A few cousins on his papa's side of the family. No biggie. But after that, word spread around the Encanto, and he just became the designated babysitter of the place.
2, 3, 4, sometimes six or seven kids at a time that he was forced to look after. And at the time, he couldn't refuse. The family image was on the line and wanted to make abuela the miracle proud.
So, he dealt with it. All the times he wanted to relax he had to perform to make crowds or kids happy. If you need an extra Luisa you can just go to him. He can’t mimic her build and the strength she would have without her gift to help carry or lift whatever you needed…To hell with his own relaxation. 
“Hey, it's Camilo! Tell us a story,  we know you have a good one to share”
“I’ve been down lately, say something to lift my spirits”
“Say something funny, I'm so bored!” 
Any time he tried to refuse he would be peer pressured into it. Or told how he was supposed to help. Sometimes he would get scolded if he said no too many times.
"You are a Madrigal for god's sake, you can't help me for a couple of hours?"
"Just take Elicia now, I'll be back in a couple of hours!"
"What's with the attitude?!"
"You watch that attitude young man, or I'll tell Alma how rude you've been."
And usually, when asked to go to a certain place, he usually has to be someone else.
"Hey, I need you to be me for a couple of hours. I do not want to go to that wedding"
"Can you be me at my sister's birthday party? I really don't want to go"
"I need you to be me and go on a date with my girlfriend. She's really been getting on my nerves lately and I just need to break"
"You're Camilo Madrigal, right? Turn into Isabela and do something funny"
Just constant pressure to be that happy go lucky town jester, doppelganger, and babysitter. Not to mention that his gift was taxing on his body. Every shift took more energy out of his body but how was he supposed to explain that? To children especially?
All the food he ate would barely even give him the energy he needed because he would be out of it two hours after breakfast or lunch.
There were days where just wanted to pass out from exhaustion, but he couldn't, you know why? Because he was Camilo Madrigal, Alma Madrigal's grandson, a bearer of the Miracle his abuelo died to give.
He was never allowed to be sad, angry, or any version of upset. Just a happy sunshine boy who would make you smile if you demanded asked him to. Camilo can’t even remember when he actually let himself feel anything besides joy.
But after the magic left...that all stopped. And even when someone tried to pin a child on him, one of his parents, sister, or primas would shoo the person away in their own way.
Things were getting so much better for him and the family as a whole. Sure...there are some issues that haven't been said on Camilo's part but...he has all the time in the world to say something right?
He has all the time in the world to tell his family that he has trouble understanding who he is. How he has trouble seeing who the person is in the mirror when he looks at it. When he looks in the mirror he’s too scared to see whether it’s himself or someone else hiding underneath. 
How he still has issues letting himself feel negative emotions but…the magic isn't going to come back to distract everyone. So everything is going to go great.
Camilo watched as his hermanito gave Mirabel the doorknob. His smile widened and his heart swelled at the wholesome sight. As she walks up to it, they all come close.
"We see how bright you burn"
He sings with his family. He, his Hermana, and parents smiled warmly at her. 
"We see how brave you've been"
"Now see yourself in turn"
Mirabel's sisters and parents do the same. Everyone in the family, including Abuela, looks at her proudly. She finally makes it up to the new family door. Tio bruno now stands beside tia julieta and tio agustin. Man, has he grown since the start of all this. Still a little skittish and scared of people but he’s genuinely trying and making progress. 
All of them stay behind her, silently showing that it's her time to shine. She puts the doorknob in the hole and as soon as she does, magic sparks from it. Camilo's heart raced with fear...this isn't happening. He watched as the magic swirled around the house and all over the Encanto. Feeling the magic pulsate through his veins again.
No. No. No. No. No. No! No! No!
This can't be happening right now. Not after all this time, it can't be. The magic felt agonizingly warm within his body. He never wanted to feel this warmth ever again in his entire life. 
"Hola Casita!" Mirabel smiled and waved at the home.
The happy house started making music with its tiles, doors, windows, and anything else it could finally control again. With so much excitement, Casita bounced the stone floor under Mirabel and welcomed her in first.
"Come on! Get in here!"
Casita did the same for everybody and slid everyone in using the ground they stood on. The joy was ultimately infectious to everyone but Camilo. He was still trying to process what the hell was going on. 
"Calm down Camilo, our gits aren't back. It's just Casita, that's all" He thought to himself as everyone was piled in. "Surely, they wouldn't come back...right?"
Boy was he wrong, one by one, gift by gift. Isabela got her flower powers, Antonio could speak to his animals, Luisa got her super strength back. Pepa was happily dancing with small bits hail over her head. Felix cheering her on as always.
That must mean...no, no no no, it didn't. It couldn't have. He's happily gift less.
But he knew his gift was back. He could feel it in his very soul. Camilo was scared, frightened even. Does this mean things will go back to how it used to be?
Was he going to be the town jester and doppelganger and babysitter again? Was he now going to constantly be told to be someone other than himself?!
No, no, he won't let that happen.
Camilo looked around at the scene. Everyone seemed so happy and jovial while he was in a state of turmoil. Milo was feeling overwhelmed. He has to make this stop. He has to-
Suddenly, the tiles under his feet moved him to the center of the courtyard. Snapping him out of his thoughts.
Wait, what's happening?! he thought as his eyes looked around confused. The family all posed as the camera was brought out and bounced over to them with a rat on top of it.
"Everyone together!" Alma said cheerfully
"La Familia Madri-" Everyone was cut by Casita making them all huddle in too close together. Resulting in a funny but cute family photo.
After the family broke apart a little bit, Milo was given some space to think. If you could call it that. His mind was practically racing with all those horrible memories of how things used to be. 
Dolores looked at him as she heard his heart racing. To be fair, everybody's hearts were racing but she was the closest to him at the moment.
She looked at his face. He wasn't smiling. He looked perplexed to say the least...and a little scared. Which was odd, this was supposed to be a joyous moment right?
She stepped a little closer to him and put her hand on his shoulder. A small way to get his attention.
"Milo...you okay?" She asked softly and quietly, he was close enough for him to hear but quiet enough for others to barely acknowledge.
There's no candle...nothing to snuff out. Nothing to make the magic go away. It's going to happen all over again. No one is going to want me for me anymore. I have to get rid of it. GET RID OF IT! GET RID OF IT! But how?! Did Mirabel bring it back? no...wait, the doorknob...THE DOORKNOB-
Dolores spoke a little bit louder as she nudged his shoulder. Camilo looked at her in shock and looked around. His heart was still going rapidly.
"Camilo are you alright?!" She asked him while she looked into his eyes. She saw panic in his eyes, and he wasn't saying anything...he must be having a panic attack.
Her concerned voice alerted her parents Pepa looked at her son and stepped a little closer, putting her hand on his cheek.
"Mijo, are you okay?"
Camilo finally snapped out of his thoughts "I- I uh...yeah, I'm just...shocked is all" he chuckled nervously. Which wasn't a lie, he was shocked.
"Your heart was going really fast milo, are you sure-"
"I'm sure Dolores!" Camilo answered with a slightly irritated tone. He didn't mean that. Quick idiota, change your attitude "Heh....I'm okay, I'm happy"
Ok, very odd. He was telling the truth but there was something he wasn't saying. Dolores, Pepa, and Felix could see it.
"Mijo...if there's something wrong you can say it." Felix said sincerely.
"I'm fine papa, really"
The party continued and everything was going well. Camilo joined in on the fun as well. But only to appear just as happy as everyone else was. But on the inside, he was feeling everything but happy.
"The magic is back now" a voice in his head said.
"You know what that means," Another voice said.
"Everything will go back to how it used to" another said. 
"You're going to be the villages Mamita and bufón again"
"It'll all go back to everyone never wanting you, just someone who doesn't even act or look like you"
What is happening?! Where are these voices coming from...why are they saying this to me... Camilo thought to himself.
"We're saying it because it's true milo. Everything is going to go back to normal...unless you take that doorknob out of the front door of course."
This was becoming very concerning to him...but he felt like they were right. He didn't want to go back to that, he can't go back to that! He needs that doorknob gone.
When he noticed the attention wasn't on him, he snuck out to the front of the house and stood in front of the door.
It was a happy little door. It had everyone on it as a family. Cami couldn't deny that it was a sweet sight. But he wasn't really in the mood right now for sentimental value. He looked down at the doorknob, staring into it intently. It glowed so beautifully with that 'M' carved into it. Oh, how he hated it.
"Go on!"
"I can't!"
"Just take it already!"
"What if it doesn't work?"
"You want to go back to how things were? At least try it!"
Camilo internally argued with himself for a few more seconds until he reached out and gripped out. He tugged softly the first time, no budge. He tugged harder, still, it didn't budge.
“Puta madre!! Why Mirabel, WHY?! You just have to fuck everything up don’t you?!” Camilo seethed to himself. There was definitely no way of removing the magic this time. That doorknob more than likely wouldn’t budge unless Mirabel herself wanted to remove it. 
He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, to punch something ANYTHING! This isn’t fair. He can’t go back to being other people! He can’t go back to babysitting every kid in Encanto without a choice in the matter. 
“I don’t even know who I am at all and it’s all their fault! Those soul sucking ungrateful villagers. I never even got a thank you for watching their kids! Never a “thank you” for pretending to be someone else for them! I'm not going to let anyone force me back into that corner, EVER! I will burn this entire encanto DOWN to the ground before that happens again!”
Camilo’s heart was racing fast as he stared at the glowing door. Those smiles were so adorable…so mocking. He looked at the glowing version of himself “drawn” onto the door. He reached up to it and touched it. 
The door felt sickeningly warm to the touch. He could feel the music from inside vibrating off of it. Milo took his hand away with a scowl etched into his lips. He chuckled but there was no joy in it. Only disdain. 
Before he could think anything else the door swung open and hit him straight in the face, knocking him down. 
“OW!” Camilo groaned as he sat up off the ground clutching his face. 
“Huh? Oh sorry Milo, I didn’t know you were there” A voice said apologetically. Camilo instantly recognized it as Isabela’s. 
He looked up and saw her. She was completely covered in a variety of pollen colors but the most obvious one was dark blue. She held her hand out and Camilo begrudgingly took it. Next to her was a giddy and bouncy Antonio. 
