#pastor's son!gale
middlingmay · 2 days
Me: Painstakingly researches 1940s car makes and models, colour schemes, mechanics, racing culture, nomenclature, socioeconomics of driving and car ownership, mechanic shop aesthetics, and labor laws.
Also me: Forgets that American steering wheels are on the left.
Guess what I'm rewriting tonight 🙄
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kyndaris · 1 year
Holy Sanctimony!
The sea is a wild thing. It can be calm one moment and violent the next. While the Aegean seemed an almost docile creature in Kusadasi, by the time we arrived at Canakkale, it was whipping at us with gale-force winds with white-tipped waves crashing against the shore. It was as if we had angered the God of the Sea, Poseidon, himself.
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Our adventures in Turkiye, on the seventh of March, ranged from a quiet respectful introspection to the loud and boisterous. The first stop for the day was the House of the Virgin Mary, where it was believed she retreated to after the death of her son, Jesus. Though there sin’t any conclusive proof that the hideaway in the Turkish mountains is anything beyond a humble dwelling, it is still treated with much reverence by the staff there. Pastors, too, are even allowed to preach just beside it as well.
From there, we headed to the ancient of Ephesus. Initially built during the Hellenistic period, the site had also been adapted by the Romans when they took control of the region. Of particular note, again, were the baths, the tabernae that lined the main street, the gymnasium, the bouleuterion (which housed the meetings of the council and also doubled as a place for musical performances) as well as a temple dedicated to Domitian, the last emperor of the Flavian dynasty that followed after Nero’s disastrous reign. 
Reading through the information boards, mostly after the fact (because I took pictures of them), I was tickled pink to learn that after the city was bequeathed to the Romans in 131BC, Marc Antony and Cleopatra spent a winter in the city to prepare for their campaign against Rome’s very first Emperor, Octavian (better known as Augustus). And as we students of history all know, the Battle of Actium didn’t quite go in the favour of our beloved star-crossed lovers. 
During this period of Greek and Roman rule, Ephesus served as a major port on the Aegean Sea. Although the sea has apparently receded in more recent millennia, it was still fun to watch our tour guide re-enact how an old-timey merchant might have spent his time onshore after pulling into the harbour. I certainly ought to keep such city-building and planning in mind when creating my fantasy cities.
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Ephesus also played host to possible pleasure houses opposite the impressive remains of the Library of Celsus. According to the information board, which I did not take a photo of (silly me), the ‘pleasure houses’ were terraced houses that contained certain objects that made archaeologists suspect that it was being used for more than just a roof over a resident’s head. 
Since, of course, no time machine exists, we simply must make our best educated guess about the civilisations of the past. But for all we know, the ruins that we saw at Ephesus might just have been innocent terrace houses and we ought to stop suspecting the people of the past of committing such salacious deeds. Prostitution might be the oldest profession but well, it’s still up in the air whether this was the case at Ephesus.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that near the surrounds of Ephesus, there was a Temple dedicated to Artemis that was considered one of the Ancient Wonders of the World. As we drove to Ephesus, proper, there were columns along the side of the road that would have indicated the temple’s approximate location. Unfortunately, as explained in a previous post, a lot of the original material that was moved to Constantinople and used in the construction of the Hagia Sophia.
Talk about recycling!
Even with the advent of Christianity in the region, the city of Ephesus stood strong though there were a few changes, including the construction of churches and dedications to Jesus and his mother, Mary.
And while we did see a significant portion of the old city, around 80% of the city is still buried underground. Some can be seen poking through the surface but other remains are buried 8 metres under!
From Ephesus, we headed to a questionable cafeteria that employed a lot of oil in their food before we arrived in the small village of Sirence. Now, the significance of this little town was that it used to harbour a lot of Greeks in the area. As such, it was known for its wine and olive oil. As I walked down the streets, I cooed at crocheted dolls and was very tempted to purchase a number of cute adorable animal creations. In the end, however, I settled for getting a new leather wallet to replace my old Mickey Mouse one that I bought in America back in 2004.
From Sirence, we drove to Canakkale and checked into the Halic Park Hotel. Tomorrow is Troy and my body is ready to regale you all with the cliff notes version of the Iliad. And, of course, tell you about the most infamous horse of all time!
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28th January >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest, Doctor 
Saturday, Third Week in Ordinary Time.
Saturday, Third Week in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the feria (Saturday))
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Saturday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading Hebrews 11:1-2,8-19 Abraham looked forward to a city founded, designed and built by God.
Only faith can guarantee the blessings that we hope for, or prove the existence of the realities that at present remain unseen. It was for faith that our ancestors were commended.
It was by faith that Abraham obeyed the call to set out for a country that was the inheritance given to him and his descendants, and that he set out without knowing where he was going. By faith he arrived, as a foreigner, in the Promised Land, and lived there as if in a strange country, with Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. They lived there in tents while he looked forward to a city founded, designed and built by God.
It was equally by faith that Sarah, in spite of being past the age, was made able to conceive, because she believed that he who had made the promise would be faithful to it. Because of this, there came from one man, and one who was already as good as dead himself, more descendants than could be counted, as many as the stars of heaven or the grains of sand on the seashore.
All these died in faith, before receiving any of the things that had been promised, but they saw them in the far distance and welcomed them, recognising that they were only strangers and nomads on earth. People who use such terms about themselves make it quite plain that they are in search of their real homeland. They can hardly have meant the country they came from, since they had the opportunity to go back to it; but in fact they were longing for a better homeland, their heavenly homeland. That is why God is not ashamed to be called their God, since he has founded the city for them. It was by faith that Abraham, when put to the test, offered up Isaac. He offered to sacrifice his only son even though the promises had been made to him and he had been told: It is through Isaac that your name will be carried on. He was confident that God had the power even to raise the dead; and so, figuratively speaking, he was given back Isaac from the dead.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Luke 1:69-75
R/ Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel! He has visited his people and redeemed them.
He has raised up for us a mighty saviour in the house of David his servant, as he promised by the lips of holy men, those who were his prophets from of old.
R/ Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel! He has visited his people and redeemed them.
A saviour who would free us from our foes, from the hands of all who hate us. So his love for our fathers is fulfilled and his holy covenant remembered.
R/ Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel! He has visited his people and redeemed them.
He swore to Abraham our father to grant us that free from fear, and saved from the hands of our foes, we might serve him in holiness and justice all the days of our life in his presence.
R/ Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel! He has visited his people and redeemed them.
Gospel Acclamation cf. Psalm 26:11
Alleluia, alleluia! Instruct me, Lord, in your way; on an even path lead me. Alleluia!
Or: John 3:16
Alleluia, alleluia! God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son: everyone who believes in him has eternal life. Alleluia!
Gospel Mark 4:35-41 'Even the wind and the sea obey him'.
With the coming of evening, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Let us cross over to the other side.’ And leaving the crowd behind they took him, just as he was, in the boat; and there were other boats with him. Then it began to blow a gale and the waves were breaking into the boat so that it was almost swamped. But he was in the stern, his head on the cushion, asleep. They woke him and said to him, ‘Master, do you not care? We are going down!’ And he woke up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, ‘Quiet now! Be calm!’ And the wind dropped, and all was calm again. Then he said to them, ‘Why are you so frightened? How is it that you have no faith?’ They were filled with awe and said to one another, ‘Who can this be? Even the wind and the sea obey him.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest, Doctor 
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Saturday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading Wisdom 7:7-10,15-16 I esteemed Wisdom more than sceptres or thrones.
I prayed, and understanding was given me; I entreated, and the spirit of Wisdom came to me. I esteemed her more than sceptres and thrones; compared with her, I held riches as nothing. I reckoned no priceless stone to be her peer, for compared with her, all gold is a pinch of sand, and beside her silver ranks as mud. I loved her more than health or beauty, preferred her to the light, since her radiance never sleeps.
May God grant me to speak as he would wish and express thoughts worthy of his gifts, since he himself is the guide of Wisdom, since he directs the sages. We are indeed in his hand, we ourselves and our words, with all our understanding, too, and technical knowledge.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 118(119):9-14
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
How shall the young remain sinless? By obeying your word. I have sought you with all my heart; let me not stray from your commands.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
I treasure your promise in my heart lest I sin against you. Blessed are you, O Lord; teach me your statutes.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
With my tongue I have recounted the decrees of your lips. I rejoiced to do your will as though all riches were mine.
R/ Lord, teach me your statutes.
Gospel Acclamation Matthew 23:9,10
Alleluia, alleluia! You have only one Father, and he is in heaven; you have only one Teacher, the Christ. Alleluia!
Gospel Matthew 23:8-12 The greatest among you must be your servant.
Jesus said to his disciples, ‘You must not allow yourselves to be called Rabbi, since you have only one master, and you are all brothers. You must call no one on earth your father, since you have only one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor must you allow yourselves to be called teachers, for you have only one Teacher, the Christ. The greatest among you must be your servant. Anyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and anyone who humbles himself will exalted.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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skycrorg · 2 years
Erupción volcánica explosiva produjo mineral raro en Marte
Todas y cada una de estas fotografías son genuinas, pero los conspiranóicos y pastores youtubers afirman que todo es una gran mentira
Los científicos planetarios de la Universidad de Rice, el Centro Espacial Johnson de la NASA y el Instituto de Tecnología de California tienen una respuesta a un misterio que ha desconcertado a la comunidad de investigación de Marte desde que el rover Curiosity de la NASA descubrió un mineral llamado tridimita en el cráter Gale en 2016. La tridimita es una forma de cuarzo de alta temperatura y…
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daisychains111 · 5 years
Happy Birthday Annie Cresta
Annie Cresta was born on July 28th, 56 A.D.D.
This day is more officially known as The Anniversary of  Rebel Defeat but is more commonly known as Reaping Day. 
 July 28th, 59 A.D.D- Age 3
Adrina goes up on the stage, mommy’s crying. Annie doesn’t understand why everyone is so upset, especially on her birthday. But she never sees her big sister again, except in a strange wooden box about a month later.
July 28th, 62 A.D.D- Age 6
Ridley Zale is Annie’s favorite babysitter, she lets her eat taffy before dinner and lets Annie do her make-up. It makes Annie sad that Ridley has to go up on that stage, she doesn’t understand why people who go up there never come home, and she can’t help but feel scared of her birthday.
July 28th 65 A.D.D- Age 9
Aegir sings her happy birthday as he brushes her hair. Mommy died and can’t do it anymore but when her brother does it he pulls too hard. The Reaping takes place as normal but this time Annie knows why the people up on stage never come back.
July 28th 66 A.D.D- age 10
Annie cries as Aegir gets himself ready. 
He tells her thats stupid. If he gets reaped she’ll have no one left to love her. Aegir doesn’t say anything to that, but he hopes harder that it’s not his name called.
#  #  #
Annie’s world shatters into a million pieces as Aegir’s name echoes around the square, but someone shouts and Aegir never steps foot on that scary stage. Instead a boy named Finnick, with sandy hair and green eyes, climbs the stairs, head held high, and this Finnick does come home, the youngest Victor in Hunger Games history according to the news reports. 
July 28th 68 A.D.D- Age 12
Annie wakes up screaming at 5 o’clock in the morning. Images of cruel, slow deaths, threatening to rip her apart, her twelfth birthday bringing her first reaping. She picks up a badly wrapped gift from Aegir thats sits on the table as she slips out the door to her favorite hiding spot. She found this spot when she was 7, and comes here when she’s nervous. It usually helps her clear her mind. She wades into the water and welcomes the tightness in her chest as she goes under. Someone rips her out from the water. Finnick Odair thought she was drowning for how long she had been under. 
#  #  #
Annie hardly notices her reaping after that. She couldn’t help but stare into the eyes of the 16-year-old victor who sits on stage. And by mid-October Finnick and Annie are best friends
July 28th 71 A.D.D- Age 15 
Finnick gives her a shell bracelet and a kiss on the cheek for her 15th birthday. Aegir rolled his eyes and tells her that Finnick is too old for her.
She feels really pretty, in her white dress and sandals, with her brown hair flying freely around her shoulders. Her best friend Sayla bought her little sea glass clips that stand out like stars in the decorative braids that wrap around her head. Ms. Luna made her a cupcake. Annie is happy, the reaping is the last thing on her mind. She locks eyes with Finnick from on stage, he smiles wildly at her before the escort begins the Reaping, he’s gonna be a mentor this year. 
#  #  #
Annie barely registers her name being called. A boy named Jonah joins her. She has never been on this stage before, she wishes she could have kept it that way. 
#  #  #
She is dressed like a mermaid for the parade, she gets a 7 in training, her interview dress is pale blue. Her mentor, Mags, is an old woman. Finnick is never around, but when he is, he looks tired. The games start, Annie’s first kill is the girl from 7, her name was Nova, she was 13. Annie cried herself to sleep that night. The tributes from 1 and 2 don’t like her, but they like Jonah, and Annie and Jonoh are a package deal. Ten days in, Annie and Jonah break off from the others in the middle of the night. On day thirteen, Jonah’s head rolls at her feet. Annie screams and screams, part of her is never the same after that. The ground shakes and Annie welcomes the tightness in her chest as she goes under water. She was under so long people thought she was dead, but it was trumpets, not a cannon that follow Annie Cresta, the victor of the 70th Hunger Games.
