#pattachitra palm leaf painting
sabhyasha · 1 year
Tree of Life Pattachitra Painting on Tassar Art Silk
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Traditional Pattachitra Painting of Tree of Life Hand Painted on Tassar Art Silk by Authentic Pattachitra Artist of Odisha. Patachitra or Pattachitra is a general term for traditional, cloth-based scroll painting, based in the eastern Indian states of Odisha, West Bengal and parts of Bangladesh. Pattachitra art form is known for its intricate details as well as mythological narratives and folktales inscribed in it.
Historically, Pattachitra came into existence in order to depict Lord Jagannath’s tales. Krishna’s leelas have been an important motif for the paintings as well. Thus, the main themes of Pattachitra revolve around religious narratives, mythological stories and folktales. To get this beautiful hand-painted Pattachitra Painting visit: https://sabhyasha.com/tree-of-life-pattachitra-painting/
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celestesinsight · 6 months
1st December, 2023.
I visited Bali Jatra for fourth time today. Bali Jatra is the Asia's largest open trade fair, that is held in Cuttack every year. It begins from the day of Kartika Purnima and lasts for 7-8 days. This year, it started on 27th November and will end on 4th December.
It is held to pay homage to the maritime history of Odisha.
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Bali Jatra may be just a fair for others, but an emotion and nostalgia for us Cuttackias. And I am simply obsessed with it since childhood and love to visit it daily.
When I was in my Class 10th, our tuition teacher forbade us to go to Bali Jatra, because he didn't want us to miss classes and lag behind the studies. Any kid who missed classes during those days, even if for other reasons, was punished severely. I didn't miss any classes, instead I went to Bali Jatra during the one-hour gap between school and tuition. It was tiring, but anything for Bali Jatra. I am that crazy about Bali Jatra.
So, today I went with Mom. Last three times I went there alone. People always ask me, don't I feel awkward visiting a fair alone? And yes, I did feel uncomfortable initially, but now I am used to it.
I have always visited the fair with my mom. Her office and my school were located at walking distance to the fair ground. Infact, the fair ground is midway between both the the places. When I was a kid, my mom would pick me up from school and we would walk to the fair and return to her office later. This used to be our daily routine during those 7-8 days.
And after I went to college, I used to go to her office and then we used to walk to the fair daily.
But then my mom retired and could not travel daily to visit the fair because of her health. I found no one else is crazy enough to accompany me daily. When my sister and bff hadn't moved out of town for higher studies/job, they used to go with me somedays. But after them, I got used to visit the fair alone.
Today, I bought a new Lord Jagannath idol from Bali Jatra. As an Odia, it doesn't matter how many such idols, posters or photos we have in our home, there is always space for more.
Then, I found some cute palm leaf Pattachitra bookmarks. Pattachitra is traditional Odia scroll painting. They are usually painted on cloth, palm leaves, coconut shells, wooden surfaces etc.
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And of course, fair visit cannot be complete without buying some earrings. I also found Desiblr favourite peacock earrings.
My mom bought household stuffs like phool jhadu, Kandhamal haldi (pure, organic turmeric from Southern Odisha), some organic lentils etc. and then we had chat and pani puri.
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Overall, I had a fun day with my mom and got reminded of those school days when we used to do this daily.
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elicitodisha-blog · 7 days
Raghurajpur - A heritage crafts village
Raghurajpur is a heritage crafts village located in the Puri district of Odisha, India, renowned for its traditional art forms. Here are some key highlights about Raghurajpur:
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Key Highlights Pattachitra Art:
Traditional Art Form: Raghurajpur is best known for Pattachitra, an ancient form of scroll painting that dates back to 5 BCE. These intricate paintings are characterized by rich colors, creative motifs, and mythological narratives.
Materials: Artists use natural colors derived from minerals, shells, and organic materials, and the paintings are typically created on cloth or dried palm leaves.
Talapatachitra Palm Leaf Engravings: Another significant art form in Raghurajpur is Talapatachitra, where artists engrave intricate designs on dried palm leaves. These engravings often depict scenes from Hindu epics and folklore.
Gotipua Dance Classical Dance: Raghurajpur is also famous for Gotipua dance, a traditional dance form that is the precursor to the classical Odissi dance. Young boys dressed as females perform this dance, which is characterized by its graceful movements and expressive gestures.
Cultural Significance Living Heritage: The entire village is a living museum, with nearly every household involved in some form of art. It is a prime example of how art and culture can be integral to the identity and economy of a community.