“Did you kick the door open?!” He said as he rubbed his hurt nose. 
Isabela shrugged, “Yeah, lo siento. Now come on, Casita said that some of us have new additions to our gifts. Antonio wants you to try something”
Camilo looked down and was met with Antonio’s beaming face, “Cami! Dolores can turn her gift off when she wants too, that’s so cool right?! Isabela can make all kinds of plants now, even poisonous ones! I’m not sure what I or mama or Luisa can do yet but I want you to try something!”
Camilo took in all of that information and reminded himself that he wasn’t smiling, so he pretended that he was just as happy as Antonio, “Oh really? Well, what do you want me to try?” 
“Try shapeshifting into animals por favor!” 
Milo was taken back by that, animals? He remembered trying that once as a kid and nothing happened. 
“I- I don’t know tonito-”
“Pleeeeeease!” Antonio begged with that adorable smile and big eyes. Who can say no to that
Camilo sighed and kneeled down to be at his hermanito’s level “fine, any specifics?” 
“A jaguar, like Parce!” Antonio bounced with anticipation and joy. 
The teen boy looked up at Isabela, who just shrugged and put a hand on her hip as she waited. He looked back down at Antonio and stood back up. 
“Well…worth a shot” Camilo shrugged and closed his eyes. 
Milo focused on the image of Parce in his head and breathed a deep sigh. His eyes closed and breathing calm. After ten seconds he opened his eyes. He looked at Antonio and up at Isabela, then down at the ground.
Paws…he sees paws! He tried to circle around but he would just trip over himself seeing as it’s the first time he’s walking in cat form. But that didn’t deter him at all. He was ecstatic. 
“I- I did it! I turned into jaguar! I can shift into animals-”
“Pffft-” Isabela snickered and Antonio giggled at the sight. Camilo assumed it was because he was walking funny. Nope.  
“You missed a spot primo!” Isabela pointed at her face
“Your head isn’t a jaguar head. And you have a human backside” Antonio giggled. In a quick pace, tonito asked Casita to open the front door. The house obliged and did what it was asked. Before Camilo could get a word out Antonio shouted that everyone come see Camilo in a jaguar form. 
“No wait! Don’t!” Milo wasn’t a fan of his weird shifting quirks. They always acted up at the worst times and he hated it. Now was one of those times. The more he tried to shift back into any other animal or just himself he would just shift into a different animal with strange human likeness. 
By the time people were outside they saw the amalgamation that was a half donkey, horse, and teenage boy. It caused people, especially his family, to laugh at this shifting quirk. It was causing him to panic and shift more uncontrollably. 
He didn’t want this, he didn’t want to be the town entertainment again. Milo stopped to focus on the ground. In this form his legs looked to be a donkey's legs, horse torso, and a capybara face with his normal hands and hair. 
Alma came up to him with tears in her eyes as she chuckled, “aye milo, still trying to make everyone laugh I see” 
This isn’t happening right now…it couldn’t be. He wanted this to be a horrible dream but all of it felt too real to be. The laughs were so loud and annoying. His heart was beating really fast and all he could do was just look around in embarrassment. 
Pepa saw the panic in his eyes and her smile quickly faded, as well as her rainbow. She quickly walked over to him. Felix noticed her expression and followed suit. 
Pepa stood by him and patted his head in order to calm him down “Cami, you alright?” 
Camilo looked up at her and looked back at everyone else. He was not okay. He needed to not be the center of attention right now. He tried to shift into his human form but that just caused so much more embarrassment for him. 
Not to mention that all of this unorthodox shifting was hurting him. His bones and skin just shifted into so many things so many times. It was painful. 
Please stop! Please stop! Please stop! Please stop! Please stop! PLEASE STOP! He thought to himself. With a final scream of frustration he finally shifted back into himself. He checked himself over. Normal hands, normal face, normal body, normal feet. 
His breathing was quick and uneven. His heart beating a thousand beats per second. And…he was crying. Tears were falling down his cheeks and his body was shaking. 
“Camilo” Felix looked down at his son with concern and bent down to pick him up by the arm. “Hey, hey mijo! Breath, look at me!”
The teen couldn’t hear him. In fact, Camilo could still hear and see the villagers laughing at him. Even if they weren’t anymore. The laughter got louder and louder to him, never stopping. 
This frightened Camilo and he ran past all of them. Pushing and knocking over whoever he can to get inside Casita. The voices calling out to him were unheard as he rushed up Casita’s stairs and into his room. 
It was still the same as it used to be. A large theater with a big stage. The only difference was that the lights were much brighter than they used to be. And they were directly on him and followed his every movement as he ran past the audience seats and on top of the stage. 
He moved the curtain back and his old king sized bed was there with all of its yellow, orange, and red pillows, blankets, and sheets. On the right of his bed was a large rectangular mirror with the classic round light bulbs decorating all sides of it. 
“Casita…please,” Camilo whimpered as tears fell down his cheeks. Laughter was still echoing in his head. “Make it stop!”
He covered his ears like his hermana used to when noise became too much for her. 
Why is this happening to me?! I just want things to be normal! Why can’t I be normal, why can’t this family be normal?! Camilo fell to his knees and tightened his hold on his head. 
Why did Mirabel have to touch that fucking doorknob! This is all her fault, her fault, her fault, HER FAULT! Everything was fine before that. My life was going to be normal and now it’s back to how it was! Those people are going to use me again…no…
Camilo’s eyes widened as he stumbled upon a thought, “Those people…those ungrateful ass people! How dare they laugh at me?! After all the turmoil I went through to make them happy…that’s how they repay me” 
The teen boy chuckled, then giggled, and soon he started to laugh. Loudly and Maniacally. This was it, Camilo finally snapped. 
“I’ll make them pay”
On the outside of his room, Dolores was downstairs at the kitchen table trying her best to listen in on her hermano. But she couldn’t hear anything. She did hear him crying but then it just stopped as quick as it started. The only thing she could hear was his heart beat. There was a thought that he was just doing this to get attention but Camilo would never do that. 
“Do you hear anything?” Pepa asked with concern in her voice. The only reason she didn’t barge into his room is because Felix stopped her. He wanted to see him too but didn’t want to overstep a boundary. 
Dolores shakes her head, “No, mama his room is soundproof” 
Antonio looked up at his hermana and parents, “Is he gonna be ok?” 
Felix looked down at his youngest son sympathetically, “He’ll be ok mijo, he was just uh…a little embarrassed”
“A little my ass” Pepa thought to herself as she was stroking her braid. A small gray cloud over her head. 
“He was crying though” Antonio doubted and sank back into his chair a little bit. 
The table went quiet as everyone went into deep thought. He looked really panicked, hurt (both physically and emotionally), and embarrassed. Most of them thought he may have been having a panic attack but Dolores informed them his heart rate has slowed down. Which was also a calming thing to know for her as well.
“If I was in his situation I would’ve cried and ran off too” Bruno admitted quietly as he fiddled with his fingers. 
Camilo breathed in a deep sigh and stared at himself in the mirror. For once in a long time, Camilo saw his face staring back at him. He was sure of himself now…and knowing that put a sinister smile on his face. 
He tilted his head as he noticed something…man he needed a wardrobe change. 
I need a better style than this. Oh! I know Mami and Dolores would love to help me with that! Tonito and Papi would too. Milo stood up and walked away from the mirror, swiping the curtains out of his way and walked down the stage stairs. 
Once he made it out of his room he closed his door lightly and leaned his back on it.  A big and chipper smile appeared on his lips. A soft and happy voice to go with it. 
“Dolores, can you and Mami come upstairs please? I want a makeover”  
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evostar · 6 months
Some ideas I had for La Madre Silenciosa
Dolores heard everything from gossip, to cheaters, and abusers. 
She’s always heard abusers whether they were an abusive sibling, spouse, or parent.
 Dolores would cry herself to sleep knowing there were so many people in Encanto who needed help but Alma nor any adult would listen. Mirabel was the last straw, she heard Mirabel crying alone in her room one night a few weeks after her ceremony. She was crying every night, but Dolores didn’t know what to do.
After some long consideration, Dolores took it upon herself to start caring for Mirabel. Pepa was sometimes too tired to play with Camilo so Dolores would take it upon herself to care for him too. Felix had a little more energy so he could watch him from time to time. But it still wasn't often.
So, Dolores started caring for her two kids at precisely 12 years old. It wasn’t hard, Tía Julieta and Tio Agustín were too busy/tired and same for her parents. Alma did take notice and would be a little confused by how much Mirabel spent time with Dolores but never said anything.
When out in public Mirabel would stick close to Camilo, “She’s helping me with my show/ she’s helping me make people laugh” he would say if anyone even TRIED to open their mouth.  
Also, if anyone tries to verbally or physically hurt Mirabel, he has to help her in some way. Dolores told him that he is Mirabel’s older primano and that he has to look after her if she isn’t around. Yeah, he would get in trouble, but he didn’t care, as long as Mira was ok, he was happy.
By the time Antonio came along she was seventeen, and of course, she took him in.
Now when it comes to hiding abused people/kids I'm not sure how it would work. I think at first, Dolores asked Casita to make her room a little bigger and took people in over time.
The ages of people she takes care of range from 5-20+. These are just some ideas, you can tweak them of course.
I’m so happy to have this au! It seems so interesting and adorable🥹 (well half-)
I was thinking that Dolores kinda grew up to be a takecarer of the Encanto children who most likely either get treated bad by their parents or guardian. She’s either a big sister or a mother to a lot of the children, most of the children she has basically grew up with her and they eventually started to call her mother or big sister, most of the older children often help her take care of the others as if like a family, including camilo, Mirabel and Antonio! Camilo and mirabel kind of became a Tia or Tio too in the process.
And if there were any abuse to poeple who are way older then her, she made sure to report them to the police. She did try to do the same with the children but often got rejected because they thought she was just lying or ruining peoples lives so she stopped trying with the children.
The other family members had some suspicions about some stuff but rather brush it off. Isabela and Luisa are always watching though.
I also like to think that when Dolores was 18 she got together with Mariano! Who has also become a big part of the little (rather big) family! He’s like a father figure to most of them, many call him “papa” or “big brother” too! But their favorite word to call him is “gentle giant” all of them knew though that everyone’s favorite was Dolores.
