#patricio monty
little-dikdik · 11 months
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As a coinsidence, Mercutio was paired up to do a school project with Tybalt of all people. T was as peaceful as possible and even talked a bit with Isabella.
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They played a chess. Right now Mercutio doesn't see him as an enemy, his only enemy is Danielle Brooke. And no Tycutio won't happen, Tybalt is straight and Mercutio is bi and I'm not a fan of that ship in particular.
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Right now for teenagers I roll 1-100 if they do the homework. Their interest in school declares the chance the'll do. Mercutio has 6 points, so its 60% chance he's doing the homework. Romeo has lower but he sometimes want to do it himself if he doesn't roll.
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dearsimmies · 1 year
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anitmb · 1 year
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Sunday was a bit more eventful in the Contrary household, as they became the first family to test out the new community lot in town, The Midnight Motel that's owned by Patricio Monty and where Brandy Broke works as a cleaner.
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They had lunch at the pizzeria located in the motel.
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Their dinner went fine only because I took control of Patrizio and had him be the chef (he's old so he must have forgotten his job). The test run also reminded me that I need to get the mod that stops business owners from re-assigning their employees, because I had assigned their jobs just fine!
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They had a nice time and even managed to get some snu snu after they returned home.
Back at home Rick was also on his first date with Gvaudoin Tricou.
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And it was going so well until he decided to nookie her and the tiny crush she had developed just moments before was crushed to pieces.
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Each and every social interaction with any of his female acquaintances end up like this. With him getting positive relationship points from it and they negative.
And with this I'm done with the Contrary family!
Next the Ottomans, which is already stressing me out because the size of their family is way beyond my comfort level.
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Título Original: La parte del león
Año:  1978
Duración: 85 min
País: Argentina
Dirección: Adolfo Aristarain
Guion: Adolfo Aristarain
Música: Aníbal Guart, Jorge Navarro
Fotografía: Horacio Maira
Reparto: Julio De Grazia, Luisina Brando, Fernanda Mistral, Beba Bidart, Ulises Dumont, Arturo Maly, Julio Chávez, Cecilia Padilla, Osvaldo Terranova, Patricio Contreras, Alejandro Patiño, Miguel Guerberof, Lidia Catalano, Enrique Mazza, Héctor Monti, Aldo Pastur, Ernesto Torcha, Marcos Woinsky, Javier Migelson, Roberto Barrio, Tito Luca
Productora: Jorge N. Cuomo, 
Género: Drama; Crime; Thriller
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mrslandgraab · 6 years
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“Are they even feeding you there?”
“Yes, grandpa, they do.”
“Then why come you are just skin and bones?”
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rippythegrunt · 2 years
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Villa Verona or Villa Verona?
damn the capps are really tall huh but it doesn't matters because Romeo loves tall girls
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aondaneedles · 4 years
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The party was in full swing. The family didn’t quite dare to mingle, but on behalf of Consort, every member of the Capp family attended. He noted that it seemed like every Monty in town was in attendance, too.
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Consort made his way across the room, his grandson flanking him. “Stop scowling, Tybalt, you’re scaring the kids.”
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He made his way over to Patricio and his wife. Patrizio’s oldest, who sat with them, scowled as soon as he saw them and got up from his seat. Patrizio raised his voice. “Mercutio, sit down!”
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As he stepped closer, Patrizio got up and closed the distance. The old men seized each other up before breaking into wide grins, looking not unlike the schoolboys that had befriended each other all those years ago.
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“Care to join me for a drink at the bar?”
“I couldn’t think of anything better to do. Consort, you will not believe the night I’ve had. I had the strangest nightmare...”
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!
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queenfredegund · 4 years
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MEROVINGIAN REGINAE | Unnamed concubines (5th century-7th century) 
Concubine A, concubine of Chlodovech I Rex, mother of Theodorich I Rex
She is only quoted once by Gregorius of Tours, and is oftenly perceived as a Frankish rhenan princess by some historians, though this theory is heavily debated and not really interesting.
“[...] habens iam de concubina filium nomine Theudericum.
Clovis already had a son called Theuderic by one of his mistresses.”
