#partly /ref but i partly am curious
ratsbypaulzindel · 9 months
if i was an animal whag animal do you think i would be
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themeowingfox · 5 months
⚠ TRADE OFFER [Munday Edition] ⚠
AKA, a collection of prompts that I really like. Based on ask prompts by @/aro-pokeverse, @/book-of-legends, @/eveeonaarts, @/the-sleepysiren, @/ask-the-royal-absol, @/xavizde3 and @/arven-sada-turo
Regular Munday Questions
You can ask the mun the following, including but not limited to:
What inspires me!
The media I consume! [Ask me about the games I play, the shows I watch, etc...]
The food I like! [Am a picky eater. Please don't make fun of my diet.]
Other things about this blog!
Other things about me!
Munday Shenanigans
AKA, enough anons send me stuff to react to in character on munday that I wanna shamelessly indulge in it to the rest of the Pokeask Community. :D Inspired partly by Fern's Munday Doodles and our talks in DMs.
Guidelines for these, I guess? Or just what to expect:
None of this is canon! It's a shitpost bubble. An amalgam of time and space.
In a nutshell; think of something for my characters to react to! Can be something silly, something dramatic (but keep it light-hearted), or both at the same time. Take this chance to ask/ show them things that could break the canon. USHER IN PURE CHAOS. Bonus points if it involves multiple characters of mine, I really love writing banter.
You can also involve your character(s) in the fun; bonus points if they met at least once! Pokeask OCs only.
I'll primarily be writing for these! If doodles are done in response, however? I might respond with a doodle of my own.
These are being done for fun, so what's written may not be entirely polished, if that makes sense.
If the interaction is more involved, spanning multiple asks for example, it may not get published the same day. Please be patient. ;;
Emoji Prompts
Send... -> And Receive...
Send 📜+ topic of your choice -> And receive more detailed lore about what you're curious about. Will be mostly limited to things already revealed in the blog. Send 🧩-> And receive random lore bits about the blog's setting. Will be mostly limited to things that aren't crucial to the story. Send 🎲 -> And I'll reveal a random character of this universe. But only if they have a ref! Send ⏪ -> And receive a glimpse of things that was. Could be a small bit of writing, even just a single sentence or phrase, a sketch, or a hint shown via emoji(s) or a meme. Mostly limited to the main cast! Send ⏩ -> And receive a glimpse of things that will be. Could be a small bit of writing, even just a single sentence or phrase, a sketch, or a hint shown via emoji(s) or a meme. Mostly limited to the main cast! Send 🔮 -> And receive a glimpse of a completely random event. Could be a small bit of writing, even just a single sentence or phrase, a sketch, or a hint shown via emoji(s) or a meme. Send 🔍 + my character -> And receive random trivia about that character, if any exists. Mostly limited to the main cast! Send 🎵 + music of your choice -> And I'll talk about the impressions it gives me if I haven't heard it before, and see if it fits any of my characters. Send 📩 + your character + my character -> And I'll see what relationship the two might have. Can be familial, platonic, queerplatonic, or even romantic. If they have met at least once, expect a bit of extra info about how the character currently percieves them. Mostly limited to the main cast! Send ⏳️ + a prediction/ headcanon -> And I'll tell you on a scale of 1 to 11 how accurate this is. Send ✨ + my character + a what-if of your choice -> And I'll see how differently they turn out from their canon selves. Main cast only!
[ I get asks -> You get lore. Do you accept? :3c ]
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umbraastaff · 2 years
I got very excited reading your tsp au b/c tsp is my special interest ATM and I was curious whether you've played Tsp: ultra deluxe? And if you've given anyt thought to how it would work as a tazb au? Obv there probably wouldn't be a sequel but if the bucket were switched to an umbrella maybe all the endings would be a little different, more focused on what the hell is up with that umbrella you're carrying, taako??? You know that taako can't talk to you right taako? You're crazy!
oh you bet! TSPUD is what reawakened the brainrot!!! I think I kept it out of those doodles partly because I had some friends I was wanting to keep away from spoilers until I could get them to play or watch it LMAO. except that one covert comedy ending ref
I did NOT think of the umbrella as the bucket, that's so fucked up and excellent.
"It's just an umbrella, Taako! All it does is effectively keep water off you, and there's not even any weather here! ...Oh, but it does seem like it would be especially good at keeping water off of you. And that bright red color... what am I saying, it's an umbrella! ...GIVE ME THE UMBRELLA, TAAKO."