Now I think that casita would have made an extra apartment like room for the little family, it’s somewhere in Dolores room (where it’s most likely hidden) and that casita often helps them take care of the family, such as providing food, making sure they are all comfortable or not left out, and definitely that none of the little ones escape into the house. They love to call casita “Tia casita” or “Tita” for short. There is door in the backyard that also leads into the room so it’s often easier to acces too! (Which ofc, is also hidden!)
Dolores loves to take care of these people, and if she ever felt ill or bad, they always made sure to check on her too :D!
(Little art 🩵👌)
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(These two are siblings who’s parents got arrested for drug addiction and abuse, mostly the drug addiction but they are newly members to the family who adapted it quiet quickly)
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yellowcry · 7 months
Too tight, it suffocates me
Why doesn't Abuelo trust her? She's not a child. She can take care of herself.
[Swap au]
Why didn't Abuelo trust her? This question was often popping out in Mirabel's mind.
Abuelo was cooing over her even before her failed ceremony. In a sense, it was part of his personality. Keeping everyone safe. Not to Isabela's extent of course. Maybe it was normal, Mirabel couldn't really tell. She had no contact with people outside of the family. In the best case, she would see the cousins from her papa's family side. And that's about it. As a child, Mirabel didn't pay attention to this. Surely, Grandpa just wanted to protect her, that's what he was always saying.
Not getting a gift just made it worse. Initially, Mirabel didn't understand what was going on fully, just that Abuelo focused so much attention on her that it was scary. Mirabel wasn't allowed to stay alone. Camilo was sitting in her room often, watching over her as over a helpless infant. When her cousin wasn't around, Abuelo would be here instead. But her favorite was definitely her dad. He knew what it felt like to trip over or get a bruise by accident.
Abuelo actually seemed to be extremely crazy over the injuries. Even despite the magic healing. Going as far as getting Mirabel to stay in bed for a few days after she got a wooden splinter. It was strange. And Mirabel had no idea if it was normal or not. Again, she knew almost nobody outside of her family. This isolation made her unsure if this was normal or not
Still, she wished to be able to do things on her own, without feeling gazes pressing into her forehead all the time.
Her only access to how other people lived was in books that Papa read to her. Sometimes, Mirabel would take one or two in a secret too. She was always really careful to avoid cutting her finger with the edge of the page.
Camilo grew annoyed. They had a good relationship in the beginning, he even seemed thrilled about this. But as years passed, he started to be more harsh, trying to leave as fast as possible after coming up with the most ridiculous excuses. Not like Mirabel could blame him in this account. It wouldn't be nice to watch over your cousin all the time. She wouldn't be surprised by this growing hole between them both. Besides, if Camilo wasn't here, it meant some time for Mirabel and only for her. A little bit of privacy she craved so much. So she would give Camilo more and more excuses to go somewhere else and stay alone. And Abuelo couldn't assign anyone else to babysit her twenty-four by seven. Papa and Tío Felix had to help the other girls if they wanted to get into town. Luisa was always busy with her endless workouts. And Abuelo himself was taking care of the whole village.
She didn't tell anyone when she started to embroider. Bribbing Dolores to sneak out and buy a set for it was easy.. Her cousin was one of the little people who dared to go outside. With her hearing, she was able to make sure Abuelo wasn't nearby and that she would return if he started to look for her in Casita. This was a secret between the two of them. Sometimes wondered if she could decorate her clothes. Show off herself if she didn't have a gift. And in a sense having her own embodiment on her clothes felt right. But she knew that Abuelo would get crazy if he found out. This was so dangerous! Mirabel could prick her finger with a needle or...she wasn't sure what else could happen.
She didn't know what was so scary about a small injury if she could get healed in less than a minute. This just... Made no sense. It wasn't normal, was it?
This thought made her guts twitch. It was bad to think this way. But parents in the books she read had never wrapped their kids so tight.
She just wanted some freedom.
"Abuelo doesn't trust me."
This realization came to her at night, Abuelo didn't act like this with Camilo or Luisa. Hell, even Antonio who had just turned five had won more trust than Mirabel. What had she done that Abuelo believes he can't rely on her? She wanted to be free, not to feel like she was chained, unable to care for herself. Because this felt like Mirabel was suffocating. Covered in a thick shell from an outside world. Was it fair? She wanted to be able to do... anything! This frustrated her so much that she couldn't help it. She wanted to have time for herself like Isabela did or to deserve his reliance like Luisa.
Cracks were still in her mind. What was happening with Casita? Antonio's party almost got canceled because of it. Mirabel felt so guilty, she almost ruined Antonio's party.
This lay on her heart with a heavy feeling, a guilt tightening around her chest. But as much as she wanted for her primito to have an amazing evening, she was concerned. It was something unexplainable. Something more than she could explain.
Sneaking out to see the candle was probably a stupid idea. Mirabel couldn't help it.
"Oh, Alma..." Mirabel felt her heart stopping. She had never heard Abulo talking so emotionally. He was usually cold, determined no matter what. "What do I do now? Our home... It's falling apart." Her breathing caught in her throat. Mirabel wanted to run into Abuelo's room and hug him, taking this pain away, instead, she squeezed herself against the wall stronger, as her grandfather kept with his personal talk "Is there a danger surrounding us? If anything bad's about to happen..." His gaze was focused somewhere far away, far beyond the mountains that surrounded them "Open my eyes. We can't lose anybody else."
It was heartbreaking. Poor Abuelo...
But what if he was right? Maybe there was something more to those cracks. There was a reason why they would show up. What if they were in danger and nobody knew it?
If Mirabel helped to fix everything, maybe she would prove that she's strong enough to take care of herself. Maybe she would make Abuelo realize that he doesn't have to hold her so tight.
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brave329 · 1 year
The Vally of the lost
This is basically my idea for a massive crossover of a lot of @toaverse au’s
Many of the casitas in different universes are interconnected and have ways of sharing memories
In most universes the madrigals are a good and loving family
Unfortunately in others some members are cruel and abusive
So some of the casitas who are forced to watch their favorite Madrigals suffer because of an entitled village and so called family members plan prepare and bide their time
This all comes to a head when one of the casitas collapses
It rebuilds itself in a world where non of the madrigals survived the raid and the Encanto does not exist taking its favored madrigals with it
The other casitas then abandon their worlds merging with the first casita and taking their madrigals with them as well
It’s pure chaos and confusion as everyone tries to figure out what happened
In the shitty Pepa au most of the family lost their gifts cause casita took them and then gave them to the family members that deserved it
The other casitas like that idea and copy it
They eventually calm down and start talking about their respective worlds and what it was like
Basically like a giant bonding/group therapy session
They all have some trouble at the beginning with expecting people to act like their counterparts but they work through it
Found family but it’s better versions of your actual family
The village gets started when yellow butterflies start leading refugees of la violencia to the vally
Giftless Julieta
Julieta-Julia (seeing the future from Bruno and Pepa swap)
Augustine-Gus (weather control from his universes Pepa)
Dolores- Lolo
Luisa- Lisa
Mirabel-Mariana (has gift of healing with food)
Green Dolores
Mariano-Diego (weather control)
Fish lady-Ozma (strength from shitty Pepa)
Senora Guzman-Rosá (healing from shitty Pepa)
Sophia and Diego’s sons Hugo and Pedro (1 year old)
Papa Augustine
Augustine-August (healing with food)
Dolores- Carmen
Luisa- Amelia
Mirabel-Mariposa (weather control)
Antonio- Augustine Jr (he picked it himself)
Bruno and Pepa swap
Pepa- Tempest
Felix-Feliz (super hearing)
Mariano-Sol (weather control from shitty Pepa)
Shitty pepa au
Alma-Corazon (shape shifting)
Augustine- Música (super hearing from his worlds Dolores)
Mirabel-Marigold (gift of plants from her worlds Isabela)
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quitefair · 1 year
From Sea to Shore: A Josephine Montilyet Lore/Meta Project
Part 2: Josephine’s Parents
Part 1: The History of the Montilyet Family
Alright lads, we’re back in it. We covered the family’s history in Part 1 (which I highly suggest you read before coming back here). Now we’re going to cover the current members of House Montilyet.
Specifically Papa and Mama Montilyet.
So, we know for a fact that Josephine is the eldest child, and therefore the heir of the family, from early conversations in Haven. But we only get a bit more information during this interaction with her in Skyhold: 
Inquisitor: Tell me about the Montilyets. Josephine: Well, my parents are alive, and in good health. They live on our estate in Antiva City. Of my four siblings, most attend to the running of the family vineyards.
Things we learn here 1. Both her parents are around and well. 2. She has four siblings, who for the most part attend to the family business back in Antiva.
We get the names of most her siblings in conversation during Of Somewhat Fallen Fortune:
Inquisitor: Maybe your siblings could help lighten your burden. Josephine: You don’t know them! Put Laurien in charge? Or Antoine? Or Yvette? No, truly – it must be me. - Conversations with Josephine in Skyhold
We also know her father’s name from a very ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ source.
"Ah, yes. Yves Montilyet—Josephine's father—is an old friend. We used to hunt together." - Edouard Desjardins, Commander of Suledin Keep
So from all of this, we can put together a family tree of sorts. I’m stealing the one from the Dragon Age wiki’s page on the Montilyet family.
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(I have a bit of a gripe with this family tree, but at the part involving the siblings. Which we will discuss later.)
Now that we know all of this, let’s start the conversation by talking about Josephine’s parents.
Yves Montilyet
Inquisitor: Why are you overseeing your siblings’ social lives? Josephine: It’s Antivan custom. After a certain age, the heir apparent runs the family’s estate to prove they’re worthy of succession. If you’re unfit for the task, the heads of the house – usually one’s parents – may decree a new heir. Inquisitor: What do these Antivan “Heads of the Household” do if they don’t run it? Josephine: They work and provide guidance. I’ve taken advice from my parents. Well, mostly mother. Father’s more of an artist. It’s rather gauche, but we never can dissuade him from running his own salons. Between him and my siblings, mother’s looking forward to my taking over the estate. - Conversations with Josephine in Skyhold
Since Dragon Age has only ever demonstrated societies with patrilineality, we can assume that Papa Yves is the one passing down the Montilyet surname. He is labelled as one of the ‘Heads of the House’ alongside his wife. They were previously in charge of the family businesses, but have taken a step back recently. Instead, they provide advice and guidance to the next generation of Montilyets, while also carrying out lesser duties within the businesses.
