#past Luba x Naadirah
Break My Heart Right: Flattery (Luba x Reader)
Word Count: 1873 Rating: T Content Warnings: poor communication, low self-esteem/insecurity, discussion of sex work, angst Cross-posted to AO3 Taglist: @seanfalco (let me know if you want to be added) A/N: Points awarded for "Fic Most Inspired by the Series Title Song" and with the least relevant individual title.
You sat on the counter, Luba positioned between your legs, hands cradling your waist, watching you curiously. Your fingers swept the high arch of his brow, tracing down his temple, across the curve of his gorgeous cheekbones, along his sharp, angled nose, and finally rested, tapping out a teasing pattern on that perfect, pronounced cupid's bow. Your other hand cupped his jaw, holding him in place despite the fact that you applied absolutely no pressure at all.
“God you are beautiful,” you breathed, inhaling sharply when your words made his grip tighten. “I wish I could sculpt a face half as perfect as yours.”
He laughed, the high musical sound skittering through the air, and the breath on your skin sending a pleasant warmth flooding through you.
“That is what they pay me for. Imagine if you could make others look this distinctive too. I’d lose all my appeal.”
“Distinctive wasn't the word I used.”
He shrugged. “Synonyms.”
“Not even close. There's not another word that covers it. Perfect,” you insisted, leaning closer to make sure his emerald eyes (another unfair, gorgeous feature) were locked on yours. “You are absolutely fucking perfect. And I don’t just mean physically.”
“We should order dinner before the good places get a queue,” he said suddenly, backing away from your grasp and fiddling with the nearby touchscreen.
“Luba…” you groaned, frustration leaching into your tone.
“Unless you want to skip dinner and go straight for dessert?” He batted his long lashes at you coquettishly.
“Why do you always do this?”
“Do what, Y/N?”
“Get skittish and deflect when I try to compliment you or tell you how I feel about you.”
“That's not true. I love it when you tell me how good I make you feel.”
“You know that's not what I mean.”
“I don't want to talk about this, Y/N.” His voice had a sharp edge to it, as close as he ever got to true anger.
You huffed a sigh. “Fine. Whatever you want.”
Later on, you were laying in bed, tucked against Luba’s side, his fingers dancing over your upper arm. Both of you should have been sleeping, but the argument earlier plagued your mind, and Luba seemed to be lost in thoughts of his own. Turning your head, you pressed a lingering kiss to his chest, the gesture pulling his gaze down to meet your own.
He hummed, recognizing the questioning look on your face. “Something to share?”
“Just making sure you’re alright. You seem...pensive.”
“Thinking about what you said, that’s all.” He shrugged, the movement rocking you as well.
You waited, unsure if Luba was planning to elaborate.
“Have you ever loved someone?” He asked after a pause, almost long enough to mark the start of a totally new conversation. “Someone else? Besides me I mean.”
You felt a lump forming in your throat, heart nervously clenching, as you thought over the people in your past. Of course you had loved people before. He knew that, or at least about some of them. Eventually, you shrugged.
“Yeah, I guess so,” you admitted, eyebrows knitted in a frown.
“How did you lose them?” his voice was small.
“I...I didn’t. Not really. We grew apart, or realized that love by itself wasn’t enough.”
You felt Naadirah hanging over the pair of you, her ghost still haunting his heart. You felt your ex-lovers there too, taunting spectres of a person you weren’t anymore. You nibbled nervously at your lip. You felt a twinge of anger in your gut toward them, followed immediately by a wave of guilt. It was hardly their faults that they had a lingering effect; it was on you and on Luba.
Luba was still silent. You glanced up at him. He looked crushed and afraid, face contorted sourly and eyes teary.
“Will you feel that way about me someday?”
“What?” you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, voice rising sharply in shock. “No.”
“I think it will happen. Laying on someone else’s chest, in someone else’s bed. You’ll tell the story of the prostitute you made love you, you convinced that you loved him.”
“Luba…” you frowned, hoping that the sound of his name would pull him out of this imagined future and remind him that it wasn’t like that.
“It would be a great story to tell. One hell of an achievement. After all, we’re not supposed to feel. We’re supposed to be the ones convincing other people we love them, not getting fucked over ourselves.”
“Where is this coming from?” you snapped, rising up on an elbow to try and better look him in the eye, but he didn’t seem to hear you, completely monologuing now.
“I don’t know if I can stand for it, darling, or stand it. I should never have let myself fall for you in the first place. I tried to resist after you said you loved me. Love just hurts.”
He was crying as he carried on, and you could feel tears of your own starting to stir. You wanted to shut him up, to stop this wild, derailed train and make it clear that it wasn’t real, could never be real. But a doubt lingered in the back of your mind. After all, you had loved others, so maybe he would be just another in a line of people you gave your heart to and took their heart from. It felt different with Luba, sure, but at the time, hadn’t they all?
Suddenly it felt like the walls were closing in on you, like the sheets tangled around your legs were snakes intent on suffocating you. You kicked and thrashed, trying to get them off and eventually threw yourself to your feet.
“Y/N?” Luba was puzzled momentarily, enough to break his melancholy musings, sitting up to watch you.
“I can’t. I can’t do this,” you muttered, raking your finger through the hair at your temples, feeling the sharp sting of your nails on your scalp grounding you. Slowly you drew a deep breath through your nose, letting it shudder out through parted lips. “Maybe I should just go sleep in my room.”
“Can’t do what? Have this conversation? I thought you were all about talking about our feelings?” You frowned at his tone, puzzled why he seemed to be getting angry with you.
“But we’re not,” you choked out past the tears and the crushing weight on your chest. “Not mine anyway. I don’t know who this hypothetical Y/N is in your head Luba, that’s going to move on and break your heart but it’s not me. I love you.”
“But for how long?”
“Is that what this is? You think I’ll leave someday, so you’re pushing me away first? Because that’s not fair.”
He was silent, arms folded over his chest and body angled away from you.
“Luba…” you sighed, sitting back down on the edge of the bed, half facing him. “You’re not just somebody, you’re not replaceable. If someone offered me the choice between everything I wanted in life but without you or nothing at all except you by my side, then the decision would be obvious. There’s no version of reality where I can stand to lose you from my life.”
His posture softened but still he didn’t speak or look at you.
“You are my best friend, and most of the time I think you know me better than I know myself. And you are a part of me. This thing between us is part of me. But I’ve had years for that to blossom and build. If you need more time, or I’m doing something wrong...or you don’t want this, then just say so. Please,” you reached out for one of his hands that was now resting on the mattress and squeezed it gently. “It’s scary, it’s a lot. I know. I’m scared too. Please don’t just shut me out.”
“I am scared,” he admitted. “I don’t know how to do this,” he admitted softly, finally looking at you, with eyes brimming with fresh tears.
“Do what?” you breathed, edging closer, drawn naturally to try and comfort him.
“Be loved.”
“No one’s ever not wanted something from me.”
Your mind raced. Were you really the first person to care about him for his own sake? Or at least to make him feel that way? And if so, was it pushing too far simply to ask...no...hope that your love was returned?
“I keep waiting to wake up, or for you to finally ask for what you expect in return.”
“Is that why you duck my compliments and try to play everything off like some big joke?”
“Lots of people pay flattery. ‘Luba you’re so beautiful.’ ‘Luba you sound like an angel.’ ‘Luba you fuck me so nice.’ But at the end of the day, I am a thing, for their enjoyment and the praise is part of it.” He shrugged. “They could just as soon fuck the robots but I respond better. I don’t mind it. But sometimes when you start to sound like that…”
He shrugged, looking away again, as if he were ashamed of the admission. “Y/N, I think I love you...I know I do. And…I don’t know.”