#  #  #
Annie screams on stage when her games show up on the screen. This is not what The Capital wanted, Annie never sees Aegir ever again. The grey hair of her mentor and the green eyes of her friend try to comfort her. Annie throws her head back and laughs.
#  #  #
Annie stands up on the stage, Finnick is holding her hand. Her district claps. But there is no one in the world that loves her. Annie Cresta may have won, but once you go on that stage you never truly come home.
July 28th 73 A.D.D- Age 17
Mags is still in the hospital, Finnick is on his way to the capital. It’s funny how much time he spends there. He told Annie that he loved her, she laughed. He left her though, for that awful place, it’s funny how much he goes there.
July 28th 75 A.D.D- Age 19
Finnick wakes her up with a kiss on her nose. He stayed just for her. They go to the reaping and he holds her hand the whole way home. They pack a lunch and go to the cove. Mags watches as the two play in the water like small children. Annie has never felt so happy in her whole life. She loves Finnick and Finnick loves her, and not even the president can take that from her. This is the best birthday of her entire life.
#  #  #
The Quell is announced on January 2nd. Finnick locks himself in his room, Mags bakes 4 dozen cookies, Annie covers her ears and laughs like she’s never laughed before. 
July 28th 76 A.D.D- Age 20
There are so few of them that they stand the Victors on the stage looking down at the rest of the district. Annie hears her name called, Mags volunteers before Annie has the chance to scream or cry or laugh. Finnick name is called and this time she drops to her knees and covers her ears. In one month, at least half of everyone who loves her will be dead and that isn’t even funny to Annie. 
#  #  #
The poem moves everyone to tears. Finnick loves her. And she loves Finnick, but as he proclaims this the entire nation her tears are anything but warm. 
 #  #  #
The cannon echoes around her skull. Her old mentor falling to the ground in repeat in her mind. It had been Mags who held her when the world was the darkest. It had been Mags who taught her to make cookies. It had been Mags who battled Annie’s demons when Aegir seemed to vanish into thin air. It was Mags who combed Annie’s hair when Annie didn’t bother. It was Mags who let Annie move into a spare room in her house. It was Mags that she went to when Finnick was driving her up a wall. It was Mags who had seen her at her highest highs and lowest lows. It was Mags who insisted on doing everything on her own, even after she had her stroke. It was Mags who was the strongest, most powerful, loving person Annie had ever met. It was Mags who was dead. Not the blonde boy from 12, but Mags. Annie couldn’t even scream, she didn’t even laugh. She was just numb.
#  #  #
Annie pleads with the television. Finnick I’m safe. Finnick I’m fine. But he doesn’t hear her, he just runs through the jungle, looking for something he’ll never find, in a fashion that would make Crazy Annie Cresta look sane.
 #  #  #
The arena explodes and Annie laughs. Take that Snow. 
#  #  #
The peacekeepers knock on her door. She wakes up in the Capital. Annie has never screamed so loud in her whole life.
#  #  #
A boy with brown hair takes her and leads her to a hovercraft. When they land she hears him before she sees him. Finnick. Her Finnick, alive and well. The kiss is long and sweet. Annie’s head hasn’t felt this clear in 4 years.
#  #  #
She feels really pretty, in her white dress and sandals, with her brown hair flying freely around her shoulders. Tin clips, standing out like stars in the decorative braids that wrap around her head. Peeta made them a cake. Annie is happy, the war is the last thing on her mind. She locks eyes with Finnick from across their hands, he smiles wildly at her before the pastor begins the ceremony. Crazy Annie Cresta is dead. Annie Odair laughs from real joy, she’s never felt so safe.
                                                      #  #  #
Aegir Odair. That’s what she decides. Finnick is off in the capital, fighting the war, but he will like that, he will be happy to be a father. Annie hasn’t had an episode in two months. Maybe this baby will make things better. Maybe she will be a good mom.
#  #  #
She drops a vase when Gale tells her. He holds her as she screams, but it’s not the same.
Annie Cresta feels 15 all over again. Screaming her head off. Rocking back and forth. Fighting off the demons left to her by a poor dead boy. He is dead. The youngest Victor in Panam history. Her mentor. Her best friend. Her husband. Finnick Odair is dead. Finnick Odair will never know he’s a father. Finnick Odair will never meet his son. But that’s not why Annie cries. Annie cries because she will never again see his beautiful green eyes. She will never again hear his contagious laugh. She will never again be conformed by his strong hugs. So Annie screams, because there is no one left in the world that loves her.
July 28th 83 A.D.D- Age 27 
Aegir has his mother's hair and his father's eyes. She smiles down at him as he sings her happy birthday. Her sweet little  7-year-old, with his missing front teeth. Annie Odair hasn’t had an episode in 5 years. Annie Odair is a good mother. Finnick Odair would have been proud. She may have lost her husband but she has never felt so much love in her whole life. Annie is happy.
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June 19, 2019: Obituaries
Lovina Schrock, 91
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Mrs. Lovina Hostetler Schrock, 91, of Moravian Falls, passed away on Sunday, June 16, 2019 at her residence.
Lovina was born on June 11, 1928 in Stark County Ohio to Henry Hostetler and Ella Miller Hostetler.
Lovina is preceded in death by parents; husband, Mervin L. Schrock; brother, Ervin Hostetler; sister, Beulah Hochstedler and great grand daughter, Danielle Schrock.
Lovina is survived by her 5 daughters, Susan Faye Hochstetler of Canada, Joy Roselle Hileman of Ohio, Debra Kaye Yoder of Moravian Falls, Juanita Lynne Herber of Pennsylvania, Charlotte Marlene Schrock of Virginia; 5 sons, John Mark Schrock, Larry Dean Schrock, Timothy Jay Schrock, Franklin Scott Schrock all of Virginia, Frederick Allen Schrock of Moravian Falls; sisters, Mary Wittmer of Pennsylvania, Viola Mullet of Ohio; brothers, Melvin Hostetler of Ohio, Henry Hostetler of Canada; 21 grandchildren and many great grand children.
The funeral service will be held in Ohio at a later date.
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Schrock Family.
 Nancy Winters, 5
Nancy Lee Winters, age 55, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Saturday, June 15, 2019 at Westwood Hills Nursing and Rehab Center. Nancy was born July 11, 1963 in Wilkes County to Cecil and Mandy Stanley Trivette. She loved to fish; do crafts and quilting. Ms. Winters was preceded in death by her parents; and several siblings.
Surviving are her son, Steven Winters and spouse Jessica of North Wilkesboro; daughter, Amanda Winters and spouse Zachary White of Huntington, West Virginia; a number of siblings; grandchildren, M.J. Winters and Josh Walker.
The family has requested no flowers.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Hazel Prevette, 96
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Hazel Maie Johnson Prevette, 96, of North Wilkesboro, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Saturday, June 15, 2019 at Wilkes Senior Village.
She was born May 23, 1923 in Wilkes County, to the late William Edward Johnson and Julie Maie Combs Johnson.
     Hazel was a member of Lewis Baptist Church.  She loved singing and praising the Lord with her church family in the choir.  She was a passionate vegetable and flower gardener.
     Including her parents, she was preceded in death by: her husband, Dewey Gaither Prevette Sr.; grandchildren, Craig Williams and Pamela Taylor.
     Those left to cherish and honor her memory include: daughters, Peggy Taylor (Wallace) of McGrady, Kathy Williams (Dean) of Wilkesboro; sons, D. G. Prevette, Jr. (Linda) of Wilkesboro, Kenneth Prevette (Sarah) of Lewisville; sister, Annie Lou Brown (Gene) of Millers Creek; brother, Howard Johnson of Purlear; many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren
     Funeral services wereJune 18,   at Lewis Baptist Church in North Wilkesboro.  Rev. Bruce Rhoades will be officiating.  Burial followed in the church cemetery.
     Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes and cremation services is honored to be serving the Prevette Family.
 Fern Anderson, 87
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Fern Anderson, 87 Mrs. Fern Pauline Call Anderson, age 87, widow of Hobert Anderson, died on Saturday, June 15, 2019 at Villages of Wilkes.
     Funeral services were June 19,  at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Alan Bouchelle officiating.  Burial was in Fishing Creek Arbor Baptist Church Cemetery.
Mrs. Anderson was born June 19, 1931 in Wilkes County to Benjamin Winfred and Carrie Elizabeth Benge Call. She was a member of Penelope Baptist Church in Hickory. Before her retirement while residing in Hickory, NC, she worked for Cline Insurance Company as a private secretary and was self-employed as a skin care specialist thru Ann Mari.
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband, Hobert Anderson; four sisters, Sylvia Call Soots, Tessie Call Foster, Florence Call Hayes Bouchelle, and Doris Call Waddell Spears; and four brothers, Julius H. Call, James P. Call, Roy "Ray" Call, and Coy "Clay" Call.
She is survived by her daughter, Linda Anderson Plemmons of North Wilkesboro; twin sons, Tracy Anderson and wife, Sandy, of Millers Creek, and Travis Van Anderson of Hickory; four grandchildren, Dana K.Anderson, Dylan L. Anderson, Doug Plemmons, and Floyd Plemmons; four great-grandchildren, Rachel C. Plemmons, Kyle P. Plemmons, Jason Sprinkle, and Elijah Foster; one great-great-grandchild, Chaselyn Kate Plemmons; one sister, Lois Call Foster of Traphill; and one brother, Thomas Jerry Call of Wilkesboro.
The latter part of her life, Mrs. Anderson spent ten years at Catawba Valley Assisted Living and three years at Wilkes Senior Villages.  The family sincerely thanks the staff of both facilities for their wonderful care of their loved one.
A special thank you from the family to Shirley Bowlin for her exceptional care of our Mother.
  Kenith Jones, Sr., 83
 Mr. Kenith Smythe Jones, Sr., 83, of Taylorsville, passed away Thursday, June 13, 2019 at Valley Nursing Center.
Kenith was born December 18, 1935 in Fayette  County, WV, the son of the late George Thomas Jones, Sr. and Inez Blanch Duncan Jones.
He was a US Army veteran, who served in Germany as a combat engineer. He had worked as a supervisor for Southern Devices before retiring and was a member of Bethel Baptist Church. He enjoyed reading Westerns, was a avid Redskin fan, and enjoyed playing golf when he was able and also enjoyed watching NASCAR.
Including his parents, he was preceded in death by: his wife, Peggy Joyce Payne Jones; four sisters, Beulah Pemberton, Doris Criss, Natella Blackwell and infant sister, Carolyn Jones; a brother, George Jones.
Those left to cherish and honor his memory include: a daughter, Patricia Jones Carter and husband, Larry, of Statesville; four sons, Kenny Jones and wife, Joan, of Taylorsville, Barry Jones and wife, Janna, of Newton, Timothy Jones and wife, Lisa, of Taylorsville, Ricky Jones of Asheville; five grandchildren, Joshua Moore, Caitlin Jones Parkhurst and husband, Matt, Ashley Jones, Tyler Jones and wife, Tiffany, Andrew Jones and fiance, Lacey Bruno; four great-grandchildren, RJ, Gracelynn, Jacob and Ezra; two sisters, Janet Payne and husband, Charles, of WV, Drema Gail Gales of VA; a brother, William Jones and wife, Carol, of WV; a sister-in-law, Christine Jones of WV; and a number of nieces and nephews.
A service was held  June 17,  at Bethel Baptist Church with Revs. Bill Smith and Ervel Jones officiating. Burial   followed in the church cemetery with flag folding ceremony.
Pallbearers were Ken's sons and grandsons.
The family would like to express a sincere thank you for every act of kindness or visit to our loved one and also to the staff, nurses and caregivers at Valley Nursing Center.
Memorials may be made to: Alexander County Hospice, 50 Lucy Echerd Lane, Taylorsville, NC 28681.
Adams Funeral Home and cremation services is honored to be serving the Jones Family.
 Terri Sigmon, 64
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Terri Lynn Sigmon, age 64, passed away peacefully on June 11, 2019 at Valley Nursing and Rehabilitation in Taylorville and is now resting in the care of our Lord.  
She was born in Hickory, NC on February 28, 1955.  Prior to moving there she lived at Parklane Group home in Newton.
She was preceded in death by her parents Charles and Jane Sigmon of Hickory.  
She is survived by her sister, Sandie Cline (Jimmie) of Wilkesboro, and her brothers, Robert Sigmon (Virginia) of Statesville, and Bruce Sigmon of Hickory.