However, it’s also implied that Papa Yves is less concerned with the affairs of his family business. I’m incredibly fascinated by the fact that a) he’s an artist and b) he runs his own salons. The latter point seems to be a bit controversial, because apparently it’s considered gauche for him to do so, and that his family has tried to dissuade him from it.
To understand why this is so interesting, we need to take a look at what a salon even is.
There are two meanings to the word salon that we’re going to discuss today. The first one, and the one that Bioware probably wants us to compare this to, is the French Art Salon. These were organised by French artistic academies and were exhibitions to display artistic works made by members of said academies. The most famous of these was the Salon Carré of the Louvre in 1787, organised by none other than Louis XV.
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Exposition au Salon de 1787 - Pietro Antonio Martini (1738–1797)
If this is what Bioware meant by salon, it... doesn’t quite make sense why Yves is berated for organising them. Historically there’s the implication that if you can organise a salon, you have money and standing. Heck, the Salon Carré was organised by the King of France! Patronage of the arts should be a given for any nobility worth their salt. It should be seen as something honorable and exciting that somebody with Yves’ background is regularly hosting salons, contributing to the ever evolving artistic scene within Antiva and possibly beyond.
I do have three theories as to why this might be the case, however.
The first theory is that salons cost money to host. And from Part 1 of this series, you guys should remember that the Montilyets are up their asses in debt. However, it should make more sense for Josephine to berate him for spending money on these salons rather than calling the whole situation gauche. Unless I’m missing something here, and that gauche actually comes to mean he’s throwing around money recklessly to host these things, without much care for the family’s financial situation.
The second theory is that Yves might actually be an artist. Meaning that his salons are displaying his own work, as opposed to hosting the work of others. In the Middle Ages, artists were seen more as craftsmen, those of a lower social standing than the nobility. So perhaps it’s not the fact that he’s hosting the salons that is the problem, it’s the fact that he’s hosting salons of his own art. The fact that Yves, in the eyes of Antivan noble society, is stooping down to the level of a simple craftsman, is very crass indeed. Perhaps not befitting of the head of an old noble house.
The third theory, and the one I quite enjoy thinking of, involves the second meaning of salon that we haven’t discussed yet. And that is the salon as a gathering.
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Les femmes à table en l'absence de leurs maris (Women at the table in the absence of their husbands) - Abraham Bosse (1602-1676)
A salon of this sort was a gathering with the intent of exchanging ideas. They usually took place at private homes, and were often organised by prominent women within circles of nobility. Guests were often from among the nobility; well read individuals who would discuss a variety of topics, usually politics. These salons were also notorious for being the birthplace of many a revolutionary idea.
[Sources: Link 1 | Link 2 ]
It’s an interesting theory that the reason Yves’ salons are so controversial is because the people who attend and the topics of discussion might move beyond simple art critique and discussion. Are they discussing overthrowing the Antivan monarchy? The merchant guilds? Other taboo topics that I’m not even going to get into or we’ll be here for days?
Anyway. Back to Papa Yves.
Salon drama and hunting parties aside, we don’t quite see much of his personality, apart from this line in the World of Thedas:
“I feel as if I am abandoning the estate as well. Mother pretends to be holding up, but I can tell she is disappointed I am moving even farther away from her. During dinner, Father looks at me with sad eyes. - World of Thedas 2, page 229-230
I like to assume that from this, he really does love his kids, or at least Josephine, and is sad that she’s leaving for the Inquisition, if the puppy-dog eyes are enough of a tell. It’s not a stretch then to assume that he’s kind and emotionally available with his family. If this is the case, we can likely assume that this is where Josephine gets her kindness, her exuberance for life, and her charismatic ability to speak with almost everybody she comes across with from. (to run a salon you must be able to schmooze with a bunch of different people).
Before we move on, I’d like to backtrack a little bit - to touch on something I’d not really focused on earlier.
Yves, despite being a so called Head of House, doesn’t really get involved in the family business. There’s a hundred year debt that’s threatening to ruin your family, and you’re planning art exhibitions??? Going on hunting parties?
Anyway, if Papa Yves is out chilling with art dudes, revolutionary dudes, and his bro Edouard, who’s actually been sorting out the Montilyet business? Who’s been shouldering the worry over the family debts and keeping up family appearances, not to mention raising a brood of five children on the side?
Well lads, this brings us to my second favourite member of House Montilyet:
Madame Montilyet
Inquisitor: What do these Antivan “Heads of the Household” do if they don’t run it?
Josephine: They work and provide guidance. I’ve taken advice from my parents. Well, mostly mother. Father’s more of an artist. It’s rather gauche, but we never can dissuade him from running his own salons. Between him and my siblings, mother’s looking forward to my taking over the estate. - Conversations with Josephine in Skyhold
Well, we have an answer to my previous question my friends.
Mama Montilyet is running this entire fucking show.
We don’t even get a name for her! We don’t know anything about her! And yet I am frothing at the mouth here thinking about how she seems to single-handedly be holding the fort in this family. I’m frothing at the mouth!!!!
We can probably assume that Mama Montilyet is a member of Antivan nobility, and that her marriage to Yves Montilyet was arranged by their families. There doesn’t seem to be any animosity between the couple, and the fact that Josephine only ever talks about her childhood fondly makes us think that these two probably had quite a decent marriage.
Again, there’s not much textual evidence of this, but it can be assumed that despite marrying into the family and being an outsider coming into the family business and all the stickiness that comes with it, she seemed to take it in stride. In fact, it seems like Mama Montilyet is the true Head of House. The fact that Josephine takes advice primarily from her mother (as evidenced from the quote above), implies that Mama Montilyet has more experience running the family business of the two offical Heads of House.
(Whether this be the fact that Yves was just not good at managing things from the get go, hence Mama Montilyet had to fill in from the beginning, or the possibility that because Mama Montilyet was so good at managing things that Yves was like damn son, maybe I can finally chill for a bit - we might never know.)
Time passes. The Montilyets have a brood of children. Mama Montilyet is likely already thinking about the family’s legacy. About who is going to take on the role as Head of House. Probably also thinking which of her children would be the best candidate, the one with the spirit, the strength, the work ethic required to not just run the existing businesses, but perhaps to also finally allow the Montilyets to overcome their debts.
We can assume that she looked at her firstborn. Saw Josephine’s potential even from a young age. Or maybe just happened to pick Josephine as she was the eldest, so she could mold her, shape her into what, in Mama Montilyet’s eyes, was a true and capable Head of House.
Inquisitor: Where were you raised, Josephine? Josephine: I was born in Antiva City, but when I turned fifteen, Mother declared I’d attend finishing school in Val Royeaux. Oh, but I bawled into her skirts the day I had to leave. Inquisitor: You must have missed her terribly. Josephine: (sighs) I did. And she was most unsympathetic to my wailing. But my mother only wanted the best for me. Living in Orlais was an education in itself. - Conversations with Josephine in Skyhold
Was this a test? To see if Josephine had the steel and the spirit to overcome hardship? Or was this to begin her training towards joining polite society, something that is important as an Antivan noble?
Mama Montilyet also probably knew that as a woman in polite society, there’s a certain power in knowing the rules of said society. Not to mention that a finishing school in Orlais would most certainly also start teaching Josephine elements of the Grand Game itself. We don’t quite know how politics work in Antiva (something I’ll probably talk about later as well), but like I mentioned before in Part 1, the Montilyets have inextricable ties to Orlais, despite their past exile. So it makes sense that Mama Montilyet would send her eldest to learn all of this.
She also seems to be more emotionally distant compared to her husband. She was ‘most unsympathetic’ to Josephine literally sobbing into her skirts as she was to leave for Orlais, a public display of emotion that is probably normal in our dramatic and passionate land of Antiva. There’s also this paragraph in The World of Thedas:
“Her arguments are sound, yes, but there is such an air of finality when she talks about restoring the Inquisition. I feel as if I am abandoning the estate as well. Mother pretends to be holding up, but I can tell she is disappointed I am moving even farther away from her. - World of Thedas 2, page 229-230
Mama Montilyet probably has to be like this because of the responsibilities she carries. The mask she puts on with her family probably also carries into her interactions with society. An outward projection of strength and poise, showing the world that despite the fact that House Montilyet is seemingly in ‘gentle decline’, they were still worthy of respect.
Despite all of this, you can get hints that Mama Montilyet loves Josephine in her own way. The ‘disappointment’ in Josephine moving further away from her? Only wanting what’s best for her daughter? Josephine in turn seems to have a great deal of respect for Mama Montilyet - taking advice on how to run the family businesses from her, going along with Mama’s decisions, even when they seemed terrible at the time (i.e. finishing school in Orlais)
Josephine’s incredible work ethic, professionalism and ability to maneuver polite society with grace and intelligence all seem to be things she learned from her Mama.
They also both tend to nag on Yvette.
Josephine: Tell me, Yvette, how are Mama and Papa? Are they in good health? Do they want for anything? Yvette: Papa’s perfectly happy in the studio. Mother is the same as always. Josephine: Meaning she’s after you to do more work. Yvette: You always take her side! Josephine: I don’t “take her side.” I happen to think, as she does, you might attend to more of the estate’s duties. Also, stop slouching. - Ambient conversation between Josephine and Yvette, Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
Yvette: Are you happy to see me at all, Josie? Josephine: It may not have wise to attend this particular engagement, Yvette. Yvette: I didn’t want to come. Mother made me. At least Halamshiral has such pretty gardens. They’re so darling, I took out my parchment! - Ambient conversation between Josephine and Yvette, Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
Inquisitor: Tell me about the Montilyets. Josephine: Well, my parents are alive, and in good health. They live on our estate in Antiva City. Of my four siblings, most attend to the running of the family vineyards – oh that reminds me, I must ask someone to make sure Yvette attends the spring reception at the Palace! My youngest sister has no head for social engagements. - Conversations with Josephine in Skyhold
Very cute parallels.