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Recognition: Raghurajpur has been recognized as a heritage village and has received support from various organizations to preserve its art forms. It was developed as a heritage village by INTACH (Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage) in 2000.
Tourism and Workshops Interactive Experience: Visitors to Raghurajpur can observe artists at work, learn about the traditional methods, and even participate in workshops. This interactive experience makes it a popular destination for tourists and art enthusiasts.
Artisan Markets: The village hosts markets where visitors can purchase authentic handcrafted items directly from the artists, supporting the local economy and encouraging the preservation of these traditional crafts.
How to Visit Location: Raghurajpur is located about 15 kilometers from Puri, making it easily accessible for tourists visiting the Puri-Konark region.
Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit is during the cooler months, from October to March, when the weather is pleasant for exploring the village.
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Bottom Line : Raghurajpur is not just a village but a vibrant hub of cultural heritage, where every corner tells a story through its art. A visit to Raghurajpur offers a unique opportunity to witness and engage with some of India's most cherished traditional crafts and performing arts.
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indianarts · 2 months
Exploring the Rich Heritage of Pattachitra Art: A Timeless Marvel of Indian Culture
Delve into the vibrant world of Pattachitra Art, an ancient form of storytelling through intricate paintings originating from the eastern state of India, Odisha. In this blog, we'll uncover the history, techniques, themes, and significance of Pattachitra,  celebrating its enduring legacy in the realm of Indian artistry.
What is Pattachitra Art?
Pattachitra, derived from the Sanskrit words "Patta" (cloth) and "Chitra" (painting), is a traditional art form that involves intricate, detailed paintings on cloth. This exquisite art form dates back to the 5th century AD and has been passed down through generations, preserving cultural narratives and mythological tales.
The History Behind Pattachitra:
Pattachitra has its roots deeply embedded in the religious and cultural practices of Odisha. Initially practiced by the Mahapatra community of artists, Pattachitra was primarily used for narrating stories from Hindu mythology, particularly the tales of Lord Jagannath, Krishna, and other deities. Over the centuries, it evolved as a means of visual storytelling, capturing historical events, folklore, and social customs.
The Techniques Involved:
Pattachitra artists meticulously prepare their canvas by coating a piece of cloth or dried palm leaf with a mixture of chalk and gum. The outlines are then drawn using a fine brush, traditionally made from animal hair. The colors used are derived from natural sources like minerals, vegetables, and stones, ensuring longevity and vibrancy in the paintings. Each stroke is infused with precision and skill, reflecting the mastery of the artist.
Themes Depicted in Pattachitra:
Pattachitra paintings encompass a diverse range of themes, from mythological narratives to everyday village life. The art form often portrays scenes from the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Puranas, depicting the triumph of good over evil and the cosmic balance of the universe. Additionally, Pattachitra artists showcase scenes of rural life, festivals, and rituals, offering a glimpse into the cultural tapestry of Odisha.
Significance of Pattachitra Art:
Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Pattachitra holds immense cultural and religious significance in Indian society. It serves as a visual medium for transmitting moral values, religious teachings, and historical events to future generations. Moreover, Pattachitra plays a vital role in preserving and promoting the indigenous art forms of Odisha, fostering a sense of pride and identity among local communities.
Revival and Recognition:
In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in Pattachitra art, both nationally and internationally. Art enthusiasts, collectors, and scholars are increasingly recognizing its artistic merit and cultural value. Efforts are underway to promote Pattachitra through workshops, exhibitions, and collaborative projects, ensuring its continuity in a rapidly changing world.
Pattachitra Art stands as a testament to the rich cultural heritage of India, reflecting the artistic prowess and spiritual ethos of generations past. As we celebrate this timeless marvel, let us embrace the stories woven into its intricate patterns and colors, cherishing the legacy of Pattachitra for generations to come.
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krishna34 · 11 months
Traditional Odia Palm Leaf Art
Introducing the exquisite Traditional Odia Palm Leaf Art, a true masterpiece of traditional Indian art. This captivating piece is meticulously handcrafted by skilled artisans from Raghurajpur, a renowned village in Odisha known for its rich cultural heritage.The painting portrays Lord Jagannath, the deity worshipped in the famous Jagannath Temple in Puri. Using natural pigments and dyes, the artisans intricately depict the divine form of Lord Jagannath on a carefully selected palm leaf canvas. Every stroke and detail is thoughtfully executed, showcasing the artists' exceptional talent and dedication to their craft.