You turned now to face him fully, catching his face gently between your hands. “It’s okay, Luba. I love you. And I’m sorry. I’ll try to be better from now on, and be mindful.” You smiled a little teasingly. “No more flattery, I promise.”
You hoped that the gravity of what you were trying to say was clear, even if you were covering it with a joke, the air in the room too heavy not to try to crack the tension. You would need to talk about this again, but not now, not while you were both already upset and tired. For now, all you needed was calm, enough to go to bed.
He laughed, the sound wet from tears and wobbly. “I never said that. And you couldn’t keep that promise if you tried...Geliébte.”
You watched the way his face twitched as he tried the new word, contemplating the way it fit in his mouth and sounded to his ears and then he grinned. You leaned, planting a kiss to the tip of his nose.
“You’re probably right, but I’m taking that as a challenge now, you know. Starting in the morning. For now I should go back to my room, yeah?”
“No,” he hummed, snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you back to him. “You should stay right here, geliébte.”
“That’s not going away any time soon is it?” you laughed as he fell backwards, tugging you down with him.
“Hm, no. I think I like it. Do you?”
He could be calling you a steaming pile of refuse and you’d like it, if it was in that free, comfortable voice he was using, or brought the kind of smile that was on his face. You snuggled closer to his side, pretending like you were thinking about it.
Your cheek fell naturally to rest above his heart, listening to it’s steady beat.
“Yeah. I do. I like it a lot.”
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Magical Library Master List
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Feel free to peruse the card catalogue. Miss Kitty will continue to add to her collection as she sees fit. If you would like to borrow a book from our sister libraries, a link will be provided to you below. Thank you for your patience! **Denotes Magical Library After Dark
The Library Staff
Billy Delaney (Me & Mrs. Jones)
Billy Delaney x Fem!Reader
Shameless (language, smut)**
Rain On Me (language, smut)**
Cormac McNamara (Foreign Exchange)
All Youve Got Is Gold: Cormac McNamara x Jeanie Turner
Part 1 (a smidge of fluff shaded smut)
Part 2 (more fluffy smut)**
Part 3 (yet again, Cormac demands fluffy smut)**
Cormac/Billy x Jeanie Drabbles
Secrets to Tell (angst, mentions of death) *mentions of Darren Treacy
Teenage Dirtbag (fluff and smut)**
Dreams (fluff)
Jeanie Turner Stand Alone Drabbles
So I Creep (OC Kiss Week fluff)
Darren Treacy (Love/Hate)
Darren x Fem!Reader
That Boy is a Monster (NC-17 rough, violent sex)**
The Sinner’s Prayer: Darren Treacy x Jeanie Turner Crossover
Dress You Up In My Love (smut)
It's A Sin ( NC-17 smut)**
Buttons (sexual tension, teasing some angst)
Darren x Jeanie Before and After
The Trouble With Love Is (infidelity and oral sex) The Past
 Galway Girl (pregnancy mention) The Present
Two Tickets To Paradise (NC-17 smut)** The Future
The Ides of March: A  Mini-series starring Darren x Jeanie
Prologue- Bad Romance (violence, angst and language)
Chapter 1- Come on Eileen (smut and language)**
Chapter 2- Drunken Lullabies (smut and language)**
Chapter 3- When You’re Gone (language, smut, angst)**
Ivan McCormick (Killing Bono)
Ivan x Fem!Reader
It's A Heartache (a hint of angst, drug use and smut)
I Want To Break Free (bit of angst and some passionate kisses)
Jack (The Messenger)
The Ghost of You: Jack x Rin Davies
I’m a Creep  (angst fluff smut ) 
Auld Lang Syne, A Sequel (fluff) 
Song To The Siren (angst, smut and fluff)
Jack x Rin Drabbles
Cry Little Sister (a hint of smut, angst)
Mad About Love (smut)**
Beggin’ (smut and use of sensory overload)**
Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
The Joan Jett Trio: Klaus x Fem!Reader
Do You Wanna Touch Me There? (BDSM NC-17 Smut)**
Bad Reputation (BDSM NC-17 Smut)**
Cherrybomb (BDSM NC-17 Smut)**
Leon (Moonwalkers) 
Tupelo Honey: Leon x Honey Comb
Ch 1-  Kult of Dionysus  (drug use) 1967
Ch 2-  Raspberry Swirl  (drug use, NC-17 smut)** 1967
Ch 3-  Hooked on a Feeling  (minor drug use fluffy smut)** 1967
Ch 4-  Angel of The Morning (angst and fluff and time travel) 1968
Ch 5-  Bad Moon Rising (grifting, scams, a hint of sex, occasional fluff) 1969
Ch 6- Dream A Little Dream Of Me (the end of the line folks, graphic child birth and some spice)  1969
From The Tupelo Honey Timeline (1967-1973)
Baby It’s Cold Outside  (Christmas fluff) 1967 and the sequel Let It Snow (equally fluffy) 2007
Dancing In The Moonlight  (feat Ella, smutty threesome sapphic and straight sex)** 1968
Neverland-  (drug use, smut, language)** 1968
Spoonful of Sugar (pure Leon fluff) 1969
Into the Mystic (fluff and smut)** 1970
Your Song (fluffy smut)** 1973
Don’t Leave Me This Way: A Leon x Honey Redemption Arc (marital strife, romance and smut)** 1977
Part One     Part Two     Part Three
Honey Stand Alone Drabbles
Love Me Tender (origin story)
When Vicky Needed Honey (Moonwalkers/TUA crossover)
Luba (Mute)
Little Earthquakes (Luba x Naadirah angst)
Luba x Fem!Reader
LoveGame (NC-17 smut)**
So Happy I Could Die ( sexual teasing)
Luke (Cherrybomb)
Luke x Fem!Reader
She Wants Revenge (NC-17 smut drug use)**
Everything He Needs (angst)
Supply and Demand (smutty smut smut)**
MoonBrella Crossovers (Moonwalkers/TUA)
Sweet Child O' Mine (fluff with some angst) 1971
You Are My Sunshine (fluff and another hint of angst) 1971
In The Air Tonight (angst, smut, general Klaus-induced chaos)** 1973
Modern Love (Smut)** 1974
Xanadu (death and heaven) sometime in the future *Sunny x Honey
MoonBrella Lake (Moonwalkers/TUA/Sway Lake)
It’s All Coming Back To Me Now (sweet and closed door implied spice, teenage love) 1987 *Sunny Kostas x Jess O’Neill
Conversations With Living People (discussion of unplanned pregnancy) 1988
Lay All Your Love On Me (family angst, airplane smut) 1994 *appearance by Sunny Kostas, Ollie Sway and Jess O'Neill 
New Year's Day (some fluff, some spice, some magical powers) December 1992/1993 *appearance by Honey, Leon, Klaus, Ollie and Jess
After The Lovin' (sweet) 1993 *Selina x Nikolai w/appearance by Leon and Honey Kostas
Nathan Young (Misfits)
Nathan x Fem!Reader Drabbles
Like A Prayer (smut and sacrilege)
The One With No Name ( swearing and sexual innuendo
The Chaos Duo: Nathan Young x Fem!Reader
The Dog Days Are Over (language, almost smut)
The Dog Days Are Done  (smut)
Last Christmas: Nathan Young x Violet Duval
Ch 1 God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman (just pure magic chaos)
Ch 2 Fairytale of New York (violence blood minor gore) 
Ch 2.5 You Give Love A Bad Name (Nathan’s POV of Chapter 2, gore)
Ch 3 White Christmas (NC-17 smut)**
Ch 4 Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (somewhat NSFW, language)
Ch 5 Last Christmas (language)
Nathan x Violet (In First Person!) Drabbles
Hers (language and smut)
His (language and smut)
Violet Duval Stand Alone Drabbles
This Kiss (A Violet Duval Origin Story)
It’s Just A Little Hocus Pocus (some fun with a trace of innuendo)
Nikolai (The Song of Sway Lake)
Nikolai x Fem!Reader
I Wish I Was The Moon (NC-17 smut)** August 1992
White Russian on The Rocks (fluff)
Nikolai x Selina Kostas
Waiting For A Star to Fall (smut, a bit of angst, occasional fluff)** September 1992
Constant Craving (fluff, angst and smut) October 1992
Enter The Circus (smut, angst) November 1992
Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered (angst and smut)** March 1993
New Soul (fluff and nothing else) December 1993
Brick- An Alternate Love Story for Nikolai and Selina (frank discussion about abortion, unprotected sex) 1992
Roland (Three Summers)
Roland x Fem!Reader
Good Vibrations (smut)**
The Word Of Your Body:  Roland x Rin Davies Crossover
Songbird (fluff)
Andante Andante (angst fluffy smut)
Sean Falco (Bad Samaritan)
Sean Falco x Fem!Reader
Brick and Mortar, Sacred Skin (minor angst smut)**
Glitter in The Air (sugary sweet fluff)
Rebel Yell ( smut)**
Fashion Of His Love (trace of angst and fluff)
Iris (fluff with innuendo)
Wild Horses (angsty smut because why not?)