Anyway, a lot of my ramblings on Mama Montilyet lean more heavily towards meta rather than canonical lore, but again, we don’t even get a name for her. Whatever I’m writing on her here, I’m extrapolating from the text, so yeah, Bioware, sue me I guess.
(Anyway that’s all for now. We’ll talk more about the other Montilyet siblings in the next section. See y’all there!)
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hurt-comfort-lover · 1 year
Mirabel AU / Mirabel Angst / Mama Mirabel / Part Eight
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(The beginning of the movie-based plot)
Antonio had woken up and jumped onto Mirabel's bed, telling her that it was his birthday. She grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.
“You know if it wasn’t your birthday I would be mad at you for waking me up.”
“No, you wouldn’t, you love me too much.”
“You’re right you little stinker,” she said as she tickled him.
“Feliz Cumpleanos Tonito.” 
“Gracias Mirabel.”
Mirabel knocked on everyone’s door to wake them up as usual. She did her daily chores, laundry, setting the table for breakfast, etc. Then that morning she went outside to play with the village children since she was already up. Tonito wanted to join her but his Mami and Papa were smothering him and wishing him a happy birthday. She sang and ran around the village telling them about her familia. Afterward the village children asked her what her gift was. She should’ve known that they would ask. Most of the time the talk about Mirabel being giftless was told through whispers and rumors. Mirabel didn’t want to lie to them.
“I wasn’t given a gift.” She said solemnly.
“Why not?” A young girl asked.
“I don’t know why, but it’s ok. It just means that I have more time to play with you guys.”
“Is Antonio going to get a gift?”
“Of course he is silly. He’s going to get a super cool gift, so you better watch out.” She said with exaggerated hand movements. The kids giggled and ran off to play. 
She headed inside, knocking over a couple of things while trying to maneuver through the crowd in the casita. She saw her Abuela directing people, showing them where to put decorations. Mirabel walked toward her as Abuela turned around.
“Oh! Mirabel,” She said.
“Hola Abuela, I wanted to ask if there was anything I could do to help?” Many of the townspeople didn’t have gifts and they were helping, why not her?
“Gracias Mirabel, but today isn’t the best day. Everything must go perfectly. Let the familia do what they do best.”
“Si Abuela,” she said as she left. She decided to check on Antonio and then probably go back to the nursery. Antonio ran up to Mirabel and showed off the suit that he got. She smiled and told him that he looked very grown up. Then she went back to the nursery, soon it would be just her room. It was weird without Tonito’s bed next to hers. She could barely remember what it was like before she shared a room with Antonio. She was worried that they would grow apart like she and Camilo did when he left. Little did she know that Antonio wouldn’t let that happen in a million years. She stayed on her bed and sketched in her notebook waiting for it to be time to leave. She left the room early though, so she could see the progress. It brought back memories of her ceremony, but she just shook them away. Pretending they weren’t there in the back of her head. About five minutes before the ceremony was going to begin, nobody could find Antonio, but Mirabel knew where he would probably be. She went to the nursery and grabbed his gift that was wrapped.
“You know they’re waiting for you,” she said playfully. She dropped her present to the floor,
“If you don’t grab this present it’s going to self-destruct in five, four, three, two…” A little arm came out and grabbed the present. He opened it to find a stuffed jaguar, which he hugged tightly. She joined him under the bed.
“What’s wrong mi hombrecito?”
“I’m scared, what if I don’t get my gift?” he asked.
“Well first, it’s not going to happen. You’re going to go out there and touch that candle and open the brightest door anyone has ever seen! But if that happened in that impossible scenario, you would be stuck with me and I could keep you all to myself.” She said as she squeezed him. 
“Gracias Mirabel.”
“Anytime Tonito.” Casita started flipping the boards, letting them know it was time to go. Mirabel gave him one last hug and took Antonio to his madre y padre. 
Antonio looked out at the candle nervously, he couldn’t do this. He was too scared. He saw Mirabel off to the side and held out his hand. She whispered to him saying,
“I can’t” but he whispered back, 
“I need you.” She couldn’t say no to him, so she grabbed his hand.
“Come on, let’s get you to your door.” She walked him straight to Abuela and the candle as he held on tightly to her arm. Memories of her ceremony flashed before her, but she refused to let them affect her. This was Tonitos night, she wasn’t going to ruin it, no matter what. Abuela smiled at him.
“Will you serve this community in strength and hope?” He nodded and then he touched the candle. He walked over to his door and put his hand on the doorknob. The door shined as a Tucan squawked at him on his shoulders.
“Uh-huh uh-huh, I understand you” The toucan squawked again.
“Of course, they can come!” Animals went straight to him, and his picture appeared on the door. Mirabel looked in awe, she was so proud of him.
“We have a new gift!” Abuela announced as the crowd cheered. Everyone began to dance and cheer, exploring Antonio’s new room. Abuela called for a family photo, and everyone gathered around and smiled. Everyone except for Mirabel that is. Her smile faltered, she should’ve expected this. She didn’t want to risk ruining the mood, so she walked out into the halls of the casita. She walked around, singing about how she felt. It ended solemnly as she saw a crack in the floor, she picked up the broken floor tile and then dropped it when it scratched her.
“Casita?” Cracks formed around the walls and Mirabel panicked. She ran straight towards her Abuela, and tapped on her shoulder,
“Can I please talk to you?”
“Not now Mirabel, we’re celebrating.”
“It’s important.”
“What’s so important that you have to interrupt your primos party?”
“I saw cracks on the walls of Casita, and I panicked and ran here.” She said quietly to not cause panic, she knew her Abuela liked to keep the public happy. Abuela excused herself and Mirabel took her to where she saw the cracks. The cracks were gone though, even the broken tile on the floor.
“Really Mirabel?”
“I’m not lying, I got cut on my hand by a broken piece of tile, see?” She held up her hand. Abuela just shook her head. 
“Just because tonight was hard for you doesn’t mean you get to make things up for attention. That’s enough. Go get an arepa from your Mami and don’t tell anyone.”
“Si abuela,” she said through gritted teeth. She was frustrated, tired, and sad. Despite how she felt, she would never try to ruin Tonito’s night. Her mami gave her a hug and told her that she should get some rest. She dragged herself back to her room the nursery and curled up in a ball against the wall while sitting on her bed. She held her knees to her chest and just cried. There was no Tonito to worry about, he was busy with his party. It was probably too loud for Dolores to hear her, though even if she did Mirabel doubted she would come. She leaned her head against the wall, tears streaming down her face. Her thoughts were out of control.
‘Idiot, why would you ruin Tonito’s night?’
‘You’ll never make your familia proud.’
‘They hate you, at least when they remember you exist.’
‘You’d be better off gone.’
‘Maybe you just weren’t good enough for a gift.’
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mamabelverse · 1 year
First post for my (hopefully) fully original AU? LET'S GO, BABY!
Yep, I created yet another Gravity Falls AU, I'm trying to keep up with... actually, it's been in my head since last summer, but I only recently came around to officially make it.
Well... welcome to Mama Mabel AU blog! :)
(AU logo)
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The point of AU is my try to reverse the popular concept of making Stan or Ford to be Dipper and Mabel's father. This gave me Mabel as a mother to Stan and Ford. And before we continue, I want to say that, while creating this AU, I was very inspired by my favorite AU for last year's big hit Encanto, Mamá Mira, created by lovely @anotsomysticalnight and it's fanfic on AO3
Right now, I'm really giving myself to this AU fic and I like how it turns out to be, so I hope you will too!
And, for awhile, it's been my main concern for this AU, before I made a request to @elishevart and saw this :
And saw this AU by the amazing @gamerbearmira
By combining them, I got myself two timelines for this AU, I really like and will continue to make! I don't have real names for both timelines yet, so, for now, I'll be calling them "Biological" and "Adopted".
I do not claim any of the things, I was taking ideas from, as my work, it all goes to their original creators!
And thank you too all the amazing people, who inspired me to create and write this AU! I love you, guys!
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casitafallz · 2 years
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LTRL AU | Birthday repairs
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Agustín didn’t linger too far at the table and easily followed up to his wife’s back, his hand coming to catch her hips.
“Mi Vida…”
“You were right.” Julieta hissed, “Stupid idea…”
Agustín inhaled deeply but shook his head, gently tugging her weight back into his chest. “It wasn’t a stupid idea, My Vida. Just…the wrong person.”
It had been a long discussion the last few days on what sort of party they were doing and in all honestly, Agustín hadn’t liked the argument he had gotten into with Julieta last night; he had stepped by to keep the peace. He had wanted to throw a small party, the family, his parents and sister, maybe his Sobrina as well from his sister’s side. Isabela had barely interacted with her younger cousin and Tia that… he thought she might benefit from opening up to the other’s of their family.
Abuela had stepped in and pressed for something even smaller; to keep the celebration private to avoid any incidents that could arise and had reasoned that Julieta’s health would benefit for something more mundane. He had caved, in most part Julieta had been getting bad headaches the last few weeks and…he didn’t want to keep adding stress onto her shoulders. It wasn’t work stress—not anymore— that much he knew but she was a worrier by nature and probably the build up to this day had been the cause.
“We shouldn’t have put off the birthday talks.” Julieta grumbled, “we…we might have had more time to get….decorations.” She inhaled shallowly, her eyes prickling with tears. Agustín’s hands moved to rub soft circles into her back. “I feel terrible.”
“Juli, we made a mistake. It happens.” Relief settled as she turned and hugged herself into his chest,  arms snaking around his waist. “We just…need to apologize.” At the very least here because… well he should have seen a bad reaction the moment he saw her look around… and he should have wished her a happy birthday this morning but both he and Julieta were still recovering a little from last night. He thought the others would at least, he certainly heard Mirabel. “and we need to make it up to her.”
Julieta’s breath wavered a little but her bun bobbed as she nodded. “I know.”
“what do we do now?” Mirabel’s voice echoed behind them.
Agustín jumped a little, Julieta stiffened in his arms before stepping back but kept a hand resting on his arm, unwilling to let go. Julieta looked a little lost for words, uncertain.
