strzqn · 1 year
Pertama kali tau lagu ini Agustus 2022 waktu nonton closing asean paragames.
Menyentuh bgt waktu itu dihiasi pertunjukan kembang api yg indah bgt, lg jaman skripsian jg haha.
Kata² teh yura ini jd temen di saat masa sulit & mau bangkit lg, jg saat gak yakin sm diri sendiri.
Hal indah butuh waktu untuk datang, gakpapa kalo emg senano² itu jalannya.
Sesekali ambil jeda perlu, itu bagian perjuangan.
Kadang kali percikan² hidup terjadi, asdfghjkl sampe gak bs berkata².
Tapi... keajaiban sering terjadi justru di momen² yg gak kita duga kan?
Yang Maha Baik jg punya rencana. Pasti indah di depan sana, pasti.
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turisiancom · 2 years
TURISIAN.com – Menparekraf/Kabaparekraf Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno akan memperkuat dan mendorong Kota Solo (Surakarta) sebagai salah satu destinasi unggulan MICE (meeting, incentive, conference, and exhibition). Tujuannya untuk mendukung pengembangan pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif di Kota Surakarta tersebut. Hal tersebut Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno sampaikan di acara "Dialog KADIN Surakarta: Solo Sebagai Destinasi MICE Berkarakter Budaya". Acara berlangsung pada Sabtu (10/12/2022) malam di Hotel Solia Zigna, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah. "Kita melakukan dialog untuk meningkatkan MICE dan juga pengembangan batik di Kampung Laweyan agar bisa meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan. Khususnya target capaian penciptaan lapangan kerja 1,1 juta di tahun ini dan 4,4 juta di tahun 2024," ujar Menparekraf dalam siaran pers Kemenparekraf, Minggu (11/12/22). Kota Solo sebagai salah satu destinasi unggulan MICE tanah air memiliki potensi yang tinggi. Selain itu Kota Surakarta juga telah membuktikan diri berhasil menjadi tuan rumah penyelenggaraan berbagai event. Mulai dari event level nasional hingga internasional. Seperti Muktamar ke-48 Muhammadiyah, Haul Solo 2022, International Wellness Tourism Conference and Festival 2022, dan ASEAN Paragames Solo 2022 beberapa waktu lalu. "Ke depan kita bisa rancang bersama berbagai penyelenggaraan kegiatan internasional. Kita akan melakukan revitalisasi terutama dalam penyelenggaraan MICE, penyelenggaraan kegiatan yang lebih ditingkatkan untuk menjadikan Solo sebagai destinasi event internasional," lanjut Sandiaga. Baca juga: Menikmati 5 Tempat Wisata Kota Solo yang Bikin Liburan Makin Seru Terkait hal itu, Sandiaga Uno pun mengajak KADIN Kota Solo khususnya untuk berkolaborasi bersama pemerintah. Dalam mengembangan sektor pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif. "Kita bisa membuat konferensi internasional tentang batik dan ini pasti peminatnya luar biasa. KADIN juga ada keinginan untuk mengusulkan pembukaan penerbangan internasional langsung. Paling tidak dari beberapa kota besar di Asia Tenggara, baik ke Semarang ataupun Solo," tuturnya. Industri Batik Indonesia Mengenai batik, Sandiaga mengungkapkan, industri batik memiliki potensi dan kontribusi yang besar terhadap perekonomian negara ini.  Industri batik mampu menyerap 200.000 tenaga kerja pada 47.000 unit usaha batik di 101 sentra di seluruh Indonesia. Produk batik Indonesia, termasuk dari Kota Solo, juga sangat banyak peminatnya dari pasar mancanegara. Terbukti dengan nilai ekspor batik pada tahun 2021 yang mencapai 46,24 juta dolar AS. "Untuk mengembangan industri batik nasional, Kemenparekraf bersama stakeholder terkait sedang menyiapkan standar kompetensi kreasi batik. Tujuan dari disusunnya standar kompetensi ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kompetensi SDM pengusaha batik. Serta meningkatkan sinergi antara stakeholder dalam pengembangan batik," papar Sandiaga. Oleh sebab itu, Menparekraf Sandiaga kembali mengajak berbagai pihak untuk berkolaborasi. Terutama KADIN agar dapat mendukung pengembangan batik. Termasuk ikut mendukung dalam memberikan pelatihan, pendampingan, juga akses pembiayaan. Baca juga: Gurihnya Nasi Liwet Khas Kota Solo Bikin Ketagihan Hadir pula mendampingi Menparekraf Sandiaga, Direktur Standardisasi dan Sertifikasi Usaha Kemenparekraf, Hanifah Makarim. Kemudian ada juga Ketua Umum KADIN Jawa Tengah, Harry Nuryanto Sudiro, dan Ketua KADIN Solo, Ferry Sephta Indrianto.*     Sumber & Foto: Kemenparekraf
