#paranormal investigation Michigan
alton-hansley-phd · 2 months
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Full Name: Alton Hansley
Nicknames/aliases: Al, Hans (courtesy of Peter Venkman), Dr. Hansley
Age: 25 (Ghostbusters)
30 (Ghostbusters II)
62 (Ghostbusters: Afterlife)
65 (Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire)
Date of birth: May 8th, 1959
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Place of birth: Saugatuck, Michigan
Current location: New York City, New York
Occupation: Ghostbuster (Ghostbusters & Ghostbusters II)
Physics professor (Ghostbusters: Afterlife)
Paraphysicist (Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire)
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Height: 6 ft (182.88 cm)
Weight: 170 lbs
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Light brown (Younger years)
Silver (older years)
Hair style: neck length curly wolf cut (youth)
short, curly mess (older)
Skin color: ivory
Body type: Slender
Distinguishable features: N/A
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Face claim: Peter Capaldi
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Personality: kind, intelligent, sassy, socially awkward, blunt, patient, understanding
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Likes: science, his friends, busting ghosts, investigating the paranormal, building things, his work
Dislikes: Walter Peck, destructive paranormal phenomena, getting possessed, getting covered in goo, having his work interrupted, Vigo the Carpathian, Gozer
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Alton was born May 8th, 1959 to Robert and Dorothy Hansley, in Saugatuck, Michigan. Alton’s father was a con man and Alton’s mother was unemployed, but was a horrible stay-at-home mother. While his mother went out and had fun, her sister, Margaret, would take care of him, making sure he was fed and clean.
Alton flourished under his aunt's care, while his parents didn't seem to care about him. He began to show an abnormally high I.Q. for someone in his family and did extremely well in school which prompted him to skip a couple of grades. By age 11, he was already a sophomore in high school. He had a strange fascination with the paranormal after he was convinced he had an encounter with a ghost. He continued his studies while diving himself in the world of the paranormal, finding a copy of Tobin’s spirit guide at his local library.
Once Alton finished high school, he was accepted into MIT to study in their physics program. His parents tried to reconcile their relationship, seeing how they could try to profit from his success but he immediately left for Massachusetts, cutting ties with them. He buckled down and focused on his studies, eventually graduating with a doctorate. After graduating MIT, he moved on to Columbia to get a doctorate in Psychology.
In 1983, Alton began taking classes that were taught by Dr. Egon Spengler, Dr. Ray Stantz and Dr. Peter Venkman, that taught the world of the paranormal. Alton was fascinated by the classes and became one of the class's best students. Over the course of his enrollment in the class, Alton got the opportunity to work under the three men, becoming an apprentice although he found himself working with Dr. Spengler the most.
Egon and Alton immediately became close the longer he worked for him, realizing how similar their interests were. As Alton neared the end of his schooling at Columbia, Alton accompanied the three men to the New York Public Library to investigate the reports of the ghostly librarian, which he and Egon went ahead before Peter and Ray did to take readings. When they discovered the spirit, Ray confronted her, causing her to scare them off, sending them running out of the library.
They returned back to the university to go over their readings only to discover that Peter, Ray and Egon were being fired. Alton tried to step in, but since he was just a student, he was told to stay out of staff affairs. Alton was forced to stop working for the men and finish his studies, but after a week, he received a call from Egon, informing him that he was starting a building with Ray and Peter, and that he was willing to allow him to continue working under him after he graduated, which Alton gladly accepted.
After graduating, Alton immediately began working for the Ghostbusters, helping Egon and Ray build their equipment and just helping around. It was slow at first, with no calls coming in but it all changed after their first client, Dana, arrived. Alton immediately began helping, researching Zuul in all the available texts and finding any information he could.
When the Ghostbusters got their first call, everything changed. Alton stayed behind, continuing the research until they got back, seeing how successful their first call was, which started gaining them some traction. Alton would sometimes suit up, helping the guys whenever they got super busy with calls but it wasn't an often thing.
Alton stayed behind with Egon and Janine when the police brought a deranged man to the firehouse, but soon learned that he wasn't normal. The tests Egon performed showed that the man wasn't even human. He revealed himself as Vinz Clortho, keymaster of Gozer, informing them how Gozer was coming. After receiving this information, the three got a call from Peter, informing them Dana was possessed by Zuul, gatekeeper of Gozer which Egon stated that it was best they kept the two separate until they knew what was happening.
Alton and Egon kept their tests going until well in the morning, when Walter Peck arrived to shut their operation down. Janine, Egon and Alton tried to stop him from shutting the containment grid down but it was no use. The grid caused a massive explosion, blowing a hole through the roof, allowing all the trapped spirits free, which Ray and Winston returned from their bust to find the firehouse in ruin. During the chaos, Vinz escaped which prompted the five men to look for him, only to get stopped by Walter Peck, resulting in all five men to be arrested.
While in jail, Egon, Ray and Alton revealed what they discovered in their research, discovering a man named Ivo Shandor, a man who founded a cult of Gozer worshippers, built a temple in the apartment building where Dana lived, which also served as a conduit to attract spirits into this world. As they were coming up with what to say to the mayor, they were summoned to city hall to explain everything.