“Let Isa have a minute,” Agustín gave his daughter a soft look, even as Mirabel pouted a little. “I’ll go talk to her first.”
“Okay, Papa.” Mirabel moved forwards abruptly and sunk into Julieta’s arms to comfort her mother.
Agustín patted her shoulder softly though he turned his gaze to his mother-in-law who had remained seated with a perplexed expression, her meal untouched as most now aside from Camilo who had no issues eating through such an uproar that even Antonio was giving him a confused look. Bruno still ate but with more awareness and care to not chew too loudly.
“Don’t get upset at Isabela,” he requested directly to her, “We are at fault for this.”
Abuela’s head rose, lips pursing a fraction. “There is little way to salvage such an incident, Agustín. Let’s eat and clear up. We can talk to Isabela tomorrow on this.”
Abuela took at him sharply.
Camilo’s crunch loudly echoed in the dining room, earning the kid a soft budge from his father but Agustín wasn’t for back out because of an audience.
“The meal may be ruined but the evening is not. It’s only six-thirty after all.” He intended to do more than just let Isa drown in her upset when they needed to address this. “You don’t have to be down here, but it’d be nice to try and salvage what we can. Isabela thinks she still being punished, I don’t intend to validate that.” He straightened up. “Pepa, Felix, I think it’d be best if—“
“Don’t worry, I think it’ll be easier with fewer people.” Felix waved off casually, his hand coming to his wife who begrudgingly nodded. “I do want to give her my gift personally, however.”
“I’ll talk to her.” Agustín promised.
Taking their plates, or what was left, the yellow family opted to finish their meal to the privacy of their rooms, or Antonio’s room is the 5-year-old’s suggestion had any weight. A flash of red showed Dolores hurrying with them as well.
Which left Abuela and Bruno at the table with Luisa looking like she was stuck in the middle, fiddling with her cutlery.
“Mama, let’s take a walk first.” Mirabel encouraged behind him but, a loud knocking against Casita’s door pulled any attempts to digress.
“Casita,” Abuela rose to her feet at that before leading the way out to the door, Agustín followed though he already had a hunch on who it was long before they got to the door that swung open with some level of hesitancy from Casita and both his parents came in, blissfully unaware.
It was no secret that he had inherited both his style and looks from his parents and even to their greying years, they hadn’t tried to keep to Encanto’s fashion and he did enjoy the unique look they had. It showed their family profession quite well.
His father was suited into a bottle-green suit with a complementary brown coat, his grey-almost white hair slicked back and had a familiar warmth in the lines of his face. His mother’s features were much sharper but with softer brown eyes; her grey hair was up into a typical bun and in her hands was a large, wrapped gift with ‘Isabela’ written onto its tag.
“Abuelita!” Mirabel darted forwards and immediately hugged her.
“Ay, Mirabel.” His mother smiled, her arm juggling the gift to free one up, and gently hugged Mirabel back. “I’m glad to see you… and that you’re hugging again.”
Mirabel pulled back, lips wavering for a moment but nodded softly, “I’m getting there.”
Her mother didn’t press much more than to a simple nod of acknowledgment and touched Mirabel’s cheek affectionately before dumping the gift for Isa into her husband’s arms. “Luisa, come hug your Abuelita…”
Luisa rose without a second of doubt and easily pulled her grandparents into a hug with a more relaxed smile, her tall frame easily towering over the two as she straightened up nerviously.
“Mijo,” Abuelita wandered away from Luisa, her eyes touching over Abuela and Bruno though her eyes became much more fixed as she realised who was missing. He could already feel the unease in his gut now because… she was not going to be happy. “Where’s the birthday girl?” Her tone was calm and warm and laced with a casual question but he internally winced like there was a threat to her words.
His mother was sharp and clearly, she was reading the entire room in the space of three seconds to know something was wrong. He knew better than to lie to her- late sixties or not, she was intimidating.
“She’s… in her room, Mama.” Agustín admitted though he gave her his best assuring look, “Dinner’s gone a bit sidewards. I was about to go up to her.”
His mother’s smile vanished though it was uncanny of how the look of displeasure was something she and Isabela had shared.
“It’s a minor miscommunication,” Abuela spoke up, “nothing that can’t be taken care of but…perhaps you should return tomorrow when Isabela’s in a better mood.”
“No, I came to see my eldest granddaughter and give her her present, which will not change.” Abuelita’s polite answer though she turned her attention to Mirabel, “Mira, what happened?”
Mirabel flushed a little, “Well… there was a suggestion of doing a little surprise party and….Isa may have thought that the family forgot about her birthday and—“ Mira stopped as Abuelita raised her hand.
“I see.” She inhaled deeply though her gaze became stern, “Agustín, Julieta, would you mind if I spoke to Isabela first?”
Agustín felt his wife’s hand snake into his, her eyes baring unto his uncertainly but nodded after a moment. “I’ll get you something to drink.”
“Here, I brought this from home.” From his coat, he pulled out a large bottle of wine and Julieta led him towards the kitchen, their voiced quiet and carrying but Agustín was glad that his father was probably the best to distract Julieta.
“Why don’t you two go and set up a comfy spot by the corner,” Agustín suggested to both his remaining daughters. “Bring the cake and presents and make it look pretty, okay?”
“Okay, Papa.”
Vera was quietly fuming by the time she reached Isabela’s door, momentarily taken aback by the change of her door’s entire placement and the little hallway steps up that hadn’t been there before. It ruffled her feathers, so to speak. Vera did know it had been a good few months since she had been down here… since Mirabel’s Quinceañera at least and Isa’s door hadn’t been like this… something was wrong.
Her knuckles thumped lightly across the glowing, wooden door before silence echoed, no reply or inclination of permission to enter.
“Can I go in?” She felt odd to talk to the house but the tiles by her feet shifted in a way she hoped was a yes before she touched the handle and poked her head in. Inside, she had expected to see the fields of pink but she felt her jaw drop at such a new room and color.
A huge tree was what pulled her attention first, massive and looming above it all and…stunning if that was one of her granddaughter’s creations. Clearly, there had been a lot she was unaware of… why hadn’t Agustín had told her this when they had last spoken?
Carefully treading, Vera felt so small in such a jungle of colors and plants. A pitcher plant with bird feathers sticking out its bowl had her step a little quicker. Cavernous plants, trees, brightly colors pods….was that an herb farm? Were all those her creations too?
Against the canvas of colour, her eyes caught sight of Isabela sitting in a ball beside a tall, slim waterfall that thundered a cool mist across the large space and surrounded by a multitude of random flowers and plants; all sharp and prickly which…felt symbolic at the least.
“Nieta?” her voice carried as she settled the gift to her feet.
Isabela stiffened a little more but turned to face her swiftly, her hair like a curtain and seemed to hide her face away
“Abuelita?” Her voice was so soft and surprised.
Vera sighed softly though happily moved forward a few steps as Isabela struggled to her feet and sunk into her held out arms, her body shaking with soft sobs. “It’s okay,” She rubbed her back, “You’re okay.”
It took a few minutes and slowly getting to the bench a few meters away before she felt Isabela relax a little, staying leaned into her side like a child.
“Can you tell me what happened?” Vera encouraged, hoping to get her side of the story out as well.
Isabela sniffled, her eyes looking straight to her lap. “I…I knew I wasn’t…going to get a big party like-like last year.” She took a shallow breath, “But…. they didn’t even bother with decorations!”
It sounded like a very small thing and not something to throw a fit about but Vera was a big-picture woman. Isa had clearly drawn a comparison between her last birthday to this. She did recall Mirabel telling her they had a surprise planned, she could see why Isabela would be so much more affected.
“Ay, that’s something I agree with. They should have had decorations and they certainly should have made it look so much more important. You’re only twenty-two once.” Vera rubbed her back, “Anything else?”
“No one wished me a happy birthday this morning. Only Mirabel… and she gave me this as well.” Her hand patted the damp blue shirt she wore. “Mama only just told be before dinner but…it felt cheap…why wait all day to tell me?”
It was stunning, Vera noted and she could see it was certainly a work of art. Mirabel had come to her shop once for some help but that was before things had been added. The fact the girl gave Isabela that showed that she had forgiven her for sure for what she had done.
Vera was not the one to condone violence and she had offered to take either Mirabel or Isa in after it had happened but Agustín had assured them has it handled. She didn’t know the full story but she was glad there had been punishment given and that Isabela was mature to take it with a high head.
But, she could now plainly see why Isabela would be so upset. No inclination of a surprise on top of no well-wishes of a special day… it must have built throughout the day for her to react like this. It felt a little familiar.
“Happy birthday, niñita” Vera brushed some of her hair back behind her ear. “I’m sorry that happened. I think…they were planning on surprising you after dinner so they were probably trying to save it.”
Isabela scoffed, wiping her eyes on her wrist, “I don’t care for surprises, Abuelita. It…doesn’t feel like that they wanted to put the effort in for me. It…it was my special day today” Isabela looked so deflated, her eyes welling up.
“Ay, it is your special day for sure… and in all honesty, I thought your Papi knew better than to go for a surprise party.”
“What do you mean?”
Vera hummed softly for a moment; a story Agustín must not have told her. “When your Tia Sofia was turning 14 when we thought of doing a surprise party. Doing everything in secret, hiding the decorating, even the ones we ordered….” She trailed off, “Agustín accidentally set a fire and destroyed the decorations so we had to put in a late order again on the day…”
She could feel Isa’s curious gaze now. “Wh-what happened?”
“Well, your Tia was on some medication when she was a child to help with some pain, your mother was unavailable at the time but… it wasn’t brewed correctly. That’s my mistake there. We were so frantic on the day, she left early to see her school friends but… the medication also made her paranoid.”
Isa’s lip twitched.
“So, she did come home early and nearly caught us putting stuff up but, your Abuelito was picking up the new order at the time while I had a neighbor help around at the same time. As soon as I heard her, I had the neighbor grab the boxes and shoved him into the nearest room…which just happened to be my bedroom.”
“Yes, I know.” Vera smiled, shaking her head. “So, the evening comes around when we have Agustín bring her home—I had her go to play with her friends—but I didn’t know that…she had peeked into my room through the outside shutters and saw the neighbor when she had left, not the decorations and had…assumed I was having an affair on her birthday.”