DLH, II, 28. Quod Chlodovechus Chrodigilde accepit
Concubine B, concubine of Theodorich I Rex, mother of Theodebert I Rex
She is oftenly called “Eustère”, thank to a 17th-century’s falsification, but her real name is unknown. It is as well unknown if she was still alived when her son appeared for the first time in Gregorius of Tours’ chronicle.
“Habebat iam tunc Theudoricus filium nomen Theudobertum, elegantem atque utilem.
Theuderic already had a son called Theudebert, an elegant and able young man.”
DLH, III, 1. De filiis Chlodovechi
Concubine C, concubine of Theodorich II Rex, mother of Sigebert II Rex
She gave birth to her son in 602/603, and apparently remained under the lead of Brunehilde Regina. She was then never considered as a chief or a main wife.  
“Anno VII regni Theuderici de concubina filius nascitur nomen Sigybertus [...].
The seventh year of the reign of Theuderic, he has, of a concubine, a son, named Sigebert [...].”
Chron, IV, 21. De filium Teuderici natum, et Aegyla patricius interficetur
In 613, after Theodorich’s death, her son Sigebert was appointed rex over Austrasia and Burgundia, under Brunehilde’s third regency. Concubine C was then never seen as a potential regent or was perhaps already dead. However, soon afterwards, a conspiration led by Warnacharius II, Maior Palatii of Burgundia, alongside with Pippin I and Bishop Arnulf of Mettis (Metz), led to the downfall of Brunehilde Regina and her offspring: Sigebert II Rex was killed in the year 613, only three months after his coronation.
“Sigybertus et Corbus filius Theuderici iusso Chlothariae interfecti sunt.
Sigebert and Corbus, Theuderich’s sons, were killed on the orders of Clothar.”
Chron, IV, 42. De quod Chlotarius regnum Burgundiae et Auster recipit et filius Teuderici occisit
Concubine D, concubine of Theodorich II Rex, mother of Childebert Rex
She gave birth to her son in 603, and apparently remained under the lead of Brunehilde Regina. She was then never considered as a chief or a main wife.
“Anno VIII regni Teuderici de concubina nascitur ei filius nomen Childebertus. [...]
In the eighth year of Theuderich’s reign, he had a son named Childebert from a concubine.”
Chron, IV, 24. De exilium sancti Desideriae episcopi
According to Fredegar, in 613, during the downfall of the Austrasian regnum, Childebert managed to escape and never came back again.
“Captis filiis Theuderici tres Sigiberto, Corbo et Meroeo quem ipse de fontes excipit, Childebertus fugaciter ascendens nec umquam postea fuit reuersus.
Three sons of Theuderic were captured: Sigebert, Corbus and Merovech, whom he himself held on the font; Childebert, on the run, disappeared, and never again returned.”
Chron, IV, 42. De quod Chlotarius regnum Burgundiae et Auster recipit et filius Teuderici occisit
Concubine E, concubine of Theodorich II Rex, mother of Chramn (II) Rex
She gave birth to her son in 604/605, and apparently remained under the lead of Brunehilde Regina. She was then never considered as a chief or a main wife.
“Anno VIIII regni Teuderici nascitur ei de concubina filius nomen Corbus.
The ninth year of Theuderich’s reign, he has a concubine named Corbus.”
Chron, IV, 24. De exilium sancti Desideriae episcopi
According to Fredegar, in 613, during the downfall of the Austrasian regnum, her son Chramn was executed on Chlothacar II’s orders with his brother Sigebert II Rex, even if he was still a child by that time (perhaps not over 10 years old).
Concubine F, concubine of Theodorich II Rex, mother of Merovech (II) Rex
She gave birth to her son in 607, and apparently remained under the lead of Brunehilde Regina. She was then never considered as a chief or a main wife.
“Anno VIIII regni Teuderici nascitur ei de concubina filius nomen Corbus.
The same year, Theuderich had a son named Merovech from a concubine whom Clothar kept on the baptismal font.”
Chron, IV, 29. De interetum Volfo patricio
According to Fredegar, because Chlothacar II Rex was his godfather, the boy was spared in 613 and brought to be raised in his court. After that, he disappeared from the sources.
“Meroeus secrecius iusso Chlothariae in Neptrico perducetur, eodem amplectens amore quod ipso de sancto excepisset lauacrum, Ingobode graffione comendatur, ubi plures post annos uixit.