You know I think I said Lucretia had museum narrator vibes but actually? I think she could be 432. Being generally against the narrator (Barry) while also trying to appeal to Taako by fixing stuff in the game...
(Maybe Lup as the museum narrator? She sees it all, after all...)
25 Umbrellas
The greatest number of umbrellas ever captured on camera
Uhhh... 'brella OOB ending that's actually cracking open the umbrella but it's either (A) taako can't always reach this ending / Lup urges him to do other stuff to actually end the loop or (B) the fucked up flexible narrative makes something totally other than lup come out of it, keeping taako in the dark & also spooking him enough that he never does it again
I think he would hate the gameshow it's so insufferable and ridiculous. can you imagine. incorrect, that's not a tractor.
the #3 conference ending about the two friends drifting apart but it's Barry giving this monologue that is WAY too close to what actually happened with Lup that led to her emotionally drifting & eventually going missing
lovingly putting the umbrella in the escape pod...
honestly the whole epilogue thing might be what the end condition is for the TAZ version... escaping the memory zone skip prison into the vast desert (some kind of mindscape-blended thing w the real desert around refuge until he escapes for real...)
Taaklurines. Figkos?
"Did you know that umbrellas actually make a very effective cushion if you need to fall a long distance" but then it actually has feather fall
Infinite Hole.... Barry getting freaked out when Lucretia fixes it so the achievement machine actually works...
Also, of course, Barry trying to get Taako to give the umbrella to everyone's favorite character, The Umbrella Destroyer
edit: freedom ending, Taako being unable to leave if he has the umbrella with him and him being unwilling to leave without it... (and lup supposedly jumping in to show him silly birds instead)
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rigelmejo · 2 years
Spent a half hour reading Soseki's I Am a Cat chapter 1, on this site https://www.sosekiproject.org/iamacat/iamacat01.html
I'm curious why Cat uses ある in this, instead of いる. I also saw some notes that this is hard to read, for 2-3 year japanese students, and I'm curious if the difficulty is partly in old word choice. Or if the main difficulty is grammar which would be incorrect today, because if it's the second one I should be aware not to mess up my understanding of modern grammar.
I couldn't find any articles online explaining if early 1900s japanese was the same grammatically as current japanese or not, unfortunately.
This site is really cool by the way! It has recorded audio, click definitions, a vocabulary list page so I can pre read the word list to get familiar, and a rough English translation to check I understood or clarify what I did not!
I'm also really interested to learn he wrote こころ. Today on Amazon Japan, oddly, BL novels were leading me to Kokoro (modern novel adaptation? I'm not sure but it had furigana over almost everything so I bookmarked it since that's useful specifically for my needs of reinforcing pronunciations). Then it led me to a MANGA adaptation of Kokoro, also with the description BL in some of the reviews. I'm now really wondering if Kokoro has queer characters or if the author of the Version I was looking at it just like.... re-wrote a classic to be gay? Like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, but instead this and adding a queer romance. Maybe??? I was really confused seeing BL in the reviews. And even More confused seeing the original author of Kokoro was Soseki who wrote several popular works a century ago.
Here's the Kokoro version links by the way. I'm so curious...
Novel version I found with furigana: https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B08XXWB83M/?coliid=I37PM354YDLA2N&colid=GII52WHBU66K&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
Manga version I found: https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E5%A4%8F%E7%9B%AE%E6%BC%B1%E7%9F%B3-ebook/dp/B08W7RB2M9/ref=kwrp_li_stl_nodl?nodl_android=1
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legacyofacat · 4 years
My mom just told me that she once wrote into her diary that she was worried about me because in Elementary School I wasn't able to talk in front of people at all (partly beacuse 3/4 of my class were assholes and 1/4 because I'm shy, silent and afraid of literally everything), so she even wanted to get professional help.
She also questioned herself (she didn't tell me that part but she went shopping and left the diary lying around opened on that side and I'm quite curious) if she went wrong somewhere in my upbringing because my room was always chaos and she would sometimes spent entire hours in there cleaning it up (when i was at my dad's for the weekend) just to see it becoming chaotic in the span of days if she were lucky.
Bro, no, you didn't do anything wrong, that's just who I am. I need a chaotic enviroment, and also that's not just chaos, it's ordered chaos. I do need order like you do, but what i need more is balance.
