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Along the Sein on a sunny Sunday - near the Louvre 
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dahliaxbrennon-blog · 8 years
The Past That Haunts Returns
Summary: The mysterious person who has been calling Dahlia is finally revealed and Dahlia makes a dangerous choice regarding how she copes with the truth. Trigger Warnings: Drug use, drug abuse, overdose, suicide attempt
Dahlia: Dahlia sighed as she finished straightening up the paperwork on her desk. She glanced over at Ghost and smiled lightly as he wagged his tail at her. “What do you say, boy. Should I relive my glory days as a waitress?” She asked, snorting when he barked in reply. She stood up and stretched, yawning slightly as she did some. “Come on, a change of scenery will do us good.” She mumbled, grabbing her phone as she made her way to the dining room with Ghost on her heels. Her phone began to ring as she entered the room and she gestured for Ghost to go lay down in his doggie bed behind the bar. “Hey, I’m gonna step out to take this call and then take some tables when I get back, I’m bored.” She told Sean and Tallie as she made her way to the front door to step outside and answer her phone. “Hello?” She said, smiling sadly as she took in the aftermath of the wildfire. She frowned when no one answered her and was just opening her mouth to start cursing them out when she heard a noise on the other end and then a voice spoke. “Hello? Dahlia? Baby girl is that you?” She stiffened at the voice of her father. “D-Dad?” She mumbled. “It’s me, baby girl. I was hoping this was your number but it never seemed to connect well on my end until today.” She breathed sharply, he sounded like the man he’d been before her mother had dead, and he continued to speak. “You have no idea what I’ve gone through to find you and your brother. I thought it’d be best to call you first. How on Earth did you two end up in New Zealand?” She couldn’t take any more and she hung up on him. She stepped back into the restaurant in a daze, her phone slipping from her nerveless fingers as she made her way to the bar. “What ... What tables do you want me to take?” She asked, not paying attention to her words. Tallulah: Tallulah crouched down to give Ghost a few pets as he curled up in his dog bed, before going back to mixing some drinks for the few customers at the bar. Having the doors open let the nice breeze in, and everything just felt so... calm. Given the recent events surrounding Echo, and Tallulahs wonder, and worry, that the fire had to do with someone magical, she was grateful for the small reprieve. "The smoke smell is still around, but at least the thickness isn't hanging as much in the air, yeah?" she questioned Sean, and the patrons sitting across from her. She set out the cold drinks, before wiping her brow with the back of her hand. Dahlia's mumbling voice struck her for strange, and she looked up to the other brunette, brows furrowed in confusion as she scanned her face. "Aye, the fuck's wrong with you? Look like you've seen a ghost, Lia." Sean: Sean was almost too busy to catch what she said, his head was underneath the bar, dragging out different bottles that hadn't been opened but needed to be used before the next lot were brought in. he pulled his head out and nodded in response to Dahlia. He looked up at Tallie, frowning lightly. "I really can't wait for that smell to go, it smells like destruction." He chuckled lightly and shook his head. He watched a few more people enter the restaurant each time he popped his head up. He walked over to Ghost, turning to look outside, making sure Dahlia wasn't watching him as he slipped Ghost a treat. He looked again, just in time to see Dahlia drop her phone, his eyes immediately narrowed, there was no way that was going to be good. Her blank thousand-yard stare caught him off guard, for the first time in what he was sure must have been forever he was rendered speechless, luckily Tallie filled in the blank for him. "... Lia what happened?" Dahlia: Her breath hitched and her chest felt tight, her hand drifted up to her chest and she clutched at her shirt. "I ... I'm fine. Ghost? No, he's there." She said nodding towards where Ghost was. The dog in question whined and was at her side in an instant. She reached out to take a bottle of alcohol and stared at it blankly. He'd found them, her father had found them. She needed to warn Clark but she couldn't even bring herself to say it. She tightened her grip on the bottle and gasped for air, leaning forward a bit, her hair falling to shield her from the rest of the room. "I ... can't ... breathe." She gasped, her breaths coming out wheezing. "He ... found .. us.." She whimpered and he knees felt like they were going to buckle. Ghost whined louder and pawed at the air by her legs, a short yelp leaving him. Tallulah: "I know right," she chuckled back at Sean as she watched him dig through the bottles of alcohol. She thought about telling him they could do some dollar shots to get through