negreabsolut · 2 months
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Una cala al costat d'un penya-segat en algun racó de la Mediterrània.
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kynvillingur · 6 months
went to watch toves værelse, good film
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violetarks · 3 months
track 31: “that’s so sick”
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track 30 | track list | track 32
anime: attack on titan
character: porco galliard (band! au)
summary: y/n, the bassist of the band 'paradís', finds herself in middle of a 'publicity stunt' with none other than a rival band's drummer. porco, the mentioned member of 'marley', doesn't care about her at all. but they can only ignore each other for so long.
taglist: @makimakimi @hanmascult @ally22042000 @rozewayne2005 @keithandlevi-ontheroof @qaahnarin @queen-flower @id-rather-be-an-outsider @onlylowercase @tonysttank @a-little-pebbl @hannahalanib1 @moonshineandclearskies @aqueerincrisis @tati-the-fangirl @cheesechopchive-blog
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beatricecenci · 6 months
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Muggur (Icelandic, 1891-1924)
Sjöundi dagur í Paradís
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las-microfisuras · 8 months
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El paradís perdut, serie Amados por el viento.
"caminar en la belleza de la luz que yo imaginaba"
Mayte Vieta
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marcosvidalfont · 1 year
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Marcos Vidal Font aprovecha esta muestra para presentar una selección de collages y de obras de ensamblaje. Más de cien collages manuales que se agrupan en series o en libros de artista. Los grandes temas universales marcan estas series de trabajos: la ensaimada, las vacaciones, los mosquitos, la fiesta, el sexo, el fútbol, las relaciones difíciles, el matrimonio, la infidelidad, la electricidad, el golf, los malos tratos, la burbuja inmobiliaria, el fitness, la ropa de baño, las mentiras, la monarquia, la dieta, la enfermedad y la muerte, etc. En fin muestra una sociedad seriamente amenazada, malos augurios para gente muy estresada y mal criada. Los sueños se truncan, y los planes se tuercen en el paraíso.
Marcos Vidal Font aprofita aquesta mostra per presentar una selecció de collages i obres d'acoblament. Més de cent collages manuals que s'agrupen en sèries o llibres d'artista. Els grans temes universals marquen aquestes sèries de treballs: l'ensaïmada, les vacances, els mosquits, la festa, el sexe, el futbol, les relacions difícils, el matrimoni, la infidelitat, l'electricitat, el golf, els maltractaments, la bombolla immobiliària, el fitness, la roba de bany, les mentides, la monarquia, les dietes, la malaltia i la mort, etc. En fi, mostra una societat seriosament amenaçada, mals auguris per a gent molt estressada i malcriada. Els somnis es trunquen, i els plans es torcen al paradís.
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martas-trip19 · 4 months
Viatge a Dubái
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· Edificis increïbles
· Té deserts
· Hotels de més luxosos
· Té els edificis més alts del món
· Estar en un paradís
Què puc fer?
