#papilio anima
frontiermemories · 10 days
Continuing from here: x || @papilio-anima
The farmer took a few moments to catch his breath, wiping sweat off of his brow, and resting his hands on his knees while he tried to regain composure. He took great care to enter the building in a calm, respectful manner, but rushing over from Mondstadt was finally catching up to him.
"S- Sorry for barging in at this hour. But, um... sensitive topic?"
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Perhaps, somewhere down the line of doing this back-and-forth, the farmer managed to forget, or become downright desensitized to how unordinary it was to just frequent such an establishment. The look on his face reflected this, being somewhat oblivious to the implications of rushing into the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, in the dead of night, looking disheveled as though he were in a great rush.
"Did I come at a bad time...?"
That's all he could think of to say. After all, he had nothing to spill on his part. So, maybe this was one of those cases where he had to 'read between the lines'? Well, this gave him enough time to stand up properly, gathering a last couple of large breaths.
"I just needed to ask you something- It's about ghost food. But if you need to be alone right now, I'll come back later."
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sercphs · 5 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀Takes the coupons, actually.
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solarisligatus · 3 months
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"My gorgeous girl~." Lukat hummed softly as he wrapped his arms around the funeral director from behind. Resting his chin atop her head. Thankful she somehow hadn't heard his approach. Thankful also, that she wasn't doing anything too important. "Any chance I could steal you away? I have something I think you'll find very fun planned~."
@papilio-anima || sc.
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hcttrick · 5 months
@wise-innocence I'm so sorry xD ❤ I just noticed the mention then seen the ask lol 💕 bless Yanfei!
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wise-innocence · 5 months
Advice needed: What do you do when your platonic rose handout gets mistaken for a different pyro user with a cool hat?
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starwardsword · 5 months
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"Vanilla, huh? Well, that's unexpected." Things were learned today.
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glacialswordsman-a · 2 months
💋do they like to kiss while having sex? do they cuddle afterward?
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💋do they like to kiss while having sex? do they cuddle afterward?
Yes, Kaeya does kiss during sex, no matter who his partner is. He could absolutely HATE his partner for the night but still kiss them because there’s just something about it that satisfies him. Cuddling? No. Not unless he’s in a relationship with the person, or if he trusts them enough. He can cuddle friends just fine, or even FWBs if they want him to, but not ONSs or people he doesn’t care for.
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l-capitan · 2 months
"just help me with this, and i'll be out of your hair for good."
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A slow sigh escaped the tall Harbinger as he looked at the empty coffins that were lined up along the floor. “Madame Hu Tao, I would have expected you to have employees to assist you with this,” he stated, turning his head to regard her. If she could see beneath his mask, she would be able to see him giving her a Look.
A look similar to that of a disappointed father.
Still, he moved over towards the coffins anyway, and one by one, lifted them as though they weighed absolutely nothing. As though they weren’t hundreds of pounds of wood and metal. With three on one shoulder and one tucked beneath his other arm, he shifted to place them up along the walls in a proper display. The way he held them up and put them in their rightful spots was completely effortless, as there was not a hint of exertion.
He has all this strength to use for the greater good…and he’s using it to assist a young lady with her funeral business.
“Is this an acceptable spot for you, Madame Hu Tao?”
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anemcreign · 6 months
Starter for @papilio-anima
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Scaramouche grimaced as he tries to move his damaged body, stupid hilichurls and their weapons. He was stronger than some feeble mindless creatures, he continued to force his body to move as the puppet lines in the joints of his elbows slowly became visible.
He didn't have a heart nor normal flowing blood as his body was entirely mechanical, made by a Archon and highly durable to withstand even the hardest of blows.
The fact that he was 'injured' like this was pitiful, he ventures near a vast forest of sorts as there seemed to be wisps just floating.
What exactly was this place?
He scoffed as he continued onward, cautious of anyone or anything that might be lurking near him.
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chivclry · 7 months
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"...pardon my intrusion you two, what is slam poetry...?"
@starwardsword @papilio-anima
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possets · 5 months
@papilio-anima // 💚
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"i am not blaming you," as he spoke, there was no effort made to mask the burning irritation in his voice, "when i say this is your fault, i am stating a fact."
baizhu stalked past her to the washroom beyond, annoyed by the gritty dust and clinging ash and sticky oils on his hands from the mess of fallen jars that had lost their place on rather fragile shelving.