Merovech, in secret, is taken to Neustria on the order of Clothar who was fond of him because he had held him on the baptismal font. He is entrusted to the Ingobod graffiti and he lived there for several years.”
Chron, IV, 42. De quod Chlotarius regnum Burgundiae et Auster recipit et filius Teuderici occisit
Concubine G, concubine of Charibert II Rex, mother of Chilperich Rex
Her name remains unknown, although some historians named her “Gisela” based on a falsed charter from the 17th century; the name of “Fulberta” also spread on the internet, but it’s an invention based on no real source.
As Charibert was appointed rex over Aquitania, we could imagine she was from aquitanian nobility, but no source had recorded anything on her.  According to Fredegar, she could have lived near him, in Tolosa (Toulouse), since his coronation in 629. 
“[...] pagum Tholosanum, Cathorcinum, Agenninsem, Petrocorecum et Santonecum uel quod ab his uersus montis Pereneos exludetur. Hoc tantum Chairiberto regendum concessit [...].
These were the cantons of Toulouse, Cahors, Agen, Périgueux and Saintes, as well as what is included between these places and the Pyrenees. That’s all he gave to govern Charibert.”
Chron, IV, 57. De regnum Chariberti, filio Clotariae
After the death of Charibert in 631, she lost her infant son soon afterwards, and it was thought that he had been killed at the instigation of Dagobert I Rex, as he died at such a convenient age. Her fate after that is unknown.
“Anno nono regni Dagoberti Charibertus rex moretur, relinquens filium paruolum nomini Chilpericum, qui nec post moram defunctus est. Fertur faccione Dagoberti fuisset interfectus.
In the ninth year of Dagobert's reign, King Charibert dies, leaving a very young son, named Chilpéric, who perishes shortly after. It is reported that he was killed as a result of Dagobert’s maneuvers.”
Chron, IV, 67. De obitum Gariberti et filii sui, et regnum eius Dacobertus ambavit
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rabbittstewcomics · 2 years
Episode 362
Comic Reviews:
DC Mech 1 by Kenny Porter, Baldemar Rivas, Mike Spicer
Detective Comics 1062 by Ram V, Rafael Albuquerque, Simon Spurrier, Dani, Dave Stewart
Superman: Space Age 1 by Mark Russell, Michael Allred, Laura Allred
Zatanna: The Jewel of Gravesend GN by Alys Arden, Jacquelin De Leon
Amazing Spider-Man 6/900 by Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness, Dan Slott, Jeff Loveness, Daniel Kibblesmith, David Lopez, Marcos Martin, Todd Nauck, Cliff Rathburn, Wade Von Grawbadger, Mark Morales, Nathan Fairbairn, Rachelle Rosenberg, Muntsa Vicente, Erick Arciniega, Dijjo Lima, Marcio Menyz
Ant-Man 1 by Al Ewing, Tom Reilly, Jordie Bellaire
Gambit 1 by Chris Claremont, Sid Kotian, Espen Grundetjern
Genis-Vell: Captain Marvel 1 by Peter David, Juanan Ramirez, Federico Blee
Wild Cards – The Drawing of Cards 1 by George R. R. Martin, Paul Cornell, Mike Hawthorne, Adriano Di Benedetto, Ruth Redmond
Magic Order 3 1 by Mark Millar, Gigi Cavenago
Hollows by Chris Ryall, Sam Keith
Wrong Earth: Meat by Tom Peyer, Greg Scott
Vampirella: Year One 1 by Christopher Priest, Giovanni Timpano, Ergun Gunduz
Book of Shadows 1 by Cullen Bunn, Vicente Cifuentes, Nick Filardi
Blink 1 by Christopher Sebela, Hayden Sherman, Nick Filardi
American Mythology
Florida Man 1 by Mike Baron, Todd Mulrooney, Elias Martins
Kenzie’s Kingdom GN by Shea Fontana, Agnes Garbowska, Sil Brys
Seven Seas Entertainment
Dungeon Crawler's Academy: Into the Portal GN by JP Sullivan, Elmer Damaso
Ray’s OGN Corner: Scout is Not a Band Kid by Jade Armstrong
Additional Reviews: Birds of Prey, Cube, Event Horizon, DC’s League of Super-Pets, Dopesick, Harley Quinn s3 first thoughts
News: Spidey cartoon oddness (Freshman Year), Death of Superman anthology special in November, Spider-Punk joins Spider-Verse 2, Affleck returns for Aquaman 2, Nichelle Nichols
Trailers: Oppenheimer
Comics Countdown:
Superman: Space Age 1 by Mark Russell, Michael Allred, Laura Allred
Deadly Class 54 by Rick Remender, Wes Craig, Lee Loughridge
Radiant Black 16 by Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa, Igor Monti, Becca Carey
Something is Killing the Children 25 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto
Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country 4 by James Tynion IV, Lisandro Estherren, Dani, Patricio Delpeche, Tamra Bonvillain
Swamp Thing 15 by Ram V, Mike Perkins, Mike Spicer
Ant-Man 1 by Al Ewing, Tom Reilly, Jordie Bellaire
I Hate This Place 3 by Kyle Starks, Artyom Topilin, Lee Loughridge
Rogue Sun 6 by Ryan Parrott, Abel, Natalia Marques
TMNT 131 by Kevin Eastman, Sophie Campbell, Pablo Tunica, Ronda Pattisono
Check out this episode!