some bottles for new product, but any thoughts of merchandising were swept away with her worry for her coworker. The anxiety in her cause her pain level to up, the burn spots on her feet that hadn't healed with magic, shooting through her. She could feel the tension, but didn't understand why. "I don't- What? What are you talking about?" the negative emotions bleeding off Dahlia was enough to cause concern. She'd only seen Dahlia close to this once before, when she was searching for Ghost in the woods. And this was beyond Tallie's imagination. "Sean, what is she talking about?" Sean: Sean felt it like a rush, those words, he knew there was only one person that could make her feel like this, her father. Sean felt his hand curl up into a fist, he wished he knew where her father was so he could personally repay him for whatever he'd just done to Dahlia. Sean blanked on what to do, he'd normally be full of something, but all he could feel was a burning rage. He shook it all aside, Tallie's questions pulling him away. He put a hand on Dahlia's back, gentle, comforting. "Dahlia.. It's okay.. We're here." He soothed. He turned his head to Tallie. "You and Soph hold down the fort for a minute okay? I'll be back." He looked back at Dahlia, staring directly into her eyes. "Come on, out the back to my office, you can take a quick nap." Dahlia: Dahlia jumped when Sean touched her, she hadn't heard a word either of them had said. She stared at him wide eyed, her free hand reaching out to clutch his shirt. "He found us Sean." His words finally registered and she nodded slowly. "Okay, I can do that." She mumbled, turning towards his office, nearly dropping the bottle of alcohol she'd been holding. She'd be safe in his office for now. "Let's do that." She said softly, leaning into his space. Tallulah: Tallie founder herself in a whirlwind of information she didn't quite have a hold on. Who was Dahlia, the fierce manager of her's, so afraid of? Who was he?. She watched an emotion rise up in Sean with such haste, that it threw her. She wasn't sure if she'd ever seen Sean look so rage-filled. For a moment, she became angry to, feeling left out. Thinking they were supposed to be a family- apparently not. She shook these feelings from her. They weren't right, they weren't okay. She didn't need to be feeling this way. She nodded to Sean, "I got it. Don't worry. I've done it before." She poured a few drinks with clenched fists and jerking movements, trying to keep herself calm and force the selfishness away. Sean: Sean nodded, his arm wrapping protectively around Dahlia's shoulders, he had a flashback to the time that he'd helped her with her first panic attack. He could see the hurt and betrayal in Tallie's face but he couldn't worry about that right now. He had to focus on Dahlia, wrapping his arm around her he lead her back to his office and settled her on his couch. "You'll be okay back here? I'll go get you a drink and be back in a minute." He kissed her forehead and walked out, going back to find Tallie and start making Dahlia something to drink. "Tallie. Her dad was on the phone. He's... Awful... I don't know much but I know he's not the kind of person anyone wants to be near.” Dahlia: She nodded slowly at Sean's words. "I'll be okay. I think." She whispered, gesturing for Ghost to come closer. She knew once she calmed down she'd feel like an asshole and would owe Tallie an explanation if Sean hadn't already given her one. Her hands trembled as she buried them in Ghost's fur. "He found us, Ghost. I can't believe he ... He found us." She whispered raggedly, Ghost whined and licked at her cheek trying to sooth her, moving closer to her so she would have something to hold on to. She buried her face in his fur and sobbed, "I think I'm going to be sick." She curled up into a ball as much as she could around her giant fluffball of a dog. Tallulah: Tallulah swallowed and shook her head, "No, it's okay, really." She dismissed Sean's explanation. "I... I can understand that. I uh, I've been there. I mean, My dad used to.." she shook her head, "don't worry about it, really. Just make sure she's okay. I'm sure I'd feel the same if my dad found me. What does she want to drink? I can make her something." It hurt, the idea that someone was threatening the existence of their peaceful lives. The fire was one thing, but now /this/. She pulled out a bottle of alcohol she knew Dahlia favored, "This?" Sean: Sean nodded, he knew it was hard for any of them in here, one thing he knew was all of the girls he worked with all had awful childhood experiences. He didn't want them to feel the awful effects of their pasts but he knew how difficult it would be to not remember certain things, after all it was much easier to remember awful traumatic things than nice things. "It's okay Tallie. You don't have to explain to me, just remember I'm here for all of you." He smiled at the choice she made, nodding his head. "That works. I'll be back." He said as he took the bottle and headed back to his office. "Lia? Here we