magicaemaxima · 11 months
Curled up with Phoebe, Dionysia felt like she was on top of the world. She felt such care and protectiveness for her, and it was clear in the way her arms wrapped around Phoebe even as they slept. Dionysia felt on high alert, more so than usual, because of that protectiveness. That morning, when she heard a loud sound from outside, Dionysia jolted awake.
"The fuck was that?" she mumbled. Sighing, she began pulling herself out of bed.
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"Well, this is certainly one way to start the day." Dionysia huffed in annoyance. "Did you hear that?"
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@pasiphaedemetriadevil // cont’d [ x ]
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Hodges raised his brows, tilted his head shruggingly; he appreciated the comment about his appearance. Of course, he never had to try too hard to look good. He was a cutie from birth.
“One thing about me, baby—I’m always serious.”
He picked up a couple of olives using a toothpick and swallowed them down without chewing first. “Well ain’tcha glad the problem wasn’t your own? I know I’d be…” Hodges had often wondered how he would handle things if the shoe was on the other foot.
The videographer looked towards the building contemplatively; he made good money but he didn’t care to live in a way that necessarily showed it. Still, it was nice to know someone with a castle as their permanent residence. It certainly made spending the night there more interesting. And he had spent a LOT of nights in Elsie’s castle. Back when he’d first discovered Elsie’s secret.
“Sure thing.” He followed Elsie to the playroom, entertaining peeks into all the different rooms along the way. Their mutual acquaintance’s mansion didn’t hold a candle to grandmother Selene’s castle, really. Not aesthetically, or emotionally, in Hodge’s opinion.
Hodges tapped his camera, subtly warning the random partygoer who had shoved Elsie not to cause a scene; unless they didn’t mind having their poor choices on film forever.
“Don’t curb your tongue on my account,” joked Hodges, well-aware that Elsie was watching her language for the fact they were now in the impressionable territory of the playground.
“I’m Hodges, like the lady says—” He reached for the younger woman’s hand, fully prepared to lay a polite kiss on the top of it. “Enchanté, Toni.” Toni’s features were pleasing to Hodges’ eyes, especially her large smile (which was as much her personality as it was her natural mouth). Other than the varying shades of orange on their respective heads, he didn’t see much resemblance between the two vampires. Each was lovely in her own way.
There was a time where Hodges suspected he had romantic feelings for Elsie, but given how close they had become in light of the siring vampire’s attack, there never came a time during which it felt right to tell her so. The last thing he wanted Elsie thinking about him was that he’d only helped her through those dark times as a way into her pants.
Other times, he felt like he just wasn’t spectacular enough for her.
He loved her and she’d always be a big part of his life. However, time away from her, and more inner reflection, helped Hodges realize that he and Elsie were never meant to be a couple. He was cool with whatever they had. Friendship, mentorship, sibling-hood, a partnership in crime. Call it what you will.
“I understand you involve yourself in a lot of projects that beg for being able to look back on... Things like lessons, recitals, shows... Both yours and the children’s... Speaking as a professional, I might offer you my numb’r..” Hodges handed Toni a business card for ‘Majorly Pictures in Motion’.
“Though... if you do get the bug to make a social call out of it... please do not hesitate... I do believe any sister of a friend... is a friend...”
On the back of the card, Hodges had hand-written a note with the adjusted rates. Another note branching off of that one, assured Toni of his knowledge and confidence regarding the sisters’ mutual vampirism.
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jelloandbeer · 11 months
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If pressed, CJ would deny that her question was wholly selfish. Sure, she had feelings for the beautiful woman, beyond simple lust but she didn't want to put a name to them. Not yet. Not now. But, still, there was a question that had been burning at her for a short while now.
"Cassiopeia, I got a question for you li'l mama." she didn't even bother with a greeting, jumping straight into it.
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fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year
Vida: *giggles like a madwoman as Savash carries her drunken as hell arse home*
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“Ha. Very funny.” Sav huffs. “I’ll have you know, you owe me a favor. Not sayin’ you weigh a lot or anythin’, but carrying you to safety’s not easy. At all. Okay?” Of course, she’s going to complain, snorting through her nostrils like a horse as she draws closer and closer to her place, gargoyle in arms.
“You do have a cute laugh, though, at least.”
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estrangedaframian · 1 year
@pasiphaedemetriadevil // cont'd [ x ]
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Arlen was stunned. Never in his life did he see (or even imagine) a person lit up like the forth of July! Firstly, it just didn't make a damn lick of common sense; secondly, this display made Beau wonder whether he'd ever really known the slightest thing about Cassiopeia—
If that was her name.
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The county sheriff tried to speak, but his throat clenched up on him.
"Psh. I don't even wanna tell anybody. 'side, even if I did feel like snitchin', nobody'd believe me anyway... I mean, if I lay the Texas in me on thick, I c'n pretty much get people to believe anything I say, but this goes way beyond any old thing..."