After arriving at city hall and explaining everything, they were sent off with everything they needed, getting a police and national guard escort. Before leaving for Central Park West, Peter informed him that Alton was now a fully fledged Ghostbuster (think the scene in Avengers: Infinity War with Tony and Peter).
The team arrived at the apartment building, greeted by a large crowd cheering them on. While Peter and Ray greeted the crowd, Egon, Winston and Alton geared up at the back of the Ecto-1. After they geared up and went to enter the building, a large earthquake erupted, opening a crater in the ground which caused all five Ghostbusters to fall in. After the chaos ended, the five men crawled out, revealing they were okay before entering the building to fight Gozer.
Once upstairs, they made it up to the temple, where Gozer manifested in front of them. When Ray went to confront Gozer, the god sent them flying back in a bolt of lightning, the force sending Alton flying off the edge of the building, but luckily, Egon caught him just in time, pulling him back up.
After fighting a giant Stay Puft marshmallow man that Ray conjured up, Egon informed them how they could stop Gozer which was by crossing the streams, which was told since day one not to do. After the team reluctantly agreed, they ran up to the temple, crossing their proton streams, causing a massive explosion. Alton ducked into a corner with Egon, getting covered with marshmallow fluff.
After they stopped Gozer, they arrived back at the firehouse to see the extent of the damage. As they began to repair the firehouse, they were hit with a massive lawsuit from the Stay Puft incident, forcing them to stop working as Ghostbusters, prohibiting them from performing paranormal elimination services. They all went their separate ways, still keeping in touch. Alton took a job at a research lab specializing in physics which he continued to do for the next five years.
Five years after the incident, Alton was visited by Egon at the lab, asking if he would be willing to help him and Ray with an incident that involved Dana which Alton happily agreed. The pair went to Ray’s bookshop to look more into what happened when Peter walked in, pulling on Ray’s ears to get information that they were hiding. The four men arrived at Dana’s apartment to run tests and collect data, much to Dana’s dismay as Peter showed up uninvited. While the three men worked hard, Peter goofed off which resulted in Alton getting angry.
When they discovered the source of the incident, finding a hot spot in the middle of the street, the four men returned at night, disguising themselves as line workers, digging a hole in the middle of the street. While Ray and Peter went and got coffee, Egon and Alton would take turns digging into the street with the jackhammer for the next hour until they were confronted by a cop. Egon did the talking until Ray and Peter came out, managing to send the cop away before sending Ray down into the hole they dug. As Ray descended into the hole, the cop came back with a Con-Ed truck, blowing their cover before Ray screamed for help, the three men reeling him back in before causing a city wide blackout. When Ray was back up, all four men were arrested, setting up a court date for the crime they committed.
At the courthouse, the four men were found guilty of all charges and were sentenced to Rikers Island but as they were being sentenced, the slime they found under the street caused a paranormal activity, causing ghosts of the convicted criminals, the Scoleri brothers, to wreak havoc in the courtroom. While all the civilians were safely escorted out of the courtroom, the four men, Louis and the judge were trapped with no means of escape. In a panic, the judge dismissed the charges and rescinded the judicial order barring them from being Ghostbusters, allowing them to gear up and capture the Scoleri brothers.
They went back to business as Ghostbusters once again and it seemed they were even busier this time around. But, despite how busy they were, Alton, Ray and Egon continued to work on the slime, categorizing and analyzing the effects. They showed their findings to Peter and Winston, also revealing that they were trying to find a way to positively charge the slime which Alton was working tirelessly on.
Alton had finally found a way to positively charge slime while Egon was building a device that they could use while on busts when Peter called, informing that Dana and her baby, Oscar, were attacked which Peter brought up a painting he saw at the museum where Dana worked, of a man named Vigo the Carpathian. Alton, Egon and Ray agreed to go to the apartment and go to the museum in the morning for more information. At the apartment, Alton was the first to enter, going into the bathroom to discover the mess of slime around the bathtub, just like how Peter mentioned when the bathtub tried to attack them. Egon and Alton immediately grabbed samples, and Alton had a feeling this was all tying back to Vigo. They returned back to the firehouse and researched into Vigo, discovering disturbing information.
The next morning, all five men arrived at the museum to conduct a sweep and take pictures of the painting, much to the dismay of the head of the restoration department and Dana’s boss, Dr. Janosz Poha. Once they discovered there was something sinister happening, they packed up and began to head back to the firehouse but something was wrong with Ray. Ray was driving recklessly, weaving through traffic. When Winston yelled that he was going to kill somebody and Ray yelled that he was going to kill everybody, this scared everyone, causing Winston to intervene, punching Ray and gaining control of the Ecto-1a, slamming on the brakes. In the commotion, Alton slammed his head against the window, causing his glasses to shatter and cut up his face. Other than that, they were okay.
Once back at the firehouse, Egon and Ray went to develop the photos from the museum while Winston helped Alton clean up his injuries from the incident in the Ecto-1a. Once Winston finished, they both heard screams for help coming from the dark room, which they immediately ran upstairs, Winston breaking down the door with a fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire that had broken out. Alton entered the room to make sure Egon and Ray were okay only to be met with the fact that they needed to go into the sewers to find the river of slime.