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goriaucom · 2 years
Presiden Jokowi Serahkan Bonus Apresiasi bagi Atlet ASEAN Paragames Ke-11
JAKARTA - Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) memberikan penghargaan dan apresiasi atas prestasi para atlet Indonesia yang berlaga di ajang ASEAN Paragames Ke-11 yang berlangsung di Kota Surakarta pada 30 Juli sampai 6 Agustus 2022 lalu. Penyerahan apresiasi tersebut digelar di halaman tengah Istana Merdeka, Jakarta, Senin (28/11/2022). http://dlvr.it/SdV2dt
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erikaypil · 5 years
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Created storyboard frames for the Philippine National Anthem Lupang HInirang
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athcolombia · 6 years
#Repost @para_sports_magazine • • • • • ・ ・ 車椅子で舞う💃💃♿️ ・ ダンスはボーダーレスな芸術です。 ・ ・ パラスポーツや障がい者のライフスタイルをリポストを使って紹介します。 #parasport #wheelchair #adaptedsports #paragames #disability #paraathletics #スポーツ #paralympics #positive #障がい者 #パラスポーツ #パラリンピック #障がい者スポーツ #車いす #車椅子 #amptee #義手 #義足 #challenge #dance #ダンス #wheelchairdance #socialdance Repost @iamselfreliant https://www.instagram.com/p/BtT3NRoB6Zp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ecg5unq7xa66
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#basketball #basketball5x5 🏀 #peru Vs #usa #videna @paralympicsapc #paragames #JugamosTodos #sports #esporte #deportes #languageservices #servicios #idiomas #serviços #linguagem #volunteer #interpreter #Parapan https://www.instagram.com/p/B1pGf7VBjC7/?igshid=17nis62vsrlj5
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anilkadian-blog · 8 years
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BASKETBALL never stops. 🏀 #instagram #indiaproject #shootonMI #blackandwhite #bnw #shadow #basketball #basketballneverstops #paragames #sportsforthedisabled
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ParaGame Pixel Edition (Indie_RU)
«When they follow you»
Free to play (Windows)
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daunkemangi · 5 years
Paralympic Dream
This writing is solely my story. So, be ready if readers find it scattered, so long, or too me-oriented from start to end. Readers might also directly jump to the last paragraph where the points I want to deliver is summarized. Yet, the best virtual ovation is sent out to readers who read through paragraph over paragraph 😊 Wishing readers find this story convenient!
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I think I was fifteen back then. I was in 3rd grade of junior high school and still an active chairman of OSIS (Stu​​dent Council). Then, that day came. I was assigned by the steering committee to attend leadership camp initiated by Daarut Tauhid –one of the biggest Islamic boarding schools in Bandung (or probably the country?). Frankly, at the beginning I was very reluctant to go; given the fact that my service period was about to end. I was supposed to already have focused on my national examinations, which was just around the corner, which would in absolute determining my graduation status. Yet, as the new OSIS committee election was not over yet, I still bore the responsibility. Meanwhile other schools, I bet, they would assign representative from younger intake. So, there I was, went alone with a bit of frustration –of leaving extra classes, of being had no peers, of staying full time in boarding school. The show must go on no matter what.
The camp was aimed at leadership development for youth. It was held for five days at Ar Rissalah, an Islamic boarding school in Ciamis, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Yes, I lived there, through days and nights, following the residents’ routine. Also, true, participants were not allowed to leave the host area during the event. Okay, enough for the long meaningless buffer.