My room is ordered, I know where everything is (or most of it, but you lose things in an orderly room too), my system, which I can not really explain myself, is working, which means balance, because my chaos is ordered.
It's like with my planning for stories or characters: my ref sheets tend to be chaotic, maybe because of a lot of details on them, maybe because of the character itself, but their hierarchy, their realtionships, who they will sacrifice if needed, what I have to put them through in order for them to become who I want them to be, etc., all those things are clearly ordered and organized.
My thinking and feeling are based around balance because that is how I explain things I don't understand, because I have learned that, if you have too much of one thing, it will shatter apart till "a" and "z" have reached an equal amount once more.
So, dear mom, should you one day stumble upon this, just know that you didn't do anything wrong, in fact, you are the best mom I could ever have wished for, never forget that, I love you <3
0 notes
transitions & transformations
i. the rest of my batch at RC
I spent the first six weeks of my batch at Recurse Center in an out-and-out sprint. I learned Python, built and released projects, and wrote blog posts every week. I wasn’t sure where my limits were, but I was determined to find out - preferably by overshooting them, then adjusting after the fact.
A curious thing happened. I kept finding that I was more than capable of starting and finishing projects, especially when I had a firm mental image of the end goal. There were at least as many unexpected good-turns as there were setbacks, and I certainly didn’t come up against any inscrutable barriers. Mostly the challenge was in overcoming the distance between a thing that doesn’t exist and a thing that does, which I was able to sort out pretty handily through a consistent application of effort across time.
Who’d have thought?
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A selfie taken on my birthday, which also happened in the last few months and was really great!
The second half of my batch was not so visibly productive - with the exception of The Question Game. The Question Game is a simple game designed to help groups of people get to know each other better IRL. I designed it with my friend Brittany a few years ago as an icebreaker when we found ourselves in a group of folks who knew us but didn’t really know each other. The game only really needs a method of generating random numbers for a small but arbitrary group size, but building it out as a toy webapp was a good excuse to get practice working with a JS-only stack. I learned React, got a lil more familiar with node, and even went as far as to attach an otherwise completely unnecessary PG database and Sequelize ORM. You can see the code for it here. Outside of this project, however, I didn’t publish any code. I didn’t publish any writing, either.
So I’d like to take a moment and shine a bit of light on the work that I did during the rest of my batch.
🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘
First, I made the decision to leave community.lawyer, the social impact startup I co-founded in 2016 following the Blue Ridge Labs Fellowship.
I’m happy to report that I left on the come up, which seems a rare and privileged thing for a founder to be able to say. Gaining traction in a hyper-specialized industry like legal tech takes a gargantuan amount of sustained forward momentum, and I departed just as we began to reap the fruits of our labor. In the last few months community.lawyer has reached final approval on partnerships a year in the making, won federal grants we’d submitted to in 2016, and every day our software is being used to help connect people who have legal needs with credible lawyers. Our first two partners were exactly the types of legal organizations at the heart of our mission: the Justice Entrepreneurs Project and the DC Reduced Fee Lawyer & Mediator Referral Service.1 Based in Chicago and Washington DC respectively, these orgs are specifically chartered to deliver quality services at rates that more Americans can afford. I am so proud. ⚖️
Second, I started my first ever job hunt as a software engineer. Wowee, this was scary! I knew that I had to prepare for interviewing, which meant a) getting my career change narrative straight, b) studying Data Structures & Algorithms 101, and c) learning how to perform my handle on both of these in a live, semi-adversarial environment.
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At one point during my batch my laptop broke. I read through this wonderful illustrated book during the two days it was being fixed.
In order to direct my search I also had to craft a set of selection criteria of my own. Foremost: “What good will my work do for the world?”2 Additionally, “What degree of access will I have to supportive mentors?”
Getting started with interview prep was a challenge, at least partly because I had so many options for where to start. But I did get started! I read Cracking the Coding Interview, I did the free trial and weekly free problems on Interview Cake. I attended a few group mock interviews at Recurse Center and signed up for a 1-1 mock interview with an RC alum. Her name is Leah, and she’s amazing - the superbly friendly and encouraging Comp Sci TA I wish I’d had years ago. 💚Brittany also set up mock technical screens for me with her pals, Leaf and Ian. They were the vanguard against my outsized anxiety about programming for an audience and they each took the time to give me solid feedback.