That night, they geared up and went into the sewers, but the deeper they got, the more the tunnels fought back, trying to scare them off. But Ray found the tunnel and the four went into the room where the river ran. Winston threw a line into the river to get a sample but something began pulling on his line, Alton ran to help but Winston was immediately pulled into the river, which made Alton lose his footing and fall in right after him, being carried away by the current, which prompted Ray and Egon to jump in after them. The current of the river brought them back to the museum but the effects of the slime began to affect Ray and Winston, causing them to fight when Egon told everyone to take their gear off, leaving them to strip down to their long johns. They went to find Peter and were carted off to see the mayor about their findings but the mayor didn't believe them at first. When they decided they would go to the press, Jack Hardenmeyer, the mayor's assistant, had them locked away in the mental ward of the hospital.
With the Ghostbusters locked away, the city erupted in chaos with paranormal phenomena occurring all over the city but all started with the museum, which prompted the mayor (who didn't know what happened to the Ghostbusters at first) to release them and have them try to get into the museum. At first, they failed to break through with their proton streams, the city's negativity being too much. When it seemed that it was all over, Egon said that they should use a symbol to elevate the city's positivity to get into the museum, which the five traveled to Liberty Island to enact their plan.
Alton and Egon immediately got to work wiring up a sound system while Ray and Winston got to work using positively charged slime , spraying the base of the statue of liberty. Once they activated the sound system, blasting a song over the speakers, the statue came to life and began to make its way back to the museum, sparking the city's positive emotions to get inside the museum, descending from the roof. Once they were inside, they hosed the possessed Janosz with the positively charged slime, but Vigo escaped from the painting, immobilizing the five men. But once it hit midnight, the positive emotions from the city weakened Vigo, allowing them to defeat Vigo once and for all.
They continued their work after the Vigo incident but Alton soon noticed a change in Egon’s behavior as well as the call count dwindled. Alton went to confront Egon about his behavior which resulted in an argument breaking between them, leaving Alton to storm away. The next morning, Egon was gone along with the Ecto-1, his proton pack, all the traps and isotope fuel, leaving the Ghostbusters finished. Alton was devastated when he discovered Egon was gone, leaving him to wonder if he had driven Egon off with their argument.
After the Ghostbusters went out of business for the second time, Alton got a job as a physics professor at Columbia university where he would spend the next 30 years of his life. During that time, he met Elizabeth Longfield, which the pair would eventually get married in 1993, welcoming their son, Matthew in 1995 and their daughter, Taylor in 1997. But, Alton realized that he wasn't truly happy and that he really didn't love Elizabeth, that she was just a distraction. They ended up getting divorced in 2001, and Alton had been alone ever since.
It wasn't until 2021 when Alton got a call from Ray, which he hadn't spoken to in quite some time. He called to inform that Egon had passed which devastated Alton even more, but Ray wanted the old team in Oklahoma, because something was going to happen. Alton agreed and flew out to Oklahoma, preparing himself for the eventual showdown with Gozer. They arrived at the farmhouse, to face Gozer one more time but this time, something was different. Gozer easily overpowered the four remaining Ghostbusters but Phoebe, Egon’s granddaughter distracted Gozer, facing off with the deity when Egon manifested to help her defeat Gozer. The four remaining Ghostbusters got back on their feet and helped Phoebe capture Gozer. Once Gozer was trapped, Phoebe ran to the traps, leaving the four to reconcile with Egon one last time, before watching Egon finish his unfinished business before moving on into the afterlife.
After staying for Egon’s funeral, they all returned home to New York, with Winston starting the Ghostbusters back up and offering Alton a job with the new generation of Ghostbusters, as a paraphysicist at the Ghostbusters Engineering Corps which Alton agreed.
(Btw, the amazing artwork above by my friend, you can commission them through Fiverr!)
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figureofdismay · 1 month
i always worry about what happens to the girl from Schizogeny. The tree monster/therapist hybrid killed her (maybe abusive) parent and then her aunt who was coming to save her. They kill the therapist/tree monster but that doesn't mean that this 15 or 16 year old girl has anyone else in the world to take her in. She and the boy can bond over their shared trauma but that doesn't mean she can move in with her sort-of boyfriend's family.... So what happens to her?
If it wasn't a fly away case I could picture M & S driving up to check on her periodically but I also can't see them getting invested enough to fly out to Michigan over it. (Although I can kind of see Lisa eventually getting into either psychology or paranormal investigations and seeking them out again in an AU freelance-investigations IWTB era context.)
idk, i'm irrationally fond of Schizogeny and consider it generally 'underrated,' it's just that Lisa is a pretty big loose end that always worries me 🫠.
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brax-writes-stories · 2 months
Before any stories are written, I should lay out the original characters that may appear. Ignore this post if you want, but you’ll be missing a lotta context! Lmao
Jordan Evergreen [BlackLight]
The hero of LightBeam City, Guardian of the DimLite slums, BlackLight is a force to be reckoned with when he’s paying attention, he’s also the protagonist of my upcoming book. Jordan Evergreen is a carefree friendly guy, a research assistant, and a dimwit. His powers are he can turn anything he touches into smoke, and form that smoke into anything he can imagine (as long as he understands how the thing works. That’s why he sticks to melee weapons or chains/whips of different kinds.) there’s more info, but that’s being saved for the book.
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Image of BlackLight’s suit (I’m not an artist, so this is all I got for him.)