go. I think after this, you need something stronger." Dahlia: Dahlia was still curled up around Ghost as Sean came back into the office. She sniffled as she looked up at him and nodded slowly as she reached out for the bottle he was holding. "Good thinking." She mumbled, opening the bottle and taking a gulp straight from it. "Will you tell Tallie I'm sorry?" She mumbled, flexing her fingers around the bottle neck. "I'm sorry about this, I just ... When I think of him and knowing he knows .... I can't even think of how to handle it." She mumbled, taking another gulp from the bottle. She stood up and hugged him tightly, almost relaxing as he hugged her back and murmured words of comfort to her. She waved him off back to work and gestured for Ghost to go lay down, which he did though he kept an eye on her from his spot across the room. She wandered around the office, loosely holding the bottle in one hand, she laughed faintly as she traced the edge of Sean's desk, he'd insisted on having it shipped from England to New Zealand after they'd moved and she'd teased the hell out of him for it. She scoffed lightly when she saw the paperwork covering his desk, she and the others joked about how he ran things but he was an excellent boss. She collapsed in his desk chair and felt tears prick her eyes; she and Clark would have to leave again now. She didn't want to leave again, her friends were here and she'd fall in love with Echo Valley itself in all it's weirdness and Mason was here. She took another swig of alcohol and began rifling through Sean's desk, maybe she'd try to do some of his paperwork for him, as a thank you for putting up with her. She frowned and set the bottle down on the desk when she saw what looked like a baggie wedged behind some files in the bottom drawer. "The hell?" She mumbled, leaning over to try and pry it out from where it was stuck. Confusion filled her as she held the bag up at eye level, there were some kind of pills in the baggie and then an even small baggie filled with white powder. "Sean does drugs?" She mumbled, that didn't add up. He didn't act a drug addict that she could tell. She dumped the baggie on the desk, making sure none of the pills fell on the floor where Ghost could get them. She sniffled and stared at them, not noticing Ghost had come to her side in concern. "Wonder what it's like? Taking this stuff? Does it make you not feel? I'd love to not feel right now. I'd love to not feel ever." She mumbled. She gestured for Ghost to go lay down once more, ignoring the fact that he didn't follow her unspoken command. She drummed here fingers on the edge of the desk as she stared at the pulls and drugs in front of her. Before she could put further thought into it she was setting the drugs up to snort, snorting them and then staring at the pills in contemplation as her nose burned. She took another swallow of alcohol, pushing Ghost away as he whined and growled at her, tugging on her shirt. "At ease, Ghost. Go lay down." She ordered, grabbing up a handful of the pills and stumbling over to the couch. She sat on the edge of the couch and stared at the pills in her hand, "I'm tired of running. I'm tired of being a bitch to people who care about me, worrying about how i'm going to react to something. I'm tired of being scared all the time. I'm just so tired." She rolled the pills around in her hand before popping them into her mouth and washing them down with a couple of gulps from the bottle of alcohol. She lay down on the couch on her stomach, her arm dangling over the edge of the couch so the bottle was sitting on the floor with her hand still wrapped around the neck of it. She took a couple of swallows before her eyes started to feel heavy. She thought she heard Ghost howling and scratching at the office door but she couldn't force her eyes open to see why. Tallulah: "What the fuck is Ghost howling at?" Tallie grumbled, glancing back towards the office. "Hey, Sean, what's Ghost howling at?" she called to him from the opposite end of the bar, where she was shaking a drink together, and pouring it into the glass for the customer, "shaken, not stirred," she winked, feeling disgusted with herself, but knowing he always tipped well. She huffed slightly when Ghost was still howling, and made her way to his office, opening the door, "What is it, boy?" she asked, glancing down, "Dahlia, what's up with your do- Dahlia? Dahlia..." her eyes widened as she looked at dahlia, then at the desk, just to see remnants of powder. Coke? She knew the powder well. "Sean! Sean, what the fuck!? Sean!" she screamed, rushing towards Dahlia, "Dahlia, Lia, Lia! Lia," she shook Lia, when when her coworker didn't move, she screamed at Ghost to go get Sean. Sean: Sean heard the howling, for some reason it made his heart break. He needed to get back there but the customer that was talking to him was a local, he put on as much of an apologetic grin as he could as he excused himself in the middle of her conversation about her grandchildren. She looked at him with daggers but he didn't