· Anar al desert en moto
· Anar al Burj Khalifa Level
· Anar a tots els edificis tan alts
· Passar les nits en hotels luxosos
· Conduir cotxes de luxe
Millors dates:
Decembre i març
Millors allotjaments: 
Burj Al Arab
Atlantis, The Palm
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elmonstro · 4 months
9 albums
Thanks for the tag forever ago @solcorvidae, I don’t love that many albums so I put the ones I like the most, in no particular order:
Børns – Dopamine
Neønymus – V
Neønymus – Ø
The Dreadnoughts – Polka’s not dead
The Dreadnoughts – Legends never die
Obrint Pas – Coratge
Obrint pas – Benvinguts al paradís
Lorde – Pure Heroine
Hozier – Unreal Unearth
Tagging @noodleblade, @astro-nautics, @lakka-arts, @shy-urban-hobbit, @sparrowrising, @thudworm, @the-butch-of-blaviken & anyone else who wants to
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La vida és bonica, mai ho dubtis! #cabanyesentrevalls #elmillorregaldelmon #highlife mil milions de gràcies @vig_anpk 💗Un paradís al costat de casa 💗 @cabanyesentrevalls
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error404vnotfound · 1 year
Listening to the song you linked, very pretty :)
ns si la descriuria com "bonica" lol. però no es culpa teva no saber que diu així que faré un mini resum
rei: 🧍
patge reial: el rei diu que fem fora els moriscos
nobles de Valencia: nooooooo, la meva mà d'obra gratis :(((( vull dir,,,,, valencia es un paradís que cuiden els moriscos <3
noble: que sí que sí, el que tu diguis. segueixes anant contra la corona, o et calles o ets un traidor
reina: però no podeu fer fora 200 mil persones :(
noble: no són persones lol, són musulmans :)
rei: 🧍
patge reial: el rei diu que fora i fora s'aniran
nobles: ✨racisme✨
reina: la esteu liant besties
patge reial: nah no problem no s'enduran res, només el que puguin carregar i fins i tot això els hi robarem
noble de Valencia: ohhhh, pffff, perf. a la merda amb ells
bàsicament posa en context l'època (la part de l'expulsió són fets reals). la resta del musical passa 20 anys després
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parricider · 1 year
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´ ・ . ✶ ━━ ⧼ ✮ ⧽ 𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐋 (@timelocker):
´ ・ . ✶ ━━ ⧼ ✮ ⧽ she had given him a pamphlet two days earlier, and he recalled her words as she had put it in her hand, now as he stood in a crowd.
❝ dress up, ❞ she said, playful smile on her face. music festival in town, and she was excited to take the stage for herself.
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❝ not gonna be a time-out concert, but hopefully whatever bozos i end up with can play a few good notes. ❞ rascal snickers, grin showing off a few teeth. ❝ you gonna be there, right ? when i take the stage. ❞
´ ・ . ✶ ━━ ⧼ ✮ ⧽ the lights of the stage move, pointing center. there's confusion, there's whispering and hubbub, confusion on the elevated scene. rascal stood there, guitar in hand, as the rest of the band that had just closed their number stare at her in disbelief -- their leader literally pushed off the stage.
❝ i want you to see. ❞
´ ・ . ✶ ━━ ⧼ ✮ ⧽ the mic pics up, causing mobians to cover their sensitive ears; it brings silence all around. rascal's foot slams on the ground, her fingers playing the first notes of her tune.
❝ MOBIUS !! ❞ gloved fingers keep playing, the intro getting longer. ❝ you callin' THIS a concert ?! where i come from, we call this a FUNERAL !! YOU ALIVE OR WHAT ?! ❞
´ ・ . ✶ ━━ ⧼ ✮ ⧽ the crowd bursts in response, the leaderless bandmates share another look. the drums begin to join in, then the bass. how easily she brings groups together. ❝ life's short, so spend it HAVIN' FUN ! spend it in EXCITEMENT ! spend it DEFYING what you know, make it SHORT, make it QUICK, make it WORTH IT ! so, together -- ❞
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❝ LET'S BE ALIVE !!! ❞
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´ ・ . ✶ ━━ ⧼ ♛ ⧽ HAVOC’S FUCK SAKE . . . NO. he sure as hell was NOT having even a lick of ‘ FUN ’. he wasn’t exactly having a chipper ol’ festive time being nauseatingly-carouseled around in some WILE E COYOTE x RUBE GOLDBERG TORTURE MACHINE COLLABORATION thrown in as a 100000x bonus points area in some LAUGHINGSTOCK PINBALL GAME, where he was the ball. nope. his minds cape was already retrograding into completely-losing-his-shit-mode; already scheming up a whole arsenal of oh-so persuasive sick-note excuses for being M.I.A from ras’ stage-heist that she has been giddily conniving for the past two days. . . a performance that he had PROMISED he’d be there for. for her. for the first time, as a friend, but . . .