Isa’s jaw dropped a little. “What?!”
“It gets worse…”
“Because when she came in, we all shouted ‘surprise’ and she burst into tears…. She had thought the party was me announcing to her that I was leaving her father for the neighbour. She had built an entire narrative in her head throughout the day on what could have happened; all the hush-hush, the secret talks me and the adults had…” Vera shook her head, “she thought that the party wasn’t about her special day and more about a divorce.”
Isabela gaped at for a moment, but now had entirely relaxed like Vera had hoped the story would do “Is…is that why we’ve never had that sort of party before?”
“Si, and one of the reasons I would have thought your Padre would have been against it. It’s the worse day for misunderstandings.”
Isabela looked down, “This wasn’t a misunderstanding.”
“Perhaps it’s more of a…lack of communication. I’ve heard things haven’t been easy for you and it’s….easy to think the worst. You do have presents and a lovely cake waiting for you, if you’d like to come down?”
Isabela shook her head. “No… no dinner’s ruined.”
“But not this evening,” Vera tried, “Why don’t you come down with me? Come and see your Abuelito? He’d love to watch you open your gift.” Which she had now realized was on the grass, the paper getting soaked with waterfall mist.
“Go down? After what happened?” Isa’s voice wavered, “I… I can’t face them.”
“Why not?”
Isabela shook her head. “I ruined dinner…it’ll be too awkward. They’ll want apologies and—“
“Well, they’ll have to apologize first, niñita” Vera hoped Dolores would pass that along, “You’re allowed to be upset for them not giving you happy birthdays or decorations. I don’t know who insisted on a surprise but…lets not waste this evening when it’s young. You deserve a good evening so why not try?”
Isa’s face still looked conflicted but Vera gave her hand a soft squeeze.        
“If it’s still too much, then you can come back. I won’t stop you.” Vera reasoned
Isabela exhaled but thankfully nodded, “Okay, Abuelita.”
Isabela knew her Abuelita was trying and she was glad it was her. Someone not…so into this whole mess to judge her on why she was here. Like her Papa, she knew she was far paient; at least she knew where he had gotten it from.
Together, they walked from her room, Abuelita grabbing her present on the way out though thankfully began to talk.
“So, what presents did you receive?”
“One of my friends gave me some…bookmarks,” Isabela spoke softly, glad to focus on that. “My other friend, Fran; she actually set up lessons for me in town.”
“Well… I finished a project with her and… well I had nothing else happening. Fran thought it could be useful for me to learn other things. Pottery sounds good; I have a lot of plants that’ll need pots… but…I’m curious about…textiles.” Isabela watched as her Abuelieta looked at her in delighted surprise.
“Textiles? Like sewing?”
“No, now…sewing.” Isabela winced, “I don’t have skill in that regard.”
“Pray tell.”
“Making threads and material, that sort of thing.” Isa knew it sounded very out of context but…she wasn’t quite ready to admit she could make cotton or fabric plants… not yet. Only Fran and Mateo really knew and… well Dolores by her gift but she hadn’t really approached Dolores and didn’t plan to.
“Ah,” Abuelita nodded. “It’s a laborious art, Isabela. Me and your Abuelito only tend to work with the finished sheets. I hope you’re…prepared to endure the long tasks it brings.”
Isabela shrugged, “Well, I suppose I’ll either learn or drop it but either way, I’ve tried it out.” It would be far easier to at least learn how to spindle, at the least, even if she never got further than that because at least then things were half-processed.
Abuelita smiled at her, though still keeping an eye as they reached the bottom of the balcony steps, “I suppose that is all that should matter.”
Isabela smiled softly though she could see the back of Luisa seated in at the other end of the courtyard which made her uneasy that…now she was out of her room. Out to see her family and… whatever they had pitifully pulled together to make this…work.
“Come,” Abuelita encouraged her onwards, and begrudgingly, Isabela forced herself forwards and tried to ignore the increasing beat against her ribs.
“Ah, Isabela.” Abuelito was the first to swoop in, drawing the rest of the family’s attention to her but Isa strictly focused as Abuelito pulled her into a hug, noting the distant smell of tobacco on his suit before she patted his back, allowing her to be released. “I’m happy you’ve come down, you look stunning. You always did look good in blue.”
“Thank you, Abuelito.” Isabela straightened out the creases that had formed in her new shirt, internally wincing because she knew she had probably splodged her tears into it. “Mirabel did a wonderful job.”
“Si, Si.” She kept her gaze down a little as she felt the eyes on her, though she could see the…cake her mother had made now. Two tiers, a light blue, base that was decorated with shaped and crafted sugar flower petals of lilacs, blues, and pinks as if it was a bouquet. Icing complimented and eased the flow and décor. It was beautiful and she appreciated the work her mother put in to create such art.
But… on top of the day, it felt like it lacked…heart. Isa could reason she had perhaps her mother had worked all day onto it which did spring from warmth back into her chest but the doubt remained like it’s shadowed companion.
“Mija…” Julieta appeared next, her face melded in concern and…somewhat apologetic, though Isa couldn’t help but notice the slight dark circles under her eyes as her mother reached for her arm. Mama was tired…. Guilt wiggled a little in her gut but she lightly smiled back, not genuine but enough she hoped to appease her mother.
It did, if a little. “Lo siento, Isa” Her mother spoke. “This…day should have been better for you and… we want to make it up to you.”
“You don’t have to,” Isa replied because she didn’t want that; all she had wanted was a birthday, something proper. Not something to make up for their lack of consideration on an important day; it made the action feel… guilt-riddled. They weren’t necessarily doing it for her and for the most part, to make themselves feel better for this. She didn’t want to hold it against them… but she didn’t feel the enjoyment as she should have.
She wanted something real.
“How about we cut the cake?” Abuelita suggested, guiding them both to the spare seats. Isa kept her posture relaxed as her papa pulled out a knife.
“Where are the others?”  Isa asked; it hadn’t escaped her notice her Tia, Tio and cousins weren’t a part of this… her Abuela for that matter. Tio Bruno though, she could see the edge of his ruana from a hammock, rats running up and down the string and disappearing to snuggle or play against him.
“They’ll come by later. Tio Felix wants to give you his gift a little later personally.” Luisa spoke next, fiddling a little. “Happy birthday.” She added a little awkwardly.
Isabela nodded, her shoulders relaxing. Leaning into her mother’s side a little as she lent forwards and took the knife from her father’s hand, gently cutting through the first layer and then handing it off for him to continue himself. Soon enough the cake was shared but the slight reservation in the air didn’t break until Abuelita shoved a particular covered piece of cake straight into Abuelito’s face than his mouth.
A moment’s silence lisps before Mirabel began to snigger. Luisa’s lip twitched a little though isa couldn’t help but fall into giggles as Abuelito shoved his straight back, coating the front of his wife’s shirt in blue frosting and icing as if they were teenagers.
Their antics did calm before anything could be thrown and Isa was sure it could have easily gone that way if Camilo or Antonio had been a part of it. Isa held back on her tia and Tio’s present when they had gotten to unwrapping, the air now feeling far more pleasant to move on.
“Present time!” Mirabel hopped up excitedly and took the lead on the wrapped boxes, her enthusiasm making Isa smile as she began to unwrap them.
From Luisa, she had simply gotten new gardening tools, nothing from Camilo unless you counted the single, terracotta pot that clearly had been a last-second buy—probably for his sake than hers— and from her parents, she had received a new set of shirt and a skirt; much thicker material which meant it was sturdy.  Dolores had given her a knitting set, which felt odd but she opted not to question it.
But what was the prize of her gifts was what her Abuelita and Abuelo had made.
A leather bag. Was big, large enough for her to store gardening tools, books, and had a lot of pockets, probably good for holding seeds. Its décor was tanned-brown, but was beautifully made with meticulous designs of flowers and herbs and had a beautiful brass latch. She could even smell the leather polish.
“Woah.” Agustín lent forwards, “Mama, that’s stunning.”
Isa touched along the designs, her eyes welling up happily before she jumped up and threw her arms around her. “Thank you! It’s so beautiful!”
Abuelita’s chest rumbled, her chuckles soft in her ear. “Ay, you’re welcome, little one.”
“I almost don’t want to put anything in it! I’d hate to ruin it by accident.”
“Ay, you worry too much.” Abuelito chuckled, his hips curling into his mustache. “Like I said to your father, our home is always open.”
Isa’s head cocked to the side, her eyes turning to Agustín curiously. What did that mean?
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Papatonio: Prologue
I was re reading some snippets, and had reread some Papatonio ones. And I got inspired. So.
This goes out to the ones who have been here since Paptonio. I know I've neglected it, and after finding the old doc for it, I decided to finish the prologue and give y'all a little drawing as well <33 We going back to our roots
Antonio wasn’t stupid. In fact, he was quite smart. He noticed things, things other people didn’t notice.
Like how even after helping her, Isabela still was mean to her and took credit for finding out about the new exotic plants. How his hermana Dolores would hear Mirabel crying herself to sleep but wouldn’t help, so he had to by bringing her some water. How hermano mayor stopped trying to make Mirabel laugh. How his prima Luisa stopped paying attention to his Mirabel more and more.
But he also noticed it in the adults. It seemed worse with the adults.
Like how Abuela would yell at his Mirabel for no good reason. How Julieta and Agustin would show her pity. How his mama and papa would push her aside when she tried to help or even talk.
Antonio didn’t like it. He and Casita would help her. He didn’t like it when Mirabel was sad. And it only got worse as he got older. The family slowly started to forget she was there. Mirabel would take her plate up to the nursery and eat while crying. Antonio would join her, when he could.
Antonio would hang out with Mirabel constantly. His other family members may have forgotten about her, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. She was too important to him. While he was out doing chores, which was usually guiding animals to help around town, he would always look for Mirabel in the square. He tried asking his other family, but they either ignored the question or just didn’t care enough to know her whereabouts.
“Mirabel?” Isabela scoffed. “How should I know? She tried too hard anyway, it’s good she’s out of the way. You should finish your chores while she’s gone.”
Antonio hated when they said things like that. He hated it when they hurt his Mirabel’s feelings.