care, something was happening, and Dahlia and Tallie needed him. He ran back to his office, nearly tripping over Ghost as he went. Two things hit him immediately when he entered the room, Dahlia was unconcious and there was a white powder... Coke... The second thing.. This was his fault. Clearly he hadn't cleared out his drawers well enough when it was shipped over and he was the one to blame. He didn't know how long he was standing there watching them, taking in everything that was happening. But suddenly his mind flew into overdrive, ordering everyone what to do. "Tallie, call an ambulance." He dragged his phone out of his pocket, pressing the speed dial to Clark. "Clark, come to Flame immediately I don't care how important whatever you're doing is, this is ten times more important." He moved away from the door, feeling his heart break even more with every step. "Sophia!" He called, when she appeared in front of him he directed her to the back, "you and Tallie do what you can, Dahlia overdosed, I don't know how old what she took is, but I'm going to guess it's worse than any of us could imagine." Finally, finally when everything was ordered to what he could manage the well broke, he moved away, into the kitchen, his hands automatically sought out whatever he could, clearing benches, hitting walls, crying. This was his fault, he should have cleared his desk better. He could feel the pain blooming through his hands, it paled in comparison to the pain he was feeling mentally. How could he have been so stupid as to let this have happened? Tallulah: Tallulah grabbed up Ghost into her arms as she sat near Dahlia, emotional pain coursing through her body in the form of physical ache. She itched for the powder on the desk, wanting to feel the high to take away the pain. It was an urge she'd kept subsided on and off for months- since leaving the Prostitution ring, but now, it hurt so bad. She'd seen too many people overdose. Dahlia couldn't leave her, too. "Yes... Flame on Randwick, please hurry.. please!" the desperation in her voice surprised even her as her phone slid from her hand. "It's okay, boy," she whispered, petting him, with her other hand stil going through Dahlia's hair, "please be okay, Lia... please..." she muttered, letting magic course through her fingers to Dahlia. She didn't know what it was doing. It was the same magic she used on Samantha to calm her. She didn't know if it would help, but it was an automatic reaction. Through the wall she could hear Sean crashing around, and knew there was nothing she could do. Shaking fingers found her phone again, shooting a text to Kayt that Sean and Dahlia needed her. Clark: There had only been one time when Sean had urgently contacted Clark: the first time she’d had a panic attack around her boss. Even then, there had been an underlying calm that did not exist when Sean told him to drop everything. By the time Clark had almost reached the door to Flame, the wail of an ambulance nearby chilled him to the bone. Dahlia.. whatever happened, she would be ok. Right? Strangely, Sean was nowhere to be seen when Clark arrived, out of breath from the sprint over. All the faces in Flame offered no immediate answers, only solemn looks that made his heart freeze over. In the back he found a scene he’d never expected to see. A small pyramid of powder, a couple of pills, and his sister completely unconscious. None of these things made sense in Flame on their own, and especially not in combination. But Clark had no time for questions. Instead, he dropped to his knees beside the couch as Tallie held his sister’s hand. Clark blinked rapidly against a sudden flood of tears that threatened to spill, the shock held at bay to frantically shout and shake his sister awake. ‘’Dahlia! Dahlia! Stay with us Dahlia, it’s Clark, and Tallie.. Dahlia, please!’’
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triangleguy · 3 years
AAAGHRHH!!!! *there is parmesan in my eyes*
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ghostzali2011 · 7 years
SPORTOURISM-Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Mandalika di Lombok, kini memiliki atraksi budaya baru. Duel tradisional Lombok, Peresean siap mengisi kalender event wisata di Lombok Tengah.
‘Launching’ Festival Peresean berlangsung di Pantai ITDC, Tanjung An, Lombok Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Rabu, (23/11). Bibir pantai Tanjung An, Lombok Tengah berubah menjadi arena gladiator.
Dinas Pariwisata Lombok Tengah menjadi penggagas Festival Peresean 2017. Event budaya ini berputar mulai 23-25 November 2017. Parasean salah satu atraksi budaya andalan di Lombok Tengah. Duel ini selalu mendapat atensi luas masyarakat setempat.
Seperti pada opening-caremony Festival Peresean 2017, warga sekitar pantai Tanjung An berbondong-bondong datang ke arena pertandingan.
Sebelum duel, masing-masing tim dari kedua kubu melakukan ritual khusus. Mereka membentuk lingkaran sambil memanjantkan doa-doa. Bahkan, salah satu anggota memegang senjata tongkat rotan sambil meniupkan mantra.
