astrxlfinale · 3 months
@wise-innocence replied to your post “Y'know, I have to say it! I really have come to...”:
Big C!!
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hcttrick · 5 months
@wise-innocence I'm so sorry xD ❤ I just noticed the mention then seen the ask lol 💕 bless Yanfei!
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ancicntforged · 3 months
@wise-innocence replied to your post “"As per usual, the path of Voracity remains the...”:
Loud and wrong tsk tsk
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"Y'know what, fair enough."
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melodicbreeze · 4 months
"So you don't get dizzy, flying around like that? Ten seconds with a Wind Glider and I'm nauseous -"
The wisp was tumbling through the air in her office when Yanfei spoke. It paused at the question, tilting its head. Given it couldn't answer like this...
The wind picked up, only briefly, and where had once been a wisp was now a bard standing there.
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"Not really!" He chirped, as if he hadn't only just been the small playful creature batting at objects around the room. "I'm an elemental being, so my body doesn't quite work the same as someone of flesh and bone. Still, if it's enough of it all at once, I can get a bit disoriented!"
"Ah, I can't imagine how it would be if even gliding made me dizzy. A horrible fate- my condolences."
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waxcasket · 5 months
@wise-innocence replied to your post “Auburn is standing in the middle of a field. ...”:
"Indecent exposure, Class B misdemeanor, up to 180 days in jail..." :D
​ "Wh-- Hey now, It ain't like I stripped by choice!"
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"You can't arrest me-- I was doin' a public service! Y'know, beating the shit outta' treasure hunters?! Come on, there's gotta be some sorta pyro-battle mishap clause--!!"
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cinderellatype-a · 2 years
“Don’t open this until I leave, okay!” Yanfei couldn’t even pinpoint why she was so nervous about dropping off the package. It was just a present for the pretty worker at Bubu Pharmacy… no big deal right? Inside the box they would find a dark blue sweater with gold embellishments along the sleeves. “The weather is getting colder and I happened to have extra cotton from my last projects so I thought that maybe you’d– ah, I’ve said too much! Don’t want to ruin it!” With that, she was leaving just as suddenly as she appeared.
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“ um, th-thank you ! ” andromeda calls out- after watching the retreating pink blur that had just deposited a box into their hands- only to get a reminder to get back to work by gui.
she ended up opening it on her lunch break, tucked away in a corner in heyu tea house, in between sips of her tea and bites of her takeout. her fingers run over the beautiful and tasteful embellishments against the deep blue cotton fabric, before carefully putting it on- afraid of ruining such a wonderful and thoughtful gift.
in inazuma, it never snowed- it stayed warm and humid all year round, and very few places in fontaine that ever showed frost, in andromeda’s memory.
when she returned to the pharmacy after her meal, she penned and scrapped several thank you letters- not able to find the right words.
eventually. andromeda settles on a simple thank you note, neatly rolled and sealed with wax, tucked into the box she had been given, alongside which andromeda had put some of the chocolates she had been sent by her aunt, and homemade sakura shrimp crackers, alongside a pair of new hairpins she had bought on a whim.
she asks around, and is eventually directed to an older lady in yujing terrace, who promised to give the box to yanfei, after andromeda’s tounge-tied and flustered request, and subsequent sudden retreat at the sight of pink hair.
next time, they’ll say thank you in person.
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risingsol · 2 years
@wise-innocence​ / hmmm... 🤔
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“...how ‘bout it?” 
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scarletooyoroi · 2 years
💪- for my muse to flex their muscles ( she stronk... mentally lmao)
Before his eyes is a sight to behold, how those seaform eyes held an instance of focus, while that arm that’s driven with the forces of mortal and the divine make their move before him, seizing up in a fashion to show that physical might that found itself a view for Thoma to witness firsthand. Within such a moment there would be a gasp that’s elicited, amazement balanced by the sheer amount of might (well more like the non-changed volume that HAS always been there) is imposing such a firm presence upon him.
It always tickled Thoma to bear witness to this playfulness of her’s. Before another thought could even be derived, he finds himself joining , bringing his hands up in a dramatic display before his mouth, as if any normally thought complimented would be the simple spillage of heresy. Instead he’d approach closer, basking in Yanfei’s humbleness in her showing of skin and scale, not to mention to see what she’s absolutely PACKING in such a time like this.
“By the gods.. Y’mean to tell me, those sleeves were sacred seals to hold back the limiters of your might?” Thoma concludes, happily weaving together a realm of mysticism for this moment of display.