Sean Falco x Irina Sergeivich-Kostas
Wild Rover (saccharine spice) 
The Threesomers
Jack x Rin Davies x Roland
Someone Saved My Life (fluff with a bit of angst)
The Threesomers (polyamory, a tad bit of angst and loads of smut)**
Heart, Mind and Soul (a polyamorous coming out story)
Rush, Rush- Jack and Roland (MLM smut)
Vincent Rhodes (The Road Within)
Vincent x Fem!Reader
I Think We're Alone Now (language and smut, portrayal of Tourette's)
Dear Vincent (language and smut, portrayal of Tourette's)
Two Piña Coladas, The Redux (Language, smut, portrayal of Tourette's)*
A Vincent Rhode’s Special for @vonkimmeren 
Vladek Klimov (Fortitude)
Vladek x Fem!Reader
The Drumming Song ( angst and intimacy)
Seven Devils (sexual teasing and angst)
Shake It Out (slight angst and smut)**
145 notes · View notes
seanfalco · 4 years
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Luba x f!Reader
Prompt: Since requests are open, what about Luba + kisses on a stairwell? Word Count: 1.2k
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“Hey, you on break soon?”
Listening to the message again though the earpiece tucked into your ear, a genuine smile broke across your face for the first time all day, and you quickly sent a reply -- “Yeah, I’m on break now.  Where are you?” -- the thought of seeing your boyfriend, even if just for a measly fifteen minutes was enough to get you through the rest of your shift.
“The usual spot.  See you soon, liebchen.”
Slipping down the back hall behind the dressing rooms, you shouldered open the heavy back door, propping it open with the brick one of the other performers had left there for similar purposes and stuck your head out, already spotting Luba lounging halfway down the stairwell against the fire escape’s railing.
“Hey you,” he greeted, watching you descend the stairs to him.
“Hey,” you answered, stopping a few steps above him so you were on his level and Luba reached out to take your hand, pulling you closer.
“C’mere, I missed you,” he murmured, moving your hands to his shoulders as he grasped your waist and pressed his glossy lips to yours.
Melting into his embrace, you sighed, kissing him back, attempting to put the stresses of your work day out of your mind for the time being, at least, while you had Luba with you.  He was, as always, however, more perceptive than you would’ve liked, seeing through your poker face with ease.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, pulling back to study your face, his brows knitting with worry while a small frown twisted his lips that you couldn’t help but chase as he pulled away.
“What makes you think something’s wrong?” you asked, attempting to steer him away from such topics, not wanting to think about any of that right now.  But Luba was persistent, dodging your attempt at quieting him with another kiss, holding your waist steady as he pulled back farther, his eyes flashing.
“[y/n], I know you better than that.  What’s wrong?” he repeated sternly and you sighed heavily.
It wasn’t as if you could tell him everything that was bothering you -- well, you could, but you weren’t ready to, and you had a feeling he wouldn’t exactly be happy to hear you were digging into his past.  Besides, it wasn’t like you’d found any trace of Naadirah yet anyway.  It seemed that every lead you’d managed to uncover so far had only brought you to another dead end.
Shaking your head, you took a deep breath, deciding to at least tell him part of what was eating at you, though you already knew how he’d react.
“You know that regular I mentioned a few weeks ago that had been giving me a hard time?”
Luba’s frown deepened in thought and you could practically see him digging through your conversations from the past few weeks, til recognition hit.
“The entitled prick?” Luba asked and you scowled, your fingers fidgeting with the collar of his leather jacket.
“One and the same,” you replied.
“Do I need to have a little chat with this asshole?” Luba teased, though you knew he was more than half serious, the tense cast to his mossy eyes giving him away and you shook your head, not wanting him to get involved, though you knew he would anyway if he set his mind to it. 
“I’ve got it handled,” you assured him, though he looked skeptical.  “I mean, at first it was just disgusting comments -- which I could handle, it wasn’t anything worse than I’ve heard before,” you said offhandedly, trying to ignore Luba’s hardening gaze.  “It was when he started getting… handsy that I finally said something to my boss,” you explained, Luba’s mouth falling open angrily.
“What do you mean handsy?” he demanded and you groaned, knowing he’d react this way, which was why you’d been hesitant to bring it up in the first place.
“Oh, you know… overly friendly casual touches at first, like a hand on my arm, or my back, but then he pinched my ass and--”
“He what?”
“Luba,” you exclaimed, quickly trying to reel him in from his outburst.
“Are they gunna do anything about it?” he demanded, practically seething.
“They’re gunna warn him, and if he tries anything again then he’s getting the boot.”
Luba didn’t look like he particularly liked the idea, but he didn’t say anything else.
“Hey,” you said, shaking him slightly, trying to get him to stop brooding and look at you.  “I only have a few more minutes til I hafta go back in and I don’t wanna think about this shit anymore,” you murmured, pressing your forehead to his and he sighed.
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” he replied, his frown disappearing as he rubbed your arms soothingly.  “I just hate the thought of someone else’s hands on you,” he muttered sullenly, and you fixed him with a pointed look.
“Oh, and you think it’s any easier for me?”
“That--that’s different,” Luba exclaimed wearily, as he tried to back pedal, his grip on your arms tightening.  “That’s my job, [y/n], it doesn’t mean anything.  Not unless it’s you,” he murmured, taking your face in his hands.  “What I meant was, I hate the thought of anyone making you uncomfortable,” he amended, and you sighed, the earnest look in his eyes swaying you.
“I know,” you said, letting your eyes close.  “Ugh, I don’t wanna go back in,” you whined softly, and Luba lifted your chin, pressing his lips to yours once more.
“Let me make it up you, hmm?” he murmured and you opened your eyes.
“And how do you plan to do that?” you asked, fighting back a small smile.
“Welllll…” he mused, pulling you closer as he wrapped you up in his arms, swaying you slightly.  “I have nothing going on tonight, so I thought I’d come in, sit down for a drink, and watch your performance.  Then I can walk you home and we can make breakfast for dinner, your favourite,” he offered, bringing a grin to your lips.
“I see what you’re doing,” you pointed out, cocking an eyebrow at him as you pulled back to look at him, your hands lingering draped over his shoulders.
“And what am I doing, pray tell?” he drawled, pulling you back to him, your hips pressing to his.  
“Keeping an eye on me,” you answered coyly, and Luba merely shrugged.
“Is that a crime, doll?” he asked, grinning against your lips and your words turned into a moan as his tongue brushed lithely against yours.
“Just don’t cause a scene, Luba,” you warned as you reluctantly pulled back, your time up, and Luba grinned innocently, though to you it looked more cheeky than anything.