Beau raised a finger as he took a short burst of air into his tremulous lungs. "I'm not gonna go runnin' off, but I do need a minute to process... I'm scared, I'm not going to lie about that, but I put my faith in you once, Moonstone, and this ain't a reason for me to collect... I just want you... to know that..."
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 years
"If you keep looking at me like that, I'm not responsible for what happens next." Elsie ran her tongue along her fangs, giving Eileen an almost thorough once over.
Eileen had been dancing at the club, body moving, arms above her head, hips swinging, working up a sweat. When the music changed, she decided now was the perfect time for a drink.
She headed over to the bar and ordered a scotch, then turned to lean against the bar and face the room, watching everyone having a good time. He continued to bob a bit to the music as she sipped her drink.
While Eileen was people-watching, she spotted a very attractive redhead moving through the crowd. Something about her made it very difficult for Eileen to keep her eyes off of her.
Then the woman was heading in her direction. As she approached, a small smile spread on Eileen's lips. At the woman's words, she blushed a bit and ducked her head, giving a small chuckle. "Sorry, I just... I haven't seen you in here before and you kind of dominate with your presence." Then she noticed the fangs and chuckled again. "Oh, I see. So... Living or Undead?" she asked, voice dropping slightly below the din of the music, figuring that the woman in front of her would be the only one who would actually be able to hear her question.
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strifeincarnate · 2 years
💀 + tied up (Noelle x Eris)
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Send ‘💀 + tied up’ for my muse to have your muse tied up and completely at my muses mercy.
"Noelle, darling, how did you end up in this predicament?" Eris chuckled and raked her gaze over the bound elf, head cocked in amusement. "Maybe I should leave you like this to teach you a lesson."
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mxdam · 11 months
"How long has it been since you've had blood?" Phoebe asked, clearly concerned about the other woman. She was honestly considering giving her some of her own, if it came to that.
From @pasiphaedemetriadevil
How long has it been? The dark mass in the right side of her vision has grown; it nearly obscures Phoebe entirely. Margarethe closes her eyes.
Her sight will go first, then her other faculties. When she was still His, they starved her, the other women, and He allowed it; allowed it because of her temper, her will, the way she'd yanked out fistfuls of one bride's hair and sunk her teeth into the next in her feverish young-blood's desperation for sustenance and freedom. Her body's decline in the absence of blood was terrifying. The hunger reduced her to nothing.
Now? When no one and nothing has power over her, when she is free to feed as she wants? She can't explain it: she'd stood weeks ago over the body of a young thing, as fresh and pristine as she likes them, and something in her recoiled from the meal. Something in her turned aside from what she'd so often glutted herself on in Caligulan lust and--so, she didn't feed. Hasn't fed.
Like an old dog turns away from food. Like a lion goes to ground. A thing ready to die.
She cocks her head to regard Phoebe with her good eye. "Haven't you anything better to do than fuss?" she says. "Baking biscuits or something?"
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bewitchingbaker · 1 year
Evelyn made her way into the bakery, her eyes going wide at all the sweets behind the case. She was as close to it as she could be, but she knew not to put her hands or nose on the glass. That would just make extra cleaning time for the owner and employees. "Chocolate? Strawberry filled? Oh my..." If she was a cartoon, she'd have those huge heart-shaped eyes right now.
{From @pasiphaedemetriadevil}
The familiar ring of Luna's Moonlight Delighs echoed through the lobby. The elder Lunas were busy preparing a new batch of pastries for the dinner rush. The youngest Luna, Chris, was busy grinding some fresh beans for the coffee machine, just in case anyone needed a little caffeine for the latter half of the day.
His eyes were drawn to Evelyn, offering a warm smile.
"Welcome to Luna's Moonlight Delights," Chris grinned as he leaned on the counter. "Looks like our Strawberry turnovers caught your eye! We have plenty of strawberry-themed pasties and fresh chocolate."
He smiles.
"Strawberry cupcakes, Brazo De Reina also known as strawberries and cream cake roll. Our chocolate recipes include double chocolate glaze donuts and our infamous fudge tarts. If you order any of these you get a free drink of your choice!"
"What can I get ya?"
[ @pasiphaedemetriadevil ]
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I've yet to learn much about Elsie, but I'm just glad she's not immediately drinking my blood....
Peri is....kind, and sweet, and I want to know more about her. The tentacles are definitely a surprise, though.
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Blake hung around the outskirts of the carnival, humming to herself as she stuffed her face with fairy floss, somehow not ruining her dark lipstick. She leaned against a tree at the entrance of the forest bordering the north edge of the fun-filled place, observing the lights, the tall clowns walking by, and kids chasing one another, smiling. What an amazing day, and night, she'd had so far; She would definitely be going home on a sugar high.
