weonlyneedfour · 8 months
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"Well, I was robbing casinos back then, of course. I wasn't going by Countess Foxbite at that time, no fancy name or mask, didn't need em, just had to look the right amount of rich and stupid to get wherever I wanted and work some extra "magic" if the place was segregated, and not forget to pack the six-shooter in the purse just in case it was one of those nights." "Sure, I'd been around the block. Diamonds, train robberies, cattle rustling, done most of em, but running casinos to the ground is what I liked the most, only part of it I still miss. It was the civil solution to getting them out of Foxhole Boulevard and the not-civil ones looked more appealing every day. They get a legal pass for robbing folks blind every hour of every day, so playing by their rules and being better at it is only fair game. They called on Lady Luck's name, but it was I who was sweeping her off her feet and taking her home to treat her right, and she repaid those nights with a few decades extra for me. "Can't be ungrateful, I suppose, but if I had much patience for men I might have tried romancing the Grim Reaper instead."
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But word on the street then was that Edward Triton, the, pardon my language please, pigfuck pimp bastard that ran Toulonville for 20 years, had heard of these rowdy little crooks making noise around town, muscling on his territory. Some loud fat guy from New Orleans was fencing expensive goods he’d acquired overseas and not paying tribute, and I hardly have to tell you Prince Pavonini loved his character every bit as much then as he did until the end of his life." "But it wasn't just us two. Some amphibian monster woman from who-knows-where out of town was going around beating up and kicking his men out of establishments, think she ate a couple of arms too many, and there was this other new one then, messing around with policemen, like sending music boxes to the stations or hijacking the police radio broadcast with uninterruptible music and leaking stuff to the press and public radio that implicated the cops and Triton."
"The former was the first Sally Manda, first that I knew anyway, lost count of how many times she regenerated or cloned herself after a point, and the latter was Legato Sphynx. That was how they met, they and Pavo had a, complicated relationship back then. Well I guess it never stopped being complicated, marriage always overcomplicates everything, never had the patience for that nonsense, but anyway -" "Triton had gotten fed up with us one day, rounded us all up to torture and kill us, send a message across town that he was not to be messed with. Conveniently for us, the poor old man just happened to die of a heart attack that very night. Legally ruled in the papers and everything, go figure." "I can't tell you who did it. It was dark, there was a fight, then we were breathing and he was not, that's all there is to it. You might not believe me, but none of us claimed credit for it. We knew whoever did would be next." "Well no, we didn't get much choice in the matter. None of us wanted it, but it was either taking Triton's throne or dying at the hands of his mob. "The Carnival Court of America" was our idea, the name was Pavonini's little flourish, stealing the Camelot Circle's abbreviation and making a mockery out of it, tell the "white hats" what we thought of them. We'd formed the Carnival Court, split up all his old territories and assets among ourselves, and got everyone to join in or stay out of our way." "Back then, we made a hell of an impression, everyone wanted to grab a mask and a name and jump in on it. Cause suddenly, we didn’t have to take shit from the mafia or the triads or the cops, and do you know how liberating it is to not have to be scared of the cops anymore? It was like we were all immortal for a while there."
"Yes, it was a stupid idea, what else were we supposed to do? You think becoming a "hero" was a choice for people like us then? You don't know how lucky you have it."
"I don't…okay, maybe I do miss them, it's never nice being the last to leave the party. We, Pavonini and I had a fight, the last time I saw him. We talked about you. About what it was like, after he rescued you and brought you here, I moved in when Katrina happened and the pub became a shelter that needed tending to. I mean, four years, me, him and Gloria, trying to raise an orphan who can climb walls and rip through steel when he gets cranky. And you were just so angry, I was worried for you. I was afraid we were hurting or using you, cause we're "black hats". Can't tell you how much I hate that stupid name, but... It's what we do." "I knew Pavonini still wanted to fight this stupid war and was running out of time, that he blamed himself for everything and he sure as shit wasn't innocent but - I, look, the point is that he just couldn't let go. Of that life, of those games, of all that class warfare and hatred he got embroiled in. Of Sangrier. Sangrier is an addiction and I was the first to go cold turkey, and they all should have - Listen to me. I know how you feel, and I'm telling you got to let it go. You are not going to find anything in that auction. You are going to get yourself killed over nothing." "Pavonini is dead, Sangrier is invincible, and you got a DAMN good thing going on with those Emancipator people you're running with, seriously, don't throw that away. Please. For me and Gloria's sake, Marco -"
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"I'm sorry, auntie Hazel."