Agent Michigan (Raluca Hanes) [RVB OC]
A member of Project freelancer, a master at many useless talents, and the creator of something he calls “grapple tagging”. Yes his main weapon is a grapple, and somehow it’s more effective than a gun when he’s using it. Raluca also didn’t get a fragment of the alpha, much like many of the freelancers, so he stole an ai from the UNSC and used that (in the process of stealing it, he broke something on the ai and now all it can do is play music and turn on his suit’s AC). Raluca is an intelligent idiot, basically he’s like the missing evolutionary link between church and caboose.
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Some images of Agent Michigan’s Suit
Adam Braxee [ORIGINAL OC]
Owner of “Adam’s amazitastic Diner + Bar” and brother to a scientist with a huge god complex, Adam is about what you expect from an immortal diner owner (will elaborate in the next character description). He looks young, but absolutely acts his age. In his time of owning the diner, he’s had to fist fight drunk patrons and robbers alike (getting himself plenty of scars in the process). However That’s just in the canon world. In the extended multiverse (which is non-canon), he’s had to fight off zombies, truck sized robots, and even his own brother being possessed by a maniacal Ai. (Might rewrite some of those stories).
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Image of Adam Braxee (made with a picrew, thank you PotatoLord)
Brian Braxee [ORIGINAL OC]
A Scientific genius, majoring in biology back in the 40s, and being kidnapped by the German remnants to be exposed to alien Microbots (bc that sounds cooler than nano bots to me) that gave him supernatural abilities. The Microbots increased his intelligence beyond any human on his earth, as well as giving him rapid healing and halted aging. After escaping and returning home, Dr. Braxee gifted his brother Adam and his business partner Dr. Gabriel Bell their own Microbots so they could live way past their expiration dates to build the future. Together they formed The Omega Agency as well as building bases on the border between Alabama and Florida, and one on the moon. Dr. Braxee, with all his intelligence, is also extremely paranoid and untrusting towards anyone that isn’t Adam or Dr. Bell. That, along with his ego and borderline God complex, has led to many accidents and containment breaches like the release of the Draugr Virus. But at the end of the day, Dr. Braxee is just another super genius doing his best to improve the world . . . One catastrophe at a time.
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Tsk tsk, apologies everyone but my appearance is classified for the time being. Many apologies. -B. Braxee
Part time paranormal investigator, part time journalist, full time danger searching Florida man. Mason grew up surrounded by many strange and supernatural things happening around him, although nobody believed him. As he grew up, he began to research all these things he grew up with. His investigations and journalism has taken him all around the world, and into many different dangerous situations. From vampires to yokai, Mason has survived so many different deadly encounters it’d make BlackLight blush. Mason has no survival instincts, but he makes up for it with his charm.
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Image of Mason Coal (made with a picrew, thanks whoever made this one)
Pvt. Brax [RVB OC]
A Green armored sim trooper with about as much intellect as any other sim trooper. Brax likes standing on the cliffside and staring down at his team…s graves. Yeah, a freelancer came through one day and sorta left him the only survivor (only because he was out somewhere) so now he just runs around his base acting like they’re all still there.
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Image of Brax’s Armor
And that is all for now! I will be adding more characters over time, but I hope this small sneak peek at my characters has caught your interest! -Brax
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myhauntedsalem · 2 years
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Pomeraning House Haunting
The story of the Pomeraning house in the small farming town of Saginaw County, Michigan, is not well known, but it definitely should be. Reports of haunting in this home have been reported since the late 1970s but rarely has it been examined as Steve Shippy’s Travel Channel show ‘Haunting in the Heartland’ does. The show features a farmhouse on Dice Road about four miles north of Merrill.
The distraught homeowners sought help after their granddaughter Aidabelle is driven out by some seriously eerie incidents where the spirits seem to be targeting her. Unexplained scratches, black smoke, mysterious footprints and a presence just not allowing her to live inside the home, this haunting is right out of James Wan’s ‘The Conjuring’, just the first one though.
Currently, the home is occupied by the Midcalf family and their granddaughter. All of them have described strange occurrences in the house from feeling locked out of a room due to an unseen force or seeing black smoke come out of nowhere, making it impossible to see. One such occurrence is said to have happened to Josh, the son of Celeste and Mike Midcalf. One night when he was in the kitchen, he was forced to sleep on the counter after a presence refused to let him pass and go up to his room. He had seen black smoke fill the room and he was unable to scream for help.
Records and media reports from earlier have shown similar things happening in the house wherein a boy almost died of suffocation. There have also been incidents of constant unexplained pounding sounds near the home that left the local and state police absolutely baffled. There have also been reports of a toilet paper roll catching fire with no accelerants around and burnt in such a way that it was humanly impossible for it to get the amount of oxygen it did – enough to fill the room with smoke. Police from different agencies and university researchers even stayed overnight in the house, and deputies staked it out on several occasions. Priests, a K-9 unit and a paranormal expert from Sweden were also called in for the investigation. However, none could explain the mysterious occurrences.
The history of the home dates back to 1845 to the town of Iva, where the structure used to be the only general store within a good few miles. Located at Iva and Dice roads, it was a hub for the community that was yet to be incorporated in the nearby areas, where people were buying land and clearing the area for farming. The tiny town was hit with the smallpox plague and instead of getting help, they were forcefully shut inside their home and the town set on fire. Men, women, and children affected could have been burned alive or left to die miserable, terrifying deaths.