Para pepadu (petarung) turun gelanggang bersenjatakan tongkat rotan (penjalin) dan tameng kayu (perisai). Setiap partai terdiri dalam tiga ronde, masing-masing ronde selama satu menit.
Luka sabet di setiap bagian tubuh tidak membuat nyali pepadu ciut, sebaliknya mereka semakin panas untuk membalas serangan lawan. Atraksi ini semakin semarak dengan iringan gamelan. Partai semakin seru saat penonton masuk ke gelanggang dengan selembar uang seratus atau 50 ribu di tangan.
Uang ‘kaget’ dari penonton praktis semakin membakar semangat peserta untuk memukul lawan. Tepuk-tangan dan teriakan semangat dari penonton membuat peresean semakin mendekati titik mencapai klimaks.
Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Lombok Tengah, Lalu Putria menjelaskan, secara garis besar Festival Peresean ini bertujuan melestarikan adat dan kesenian suku sasak. Peresean menjadi salah media mendongkrak pamor Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) di Mandalika.
“Bukan cuma sebagai hiburan bagi wisatawan lokal maupun asing di KEK, tapi lebih dari itu Festival Peresean ini menjadi promosi dari KEK Mandalika,” ujar Lalu di sela-sela upacara pembukaan.
Debut pada 2017, Festival Parasean ini mendapat dukungan penuh dari Kementerian Pariwisata RI. Deputi Bidang Pengembangan Pariwisata Nusantara RI, Esthy Reko Astuti, menanggapi positif Festival Peresean ini.
Pertunjukan bela diri dari Lombok ini bisa mempercepat popularitas destinasi KEK Mandalika. Menurut Esthy, peresean menjadi promosi gratis untuk mendongkrak popularitas kawasan KEK Mandalika.
“Lebih luas lagi, Festival Peresean ini sebagai salah satu bentuk promosi KEK Mandalika. Seperti telah diinstruksi Presiden Joko Widodo, KEK Mandalika termasuk 10 destinasi prioritas atau 10 Bali Baru,” ujar Esthy didampingi Kasubbid Promosi Wisata Pantai dan Pesisir, I Nyoman Wija Sugiantara.
Esthy melanjutkan, ke depan Festival Peresean ini bisa menjadi agenda wisata budaya andalan di Lombok Tengah, tertama di KEK Mandalika. Karena budaya menjadi tulang punggung bisnis wisata di Indonesia.
“Portofolio bisnis pariwisata Indonesia bertumpu pada potensi budaya (culture) mempunyai porsi paling besar 60 persen, alam (nature) 35 persen dan manmade lima persen.
I Nyoman menambahkan, ke depan ajang ini bisa berkesinambungan . Namun, dia mengingatkan agar unsur 3A (Atraksi, Amenitas dan Aksesbilitas) seperti arahan Menteri Pariwsata, Arief Yahya benar-benar diperhatikan.
“Agar ke depan, atraksi wisata budaya peresean ini berlanjut, bahkan bisa menjadi agenda pariwisata reguler di KEK Mandalika," katanya.
Terpisah, Menteri Pariwisata Arief Yahya antusias dengan atraksi wisata baru, peresean di KEK Mandalika. ”Peresean ini termasuk dalam kategori atraksi berbasis budaya. Atraksi ini salah satu daya pikat orang untuk datang ke destinasi tersebut," kata Arief. (*)
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dahliabrennon-blog · 8 years
An Era Starts II Sean + The Brennons
Dahlia’s smiled tightened as the man in front of her continued to make crude suggestions about exactly how she could help him. It took everything in her not to say “fuck it” and dump something on his head. She had only just gotten hired a few days prior though and didn’t want to get fired already so she just ignored the man’s words and moved to collect the empty glasses in front of him. She hated drunk men, they were unpredictable and that worried her. Her breath caught when she felt him grab her forearm in a tight grip. “Let go.” She said as forcefully as she could, though it had no effect on the guy. He just pulled her a little closer and started whispering his filthy suggestions in her ear, his alcohol tainted breath wafting over her face, causing her to wrinkle her nose in disgust. “Let go of my arm.” She ordered again, she could feel her panic rising and knew she wouldn’t be able to keep it in much longer. Her wide eyes darted around the restaurant looking for someone to help her. They locked on her boss and all she could do was stare at him pleadingly as she tried to keep her panic at bay.
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