Chris had drawn the short straw to patrol the fare and while her partner and other officers wandered around, she found herself enjoying the atmosphere. There was music, excited kids and adults alike as they grabbed hot dogs and popcorn and cotton candy from the vendors, shrieks of joy from people on the rides. It was truly a magical experience and everyone loved the fare. Perhaps she was just jealous as she took a breather to 'monitor' the area and wandered around the outskirts of the carnival.
Normally kids trying to sneak in beers were hanging around or older kids sneaking off with their boyfriends or girlfriends when she saw a woman eating cotton candy.
"Having fun?" Chris asked the woman. "I guess I'm jealous that everyone is out here having fun and I'm working."
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magicaemaxima · 1 year
Dionysia had asked Phoebe to wait in her car, and she would call her once she believed she had gotten a good enough reaction out of Isolabella. The goal here Dionysia was trying to achieve was to make the sister so offput, so annoyed, or perhaps so anguished and upset and saddened by what "Pheobe" had become, so that perhaps she would start missing the old Phoebe and hopefully feeling guilt for neglecting her. Dionysia knew that she wasn't the best of people, but she did have some standards, and one of those was that family was important, especially something like sisters. She knew that if any of her sisters were alive again, she wouldn't dare take them for granted like Isolabella was doing.
Using her magic, she made herself smell exactly like Phoebe, and she walked in with her usual attire; expensive jewelry, high fashion couture and red bottom high heels. Isolabella might like this high fashion version of Phoebe, she thought, at least at first. Before she started really showing off her personality.
"Isolabella!" Dionysia chimed as she walked into "her" sister's office. "What do you think?" she spoke. "I decided to get a new look for a new me. And I've decided that new me is being more like you."
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@pasiphaedemetriadevil​ // Jason & Vida // cont’d [ X ]
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“... Not necessarily... See, my cousin needed to renew his license and so naturally I went to the DMV with him for moral support... Poor guy has blackouts in government settings... Anyways, Poptop flunked the test three times in one week, and there I was in the lobby with only that book you lent me to keep me from killing myself and every driving instructor, screaming baby, and hacking smoker in the place...”
Jason blinked as he stopped for air, only to have his breath stolen from him over the look of Vida biting her lip. The man had a mad crush on Calloway despite never (never deliberately— that kind of emotion is impossible to hide) demonstrating such feelings.
“Sure, I’ll come with. Thanks for the book, I forgot to say that.”
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jelloandbeer · 1 year
Cordelia: *surfaces long enough to swipe a sailor's flask of rum, while silently plotting his ultimate demise*
{Cordelia and Eloise first meet?}
Eloise was mostly minding her business, purely here for the adventure of it. A local retired sailor was giving tours and she was bored so why not. Movement from the corner of her eye shifted her focus and she frowned, easing closer. She peeked over the side, curiosity getting the better of her. "That cheap ass rum." She muttered.
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fantasycorrupted-a · 2 years
Nova wants to give Fíann some head pats. 🤭
{From @pasiphaedemetriadevil}
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“Well, hello there.” It wasn’t often that Fíann paused to socialise with humans at the beach; not unless they asked her to bring back a beach ball or a children’s toy from the sand. And once she had gotten in the sea, the chance became even smaller. Especially when she let herself turn into a mermaid. Most often, that happened around the time there were no longer any visitors to the beach anymore.
And yet, this woman had reached out her hand – literally. Fíann had not asked for company... but did she mind it, really? “I would advise you not to touch me. Not before we both make sure we’re on terms that allow it.” Oh, how stiff she was in social situations, how formal and awkward! Though none of that was Nova’s fault. That was just how she was...
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estrangedaframian · 1 year
@pasiphaedemetriadevil // cont’d [ x ]
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Letting excitement get the better of him, Dean stumbled backwards—not expecting the being on the other end of the line to let go so suddenly.
At first burst, the presence of bubbles hadn't bothered Dean's curiosity, as they were only to be expected of any creature struggling beneath the waterline. However, the bubbling carried on until they were in the above world, floating up in the form of laughter... alongside a trail of golden threads suspiciously like hair.
"Wh- Who's there?"
The hunter's interest in catching the thing had vanished, for the first thing that came to mind was a spirit, or, ghost. He'd seen dead bodies before—Many times, actually—but his empathy for others did not allow such sights to become a source of numbing. As creepy and downright pitiful as a (he presumed) drowning victim seemed, he felt it his duty to exhume the body and report the death to authorities. With that said, he went towards the direction of the disembodied laugh.
Once he reached it... he was even more shocked to see that the person was... ALIVE! And doing well? Though, she didn't appear 100% human.
"Are you okay?! You were the one tugging on the line, right? This isn’t a freaky coincidence?" Catching his breath, he realised that probably sounded rude. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t calling you a freak... I jus’ never seen you around here before... There’s plenty of woods around for the both of us...” His eyes were kind as he spoke to the mysterious woman yet nervous because of the precarious footing he had while standing upon the slippery stones in the stream.
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