Shippy, whose rapper stage name is “Prozak,” told the Detroit Free Press: “I don’t know that I’ve ever seen any case that could remotely come close to the police reports, to the documentation, to the eyewitnesses of what happened in Merrill, and to me, it’s definitely one of the most shocking cases in paranormal history.”
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Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters Radio. In this episode, I welcome my friend & colleague Tobias Wayland to the show. We will be discussing the newly reported Chicago/Lake Michigan Mothman & winged humanoid sightings as well as any updates to previous reports. Tobias Wayland is a Fortean investigator who has been actively investigating the unusual for over a decade. The first several years of his investigative career were spent as a MUFON field investigator and following that he investigated independently before becoming the head writer and editor for The Singular Fortean Society. Tobias is a frequent guest on various podcasts and radio shows, has written several books and contributed articles to periodicals on the paranormal, has appeared on television and in documentaries, and is often invited to speak at paranormal conferences and events.
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enkisstories · 2 years
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The Munchs - another one of my rather wide than deep family trees.
Family details under the cut.
Household 1 - Windsor(Ontario)/Canada
Mila - divorced, retired chef Ben - Mila’s partner, retired detective Connor - beat cop, first and so far only android in Canada Gunther - journalist Jordan - photojournalist Gunthra - middle schooler
Household 2 - Windsor(Ontario)/Canada
Wolfgang - archaeologist Cassandra - paranormal investigator Clarence - heir to the Goth family fortune Rupert - will get added with the infant update at the earliest
Household 3 - Strangerville(Nevada?)/USA
Jess - Vice Commander of the military base Dylan - botanist
Household 4 - Moonwood Mill(Michigan)/USA
Christie - paranormal botanist Lucas - gardener Sybil - still a long way in the future
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wimpydave · 5 days
Rusty Jones of Central Michigan Paranormal Investigators | Haunted Michi...
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whitepolaris · 17 days
Kemper Hall's Headless Nun
Where there are nuns and a five-story tower, there are bound to be ghosts and legends. Kenosha's Kemper Hall fills the bill and then some. The imposing complex of brick buildings set along Third Avenue on Lake Michigan's brooding shore in Kenosha became a private Episcopal seminary for girls in 1871. The campus no longer serves the educational needs of young women. But according to local lore, some former students and at least one ferocious Episcopal nun named Mary Terese have never left the premises of what is now called Kemper Center.
Of the buildings that once served as convent, dormitories, classrooms, and offices, the former science hall at Kemper is the focus of spectral happenings. Outfitted in 1894 with the latest scientific equipment-everything from Bunsen burners to a refractor telescope-this stellar facility was unprecedented in a school for young women, who at that time were usually relegated to teaching or nursing if they were to have any career at all. Even Thomas Edison's great-granddaughter received her science education from the learned nuns of Kemper.
The science hall's crown jewel, the telescope, was housed in a domed observatory with a sliding panel that opened to the stars. The dome was reached via a five-story spiral staircase that doubled as a fire escape and was marked by crimson doors. According to school legend, the dark wooden stairs were the nemesis of Mother Mary Terese. Although no one knows exactly when this was supposed to have happened, the specter of the ferocious nun became tradition and was raised every Halloween at Kemper by older students to frighten the younger ones into submission.
The legend surrounding Mary Terese vary. One version has students pushing her out a window after she had already fallen down the stairs. But the most oft-repeated version depicts Mary Terese as a cruel taskmistress who was hated by the entire Kemper student body. One night, the story goes, the nun climbed to the observatory to fetch some books. To her shock, she found a group of girls lying in wait for her. The girls, eyes dark and glinting with revenge, shoved the despised nun and her armload of books down the deep stairwell. Mary Terese plunged to the bottom in a gruesome spiral of death, the books fluttering around her. Before she hit the ground floor; the head then thumped down the final few steps, before coming to rest on the bloodied black habit that covered what was left of Mary Terese.
There are no school records that Mary Terese was ever at Kemper Hall, but that hasn't stopped the legends. The building is also said to be haunted by the ghost of a young student who had lunged from the tower in despair over a forced separation from her boyfriend. And another nun is rumored to have killed herself by leaping into cold Lake Michigan.
The school was closed in 1975, and the famous telescope disappeared. Today, the Kemper Center buildings and grounds are a county park, used for weddings, concerts, and other social and cultural events.
The oldest building on the campus is the Durkee Mansion, built in 1861 as the residence of Charles Durkee. It too is said to be haunted. The ghost of a nun who had died in a fire is still reputed to float about the third floor of the mansion, which has been preserved as a historical museum.
Local paranormal investigator David Schmickel took photos of the Kemper Center in 1996 that purported to show ghostly shadows and images in the west second-story windows of what was formerly the science hall. Schmickel even invited Chicago psychic Richard Crowe to visit the center to offer his opinion about whether the science hall was inhabited by ghosts. According to a Kenosha News article dated July 15 of that year, Crowe agreed with Schmickel that "there was something going on here." Crowe theorized that the school's strict discipline had caused "pent-up psychic energy" that was now manifesting itself in the form of ghosts.