The vibrant colors, meticulous detailing, and the use of gold accents make this Pattachitra painting a visual delight. The painting not only captures the essence of Lord Jagannath but also exudes a sense of spirituality and devotion. It serves as a beautiful addition to any home or sacred space, creating an ambiance of tranquility and serenity.Each Pattachitra painting is unique and carries the legacy of generations of craftsmen. By acquiring this artwork, you not only own a stunning piece of art but also contribute to the preservation of a traditional art form and support the livelihoods of these talented artisans.Bring the divine aura of Lord Jagannath into your life with the Palm Leaf Pattachitra Painting of Jagannath Wall Crafted in Raghurajpur, a testament to the artistic heritage of India.
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odishadetails · 11 months
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Odisha Pattachitra is a traditional form of painting that originates from the state of Odisha (formerly known as Orissa) in eastern India. The word "patta" means cloth, and "chitra" means picture or painting in the Odia language. Pattachitra paintings are known for their intricate details, vibrant colors, and mythological themes.
The art of Pattachitra has a rich history that dates back to several centuries ago. It was originally practiced by the Chitrakars, a community of artists who would travel from village to village, creating these exquisite paintings on cloth scrolls or palm leaves. The subjects of the paintings often revolve around Hindu gods, goddesses, and mythological stories from the epics like the Ramayana and Mahabharata.
To create a Pattachitra painting, the artist starts by preparing a canvas made of cotton cloth or silk. The canvas is then coated with a layer of natural glue made from tamarind seeds. Once dry, the surface is rubbed with a smooth stone to achieve a smooth texture. The outline of the figures and motifs is drawn using a fine brush or a piece of cloth dipped in lampblack or charcoal.
The next step involves filling the outlines with bright colors derived from natural sources. Traditionally, vegetable dyes were used, but today, artists also utilize mineral pigments and synthetic colors. The use of bold red, yellow, blue, green, and black hues is characteristic of Pattachitra paintings.
Pattachitra paintings often feature intricate patterns, borders, and decorative elements that add to their visual appeal. The artists pay great attention to detail, depicting facial expressions, ornaments, costumes, and backgrounds with precision. Gold leaf work is sometimes added to enhance certain areas and give the painting a luxurious touch.
Apart from the traditional scroll paintings, Pattachitra art has also expanded to include other forms such as wall hangings, masks, and panels. These artworks have gained recognition and are often displayed in exhibitions and museums both within India and internationally.
Odisha Pattachitra is not just a visual delight but also serves as a medium to convey stories, legends, and religious teachings to the viewers. Its intricate craftsmanship and cultural significance continue to make it a cherished art form in Odisha and beyond.
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adarsh-910 · 1 year
Pattachitra: An Ancient Folk Art that Reflects the Ethos of India
Traditional arts are an important part of the culture, where skills and knowledge are passed down from one generation to the next. It is transmitted orally and by following in the footsteps of a cultural group.
Leaf painting is important in Oriya painting, which developed in the Jagannath temple of Puri in the 12th century. The Jagannath Temple has been the centre of art and culture in Odisha.
Puri and Raghurajpur are famous for their myths, deities and folklore associated with Pattachitra. This art flourished under the support of the Ganga kings and the Bhoi dynasty. These paintings aimed to popularise Jagannath's worship among the millions of pilgrims visiting Puri.
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The origins of Pattachitra painting can be traced back to the 8th century AD, making it one of the earliest forms of indigenous painting. The word "Pattachitra" comes from the Sanskrit words "Patta", meaning canvas, and "Chitra", meaning painting. Thus, Pattachitra involves creating canvas paintings that depict vibrant colours, unique motifs and designs and often mythological themes.
Most of these paintings depict stories of Hindu gods and goddesses. Pattachitra art refers to the ancient frescoes found in sacred centres such as Puri, Konark and Bhubaneswar in Odisha, which date back to the 5th century BC. Fine examples of this art can be seen in and around Puri, especially in the villages of Raghurajpur and Dandsahi.
Different Styles of Pattachitra Paintings
Pata paintings come in a variety of styles, including paintings of Jagannath, the Holy Trinity, and paintings of their chariots. Pattachitra is based on Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita and various Puranas and Kavyas. Pattachitras of folktales and animal-bird stories, as well as erotic pattachitras.