Terri was a long- time member of Christ Lutheran Church in Hickory where she is best remembered for her deep faith and leading the congregation in happy birthday songs.  She especially loved family gatherings during the holidays. She had a special relationship with her nephews Christopher (Tanya) of Wilkesboro, Jonathan (Ellen) and Matthew (Jessica) of Mooresville and great nephews and nieces, Ayden, Charlie, Cameron, Macie, Oren, Eli, Finley and Luke. They will cherish the memories of her.
The funeral service will be held on Thursday, June 20,   at 3:00 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church in Hickory.
The family will receive friends prior to the service from 2: 00 until 3:00 p.m. at the church. Rev. Richard Schwandt will be officiating the service. Burial will follow at Oakwood Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers memorials can be made to the memorial fund at Christ Lutheran Church, 324 2nd Ave. SE, Hickory, NC 28602.
Pallbearers for the service will be Christopher Cline, Jonathan Cline, Matthew Cline, Van Smith, Scott Wimmer, and Billy Pernell.
 Vickie Cothren, 52
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Vickie Cothren, 52 Miss Vickie Lee Cothren, age 52 of Roaring River, passed away Wednesday, June 12, 2019 at Woltz Hospice Home in Dobson.
     Funeral services were June 15,   at White Plains Baptist Church with Pastor William Souther and Bishop Peggy Horton officiating.  Burial was in the church cemetery.                Vickie was born October 24, 1966 in Wilkes County to James "Jim" Ervin Cothren and Georgie Lee Swaim Cothren. She was employed for 30 years with Wilkes Community College as a Library Assistant. Vickie enjoyed spending time with her great nieces and nephews who called her "Bibby" and liked sports from WFU, Chicago Bulls and Carolina Panthers. She also enjoyed cooking and most enjoyed sharing her testimony with her relationship with God.
She was preceded in death by her mother; Georgie Lee Cothren.
In addition to her father; Jim Cothren, she is survived by three sisters; Anna Church of Millers Creek, Teresa Absher of Roaring River and Jane Whitley of Hays, nieces and nephews; Amanda Miller (William), Sonya Evans (Allen), Michael Church, Ashley Mabe (Jason), Lindsay Jester (Justin) and Colby Whitley, great nieces and nephews; Elijah Miller, Asher Miller, Brenan, Nevan and Rowyn Mabe and Elizabeth Jester, Aunt Joy Swaim, Cousins; Calvin Swaim, Charlene Dancy and family, special friends and co-workers; Rebecca Kruger, Christy Earp, Misty Bass, Janet Atwood, Audrey Chapel and Donna Church and Fur Babies; Jett, Sanford, Melinda and Miss Sunshine.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Donor's Choice, Wilkes Community Partnership for Children PO Box 788 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659, Wilkes Community College Endowment Corporation PO Box 120 Wilkesboro, NC 28697 or Mtn. Valley Hospice 401 Technology Lane Suite 200 Mt. Airy, NC 27030.
 James Ashley, Jr. 77
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Mr. James Martin Ashley, Jr. age 77 of Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at his home.
Funeral services were June 18,   at Cub Creek Baptist Church with Pastor John Lewis and Mr. Frank Denny officiating. Burial was in Cub Creek Baptist Church Cemetery.  
Mr. Ashley was born November 27, 1941 in Wilkes County to James Martin Ashley, Sr. and Geneva Sink Ashley.  He was retired after 35 dedicated years at Lowe's Companies. During his employment he worked as a Store Manager and a Regional Manager. James was a loving and devoted husband, father, grandfather and friend. He was a member of Cub Creek Baptist Church where he was a Faithful Deacon, Loved and Respected Sunday School Teacher, member of the Adult Choir and Hand Bell Choirs, Good News Club Teacher, served on the Building Committee, Maintenance Committee and the Expansion Committee. James was an avid Golfer. After retirement, he enjoyed spending his time working on his cattle farm and enjoying the beautiful mountain views. He was always helping or attending the many activities with his grandchildren. James was well known for his love of his family, his church and his tremendous work ethic. His best Friend, Bear, Black-Lab mix was always at his side, waiting for the last bite of anything that James ate.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother; Bill Ashley.
James is survived by his wife; Judy Ann Wayne Ashley of the home, two daughters; Jamie Ashley Beamon and Lorie Ashley Kerhoulas both of Wilkesboro, a son; James Martin Ashley, III "Jimmy" of Wilkesboro, five grandchildren; Anna Kerhoulas LaFave and husband Ethan, Stephen Kerhoulas and fiancé Clair Colburn, Martin Beamon, Jacob Beamon and Nicholas Ashley, a great grandchild; Addy Billings and two sisters; Ann Ashley and Jane Ashley both of Wilkesboro.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made in honor of grandchildren Anna and Jacob to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Piedmont Triad Chapter 216 W. Market Street Suite B, Greensboro, NC 27401.
 Ann Whitworth, 83
Ann Hill Whitworth, age 83, passed away on Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at her home in Purlear, NC. She was born in Erwin, NC on November 12, 1935 to Frank Weaver, Sr. and Elsie Horrell Weaver.
Mrs. Whitworth was formerly employed at Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company and was retired from Duke Medical Center. She was a member of Greystone Baptist Church until her move to Purlear, NC in 2007. She was a member of New Hope Baptist Church, Purlear, NC until her passing.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Fred Roy Hill and her husband, Donald Whitworth.
She is survived by her daughter, Deborah Hill Yates of Purlear, NC; her son, Frederick A. Hill of Durham, NC; three grandsons, Ross B. Yates, and wife, Andrea of Mt. Pleasant, SC, Brett J. Yates of Millers Creek, NC, and Mark C. Yates of Purlear, NC and three great grandchildren, Finley Madison Yates, Bennett Reid Yates, and Cooper Hill Yates.
A memorial service will be held on June 29, 2019 at 2:00 PM at Greystone Baptist Church, Hillsborough Road, Durham, NC. A private burial at Maplewood Cemetery, Durham, NC will follow the memorial service. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorials be made to Wake Forest Care at Home Hospice, 126  Executive Drive, Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
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Durante la época en la que existió el Gran Imperio Británico, bajo la jurisdicción del reino también se encontraba la India. Al ser parte de la misma nación, se hizo más fácil el realizar comercios y viajes turísticos a esta zona, cuya característica principal en la preparación de platillos es el uso de gran cantidad de condimentos, en especial el curry. Esto causó una especie de inmersión; los platillos ingleses comenzaron a incorporar ciertas especias que antes no habían ni pensado probar.
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Sheperd's Pie.
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El Shepherd's Pie, una comida británica sana y clásica, tiene su origen en Escocia y el norte de Inglaterra y se elabora principalmente con carne de cordero picada y patatas. Muchas familias preparan este plato con carne de vacuno, pero en realidad debería llamarse Cottage Pie, ya que los pastores solo pastorean ovejas (duh).
Beef Wellington.
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El Beef Wellington es un filete de carne recubierto de paté y luego enrollado en pasta. Aunque el plato comparte su nombre con el famoso Duque de Wellington, en realidad no tiene ningún vínculo con la nobleza británica. En realidad, se cree que el Beef Wellington se basó en el plato francés filet de bœuf en croûte (filete de ternera en hojaldre).
Fish and Chips.
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Quizá no haya nada más sinónimo de comida británica que el fish and chips. Pero, por desgracia, este plato puede ser a menudo un poco decepcionante si no se consigue en el lugar adecuado. Un consejo importante es buscar tiendas de patatas fritas que cocinen el pescado fresco por encargo: ¡evite las tiendas de patatas fritas que muestren montones de pescado precocinado detrás del cristal!
Chicken Tikka Masala.
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Aunque tenga raíces sudasiáticas, hay muchos indicios que sugieren que el Chicken Tikka Masala fue creado por primera vez en Gran Bretaña por un chef bangladeshí en Glasgow. Hoy en día, se considera uno de los platos más populares del país y se sirve en las casas de curry de toda Gran Bretaña.
Steak and Kidney Pie.
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O cualquier tipo de tarta. Tanto si están cubiertas de masa como si están cubiertas de patatas, las tartas tienen un gran protagonismo en la cocina británica y son el antídoto perfecto para el duro invierno británico.
Eton Mess.
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El Eton Mess es un postre perfecto para un día de verano, hecho con merengue, diversas bayas y nata. El plato se sirvió por primera vez en el Eton College a finales del siglo XIX en los partidos de cricket de la escuela y ahora es popular en toda Gran Bretaña.
Afternoon Tea.
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Bollos, sándwiches, tarta y té: ¿qué podría ser mejor? Aunque los británicos tenemos fama de tomar el té de la tarde todos los días a las 5, eso es un mito. El té de la tarde es un placer poco común que se toma generalmente entre las 3 y las 4 de la tarde.
Cornish Pasty.
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Las empanadillas de Cornualles, rellenas de carne y verduras, se hicieron populares por primera vez entre los mineros del estaño, ya que eran fáciles de transportar y se comían sin plato ni cubiertos. Hoy en día, la humilde empanada desempeña un papel importante en la cultura alimentaria británica. Incluso se cree que fue la inspiración de la empanada sudamericana.
English Full Breakfast.
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También conocido como "fry-up", el desayuno completo se compone de huevos, bacon, salchichas, judías, tostadas, tomates y, a veces, morcilla. Este abundante desayuno es popular en toda Inglaterra, Irlanda, Escocia y Gales y suele consumirse el fin de semana. También hay variaciones regionales, con un "Full Scottish" servido con morcilla (salchicha/embutido de sangre) y "tattie scones".
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esmecu · 3 years
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   Las pruebas como testigos Si uno mira el pasaje, es cierto, ¿cómo podemos medir nuestra fe, si no tenemos como probarla? El “instrumento” para medir nuestra fe, no es la altura de nuestras manos los domingos en la alabanza, ni la cantidad de versículos leídos en un año, tampoco son los testimonios de las batallas de otro, ni la cantidad de años sirviendo en la iglesia. La fe se mide “in situ”, es como una ergometría para chequear el corazón. No se puede “hacer como si”. En el caso del funcionamiento del corazón, hay que llevarlo a una situación de esfuerzo controlado (así se define la ergometría, ) por eso hay que pedalear hasta que el cuerpo llegue a un pico de esfuerzo. Los cables que nos conectan sirven, no solo para saber los resultados, sino también para vigilar durante el proceso cómo reacciona nuestro cuerpo. Es un esfuerzo controlado. Las pruebas son la ergometría de la fe. Quien controla el proceso, el esfuerzo, es Dios. El sabe hasta dónde podemos aguantar, y se ocupa de nuestra salud en el proceso. El pastor de Gales, Selwyn Hughes dice: «Los problemas son solo pruebas temporales que nos preparan para triunfos más permanentes». A veces se viven como eternos. Me pasó, de tener ganas de decirle al médico, “para, me bajo, desenchufa todo, no doy más!”. ¿a ti? Este pasaje viene a nuestro rescate. Es Dios diciéndonos, “Vamos, falta menos, la prueba está saliendo bien, yo tengo el control y cuando termine, tu fe será mejor y tus resultados más grandes y permanentes, no mires el suelo, mira adelante, es hacia ahí donde vamos, no te enfoques en donde estamos” Es un buen día para ponerse las zapatillas de correr. Dios está en control. No seremos vencidos, disfrutaremos la victoria, porque es suya, y entonces, nuestra. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMybdn2lYjzJuc0JTMzdZIJd_LMUjPg58WQez40/?igshid=1j0ck9k9hrido
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middlingmay · 13 days
That Ol' Devil Called Love
First part now up on Ao3!
It's 1940s America, and street racing has passed from the gangs of the '30s to the youth of the '40s. John never started the Bloody 100th to make a name for himself in the criminal belly of racing; he just liked their money. It kept the shop open and his mechanics from the unemployment line. And his ma and sisters happy.
But when he meets Gale Cleven, son of the local pastor who hates John and his crew with near religious fervour, John finds himself stumbling into a new kind of trouble - one that might just bring down everything he's worked for.
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gallipolidaytours · 4 years
New Post has been published on Lutars Turizm
New Post has been published on https://www.lutarsturizm.com/portekiz-iyi-11-gun-paket-tur-2.html
Portekiz iyi 11 Gün Paket Tur
kapsamlı bir 11 günlük paket tur Portekiz iyi bakın. Guimarães’in Kültür 2012 Avrupa Başkenti keşfetmek, ve çok daha fazlası, örneğin Obidos olarak doğal köyleri ziyaret Fatima Sanctuary hacı izinden.