´ ・ . ✶ ━━ ⧼ ♛ ⧽ HE WAS THIS CLOSE. THIS CLOSE TO SPIN-BARRELING THROUGH HIS BRITTLE THRESHOLD OF PATIENCE. . . some fucking boozy meathead gator dude had already unknowingly ka clinked their elbow-épée hard, brain-schismingly hard, against the hedgehog’s forehead when they had dipped down to slabber drool all over their girlfriend, & oh-ho. oh yeah, that slug definitely knocked out a pretty hefty glass CHIP out of one of the lenses of his favorite pair of shades. YAAY. . . FUCKING EN GARDE. CHEERSH.
´ ・ . ✶ ━━ ⧼ ♛ ⧽ quills bristled the fuck up as scourge excruciatingly attempted to quash the spumous urge to grab that gator by the tail & slam them hard against the ground, & knock a chip of bone out of their horndog cranium, because. . . he. . . didn’t want to risk siphoning away any lick of attention from HER. but at the same time, he was admittedly. . . getting more & more antsy about being here ( he felt like a malignant, pustule-ly GREEN CYST jutting out like a sore quill in a leaf pile on the curbside of some cul-de-sac nestled somewhere within the seventh layer of prime paradís– or wherever the fuck– whatever. WHATEVER. HE DIDN’T BELONG HERE. )
. . .
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´ ・ . ✶ ━━ ⧼ ♛ ⧽ when the hell was she. . .--
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´ ・ . ✶ ━━ ⧼ ♛ ⧽ NOW THAT’S THE CATHARTICALLY EXHILARATING ENTRANCE HE’D BEEN CAMPING OUT FOR LIKE A MIDNIGHT RELEASE. . . the stage lights almost sentiently illuminated the moebian savior; the liberator, the deus ex machina, the interdimensional defender. . .
´ ・ . ✶ ━━ ⧼ ♛ ⧽ JOT THIS DOWN IN YOUR COUNTERFACTUAL HISTORY BOOKS, MOBIUS. moebius isn’t  irreparably far gone, because WE HAVE HER. get schooled.
´ ・ . ✶ ━━ ⧼ ♛ ⧽ a single gloved fist is pumped up into the air, thumb & pinky fingers sticking out to resemble devil horns as scourge’s gaze locks with rascal’s.
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negreabsolut · 4 months
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Dees d'Hiperborea.
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hearthsandhistory · 2 years
Christmas Carols You're Not Sick Of, 21/25
Cantem Nadal
Like all songs in Occitan, this Occitan carol slaps. That's all there is to it.
Ieu me soi levat per un matinet Que l'alba preniá son blanc mantelet Cantem Nadal, Nadal Nadal, Cantem Nadal encara ! Ai pres ma capòta e mon capulet E mon cort mantèl de droguet violet Ieu me'n soi anat cercar Guilhaumet. Qu'escotas aquí, gai pastorelet ? Escoti cantar lo rossinholet, Jamais n'ai ausit cant tant aimablet ! N'es lo rossinhòl ni autre auselet Mas del paradís un bèl angelet Ditz qu'a Betelèm, dins un establet Es nascut anuèit un Dieu enfantet.
Modern English
I got up one early morning When the dawn was putting its little white mantel on. Let's sing Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Let's sing Christmas again.
I took my cloak and my hood And my short coat of violet wool
Then I went to fetch little William, "What are you listening to, gay little shepherd?"
I'm listening to the little nightingale sing, Never have I heard such a nice song.
It's not the nightingale nor any other little bird, But a beautiful angel from Paradise.
He says that in Bethlehem, in a little stable, Last night a Child God was born.
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violetarks · 11 months
track 30: i'd never do that
"fuck." y/n said, wiping her eyes as she turned from the crowd, walking off the stage as soon as the curtains closed. she just... couldn't stop crying. all because of some song...