Third, I extended my batch at Recurse Center by another 6 weeks. I had decided early on I wouldn’t extend (for no real reason) and stuck with this decision up until two days before my batch ending. A small group of folks - Lily, Connor, Alicja and I - went to NYX in Union Square to try out lipsticks. We played with different colors and finishes (satin! matte! shimmer!) for half an hour or so. There came a point when I looked up, glanced across the narrow makeup store at my beautiful friends’ beautiful faces and thought, “You know, you don’t have to leave yet, right? What’s the rush?” I’d already accomplished my primary goal, to forcibly rework my identity as an engineer, but it sure seemed that I could stand to reach for a second one. That night I decided to extend my batch, with the intention of sampling a more open method of self-directed learning, i.e. with a little more chill and a lot less panic. Specifically, I wanted to practice connecting meaningfully with my limited supply of social energy.
In my bonus six weeks, I: gave three talks (2 planned, 1 impromptu) under encouragement from Ayla and Lily, learned to juggle thanks to instruction from a fellow RCer, Edward, who also loaned me a book about learning, made it into weekly Feelings Check-in (read as: opt-in support group) fairly regularly, picked my first ever lock, saw a live-coding show and then later attended two live-coding workshops (one on TidalCycles, another on Super Collider), sat in a dark room and played howling wolf clips while Microsoft Sam read grimoires aloud, got my hair braided for the first time in a decade, made dumplings and DJ’d for a dinner party, connected with folks about queer-poly relationships, gave fiery advice, and received compliments so earnest and rational and persistent that it was difficult to refute them.
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Zine fair plus Lightning Bolt concert inside a movie theater in Times Square??
I also put my interview prep to use and interviewed with a handful of Recurse Center partner companies. Job searching meant squaring off against impostor syndrome and a ton of related anxieties in rapid succession. I successfully choked most of that down when it mattered, though, and it was only a couple short weeks before I received my first offer.
To that end, I’m super happy to say that I’ll be joining Blink Health as a Fullstack Product Engineer! Blink Health is a healthcare startup in SoHo. They make it easier for people to afford prescription drugs, especially for those with limited insurance plans or none at all. These savings aren’t trivial either: an extra $50 can spare someone from choosing between groceries or medicine that week, and for some folks Blink saves many times that. I’ll be starting at the end of this month. ✌️🤓
The last two years have been a wild ride: participating in a social impact fellowship and accelerator, busting my product chops and learning web dev to get a public benefit company off the ground, then diving into four months of self-directed learning at Recurse Center. I’m really looking forward to having some externally imposed structure again. Real health insurance, too.
ii. some hard truths
I made a few radical life changes in 2016, like getting involved in activist spaces, dating more, biking everywhere, building strong friendships, going capital-B Boogying, programming full-time. As I carried those changes forward through 2017, I began to notice a lot of mental and emotional reconfiguration happening to me.
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Did you know that along its way to becoming a butterfly, a caterpillar nearly completely liquifies inside its cocoon?
Psychological growth is confusing, full of false starts, and generally painful. You’ve got the static pain of stretching beyond your limits, the pleasure-pain of feeling an old knot finally release, the frustrating pain of stubbing your toe because some helpful asshole has been rearranging your psychic furniture when you weren’t looking. There’s the more dramatic knife-in-the-gut pain of realizing that just because you’re growing doesn’t mean the people closest to you are, and that now in certain cases what you previoulsy regarded as friendship actually looks a whole lot like run-of-the-mill exploitation or even emotional abuse, if you're being honest, and it's a realization that only hurts more because it’s so irredeemably cliche and boring. And despite all that pain you gotta go ahead and grow anyway, claw your way out of the relative comfort of ignorance. Transcendence may not be the only show in town but afaik it’s the one most worth watching.
Prior to attending Recurse Center I’d spent lots of time exploring my surroundings and cataloguing people and places worth coming back to. My view of myself did change (and positively!) as a consequence. But sooner or later, ya get tired of the taste of low-hanging fruit.
So, armed with the bookshelf of a philosophy grad and a burgeoning psychoanalytic vocabulary begging to be let off leash, I decided to use my time at RC to try confronting a few of my Hard To See truths in addition to becoming a better programmer.
Here’s what I’ve found so far.
Truth #1: People like me a lot. This causes me problems.