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"if you hadn't come barging in here to once again torment my assistant, this wouldn't have happened," said once reemerged; he scolded hu tao with a tone that better belonged to a beleaguered parent than a business rival.
all this commotion, all this trouble, and qiqi wasn't even at the pharmacy this afternoon — she was out and about gathering herbs.
"now, you can help clean your mess, or the funeral parlor can expect a hefty bill for the damaged product."
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frontiermemories · 2 months
@papilio-anima || x
The breeze seemed to pick up just then. An arm came up, instinctively, to shield Raguna's face from the sudden gust. It was a fleeting moment, but it lasted long enough for the man to spot the rather eccentrically dressed traveler. Usually, this would hardly be a noteworthy event, but the other's body language seemed to suggest some degree of malnourishment. It seemed only logical to speak up. The grumbling sound of a yearning stomach only further served to highlight the point.
"Um- Client?"
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Raguna would have probed into that choice of term some more, but it hardly seemed like that was not the priority here. Swiftly, he discarded the thought and reverted his attention to the traveler's words.
"Oh, yeah I do, actually. Hold on a moment, please!"
With a quick spin, the man hustled over to a nearby shipping bin and fished for a few things from within. "Alright! This was prepared not too long ago. It should still be warm."
A neatly presented container of several skewers was withdrawn from the shipping bin and offered to the traveler by Raguna.
"Here you go. It's just some vegetable skewers, but they're all from my little field here. You're headed to Mondstadt, right? This should be more than enough to get you the rest of the way there."
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rosavulpes · 5 months
delicately putting a hand on their back (for Shuichi)
— subtle physical affection prompts 𓆩♡𓆪
When he'd first been approached by the Liyue Qixing to perform critical aid in what he'd initially assumed to have been a tragic accident , he'd felt it his duty , nay responsibility as a practitioner of medicine to say " Yes " . Which he had . There were lives at stake .
Of course , his parents would be cared for , looked after , and more importantly ? protected in his absence but even then ... there had been a certain part of his mind that had quietly whispered " No ... just let them die down there . It was their own foolish choice . We know what's really buried down there "
Shuichi wasn't one to ignore his other half , nor was he one to ignore warning signs of potential hidden dangers but at this moment ... the more his gaze turned downwards . Looking into the drowsy eyes of the man whose head he was wiping down with a frost flower embedded cloth to help bring down his ambient temperature . The more he realized that he'd indeed been ignorant of those warnings .
There was a feeling throughout this cavern . Anguish , suffering , pain , madness , and death .
He could understand why some of the miners had started to succumb to this " strange " illness , leading many to believe that the chasm was cursed as accidents seemed to be becoming more commonplace with every passing day .
He wasn't surprised that she wasn't feeling as bogged down by the malignant aura lingering in this dark chasm , he suspected that Ms. Hu Tao had certainly witnessed far worse in human suffering than this . Though , he was at least comforted to see that she'd taken his offer of utilizing his breathing mask while she was down here to help prevent any potential respiratory issues .
They'd been here for a few days now , and while the malignant aura wasn't affecting him , quite the opposite actually , he could tell that it was one of the primary reasons so many of the miners were dropping to the ground like flies with each passing day .
Dust , coal lung , miner's cough , decompress sickness , and more were to unfortunately be expected when working in conditions that necessitated constant exposure to an environment where dust in the air was frequent due to their mining operations but this darkness ... these shadows that clung to the earth beneath Liyue ? ... he couldn't help but wonder why it wasn't the adepti scouring these mines for bodies or survivors instead of the Qixing's soldiers .
He knew ... that he could alleviate this man's suffering in an instant , if he were to do what he was mentally forbidding himself to do .... absorb the dark miasma within him .
It could easily be done , with a simple waive of the hand . He'd subconsciously been doing it all this time when he'd first arrived with Ms. Hu Tao and her other employees of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor . Drawing in this miasma deep into his lungs , his suppressed demonic nature , overjoyed with the abundance of what could be considered life energy for him .
Where he another man ... he just might have allowed his hidden desires to run rampant and absorb as much of this twisted miasma as he could to help rejuvenate himself back to what he once was before . Who he once was. Perhaps return even stronger .
Glancing at his reflection in a nearby mirror , he noticed that his eyes had shifted in color tone . Changing from their normal verdant greens , to a vivid scarlet .