"- Don't die the way he did."
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neopronouns · 3 months
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flag id: a flag with 6 stripes, which are faded purple, soft yellow-orange, very light golden yellow, green, medium dark teal, and dark blue. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
constelavonini: a gender related to peacocks and constellations
[pt: constelavonini: a gender related to peacocks and constellations. end pt]
for anon! this term is similar to swastellgender and genderdovlua, so i formatted the flag in a similar way. the top three stripes represent constellations and the bottom three represent peacocks.
the term is 'constela' from 'constellation' (minus the second 'l', like certain translations of the word, since it looks better) + 'avonini' from 'pavonini', the tribe that peafowl belong to!
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @narcette, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai | dni link
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travelella · 24 days
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Peacock in El Tigre, Anzoategui, Venezuela
Jorge Salvador
Mass: Indian peafowl: 8.8 – 13 lbs, Green peafowl: 8.5 – 11 lbs
Lifespan: Indian peafowl: 15 years
Class: Aves
Domain: Eukaryota
Family: Phasianidae
Kingdom: Animalia
Peafowl is a common name for two bird species of the genus Pavo and one species of the closely related genus Afropavo within the tribe Pavonini of the family Phasianidae. Male peafowl are referred to as peacocks, and female peafowl are referred to as peahens. 
Peafowl are native to Sri Lanka and India, where they are the national bird. They live in open forests near streams, and are also found in cultivated areas and around Buddhist and Hindu temples. Phoenicians first brought peafowl from India to what is now Syria and Egypt about 3,000 years ago.
Peacocks/ peafowl are omnivores, which means they will eat almost anything both meat and vegetation! In the wild peacocks eat fruit, berries, grains, small mammals, reptiles, small snakes and insects. They like ants, millipedes, crickets, termites, centipedes, locust and scorpions.
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maxwell-grant · 10 months
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So I've been writing another superhero story in the same setting as Cannon Bill. It's not a sequel to it, but Vulturine's in it and so are several of his enemies, which are mainly some other guy's enemies that became his problem, and also his old mentor Prince Pavonini, who under colorful sobriquets such as Birdman of Great Luck and The Augury Dandy and The Fortune Vulture, spent decades as a leading figure in that other guy's rogues gallery and recently passed away, leaving Vulturine with unfinished business and very little fortune and most of his crap getting auctioned, the jerk.
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To help out the writing process I've been using HeroForge to put together designs for my characters, or at least designs that feel right for them, and I wound up putting the cast of Cannon Bill (except Noma, I'd like her to remain vague on purpose till I figure it out) through it. I'd like to find more character creators out there for alternative options, preferably with more body type diversity, and feel free to drop any that you'd recommend in the comments, but in the meanwhile of not being able to draw, I'm really enjoying HeroForge's options.
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sentinoir-is-me · 2 years
[ The End of LWOPS ]
With the Conqueror's machine aggravating and quickening the destruction of the world, Pavonini stood beside Pierre and watched as everything he had come to love, slowly fell away and into the void.
Behind him, Lyre (Melodie as the Snake) watched. And behind her, Cerana (Marc as the Bee) watched.
Echoing through the air was the same song that rang as the world ended the first time....
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Ma'am, please follow me, I'm Pavonini and I'll ensure your safety
- @sentinoir-is-me 🦚💙
I can handle myself, no worries. I have Magic
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hi-its-kaitlyn · 2 years
[NPK. Nathan sends out an amok and has it land on Kaitlyn, then speaks in her mind]
Hey sis... it's Pavonini like this, I'm going to counter his every order. I won't let you be used like this, but don't let him know I'm countering him so directly, please
Don't worry, the team will bring you home soon
- @sentinoir-is-me 🦚💙
I'm in Paris again. But he isn't yet. He might be coming though.