Portekiz iyi 11 Gün Paket Tur
Öne çıkanlar
Alcobaça Portekiz’de büyük Gotik kilise görmek
Henry mezarı Batalha Navigator keşfedin
Liman şarap bölgesi tatlı şarapları tatmak
Fátima Marian Shrine Katolik hacı izinden
Coimbra dünyanın en eski üniversitesi Barok kütüphanesinde Marvel
Aveiro at “Portekizli Venedik” keşfi
Guimarães’in “Portekiz Beşiği” git
Douro Vadisi’nin nefes kesici manzaralar Seyahat
Tapınakçıların Sipariş ve Hıristiyan yeniden fetih oynadığı bölümü hakkında bilgi edinin
Évora üniversite şehrin dar sokaklarda dolaşmak
Sintra kaprisli saraylar ve kaleler hayran
Kıta Avrupa’nın en batı noktasında Standı
Algarve mantar meşe ağaçları ile Yolculuk ve meyve bahçeleri
Prens Henry Navigator efsanevi “Navigasyon Okulu” araştırmak
Arrábida dağ üzerinde sürücü
Tam açıklama
1. Gün: Lizbon – Óbidos – Alcobaça – Nazaré – Batalha – Fátima Óbidos’u, ortaçağ duvarları ile çevrili doğal bir köyde yel değirmenleri ve meyve ağaçları ile zengin bir manzara keşfedin. Mimari uyum ve el sanatları çeşitliliğini hayran ve ünlü Ginginha (acı kiraz likörü) tadın. Portekiz en büyük Gotik kilise görmek Alcobaça devam edin. Sonraki, Nazaré tipik bir balıkçı köyü durdurmak ve efsaneleri hakkında bilgi edinin. Henry Navigator, Portekiz’in deniz keşifler promotör mezarı bulabilirsiniz Batalha Santa Maria de Victoria Manastırı, devam edin. Eğer Fátima Marian Shrine yol yapmak gibi Katolik hacı izinden. Gece için otel konaklama içine kontrol önce, Fátima de mum ışığında alay görmek için bir şans olabilir.
2. Gün: Fátima – Coimbra – Aveiro – Porto senin Hotel’de kahvaltı ardından, Coimbra doğru yolculuk devam. Bu tür öğrencilerin siyah pelerinler ve melankolik fado müziği olarak onun muhteşem Barok kütüphane ve eski gelenekleri ile karakterize eşsiz atmosferi ile dünyanın en eski üniversitesi keşfedin. Queen St. Isabel, kahramanı mezarı görmek için Aziz Clara Kilisesi Dur “Güllerin Mucizesi.” Marvel Coimbra ünlü seramik de, “Portekiz Venedik olarak bilinen Aveiro kanal kenti, gitmeden önce. moliceiros “” olarak bilinen zarif tekneleri seyretmek “ve tatlı, yerel ovos benler tadı. Gece için otele denetlemek için Porto devam edin.
3. Gün: Porto – Guimarães – Braga – Porto Bugün Portekiz’in en büyük 2. şehri keşfetmek ve nehir kenarındaki evler, saraylar, kiliseler ve Liman şarap barları bir yaşam amfitiyatro keşfedeceksiniz. Sonraki Minho köpüklü “yeşil şarap” bölgeye gidiyoruz. Guimarães’in milletin beşiği (ve Portekiz 1 kral doğduğu) keşfedin. tarihi merkezinde dolaşın ve ortaçağda geri yolculuk. Kutsal kale ile taçlı Hill, ve Bragança’nın Dükler Sarayı gidin. Ardından, keşfetmek için Braga sürücü “Portekizce Roma.” Portekiz eski katedral görmek ve Bom Jesus ünlü Barok merdiven ve bahçeleri ile Monte Sanctuary yapmak. Porto dönmek – otel konaklama.
4. Gün: Braga – Santiago de Compostela – Porto Santiago de Compostela, Galiçya başkenti Santiago Way sonunda hac merkezine gitmeden önce, senin otelde kahvaltı keyfini çıkarın. 1985 yılında UNESCO tarafından Dünya Mirası ilan, Santiago de Compostela büyüleyici bir şehirdir ve keşfetmek için tüm gün ücretsiz sahip olacak. tarihsel sokaklarda dolaşmak ve geleneksel yerel yemeklerin bir kısmını örnekleme öncesi en olağanüstü anıtlar hakkında bilgi edinin. Gece için otele denetlemek için Porto geri dönün.
5. Gün: Porto – Amarante – Vila Real – Lamego – – Urgeirica Vale do Douro Kahvaltıdan sonra Porto Gidiş ve Amarante güzel kasaba yolda durdurma, Douro Vadisi’nde doğru baş. Eğer meyve, sebze, tavuk, giysi, ve çok daha fazlası bulabilirsiniz kalabalık pazarı ile birlikte, nehir bakan evlere São Gonçalo manastırı ve hayret bakın. Sonraki, Portekiz roze şarap şişeleri üzerindeki tasviri için bilinen Mateus bahçeleri, görmek için Vila Real gidin. üzüm bağları ve Douro Vadisi’nin nefes kesici manzaralar aracılığıyla seyahat, Portekiz Port şarap bölgesini girin. muhteşem Barok tarzı merdiven, Portekiz’in en önemli tapınaklarından biri olan NS Remédios tarafından gözardı, Lamego durdurun. Böyle tipik jambon ya da ünlü Bola de Lamego (füme jambon ile fırında pişmiş bir somun) gibi yerel lezzetleri bazı deneyin. Viseu, Dão Vineyards merkezinin dağlık hinterlandında devam edin ve Portugal’s eski kahraman, lusitanian şefi Viriato bağlı. granit oyulmuş silah kat ile kapıları görmek için dar sokakları gezin. Gece için otele denetlemek için Urgeiriça devam edin.
6. Gün: Urgeiriça – Bussaco – Tomar – Lizbon Bussaco bereketli ormanları Portekiz kalbine sürün. “. Tapınakçıların Order” şehri keşfetmek için Tomar devam edin onlar Hıristiyan yeniden fetih Dom Afonso Henriques (Portekiz 1 King) verdi yardım için bir ödül olarak 1159 yılında toprakları aldı nasıl duyun. Dom Gualdim Pais, Portekiz Cemiyetin ilk Büyük Üstadı tarafından inşa çarpıcı kale ve Mesih’in Convent bakın. Gece için otele denetlemek için Lizbon’a devam edin.
7. Gün: Lizbon – Sintra – Cabo Da Roca – Cascais – Estoril – Lizbon Estoril Coast güzel kasaba ve köylerini keşfetmek Sintra kaprisli kaleleri ve sarayları ile başlayan gün geçirin. Sintra Tabiat Parkı’nın bina ve bahçelerin mimari tarzı olağanüstü karışımı hayran kalacaksınız. Ardından, kıta Avrupa’nın en batı noktasında durmak Cabo da Roca gidin. Portekiz’in en ünlü sörf plajları birini geçmek ve Cascais ve Estoril Casino bahçeleri kozmopolit gitmeden önce Inferno Boca do bkz. gece Lizbon geri dönün.
8. Gün: Lizbon – Évora Bugün kültür, tarih ve gelenekleri zengin duvar halısı tanınan Évora üniversite kenti keşfetmek tüm gün geçireceksiniz. zeytin ağaçları, mantar meşe ağaçları ve üzüm bağları bir pastoral manzara geçerek, Lizbon gidiş ve Tagus Nehri’ni geçti. Évora girişte beyaz badanalı şehrin dar sokaklarında dolaşmak ve St. Francis Kilisesi böyle Roma Tapınağı, Romanesk-Gotik Katedrali ve ossuary ( “Kemikler Şapel”) olarak en ünlü anıtlarından bazılarına bakın. Görmek kokusu ve bazı yerel üretimi tadı pazarına gidin. mantar, seramik ve bakır eşya yerel el sanatları hayran kalacaksınız. Eğer eğlence de keşfetmek ve yerel şarap, peynir ve gurme zeytinyağlarının daha fazla tadı için öğleden sonra serbest olacaktır. gecede konaklama için Evora otele kontrol edin.
9. Gün: Evora – Beja – Silves – Lagos kahvaltıdan sonra Évora hareket ve Beja, Portekiz Ortaçağ’dan en yüksek kulesinin yerinde geçmiş güney sürücü. Ünlü Algarve girmek için küçük dağları aşmak. geri Mağribi kez kırmızı kumtaşı kale kalma bilinen Silves, yolda portakal ağaçlarının geçmiş bahçeleri sürün. Lagos için otele denetlemek için Praia da Rocha geçen Algarve altın kumların, devam edin.
Gün 10: Lagos – Ponta da Piedade – Sagres – Cabo de São Vicente Algarve doğal güzelliklerini keşfetmek ve yeni dünyanın keşfi oynadığı bölüm hakkında bilgi edinmek. Atlantik Okyanusu muhteşem bir görünüm için Ponta da Piedade gidin ve deniz erozyonu meraklı şekiller halinde heykel edilmiştir uçurumlar görmek. Sonra, Sagres küçük bir balıkçı limanına gidin ve Prens Henry Navigator efsanevi “Navigasyon Okulu” hakkında bilgi edinmek için kale ziyaret edin. Avrupa’da güneybatı en noktasına ulaşmak Cabo Sao Vincente kayalıklarla birlikte devam edin. kasaba ve marina kozmopolit vibe yaşamaya Lagos geri dönün. Böyle bir bakır tava (cataplana) pişirilmiş balık ve kabuklu deniz gibi lezzetli Algarve yemekleri, tadın. Yerel marzipans, badem ve incir kek bazı tatlı diş şımartın. otelinize dönün ve boş bir öğleden sonra zevk. sıcak deniz bir dalış atın.
Gün 11: Lagos – Setúbal – Serra da Arrábida – Lizbon Denizde bir son bakışla Algarve veda. Lizbon Dönüş yolculuğu Setubal, Sado Estuary kuzey kıyısında büyük bir liman ve sanayi merkezi şehir yoluyla götürecektir. inanılmaz bir manzara ve eşsiz bitki örtüsü ile bir Tabiat Parkı olarak korunmuş Arrábida Mountain Range üzerinde devam edin. Lizbon’da geri gelmesi Tagus Nehri üzerindeki köprüyü geçmeden önce, Tróia Yarımadası’nın panoramik manzarasını tadını çıkar.
Neler dahil?
Lizbon herhangi bir otelden Toplama
Aşağıdaki 4-yıldızlı otellerde açık büfe kahvaltı bazında konaklama (veya benzeri): Fátima Hotel Santa Maria; Oporto Ipanema Porto; Canas do Senhorim Hotel da Urgeiriça; Lizbon Hotel Lutecia; Évora Otel Muralhas Mar d’Ar; Lagos Vila Gale Lagos
Klimalı minibüs veya otobüs ile Ulaşım
Batalha Manastırı, Coimbra Üniversitesi, “Palácio da Bolsa” ve S. Francisco Kilisesi (Oporto) Palácio Mateus Gardens Giriş ücretleri, “Convento do Cristo” (Tomar), Palácio da Pena (Sintra), Kemik Chapel (Évora) S. Francisco Kilisesi (Evora), Évora Katedrali, ve S. Vicente Kalesi (Sagres)
Hariç olanlar
Giriş ücretleri “nelerin dahil olduğunu” belirtilmeyen
Öğle ve akşam yemekleri
İpuçları ve kişisel harcamalar
ek bir ücret karşılığında mevcuttur) Estoril sahilinde, Sintra, Cascais ve Costa da Caparica ve Sesimbra Pick-up hizmeti
Kimler için uygun değil
Tekerlekli sandalye kullananlar
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21st April >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
Wednesday, Third Week of Eastertide
Saint Anselm of Canterbury, Bishop, Doctor.
Wednesday, Third Week of Eastertide
(Liturgical Colour: White)
First Reading
Acts of the Apostles 8:1-8
They went from place to place, preaching the Good News
That day a bitter persecution started against the church in Jerusalem, and everyone except the apostles fled to the country districts of Judaea and Samaria.
   There were some devout people, however, who buried Stephen and made great mourning for him.
   Saul then worked for the total destruction of the Church; he went from house to house arresting both men and women and sending them to prison.
   Those who had escaped went from place to place preaching the Good News. One of them was Philip who went to a Samaritan town and proclaimed the Christ to them. The people united in welcoming the message Philip preached, either because they had heard of the miracles he worked or because they saw them for themselves. There were, for example, unclean spirits that came shrieking out of many who were possessed, and several paralytics and cripples were cured. As a result there was great rejoicing in that town.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 65(66):1-7
R/ Cry out with joy to God, all the earth. or R/ Alleluia!
Cry out with joy to God all the earth,    O sing to the glory of his name. O render him glorious praise.    Say to God: ‘How tremendous your deeds!
R/ Cry out with joy to God, all the earth. or R/ Alleluia!
Because of the greatness of your strength    your enemies cringe before you. Before you all the earth shall bow;    shall sing to you, sing to your name!’
R/ Cry out with joy to God, all the earth. or R/ Alleluia!
Come and see the works of God,    tremendous his deeds among men. He turned the sea into dry land,    they passed through the river dry-shod.
R/ Cry out with joy to God, all the earth. or R/ Alleluia!
Let our joy then be in him;    he rules for ever by his might. His eyes keep watch over the nations:    let rebels not rise against him.
R/ Cry out with joy to God, all the earth. or R/ Alleluia!
