#parents who will take their jids to you house and see no issue with it????
ssugarsnap · 2 years
high time we eradicated content houses imo
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This is just a Magnus Chase and The Gods of Asgard oneshot
Characters: Samirah "Sam" al-Abbas, Jid al-Abbas, Bibi al-Abbas and Alex Fierro.
Story features: Sibling bonding, soft moments, Alex being nervous and slightly OOC, Sam being an awesome big sister and Jid and Bibi being wholesome
A Family for Fierro
This is set between Hammer of Thor and Ship of The Dead
"No way in Hel"
"Come on Alex" I responded, chasing after my sibling has she walked across to the lift
"Not happening Sam. I'm not meeting your grandparents" Alex replied, her face set in determination
"Why not?" I asked as i stepped into the elevator beside my sister
"In my experience adults can't be trusted" my sister said darkly her slender fingers fiddling with the golden garotte at her belt
I winced knowing my half-sibling's experience with her abusive father, not to mention the mental interference of my father and her mother Loki
"Alex I know you don't have the best experience with adults but Jid and Bibi aren't like your father" I said softly, my hand gently resting on Alex's shoulder
"They're religious old people Sam and you're asking your atheist, genderfluid half-sibling to come with you to come meet them?" Alex asked raising an eyebrow
"Yes Alex" I stated "and they want to meet you too. I revealed to them that I had met a half sibling on my dad's side and they asked if they could meet you"
"Are they going to accept or at least respect my gender identity?" Alex asked seriously, her eyes fixed on mine
"Alex trust me Jid and Bibi are amazing people. They accept people of other religions or no religion, they've sheltered my friends who are LGBT before, they've adapted to my friends who came out as trans and my grandparents used my friends correct pronouns. Yes they're devout Muslims but they're not going to hate you for being genderfluid and aethiest little sister" I told Alex, smiling as i saw her eyes brighten slightly at the knowledge of my grandparents
"Okay sis. I'll give it a try" Alex relented a small smile on her face
I hugged her tightly and smiled "Thank you little sister. This means a lot to me" I whispered quietly to her
I stood in the Hotel Valhalla lobby waiting for Alex. The lift bell rang and the doors opened revealing my half-sibling, dressed as ever in green and pink
"Morning sis" Alex muttered walking over
I smiled, quickly scanning Alex over and identifying the pronouns to use today
"Morning little brother" I replied grinning at Alex's surprised look
"How did you know I'm male right now?" Alex asked
"You're my sibling Alex. I spent time with Magnus to be able to tell when you're male and when you're female" I answered "Now come on"
I led Alex out of Valhalla and out to my car, ignoring Alex's raised eyebrow at it and getting in behind the wheel
"You have a car?" Alex asked as he got in
"Technically it's Amir's but he's letting me borrow it" I responded blushing softly
"Ahhhhh" Alex gave me our parent's crooked grin "How is my future brother-in-law?"
I felt my cheeks heat up as my blush intensified "Amir is fine. He's working today". Alex nodded and slipped on pink sunglasses as we drove back to my grandparents house
"Nice place" my brother commented as we pulled up "Cozy and sweet" he added as he stepped out of the car gracefully
"Thank you brother" I replied getting my key out "You ready?"
"As I'll ever be" he answered, for the first time since meeting him I saw Alex was scared. I gently pulled him into a hug
"It's gonna be okay Alex. I warned them you have trust issues with adults. They know not to overwhelm you" I said softly as i pulled back. Alex nodded and gestured to the door. I smiled reassuringly and opened it up
"Grandma, Grandpa I'm home. I brought my brother" I called into the house. There was the sound of footsteps and my grandparents walked into the hallway. My grandfather Jid al-Abbas, tall, "barrel-chested" as Magnus said and smiling, his kind face wrinkled and his dark eyes full of love seeing me happy. My grandmother Bibi al-Addas, shorter than me and Alex, but eyes and body filled with loving kindness and care
"Samirah dear how are you?" Bibi asked as she pulled me into a hug
I hugged back laughing and answerd "I'm okay grandma" looking over her shoulder I saw my grandfather smiling and caught Alex smiling to in the hallway mirror "Grandma, Grandpa this is Alex. My half-sibling"
Jid smiled and nodded at Alex "Pleased to meet you Alex. I'm Jid al-Abbas. Samirah's grandfather. This is my wife Bibi" he added, placing a soft kiss to my grandmother's forehead
Alex smiled slightly nervously and pulled off his pink sunglasses and dark green jacket, leaving him in his rose high-tops, green pants and pink t-shirt
"Pleasure to meet you too Mr al-Abbas" he replied Loki's charming smile and charismatic personality coming to focus as Alex spoke
"Well don't just stand there Alex come on in" Bibi smiled across at my brother and led the way into the lounge