“Me, a scene?  Wouldn’t dream of it,” he drawled with a wink, stepping backward down the stairwell, spreading his hands.  “I’m only here to watch my lovely girlfriend perform.”
“Uh huh, I’ll believe it when I see it,” you replied skeptically as you began climbing the stairs, unable to take your eyes off him for a moment, his stunning smile following you, effectively banishing the sour thoughts that had been hounding you, and you found you couldn’t stop smiling the rest of your way back inside.
Luba’s grin, on the other hand, disappeared as soon as [y/n] had left his sight, and while he had been telling the truth about wanting to watch her up on stage, she was also right -- he wanted to get a good look at this guy who’d been harassing her, just in case he had the balls to try anything else.
Luba may not be exactly threatening, himself, but he knew people that were and he wasn’t afraid to play dirty.
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Give us the smut please 😈
since you asked so nicely
That’s Just the Way You Make Me Feel
A/N: This is going to be a Luba x reader fic. I feel like he doesn’t get a lot of attention, and he’s one of my absolute favorite characters of Robbie’s. This one is going to be really steamy and smutty, so beware of that. Enjoy!
Warnings: Warnings: (spoilers to mute if you haven’t watched it) mention of death, smut (ofc), lap dancing, grinding, oral sex (fem. receiving), making out, public sex (for a section), face sitting, biting, unprotected sex (wrap it luvs x)
 You didn’t plan on visiting Luba at either of his jobs, but you got bored in the house, and why not get out, it’s 2037 for goodness sakes. You didn’t care that he was an escort, or that people sometimes reached into his pants to give him money. As long as he came back to you, and was emotionally attached to you, everything was fine. You weren’t really into having too many sexual relationships with other people. A few friends with benefits here and there, yeah, that’s fine. Luba, however, satisfied you both emotionally and sexually. He always learned new tricks from the stripper robots from the club, and at his escort shop (idfk what they’re called), he was taught how to take men’s dicks whole, and how to pleasure a woman in more than one way. Whenever the both of you were in the mood, he’d try out a couple things, and try to make you as happy as possible.
 The trip to the club was a little longer than expected because the cops had been around more, and tanks were always pouring out pollution, as Naadirah’s death sparked a lot of upset, and people wanted action, so Germany took it. They protected their citizens well in the future, and wanted to make sure that their past was left there, and didn’t reoccur. You looked out of the window, and tried to keep your steamy thoughts from interrupting any conversation that you could potentially have with anyone. Luba’s a creature of movement and emotion, and he made you feel extraordinary things. Everything he did to pleasure you was out of care for you, and the way he ate you up, and kissed your thighs, just….I’m getting carried away here. You arrived at the club, in generally clubbish attire. Something that would catch attention, but not make you feel overwhelmed with what everyone saw you in. Luba would for sure notice. It was one of his floral blouses, you had it cinched at the waist, and wore black peekaboo pants, boots to complete it.
“Hey honey. How’ve you been enjoying work?” you asked Luba, sneaking up behind him from the wall he was leaning against.
“Jesus Christ! You can’t just do that to me, I could’ve been armed, or I could’ve had to take a mean piss!” he jumped, holding his hand to his exposed chest, only to break into a smile, chuckling at your antics.
“You know you love some public humiliation. It’s a kink we have yet to explore, but I’m willing to do so.” you casually muttered, kissing his shoulder.
  Luba’s eyes lidded themselves with lust, then he grabbed your face, kissing you sloppily. You melted into his arms, then your hands began wondering, gently fluttering across the bulge in his low-cut pants, pinching it ever so slightly. He gasped into your touch, slipping his tongue into your mouth, yours remaining in its spot, having to fight for dominance. You let him win for the time being, resulting in grinding against the air, your hips getting tired of being in one place. Luba took a hold of your thigh, stepping forward, and grinding against your sex, holding your limb in place to get the right angle. You held onto his face, cradling it with your hand, thumb rubbing against his cheek. He pulled away just at the peak of his own orgasm, and started at you through the blue and purple lights. Luba bit his lip, then asked you to go to the back, as he had to check out, then take you home, and make love to you how you desire.
“Be back before I start humping the wall, honey.” you said, mimicking the phrase.
  He shook his head, chuckling at your antics, then walked towards the back room, swaying his hips as he moved towards the door. You sat there for short of 4 minutes, and even that couldn’t keep you from touching yourself. You tried to hide behind a wall, dragging two fingers across your pussy through your pants. The hand slipped under your pants, dipping into your honey pot. Quiet, breathy moans left your mouth, and Luba came up from behind you, two hands snaking up your body, cupping your breasts.
“Let’s go. You can’t show everyone what I do to you, now can you? Only I get to see this.” he whispered, biting your ear lobe. You tilted your head into his neck, grinding against him, his head going back as well. His bulge was poorly hidden by the tight pants he sported, the very pink tip of his dick peeking from the top of them. Your nimble fingers find it, swiping your thumb over the tip. Luba’s eyes drifted to yours, and they begged you to touch him more, kiss him more, make him feel the way he wants. You turned around, biting into his neck, your hand wrapping around his cock, jacking him off. He moaned at your actions, his hands squeezing against your hips.
“No, I-. Want to do this at home.” he struggles out, his throat dry, voice deepening. You obliged, hand coming from his pants, and you licked your hand in front of him, eyes making full contact. Luba rushed forward and grabbed a hold of your face, his lips smashing against yours. You both moaned into the kiss, and Luba picked you up, pushing you against a wall, grinding his hard on against your clothed slit. Few people in the club noticed the two of you, even though it was quite packed that night. Soon enough, your slick began to soak through your panties, coming through your pants. Luba noticed, and stuck two fingers down your panties, circling your clit, coating themselves in you. He bit your lip, and carried you the rest of the way to the taxi he ordered. He let you go when you reached the car, and the both of your stared deeply at each other the entire ride. 
  As the car pulled into the driveway, and Luba paid the driver, you unbuckled your bra, heading towards the door. You took it off, and unlocked the door, throwing it across the living room. Luba followed you, and kissed you from behind, breathing your scent.
“Grab a chair, sit in the middle of the room. I’ll be right back.” he whispered into your ear sultrily. You shuddered at his words, but followed his orders. You thought of taking your shoes off, but were interrupted by his voice at the end of the hallway.
“I got that, don’t you worry. Just...relax. I’ll take good, good care of you.” he said, running his hands down your thighs, then taking your boots and socks off, kissing up the length of both of your legs, still clothed. His eyes followed yours, then they turned up, locking on your chest, where your nipples were erect under the translucent shirt. He reached up, and unbuttoned your shirt, exposing the collection of skin and fat on your chest. He fondled them, and brushed his long finger along the side of your body. Goosebumps were patterned along his touch, and you shivered at his eyes, almost completely black with lust.
  Luba brought his finger to his lips, letting it slip into his mouth, wrapping his plump lips around it. He licked along it, then dragged it down his body, across his smooth chest. It stopped at his waistband, where the fewest of stray pubes lay, and dipped into his pants. He took a sharp inhale of breath, and moaned at the feeling. You saw his hand move along his shaft, making slow strokes. He made very deliberate movements, then stopped all of a sudden. His lip was caught between his teeth, and the hand emerged, empty. He was stopping himself from cumming, and was really struggling. A thing Luba liked is teasing, but never on himself. It was always you being teased. And tonight is no different. He shed you of your pants, and you lifted your hips from the chair, revealing your lace underwear, and when you sat back down, you felt your wetness on the chair. You could feel his breath hitch, and soon enough, he stood up, and led his hips to yours. He walked over the vintage record player on the television stand. His ass stuck out as he put a vinyl on, and turned around just as it started.