Gospel Acclamation
John 10:27
Alleluia, alleluia! The sheep that belong to me listen to my voice, says the Lord, I know them and they follow me. Alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia! It is my Father’s will, says the Lord, that whoever believes in the Son shall have eternal life, and that I shall raise him up on the last day. Alleluia!
John 6:35-40
It is my Father's will that whoever sees the Son should have eternal life
Jesus said to the crowd:
‘I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never be hungry; he who believes in me will never thirst. But, as I have told you, you can see me and still you do not believe. All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I shall not turn him away; because I have come from heaven, not to do my own will, but to do the will of the one who sent me. Now the will of him who sent me is that I should lose nothing of all that he has given to me, and that I should raise it up on the last day. Yes, it is my Father’s will that whoever sees the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and that I shall raise him up on the last day.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Anselm of Canterbury, Bishop, Doctor
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Wednesday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
Ephesians 3:14-19
May Christ live in your hearts through faith
I pray, kneeling before the Father, from whom every family, whether spiritual or natural, takes its name:
   Out of his infinite glory, may he give you the power through his Spirit for your hidden self to grow strong, so that Christ may live in your hearts through faith, and then, planted in love and built on love, you will with all the saints have strength to grasp the breadth and the length, the height and the depth; until, knowing the love of Christ, which is beyond all knowledge, you are filled with the utter fullness of God.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 33(34):2-11
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times. or R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
I will bless the Lord at all times,    his praise always on my lips; in the Lord my soul shall make its boast.    The humble shall hear and be glad.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times. or R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Glorify the Lord with me.    Together let us praise his name. I sought the Lord and he answered me;    from all my terrors he set me free.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times. or R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Look towards him and be radiant;    let your faces not be abashed. This poor man called, the Lord heard him    and rescued him from all his distress.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times. or R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
The angel of the Lord is encamped    around those who revere him, to rescue them. Taste and see that the Lord is good.    He is happy who seeks refuge in him.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times. or R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Revere the Lord, you his saints.    They lack nothing, those who revere him. Strong lions suffer want and go hungry    but those who seek the Lord lack no blessing.
R/ I will bless the Lord at all times. or R/ Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Gospel Acclamation
cf. John 6:63,68
Alleluia, alleluia! Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life; you have the message of eternal life. Alleluia!
Matthew 7:21-29
The wise man built his house on a rock
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘It is not those who say to me, “Lord, Lord,” who will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven. When the day comes many will say to me, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, cast out demons in your name, work many miracles in your name?” Then I shall tell them to their faces: I have never known you; away from me, you evil men!
   ‘Therefore, everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built his house on rock. Rain came down, floods rose, gales blew and hurled themselves against that house, and it did not fall: it was founded on rock. But everyone who listens to these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a stupid man who built his house on sand. Rain came down, floods rose, gales blew and struck that house, and it fell; and what a fall it had!’
   Jesus had now finished what he wanted to say, and his teaching made a deep impression on the people because he taught them with authority, and not like their own scribes.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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anzacdaygallipoli · 4 years
Portekiz iyi 11 Gün Paket Tur - Lutars Turizm
New Post has been published on https://www.lutarsturizm.com/portekiz-iyi-11-gun-paket-tur-2.html
Portekiz iyi 11 Gün Paket Tur
kapsamlı bir 11 günlük paket tur Portekiz iyi bakın. Guimarães’in Kültür 2012 Avrupa Başkenti keşfetmek, ve çok daha fazlası, örneğin Obidos olarak doğal köyleri ziyaret Fatima Sanctuary hacı izinden.
Portekiz iyi 11 Gün Paket Tur
Öne çıkanlar
Alcobaça Portekiz’de büyük Gotik kilise görmek
Henry mezarı Batalha Navigator keşfedin
Liman şarap bölgesi tatlı şarapları tatmak
Fátima Marian Shrine Katolik hacı izinden
Coimbra dünyanın en eski üniversitesi Barok kütüphanesinde Marvel
Aveiro at “Portekizli Venedik” keşfi
Guimarães’in “Portekiz Beşiği” git
Douro Vadisi’nin nefes kesici manzaralar Seyahat
Tapınakçıların Sipariş ve Hıristiyan yeniden fetih oynadığı bölümü hakkında bilgi edinin
Évora üniversite şehrin dar sokaklarda dolaşmak
Sintra kaprisli saraylar ve kaleler hayran
Kıta Avrupa’nın en batı noktasında Standı
Algarve mantar meşe ağaçları ile Yolculuk ve meyve bahçeleri
Prens Henry Navigator efsanevi “Navigasyon Okulu” araştırmak
Arrábida dağ üzerinde sürücü
Tam açıklama
1. Gün: Lizbon – Óbidos – Alcobaça – Nazaré – Batalha – Fátima Óbidos’u, ortaçağ duvarları ile çevrili doğal bir köyde yel değirmenleri ve meyve ağaçları ile zengin bir manzara keşfedin. Mimari uyum ve el sanatları çeşitliliğini hayran ve ünlü Ginginha (acı kiraz likörü) tadın. Portekiz en büyük Gotik kilise görmek Alcobaça devam edin. Sonraki, Nazaré tipik bir balıkçı köyü durdurmak ve efsaneleri hakkında bilgi edinin. Henry Navigator, Portekiz’in deniz keşifler promotör mezarı bulabilirsiniz Batalha Santa Maria de Victoria Manastırı, devam edin. Eğer Fátima Marian Shrine yol yapmak gibi Katolik hacı izinden. Gece için otel konaklama içine kontrol önce, Fátima de mum ışığında alay görmek için bir şans olabilir.
2. Gün: Fátima – Coimbra – Aveiro – Porto senin Hotel’de kahvaltı ardından, Coimbra doğru yolculuk devam. Bu tür öğrencilerin siyah pelerinler ve melankolik fado müziği olarak onun muhteşem Barok kütüphane ve eski gelenekleri ile karakterize eşsiz atmosferi ile dünyanın en eski üniversitesi keşfedin. Queen St. Isabel, kahramanı mezarı görmek için Aziz Clara Kilisesi Dur “Güllerin Mucizesi.” Marvel Coimbra ünlü seramik de, “Portekiz Venedik olarak bilinen Aveiro kanal kenti, gitmeden önce. moliceiros “” olarak bilinen zarif tekneleri seyretmek “ve tatlı, yerel ovos benler tadı. Gece için otele denetlemek için Porto devam edin.
3. Gün: Porto – Guimarães – Braga – Porto Bugün Portekiz’in en büyük 2. şehri keşfetmek ve nehir kenarındaki evler, saraylar, kiliseler ve Liman şarap barları bir yaşam amfitiyatro keşfedeceksiniz. Sonraki Minho köpüklü “yeşil şarap” bölgeye gidiyoruz. Guimarães’in milletin beşiği (ve Portekiz 1 kral doğduğu) keşfedin. tarihi merkezinde dolaşın ve ortaçağda geri yolculuk. Kutsal kale ile taçlı Hill, ve Bragança’nın Dükler Sarayı gidin. Ardından, keşfetmek için Braga sürücü “Portekizce Roma.” Portekiz eski katedral görmek ve Bom Jesus ünlü Barok merdiven ve bahçeleri ile Monte Sanctuary yapmak. Porto dönmek – otel konaklama.
4. Gün: Braga – Santiago de Compostela – Porto Santiago de Compostela, Galiçya başkenti Santiago Way sonunda hac merkezine gitmeden önce, senin otelde kahvaltı keyfini çıkarın. 1985 yılında UNESCO tarafından Dünya Mirası ilan, Santiago de Compostela büyüleyici bir şehirdir ve keşfetmek için tüm gün ücretsiz sahip olacak. tarihsel sokaklarda dolaşmak ve geleneksel yerel yemeklerin bir kısmını örnekleme öncesi en olağanüstü anıtlar hakkında bilgi edinin. Gece için otele denetlemek için Porto geri dönün.
5. Gün: Porto – Amarante – Vila Real – Lamego – – Urgeirica Vale do Douro Kahvaltıdan sonra Porto Gidiş ve Amarante güzel kasaba yolda durdurma, Douro Vadisi’nde doğru baş. Eğer meyve, sebze, tavuk, giysi, ve çok daha fazlası bulabilirsiniz kalabalık pazarı ile birlikte, nehir bakan evlere São Gonçalo manastırı ve hayret bakın. Sonraki, Portekiz roze şarap şişeleri üzerindeki tasviri için bilinen Mateus bahçeleri, görmek için Vila Real gidin. üzüm bağları ve Douro Vadisi’nin nefes kesici manzaralar aracılığıyla seyahat, Portekiz Port şarap bölgesini girin. muhteşem Barok tarzı merdiven, Portekiz’in en önemli tapınaklarından biri olan NS Remédios tarafından gözardı, Lamego durdurun. Böyle tipik jambon ya da ünlü Bola de Lamego (füme jambon ile fırında pişmiş bir somun) gibi yerel lezzetleri bazı deneyin. Viseu, Dão Vineyards merkezinin dağlık hinterlandında devam edin ve Portugal’s eski kahraman, lusitanian şefi Viriato bağlı. granit oyulmuş silah kat ile kapıları görmek için dar sokakları gezin. Gece için otele denetlemek için Urgeiriça devam edin.
6. Gün: Urgeiriça – Bussaco – Tomar – Lizbon Bussaco bereketli ormanları Portekiz kalbine sürün. “. Tapınakçıların Order” şehri keşfetmek için Tomar devam edin onlar Hıristiyan yeniden fetih Dom Afonso Henriques (Portekiz 1 King) verdi yardım için bir ödül olarak 1159 yılında toprakları aldı nasıl duyun. Dom Gualdim Pais, Portekiz Cemiyetin ilk Büyük Üstadı tarafından inşa çarpıcı kale ve Mesih’in Convent bakın. Gece için otele denetlemek için Lizbon’a devam edin.
7. Gün: Lizbon – Sintra – Cabo Da Roca – Cascais – Estoril – Lizbon Estoril Coast güzel kasaba ve köylerini keşfetmek Sintra kaprisli kaleleri ve sarayları ile başlayan gün geçirin. Sintra Tabiat Parkı’nın bina ve bahçelerin mimari tarzı olağanüstü karışımı hayran kalacaksınız. Ardından, kıta Avrupa’nın en batı noktasında durmak Cabo da Roca gidin. Portekiz’in en ünlü sörf plajları birini geçmek ve Cascais ve Estoril Casino bahçeleri kozmopolit gitmeden önce Inferno Boca do bkz. gece Lizbon geri dönün.
8. Gün: Lizbon – Évora Bugün kültür, tarih ve gelenekleri zengin duvar halısı tanınan Évora üniversite kenti keşfetmek tüm gün geçireceksiniz. zeytin ağaçları, mantar meşe ağaçları ve üzüm bağları bir pastoral manzara geçerek, Lizbon gidiş ve Tagus Nehri’ni geçti. Évora girişte beyaz badanalı şehrin dar sokaklarında dolaşmak ve St. Francis Kilisesi böyle Roma Tapınağı, Romanesk-Gotik Katedrali ve ossuary ( “Kemikler Şapel”) olarak en ünlü anıtlarından bazılarına bakın. Görmek kokusu ve bazı yerel üretimi tadı pazarına gidin. mantar, seramik ve bakır eşya yerel el sanatları hayran kalacaksınız. Eğer eğlence de keşfetmek ve yerel şarap, peynir ve gurme zeytinyağlarının daha fazla tadı için öğleden sonra serbest olacaktır. gecede konaklama için Evora otele kontrol edin.
9. Gün: Evora – Beja – Silves – Lagos kahvaltıdan sonra Évora hareket ve Beja, Portekiz Ortaçağ’dan en yüksek kulesinin yerinde geçmiş güney sürücü. Ünlü Algarve girmek için küçük dağları aşmak. geri Mağribi kez kırmızı kumtaşı kale kalma bilinen Silves, yolda portakal ağaçlarının geçmiş bahçeleri sürün. Lagos için otele denetlemek için Praia da Rocha geçen Algarve altın kumların, devam edin.
Gün 10: Lagos – Ponta da Piedade – Sagres – Cabo de São Vicente Algarve doğal güzelliklerini keşfetmek ve yeni dünyanın keşfi oynadığı bölüm hakkında bilgi edinmek. Atlantik Okyanusu muhteşem bir görünüm için Ponta da Piedade gidin ve deniz erozyonu meraklı şekiller halinde heykel edilmiştir uçurumlar görmek. Sonra, Sagres küçük bir balıkçı limanına gidin ve Prens Henry Navigator efsanevi “Navigasyon Okulu” hakkında bilgi edinmek için kale ziyaret edin. Avrupa’da güneybatı en noktasına ulaşmak Cabo Sao Vincente kayalıklarla birlikte devam edin. kasaba ve marina kozmopolit vibe yaşamaya Lagos geri dönün. Böyle bir bakır tava (cataplana) pişirilmiş balık ve kabuklu deniz gibi lezzetli Algarve yemekleri, tadın. Yerel marzipans, badem ve incir kek bazı tatlı diş şımartın. otelinize dönün ve boş bir öğleden sonra zevk. sıcak deniz bir dalış atın.