The Kenosha News has also published reports of other weird sightings of ghostly phantoms around Kemper. An article dated October 1995, by Don Jensen described area photographer William Saxby's experience of seeing something blurry fall from the science hall tower as he snapped a shot of the old dome. Furthermore, Saxby's camera inexplicably jammed when he tried to photograph the spiral staircase.
In addition, Jensen cited Laura and Todd Becker, a couple who had performed at the Kemper auditorium. Todd was working alone there one day when his radio began cutting in and out for no reason. He then saw a short figure dressed entirely in black, which subsequently vanished. (The nuns who ran Kemper wore black habits.) And while Mother Mary Terese may not have existed, other nuns who taught at Kemper Hall are buried nearby. Presumably, their heads are still attached.
Screams and Cries at Kemper Center
My friends and I used to hang out in the back parking lot of the Kemper Center almost every night. But one night in September there was something different. Around 11:30 pm we were all sitting on a friend of mine's car when we heard a sound. It sounded like a scream or a hitch-pitched cry. When we all looked up at the spiral staircase there was a dark figure rolling down the stairs. Then it was gone.
On another night we were all walking around the building and there was an unexplainable shadowy figure crawling around on the grass and up and down the walls of the building.
There are a lot of various yells and screams that come from different rooms when you are in the building. Very cold chills included. There are a lot of weird things that I have read about, but experiencing them is even BETTER!! -Stefani Ellen Powers
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thecastingcircle · 2 months
All-New Season of Expedition X Premieres August 14 on Discovery Channel 
Journey into the unexplained when brand new seasons of EXPEDITION X and EXPEDITION BIGFOOT return to Discovery Channel on Wednesday, August 14 beginning at 9PM ET/PT, bringing viewers a night full of mysterious adventures, curious tales and strange encounters.
EXPEDITION X kicks off the action at 9PM ET/PT, as adventurer Josh Gates and his team of investigators dive into the stranger side of the unknown, seeking the truth behind the world's eeriest supernatural mysteries. This season welcomes new host Heather Amaro to the team, a third-generation paranormal researcher who has spent decades investigating mysterious phenomena. Together with scientist Phil Torres, they delve far beyond the unknown and on a spine-tingling expedition into the unexplained.
In the season opener, Josh Gates joins Torres and Amaro in West Virginia for a two-part investigation at one of the most haunted buildings in America: Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, a sprawling abandoned psychiatric hospital with a tragic history and countless reports of paranormal activity. During the chilling investigation, they discover shocking secrets from the asylum's sinister past and battle frightening forces beyond our understanding.
This season, Torres and Amaro tackle the depths of Scotland's Loch Ness to examine new evidence of the legendary sea creature; hit the haunted streets of Savannah, Georgia, where they brazenly spend the night among hostile spirits; investigate frightening accounts of a mysterious seven-foot monster known as the skunk ape who prowls the Florida Everglades; go deep into the woods of Michigan to hunt for a blood-hungry beast that is believed to be part of a shocking government cover-up; and more.
Well there you have it. The end of an era. Possibly the show. Discovery has so few long running hits that I don’t know why they would jeopardize. 
Yes, Jessica Chobot is no longer one of the hosts of Expedition X.
I’m late to the party and am only finding out now. Speculation is rampant.  DC’s website hasn’t been updated.  Only this press release and video are available.  No new pictures, episode descriptions, no air dates, nothing. 
The comments on the Youtube page have been turned off.      
The editing is deceptive too. Not showing Heather’s face for half of it, and then using the “Jess is scared” meme from all last seasons’ commercials. The commercials are dreadful.                              
Phil Torres and Josh Gates’ Instagrams are blowing up with “Where is Jess?” questions.  But no answers are forthcoming.
I’ve never heard of Heather Amaro. She  has no social media game.  Phil and Jess were the paranormal instagram King and Queen posting videos and pictures promoting the show.
The whole dynamic of the show will change, for seven seasons Phil and Jess were equals. Now Heather is a junior partner to Phil’s senior. It can’t help but change. There’s going to be a completely new show opening narration.  And the “faux showmance” can fade away too, bring on the mentions of spouses and children. 
Television shows have a long history of treating female leads as if they are a dime-a-dozen/ expendable and male leads like precious cargo. I was hoping that wouldn’t be the case here. But it’s coming off that way.
I don’t know if I’ll continue posting.  I’ll keep an eye out for Phil. He knows what side his bread is buttered on (hint, hint) his instagram is 75% shirtless.  He’ll get another hosting gig.                                                                                                         
Tumblr media
A picture from happier times.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
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xzoneradio · 8 months
Rob McConnell Interviews - SHETAN NOIR - Bigfoot, Dogman, Mothman and Lake Monsters
Shetan noir has been on many expeditions for cryptozoology in Michigan, Pennsylvania Minnesota, Ohio, Vermont, New York. Shetan has also done paranormal investigations at Randolph county insane asylum, Detroits 6th precinct, Graestone Manor, Historic Hoover house, Gettysburg.
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allengreenfield · 8 months
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notladylikes · 8 months
┊ ✧ 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 ▸ brief information.
┊ ✧ 𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞 : faceclaim :  victoria pedretti . age :  twenty-nine . occupation:  former child star / bartender / owner of eclipse . birthdate :  january 12th . birthplace :  san diego, california . current location :  los angeles, california.  species :  human . race :  caucasian . sexual orientation :  pansexual . verse :  slice of life. / horror.  themes include : repercussions of her actions, becoming something better, narcotics anonymous, am i going insane?, owning up to your issues, former child star, revenge porn .