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little-dikdik · 11 months
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Isabella helped a player who needed help and got some money for it.
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Mercutio went on a date with Miranda to watch Juliette beat up Ginger Newson.
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At home, Romeo had an urge to cheat on his girl. He invited Angela and brought some beer but Angela's a good girl who doesn't drink. Nothing romantic happened.
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Both boys bother to do their homework but their grades aren't up yet.
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dearsimmies · 1 year
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Héctor Alterio and Norma Aleandro in The Official Story (Luis Puenzo, 1985) Cast: Norma Aleandro, Héctor Alterio, Chunchuna Villafañe, Hugo Arana, Guillermo Battaglia, Chela Ruíz, Patricio Contreras, Maria Luisa Robledo, Anibal Morixe, Jorge Petraglia, Analia Castro. Screenplay: Luis Puenzo, Aída Bortnik. Cinematography: Félix Monti. Production design: Abel Facello. Film editing: Juan Carlos Macías. Music: Atilio Stampone. In The Official Story,  a gripping film about guilt, Norma Aleandro plays Alicia, a woman whose suspicions about the parentage of her adopted daughter, Gaby (Analia Castro), lead her to investigate the sufferings of others and thereby to share in that suffering. The film might be criticized for coming at the sordid history which underlies it, the "disappeared" citizens who opposed the Argentine junta that took power in 1976, from the wrong point of view, for turning the complacent bourgeois into victims. But the victimization game is all too easy to play, and I think it's better to see The Official Story as a film about the consequences of evil. Luis Puenzo controls the many ironies of Alicia's story, such as the fact that she's a history teacher who doesn't understand the history of own times, without letting his film become too heavy-handed and didactic. For me the climax of the film comes not when Alicia makes her shattering discovery, but in what spurs her to set out on her quest for the truth: a reunion with an old friend, Ana (Chunchuna Villafañe), who fled the country after being arrested and tortured by the junta. It begins as a light-hearted moment, with the two women getting snockered on egg nog, laughing together until the laughter turns hysterical, and Ana delivers the full story of her torture and abuse. It's a moment that brilliantly evokes the fragility of friendship and the consequences of moral and political choice.
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Título Original: El gerente
Año:  2022
Duración: 104 min
País:  Argentina  
Director: Ariel Winograd
Guion: Patricio Vega. Libro: Romina Zollo, María José Acosta
Música: Lucio Godoy
Fotografía: Félix Monti
Reparto: Leonardo Sbaraglia, Cecilia Dopazo, Carla Peterson, Luis Luque, Ignacio Saralegui, Agustina Suasquita, Marina Bellati, Mónica Raiola, Martín Piroyansky, Marco Antonio Caponi, Miguel Granados, Juan Tupac Soler
Productora: VIS, Tresplanos Cine, Infinity Hill. Distribuidora: Paramount+
Género: Comedy
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soycabcba · 4 years
Empate en el primer amistoso y triunfo de Estudiantes ante Belgrano en el segundo
Belgrano y Estudiantes de Río Cuarto se enfrentaron a modo de preparación para la Primera Nacional que arrancará el fin de semana del 13 de marzo. 