Baby, don’t make me spell it out for ya’
All of the feelings that I’ve got for ya’
 His vest and tie came right off, and Luba threw them in a random direction, to be picked up the next morning….or afternoon if you’re lucky. He walked over to you, and sat on your lap. His feet supported his own weight, on both sides of the chair they lay.
                                            Oh. That’s where this is going.
He began grinding against you, his pants doing nothing to smother his hardened length. Every beat was another roll of his hips, forcing a moan from you, as his head turned with every touch you put on him. His hands dug into the wood of the chair, and his voice strained as the pressure kept building up. Your fingers played along his chest, stopping here and there to drop a few kisses, or pinch one of his nipples.
It’s like I’m powerful with a little bit of tender
An emotional sexual bender
He humped your body, his face contorting, just like the beat did. His hips flexed, and the smoothness of his back never felt so good. Everything just felt so beautiful, and real, and intimate between you two. You’d been waiting on him to finally show some of his skills to you, but you never thought you’d be this close. Every grind against sex felt like pure paradise. His eyes were constantly closed, and only opened when a particular angle hit a little harder than intended.
Mess me up, yeah no one does it better
There’s nothin’ better
 He always treated you like you deserved. Even when he came home from a rough night of clients, he always made sure that you were the top priority. If your feet were bothering you from the ballet shoes, he’d rub them, and offer to carry you to bed. If you were cramping, he’d fix you tea, and treat you so well. You knew that it was a bi-product of Naadirah. He loved her so much, and did the things he did, and still does for her. She was somewhat blind in what he did, and he’s hurt. Every now and then he gets really upset about it, he can’t treat clients well enough, when he has a shift at the club, his face is glossed over with happiness. That’s where you stepped in, and told him to let it out. Nobody deserves to be treated that way. He did all that, and for what? Nothing? And I know you’re not supposed to speak ill of the dead, but she was a bit of a bitch now. He always put on this chipper exterior, and you were happy that today was a really good day. So good that-
“Ah, yes! Right there.” he moans, as you realize that as you’ve been thinking, your hand drifted down to stroke him. Lu was very close to cumming, but you decided not to allow it.
  You stopped your actions, and humped him still, not giving him a complete break. He was whimpering against your touch, and felt bad that you were teasing him so. Though, not bad enough to stop. Every little grunt, and breathless pant that fell from those perfect lips made you want to burst, but not quite. He looked deep into your eyes, then put his hand out, sweaty and clammy, covered in marks from the wooden chair. You grabbed his hand, and he led you to the floor, not too far from where the chair was. He got your black panties from your body, dragging them against his face, rubbing them against his chest. The very thought made you drip straight onto the floor. They made their stop at his pants, where he stuffed them into his pants, lightly jacking his cock off with the fabric. The wetness from the fabric, and the scratchiness of it were pure heaven for him, but you, as always, were the top priority. He kissed your lips, pulling away with a loud smack. He nibbled, then bit along your neck, and moaned when his bulge brushed right up against your knee, in the best of ways. He licked the rest of the way down, and, though you weren’t clean shaven in the least, he ate you right up. Little kitten licks were rewarded to your clitoris, the wet sound resonating in the hot air. 
“Look at me real quick.” he asked, your wetness coating his chin.
  You did so, and a hand made its way to Luba’s face, and a middle finger made its way into his mouth, making you moan in earnest, and it found its destination quite quickly. Your wet, warm, and inviting pussy. Your mouth opened from the intrusion, and Luba began praising you quietly, with little “good girl” and every now and then “oh, look at you, so wet for me.” He was doing a good job of making you almost cum, but at the last moment, his finger would switch and you felt his lips form into a smirk against your sex.
“Got an idea.” you mustered out, and he pulled away, his chin dripping juice onto the floor, just as you were.
  He sat on his haunches, waiting for your action. You motioned for him to lie down, and he did as you asked. His eyes glimmered with the light, and you moved your body to go on top of his face. You heard a short “oh, Gott, yes.” , and his hands went to your bottom to try to keep you in place. Hips lowered onto faces, and your mouth formed an o, and your hands were beside his head, and your thighs were putting pressure on his face. He moaned at your antics, and that urged you to almost scream from the sensation. You began to slowly move against him, the cold tip of his nose touching your pubic mound, right before the main action. His tongue began moving in turn with our hips, and suddenly a spot was hit. Your mouth opened in ecstasy, and backs arched.
That’s just the way you make me feel.
That’s just the way you make me feel.
So real, so good, so fuckin’ real
  He fucked you so good, all the time. His tongue was just perfect for your pussy, and he attacked it with such precision.
That’s just the way you make me feel.
That’s just the way you make me feel.
  You rode Luba’s face through your orgasm, and your thighs let up on his head. Underneath all that action, Luba caught your release in his mouth, opening it, just where you can see it. You urged him to swallow, and he did, or so you thought. Your lips met his after your hips shifted on top of his, and some of the remaining liquid made its way into your mouth, and you moaned at the feeling. Luba motioned for you to stand up, and you did, almost slipping on your slick. He giggled a little, then sat himself down on the chair, still wet. You sat on top of his cock very slowly, letting yourself sink down inch by long inch. The veins on his cock pulsed into your walls, and you were almost ahegao-ing from the sensation. You sank down on his dick, and your ass was stuck out from the angle. Luba groaned at you, smiling back at you. Your hands were on his shoulders, and you were just aching to start moving. His hands resting on your back, ready to guide you. Your body sank down on him, and your pussy stretched to accommodate the length. It felt so good, and you let him know. The little gasps that left your body were far and flung between. His mouth was kissing along your collarbone and clavicle, giving them special attention.
   Soon enough, he began thrusting back into you, slowly at first. His feet were angled on the floor, his toes curling when certain angles were hit. You were thriving in his touch, and he in yours. The two of you made love so beautifully that night, nothing was as precious, and as clear cut. You two were so enthralled with each other, every insertion, grab of skin, kiss. Every little exchange between thrusts that could be shared eye contact, or even nose kisses between each other. It was all so strong and sensitive. Nothing beat that feeling of pure togetherness. It was so close, and hot. You could just cream around him from the sheer feeling of his head touching the spot right where your womb began. The pace slowly began to quicken between the two of you, and Luba’s balls slapped between your body, and your breasts bounced up and down from the gravity of the situation. You ground into him, and he grabbed you with his entire form, and moaned against your neck, and out of nowhere, there was a very loud crack.
That's just the way that I feel now, baby
Good God! I can't help it! Agh!
That's just the way that I feel, yeah
Please! I can't help it
“Oh fuck! Right there baby! I-I’m cumming!” he says, ignoring the fact that the two of you were on the ground, fucking the hardest in forever.
   You followed suit, squeezing around his cock, and cumming on his length. You moaned into the open air, and wrapped your arms around his back, slowly grinding to relieve yourself. He kissed down your neck to calm you down and picked the both of you up from the remains of the poor chair. He fixed the both of you a hot bath, and you cleaned him up, trying to cover up the hickies the best you could. You dressed him, as well as yourself. You ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes, and attempted to super-glue the chair back together. You went back to Luba in bed, and he was close to asleep, nodding off. You kissed his shoulder, and his hands, cuddling up against him. He was blushing by the time you were done, but it all worked out in the end. Except for Naadirah of course.
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Could I get “Why? Because I don’t want you to get hurt, that’s why!” and “I won’t lose you too.” for Luba x Reader (because I'm in an angsty mood)? Pretty please?
A continuation of Scrapes, picking up the morning after. A/N: It was really a Luba night for me. Thank you so much for these prompts, because they led to a conversation I didn’t know these two needed so badly to have. I hope you enjoy! Word Count: 1423 Rating: T - Angst, references to major character death, references to violence, non-sexual nudity, spoilers for the movie
Luba groaned, stirred from slumber by the buzzing of someone calling. He looked down at you, snuggled into his arms, face buried in his chest, and tried to ignore the grating sound of the phone. But whoever it was, evidently couldn’t take a hint. Every time he thought it was over, it started vibrating again. 