┊ ✧ 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐫𝐚𝐞 𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : faceclaim :  alexandra breckenridge . age :  thirty-seven . occupation:  former veterinarian / local medical professional. birthdate :  september 12th . birthplace :  denver colorado . current location :  swanford, connecticut .  species :  human . race :  caucasian . sexual orientation :  pansexual . verse :  human experimentation / cause and effect . themes include : how did we get here?, struggling to remember, striving to forget, blackout moments, blood on my hands, chemically induced amnesia .
┊ ✧ 𝐜𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 : faceclaim :  emma mackey . age :  twenty-seven . occupation:  manager at a music store / lead singer of the re-awakening . birthdate : october 31st . birthplace :  phoenix , arizona . current location :  new orleans, louisiana . species :  human . race :  hispanic . sexual orientation :  pansexual . verse :  slice of life . themes include : loneliness, abusing alcohol + redemption, living life on the edge, music as a form of therapy.
┊ ✧ 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 : faceclaim :  lindsey morgan . age :  twenty-seven . occupation:  auto mechanic / shop owner / illegal street racer . birthdate :  may 30th . birthplace :  little rock, arkansas . current location :  santa fe, new mexico  species :  human . race :  hispanic . sexual orientation :  pansexual . verse :  slice of life. / drama. / crime. themes include : growing up poor, adrenaline junkie, found family, making something out of nothing, late night thrill rides .
┊ ✧ 𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐚 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 : faceclaim: kate siegel. age : thirty-four. occupation: investigative journalist . birthdate : november 2nd. birthplace : hartford, connecticut . current location : bridgeport, rhode island . species : human. race : caucasian. sexual orientation : heterosexual. verse :  horror. / paranormal. themes include : mental illness, the monster you made of me, insomnia, the tragedy of family, learning the truth .
┊ ✧ 𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞 : faceclaim:  hannah john kamen . age :  thirty-three . occupation:  black market smuggler . birthdate :  september 18th . birthplace :  lower city, new brunswick . current location :  lower city, new brunswick.  species :  cyber modified human . race :  mixed  . sexual orientation :  pansexual . verse :  crime. / cyberpunk. / dystopian.  themes include : helping the helpless, crime does pay, on death's door, making connections, sleeping in back rooms, ripper doc shenanigans.
┊ ✧ 𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧 : faceclaim : naomi scott. age : information here soon. occupation : lawyer in training. birthdate : information here soon. birthplace : information here soon. current location : manhattan, new york species : human. race : indian. sexual orientation : bisexual . verse : familial guilt. / drama. themes include : making something out of nothing, striving for the best, sibling drama, goody two shoes, the golden child .
┊ ✧ 𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐬 : faceclaim:  maisie richardson sellers . age :  twenty-six . occupation: film-maker / videographer . birthdate :  november 8th . birthplace :  detroit, michigan . current location :  san diego, california .  species : human . race :  black american . sexual orientation :  homosexual. verse : slice of life. / drama. themes include : identity crisis, becoming relevant, making something out of nothing, disappointing her parents.
┊ ✧ 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐲 : faceclaim:  samara weaving . age :  twenty-nine . occupation:  grave robber / black market organ salesman . birthdate :  april 11th . birthplace :  roanoke, :virginia . current location :  roanoke, virginia  species :  re-animated human . race :  caucasian . sexual orientation :  heterosexual . verse :  supernatural. / drama.  themes include : family disruption, what have i become, loss of self, necromancy, we play with dead things .
┊ ✧ 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 : faceclaim: riley voelkel. age: twenty-nine. occupation : deputy at the local police department. birthdate: july 11th. birthplace: woodridge hollow. current location: woodridge hollow/verse dependent. species: human. race: caucasian. sexual orientation: bisexual. verse: crime. / drama. / horror. themes include : drinking to cope, what have i done?, picking up the pieces, relying on family, something's coming for me, darkness rises .
┊ ✧ 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐬𝐨𝐧 : faceclaim:  michelle dockery . age :  thirty-six . occupation:  con-artist . birthdate :  december 2nd . birthplace :  new haven, maine . current location :  new york city, new york.  species :  human . race :  caucasian . sexual orientation :  heterosexual . verse :  crime. / mafia / drama. themes include : following in her father's footsteps, losing her children, toppling the organization, becoming your own boss .
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A Bewitching Tuesday
A Round-Up of Daily Virtual Book Tour Stops
Spectral Paranormal Investigations by S. Peters-Davis  #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3Y35TiJ When fire meets ice, romance sizzles. The Demon’s Fire by T. M. Smith https://amzn.to/3PdO0LL #spicyparanormalromance #paranormalromancebooks #PNR #ParanormalRomance Witching on a Star Read the first 3 episodes FREE on Kindle Vella New episodes release every Monday #spicy #paranormalromance #witchromance #vampireromance #KindleVella #Vella https://www.amazon.com/Witching-on-a-Star/dp/B0C76VNWVM/ Michigan Monsters- The Michigan Dogman https://www.patreon.com/posts/michigan-dogman-85425559 #Cryptids #MichiganCryptids #MichiganMonsters #Dogman #MichiganDogman FREE short story: Big Owl Lake–Stormy’s Cabin (Ghost Guardian Series) by S. Peters-Davis + giveaway  #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3NZNrmg Beetlejuice Halloween Theme Party Ideas #Beetlejuice #HalloweenParty https://www.abewitchingguidetohalloween.com/2023/07/beetlejuice-halloween-theme-party-ideas.html
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global-education · 1 year
Haunted Railway Stations in the US
Railway stations often hold a mysterious allure, with their rich history and tales of the past. Some of these stations in the United States are believed to be haunted, with reports of ghostly apparitions, eerie sounds, and unexplained phenomena. Let's take a look at some of the haunted railway stations that have captured the imagination of locals and paranormal enthusiasts alike.