I’ve been metabolizing this one for some time. I remember having a conversation with Brittany in January of 2016. I don’t remember what social anxiety I’d been vocalizing, but I must have been worrying that someone “hated me.” Brittany cut me off, exasperated in the way that only a friend can be in the face of utter delusion: “No one hates you Nicole! You’re always worried that people don’t like you and it’s never true!”
I carried that admonishment with me through two years of voracious friendship-building. On the whole, seeing that people do in fact enjoy and seek out my company has curbed the most egregious overreaches of my social anxiety. But reckoning with my anxiety honestly has also meant acknowledging that my compulsive instinct to withdraw from social situations is also a protective (if suboptimal) response to a few very real dangers.
Most acutely: being friendly, generous, and intensely empathetic makes me a ready target for users. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt for as long as I can, which makes me proportionally susceptible to being taken advantage of and then gaslighted about it. A lifetime of socialization as a petite woman don’t help, neither. This leads to a pattern where, semi-regularly, I look up and take stock of how someone has been treating me and realize that the answer is Very Badly, For Quite A While. This in turn leads to rough periods of cutting ties and moving on. Ideally I’d like to be be able to filter bad actors out sooner, but I also want to stay open, giving, and hopeful beyond reason. Those desires are fundamentally at odds with each other - raising vs. lowering one’s defenses - but it’s clear that I need to come up with a strategy that balances both.
More broadly, though, I operate under an ever-present dread of inevitably disappointing everyone who knows me. Whether people project onto me because they already like me or like me more because they project positively onto me, I am extremely sensitive to the fact that when people meet me the conception they form has waaay more to do with what they want to find than what’s actually there. My body is a surface readily projected upon: young, female-shaped, ethnically ambiguous, small, smiling. These well-intended projections cause me the most trouble when people see me interacting socially; they’ll witness fifteen minutes of seemingly effortless extroversion on my part and extrapolate out massively. As far as they’re concerned I’ve got plenty of social energy to spare, and if I don’t spend it hanging out with them, it must be because either my friendliness is fake or I don’t like them.
Pretty much none of this is conducted consciously, of course, but it still creates a lot of unnecessary pressure that I can’t pretend not to feel and resent. I know there are people who dream about attaining this kind of “popularity” - to be assumed Cooler than one truly is - but getting buffeted around by folks’ totally unexamined, unarticulated psychological desires mostly sucks.
Truth #2: I’m non-binary.
I’ve also spent a very long time resisting this one. Two decades on the rack, easy. As such, the story of getting here is long. Perhaps one day I’ll tell it. 😛
The short of it, though, is this: I’m probably at least as much of a boy3 as I am a girl. Outside of where my life has been mutated by the chronic background radiation of sexism, “benevolent” and otherwise, I don’t strongly identify as a woman. Furthermore, I find the two-gender system to be infinitely more alienating than comforting. Gender is a social construction designed to impose order on the natural messiness of sexual experience, and as far as I’m cool with that, I am decidedly Not Cool with the “normal” state of affairs, i.e. aggressively shoving whole human beings into an absurdly reductive false dichotomy.
Between its either-or-ism and its forced assignment, the traditional approach to gender reveals itself to be obviously bullshit to anyone who spends more than a few minutes thinking about it. Its boundaries are arbitrary, inconsistent, and generally ill-fitting at the level of individual experience, which why they require such an outrageous amount of coercion and bodily violence to enforce. As much as other folks want to participate in a system of ritualized violence I guess they are free to? Personally, I’d prefer to see it actively dismantled.
If gender is to be saved it’ll be by subverting it, taking it apart, remaking it into something life-affirming. Not the dehumanizing garbage we’ve got now.
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As of yet I don’t have any plans to change my presentation because I don’t fuckin’ gotta!
I do have a preference towards They / Them pronouns, but She / Her is still fine. For most of my friends this isn’t going to be at all surprising nor will it in any way negatively impact our relationship. Anyone who needs me to just-be-a-girl, however, can expect turbulence.
Truth #3: My righteous anger is justified and I am good at using it to help others.
I have felt conflicted about my anger for a long time. Since a very vocal childhood I have been regularly frustrated by prejudices and injustices, and I was frequently the first voice of dissent against them, whether that meant challenging adults or my peers. Unsurprisingly, I became well acquainted with the standard strokes of the backlash.