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I could not clearly remember neither details agendas nor sessions delivered, but I do remember one of the sessions that made me cry out loud. It was Kak Tari who facilitated the session (oh thanks, I still remember her name after twelve years passes). I think she shared us things about fight, survival, and gratitude. How’s life could be so tough, and everyone might have different start-line or tools for going through what’s life would bring. Above all, to always be thankful about who we are and what we have is more important. That was her session about, at least from what I could remember. Then, it was closed by a four-minutes-video. A video that changed the way I see and appreciate imperfections. I keep carrying the value delivered by this video until now –well not perfectly and consistently, but I know it’s inside me somehow.
The video was started with familiar tunes of a song. That was Hero from Mariah Carey. The video visualized some athletes along with their equipment in sports competition situation. Seeing them on the screen making me felt ill at ease, embarrassed of myself, intrigued, and pumped up at the same time. Yes, I got so emotional seeing that video for the first time that, somehow, could not hold my tears down. How I could not be so, the video was so mind blowing to me (at that very moment) as actors of the video were not ordinary, they were athletes with a range of physical disabilities and the scenes were coming from some summer Paralympic games.
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At the beginning of the scene, I watched a swimmer living with limb loss wearing goggles by himself, without help. He was ready to jump at the pool podium along with his opponents. Continued with a scene in athletics arena where some wheelchair track athletes prepared on the start-line, on trial of whirling their wheels. There was also scene of some visually impaired runners took start position helped by their guides. Next scenes, some athletes with artificial leg jumped for pole vaulting. A scene of athlete left his crutch for long jump with one leg also drew my attention. Then, a swimmer with dwarfism reached finish-line with big smile on his face. There was also an athlete who finished run with shaking and head not upright yet happily tossing hand with his opponent (later I knew this athlete had neurological disorder). There were also runners on the tracks accidentally crashed each other and then his prosthetic leg was broken. And more other clips that I could not have better description in words. Better to experience watching the clip by yourself.
Well, some of you might have already watched it, but why not to re-watch a meaningful video. I provided the link below. FYI, twelve years ago, I watched it in a way it was a very good quality video. Then, recently I researched and replayed it from YouTube; none of the available video has a fine quality as today’s video.
What an old video, isn’t it? Nevertheless, I would say it still delivers great message that sometimes tears still dropped from these eyes as watching this video.
Back to the story. I couldn’t help but crying throughout the video was played. My mind flied away thinking of how they could do that, how they practiced against their physical limitation, how strong they were of taking any risk of more physical injury to compete on the games. Above all, how these superhuman could even exist. Then compare to myself, compare to what I had done. I was a coward.
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Every scene on this video is just worth to watch in my opinion, especially for me who often think that my life is way too tough. I could see powerful energy and inspiring spirit shown by the athletes in this short video. Agree, that everyone, oh I mean myself, faces hard times in life, but it is not fair to claim mine is the toughest one, to feel like I am the most miserable living body on earth, to think that no one could ever have big problem as mine, or to be an excuse for giving up. Most of us started life physically very well. Also, most of the world’s facilities in many aspects (public pedestrian, public transportation, markets, etc.) are more average-human friendly. And people with physical impairment should work extra to deal with it to survive.
Trying to put my shoes on their shoes, I could imagine how harder even their problem, yet they keep going. This extra work that they take is what differentiates them to be superhuman, in my opinion. Then, at that time watching the video, I had just known that many of this superhuman work beyond limit of competing in sports. I bow full of my respect for them.
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These athletes had truly inspired me. Just like Hero’s lyrics, they showed me that hero lies in everyone’s spirit, it’s just about how people would grow and drive this spirit. The spirit here is hardworking, keep going, and inspiring. They are truly victor.
Ever since then, I got familiar and learned about Paralympic movement. When got back from the camp, I couldn’t stop telling my fellows in the school of how wonderful these athletes were. A true definition of make dream comes true beyond limit. They don’t limit the challenge but challenge their limit. I even once declared that I would watch them competing live. I would say, this was one of my teenage dreams.
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In 2009, two year passed from the camp, I attended parliamentary model held by the Republic Indonesia House of Representative. From that event, the first time I knew that Indonesia would host the 26th SEA Games Jakarta – Palembang 2011. My dream was getting closer because every time a country hosts the games, it must be followed with hosting the Para Games. Unfortunately, though I continued studying at a university in Jakarta, I couldn’t make it because of budget and time limitation. Not lying, the ticket was quite expensive as well, while I still fought with my daily life in Jakarta at that time. Well, I was just student back then who tried to be very wise on daily expenditures.
