#part 2 of my unofficial series of caleb and essek start dating in their weird little way ficlets lol
(spiritual sequel to this ficlet)
It is only a week later that Caleb opens his door to an unfamiliar figure– unfamiliar, that is, until the elf speaks his name in a lingering, gentle way that only one person ever has.
“Hallo,” Caleb says, and moves aside to allow the elf entry. As soon as he steps over the threshold, Essek’s disguise is dispelled by Caleb’s own wards. The item he is holding, however, remains, and Caleb cannot help how long he ends up staring at the large bundle in Essek’s arms.
“I brought a housewarming gift,” Essek explains crisply. His stilted posture and tone remind Caleb a bit of that first awkward breakfast at Essek’s towers in Rosohna.
And no wonder. Caleb swallows, taking the bouquet of multicolored flowers Essek holds. “You brought me flowers,” he says dimly.
Essek flushes. “There is also wine,” he says hastily, and a bottle is pulled from his wristpocket. Again, Caleb is reminded of their early days, back in Rosohna. The most expensive wine he could find, most likely; he makes a note of the label and decides to ask Beau later.
“Ah…” Caleb’s thoughts are interrupted by Essek’s quiet chuckle, and he notices how Essek’s fingers tap nervously against the glass of the bottle. “Is it too much?”
Essek’s awkward half-smile speaks to his discomfort. “Nein, nein,” Caleb reassures, ushering him further into the cottage. “I made dinner for us. The wine will be perfect.” Essek’s shoulders relax slightly at that, and Caleb takes the chance to draw him into a hug. “It is good to see you, friend.”
Essek smiles more genuinely at that. “Your home is lovely,” he offers, glancing around the small living space that is Caleb’s main room.
“I know it is small,” Caleb replies, stepping into the kitchen to look for a vase for the flowers Essek has given him. He thinks he recognizes some of the blooms from the Grove, and wonders if Essek has been back there already. “I usually spend my time in the tower. Which is up, for the record, in case my cooking is truly horrendous.”
Essek raises an eyebrow in a way that Caleb probably should not find as charming as he does. “Is there great chance of that?”
“Yasha has been learning,” Caleb explains sheepishly. “I thought I would also give it a try.”
“Oh…” Essek follows him into the small kitchen, where the table has been set, a modest meal prepared, and a few candles are lit– an indulgence that Caleb is feeling much better about now, as he set Essek’s housewarming gift beside them. “You put a lot of work into this.”
Caleb smiles. “Well, I wished for your first impression of this place to be a pleasant one. And now we have wine and a centerpiece.” He pulls a chair out for Essek to sit. “Come, take a seat. I look forward to hearing about your exciting first week as a fugitive.”
Essek floats over to him, brushing his arm as he sits, a pleased gleam in his eye. Caleb’s fingers flutter as he takes his own seat across from him, unable to disguise his own pleasure. 
In many ways, the past few months have felt like stepping into a life that is not his own: he owns a home, and he is set to teach a guest lecture at the Academy in a month, and he is not on the road ready to fight for his life at any given moment.
Maybe it’s silly, making a big deal of this whole thing– dinner and wine and candlelight with a lovely friend– but then, he had never had a chance to do something like this the right way, before. The way an adult would do it. It is unfamiliar, but not in a way that overwhelms. And so he looks at Essek, who has taken a bite and is currently complimenting his culinary efforts, and sees a piece of the new life that Caleb is looking forward to building.
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