"y/n..." armin said, standing at her side. he rubs her back and takes the bass from her. the crowd continues to cheer loudly, claps and chants emerging from behind the curtains. "it's okay. c'mon, let's get you—"
they were interrupted by jean standing up loudly from his seat, storming off the stage and towards their change rooms. everyone's eye fell on him, watching his forced steps as he walked passed them all and the stage crew. eren and mikasa follow after, armin and y/n walking off next.
it was only truly a week ago that they all found out about marco's death, and having to preform to avoid any more backlash. unhappy fans ruled their twitter pages due to the postponed shows, and though levi advised against returning, the five of them agreed to come back. it was work... and they couldn't stop.
although what porco said was true, it was also true that the fans had control over their jobs. they could only enjoy their work if they had those fans. and using their friend's death as an excuse was no option. they didn't want to use it, and the fans had no right to know.
it was a bump in the road, is all.
"we did well tonight." mikasa says, sitting beside y/n. she holds her hand tightly. "you two did very well."
"i fucked up the tempo in the first song, made it too fast." jean complains, laying on the other couch.
"and i forgot my part for the whole first verse and just didn't play." y/n added in, leaning her head back.
"nobody even noticed, we didn't." eren says, sitting on the armrest of jean's couch. that may have a been a tiny lie, he definitely noticed and the looks that armin and mikasa shared on stage showed so too. armin stands nearby, pouring water for everyone. eren ruffles jean's hair gently. "you two did great. don't question it."
the two become quiet, silently thinking to themselves of what to do now. they had two more shows, two more shows and they could go home. and rest, and think, and be better.
"y/n? your phone's been buzzing like crazy." armin says, looking down at your device.
"huh? it's probably twitter. pass it 'ere." you say, holding out your hand. armin passes you the phone as you stand up, grabbing tissues to wipe your face. armin takes your spot. lo and behold, you were right. "i'm gonna talk a walk, alright?"
"don't go too far, we're gonna' leave soon." eren says as you wave your hand and leave the room.
you walk through the backstage halls until you make it outside. it's a restricted area, so no fans were there. and since everyone else was packing up the stage, you were alone.
but you unlock your phone, seeing thousands of twitter notifications and a few texts from porco. you stop yourself when you feel relieved.
when did you start feeling relieved about porco? when did he start making you feel that way?
you couldn't deny that sense of happiness you felt when you saw his picture show up on screen, though. maybe you should answer him.
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track 29 | track list | track 31
anime: attack on titan (band! au)
character: porco galliard
summary: y/n, the bassist of the band 'paradís', finds herself in middle of a 'publicity stunt' with none other than a rival band's drummer. porco, the mentioned member of 'marley', doesn't care about her at all. but they can only ignore each other for so long.
status: ongoing
warnings: afab! reader, she/her pronouns used
taglist: @makimakimi @hanmascult @ally22042000 @rozewayne2005 @keithandlevi-ontheroof @qaahnarin @queen-flower @id-rather-be-an-outsider @onlylowercase @tonysttank @a-little-pebbl @hannahalanib1 @moonshineandclearskies @aqueerincrisis @tati-the-fangirl @cheesechopchive-blog
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timriva-blog · 2 months
‘Trilogia de Copenhaguen’, de Tove Ditlevsen: viure en l’infern, anhelar el paradís
Memòries | Traducció de Maria Rossich | Tres llibres colpidors que s’entrellacen, prenen sentit junts, tot i que cadascú aborda una etapa vital distinta i decisiva Escrit per Lourdes Toledo He llegit Trilogia de Copenhaguen. Des que el vaig veure per primera vegada no havia pogut oblidar la coberta d’aquest llibre: el rostre de Tove Ditlevsen (1917-1976) amb un barret d’aires cordovesos, una…
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esdevenircami · 3 months
He decidit destrossar-me lentament. Acabar de rematar-me. Potser en el fons del pou hi ha un nou paradís on viure.
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