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Process of Making Pattachitra Paintings
To begin with, the folk painter chooses two pieces of cloth and sticks them together using a paste made from tamarind seeds. Tamarind seeds are soaked in water for a few days till they swell and become soft. Then, they are pounded with a pestle to make a thick paste. A little water and the ingredients are added to an earthen pot, and the mixture is cooked to make a fine paste. This glue is used to bind two fabrics together, forming a bandage.
The colours used in folk artworks are made from natural elements found in India. Some examples include porcelain, soft clay or chalk, conch shell, red stone and yellow-brown ocher. For the white colour, the artists use shells found in abundance on the beaches of Orissa. Folk women make folium by placing the oiled leaves on a burning flame, which creates a black colour. Gum is added to the juice of green leaves to make the green colour. Red and yellow colours are made by grinding red and ocher stones and making their paste. The blue colour is obtained from a blue stone called Rajbarta. These colours also symbolize the essence of each character depicted in the painting. White represents "laughter" (Hasama), red represents "anger" (Raudra), and yellow represents "awe" (Adhibhuta).
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In making patas paintings, traditional artists use five primary colours. These natural colours are associated with the divine colours of Jagannath, Balabhadra, Subhadra, Sihasana and Neela Chakra, recognized by Orissa's folk painters and sages. These are collectively called the Pancha Tattva, which means the five components.
Pattachitra painting requires a floral border with intricate designs and leaves, as the Chitra highlights the folklore and story. The lines are bold, crisp and sharp. In general, there is no landscape, perspective or distant view here. All events are shown adjacent to each other. The Pattachitra style combines folk and classical influences.
With time, a significant change has been observed in Pattachitra art, and painters have started painting on palm leaves and Tussar silk.
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Pattachitra paintings are not limited to cloth only; Setting up palm leaves or silk. It is practised on sarees, purses, wall hangings and even showpieces. These scroll paintings are not confined to South India but spread to western parts of India and Western countries. Under the leadership of the American Friends Service Committee, an exhibition was organized at Puri Town Hall in 1953, and two shows were held in Delhi and Calcutta in 1954. Shri Nabakrishna Chowdhary, the then Chief Minister of Orissa, worked hard to revive the indigenous art form of Orissa.
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Shop Odisha Famous Crafts, Handlooms and Appliqué Now Easily! Get It Delivered Near You from Odisha Market
How hard it is for you to get Odisha famous handlooms, crafts and appliqué? None! Odisha Market is a new-age website that deals with handmade handicrafts and appliqué famous across the regions. Get it delivered near you, irrespective of where you reside.
The state Odisha in eastern India is well reputed for wide availability of antique unique handicrafts and appliqué. There are many popular villages in Odisha you can visit where the residents are all artisans engaged in their professions. The growing tourism in Odisha has increased commercialization & uplifts the status of the entire handicraft and appliqué market. Now you’ll see artisans repetitively asking you to look at their works when you visit them in hopes of a sale. However, these villages are still one of the interesting places to visit for seeing the demonstrations of the work, and of course to buy some beautiful handicrafts and appliqué.
If you are searching vigorously a gorgeous appliqué work, then Pipili is the place you should stop by when in Odisha. Pipili is on the way from Bhubaneswar to Puri. Situated 40 kilometres away from Puri and at the junction where the Konark road branches from the Bhubaneswar to Puri road. Though it’s a small village, you’ll be amazed to witness the finest handicraft and appliqué work products. Tourists often make a stop there to buy these products from roadside shops selling appliqué craft. The best part is every family from this village has engaged them in this handicraft business and appliqué craft. Most of the shopkeeper from the village depends on appliqué craft selling for their livelihood.
Appliqué is a French term assigned to the technique with which various cutting pieces of colored fabrics are chosen carefully and the same applied on the surface of another base fabric to create eye-catching designs. Appliqué works of Pipili are world-famous and in local language called ‘Chandua’.
The appliqué work that once started among a small group of people to serve and decorate the gods and chariots during festivals has evolved into a world-class handicraft and a way to earn money for thousands of people.
The craft was originated earlier as a temple art but now it’s not limited to that and evolved to a wide range of decorative and ceremonial products. The handicrafts are now available in varied patterns and sizes – from umbrellas to lanterns, bags, pillow covers, cushion covers to canopies and much more. The locality is also home to some of the most versatile tribal handicrafts.