He knew that the longer he remained , the more of a personal risk he'd be undertaking take that his demonic aura , which he'd kept suppressed to it's utmost bottom limits for years , might eventually start to slip out of him unintentionally . Then , if the Adepti were present , or observing the situation from afar , they even might be able to detect it , distinguish his growing presence , which would only spell disaster for him .
Shuichi had already out put forward the idea of wearing a blindfold out to the group , as a means of having an excuse if anyone were to see the change in his eyes . The dust " hurting " his eyes , making them look red , bloodshot . Ideas , and plans in place in the back of his mind to give further " credibility " to the idea ... if perhaps a few sticks of dynamite were accidentally set off in unmanned areas to decrease overall visibility in the caverns to make using blindfolds or other eye protection more of a necessity than a preference .
That ... and he could also send requests for ingredients , herbs , and salves to the surface as to concoct more of his " gas " for the breathing mask .
He'd based the creation of the gas , with the aid of some anemo blessed users , and the creation of the breathing mask out of what he'd learned from the science of diving into caves for those that undertook the sport in the lands of Fontaine . Something he learned from the Traveler's most recent adventures .
When diving , divers needed to carefully plan out to what depts they intended to go down to as after certain amounts of depth , normal oxygen became poisonous to the human body . Eliciting an almost drunken stupor in the victim that was dubbed " Oxygen Narcosis " . As such , divers tended to mix certain gases together that would be used in stages while diving .
He'd done his best to replicate it. Even though the science may have not been exactly the same , he knew that down here in this chasm ? Carbon dioxide was far more prevalent then oxygen , as was ambient pressure on their bodies the further they went down , His breathing mask had been made to include layers of filtering to clean the air that they breathed in . That ... and the other airborne earth particles .
Picking up the sounds of soft footsteps approaching , he'd be quick to dawn on his own mask . Closing his eyes as he breathed in deeply of the gases that started to flood into his lungs . Helping him , in suppressing his presence in this space once more . Eyes shifting from red , back to green .
Feeling a soft hand on his back , as he turned his head to the side to greet her properly .
" Ms. Hu Tao ? Are you alright ? Ah ... I assume the ceremony you went to perform was for a miner right ? "
It didn't take much thinking on his part to guess as to why the Qixing has asked for the Funeral Parlor to assist in managing this tragedy . With this abundance of negativity in the air , it would make sense that he wasn't the only one joyfully partaking in it . Demons , the Abyss , and other malignant spiritual beings . Such energy was an open invitation to feast , and all were invited . It also didn't help the situation , that unfortunately ... as the some section of the chasm collapsed atop the miners as a result of these widespread accidents that some of their bodies could not be retrieved .
It only risked leading to further structural collapse after all . So sadly , the only thing left to do for those imprisoned underneath the rubble would be to mourn , and pray for their spirits to pass on along to the next life . Hopefully , their souls could avoid being pulled further down the chasm in the abyss that awaited below .
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" Do you need me to replace the filter in your mask for you ? "
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solarisligatus · 4 months
Naturally Lukat had been just excited. Sure they'd only been separated for a short while, exchanging letters between. But even still! He was beyond excited to see the woman that held his heart. Even a few days apart felt like too long. He wondered perhaps if that's what some of the spouses of other knights felt. That even a moment was too long.
No matter, really. Because it was for him.
The second she had Hu Tao in his gaze, he was going faster up the steps. Two at a time to get to her sooner. A wide grin on his features as he simply scooped her into his arms, twirling the pair of them around.
A gentle laugh escaping him as he rested his forehead against hers.
"If you asked me to, I would, no doubt." He replied sweetly, stealing a kiss from her before setting her back down.
He barely wanted to let her go! But they'd have so much time together-. And so much fun besides! How he'd adore getting to show her everything he sl loved about his home! After all, she'd been so kind to do the same.
"Is the gorgeous director ready for us to depart~?"
@papilio-anima || x
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hcttrick · 5 months
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Lyney was taking a slight nap as performing a lot of magic shows can take a toll, however, he couldn't help but feel something up against his chest as a slight noise escaped his lips.
He was so sleepy though to open his eyes, he remained where he was resting as he tries to pinpoint what was against him.
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wise-innocence · 4 months
“About [Hu Tao]”
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Character Thoughts // Accepting!
About [Hu Tao]:
"Ah... where do I begin? I've become quite accustom to her antics yet she still manages to surprise me with how spontaneous she can be - not saying that in a bad way of course! Liyue can get quite predictible but there's never a dull moment with her around. Honestly, I can name a few people that should take a page out of her book!
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