Union Station, Denver, Colorado: Union Station is not only a transportation hub but also rumored to be haunted. Visitors and employees have reported seeing shadowy figures and hearing disembodied voices within its historic walls.
Grand Central Terminal, New York City, New York: One of the busiest railway stations in the world, Grand Central Terminal has its share of ghostly legends. From the whispering ghost of a young girl to spectral figures wandering the platforms, it's a place where the past seems to linger.
Central Terminal, Buffalo, New York: This stunning Art Deco station, once a bustling hub, now stands abandoned and eerie. Many visitors claim to have witnessed apparitions and experienced strange phenomena in the dark corners of the building.
Southern Pacific Railroad Depot, Tucson, Arizona: Known for its paranormal activity, this former depot is said to be haunted by the ghost of a railroad worker who died during a tragic accident. Visitors have reported hearing phantom footsteps and seeing unexplained shadows.
Union Station, Kansas City, Missouri: Union Station has a haunting past, including the notorious massacre of four law enforcement officers during the Kansas City Massacre in 1933. Visitors have reported encounters with apparitions and strange happenings, adding to its haunted reputation.
The Depot, Minneapolis, Minnesota: Once a flourishing railway station, The Depot is now a hotel with a haunted past. Guests and staff have reported encounters with a ghostly woman believed to be a former employee.
Santa Fe Depot, San Diego, California: Built in 1915, this beautiful Spanish Colonial Revival-style station is rumored to be haunted by the spirit of a young woman who died tragically on the tracks. Some witnesses claim to have seen her ghostly figure wandering the platforms.
Louisville Union Station, Louisville, Kentucky: With its stunning architecture, this former railway station is said to be home to several spirits. From ghostly children playing in the hallways to the apparition of a woman in a flowing gown, it's a place where the supernatural is said to be active.
Michigan Central Station, Detroit, Michigan: This once-grand station, now abandoned, has gained a reputation for being haunted. Urban explorers and paranormal investigators have reported eerie encounters and captured unexplained phenomena on camera.
King Street Station, Seattle, Washington: This historic station is believed to be haunted by the ghost of a woman dressed in early 20th-century attire. Witnesses have reported seeing her apparition on the platforms and in the waiting area.
These haunted railway stations offer a glimpse into the past, where history and the supernatural intertwine. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, exploring these sites can provide a thrilling experience for those seeking a taste of the paranormal.
Courtesy: https://useglobaleducation.com/,
YpuTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Qf7QGwVv_AY.
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ainews · 1 year
Residents of a small rural town in Michigan have been left stunned after reports of an unusual phenomenon in the area.
The small community of Whiteford, located just outside of Toledo, has recently seen an increase in reports of what have been described as “cloudy zombies” roaming the area. According to those who have seen them, the zombies appear disoriented and confused, and seem to be drawn towards the town’s water supply.
Unlike traditional zombies, these creatures do not emit any sound or display any aggression, instead merely moving about in what appears to be an aimless manner. Reports even suggest that some of these zombies have been seen carrying a strange hose-like object in their hands.
The reports of the cloudy zombies have left local residents both confused and concerned. Some have expressed fear that the zombies may be a sign of some sort of supernatural or paranormal activity in the area, while others are simply curious as to what could be causing them.
Local authorities have yet to offer any explanation of the mysterious phenomenon, and have stated that they are actively investigating the reports. In the meantime, they are warning residents to be cautious and to avoid approaching any of the creatures, as they cannot be certain of the zombies’ intentions.
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Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.
Featured in this edition:
The reports of winged humanoids, referred to by many witnesses as the 'O'Hare Mothman or Batman,' continue at the airport. Cargo workers, air traffic controllers, & other airport personnel are well aware of the phenomenon and opening discuss it amongst themselves. The O'Hare management and the airlines start to crack down on reports reaching the public by threatening suspension and termination.
In this episode, I will describe the reports and incidents in detail and answer all questions from the chat room. Because there is so much important information yet to be discussed, there will be at least another episode presented in the coming weeks.
Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - https://bit.ly/3osR2jL
Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters - https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/p...
Lon Strickler is a Fortean researcher, author, and publisher of the syndicated 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog. He began the blog in 2005, which has steadily grown in popularity and is read daily by tens of thousands of paranormal enthusiasts, investigators, and those seeking the truth. His research and reports have been featured in hundreds of online media sources. Several of these published reports have been presented on various television segments, including The History Channel's 'Ancient Aliens,' Syfy's 'Paranormal Witness', 'Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files,' and Destination America's 'Monsters and Mysteries in America.'
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