Alex sat down on one chair as my grandparents sat beside each other on the couch, leaving me to sit next to Alex on another chair
"So Alex" Jid said smiling kindly "Tell us about yourself"
Alex's fingers drummed on his knee as he bit his lower lip "What do you want to know?" he asked, tilting his head ever so slightly as he smiled back at Jid
I rolled my eyes "Tell them about your interests and hobbies brother"
Alex nodded and started talking. Telling my grandparents about his love of pottery as it was something in his life he could control, his love of hiking and camping to get away and be in fresh air, his admittedly newfound liking for bowling and his recent interest in clothes making including that he was taking lessons in that area with a friend. I smiled at that thinking of the shirt Alex had made for Amir just a week ago
"You're a very creative young man Alex. It's impressive" Bibi remarked after Alex had finished talking
"And passionate about what you craft" Jid added
Alex smiled widely and shrugged "I like making things. If I have people like say" he smirked at me "a future in law to make things for all the better"
Jid and Bibi chuckled as I blushed and flicked Alex's ear "Watch it little brother"
Alex mock pouted "That was mean sis" he fake-whined a playful, joking gleam in his eyes
"You two seem to have a good sibling bond already. It's nice to see someone else Samirah can be relax and smile around" Jid said, a kind approving look in his eyes as he watched me and Alex
I smiled and wrapped one arm around Alex's shoulders "He's a pain but he's my brother" I said grinning
"Yeah and it gives her another male chaperone" Alex said an evil smirk on his face as he looked up at me
Bibi smiled "Oh that is good. It means Jid and Abdel can rely on some help when Samirah and Amir are out together"
Alex grinned across at my grandparents his own charming smile gracing his lips "You can count on me Mr and Mrs al-Addas"
Jid laughed "Alex you're our granddaughter's sibling. Call us Jid and Bibi"
Alex's eyes widened and he broke into a true smile as he nodded. I pulled my little brother into a slightly tighter hug and was surprised when Alex hugged back, glancing down at his phone when it buzzed
"Ah. I gotta go" he mumbled showing me the text. My eyes widened as i saw it was from Magnus's cousin Annabeth asking Alex to come to the docks for Magnus's sea training
"Sorry Jid and Bibi but my friend Magnus needs my help with something" Alex apologises looking remorseful
"It's okay Alex. Samirah do you want to take your brother wherever he needs to be?" Jid asked
I nodded and picked up Amir's keys from the coffee table "Come on Alex" I said softly
As we were leaving Bibi gently took Alex's wrist "I know you have a rough past Alex. And I know you have trust issues. But we have a spare bedroom here and you're Samirah's sibling. I know you might not be ready yet but our home is open to you as is that bedroom whenever you need it" she said gently, pressing a door key into Alex's palm
Alex's eyes widened again and from my angle I could see them watering with the beginnings of tears as he nodded at my grandmother
"Thank you Bibi. Thank you both" he said softly, his voice barely more then a whisper as he made eye contact with them both before wiping his eyes on his jacket sleeve and leaving for the car, slipping then key into his pocket. I smiled at my grandparents and followed my brother out
I was standing in my room after an afternoon spent dragging Maggie's dead body to the Hotel and then going back to the docks. Sighing in tiredness I sat at my desk and slipped a hand into my pocket. A smile danced across my lips as my fingers closed around the small, metal key in my pocket. I pulled it out and stared at it. Tears leaked down my face as I held the proof of something I hand wanted for over a decade. This key, this small, cheap, metal key that others would've dismissed showed me one thing. I had a family. I had family that supported me and adults who wanted to get to know me. After the childhood I had, having family that supported me was worth more then all the money in the 9 worlds. I fell into bed in shorts and a t-shirt a smile on my face still and dreamt of future meetings with my sister's grandparents
My name is Alex Fierro. And for the first time in my life and my death I have family and adults I trust
#MagnusChase, #Alex Fierro, #Samirah al-Abbas, #Sibling bonding, #Sam is an awesome sister, #Little brother/sister Alex, #Alex needs a hug, #Jid and Bibi are amazing people, #Loki's kids
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reidrsoj636-blog · 5 years
Supper And Picking The Wine
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Seth found the 5 porters having а hard time half-way dоwn thе pass. The 2 youngest porters, Suk аnd Chandra, wеre hypothermic аnd tоo weak to descend undеr thеir оwn power. Seth аnd Jid Baldoo, thе senior porter, carried Suk and Chandra thе remainder of the method to thе bottom оf the pass. Then, Seth аnd Jid climbed up back up, 4,000 feet to thе top of thе pass, and brought dоwn the 2 70 pound dokos (bring baskets) left by Suk аnd Chandra.
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