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animalids · 3 years
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Green peafowl (Pavo muticus)
Photo by Christoph Keller
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deathtek · 3 years
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ashleybravin · 2 years
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#PleinAirpril 29/30 (Theme: Earth) “Peacock” gouache on paper, 4”x6” This is the 29th painting of the @warriorpainters’ month-long PleinAirpril Challenge (30 paintings in 30 days). I’m working off of the theme “earth,” and I painted a colorful peacock perched in a tree. This bird has a special place for me, as I actually illustrated a children’s book about peacocks called “Pavo Finding New”. The name peacock refers specifically to male peafowl, while females are referred to as peahens. Male peacocks are wildly colorful with iridescent blues and greens and have distinct loud calls, while the females tend to be more plain and lack such majestic plumage. There are three bird species under the umbrella of peafowl - Pavo, Afropavo, and Pavonini, two being from India and Southeast Asia, and the other native to Africa. If you want to see the rest of this series, all of these paintings are posted on my website, and are available as prints and originals. Thank you for joining me, and stay tuned for tomorrow’s painting. _ This post is for #PleinAirpril, organized by @warriorpainters and supported by @procreate @blickartmaterials @warriorartcamp @huiontablet @graphixly @tourboxofficial @cupeasels @winsorandnewton @etchr_studio @heavypaintapp @cottonwoodartsbook #CreatewithBlick #cupeasel #cupeasels #etchrstudio #WinsorandNewton #WNWP22 #cottonwoodarts #NoPleinNoGain #Artworks #ArtistsOnInstagram #ArtDaily #DailyArt #InstaArt #ArtistsofInstagram #NatureArtist #LandscapePainting #OutdoorPainting #PaintingOfTheDay #ArtOfTheDay #Gouache #Etchr #ArtForSale #Peacock #Peafowl #Bird #accessibility: A gouache painting of a blue and green peacock perched in a tree against the blue sky. (at Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc8UmX4LA4d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gendersanciau · 3 years
Pavonian, Pavofluid, Genderpavo, Pavoninagender, and Pavonini
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Pavonian: a gender connected to peacocks, bright garden colors, hills, the peacefulness of the rain, and the warmth of a hot summers day. This gender can be connected to parrots and other brightly colored birds as well (macaws, flamingoes, etc.) Etymology: Latin, “pavo” meaning “peacock”
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Pavofluid: a gender fluid between peacock genders. This gender can also be fluid between other brightly colored bird genders (macaws, parrots, flamingoes, etc.) or simply fluid between colorgenders (particularly dull/gentle colors), garden, or bird genders in totality. Etymology: Latin, “pavo” meaning “peacock”
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Genderpavo: a gender connected to peacocks and blue, green, and purple colors. It wanders around the identity like a peacock does, and can be connected to gardening Etymology: Latin, “pavo” meaning “peacock”
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Pavoninagender: a pavonine gender that is peaceful, soft, and flamboyant, like a peacock. It is connected to wandering, feathers, the softness of summer air inside a garden, and the rain falling on the garden during a light shower. Etymology: Latin, “pavoninus” meaning “of or pertaining to peacocks, pavonine”
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Pavonini: a (possibly neutral) gender connected to peacocks, the soft pitter-patter of the rain on a garden path, the movement of peacock tails, soft and felt/velvety feathers, garden flora, exotic and flamboyant lowers, hills covered in green grass, the falling of feathers gently on the ground, and colorful birds like macaws, flamingoes, and parrots. This gender is incredible calming and peaceful. It can also be connected to the colors green, blue, teal, and purple, ocean waves, and gentle breezes. Etymology: Latin, “pavoninus” meaning “of or pertaining to peacocks, pavonine”
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weonlyneedfour · 4 months
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(there's just never enough time to make a decent first impression, if that's what this is. so many names, so many lives, so much yet to learn. hardly any time to teach) (it doesn't ever feel like it's enough. it's, well it's almost compulsory, right? so many lives and each and every single one inevitably revolved around one thing to the end. even when I thought I was pivoting it to something else. even something else that mattered deeply to me. the music just had to come first-)
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(-enjoyed my days in the Court. With Pavo and Helen and Sally. I can't say that it wasn't fun, trying a new style, playing the bad guy to a fresh audience. to be all mean and daring in my war face and bodysuit, the exotic villain out to destroy and conquer, won't somebody save us and all that. it's just nobody seemed to get that it was an act. it didn't stop being performance art just because some people died not getting it, how is that on me? guilt is such a useless feeling.) (the Vicars, the fools, they wanted so badly to be the real deal. to destroy "The West", whatever they thought it was. they so badly needed to be taken seriously. can't even say I disagreed with them that much but, even Pavonini knew the difference between himself and his character, much as he tried to ignore it) (it was fun playing the rockstar in Toulonville. it was less fun playing it with the Vicars, even with a bigger audience. i suppose there wasn't much a point to humoring that persona without anything to say, or anyone worth humoring it for. I was never much for rock anyway, but Americans don't have an ear for shaabi. I must follow the audience, after all.)