Another chance came when in late 2014 I knew that Indonesia would host Asian Games and Para Games in 2018. As the year was approaching, I got super excited, I told myself that I must make it this time.
And yes, the 2018 Asian Para Games Jakarta was the place and the moment I made my teenage dream come true, a dream to watch live Paralympic. On 7 October 2018, after eleven years passes since my dream statement, I could finally watch live para athletes competing.
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Being present in the spectators’ bench and meeting the para athletes was not just exciting, rather it was so radiant, an amazing experience. I would say it was one of the best weekends I ever spent, a fine Sunday morning to evening. I bought a-full-day-pass-ticket so that I could come to as many as possible competition venues. Fortunately, most of the competition venues were in GBK Arena; cost and time efficient.
I watched some events on para swimming in GBK Aquatics Arena. Every time the para athletes were introduced and were on the pool, I shouted their name out loud (especially if they were Indonesian) in the imagination of transferring spirits. In this stadium, I was hoping to watch Jendi Panggabean competing on the pool, unluckily, I didn’t come on the right schedule. Oh yes, Jendi is a successful Indonesian para swimmer who was born normal, but sadly lost his left-leg limb due to motorcycle accident when he was in junior high school. I adore his spirit just by reading his story and seeing his poster stand sturdily on his swim suit without artificial leg. It unveils a very powerful person.
Then, I happened to fully watch final badminton men’s team SL3-SU5 (SL=Standing Lower, SU=Standing Upper) INA vs MAS in Istora GBK. And Indonesia won! I participated in spectators’ seat during the victory ceremony where Indonesia Raya was played and Merah Putih was at the highest pole against Malaysia, Thailand, and India.
At that time also, my first time to see right with my eyes, so close, a female para athlete firmly stood up on a prosthetic leg in one of her leg, from toe until her thigh, respected to the flag. I couldn’t just hold my tears, I was so moved with everything happened at that very moment in Istora.
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Next stop was GBK Basketball Hall where wheelchair basketball was held. I watched an intense match between women’s team of Afghanistan vs Thailand where Thailand was in victory. To my mind, watching people running on wheelchair is very challenging and hazardous (I think the risk of injury was also bigger). I imagined how difficult for them to control the wheel when needed to sprint or just easy run or even to stop for shooting the ball to the hanging basket. Also, the way they control hands to whirling the chair and dribbling the ball while in the same time avoiding opponents who tried to take over the ball was just amazed me. How on earth did they do that? Believe me or not, without realizing my tears just dropped. Probably, crashed each others’ wheelchair or fell down with the wheelchair on was just a routine view on the court. However, in my eyes, it was an unfamiliar thing that was exceptional, a great show of warriors.
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The other competition I attended was sitting volleyball at Tennis Indoor GBK. I managed to watch winning match of Kazakhstan against Iraq. What drew my attention during the match was spectators who sat next to athletes’ bench. They were number of disabilities students along with their guardian. When the match was over, all the athletes approached them with very special greet that I, who watched across them, was so moved. These athletes were not only supported, but they supported their spectators. Inspiring spirit. I didn’t take video what I saw, yet I could share a similar video posted by International Paralympic Committee on their twitter account just for readers’ reference.
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Basically, sport I wanted to watch the most was para athletics. However, as the para athletics events had not started yet on that day, all I could manage was coming to the training venue which was in Madya Stadium GBK. Well, I was just regular civil resident who had no access to training venue, but I managed to watch the athletes’ practice from the border outside the stadium. I even shouted their name when they passed by my watching point.
Frankly speaking, I had other mission of watching para athletics training session 😊 . I also looked up for contingents from DPR Korea (a.k.a. North Korea). Oh, I missed North Korean. It’s out of topic but should anyone interested, someday I will be keenly to write background of my yearnings to North Korean.
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And yes, I made it. By standing by at the transportation spot of Madya Stadium, I met them, took picture with them, shouted our supports for them, and told them why we so cared to North Korean.
