untitledseesaw · 6 years
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We’ve hidden our love long enough. I can’t stand these people wanting a chance from what is mine, and mine alone.
In collaboration with the amazing writer @chari-a, go read her one shot here
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gayoongles · 6 years
Summer Love
Pairing: Suga | Min Yoongi/Park Jimin Rating: T POV: Jimin/3rd Words: 3.3k Summary: Yoongi and Jimin are camp counselor boyfriends
A/N: This is my Submission for the Pretty Boys Network’s Secret Summer Love Project, I hope y’all enjoy it! :)
**moodboard made by @taetaetrashhh**
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“Hyung, come on we’re gonna be late, it’s the first day we can’t be late!”
“Sorry, Sorry, coming.” Yoongi walked out in the outfit they have to wear; a blindingly bright red t-shirt with ‘Camp Counselor’ in big white letters on the back and ‘Camp Jin’ on the front pocket, a name that Yoongi had complained about, saying that it’s the least creative fucking camp name that Jin could’ve possibly come up with, to which he received a slap on his arm and a “respect your hyung, hyung” for from Jimin.
Jimin giggles at the annoyed look on his boyfriend’s face, which just results in the latter rolling his eyes at the younger boy.
The two finally get out the door and drive the 20 minutes to the summer camp, arriving at just before 9am; right on time.
They walk into Seokjin’s office holding hands, for which they immediately get scolded for, causing Jimin to jump from the sudden yell.
Yoongi scoffs, “Good morning to you too, hyung. Was that necessary?” He wraps an arm around his boyfriend’s waist and pulls him closer to him to comfort him.
“Yah!” Jin rushes forward, “I’m sorry Jimin-ah, I didn’t mean to scare you! I ah, must’ve forgotten to talk to you about that, s’all.” He trails off and rubs the back of his neck nervously.
Yoongi’s eyes narrow, “Talk to us about what, exactly?”
Jin gestures to the two boys, “That. You two. You’re not allowed to act couple-y around the kids.”
Jimin pipes up from his place in Yoongi’s side, “Why not, Jin-hyung?” He frowns, instinctively pressing closer to his boyfriend.
“Uh, why? Do you have a problem with us showing our affection towards each other?”
Jin scowls, “Min Yoongi, I really hope you’re not insinuating that I’m homophobic, because you know full well that I’m head over heels in love with your best fucking friend.”
“How could I forget? Every time I go to the studio to work on our songs with him, all I hear is ‘Jin-hyung did this’, and ‘Jin-hyung took me on the best date this weekend!’ it’s exhausting, honestly.”
Jin rolls his eyes, “Well, no, to answer your questions, I don’t have a problem with it, but just no PDA of any kind in front of the kids. While I don’t think the kids themselves will particularly care, we are still in Korea and I don’t want to have to fire you two if a kid tells their parents about the ‘two boys kissing’ and they file a complaint; or what happens if they see you two being intimate and they try it with another camper and tell their parents? You two will have to be fired and a kid might get beat or kicked out by their parents if they think their child is gay, and they’re only 4-6, Yoongi, they’ll literally die if they’re kicked out and have no one to care for them!”
Yoongi flinches at Jin’s accusatory tone, “Okay, okay I got it. No PDA in front of the kids. Try not to have an aneurism over it, hyung.”
Jin immediately smiles and nods, “Great! Here’s your nametags and you know all the other rules, you can join Namjoon-ah and Hoseokie in the main room, the kids should be arriving at any moment.
They leave Seokjin’s office and detatch from each other, walking awkwardly next to each other with at least one foot of space in between them.
They make it into the room and give each other one last loving gaze before going their separate ways; Yoongi going to stand near Namjoon and Jimin near Hoseok.
This is gonna be a long summer.