When you are confronting bigotry in a mixed environment, the voice of the status quo will generally manifest in one of two ways:
Gaslighting, e.g. “you are wrong to have said this at all, obviously I am a Good Person, you are just imagining that what I said sounded like XYZ, honestly how could you even think this, as a matter of fact it is I who is offended!”
Tone policing, e.g. “you’re too upset about this! after all, I, the person who did Fucked Up Thing, am perfectly calm about Fucked Up Thing, so any amount of anger makes you irrational by contrast, and I get a raincheck on whatever this is about!”
I know these responses are repulsive. I know they are merely the signs of a weak and imperiled ego acting out of fear. And yet I still spend an inordinate amount of time second-guessing my own anger. Gaslighting and tone policing are a favored weapon of the status quo because they work, and they work in direct proportion to how agreeable their target wants to be.
content warning: the following segment talks about sexual harassment and assault
About couple weeks ago I had the misfortune of being sexually harassed at a club in Bushwick. After numerous rejections and explicitly telling a creep bothering me, my friends, and other women in the club to get lost, I finally went to get a bouncer to eject him. The bouncer got the creep to leave. When I went to thank him, the bouncer told me a whole story about how the creep was “a harmless guy.” Then he reached down and grabbed my ass. Presumably he felt entitled to do this after helping me get rid of a person I asked him to remove... for unwanted touching.
It Really Sucked.
At every turn during the whole ordeal (and its aftermath) I had to hold onto my anger, convince myself that I wasn’t overreacting, remind myself that anyone who thought this was acceptable to do to me is almost certainly doing worse to more vulnerable people. I kept picturing myself the way this guy, this man in a position of power, must have seen me in order to feel okay doing what he did. That I was young, small, female, too friendly to say No, already indebted anyway; that he was one of the Good Guys, that his behavior was also “harmless” because he had decided it was. I conjured up as much anger as I could, pushed down the nausea of envisioning my own degradation from an attacker’s POV, and got to work. I reached out to the club and was quickly put in contact with the owner. The venue now has a publicly posted zero tolerance sexual harassment policy. The entire staff is going through training with a local org dedicated to creating safer nightlife spaces. And that motherfucker has been fired.
I demonstrably made the world better. I wasn’t alone, but all that happened because of my actions. Me and my anger, we did that.
I wish more people were this fucking angry. 💢
~ end of content warning ~
iii. an opinion
My Saturn return is upon me, y’all. As Frank Ocean serenades, we’ll never be those kids again. I have lived a few of these here nine lives and it seems only prudent to be moving forward with some sort of opinion on the matter.
My opinion is this: us folks with financial and physical security should be spending more time fixing shit around here. Figuring out what needs fixing and how you might help are the first steps.
If you’re operating on a similar scale of privilege as I am, maybe that means changing jobs to do more mission-oriented work. If you can’t swing a change of that magnitude, maybe it means showing up to community events and engaging with, caring for, supporting people you otherwise wouldn’t talk to. Churches, libraries, volunteering, supporting local artists, participating in local politics - this all counts. If you’re already doing this sorta thing, that is awesome! Maybe you also have a friend worth inviting who you sense is just itching for a chance to exercise compassion?
I’m using “fixing” pretty loosely here, too. Fixing, to my mind, means making the world brighter, safer, and sweeter for your fellows, human and otherwise. We’ve all got different ideas about what that looks like, and there are definitely folks - myopic or malevolent or both - who will swear up and down that their fear- and hate-driven behaviors will bring about better world. Ultimately, though, I believe that many hands reaching towards their personal vision of Better will in fact make things Better, especially when that vision is informed by meaningful interaction with the real world and its real sorrows and its real triumphs.
But ya gotta reach. Ya gotta try.
I am so tired of hearing my well-fed, well-homed friends piss and moan about late capitalism4 without lifting a damn finger in service of the communities bearing the brunt of material hardship. Unfettered capitalism sure does have a marked tendency to wreak havoc on organic life! But capitalism is not a monolith, and lamenting the abuses perpetuated by its principle benefactors as unchanging or inevitable only normalizes them. Any investigation into the history of capitalism (or the broader phenomena of how a Few come to subjugate the Many) will very quickly disabuse you of the notion that this shit is going to stop without a great deal of active resistance.5
So unless you are personally doing work to put our current strand of democracy-withering corporatism six-feet-under, seriously, just STFU instead. Your nihilism is boring! You don’t sound woke! Save it for your local DSA working group!