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Well, eventually I managed to watch para athletics on the final day. I remembered it was on Friday, 12 October 2018. Where I suddenly ask half-day-leave from the office to my boss as all works already finished in the morning. Lucky me, she granted the leave! I immediately left the office to GBK Main Stadium. Kebagusan to Senayan in express to book a ticket as all online tickets were sold out. The para athletics competition started in the afternoon to early night. An unimportant story, I was queueing at the GBK’s ticket box together with Kak Seto (Indonesian famous child psychologist, chief of the National Commission for Child Protection’s advisory board). He brought numbers of students to watch para athletics as well.
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Ticket on hand then ready to the stadium. Arrive in the venue, oh Dears, you won’t believe me how wonderful the atmosphere in the stadium was, so high-spirited. Don’t ask me how many spectators who came in to the stadium, it was so full and loud. It was final day. I watched number of track and field events then stood up every time victory ceremony held. From the field event, I watched shot put women in wheelchair category, visually impaired long jumper, and javelin throw. From track event, I watched wheelchair racers, sprinters with prosthetic legs, and long-distance runners with visual impairment.
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I witnessed a special moment in long-distance running, men’s 5000M T11 (category of the most severe visual impairment, totally and/or almost blind). If I remember correctly, there were five to seven runners on the track along with their guide (FYI, runners with visual impairment would wear eye-mask and run accompanied by a guide). Everything seemed to be alright after the gun was fired from the start-line. First to second lap all runners were still so intense that each runner run closely overtaking the first position. I think, it happened when entering the third lap, a runner from DPR Korea drained energy and started to be left in quite long distance behind from other runners. Afterwards, the intense run went so low for him that he was laps behind other runners. When almost all runners achieving finished line, he still struggled for another laps. Could you imagine how it feels? Arrive together in the finish-line with the opponents yet you have not really finished the run? Obviously, he lost the competition. But did you know what happen? He did not stop running until 5000M was completed. Although other runners had winning celebration already at the side of the track, he kept running other laps only with his guide on the track. No more competition for him yet finishing what he started. I couldn’t help but yelling his name out loud. I went down in the spectators’ bench to get as close as possible to the track and yell his name also saying to kept going. He got everyone’s eyes in the stadium who also cheered him up. One lap down another lap to go for finish-line. He made it into the final lap and all I could see was his big smile in the finish line (Oh yes, I was sitting in the area close to finish line). Big applause from the stadium when he finally made it to finish-line.
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A very inspiring spirit! Now I understand why the game’s slogan was the inspiring spirit and energy of Asia.
So, after so many paragraphs written down above, with buffers here and there, with repetition of words and phrases, the point of my story here was basically very simple. I want to tell background of how I dream to watch Paralympic and journey to finally make it come true. It started by attending a leadership camp and watching an influencing video of Paralympic games, then somehow it drove me to dream. After twelve years, with the great help of the Merciful of Alloh ta’ala, Alhamdulillah, I made this dream came true, of watching live para athletes competing. And watching them competing live brought me even more lesson learn to keep going in life. This Paralympic dream is a proof and reminder to myself that every dream is worth a fight, that dream comes true along with choice of chances to be taken, that dream comes true in the right time, that dream is a magic we freely create to live our life. So, Sevi keeps dreaming, fight for it and don’t forget to always be thankful 😊
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Thank you for reading my Paralympic dream. I wish everyone who dreams fight to make it come true.
Credit photographs to Getty Images, IPC (International Paralympic Committee), The Jakarta Post, and Tempo.
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missolivialouise · 5 years
“When I arrived at Breda station last month to find out why this Dutch city was recently named the winner of the 2019 Access City award, I did something I have not done while travelling in a long time. Instead of taking a taxi, I independently pushed the two kilometres to the hotel, to see whether lack of access for wheelchair users like me is as big a problem here as it is in most other cities.
Usually, a journey like that would be a nightmare, particularly in older European towns like Breda, a city of just under 200,000 people that was an important centre during the Holy Roman Empire. Medieval city centres and cobble-stoned markets are a recipe for broken castor wheels and painful pressure sores for wheelchair users.
