#pavel i
otmaaromanovas · 1 year
The Lost Grand Duchesses part 2: Alexandra Pavlovna
When she was born at 7:40 in the morning in 1783, the baby Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna was instantly viewed as second class. Her grandmother, Catherine II ‘the Great’, wrote “I infinitely more like boys than girls”, and told her staff that she found the newborn to be very ugly. She called the baby “a very ugly creature.” This dislike of Alexandra continued into her toddler years, when Catherine continuously compared the young Alexandra to her baby sister, insisting that little Elena was much more charming and intelligent than Alexandra.
Despite this, Alexandra adored her grandmother, who wrote that the little girl would do “anything just to please me.” Alexandra and Elena were painted together as a gift to Catherine, and the two little girls lovingly hold up and caress a diamond encrusted miniature portrait of their grandmother.
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By the age of four, Alexandra’s education had begun, and her intelligence in languages (being fluent in four) and writing made Catherine finally pay more attention to her, but for entirely different reasons.
As soon as the little girl turned eleven, Catherine wrote that the little girl who loved to dance, draw, and play music, was now to be “considered an adult”, and be made to marry. “It is time for the older one to get married” she concluded, not even mentioning Alexandra’s name.
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A long and embarassing debacle followed, in which the child was left at the alter. Catherine admitted that the young girl, not yet a teenager, often adopted a “confused look” when having to meet with potential husbands, and did not want to speak to them.
Catherine died in 1797, temporarily putting Alexandra’s fate in limbo. She returned to her daily life as an unmarried girl, and even published anonymous articles that she had translated in French under the pseudonym ‘A’. However, in 1799, the prospect of an Austrian-Russian alliance was apparently too attractive to pass on, and the thirty-year-old Archduke Joseph of Austria, the Palatine of Hungary, travelled to Russia to meet the thirteen-year-old Alexandra.
The marriage was finalised, and Alexandra was forced to leave Russia - and her family - in order to move to Hungary with her new husband. Joseph wrote a letter to his brother in which he stated he was “convinced that with this marriage my domestic bliss is assured for the entirety of my life.”
Alexandra, on the other hand, was miserable. Countess Varvara Golovina, a lady at court and potential lover of the Tsarina Elizaveta Alexeievna, wrote in her memoirs that Alexandra was sad, and did not want to be forced to leave Russia. Her father, Pavel I, constantly said that he would “not see her again” and that she was “being sacrificed.” Despite this, Pavel could have prevented the marriage at any time. A single lock of golden hair fashioned into a flower was all that she left behind.
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Although Alexandra was popular in Hungary among all classes, she was deeply depressed. Her friendly and charming personality had been replaced by a new temperament which was “always serious and sad”. Alexandra especially did not get on well with her mother in law, the Empress Maria Theresa of Hungary, who was intensely jealous of the young girl’s popularity. Maria Theresa intentionally antagonised the teenager, and sought to treat her badly.
In 1800, Alexandra fell pregnant, and was struck with health problems. Her mother-in-law ordered the hiring incompetent doctors (known to her to be incompetent) and insisted that the doctors obey her orders, rather than present their own educated solutions. Orders from Maria Theresa included cooking meals which Alexandra would not be able to eat, making her weak and frail.
In March 1801, Alexandra gave birth to a little girl, named Alexandrine of Austria. The pregnancy and labour had been incredibly difficult, and the baby sadly passed away within a few hours of birth. Alexandra, depressed at having been forcibly taken from her home and after having to endure cruel treatment by her mother-in-law, said: “Thank God that my daughter was now with the angels, without experiencing the miser that we are exposed to.”
Alexandra contracted puerperal fever. The doctors misdiagnosed her poor health after the birth several times, treating her for gastric diseases and typhoid rather than ‘childbed’ fever. She succumbed to the disease aged just seventeen years old.
Alexandra was not buried until two years after her death due to disagreements in the Catholic Austrian court over where to bury a Russian Orthodox. In 1981, thieves broke into Alexandra’s Mausoleum, looting her coffin and taking jewellery and clothing from her remains. Due to the vandalism, she was reburied with the deceased wives and children of her husband in the crypt of Buda Castle, which went against her wishes to be buried in an Orthodox Church. In 2004, she was reburied at the Üröm Mausoleum, in a small park surrounded by a moat. Inside the tomb, Orthodox icons line the walls, a reflection of Alexandra’s beloved faith, and her deep connection with Russia, which endured even after being “sacrificed”.
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best-romanov-monarch · 9 months
Elimination Round, Match 7
In this one, we'll see square off against each other two eccentrics whose minds mystified contemporaries, baffled foreign policy experts and earned them in some circles reputations as either enlightened and misunderstood, or giant chodes who ruin everything they touch. They also happen to be a father and son, much as their wife/mother would like to deny it.
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Peter III. Fyodorovich. Not pictured: the horrible pockmarks.
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Pavel I. Petrovich, looking like a mix of Michael Sheen and an exceptionally cute potato
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21stcenturyschizoidfag · 11 months
please check out my The nefarious anglerfish tribute video i am such a big fan
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possumtion · 7 months
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Kinda cracky Animal crossing! AU
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forecast0ctopus · 16 days
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hey its still star trek day in a few timezones
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kyurochurro · 8 months
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and now i bring to you my concept art for my imaginary tos episode: the crew go to the beach planet (the beach episode) 🏝️
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dakidoesdumbsh1t · 3 months
guys i need help i cant stop making these
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deadmaidclub · 2 months
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to boldly fuck around where no man has found out
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0livdocx · 3 months
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Pride month has ended but it doesn’t stop me from making a rainbow out of the tos crew
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bj-cuntycunt · 4 months
New Star Trek headcanon: Chekov thinks McCoy is from Georgia (country) and not Georgia (USA) and keeps calling him "neighbor" because Russia's next to Georgia. McCoy is very confused.
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moisthairyfarts · 7 months
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Based on that one stupid picture
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they'll transport just about anything on here!
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best-romanov-monarch · 9 months
Regular Round, Match 3
As mentioned in the previous round in connection to Nikolai II., this isn't a beauty context. And thank God for that, or else we'd miss out on this glorious match of just. Completely different vibes. Apples, anyone? Or maybe oranges?
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This beautiful Sophia Alexeievna is also from Romanovy. It's a miracle that I've been able to find screenshots from this, let alone ones this good. Y'see, your humble author is well-connected on Pinterest.
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Nah, fuck it. Why should the Russians get all the glory? Also, it can't be oops all Ekaterina screenshots. Also also, this Pavel I. from Catherine the Great (2019) resembles the real deal more anyway (played by Joseph Quinn)
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bra1nw0rmz · 6 months
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Doodlez !! Also it’s autism awareness month so be aware of Levi please and thank you
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krillbobby · 1 year
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I haven't seen any of the games, I just found this man and he just gave off "✨⚠️💅" to me.
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hypertechnica · 9 months
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i need to know who found out first
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