El debut del Pirata en su camino en el certamen será como local ante Tigre. Mientras que el primer partido del conjunto dirigido por Gerardo Acuña en su fixture será como local ante Deportivo Morón.
El encuentro entre Belgrano y Estudiantes se disputató en el Estadio Antonio Candini. El primer amistoso culminó 0-0 y el segundo se lo llevó el local por 1-0.
Primer amistoso
En el primer encuentro disputado en Río Cuarto no se sacaron diferencias. Los titulares dirigidos por Orfila venían de perder 2-0 ante Instituto y derrotar 3-1 a Guemes.
Belgrano: Nahuel Losada; Juan Barinaga, Ezequiel González, Nahuel Tecilla, Joquín Livera; Tomás Asprea, Hernán Bernardello, Valentín Barbero; Juan Pablo RuizGómez, Pablo Vegetti y Facundo Heredia.
Estudiantes: Brian Olivera; Damián Adín, Gonzalo Maffini, Gastón Bottino y Nicolás Ihitz ; Nicolás Talpone, Álvaro Cuello, Néstor Ortigoza y Nahuel Cainelli; Ibrahim Hesar y Javier Ferreira.
En Estudiantes ingresaron Maximiliano Padilla por Bottino y Víctor Beraldi por Ortigoza. 
Segundo amistoso
En el segundo partido, Estudiantes venció 1-0 a Belgrano con gol de Matías Montejano en el complemento.
Estudiantes: Joaquín Bigo; Francisco Romero, Emanuel Martínez Schmiht, Franco Pardo, Maximiliano Padilla; David Müller, Luciano Raballo, Matías Morales, Leonel Ceresole; Víctor Beraldi y Mateo Ahmed.
Belgrano: Daniel Sappa; Rdrigo González, Gino Barbieri, Santiago Morales, Cuello;Bruno Zapelli, Santiago Longo, Gerónimo Tomasetti, Juan Pablo Gómez; Agustín Colazo, Edgardo Albornoz.
Lucas Miguez ingresó por Padilla en el local.
El conjunto de Río Cuarto sumó hasta ahora ocho refuerzos: Patricio Monti (volante central), Nicolás Talpone (volante derecho), Matías Morales (volante central) y Damián Adín (lateral derecho), se le sumaron las firmas de contrato de Nicolás Ihitz (lateral izquierdo) , Franco Pardo (defensor central), Marcos Arturia (delantero) y  Mateo Ahmed (delantero).
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  Así formó Belgrano ante Estudiantes. (Prensa Belgrano)
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Estudiantes y Belgrano se enfrentaron en un amistoso preparatorio para la Primera Nacional. (Prensa Estudiantes)
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En el segundo amistoso, Estudiantes venció a Belgrano por 1-0. (Prensa Estudiantes)
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Estudiantes y Belgrano se enfrentaron en un amistoso preparatorio para la Primera Nacional. (Prensa Estudiantes)
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Así formó Belgrano ante Estudiantes. (Prensa Belgrano)
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Estudiantes y Belgrano se enfrentaron en un amistoso preparatorio para la Primera Nacional. (Prensa Estudiantes)
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En el segundo amistoso, Estudiantes venció a Belgrano por 1-0. (Prensa Estudiantes)
source https://mundod.lavoz.com.ar/futbol/empate-en-el-primer-amistoso-y-triunfo-de-estudiantes-ante-belgrano-en-el-segundo
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junkielee · 7 years
[Last Film I Watched] The Official History (1985)
[Last Film I Watched] The Official History (1985)
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English Title: The Official Story Original Title: La historia oficial Year: 1985 Country: Argentina Language: Spanish, English Genre: Drama, History, War Director: Luis Puenzo Writers: Luis Puenzo Aída Bortnik Music: Atilio Stampone Cinematography: Félix Monti Cast: Norma Aleandro Héctor Alterio Chunchuna Villafañe Chela Ruíz Patricio Contreras Hugo Arana Guillermo Battaglia Analia Castro María Luisa Robledo Floria…
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little-dikdik · 11 months
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Boys went to their prom. Mercutio went with Miranda, Romeo with Juliette.
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Mercutio after his prom called to Lilith as he wanted to befriend her. And he did.
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Romeo and Juliette had a little "after prom activity" gone wild.
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