Similar to Pipili, Raghurajpur is another area where every house is an artist’s studio. Have you heard the name ‘Pattachitra’? This is the village where it was first evolved. Pattachitra paintings on cloth mainly feature depicting stories of Hindu Mythology. The artisans from these villages make a wide variety of other items too, including etching on palm leaf, wood carvings, pottery, and wooden toys, etc. Many artists have even won national and international awards for their work.
Handicrafts and appliqué artworks that were originated as a temple art from now finds its application in a wide range of household, decorative and ceremonial products. They are unparalleled and available with flexibility and versatility, making them the best choice for experimentation. They also tend to encourage innovation. Artisans from these small villages use their skills to blend myths, symbolism and imagination to provide the craft with a tempting dynamism.
From a grand collection of sacred ceremonial items in eye-catching colours and designs to small colourful yet decorated souvenirs, and utility products for an urban dweller, the craftsmen from these small villages have mastered the art form outstandingly to create the most attractive handicrafts and appliqué from just simple cloth pieces.
Take a moment to review them at Odisha Market before you buy! This ensures you pay for what you buy genuinely. Whether you are living in Odisha or anywhere in India, you can get them delivered near you easily with Odisha Market.
Odisha Market is the famous e-commerce site that deals with one-of-its-kind handicrafts, appliqué, sarees, paintings and much more. Visit today & get everything you’d like to buy for your home decoration on a budget. Don’t waste time thinking about the authenticity of the items available for sale! We guarantee you get genuine manmade handicrafts, appliqué and other items at low cost.
Shop earthy and beautiful indigenous arts and crafts to light up your home with ease! Welcome to Odisha Market! Check out varied and extensive collection of high quality Odisha arts, crafts, handicrafts and handlooms created by masters of crafts before you buy them. Happy Shopping at Odisha Market!      
If you are a devoted art and craft buyer, Odisha Market is definitely the place you should stop by!  
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hinducosmos · 6 years
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Radha Krishna on Lotus Pattachitra Palm Leaf Painting (via Jaypore.com)
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igrms · 3 years
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*OBJECT OF THE WEEK-66* (30th August to 05th September, 2021) *Krishna Leela -Pattachitra (Cloth painting)* Website link - https://igrms.com/wordpress/?page_id=4291 Pattachitra, a spellbinding art form of Orissa, has a centuries-old legacy. This traditional form of painting is deeply rooted in puranic culture, encompassing elements of Hindu mythology that are soothingly presented in vivid colours and magnificent craftsmanship. Based on the medium used, the Odisha painting can be classified into three categories; Patta Chitra or the painting on cloth, Bhitti Chitra or the painting on walls, and the Talapatra Chitra or Pothi Chitra the palm leaf engravings. However, the style of all these varieties remains more or less the same. This painting on cloth depicts Krishna Leela, the enchanting and miraculous stories of the Lord, prepared in white colour over the black background. The painting is presented in three visual parts of narration- the central circle, a rectangular middle space, and circular pictographs around the edges. The central part of the painting depicts the Rasa mandala in a circular flare of the lotus pattern where Lord Krishna and Radha are portrayed with other companions (Gopis). The upper and lower portion illustrated inside the rectangular space provides the scene of Dasavatara (ten incarnations) of Vishnu. Finally, around the edge of the painting, the entire life story of Lord Krishna, beginning from his birth, the slaying of demons, Kaliya-damana, lifting of Govardhan, Vashtraharan (stealing of clothes), and other popular events of Krishna's life is depicted. Acc. No. –98.861 Local Name – Krishna Leela - Pattachitra (Cloth Painting) Tribe/Community – Chitrakar Locality – Puri, Odisha Measurement - Height - 92 cm, Width- 61cm #krishnaleela #pattachitra #paintingoncloth #chitrkar #puri #odisha #krishna #radha #gopi #dashavtar #igrms #museumfromhome #objectoftheweek #ethnograhicobject #museumobject #museumofman #museumofmankind #museumofhumankind #experienceigrms #igrmsstories #staysafe #covid19 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTLq1J8IVxw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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learningsimplify · 6 years
25 Super Special Gifting Ideas From India For Christmas
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India has a mesmerizing culture and a rich legacy. Not many things can capture the essence of this fascinating land’s beauty quite like the handlooms and handicrafts crafted to perfection in her charming little towns. With the delightful festivities of Christmas right around the corner, it is the season to be jolly, excited and to share a lot of love and warmth with your closest peeps. One of the best things about the holiday season is, of course, the fact that it is also the shopping season. Shopping for the best Christmas presents for everyone on your list and for yourselves! We understand the truckloads of thought and effort that goes into picking gifts for your family and friends. To make your life easier and give you plenty of time to thoroughly enjoy the “Santa-mental” atmosphere, here is our little Christmas present for all you lovely readers. If you are looking for the best gifts on this side of Santa’s grotto, you have found your own treasure trove. Here is a list of 25 one-offs, inspired gifting ideas that are sure to make your loved ones as happy as they can be. And what’s more? These gifts will put big smiles on not just your loved ones’ faces, but also on the faces of the many artisanal communities who craft these products to perfection with immense care.  1. Tribal Jewellery for the special woman in your life