On average, the cost of living for disabled people is £583 a month higher than for their non-disabled peers – a substantial amount of which goes towards paying for taxi journeys to mitigate inaccessible public transport options. Travelling is even costlier: disabled people often have to stay in more expensive accessible hotels when hostels and independent bed and breakfasts are not a viable, barrier-free option. Add in the cost of damaged equipment and medical bills from injury, and the feelings of fear and isolation that lack of access creates, and you have a recipe for cities that feel difficult and anxiety-inducing.
But in Breda, I found that the issue had been turned on its head. The city authorities have pulled up all the cobblestones in the centre that surround the Grote Markt and Grote Kerk marketplace and church, turned them upside-down and sliced them widthways. The result: a flat surface for those with mobility impairments, while keeping Breda’s streets just as photogenic as they were before.
It was a literal breath of fresh air pushing myself through Valkenbergpark’s widened, flat pathways. I saw the portable threshold ramps that Breda’s shopkeepers lay out when they raise their shutters in the morning, encouraging business from customers of all abilities – something you rarely see in the UK. I learned that all buses and bus stops in the city are now fully accessible to wheelchair users, with drivers trained in disability awareness.
Once at the hotel, I found wellness and physiotherapy facilities for disabled guests; the accessible rooms had lowered wardrobes and mirrors, wheel-in showers and seated baths. You don’t even have to pull open the main door to enter the hotel: a camera detects your arrival and the door opens automatically. There are even plans to create a tactile navigation line along the route I took, to help visually impaired visitors move from the train station to the city centre through Valkenbergpark.
Over the past two years, more than 800 shops and bars have been checked for physical access. And in 2017, Breda’s main website was made fully accessible for all, including those with sensory impairments; accessibility improvements were made to another 25 websites that aid residents and tourists. Mastbosch, Breda’s forest, is fully wheelchair-accessible, and every two years the city hosts the ParaGames, a large European sporting event for disabled people.
Improvement hasn’t come overnight, says Marcel Van Den Muijsenberg, a fellow wheelchair user who volunteers his time to consult for improved access in the city. Breda has been working on the issue of inclusion for all since the 1990s, with the city’s local foundation Breda-Gelijk! (Equal Breda!) reviewing all new plans and initiatives.
“Most people think that the Access City award means that Breda is the most accessible city in Europe,” Van Den Muijsenberg says. “It isn’t, and the award isn’t about that. It’s about a commitment to improve and partners working together towards this commitment. We have done a lot, but there is more to do.”
Karel Dollekens, a civil servant working on accessibility in Breda, says he believes a willingness to collaborate is what won the award. “We have a wide network of university professionals, city staff and disabled people working together,” he says. “Sometimes we have heart-to-hearts, sometimes we get angry about the reality of projects and the limitations we face, but the conversation always continues. The network has now become a movement.”
After focusing almost exclusively on physical access, Breda’s accessibility groups are widening their focus to improving digital communication and resources to include those with sensory and learning impairments. Breda’s city council is slowly but surely introducing easy-read regulations for all documents and, if an organisation wishes to run an event in the city, it now receives an accessibility checklist that must be complied with.
Van Den Muijsenberg is delighted with Breda’s success, but realistic about the journey ahead and the need to spread better awareness. “Security staff at pubs and clubs need training,” he says by way of example. “Disabled people are being refused entry because staff think they are too drunk, rather than disabled.”
Indeed, perception affects inclusion just as much as a lack of physical access. Ramps and automatic doorways mean little unless paired with social confidence, a welcoming atmosphere and the desire to treat a disabled customer in the same manner as their non-disabled peers. But Breda is heading in the right direction.
“People aren’t disabled,” Dollekens says. “The environment they live in is.””