Over the years, Antonio noticed something. Mirabel got quieter and quieter, only ever opening up to him. She would disappear for days at time, worrying the heck out of Antonio. She noticed that she would try to blend into the background.
He was 6, and she was 16, when he noticed that she had stopped trying to talk to her other family members. She only talked to Antonio and Casita. Not that it mattered; they hadn’t seen the difference. But Antonio did.
He was 7 and she was 17 when he noticed that Mirabel wasn’t coming to breakfast, lunch or dinner at all. The family didn’t realize it, because they were too caught up in playing happy family. But Antonio did.
He was 8 and she was 18 when he saw Mirabel visiting their Tio Bruno in the walls more often. Bruno never minded the company, and Mirabel finally had someone else to talk to. Eventually, when he could, Antonio would go with Mirabel. Every visit, Antonio and Mirabel would talk with Bruno and give him more food and water, keeping him company. The family was always paying attention to themselves, so they didn’t know. But Antonio did.
He was 9 and she was 19 when Antonio noticed that Mirabel wasn’t at Dolores and Mariano’s wedding. Everyone got an invitation, except Mirabel. He tried to get her to come, he really did, but she said it was best to stay away. So, despite being one of the groomsmen, he left early, just to stay with Mirabel. The family noticed Antonio was gone, and he told them he felt unwell. But they didn’t notice Mirabel was gone. But Antonio did.
He was 10 and she was 20, only a month away from turning 21. Antonio noticed something. Mirabel was gone. And not like before where she would disappear for a few hours and come back. This time, she left and didn’t come back. After 2 days, Antonio got worried. He sent animals far out to the forest to search for the girl.
He himself searches Casita and the town. He looked everywhere, leaving no stone unturned. He asked around the town, but everyone either didn’t know, or didn’t care. At one point he even asked his family. It was the same as the town. They didn’t know or care. Julieta and Agustin didn’t even seem half as worried as they should have been.
“Tia! H-have you seen Mirabel? I’ve been looking for days, and I can’t find her!” Antonio said, frantically explaining the situation.
Julieta glanced at him before turning back to her stand. “O-Oh Mirabel? You know her, she’ll be back. Just give it a while,” Julieta brushed him off, sending him on his way.
Antonio hated how his family reacted. They didn’t care for his Mirabel. Not like he did. He loved her with all of his heart, no matter how big or small it was. He would find her, if it was the last thing he did.
That’s what he thought. And he tried. But he never found her. 4 weeks went by, and he never found her. He didn’t stop looking though. Everyday, he would tell some animals to help around the villagers and take the rest to look for his Mirabel. And he never stopped. And yet…
He never found her.
Antonio walked into his room, animals who had been with him that day walking in. His eyes were puffy and his throat was sore, but he didn't care. He couldn't bring himself to care. Not after what happened.
For almost 2 months, Mirabel had been gone. And only he and Bruno had noticed. Bruno tried his best to help, and so did Antonio's animals, but it was all in vain. Mirabel was nowhere to be found.
And the family didn't care. Abuela sure didn't and none of the cools cared…expect maybe Luisa. She showed some sympathy and tried to help but she was always busy, and Antonio knew she needed her breaks when she had the chance. Dolores and Mariano were newlyweds, and Camilo wasn't much help. His parents may have tried, but they were focused on Dolores at the moment.
The boy sniffled, wiping away his tears. He slumped to the ground, tears falling despite his best efforts to stop them. He could hear his animals talking to him but…he couldn't comprehend what they were saying. He couldn't, because he had failed. Failed to protect Mirabel like he promised her. He wasn't there for her.
"I'm sorry…I'm sorry Mira…" Antonio sobbed, gripping the grass below him. He sat there and cried, uncaring of his surroundings. He didn't care how pathetic he looked, he felt pathetic.
He sat there, animals surrounding him. Eventually, he heard his name being called. Over and over. It got louder and he looked up, seeing a constrictor talking to him. Something about his bed…hammock…baby…
Wait. Baby?
"What?" Antonio asked and the boa repeated what he had said. There was a baby. In his hammock. No way. That's impossible, there were no new babies in the family, and babies don't come out of thin air…right?
But then again. Magic was a reoccurring thing. So maybe…
"Show me," Antonio said and followed the boa to his tree. Climbing the steps, he could see something moving in his hammock. And it definitely wasn't an animal. Moving with more haste, he finally came up to his hammock. And peering over he saw it. A baby girl, wrapped in a teal blanket, sleeping. "What?"
Antonio moved toward, looking on in disbelief. So he hadn't been lying, there really was a baby. A baby girl? She looked familiar. Too familiar.
"Do any of you…know who this is?" Antonio asked. All of the animals replied negatively, except for two. Parce and Pico. The two who had been there since the day he got his gift. He watched Parce walk over and sniff the baby. His eyes widened for a moment. Pico watched carefully before turning to Antonio and chirping something. And Antonio froze at his statement.
"That's…her? Is it really?" Antonio asked, throat becoming dry and scratchy. Pico nodded and Parce confirmed. It was true.
This baby was Mirabel.
Antonio stood shocked before he finally seemed to blink away his trance. Carefully, he scooped up the little one, getting a better look at her. And he could see the resemblance. He had seen countless pictures of the family as babies; and as of late he had been looking at albums with Mirabel in them. And he recognized her; this was the same baby that had previously been seen in Julieta's arms in photos.
"It's really you…you're back," Antonio said quietly, crying. He held her closer. Still sound asleep, Mirabel had cuddled deeper into his arms. "I missed you so much…" Antonio said as he cried, slumping to the ground as he hugged her.
"I won't fail you this time. I'll always protect you and be there for you," Antonio promised.
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Antonio starts freaking out 5 minutes later cause. It’s a newborn baby and. He’s always been the youngest and has never cared for babies. ANYWAY
DID YOU GUYS LIKE IT...I hope you did <333
Hopefully you can't tell where the writing style slightly changes. Half of this was written in like April and the rest in November. BUT THE DRAWING IS RECENT❗❗
Hopefully y'all liked this, this is for you loyal ones, I really appreciate y'all <33
Might do asks later 🥱
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Who is it?
Please leave your explanation of who in the comments. I want to see your evidence.
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toaverse · 2 years
Hi I’m a big fan of your AU ideas and I have a suggestion for your papa Astine (sorry for spelling his name wrong) AU. Instead of just Alma being called out Felix, Pepa and Julietta get called out as well and it being all of the grandkids not just mirabelle (sorry for spelling her name wrong too). What do you think?
I think it’s great! Thanks, Anon!
Julieta, Pepa and Félix responsible as well for dumping the kids on Agustín, not only Alma.
And the kids themselves as well. Mira shouldn’t be the only one calling out the Alma and the other adults, but Gus and all the kids (except maybe Antonio) should! (Another issue I have with the film…)
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queenofthedisneyverse · 8 months
New parent additions to the 'El santuario de los padres au!'
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Werewolf Papa Mariano by gamerbearmira
Papa agustin and mama julieta (and agustin) by @toaverse
(you can find the au here)
The new additions sat in the living room with their kids in tow. They were all told the gist of why they're here and the rules. And safe to say...they are disappointed.
Julieta and agustin had all six of their kids playing outside, Agustin had all six of his kids playing outside, and Mariano had Mirabel and Antonio with him.
"Sooo....from what I got from this. All of us became parents by either seeing being forced to, child neglect, or in alma's case, a tragedy?" Papa Mariano asked as he held 10-month-old Antonio in his arms. His Mirabel was playing outside with her other variants and kids.
"Yep" Pamamilo shrugged as he sipped tea. Julieta looked at this Camilo and she gave him a sympathetic look. She couldn't image HER Camilo or any of her children being forced to care for a baby at a young age.
And yet, she saw versions of all her children in the living room who were literally forced to do such a thing. Mamaisa, Mamalores, Mamabel, Papatonio, Mamaluisa, papabruno...ugh. At least Bruno was of age when he took Antonio and Mirabel in. And Alma was at least in her 60's when she had to care for Mirabel, Luisa, and Isabela.
From the stories she heard, all of her cross dimensional children were very young when they took in a family member as their own...too young.
"And my variants are usually if not always the one causing these things to happen, as well as my children" mamabuela balled her fists as she sat on the couch. "Same with you, si?"
Papa Mariano nodded, Papa Agustin nodded, and the other blue couple nodded as well.
mamabuela (alma) deeply sighed and leaned back on the couch, staring up in the ceiling. "Why am I unbearable in every universe?"
"Why do you guys do here?" Papa agustin asked.
"We mostly come here when things are too stressful or when we don't have anyone in our worlds to watch our kids for a moment. Other than that, we usually have fun here" mamaisa explained.
"We sometimes have pajama parties and play games" Mamaluisa said with a smile
"Eat food and watch funny films" Mamalores added
"Gossip about people or just talk about what's happened recently" Papa Bruno also added.
"This is so...sad" Papa Mariano's shoulders slumped as he took in the information, "not the fun parts but...just..y'know"
"yeah but, we try not to think about it too much" Mamabel shrugged and softly smiled.
"So, let's get your rooms and other things situated. After that you can meet the rest of our children" Mamalores led the newcomers upstairs and mamaisa got some lunch ready for them.
Mamabuela sighed as she took everything in...'why does this keep happening?' she thought to herself
All of it is so sad and common it's comical almost.
Link to other au's
Mamalores (you can find other info in the tags)
Mamaisa (you can also find more info in gamerbearmira's tags)
Papatonio au
(PS. Once everyone is all together all the parents and kids pose for one big photo like the gif above. The photo sits on the kitchen wall like the family tree does in the movie)
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leontiucmarius · 11 days
LIVE UPDATE. Război în Israel, ziua 344. Forțele israeliene au atacat din nou mai multe zone din sudul Libanului
Cel puțin 16 persoane au fost ucise în atacurile israeliene asupra Fâșiei Gaza. Șeful ONU, Antonio Guterres, afirmă într-un interviu exclusiv acordat Al Jazeera că SUA trebuie să facă presiuni asupra Israelului pentru a pune capăt războiului. Papa Francisc a criticat moartea copiilor palestinieni în urma loviturilor militare israeliene asupra Gazei, calificând drept „urâte” bombardamentele asupra…
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