Gün 11: Lagos – Setúbal – Serra da Arrábida – Lizbon Denizde bir son bakışla Algarve veda. Lizbon Dönüş yolculuğu Setubal, Sado Estuary kuzey kıyısında büyük bir liman ve sanayi merkezi şehir yoluyla götürecektir. inanılmaz bir manzara ve eşsiz bitki örtüsü ile bir Tabiat Parkı olarak korunmuş Arrábida Mountain Range üzerinde devam edin. Lizbon’da geri gelmesi Tagus Nehri üzerindeki köprüyü geçmeden önce, Tróia Yarımadası’nın panoramik manzarasını tadını çıkar.
Neler dahil?
Lizbon herhangi bir otelden Toplama
Aşağıdaki 4-yıldızlı otellerde açık büfe kahvaltı bazında konaklama (veya benzeri): Fátima Hotel Santa Maria; Oporto Ipanema Porto; Canas do Senhorim Hotel da Urgeiriça; Lizbon Hotel Lutecia; Évora Otel Muralhas Mar d’Ar; Lagos Vila Gale Lagos
Klimalı minibüs veya otobüs ile Ulaşım
Batalha Manastırı, Coimbra Üniversitesi, “Palácio da Bolsa” ve S. Francisco Kilisesi (Oporto) Palácio Mateus Gardens Giriş ücretleri, “Convento do Cristo” (Tomar), Palácio da Pena (Sintra), Kemik Chapel (Évora) S. Francisco Kilisesi (Evora), Évora Katedrali, ve S. Vicente Kalesi (Sagres)
Hariç olanlar
Giriş ücretleri “nelerin dahil olduğunu” belirtilmeyen
Öğle ve akşam yemekleri
İpuçları ve kişisel harcamalar
ek bir ücret karşılığında mevcuttur) Estoril sahilinde, Sintra, Cascais ve Costa da Caparica ve Sesimbra Pick-up hizmeti
Kimler için uygun değil
Tekerlekli sandalye kullananlar
0 notes
renegadesrpg · 4 years
As Death’s First, I came into incredible power. Suddenly the world – no, the universe, held no secrets from me. What he knew, I knew. What power he had, I also enjoyed. With a touch I destroyed life. With a thought I traveled dimensions. The army of reapers Death recruited to deal with humanity’s growing numbers and shortening life spans required a strong hand. As time went on, he grew bored with the endeavor and increasingly preferred to maintain an aloofness from them, dealing with the others only through me. So I was the one to whom they answered, the one who demanded their instant and unquestioning obedience to the Horseman. And the one who pronounced judgment and dealt out swift and lethal punishment on those who wavered. And yet my own certitude in our mission and The Horseman of Death’s infallibility grew with each passing eon. Silently, I reached out to hundreds of thousands, bringing death with a touch. Soothingly. I persuaded them to follow me into their personal eternity. For some, wracked with pain from injury, disease or old age, it was a blessing and a comfort. For others, it was a journey into glory. I particularly enjoyed the occasional visit to Valhalla to deliver a warrior’s soul and frequently I undertook those passings myself rather than delegate them to others. The One God might have his heaven, but the lesser God’s welcomed the more fallible mortals whom they found warranted their mercies. The deities of the Northman were wont to encourage me to stay for the fallen warrior’s welcoming feast and I often did. The ones steeped in evil and avarice, murder and uncontrolled lusts had their own destinies. Those I saw delivered to The One God’s Hell with expediency and satisfaction, often undertaking the journey myself. Because it gave me the opportunity to see Lucifer again. Yes, he had failed in his attempt to curry his Father’s favor by destroying my human life and taking my oldest sons from me. He had fallen from favor in a blaze of battle; dragging others with him into a place of his own governed by fire and ice. He took great pleasure in blaming his fall on humanity and torturing and twisting those souls who were destined for his realm. And I took great pleasure in taunting him because he could never leave his place of misery, while I, once the lowly human he thought to destroy, came and went as I pleased. And then there were the others. Innocents murdered as senselessly as my son Cain had murdered his brother. Young women dying in the throes of childbirth. Children ripped from the world before their time. And these increasingly weighed on me. Would my Ishtar, my Eve, approve of what I was doing? Of taking them from their mortal lives before they had truly lived it. Often I found myself on cliffs overlooking an endless sea brooding darkly over that question. Was the opportunity to have my vengeance on The One God worth it? And then my answer found me. Humans were not the only denizens of the universe subject to the whims of Death. Power, greed, fear and jealousy were as potent a motive for war among the so-called races of power as it was among humanity. And so it came to pass that fear of a powerful near immortal race known as The Ancients brought a war of annihilation to their very doorsteps. As a rule, they did not even choose to reside on Earth. It was as much a protection for others as themselves. Even uttering their name would bring violent insanity resulting in death to the one who called on them and to those around them. Their immense power normally was sufficient to ward off predators, but these were not normal times for them. Like all races, they felt the call to procreation. Not just sex, but to bear children. Unfortunately, the same power that protected them and allowed them to reside in other worlds and dimensions also prevented them from having young. Despite their vast knowledge and power, they needed help and so they had sought out an old acquaintance of mine, Freya – goddess of love, sexuality, beauty, fertility, gold, war, and, of most interest to me, death. Freya had worked her magic, but like all magic it had come with a price. In order to have children, the Ancient’s power had to be channeled into creation, leaving them vulnerable. But the power was still too much. Conception may have occurred but could not be carried through to birth. No, in order for it to work, they had to come to Earth. To live in contact with it and allow the spell she cast to drain off the excess power into the very ground. And so they had come to this secluded spot in the mountains. The power draining into the earth, still channeled into creation, had resulted in a lush valley. Crops grew abundantly, animals flourished and the climate remained temperate year-round. It was a beautiful place to raise children and nourish the growing race of immortals. But of course –no- race is truly immortal. Death can be dealt to all. Lucifer, that jealous miscreant, had found out about the bargain Freya had made with the Ancients. While humans may have had his first enmity, no other was safe from it either. The concept of a powerful /breeding/ race that could well one day dominate him if they so chose set him into a cold rage. When he finally had gleaned all the information he could through lies and promise never to be kept, he struck. Somehow, Death knew of all this. And I knew all that Death knew. Grimly, I marshalled a contingent of Reapers in preparation for the massacre about to occur. We gathered in the Ancient’s village, invisible and silent, and waited. It didn’t take long for their enemies to spring upon them. In the cool dawn of the morning the sun peaked over the mountains surrounding the pastoral glen. Children could be heard protesting, infants crying, mothers murmuring quietly. No sentries had been posted, so well warded was the community from supernatural intruders and it was inconceivable that humans would venture here, but the surrounding wood had gone silent. In those quiet sleepy moments of morning their enemies struck. A human, promised wealth and eternal life for his help crept inside the protections and systematically destroyed them. Dogs began to bark fiercely as the demon horde struck, pouring into the newly created gate way. The screams of women and children mingled with the war cries of the demons and the angry clang of evil-charmed swords against axes as the men rallied to try to save their families. Blue lightening flashed as they tried to call on their power to protect themselves, but Freya’s spell worked too well, draining it away into the vast reserves of the earth before it could strike down the attackers. Quickly, the air grew iron-tinged and the earth grew wet with their blood. My army of reapers began their task as each man fell, taking a soul to its eternity and returning quickly for another. When it had gone on for what seemed an eternity, the demons turned their attention to the women and children. Impassively I stood aside and watched. I had my orders. None were destined to live. Unerringly the twisted monsters ferreted out the innocents. Mother’s pleading for the lives of their children, the dull thud of the blade as it severed a neck, the diminishing sounds of infant’s crying, all echoed through my head as I watched the genocide continue until finally, the last woman had fallen, the last child knelt before her attacker, head bowed. Still unseen in that other half-realm between life and death, I moved to stand beside her, ready to take her soul quickly and save it what suffering I could when she lifted her head and, I swear, she –saw- me. It was as though she saw into my own soul and the hard shell of revenge that had encased it for so long shattered beneath her four-year-old gaze. Eyes of dark amber met mine as a tangle of silky dark brown hair fell around her tear-streaked face. “ENOUGH” screamed through my head, even as I materialized in front of her would-be executioner. A gale-force wind blew through the glen as I glared at him, whipping my long dark hair away from my face, but touched not the child behind me. The others, both demon and reaper, stared at me, fear apparent in their faces. Power as I had never known it before or since ripped from me as I raised my hand. Before, my touch had been needed to kill, but the dam controlling the vast reservoir of power at my disposal had been breached by the eyes of a child. Death poured from me in a wave, slamming into demon after demon. What was normally achieved with a painless touch, ripped savagely through each of them, leaving them screaming in agony just before their twisted souls winked out of existence. When all is quiet, I survey the carnage in front of me, still trembling with anger. The child, I remember, is behind me and as vulnerable to death as the demons had been. With mighty effort, I rein the power back, shutting the flood gates on it. The wind ceased as abruptly as it had begun as I turned to what –had- been my army of reapers and gave my last order. “Be sure all the innocent souls of this place have found their home. Then be gone!” One materializes and reaches to touch the child, to take her soul but I move faster than the eye can see and grab him by the throat. “She lives…” It comes out a growl, torn from deep within as I throw the reaper to the ground. I kneel next to the girl and speak to her softly, pulling memories of my own children from beneath eons of death. “Come with me child. I will take you somewhere safe.” With death firmly held I check I hold my hand out to her. She gazes into my eyes for a moment, then wordlessly takes it. I pull her into my arms and stand. With a gentle touch to her cheek, I murmur “sleep little one”. Her head drops to my shoulder, eyes closed as she passes into a deep sleep and I look once more at the bloody glen, the bodies of the innocent hacked to pieces, the pastoral purity of the place destroyed forever. But yet, one has been saved. Death will not be pleased by this day’s work. But, then, I’m not pleased with Death.
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newingtonnow · 4 years
The Peace Movement in Litchfield
By Julie Frey Leone for Connecticut Explored
By the middle of the 19th century, Litchfield had evolved from a bustling commercial center into a pastoral hilltop town. With the closest railroad station seven miles away, industrial efforts had moved to Torrington, Winsted, and Waterbury along the Naugatuck River. The majority of the 3,200 residents ran small agricultural and dairy farms or operated shops along West Street. Old photographs from the time show clapboard buildings along wide dusty roads. The names on many of the shop signs trace back to the founding families of Litchfield.
The Civil War Disrupts the Town’s Tranquility
The peace of this historic community was shattered with the tumultuous start of the Civil War. Residents’ sentiments varied about the war. Some advocated for peace and were quickly labeled “secessioners” or “copperheads,” terms used to label Northerners with pro-Southern sympathies. Their arguments for a peaceful solution to the conflict were anathema to the majority, who quickly denounced any dissenting opinion as unpatriotic and traitorous.
Tempers flared in August 1861 when a white flag symbolizing opposition to the war was spotted hanging outside the home of Andrew Palmer, just north of Litchfield in Goshen. An elected group of five men spoke with Palmer about lowering the flag. Their efforts proved to be in vain, as the flag reappeared the next morning. According to the Litchfield Enquirer, a group of 100 men assembled in front of the Congregational Church in Goshen and marched toward the Palmer property. Palmer removed the flag before the mob arrived. The crowd demanded the flag be turned over but Palmer refused and was arrested. He was taken before a local justice of the peace and signed an oath promising to refrain from flying any more peace flags in the future. To address the problems of war dissent, on September 1, 1861, Governor William Buckingham issued a proclamation outlawing the display of peace flags.
Presentation of Colors to the 19th Connecticut Regiment, Litchfield, September 10, 1862 – Litchfield Historical Society
Peace Convention Disrupted
Less than a year later, a peace convention was organized in Morris (a town that itself had “seceded” from Litchfield in 1859 to form its own government.) A platform was erected on the property of Morris Ensign, and the outspoken peace proponent Reverend Ellis B. Schnabel was scheduled to be the event’s key speaker. The rally was disrupted when Schnabel was arrested on a federal warrant just after he spoke. We learn from a Litchfield soldier’s letter home what became of Schnabel; Alva Stone of Litchfield, who joined the 8th Connecticut Regiment in October 1861, wrote to his wife Lucy on November 17, 1862:
I see by the paper that “Schnable” of “Peace Meeting” notoriety is figuring in the rebel army in Arkansas and so he at least has found his proper place while his audiences are deserting the cause of the rebels and trying to creep back into decent society- What has become of your peace men that used to congregate in your village and hold forth evenings[?]