“What?” he hissed, finally answering the damn thing so they would go away.
“Oh! Luba, I wasn’t expecting you to answer Y/N’s phone,” Alexi said, sounding nervous.
“They’re still sleeping, thank god. The studio had better be burning down, for you to call so early.”
“It’s almost 10, Y/N usually comes in by quarter after. That’s why I’m calling.”
“I am too tired for this. What’s going on?”
“I assume you know about their stunt last night…”
“Yes,” he was getting very annoyed.
“Well when I got here to unlock this morning, the guy was hanging around. Skulking might be a better word actually. Across the street like I wouldn’t notice him.”
“What guy?”
“The guy. The one they got in the fight with.”
Luba inhaled sharply. There was only one reason that guy would be hanging around your studio still, or again. He had decided your business was unfinished. 
The world was spinning and he struggled to draw air into his lungs.
“I’m kinda freaked out, and I called some people I know to...take care of it, but it’s probably not a good idea for Y/N to come in today. I’ll call any clients on the calendar, just…”
“I’ll keep them safe,” he promised.
“They really lucked out finding you, Luba,” Alexi said by way of goodbye. 
The line clicked, and it was silent again, except for the sound of your soft snores. He traced the upturned line of your face, fingers skipping whisper-like over the sterile strips at your brow and temple. 
“I won’t lose you too,” he whispered, firmer than he felt, as he wrapped his arm around you and drew you as close as he could. He didn’t bother to try and sleep again, knowing if he did, he’d just be plagued by nightmares and disturb you, and too afraid at the moment to let you out of his sight.
Upon waking, you immediately sensed that something was wrong. Bleary-eyed you groped around in the bed for Luba, only to find it empty. You shot up in a panic, not bothering to so much as wrap a blanket around your bare shoulders as you stumbled to your feet. Luba never got up before you. 
You found him in the kitchen, calmly making tea, an array of pastries from the bakery around the corner on a plate next to him. Without thinking, you threw your arms around his neck, nearly spilling scalding water on yourself.
“Well good morning to you too,” he chuckled, pulling away to look up and down your naked form.
“Don’t scare me like that,” you said, planting your hands on your hips.
“I’m sorry, love,” he pouted prettily up at you. “I woke up early, so I thought I’d make breakfast in bed. I didn’t think you’d worry, not having me there beside you.”
You could tell by the lilt in his voice that he wasn’t exactly taking the issue seriously. 
“I just...I thought...well I don’t know what I thought, but…” you sighed in frustration, unable to put into words the feelings that had hit you in that moment. 
Realizing how genuine your worries were, he sobered, rubbing his hands up and down your arms soothingly.
“I’m sorry, love. I didn’t mean to spook you. Go back to bed, and I’ll be in in a moment, after I make new tea.”
As nice as a lazy morning of breakfast in bed, which would probably lead to other things in bed, with Luba sounded, you shook your head. 
“I can’t,” you said regretfully. “I have to get to the studio soon.”
“No you don’t,” he reassured you, beaming. “I already cleared it with Alexi for you to play hookie.”
“You what?” you didn’t want to believe what you were hearing, that he had gone behind your back like that.
“I just thought...with your face kinda messed up, and it looks terrible this morning darling, not to mention your other bruises...and it’s been so long since we had a day together, so I asked Alexi if you really needed to go in. They said no. So, we have the day for breakfast in bed, and cuddling, and maybe a good, long session? I’ll have to be gentle with you, but I think I’m up for the challenge.”
“You had no right to do that!” 
“What is the big deal?”
“The studio isn’t just a job like the club is for you. It’s my career. If my clients think I’m a flake, they’ll find someone else. And if I lose that…” there’d be nothing left for you, you knew that but you didn’t want to say it. Your heart, your soul, your life savings. Everything had gone into setting this up.
“It’s one day, Y/N. Don’t get so wound up.”
“I don’t care if it’s an hour, Luba! I am the only one who gets to make the choice of me skipping my obligations. Not you. And I know you know that so I don’t understand why you would do this.”
He opened his mouth to speak and you held up a hand to stop him.
“The real reason this time. I know you well enough to know when you’re lying to me.”
“I’m sorry, alright?” he snapped, turning away from you and hunching defensively.
“No, not alright. I don’t want an apology, I want to know why.”
“Why? Because I don’t want you to get hurt, that’s why!” his eyes blazed with rage and tears as he yelled at you.
“What?” you frowned. He had never spoken to you like this before. You weren’t sure if he had spoken that way to anyone actually. You felt like your heart was threatening to tear itself in pieces at the look on his face.
“You slept in, which you never do unless you’re sick, so I know your injuries are worse than you’re pretending. And then Alexi called and said the guy that fucked you up was hanging around the studio when they got there. And it scared me shitless, so I decided I had to keep you here, away from him.”
“Are...are you sure?” your voice had involuntarily dropped to a whisper. The information he gave scared you, even if you didn’t want to admit it.
“That’s what they said. And before you start losing it about them being alone, they said they’d call someone. And even if they don’t, I don’t care,” he shook his head. “No. If you ask me to pick between them and you, my pick is always going to be you. I didn’t make sure Naadirah came home, or stayed with me where I knew where she was. And now she’s buried by a lake and I’ll never get to tell her I’m sorry, and I can’t do that again.”
“Luba…” you reached for him on instinct, as his perfect mascara ran in rivulets down his face.
“It’s no wonder she chose the Dummy over a useless shit like me. I couldn’t protect her. I couldn’t do anything. I didn’t do anything.”
“Luba, that’s not true. You did so much for Naadi, and she knew, and she would never want you to blame yourself.”
He laughed bitterly, sniffling. “I think she would. But that’s not the point. It’s too late for me to fix that. But it’s not too late for you. I don’t think I’m the kind of bastard that gets lucky and gets three loves of their life, and I don’t want a third anyway. I just want to not fail both of the ones I did get.”
“Oh Luba…” you wrapped him tightly in a hug, tears now running down your cheeks as well. “I had no idea…”
“Please don’t leave me, Y/N,” he mumbled into your neck as he clung to you. 
“Never,” you promised, just as anchored to him.
The kettle whistled, and Luba stretched to switch it off without fully letting you go.
“We can have tea, and breakfast, later,” you murmured, smiling softly and already lacing your fingers through his. “Let’s just go back to bed for a bit. It’s much easier to hold you when you’re not twice my height.”
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Break My Heart Right: Borrowed (Luba x Reader)
Halloween Request by @misskittysmagicportal (which underwent some changes and therefore doesn’t get to be conveniently formatted as an answer and I had to make a real title. Boo). Prompts were “Stop trying to bite me” and Possession.
Word Count: 1887 Rating: T - angst, ghosts, discussion of death and afterlife, spoilers for Mute 
The undercity of Berlin was never more alive than in the Halloween season, con artists and genuine believers alike offering everything from old-fashioned seances and ghost-hunting expeditions to simulated murder sprees where you could play the part of the Slasher or the Final Girl. You had lost track over the years of the number of times someone had wanted to one up their competition in some club or another’s party and asked you to help them forgo a costume to simply become a werewolf or a pumpkin-headed demon, or the number of ways you’d explained that it was a terrible idea and the work you did was, largely, permanent. By your reckoning it was probably almost as often as Luba, or Naadirah in the old days, was invited to participate in a ghostly orgy/summoning ritual or play the part of the Cold Open Victim in the live-movies. (The cruel irony of how much Naadirah loved those roles, figuring that three and a half minutes of fame a few times a season was worth far more than fifteen minutes all at once, did not escape you, though you tried to push the thought away.) 