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We all have that one woman in our lives, be it our mother, wife, daughter, sister, girlfriend or best friend whose happiness is our happiness. Make that special woman feel extra special this Christmas. Gift her a beautiful piece of statement accessory - neckpieces, earrings, bracelets, etc - crafted by different tribal communities across India. 2. Handmade Flower Vase for the ultimate flower lover
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Add some “handcrafted” freshness to the home of the ultimate flower lover in your life. Gift her/him a unique hand painted wooden vase to add to the beauty of their home. 3. Special Stationary Items for the studious boy or girl in your life
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Have a quintessential bookworm in your life? The topper of the class, the brightest one in the family? Make their sacrosanct study space better by gifting them beautifully hand painted paperweights and interesting pen stands that we are sure they will love! 4. Musician Clock Stand for your rockstar
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For someone who loses all track of time, consumed in the musical glory of their guitar, drums, piano or sitar - the perfect clock stand that will be a true reflection of their passion. 5. Exclusive Jewellery Boxes for the woman who loves all that glitters
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Take it from someone who knows, a woman who loves her jewelry will appreciate this gift more than anything else. To add a hint of muted glamour to that woman’s life, gift her an exclusive handcrafted jewelry box where she can store her precious pearls, this Christmas! 6. Chic and stylish Magazine Holders for the ultimate diva
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Have a sister/niece/wife or daughter who does not miss out on a single copy of Vogue? This stylish magazine holder featuring tribal art is sure to be an inspired addition to their gorgeous room! 7. Elegant Bedsheets, Cushion Covers and Diwan Sets for someone who loves dressing up their home
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Is there someone on your list who just loves decorating the space that is their home? Help them make a style statement not just when they walk out, but also when others step into their homes by gifting them a little something from our array of premium quality bedding products. 8. Stunningly embroidered Wall Hangings to add a touch of elegance to someone’s beautiful home
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Has someone on your list just moved into a new house? Or is someone on your list an ardent lover of wall decor? Check out our range of unique individual wall hangings and wall hanging sets to choose the best one for that lovely person and add to the beauty of their homes! 9. Unique Desk Organizer Items for the neat freak you know and love
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Anybody can appreciate the gift of an organized workspace. But for someone who cannot do without it, our smart folders and file covers featuring unique tribal art, Odisha’s famous Pattachitra art, and India's eastern state Odisha’s Dhokra craft motifs are the best gifts there can be. 10. Jute Tote Bags for the stylish teenager in your life
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Help your favorite girl be one step ahead of the rest and turn in heads as she walks into class with one of these ultra-stylish jute tote bags featuring Soura Tribal paintings. Give her chic look an edgy makeover this Christmas! 11. Designer Ikat Bags - a must have for the big bag lover you know
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Truly multipurpose, these designer Ikat bags come in varieties of laptop bags, office bags, college and shopping bags, too! So this Christmas, gift a “bagful” of joy to someone who adores bags. 12. Applique Handwork Bags for someone who just needs a reason to dress up in ethnic wear
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Indian weddings, festivals, and other functions call for dressing up our best, don’t they? If someone on your Christmas gift list this season is voraciously on the hunt for occasions to dress up on, gift them a pretty little handbag featuring intricate appliqué handwork, native to the Pipili village of Odisha, which they can flaunt at the next party they attend! 13. Rare Coconut Hanging Home Decor for the most eccentric person on your gift list
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We all have that one person in our lives who loves all things quirky. Well, can it get quirkier than an aesthetic coconut as the perfect item for home decor? We don’t think so. Gift these unique coconut hangings to someone to make their living space looks cooler. 14. Exquisite Dhokra Home Decor for a fan of sculpted crafts
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From beautifully sculpted Adivasi sets to animal figurines to spiritual motifs to modern looking pen stands, Dhokra brass work has it all and is beautiful and intricate - perfect for a lover of sculpted goodies. 15. Applique Handwork Pouches/Wallets for a lady who makes your life easier
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These handheld carry-all pouches are small enough to slip in her everyday work bag but big enough to safely store all her essentials. Gift one of these pouches featuring the rare appliqué craft from Pipili and make it uniquely hers. 16. Hand-sewn Applique Chanduas from Pipili to beautify someone’s home/office spaces
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Available in rectangular and round shapes, these applique work chanduas are to absolutely dying for! Gift them to someone special to add a rustic charm to their home or office spaces. 17. Palm Leaf Lamps and Lanterns to spread love and light into someone’s life