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bernadettebianca · 6 years
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Asian Para Games Opening Love it ❤❤❤ #paragames2018 #paragames #toyota4paragames #startyourimpossible https://www.instagram.com/p/Bol5_ynD6Ur/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hm23d3lfhswa
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polrestegal-blog · 6 years
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Kapolri Pawai Obor Asian Para Games 2018 di Makassar. . Kapolri, Jenderal Pol. Prof. H. Muhammad Tito Karnavian, Ph.D., terjun langsung melaksanakan kegiatan Torch Relay Obor Asian Para Games 2018 di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Rabu (12/9). . Pawai Api Obor Asian Para Games 2018 tersebut diarak keliling kota mulai dari depan Mapolrestabes Makassar hingga ke Lapangan Karebosi Makassar. . Pada kegiatan tersebut turut dihadiri oleh Kapolda Sulsel, Irjen. Pol. Drs. Umar Septono, S.H., M.H., Gubernur Sulsel, Nurdin Abdullah, serta Kasdam XIV HSN, Kajati Sulsel, Walikota Makassar, Ketum Inapgoc, dan perwakilan Atlet Para Games yang berprestasi, . Obor selanjutnya diserahkan oleh Ketum Inapgoc kepada Gubernur Sulsel untuk diberikan pada pembawa obor pertama Bahar Rahman yang merupakan perwakilan Atlet Para Games berprestasi. Pesan dalam acara ini dengan semboyan Inspiring, Spirit dan Energy Of Asia, yakni menginspirasi masyarakat akan mereka yang berkekurangan namun tetap bersemangat, selain itu juga meningkatkan kepedulian terhadap kaum disabilitas. #AsianParaGames2018 #ParaGames #PawaiObor https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnocb1wll6v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=40apebwzlvih
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athcolombia · 6 years
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#Repost @para_sports_magazine • • • • • ・ 車椅子♿️のある海底🏝 ・ イルカと一緒にダイビングなんて素敵🐬🏝です‼️ ・ 暑さも一瞬忘れます‼️ ・ 障がい者スポーツやライフスタイルに関する写真や動画をリポストを使ってご紹介します。第3号、絶賛発売中です! ・ #parasport #wheelchair #障がい者 #adaptedsports #paragames #disability #paraathletics #スポーツ #paralympics #positive #障がい #パラスポーツ #パラリンピック #笑顔 #障害者スポーツ #車いす #車椅子 #adaptive #adapted #amputee #diving #dolphin #暑い #♿️ ・ Repost @more_than_meets_the__eye https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsd6WhVBVpB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13jll7tlixs7c
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#basketball #basketball5x5 🏀 #peru Vs #usa #videna @paralympicsapc #paragames #JugamosTodos https://www.instagram.com/p/B1pGf7VBjC7/?igshid=1xrtz6m7f10fq
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cakrawalanewsdotco · 6 years
Sambut Asian Para Games, Transjakarta Sediakan Bus Ramah Disabilitas
Sambut Asian Para Games, Transjakarta Sediakan Bus Ramah Disabilitas
  Jakarta,cakrawalapost.com – PT Transjakarta menyediakan bus Transjakarta yang ramah disabilitas atau low entry yang akan dioperasikan untuk atlet difabel yang mengikuti Asian Para Games.
Demikian disampaikan Humas PT Transjakarta Wibowo, di Jakarta, Rabu (5/9/2018). “Busnya yang ramah disabilitas, seperti bus low entry,” ujarnya. Wibowo mengakui, pembicaraan antara pihaknya dengan panitia Asian…
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baxters-art-blog · 7 years
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Featuring 🎨 Artist Eugene Soh - a self-trained artist with a BA in Mathematics from the National University of Singapore. Eugene admires the artistic style of Van Gogh and Raymond Lau. To him, art is everywhere, the depository of his memories of travelling with his wife and the expression of his deep faith in God, the mainstay of his artistic inspiration. Eugene was one of the 13 VSA artists selected for the 1999 Maybank-VSA Pair With An Artist Programme, with Singapore artist Raymond Lau, as his mentor. In 2000, Eugene was also one of the 7 VSA artists chosen to participate in the Hakaren Gallery-VSA “Five Elements” exhibition at Sheraton Towers (Singapore). The model for the 1994 “Disabled But Not Unable” National Disability Campaign organised by the National Council of Social Service, Eugene does not let anything slow him down. Away from Art, Eugene started playing table tennis in primary school but didn't pursue it as more than a CCA due to his disability. But, a really unforgettable moment in his sporting career was seeing other players with more severe disabilities play better than me. This really spurred him on and encouraged him to excel in his sport. See more of his works on BAM! now! 😍 . . . . . #BAMit #BAM! #artwork #artworks #artgallery #artists #artist #illustrator #creative #contemporary #design #designer #painting #canvas #paints #paintings #contemporaryart #beautiful #artistic #colourful #passion #artsy #watercolour #asianartist #artforsale #buyart #art #ukart #singapore #paragames
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