You pulled your jacket closer around you as you wandered the streets, heading in the general direction of the club to meet up with Luba after his shift. This area was practically a new place for the month of October, transforming into a bazaar of narrow streets and temporary buildings or tents all offering the “best” of seasonal scares. You seemed to be the only one daring to appear without an elaborate costume, and it made you feel strangely naked, and not in the way Luba had teased you might enjoy. 
“Come inside child,” a voice called to you from one of the tents claiming to offer communion with the dead. “It’s not often the Spirit is the one that wishes to speak to the Living.” 
The woman emerged to the door, eyes seeming to lock onto you as she beckoned, making sure you could not mistake that her meaning was you. Something about it sent a shiver down your spine, even as you stepped closer to the star-painted canvas.
“Don’t dawdle now, the Dead don’t like to be kept waiting.”
She seemed insistent, and it wasn’t like Luba had never been late to meet you before, he probably wouldn’t mind...
The tent was small, but oddly homey, a plush rug on the floor, piled high with pillows for seating. She didn’t seem interested in wasting time with gimmicks like crystal balls or tarot cards, and was sensible enough not to have lit incense or candles around all the fabric. 
“So, what’s happens now? I pay you and then you give me some generic, comforting message from a dearly departed loved one?” you asked, settling yourself cross-legged on one of the cushions. 
“Normally, yes.” You blinked, taken aback by her honesty. “But I don’t play around when the Dead come to me.”
“O...kay…” you thought about getting up and leaving, feeling uneasy about the whole thing, but something kept you rooted in your seat. The woman held up a hand to stop you from continuing. 
“There is a woman here. She says that she needs something from you. A favor.”
“What woman? And what kind of favor?”
Luba tapped his foot impatiently. Tardiness was usually more of his trait than Y/N’s and it made him nervous. He tried to tell himself that he was being paranoid, that she had probably just stopped at some amusement or another and lost track of time. But still he couldn’t help the nervous clench of his stomach, which continued until she finally strutted into sight. 
“Y/N! Thank god!” he cried, wrapping his arms around her waist, hugging tightly. “I was worried.”
“Luba,” she practically sang his name, looping her arms around his neck in return. “You worry too much. What would happen to me here?”
He raised one slim, carefully styled eyebrow at her in response and she laughed. 
“I’m fine, and the night is so young. Let’s not waste it around here.” 
He smiled, forced to acknowledge her point as she stepped away and turned dramatically, arms outstretched in a twirl.
“I was thinking that we should try one of those 'evil psycho terrorizes a town of innocent people' sims, to  be the heroes for once. It might be cathartic. Or are you hungry. Some of the vendors smell amazing this year. But if we're going to do both, we should eat after just in case it gets gory, or we have to run, so we don't vomit.”
Y/N continued to carry on, surprising Luba. He had barely been able to get a word in edgewise. Still he shrugged, slinging a casual arm over her shoulder and walking them in tandem away from the club and back toward the bustle.
“Stop trying to bite me, Luba,” Y/N laughed, playfully pushing his head away as he tried to kiss her. “You’re not even dressed like a vampire.”
He pouted, not really meaning it of course, as she rebuffed his advances for the fourth time that night. 
“I wasn’t biting,” he purred anyway. “I only do that when you ask really nicely.”
“Then what do you call that?”
“Kissing you?” He frowned, eyebrows knitted.
“Not with that many teeth, it's not,” she laughed.
“So mean,” he sang, joining in. 
Even as he rolled with the joke though, something in the back of his mind tickled, the situation seeming odd, again, but he couldn't put his finger on why.
“Y/N what is going on?” Luba finally snapped. He took her by the arm, dragging her off to a quieter space, where they could talk. 
“What do you mean Luba?” she asked, tilting her head and smiling, the light not quite reaching her eyes.
“You’re acting like you’re a totally different person. All night tonight.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is everything alright?”
“No. Everything’s not alright. I don’t know who you are, or why you stole Y/N’s body. But I want you to give her back. Now.”
“You’re being insane Luba. Maybe we should go home.”
“We’re not going anywhere until you fuck off and give me my girlfriend back.”
She laughed, a low, musical sound that tickled the edges of familiarity, but wasn’t her. It was like an impression or an old memory. He frowned. 
“You never fought this hard for me, Luba,” she said bitterly. “Or for Y/N before.”
“What are you talking about? Who are you?”
“Oh come on, you know who it is. You just don’t want to say it.”
His throat felt dry. He paused to light a cigarette and bring it to his lips with trembling fingers in order to buy an extra moment. 
“Naadirah?” he asked softly, even though she was right and he already knew. He needed confirmation.
“Hi Luba,” she said, almost sheepishly tone shifting to one that sounded more like her in life, but very wrong from those lips.
“What are you doing?”
“Borrowing Y/N for a little while. I’ve been trapped since Cactus killed me. And then tonight, it’s just like the old stories, Luba, things are thinner and I could get through.”
“Couldn't you get through the other way? Stop being trapped and move on?” 
“I could but...I miss being alive. It wasn't fair. I had to take the chance.”
“And what about Y/N? It's not fair to her either!”
Naadirah rolled her eyes.
‘Not her eyes,’ he thought again.
“It's one night. She won't even remember.”
“No. Give her back.” He frowned. “I miss you, Naadirah, but this isn’t right.”
Suddenly her face twisted into a scowl. "I'll give it back by sunrise. Not a minute sooner.”
He wasn't expecting her to push past, knocking him off balance, and then she was gone, running through the narrow streets. He cursed Y/N for always wearing such practical shoes as he tried to follow, his own heeled boots and tight pants making chase nearly impossible.
It took a while but eventually he found Naadirah, relaxing and eating some sort of pastry that was pitch black and filled with red goop, like blood. 
“Hello Luba,” she said with a smile, as if nothing had happened. “I got you one too.” She held out a paper dish with another pastry inside. 
“What the hell Naadirah?” he snapped, one hand planted on a hip. 
She raised her eyebrows, tipping her head as if to say she didn’t know what he was talking about. 
“Stop this. Please.” 
“How do you know I don’t have permission?”
Luba paused, unsure for the first time. Y/N was frustratingly selfless sometimes, and she and Naadirah had been friends. But not very close friends, and he was fairly sure it would take a special bond to be willing to let someone else where you like a suit. It didn’t make sense, nothing about the night did, but it also wasn’t so absurd to dismiss off-hand.
“Do you?” he asked eventually, eyebrow raised challengingly.
“Do I what?” she smirked.
“Have permission?”
She shrugged. “There wasn’t time for it.”
“I’m sorry Luba. I just wanted to be alive again.” 
She looked like she was about to cry and it felt like a hand clenched around his heart, for either of them to be upset.
“I know. I want you to be. You don't think I don't? But you can't just do that, to your friend. Where is she right now? While you're in her body?”
“I don't really know…I think it's a one spirit per body thing, so she might be in Limbo for me?”
“Naadirah!” He felt horrified, at the response and her nonchalance to it. 
“I should just go, shouldn't I?”
“I...don't know. Naadirah…I…”
Suddenly she took his hand, starting off at a rapid pace. 
“Where are we going?” He asked, struggling to keep up.
“Back to the medium. She'll help us talk to Y/N and figure this out!”
You woke up, feeling groggy and confused, almost hungover. 
“What...the fuck...happened?” You groaned, rubbing your temples. 
“Y/N?” Luba had never sounded so hesitant as he swam into your vision. 
You frowned, puzzled. When had he gotten there? You were still sitting, or you supposed laying, on the plush floor of the tent, and he was waiting for you. There were so many tents, he shouldn't have found you. And why did he look so concerned. 
“Luba?” Your throat felt scratchy and dry. Something odd had definitely gone on. “What's wrong?”
“She said you wouldn't remember...I guess she was right.”
“What are you talking about Luba?”