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In a room full of fairy lights and sky lanterns, stand out and be the palm leaf lamp! Gift someone the chance to adorn their beautiful gardens or living rooms with these gorgeous palm leaf lamps and lanterns for a cozy and ambient Christmas eve! 18. Palm Leaf Boxes to make your sister’s dressing table look more impressive
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Available in different shapes such as heart, circle, and square, these little palm leaf boxes in earthy colors look extremely pretty placed at a dressing table with tiny trinkets kept safely inside. 19. Wooden Home Decor and Utilities to gift to the simplest person on your gift list
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Know a person who likes to keep it simple and serene? We have the perfect range of gifts to delight them with. Check out our array of exclusive handmade wooden craft items such as decorative pots, pen stands, jewelry boxes, wall hangings and decorative lamps, to choose the best for the simplest! 20. Tribal Wall Paintings for the ultimate art lover
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Gift these supremely beautiful pieces of art emerging from the Soura and Gond tribal communities of Odisha to someone who talks, reads and thinks all things art. 21. Palm Leaf Engravings - Pattachitra Wall Art to add to your favorite golden oldie’s spiritual bliss
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Gift the highly renowned and auspicious “Raas-Leela” Pattachitra painted on a palm leaf, or choose from a wide variety of other depictions to the cutest people on your gift list - your grandparents. We know for a fact that they would cherish it eternally! 22. Brightly Coloured Tribal Painted Ceramic Plates for somebody with a crockery fetish
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These delicate ceramic plates featuring super interesting tribal art, available in a wide range of modish bright colors are going to be a valued addition to any crockery lover’s collection. And you can always expect some delicious home cooked goodness in return for the same. It's a win-win situtation! 23. Tribal Painted Tea Cup Sets and Coffee Mugs for someone who cannot start their day without a steaming cup of chai or coffee
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Some people are all about their cutting chai and we some, as we know, are caffeine dependent life forms. But no matter their beverage preferences, these cups/mugs featuring tribal art are going to make the person on your list extremely excited. 24. Lesser known but truly worthy Bamboo Crafts as an element of surprise for somebody
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Equally gift-able for elders and kids, our range of bamboo crafts includes decorative bamboo lamps, teddy baskets, jewelry boxes and more! Check these out now and select the best for the person in your mind. 25. Classic Wood Carved Sculptures as a charm of luck for your favorite person
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Shower your favorite person on the gift list with spirituality and the choicest of blessings by gifting them beautiful wood carved sculptures of Odisha’s Lord Jagannath and other deities. Be their four leaf clover this Christmas. With that SWEEPING, almost encyclopedic list of Christmas gifting ideas, fulfill your loved ones Christmas wish lists and be their Secret Santa. Classystreet brings you an array of the finest handmade products coming in from the vivid corners of India. Read the full article
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sabhyasha · 1 year
Maa Saraswati with Tree of Life Pattachitra Painting
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The Maa Saraswati with Tree of Life Pattachitra Painting is a traditional Indian folk art style painting that depicts the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, and arts, Maa Saraswati. In this painting, she is depicted seated on a lotus flower surrounded by a tree of life, symbolizing growth, prosperity, and knowledge. The painting is done on cloth using natural pigments, and the intricate details and vibrant colors of the painting are a testament to the skill and expertise of the Pattachitra artist. This beautiful and vibrant piece of art is not only a visual treat, but also serves as a symbol of the goddess's blessings for knowledge, creativity, and success in one's pursuits. To get this beautiful Pattachitra painting visit: https://sabhyasha.com/maa-saraswati-tree-of-life-pattachitra/
You can also call us at +91 8926273115
For more information visit us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sabhyasha » Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sabhyasha_art/ » Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/sabhyashastore/ » LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sabhyasha/ »
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odishablog · 4 years
Order Now Palm Leaf Pattachitra Painting Of Jagannath Wall Crafted In Raghurajpur From Odishashop
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hanlookraft · 7 years
Crafts handmade from Odisha
 1.Cast iron crafts
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2.Dhokra crafts
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4.Horn craft
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5.Wood carving
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7.Golden grass crafts
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8.Palm leaf engraving
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9.Bamboo craft
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10.Tussar painting
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12.Stone Carving
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urgentvisa · 5 years
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An amalgamation of history, heritage, culture and serenity, Puri is an extravagant pilgrimage site with lots of explorers every day. Located in Orissa, Puri has great religious significance. Many momentous places located near the city can be visited while on Puri expedition. Pristine beaches, exorbitant Rath Yatra and devotion in the atmosphere makes this city worth visiting.
