#part of the horror is the formlessness of it too so i'm not gonna give it like. a proxy body thing
traumaboyexo · 12 hours
CARRION!Sif Ghostfrin Event
[[Still pending a better name like Parasite Siffrin or Abomination Siffrin or maybe even a title I dunno]]
(Isabeau points up ahead. Your heart nearly stops as you look ahead yourself.)
(It's the ghost.)
(Bonnie is the next to gesture towards it. )
"Look! Here!"
"That's...That really does look like Siffrin, doesn't it?"
(It looks like Siffrin. Maybe it really is Siffrin.)
(And if they are...)
(Odile frowns. She's clearly the more disturbed of your family regarding this situation.)
"Another one, huh?"
(So they could all see it this whole time.)
(Ghost. Spirits.)
(You thought you were hallucinating it out of guilt, but that makes sense.)
(Monsters don't feel guilt. Monsters don't feel anything.)
(You find your voice once more.) "You guys can see it too, huh?"
(What would a ghost taste like. If possible, maybe if you eat it fast enough, they'll forget it was even here.)
"Yes??? Of course???" (Mirabelle looks at you in confusion. Somehow, you nearly break a smile. The notion that may be crazy has passed through your head more than once, and yet...)
(For her to look at you, so confused, it's almost comforting.)
(Bonnie speaks up.) "Yeah, weird Frin copies!"
(Odile sighs.) "Don't worry, Siffrin. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me as well. Take relief in knowing the both of us are not becoming delusional."
(No, you aren't.)
(Your real problem is so much worse.)
(You reply.) "Thank you. Good to know my brain isn't broken from all my napping."
"So, are we gonna say hi?" (You turn your head and look at Iseabau, doing your best to hide your disbelief and fear.)
(He wants to greet it?!)
"Me too, I wanna see the weird not-Frin!"
(You're on the opposite end of Bonnie's enthusiasm.)
(You're horrified.)
(If it really is Siffrin, if it's really their ghost...)
(What would he say? What would they do?)
(You don't even want to think about it. You don't even get a chance to. Because your family has already rushed ahead.)
(Isabeau's cheery voice rings out first.)
"Hey, ghost Sif! How are you-ah!"
(Almost immediately, Isabeau turns around and quickly covers Bonnie's eyes.)
(Mirabelle glances over at them for a brief second before looking at the face of the ghost herself.)
(...her eyes widen in horror and her legs instantly give out. She would have fallen to the floor if Odile hadn't caught her.)
"Woah. Easy easy, I got you." (Odile looks at the ghost's face herself, and her face turns into one of great unease as well.)
"...gems alive."
(...a slimy wet, sound.)
(...the ghost is melting.)
(Slowly, it begins to droop and drip parts of itself as it becomes smaller and smaller, slowly dropping into a formless sludge puddle of itself.)
(...and then it fades, sinking into the ground...until it's no more.)
(There's a long pause.)
(Everyone is still. Silent. Even Bonnie stopped trying to escape Isabeau's grasp.)
(Isabeau is the first to make any movement, taking his hands off Bonnie's eyes.)
Bonnie: "...what happened?"
Bonnie: "There was a scary...wet sound and-"
(Mirabelle exhales heavily. Her voice and breath is shaking.)
Mirabelle: "O-oh change..."
Mirabelle: "I...I..."
(She looks over at you.)
(She's terrified.)
(...everyone else is staring at you the exact same way.)
(...you have to know.)
"So? Did it have a third eye or something?"
(...that was suppose to be a joke. You smile during jokes. You forgot to smile.)
(Odile seems to have noticed that.)
(She is the first to answer you.)
"You're not hurt anywhere again, are you?"
"No cuts? No bruises or scrapes?"
(Wouldn't matter.)
"How about...headaches? Naseau? Feeling dizzy? Are you unwell in anyway, Siffrin?"
(Why won't she tell you.)
"Really? Absolutely sure. Remember last time, we didn't realise you had a cut under your arm until-"
(You need to know!)
"...what did you guys see?"
(She continues to stare without a response.)
"Uhm...I'll be on explaining duty then, M'dame." (Isabeau walks away from the group and pulls you aside, while Bonnie, Mirabelle and Odile start to discuss amongst themselves.)
"Don't be too hard on M'dame Odile, what we saw was just...a little scary is all."
(Scary? How?) "It didn't seem like it did anything."
"It...didn't. That's why it was kinda scary."
"So, it was standing in front, and we went up to it, cause it was kind of strange it wasn't facing us."
"And luckily I was the first to see it, or Bonnie would have seen it as well."
"It didn't flinch when I called out to it. It didn't even try to look at us."
"It's face was..."
(Isabeau looks uncomfortable even trying to remember it.)
(...You have to know.) "What? What about the face?"
"Yeah yeah, sorry, it was...Uhm..."
"...well, it was covered in scars. Bleeding scars. And its eyes were...gone? Its mouth was open, and it kinda looked like..."
"...like if someone had died, standing up, and refused to sit down."
"But then its lips started moving like they were trying to talk. But I didn't hear a noise voice or noise or anything."
"And then...well, then it started to turn into goop, and that was it."
"So you can see why Mirabelle was so startled, she was already super stressed, but I think...I think it'll be fine."
"And, don't worry about M'dame Odile, you know how she is. She's always worried about us, even if she won't say she is."
(...Mirabelle and the rest are walking towards you now.)
"Sorry about that...it was just a little overwhelming...but I feel better now."
(She shouldn't.)
"But Siffrin, if anything is ever wrong...please make sure to tell me. O-or any of us."
(You won't.)
(Maybe if you're hungry.)
(But not about....)
(Odile continues to frown.)
(She stares for just a few more moments, before looking away.)
"I think we've wasted too much time. We should get going."
(...they're afraid. You made them afraid.)
(Why couldn't they have just stopped. Why couldn't they have just ignored it.)
(You're always worried they won't care about you, but for once now you regret making them care!)
(You're disgusting, you're selfish, you're horrifying.)
(Isabeau points up ahead.)
(Bonnie is the next to gesture towards it. )
"Look! Here!"
"That's...That really does look like Siffrin, doesn't it?"
"I don't see anything."
(Even without looking back, you can feel everyone's confusion focused on you.)
"Sif? You really don't see the...ghost you?"
(You don't respond.)
(You wait. And wait. And wait.)
(...and soon...)
(...it's gone.)
(...you feel hungry.)
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ichorblossoms · 2 months
love ttw and its characters dearly but it is such a pain in the ass when the setting of your story is also functionally a character and i want to draw COOL THINGS about it and just have. no clue where to start like ooOOoohhh the building and streets are scary. i fucking guess
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