He laughed, tears of relief in his eyes as he pulled you into a crushing hug. 
“It's a long story.”
“O...kay…” you hugged him back, feeling him trembling, your heart twisting. “Well whatever it is, I'm fine.”
He nodded, cheek pressed to your hair. 
“So should we go check out the festivities…?”
“No. I've had enough Halloween. Let's just go home. We can watch those old vampire movies you like?”
“The last time we did that, you tried to bite my neck for a week.” You laughed.
“I promise I won't this time.”
“I didn't say it was a bad thing.”
Taglist: @firstpersonnarrator 
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Break My Heart Right: Give Me Time (Luba x Reader)
A/N: I’m calling these oneshots, but also making it a series. Because Luba deserves it. Word Count: 1538 Content Warnings: references to alcohol, slight spoilers for Mute Cross-posted to AO3
“You know, Y/N,” Luba mused, resting his chin on his hands as he watched you strip off your coat and shoes, frustrated from another failed date. “I could help you work out some of that tension. Might make finding someone easier, or make you reconsider if you need to.”
You sighed in annoyance, not really looking to rehash this old argument. “Thanks but no thanks, Luba.”
“You’ve rejected me so often over the years but go out with boring men who would never be able to do the things I could to you, for you. I’m starting to think I should be offended.”
“I...can’t sleep with you, Luba,” you found yourself admitting, the feelings you had been covering up for so long bubbling to the surface as the thin walls you had managed to put up caved instantly under his gaze. “You’re my best friend…”
“Exactly. What’s a little sex between friends?”
“It wouldn’t just be sex to me, it would...mean something, and it wouldn’t to you. And that’s my issue to deal with, but it’s not fair or right to put that expectation on you.”
“What are you talking about?” He frowned, perfect lips twisting as if he’d just bit into something unpleasant.
“The truth is I love you. And right now, for as long as things stay the way they are, that’s platonic and friendly and doesn’t fuck anything up. But the minute we blur that line...I just can’t, okay?”
He was silent and you found yourself unable to look at him, even as his brilliant emerald eyes bored into you. You shook your head, making your way to your room, determined to just fall onto your mattress and let sleep erase the whole disaster of a day.
You paused in the doorway to cast a quick glance back at him where he hadn’t moved, almost as if frozen in place.
“Just...leave it, yeah?” you asked softly before closing the door behind you.
Luba sat there, unblinking. How could he forget those words, hanging sharp and sour in your wake?
Reluctantly, you rolled out of bed around two, the hungry growl of your stomach drowning out the siren's call of sleep. Padding out to the kitchen, your eyes danced past the place where Luba usually sat, where you had left him after your confession the night before, as if your mind didn't want to see it. Your coat had been hung neatly on one of the hooks, your shoes placed on the rack. You felt a pang of guilt that in your exhaustion and inner turmoil you had left the mess for him to clean up. You always seemed to be doing that in some way or another.
Your phone pinged, a message from your latest failed date. You rolled your eyes, ignoring him for now. You should have known better than to agree in the first place. Any man with a name as boring as Andrew and a willingness to wear a suit was either dull as mud, or into shit freakier than you wanted to delve; this time he, almost interestingly, managed to be both. If you were being fair, the date had gone fine even if there was no real spark. Until you were leaving the bar and he started spouting insinuations about what kinds of things you must be into, given what you did for a living. Maybe it was just because you'd each had a couple of drinks, and he'd had a couple more. But no one had ever managed to make the words “test subject” or “stitches” or on the flip side “executive stock dividends” sexy, and you really wished he hadn't tried. 
You sighed, rubbing your temples and questioning why, given all that, you were considering giving him a second chance, as you set two-day old leftovers to reheat. Maybe it was because he was dumb but he was harmless, safe, simple. Maybe it was because you would try just about anything to escape your feelings for your best friend and roommate, knowing you couldn't compete with a ghost and just hoping you hadn't already ruined everything.
Poking at your vaguely grey noodles, you decided to open Andrew's message, only to wince when audio played. 
“Y/N,” he slurred, obviously still drunk, or drunk again (or acting, you suspected, so that he had a defense if you responded negatively). “A name for a goddess. You are a goddess. My goddess. All I want in life is to worship at your feet and the air you breathe. I’m so sorry. I ruined everything last night, I don’t deserve you, but if you will only give me the time, I can fix it. I will do anything. I--”
“I can’t do this,” you muttered, pressing a series of keys to delete the message and block him before he could finish whatever rambling speech he had planned. You also sent a quick note to the other artist who shared your studio, making sure to warn her that if he showed up, he should be sent away post-haste. 
“Your first mistake was picking a foreigner,” a lilting voice teased from the corridor, making you jump. 
“Oh because your record leaves you any room to judge,” you sniped back, grinning at Luba as he glided into the room, dropping dramatically into the vanity chair in the corner.
“I don’t date them. And none of them have ever called me a goddess or gotten that desperate after one encounter,” he simpered, faux-jealousy ruined by the giggles he struggled to hold in.
“Bullshit. What about that lanky ginger kid?”
“Gregor. He was sweet.”
“Until he broke in and hid under your bed. For three days.”
Luba gazed off into the distance wistfully, sighing. “I still say you should have bagged the officer that came to arrest the poor fellow.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, because ‘Protect and Serve’ is really my type.”
“Closer than this one sounded. What did he do again?”
“Corporate accounting,” you admitted reluctantly. 
Luba turned to you with a long-suffering, ‘are you kidding me?’ look. 
“What are you doing to yourself, Y/N? You escaped those cold sterile halls, don’t put yourself back there for…” he waved his hands in the air in a vague gesture, as if indicating the not-there but thoroughly disappointing guy you had gone out with. 
You sighed. “If you know so much about it, what am I looking for then?”
“What?” he seemed taken aback by your question but you continued to push.
“You’ve clearly thought about my love life and have an opinion, so share it. What am I doing wrong? What’s going to make me happy?” you planted your hands on your hips, doing your best to be annoyed with him. 
He smiled wryly at you, tilting his head to one side as he rose from his seat and came to stand before you, arms draped over your shoulders. Your hands instinctively fell to his waist, holding each other in not quite a hug, as you did strangely often when having serious conversations, like when you told him you were leaving the prestigious research firm you worked at in order to start fresh doing something that didn’t make you feel like you needed a hot shower to get the scum of shame off you every night, or when he told you he was falling in love with Naadirah. 
“You need someone who understands you,” he said earnestly, “understands your lifestyle. Someone who is going to see you for who you are, not some idol on a pedestal, or something to be changed.”
“Someone like...you?” you asked, the words falling from your lips almost like a plea before you thought about what you were doing. 
“Y/N…” he murmured, voice strained.
You closed your eyes, squeezing them shut and pressing your lips together, holding your breath as you waited for the sting of rejection. Instead, long fingers pressed against your back, drawing you closer, actually into a hug. He pressed his lips to your crown quickly before hesitantly tucking your head under his chin, holding you against him.
“I...don’t know,” he admitted softly. You felt the way he swallowed nervously and the minutest tremble of his body. 
“I didn’t mean to push, Luba. I know that Naadirah...well that you...anyway, I just...I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…” you weren’t sure anymore what you were trying to say, what you were trying to apologize for, whether it was just pushing the subject or admitting your feelings, or having them at all. 
He shook his head, the gesture tickling you. “No. Don’t, Y/N.”
You hummed in question, not sure what he was trying to say either.
“I think…” he was silent for a long moment before sighing heavily through his nose. “This isn’t the end of this discussion, I promise. But I need...just give me some time.”
You pulled away reluctantly, tilting your chin so that you could look him in the eye. “Of course. Anything you need.” You felt your heart breaking as you smiled. “If you want, it can be the end of the discussion though. We can pretend this never happened. I promise.”
“I don’t.”
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