Which isn’t to say that I’m not convinced of the wickedness6 of the problems we’re facing: skyrocketing wealth disparity with no relief in sight; the destruction of most of Earth’s biodiversity via mass extinction; a pernicious climate of racism and xenophobia that scapegoats black and brown folks and then visits misery upon them; the weight of an aging population bearing down on the shittiest healthcare system of any nation in its class; a widely disenfranchised electorate further fragmented and fatigued by hyper-polarization; the gendered terrorism that is inflicted daily on women, trans and non-binary folks, and queer people at large; a rising wave of depressive anxiety as people become more aware of these problems and how thoroughly they’ve been disempowered from changing things for the better.
So yeah, I get it. These are hard problems. I just don’t see any better option than trying anyway. I want to spend my time fixing things around here and encouraging others to try their hand too. You already know the bad news: real change is hard and it can take a very long time. You might work your whole life sowing seeds whose fruit you never get to taste.
The good news, however, is that you can get started whenever and wherever you are. The good news is that a sense of purpose is its own reward.
iv. how to get started
When you’ve got hard work ahead of you, your best bet is to use your beautiful human brain and create some leverage. Ask Archimedes about it.7
Lever systems got two parts:
The lever, which is the tool you use to amplify your effort. The longer your lever is, the easier your job will be.
The fulcrum, which is the wedge the lever rests on. The nearer your fulcrum is to the thing you want to move, the easier your job will be.
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If you’re starting from zero - “I want to do more for the world but I don’t know how!” - my advice is to forget about the lever arm for now. A lever ain’t shit without a fulcrum, anyway. Your time is better spent exploring the world, keeping an eye out for problems you’d like to solve, and identifying nearby points of leverage. If you want to get into activism, a fulcrum might be volunteering to fold pamphlets for an organization with a mission you believe in. If want to see more self-expression in the world, it might be might be inviting your friends to a zine-making class or hosting your own arts and craft night.
The best fulcrum is one that makes you Feel Good when you apply any amount of effort against it. Too many people get caught up in a self-defeating belief that if they can’t give 110% of their creative energy to something they might as well not try. I can confidently say that trying is itself a virtue. Every time you try even a little bit you make it easier for yourself to try again later, and more importantly, you make trying easier for others. A bunch of people altering their behavior a smidge in the same direction doesn’t add up to nothing; on the contrary, it’s a sea change.
If you’ve got a decent idea of the types of problems you want to solve, though, and you’ve tested your fulcrums, and you are thinking, “Okay, but is this all I’m capable of giving?” then it’s probably time to work on your lever. Given your own interests and inclinations, what skills can you develop that will increase the good you’re doing 10x, 100x over? This is the long game, but it scales a whole lot better than “keep doing what I’m already doing, but more.”
For me right now this means deepening my technical knowledge, building a resilient support network, and sharing what I’m learning. Helping others has been a powerful motivator for self-improvement, not the least of which because it’s a convenient shortcut through the snarl of self-confidence issues.
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I am so grateful that Recurse Center was a stop on lengthening my lever! What a concentrated cluster of helpful, considerate beings.
I’ve spent the last two years wandering around New York City in wide-eyed wonder, asking myself the most ambitious question I could think of: how do you save the world?
Getting older comes with a lot of downsides, but asking yourself big questions and living your life as the answer is the primary pleasure of adulthood. It took a ton of courage to get started and I am still frequently awed to find myself moving in the right direction. I’m humbled by the grace and fortitude of the folks who’ve been at this for way longer.
I’m also a hell of a lot happier. This summer’s gonna be rad. ☀️
There are lots of extraordinarily sexy company names like this in the legal world. ↩︎
Having the choice to direct my energies in this way is a privilege. Working in tech gives me this freedom of motion and I have been drawn to software engineering in part because it is the freest of the free (if you still gotta labor for your living). ↩︎
😱😫😖😬😬😬... 😏 ↩︎
Substitute with whatever modifier is en vogue. As a point of fact, “late capitalism” is a term that’s been floating around for literally over a hundred years. ↩︎
Thankfully, history also clearly demonstrates that the tide can be turned. ↩︎
“The use of the term ‘wicked’ here has come to denote resistance to resolution.” Wikipedia page. ↩︎
“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world,” etc etc. ↩︎
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