Townspeople responded by forming the Litchfield Vigilance Committee, which appears to have consisted of rowdy young men who used the veil of the committee to intimidate residents they viewed as unpatriotic. One incident recounted by Esther Thompson, then 10 years old, involved the Palmers (no direct relation to Andrew Palmer), an elderly couple from Litchfield. According to Thompson, Mr. Palmer was an outspoken “copperhead.” One night a group of 40 to 50 men tacked an US flag to the front of the Palmer house and then bullied the Palmers into signing an oath of allegiance.
No One Exempt
Dr. Josiah Gale Beckwith and son, artist unknown, ca. 1845. The respected Litchfield doctor was suspected of providing medical exemptions to drafted soldiers in exchange for money – Litchfield Historical Society
Even the most prominent of Litchfield’s citizens was not free from scrutiny. In an incident that garnered statewide media attention, Dr. Josiah Beckwith, a well-respected medical physician of Litchfield and acting president of the Connecticut State Medical Society, was accused of providing drafted soldiers with medical exemptions from military duty in exchange for money. He answered his accusers in an editorial in the Litchfield Enquirer, stating, “we regard it a solemn and responsible duty which devolves on military surgeons, to muster none but proper men into the Federal Service . . . the reports of Hospital Surgeons and the medical press have shown the disasters which have resulted from mustering men having ‘Hernia, Varcicle, [sic] Heart and Chest diseases.’” Though no criminal charges were brought against Beckwith, his participation in the medical screening of military soldiers was suspended by the United State Surgeon General in August 1862.
Articles in the Litchfield Enquirer, which from June 27, 1861, to February 13, 1862, had closely monitored and denounced the peace movement in the county, suddenly stopped appearing. From then on, the town maintained a united front in favor of the war.
The mythology of the Civil War holds that citizens of the North were uniformly pro-Union. History reveals a different story. While the peace movement in Litchfield may have been short-lived, it provides an important reminder of the disparity in public opinion during the first few turbulent months of the Civil War.
Julie Frey Leone, curator of collections at the Litchfield Historical Society, helped create The Ledger, an on-line, searchable database of the students who attended the Litchfield Law School (1784-1830) and Litchfield Female Academy (1792-1833).
© Connecticut Explored. All rights reserved. This article originally appeared in Connecticut Explored (formerly Hog River Journal) Vol. 9/ No. 2, SPRING 2011.
from Connecticut History | a CTHumanities Project https://connecticuthistory.org/the-peace-movement-in-litchfield/
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The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9
He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered. Proverbs 28:26
— Huwag ang iyong puso ang maging basihan ng iyong mga kapasyahan sa buhay.
— Kapag puso mo ang lagi mong sinusunod, in Proverbs 28:26, you are fool; mahinang klase ka.
— Ang ating puso ay basihan ng ating nadarama; at madalas 'yung nadarama, MALI.
Mahirap malaman kung dinadaya ka na ng puso mo, pero may mga salita sa Bible na makakatulong para malaman kung nadaya ka na ba o dinadaya ka ng iyong puso ❤️
{Karamihan sa atin ay galing sa Catholic Church; nung ikaw ay Katoliko, lumuluhod ka, sumasamba ka sa santo dahil akala mo tama 'yung ginagawa mo. At marami sa inyo ipinagngalaban niyo pa ang diyos niyo. Bakit mo pinaglalaban? Dahil paniwalang paniwala ka na tama. Sinong nagsabing tama ka? 'Yung puso mo.}
Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them; Deuteronomy 11:16
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 2 Corinthians 4:4
Sambahin mo ang Diyos na may katapatan; Huwag Niyang makita na may mas importante pa sa'yo kaysa sa Kanya.
- Pahalagahan mo ang panahon/oras ng pagsamba; ibigay mo ang lahat ng iyong lakas para sa Panginoon na nag-ahon sa'yo mula sa kadiliman patungo sa kagila-gilalas na kaliwanagan.
Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. John 8:42‭-‬44
— Nadaya sila ng mga puso nila, akala nila sa Diyos sila sumasamba, sa Diyos sila naglilingkod, pero niliwanag ng Panginoong Jesus, dyablo ang kanilang sinasamba.
No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. Luke 16:13‭-‬14
— Kung hindi kayo naglilingkod sa Diyos, naglilingkod kayo sa mammons, sa pera, sa yaman.
Kaya kung hindi ka talaga mag-iingat, kahit Kristiyano ka na, madadaya ka pa rin ng puso mo. Aakalain mo naglilingkod ka pa, sumasamba ka pa sa Diyos; Maaaring isang araw hindi mo alam ang sinasamba mo na pala ay ang mga karangyaan ng mundong ito.. Kailangan talaga kahit Kristiyano ka na, huwag kang mawawala sa bahay panambahan ng Panginoon.
If mine heart have been deceived by a woman, or if I have laid wait at my neighbour's door; Job 31:9
— Kapag may ibang babae, naa-attract ka sa kanya, maliban sa iyong sariling asawa, nagagandahan ka sa kanya, nacu-cute-an, gusto mong kurut kurutin, your heart is deceitful!
— Magagawa pa niyang paniwalain ka na 'yung nararamdaman mo ay Biblical love, but the truth is LUST, not love. Pagnanasa, hindi pag-ibig.
{Ptr: Hangga't maaari, hindi na kailangan ng highschool reunion, lalong higit nagkaroon ka ng highschool sweetheart.. Hindi ako naniniwala, lalaki ka, mayroon kang bestfriend na babae; May asawa ka na, 'yun na anh bestfriend mo, at ang mga anak mo.. Hindi ako naniniwala, babae ka, may bestfriend ka, BFF kang lalaki, kalokohan 'yon! 'Yung mister mo ang bestfriend mo, at 'yung mga anak mo.. Hindi ako naniniwala na may mga taong higit kang masaya kapag kasama mo sila kay sa sa sarili mong pamilya, kalokohan 'yon! The heart is deceitful!}
- Salamat may Church tayo, 'yung dapat mong mapakinggan, napapakinggan mo. Sino magsasabi sa'yong mali ka? Bible. Sinong gagamitin? Pastor.
Ang aayos niyo, sisirain lang ng kasalanan dahil nadaya ng puso?
Akala mo tama ka.
{Ptr: Mga tatay, walang ibang magsasabing pogi ka, asawa mo lang! Pag nakarinig ka ng "ang gwapo gwapo mo, macho macho ka" at babae 'yon? Matakot ka! Hindi ka totoong gwapo, hindi ka totoong macho! Tinutukso ka lang!}
{Ptr: Kayo ring mga nanay, wala ring magsasabi sa inyo, "ang ganda mo, ang cute mo parang wala ka pang asawa", hindi totoo 'yon. Nanay na nanay ka na! Matakot ka kapag may pumupuri sa'yong maganda ka, hindi pag-ibig 'yon, pinagnanasaan ka. Sinasabi ko ang totoo, MASISIRA ang pamilya mo.}
{Ptr: Sa mga tatay, naniniwala ka na mahal mo ang wife mo at ibig mong maniwala siya na love na love mo siya at siya lang... pero pagkatapos no'n ay mayroon ka pang ibang nagugustuhan? Mayroon ka bang ibang pinupuri at binibiro? Huwag kang magbibiro sa babae.}
The moment na maakit ka sa iba, listen carefully, YOUR HEART IS DECEITFUL!
Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love. And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger? For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord , and he pondereth all his goings. His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins. He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray. Proverbs 5:18‭-‬23
Most of the time base sa mga konti nang malaglag, dumating 'yung time na may mga pumupuri sa kanila, na gwapo sila, na 'gusto ko ang pabango mo', 'gusto kitang manamit'; Ito 'yung mga panahon kapag inaaway sila ng asawa nila.
— Obserbahan niyo mga tatay pag may problema, pag may problema ka sa misis mo maraming pumupuri, doon maraming bumibiro sa'yo na mukhang binata ka.. paniwalang paniwala ka.. Don't forget, "the heart is deceitful!", Akala mo totoo 'yon.
Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well. Proverbs 5:15
— 'Yung cistern, 'yun ang asawa mo.
— Nauuhaw ka man, uminom ka sa sarili mong balon, huwag kang maghanap ng balon ng iba.
— Kaya nga nag-asawa ka, para may sarili kang kadluan. Binigyan ka ng Panginoon, para sa panahon ng pagkauhaw may sarili kang balon na dun ka makakakadlo; nagpapatid ng iyong uhaw.
{Wife, huwag kayong magkakait. Saan kukuha kung hindi niyo pagbibigyan?}
Kasabihan, "Hindi mo kasalanan kapag 'yung ibon dumaan sa ulo mo. Pero pag 'yung ibon nakagawa ng pugad sa ulo mo, kasalanan mo."
Laging may dumadaan, sana anghel pero madalas 'yung dumadaan, demonyo. Listen, Christian, huwag mong hayaan na mamugad sa ulo mo.
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. Proverbs 23:7
Kung anong iniisip mo, 'yun ka.
Anong kadahilanan bakit ang Diyos ay nagpasyang gunawin ang mundo?
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5
— Ang laman ng isipan ng tao ay pawang masama na lamang.
Laging naglalaro 'yung masama sa isip mo.. Pero ito ba kino-confess mo sa Panginoon?
— Matuto kang magconfess, hindi lang nang nagawa mo, kundi nang naisip mo.
{Lord, I'm sorry sa masamang kaisipang mayroon ako ngayon.}
Kaya anong sabi ni David?
"Ang salita Mo ay iingatan ko sa aking puso upang huwag akong magkasala laban sa Iyo."
But his delight is in the law of the Lord ; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. Psalms 1:2
Dinaya ka ng puso mo sa mga bagay na naglalaro sa isipan mo, hindi lang sensual, mga bagay na nakakatakot, mga bagay na hindi ka mae-encourage, matatakot ka lamang pag nag-isip ka na may masamang mangyayari sa'yo hindi ka talaga magiging masaya.
{Kayong mga partner, huwag niyong gagamitin na kasangkapan ang katawan niyo, na dahil galit ka sa partner mo, hindi mo pagbibigyan. Saan tatakbo 'yan?}
- Magnasa ka, maglaway ka, sa sarili mo. Huwag sa iba.}
{For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary. Hebrews 9:2}
For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord , and he pondereth all his goings. Proverbs 5:21
Nakikita ng Lord ang iyong mga pagnanasa. Nakikita ng Diyos lahat ng iyong pinupuntahan, alam ng Diyos ang kilos mo, ang galaw mo. Hindi mo siya maloloko. Dinadaya ka ng puso mo, hindi mo alam pero alam ng Panginoon. Alam ng Diyos lahat ng pagnanasa mo, lahat ng mga plano mo at lahat ng lugar na iyong pinupuntahan.
His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins. He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray. Proverbs 5:22‭-‬23
Huwag mong hayaan na dayain ka ng iyong puso, matakot ka kapag nakakadama ka ng pagnanasa sa iba.
So he that goeth in to his neighbour's wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent. But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul. Proverbs 6:29‭, ‬32
When your HEART is drawn to a woman na hindi laan para sa'yo ng Lord, your heart has deceived you.
Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counsellors of peace is joy. Proverbs 12:20
Ano ang laging naglalaro sa isipan mo? Ano ang lagi mong ini-imagine? Malinis ba o madumi? Pangit ba o maganda? Sexual ba o may kabanalan?
— Made-depress ka kung ang laman ng isip mo ay may masamang mangyayari sa buhay mo at pamilya mo.
— Bakit? Wala ka bang Diyos na nag-iingat sa'yo?
— Wala bang halaga ang ating pananampalataya?
— Bakit tayo nakakilala sa Panginoon?
— Bakit pa tayo tumatawag sa Kanya kung tayo rin pala ang magpoprotekta sa ating sarili?
{'Yung kaya kong gawing protection gagawin ko, pero 'yung hindi ko na kaya? Bahala ang Panginoon sa akin.}
Bakit ka mag-iimagine ng masamang bagay? Control your mind.
But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward. Jeremiah 7:24
Bago ang isang tao sumuway sa Panginoon, bago ang isang tao gumawa ng masama, ito muna ay NAGSIMULA SA KANYANG ISIPAN; At sa kanyang isipan nagkaroon na siya ng determinasyon na, "ito ay aking gagawin"
— Sa isip nag-uumpisa ang masama niyang gagawin. Sa isip niya nag-uumpisa ang pagsuway sa kagustuhan ng Panginoon.
'Yung naglaro sa isip mo, matuto ka nang ihingi ng tawad sa Panginoon para huwag mo nang magawa. Sapagkat kung anong iniisip mo, gano'n ka.
— Huwag mong hayaan na dayain ka ng isip mo.
— Huwag mong hayaan na papaniwalain ka ng isip mo na walang masama sa iniisip mo.
Jeremiah 19:7 {Hindi mo alam, pero alam ng Panginoon}
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: Psalms 139:23
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. Romans 16:17‭-‬18
{Mga Preachers/Pastors na sinusundan mo.}
— Malalaman mo naman talaga kung sila ay bulaang Pastor o nagpapastor-pastoran lang ayon sa sinasabi ng Bible.