Reaching forth, he’d take the moment to simply skin his fingertips along the underside of her arm, another choked gasp taking place before he dares to sin for more, basking in his greedy in indulging the mere act of being able to hold this arm that could be the bane of mountains themselves. “And you’ve been holding back making your throws get tossed to the stars?” Which in hindsight is absolutely silly, but the amusement is what sells it, even as a pinch of adoration couldn’t resist being kicked in.
Closing that distance between lips and flesh, a moment of supplication is delivered as he’d tenderly kiss her arm, a satisfied hum rumbling within his being.
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”If you’re going to let me bask in the beautiful blessing known as Yanfei in this level of fine detail, may I have the honor of inspecting you a bit more?” Playfulness dances within his eyes as he never edged away from her skin to begin with, finding contentment in simply speaking against it, blanketing that little spot with his warmth.
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draconicfool · 3 months
@wise-innocence replied to your post “"Yaoshiii- Ahaaaa- somebody make th' bug go...”:
...best of luck friend 🫡
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"Jiejie I will be so polite please-!"
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icicle-dragon · 4 months
@wise-innocence said:
"Uhhhh you'll find out when you're older?" 😅
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Not again… that’s the usual answer he gets to his questions. Well, his more strange questions. But that’s how he envisions it. He doesn’t quite grasp these things even he’s considered very intelligent for his age. “Why do I have wait until I’m older? Why can’t I know now?” Oh boy, looks like his stubborn side is kicking in.
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astrxlfinale · 4 months
@wise-innocence replied to your post “"Let it be known, Normal is a social construct...”:
Sigh... the trailblazer mindset
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"It's okay to say your favorite brand of mindset. C'mon, with that pink hair of yours? I know there's a ton of fire just waiting to ignite even brighter in that heart of yours."
He looks a little too proud saying that.
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electric-ecclectic · 7 months
stamp of disapproval </3
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It’s legal if it’s your boyfriend’s snacks, right?
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viisiond · 2 years
wise-innocence replied:
flatter... she's feeling nice today
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he has no clue who you are, but it’s welcomed he needs all the flattery he can get.
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dikiyvter · 2 years
@wise-innocence​ said:
She'll be standing behind him until everything clears up </3 
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       ... Begrudgingly opens his cloak to invite her in, since it seems SOMEONE has already begun the process of invading it--
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waxcasket · 5 months
@wise-innocence replied to your post “" ORPHANAGES ? Simply not the Natlan way. We cast...”:
"... how's that working out for you?"
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​ " WELL , I've been stung so many times I think I may be immune to most scorpion-derived poisons by now! "
a pause.
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" ... HEY, wait a second, are you insinuatin' something about how I was raised? I think I did a mighty fine job, I'll have you know! "
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vishapsking · 2 years
Crystalfly. Yeah, she’s show you a crystalfly alright. She was well aware that catching him off guard was an impossible task but that wouldn’t stop her from absolutely launching herself at Azhdaha the next time they were alone (she had a public reputation to upkeep). Yanfei had him in a chokehold, attached to him like a koala as she put her full weight into trying to restrain him. “Take it back and I’ll let you go!” Logic told her this wouldn’t end well but her ego wasn’t going to let his comment slide without justice!
random asks. @wise-innocence​ / always accepting !  
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Could they have stopped this entire affair from happening? Yes. Could Azhdaha have simply blocked the young halfing’s attack with a stone wall? Of course. Could they have just side-stepped her and allowed Yanfei to barrel head first into the wooden boxes? Absolutely. 
Instead, he allowed the ‘surprise attack’ to commence without much resistance. They barely felt the impact as she locked her entire body around his torso. There’s a bit of irony in Yanfei’s chokehold. The assumption that they would suffocate is adorable. This form is simply a well-made imitation for the sake of convenience. To assume that the pure elemental being had the same bodily functions as one more organic would be incorrect. The Geovishaps have lived underground for millennia without any need for air or much else aside from sustenance from the Ley-Lines. 
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“Miss Yanfei, if anyone were to see this, it would reflect terribly on your business,” Azhdaha says while resuming their walk along Huaguang Stone Forest. They cross the old wooden bridges without much care as Yanfei tugs this way and that. An idea suddenly occurs to Azhdaha. If she insists on holding on thenー
“Please hold on tight, Miss Yanfei.” Without any other warning, Azhdaha leaps off of the bridge. Feet down towards the water below. 
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