One halt of the famous Indian Char Dham Yatra, Puri is one of the most popular backpacker’s destination.
Jagannath Temple, the majestic abode of Lord Vishnu is a revered Hindu pilgrimage site. Splendid architecture, ravishing carvings on the entrances, main shrine and all other temples in the premises makes one feel in God’s home itself. With one of the largest kitchen in India, delicious food is cooked in earthen pots and served to thousands of devotees after offering to the deities, this food is often known as Mahaprasad. Every year during the month of June or July, the most awaited and celebrated Jagannath Rath Yatra takes place. Every year lakhs of Indians and foreigners visit Puri to witness this exorbitant yatra dedicated to Lord Vishnu, his sister Subhadra and Lord Balabhadra as its believed that a glimpse of the idols in the chariot can promise a prosperous year ahead. The Ratha carts are approximately 45 feet high and pulled by thousands who congregate at Puri for this annual event from India and around the world. www.e-visaindia.com helps you to find hassle free Indian Visa
A paradise for ornithologists, the pear shaped Chilika lake is a prominent tourist spot in Orissa. It is the largest salt water lake in Asia. With wide variety of flora and fauna, fisheries and salt pans, this lake sets best as a place to experience nature. Chirping of wide variety of native and migratory birds and sight of Irrawaddy dolphins is sure to make visitors delighted.
Renowned for peaceful vicinity and sand sculptures by internationally known Sudarshan Patnaik, Puri Beach offers panoramic view of local life of Puri. Enjoying boat ride during sunset and paying homage to Lord Jagannath by taking dip in the holy water is virtuous. The beach is located 35 kms from Jagannath temple.
Crafts owning heritage village famous for its Pattachitra Paintings and many other arts like palm leaf engraving, papier mache, wood and stone carvings and the predecessor of Odissi dance style that is Gotipua folk dance, Raghurajpur Village boasts of being the only place where Patas (traditional adornment of Lord Jagannath’s throne) is made.
Puri is home to many beautiful temples known for magnificent architecture. Gundicha Mandir, regarded as the place of Lord Jagannath's aunt, is a holy place where God resides for seven days the Rath Yatra during festival. Lakshmi Temple, Markandeswara temple, Vimala Temple, Lokanath Temple, Ganesh Temple, Sakshi Gopal Temple, Alarnatha Temple are temples with great spiritual significance.
Apart from temples, Puri also has beautiful serene beaches where one can enjoy. Swargadwar Beach, Astaranga Beach, Baliharachandi Beach, Baleshwar Beach, Balighai beach are prominent beaches where visitors like to spend some quality time during their Puri expedition. Obtaining an Indian visa for your expedition to India is now quick and easy. Tourist e-visa can be applied for the same.
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ritikart · 7 years
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Ritikart - The finest online store for Ethnic and Traditional Products of India.
We are the group emerged first of its kind to promote the social and economical growth of the Artisans’ Community on global presentation of their products.
To promote our rich cultural and spiritual values and traditions  , we have a good collection of diversified products like Puja items , Idols , Spiritual Books , Astrology books and other books.
A high level overview of our product portfolio:
Lord Jagannath Idols for Puja and Hone Decors
Odia Spiritual,Astrology,Vedic Books.
Odia Novels and literature books.
Handicraft and Hand-loom products.
Home Furnishing
Traditional Paintings
Sambalpuri Hand loom
Odisha Horn Work
Odisha Wood Carving
Stone Carving of Odisha
Pipili Chandua
Wall decor Appliques
Chanapatna Toys
And many more ethnic products.
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