{Hindi mo masasabing itong mga taong 'to ay nadaya lang ng tao, bagkus nadaya sila ng kanilang puso. Napapaniwala sila ng kanilang puso na itong mga taong ito ay talagang mga pastor at tagapagturo. Marami sila. Reminder, heart is deceitful.
Then the Lord said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart. Therefore thus saith the Lord concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name, and I sent them not, yet they say, Sword and famine shall not be in this land; By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed. Jeremiah 14:14‭-‬15
Nag warning na ang Lord, lagi Siyang nagpapaalala. Maraming lalabas na bulaang propeta at gagamitin ang pangalan ng Lord, marami silang madadaya. Huwag maging basehan ang puso mo na tama sila. Huwag kang padaya.
Ang sukatan ay ang Bible.
To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:20
{Ptr: Tayo bilang mga nakaunawa na, hindi mo kailangan pakinggan sila para matuto ka, ang pakikinig sa mga taong 'to (e.g. Soriano, Quiboloy) at panonood sa kanila ay violation sa Bible.
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. Psalms 1:1
Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge. Proverbs 19:27
{Pag ang katuwiran mo, "walang mawawala sa akin sa pakikinig sa kanila", nadaya ka na ng puso mo.}
* A female pastor is not a Pastor.
In I Timothy 1:12-13, hindi pwedeng maging Pastor ang babae..
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 1 Timothy 2:12‭-‬13
* Ano mang simbahan ang babae ang leader, ito ay mali. Ito ay hindi sa Diyos. Hindi ito gawain ng Diyos. At lahat ng mga tao dito ay nadaya ng kanilang puso, nadaya na sila'y sa Diyos pero hindi sa Diyos.
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 1 Timothy 2:11
* Hindi sila dapat maging leader sa Church.
* Ang leadership ay sa lalaki. Hindi sa babae.
Si Pablo ang nagsabi, "enemy of the cross." (Philippians 3:17‭-‬19)
The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? Obadiah 1:3
- Pag-aakala sa kanyang sarili na siya'y importanteng tao.}
- Pag-aakala sa kanyang sarili na siya ay nakahihigit at magaling higit kanino pa man.
You know when you are proud and arrogant. Hindi ka mapagsabihan; alam mo na lahat. Mali ka pero ayaw mong tanggaping mali ka. Nakikipagtalo ka pa. Pag mali ka, aminin mong mali ka. Huwag kang magmalaki.
— Huwag kang magpalagay sa sarili mo na napaka importante mo, na kapag nawala ka, wala na rin sila.
- NO. Madali kang paltan.
- Huwag kang mag-aakala na swerteng swerte sila dumating ka sa buhay nila. Kahit wala ka pa.
- "Dapat silang magpasalamat ako'y nandito" NO. Hindi gano'n.
The reason bakit nandito ka pa, dahil sa awa at biyaya ng Diyos. Aminin mo the reason pinagpala ka ng Diyos, may Calvary (Church) sa buhay mo. Ibig ka Niyang gamitin dito, huwag kang makasarili. Binibigyan ka para amyroon kang ibigay. Dapat makita natin pare-pareho. Minsan, akala mo pinagpala ka dahil sa sarili mo, — NO! Pinagpala ka sapagkat mayroon kang Church. Nakakilala ka sa Lord dahil sa Church. But the moment na inakala mo lahat ito dahil sa'yo, "nadaya ka na ng puso mo".
{Na parang hindi mo sila kailangan — PRIDE — you are ambitious, self-willed, matigas ang ulo, ayaw makinig.}
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18
Pag mataas na mataas ka na, nakakatakot 'yon, sapagkat ang kasunod is what? Destruction.
— Huwag nating kalimutan; Hindi tayo magaling, magaling ang ating Diyos. Hindi tayo matalino. Kung ano mang naabot natin ngayon dahil sa biyaya at awa ng Diyos.
Iwasan natin pag tayo'y nag testimony, "Salamat na lang nandito pa ako", — NO, salamat sa Diyos nandito ka pa.
{Mga salitang lumalabas sa iyong bibig}
If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. James 1:26
Walang kabuluhan na mayroon kang Church, kung may relihiyon ka pero hindi ka naman marunong magpigil ng iyong bibig.
{Nagpayaman sa sarili. Hindi naman nagpayaman sa Diyos. Tinawag na fool, nagpadaya sa puso.}
Kung wala ang Diyos sa buhay natin wala taypng magagawa. {I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:5}
Siya lang ang ating Pag-asa, Tagumpay, Kagalakan, Provider, Protector, na hindi nagbabago.
— Ito ang maging Authority ng iyong buhay.
PM Service
(CBBC, Ptr. R. Flores)
— Salamat po, Lord! Salamat po, Pastor! Amen!
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vetpedrodiaz · 4 years
¿Qué razas caninas son las más inteligentes? [15 de las razas caninas más inteligentes]
Se les conoce como “los mejores amigos del hombre” porque son animales muy cariñosos, fieles e inteligentes, pero hay que reconocer que algunos son más que otros.
Originalmente los Border Collie eran una raza que se dedicaba al pastoreo, hoy en día son unos excelentes animales de compañía y son la raza de perro más inteligente. Viven trabajar, por lo que necesitan hacer algo para que sean felices: sacarlos a jugar y a pasear para que corran, hagan ejercicio… etc. para mantenerse saludables. Son reconocidos por su velocidad, agilidad y obediencia. Adiestrarlos es un verdadero placer; aprenden muy rápidamente trucos y obediencias. Son muy leales.
El Caniche o Poodle está en el número 2 en la lista. No te engañes, esta raza es absolutamente brillante. Usados como perros de caza y también como perros de vigilancia y rescate. Les fascina estar alrededor de las personas y son muy protectores. Solo llegan a pesar 5 kilos y son perros alegres, juguetones y muy activos. No se distraen fácilmente y son muy receptivos a la hora de adiestrarlos. Son metódicos, energéticos y excelentes con los niños, aunque si no se les adiestra y socializa correctamente pueden llegar a ser destructivos.
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El Pastor Alemán es de los perros más inteligentes, guardianes y fieles que hay. Además son perros cariñosos y protectores, son muy valientes y empleados como perros de rescate, usados en cuerpos especiales como la policía o el ejército. Se trata de una raza capaz de aprender rápidamente y de seguir instrucciones a la perfección, eso sí, como perro doméstico requiere de atención y ejercicio para mantenerse en buen estado.
Los Golden Retriever se pueden confundir con el labrador, ya que son parecidos. Son encantadores, preciosos y brillantes. Famoso por su obediencia y su capacidad de aprender nuevos trucos, es una de las razas más usadas como perro guía y para ayudar a personas con minusvalías, por lo que además se trata de un animal con un temperamento estable y muy fiel. Un perro ideal.
El Doberman Pinscher es un perro alemán. En el pasado, eran entrenados para ser perros policías, perros de vigilancia, y perros guardianes. Aunque ellos pueden ser entrenados para ser feroces, la mayoría son amables y dóciles. Han sido usados en hospitales para ayudar a recuperar pacientes bajo terapia. Son un poco crueles por naturaleza, pero se puede confiar en que ellos te protegerán. El Doberman es valiente, cariñoso, vivaz, decidido y elegante. Con una expresión decidida e inquietante, tienen carácter enérgico, orgulloso e impulsivo, y siempre que reciba un buen adiestramiento se mostrará estable, asentado y sociable.
El Ovejero de Shetland es un perro muy inteligente, tanto, que muchos incluso aseguran que lo son tanto como los humanos. Estos perros se originan en Escocia y son usados para pastorear ovejas. Los hay de tamaños más grandes y más pequeños, son muy enérgicos y tienen muy buen oído. Son muy bonitos, buenos guardianes, fieles y cariñosos; un excelente compañero.
Al igual que su primo el Golden Retriever, el Labrador es un perro de apariencia amigable y adorable que resulta ser un animal perfecto para tareas de rescate y para guiar y ayudar a personas con alguna minusvalía. Es un estupendo compañero para los niños porque es divertido y aprende con mucha facilidad órdenes o trucos. Necesitan hacer bastante ejercicio porque tienden a padecer obesidad frecuentemente. Muchos de estos perros son usados por la fuerza pública como detectores de bombas y drogas. Definitivamente son muy inteligentes.
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Son despiertos, atentos, de reacción rápida y con apariencia adorable. El Papillon puede ser pequeño pero su comprensión es tan destacada que figura como la octava raza entre los perros más inteligentes. Es muy activo y es perfecto para obedecer órdenes, aprende rápidamente y se adapta con facilidad a la vida en un espacio relativamente pequeño, como un apartamento. Estos perros también son considerados como un símbolo de elegancia.
A pesar de su mala fama o su apariencia, estos perros no solamente son de las razas más inteligentes, sino que también son de los más dóciles y cariñosos con las personas. Los Rottweiler suelen utilizarse como perros policía debido a su mandíbula y dientes fuertes. Antiguamente se les usaba para cargar madera u objetos pesados. Son excelentes guardianes, racionales y equilibrados. Si se le educa bien, con cariño y ejercicios, como cualquier otro perro, será un estupendo compañero y no supondrá ninguna preocupación para nadie.
No hace falta ir a Australia para encontrar a este perro. Se les conoce por su gran inteligencia y muchos se les entrenan para arrear el ganado (de ahí su nombre). Llevan arreando al ganado desde el siglo XIX y hoy en día siguen haciendo lo mismo. El Perro del ganado australiano es muy activo y le gusta mucho tener siempre algo que hacer. No es un perro para tenerlo en un piso o en un patio encerrado, podría crear problemas. Les gusta la convivencia y la presencia de alguien.
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Schnauzer es una raza canina que se originó en Alemania. Los schnauzer fueron criados para perseguir y cazar. Originalmente el schnauzer pequeño se utilizaba como un perro de establo, y fue el celo con el que cazaba a las ratas y ratones lo que le valió el apelativo de rattler (ratonero). Amigables y cariñosos, los schnauzer se llevarán bien con los niños, y otros perros, siempre y cuando estén correctamente socializados y entrenados. Son protectores, energéticos, y alertan a los miembros de la familia de cualquier peligro potencial. Siempre están alerta, son excelentes guardianes, aunque su naturaleza vigilante puede llevarlo a ladrar persistentemente.
Los Border Terrier son una excelente mascota. Buen carácter y excesivamente cariñosos con su amo, también demuestran ser un buen guardián del hogar. Excelente con los niños, les gusta mucho jugar. Bueno para el apartamento o casa. Debe ser mantenido dentro de la casa ya que le gusta hacer huecos en la tierra. Se le debe llevar a hacer ejercicio con mucha frecuencia ya que es muy activo.
La raza canina Samoyedo ha tomado su nombre de los pueblos samoyedos del norte de Rusia. Estos pueblos nómadas de pastores de renos criaron esta raza para ayudar con el pastoreo, tirar de trineos y para mantener a sus dueños calientes por las noches durmiendo a su lado. Un nombre alternativo para la raza es Bjelkier. Debido a que es muy juguetón lo hace un perro poco recomendable como guardián. Puede ser un buen perro vigilante, ya que ladrará cuando algo o alguien se acerque a su territorio. Si se le socializa bien es un buen perro de compañía, manteniendo un carácter jovial hasta edad avanzada. Conocidos por ser un tanto necios a veces o difíciles de entrenar, deben ser adiestrados con paciencia y perseverancia.
El Cocker Spaniel inglés es una raza de perro originaria de Gales. Fue desarrollada con la finalidad de perseguir a las gallinetas arreándolas de sus escondites en los arbustos. Es un perro recomendable como mascota de compañía para aquellos que disfrutan del campo. También está el Cocker Americano, que fue traído desde Gran Bretaña. La variedad estadounidense llegó a ser tan diferente de la británica que se le consideró, oficialmente, una raza distinta más adelante. Es uno de los perros de compañía más populares del mundo, su tamaño es mediano y su evidente inteligencia lo convierten en uno de los favoritos de toda la familia.
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El Pomerania o Pomerano (también conocido como Spitz enano alemán o Lulú de Pomerania) es un perro de la familia Spitz, que recibe su nombre de la región de Pomerania Central, en Alemania oriental, y se clasifica como perro toy (juguete) por su pequeño tamaño. Los antepasados del pomerania eran perros de trineo. Es un perro activo, independiente, que se adapta fácilmente a la vida urbana y es excelente para el campo. No obstante, puede que no interactúe bien con niños pequeños, ya que debido a su pequeña talla puede ser lastimado con facilidad. Es un perro de carácter fuerte, como todos los spitz, por lo que no tolerará maltratos por parte de los pequeños, y podría llegar a morder o mostrarse asustado e inseguro en esos casos.
from WordPress https://patitasarribamexico.home.blog/2020/04/10/que-razas-caninas-son-las-mas-inteligentes-15-de-las-razas-caninas-mas-inteligentes/
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