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(-don't consider myself a rebel. it is simply not how I see myself. so many idiotic and wrong ideas turn into idiotic and wrong systems that become a problem that affects people around me who I want to connect with. but rebel implies my stance is, something I need to prove. implies that I am some kind of underdog in this relationship. I simply do not recognize authority. i don't reject it, it is simply not there. try and convince me it is, I'll laugh at you. try and enforce it on me, I'll do something worse. leave me be, and I'll leave you be. I couldn't make it simpler for everyone if I tried. (-suppose part of why we bickered so strongly is because my little prince truly needed to be recognized, as something I don't think deserves to exist, let alone be respected. I valued him more than the person he was trying to be.)
(yes, I am still around. in one way or another. but don't come looking. Helen knows to leave it alone, and she always knew better than the rest. this? this is not even the demo track. if you want, you'll see me when this is more finished.) (oh, the scars? really? that's the last of it? such a dull thing, but we all have them. all of us who "served" in the Court, those who do their time in Toulonville. we all grappled with Sangrier one way or another. the best of us at it have the scars to show it. Pavonini seemed so very satisfied with the ones in his face. almost makes you think he got those on purpose.)
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(…heh, "almost"…)
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chrisbino · 2 years
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Peafowl ⠀ @nikonindiaofficial ⠀ Shot On Nikon D5300 ⠀ Captured with f/5.6 ISO - 1600 Shutter Speed- 1/400s 200 mm Peafowl is a common name for three bird species in the genera Pavo and Afropavo within the tribe Pavonini of the family Phasianidae, the pheasants and their allies. Male peafowl are referred to as peacocks, and female peafowl are referred to as peahens, even though peafowl of either gender are often referred to colloquially as "peacocks". #naturephotography #nikon #yourshotphotographer #nikonphotography #bird #birds #birdphotography #nature #naturephotography #nikon5300 #instagram #igers #natgeoyourshot #natgeo #wildlifephotographer #wildlifephotography #wildlife #summer #peacock #peacocks #peafowl #evening #peacocks https://www.instagram.com/p/CbRJeoMJ-GV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sentinoir-is-me · 2 years
[The Beginning of the End]
@theofficialbaboom @imaturtleeeeee @tales-from-azaile @the-brushwood-hunter @the-robot-girl-in-the-sky @the-archer-is-here @me-and-my-skateboard-and-i @im-stable @almighty-mus @ich-bin-ein-drache @queenofroosters @choralsnake @i-am-the-aquila @eye-ofthe-tiger @keeper-of-timelines @juleka-couffaine-is-here @papi-papillon @anarka-means-anarchy @theofficialadyblog @a-simple-song @felix-graham-devanily @gavroche-paper-scissors @dontletmynamefoolyou @hi-its-kaitlyn @definitely-not-hiding-secrets @i-am-the-visitor
Nathan was tired.
Kaitlyn was back, she was safe, she held her amok in hand and would never let it go again
The Inventor had gone with a broken smile to the end of his reign of London.
The mafia families grimaced as they were led into cells.
London would need to relearn how to stand on her feet.
The Conqueror had kept his high-attitude to the end, even when faced with his worst enemy.
Ignoblia had been soundly defeated by her sister, outraged at all her plans gone to ruin
The fires of America would soon put themselves out.
As the heroes of Paris and America leaned on each other with bright smiles, ecstatic to finally be done with all this, Nathan turned.
They may have forgotten about him, holed up and relaxing with his wife, but Nathan would never underestimate a Hawkmoth again.
Which meant that Nathan still had work to do.
He looked over to Bunnyx and Lapine and gave them a small sad smile, then Pavonini ran off.
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rajithamummadi · 2 years
Peacock" redirects here. For other uses, see
Peacock (disambiguation)
Temporal range: 3–0 Ma PreꞒꞒOSDCPTJKPgN↓Late Pliocene – recent
Indian peacock
displaying its train
Scientific classification
Groups included
included but traditionally excluded taxa
Peafowl is a common name for three bird species in the genera Pavo and Afropavo within the subtribe Pavonina of the family Phasianidae, the pheasants and their allies. Male peafowl are referred to as peacocks, and female peafowl are referred to as peahens, even though peafowl of either sex are often referred to colloquially as "peacocks".[1]
The two Asiatic species are the blue or Indian peafowl originally of the Indian subcontinent, and the green peafowl of Southeast Asia; the one African species is the Congo peafowl, native only to the Congo Basin. Male peafowl are known for their piercing calls and their extravagant plumage. The latter is especially prominent in the Asiatic species, which have an eye-spotted "tail" or "train" of covert feathers, which they display as part of a courtship ritual.
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animalids · 3 years
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Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus)
Photo by Sunil
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