The kids start arriving at exactly 9:15 and once the last kid arrives and checks in, Jin starts speaking, “Good Morning campers! Welcome to Camp Jin! I hope you enjoy your summer here and make great memories and friendships. I’m going to split you up into groups and assign you a certain counselor, who will be your advisor throughout the entire summer. Lee Taemin, Kim Taehyung, Lee Seokmin, and Wen Junghai are with Mr. Park.”
Jimin raises his hand, a big smile on his face as the four kids rush over to him.
“Lee Jihoon, Jeon Jeongguk, Choi Hansol, and Kwon Soonyoung are with Mr. Min.” Yoongi raises his hand.
“Choi Sungccheol, Yoon Junghan, Hong Jisoo, and Jeon Wonwoo are with Mr. Jung, and Kim Mingyu, Xu Minghao, Boo Seungkwan, and Lee Chan are with Mr. Kim. Your counselors have your activity schedules, so please go to them so you can start your fun-filled day!” Jin claps his hands together and the remaining kids rush over to their assigned counselors.”
After 2 hours with his kids, Jimin loves all of them, he really does, but he maybe likes Kim Taehyung the best. Yes, the 6-year-old is extremely energetic and always running off, but the other kids aren’t, so Jimin likes him the best.
The opposite can be said for Min Yoongi. Now Yoongi likes kids, don’t get him wrong. He wouldn’t have agreed to work for his hyung if he didn’t, but three of kids are always yelling and running off and Yoongi is tired. 4-year-old Jeon Jeongguk is the only calm one, keeping to himself for the most part, barely even speaking and playing by himself instead of with the other kids.
Namjoon and Hoseok were having too much trouble with all their kids individually, however, since they got more of the older kids, so they decided to combine their groups, with Jin’s consent, of course.
Jimin also got consent to let his group hang out with Yoongi’s, they’re not allowed to combine permanently, though. Now, Jimin isn’t having trouble with his kids to warrant him needing to combine with Yoongi, he just misses his boyfriend and feels like he might go insane if he doesn’t so much as see the older boy for nearly an entire day;
And that’s how they find themselves sneaking off into a secluded part of the building during lunch time to catch up on everything they weren’t able to do for 4 whole hours. If they can’t even deal with not being with each other for more than a few hours, how they’re supposed to survive the next 3 months of camp is a mystery.
“Hyung!” Jimin giggles, “What if we get caught? Jin hyung will kill us.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes and stops near a wall in one of the dimly lit hallways, grabbing one of Jimin’s hands in his own and running his thumb over the younger boy’s knuckles, “He’ll only kill us if he finds out, Jiminie.” He grins and traps his boyfriend against the wall, one hand on the wall and the other on his waist, leaning in to capture Jimin’s lips with his own.
Jimin reciprocates immediately, humming contently and moving to deepen the kiss, bringing one hand up to cup Yoongi’s cheek.
They continue this routine every day; sneaking away at lunch time to a secluded hallway to make out until it gets too heavy for them to continue.
One day, however. They catch the attention of a certain dark-haired boy as they’re walking off.
Yoongi and Jimin are kissing heavily in the middle of the hallway when they hear a small voice speak up from about 10 feet away from them. Jimin’s eyes snap open and he pushes Yoongi away from him, barely sending him an apologetic glance before his eyes lock on the source of the voice. Jeon Jeongguk.
The 4-year-old has his head tilted and a confused look on his face, “Mr. Park? Mr. Min?”
“Ah! Jeonggukkie!” Yoongi says in a strained voice, walking forward until he’s right in front of the boy, kneeling down so that he’s face to face with him, “What are you doing out of the lunch room, kiddo?”
“Um…” Jeongguk starts nervously, “I-I saw you and Mr. Park leaving the caf-caf…cafeteria and I got worried.” He frowns at himself, obviously frustrated for still having difficulty with some words.
“Oh, well we’re okay sweetheart.” Jimin pipes in, appearing in the spot next to Yoongi, “How about you, me, and Mr. Min head back to the cafeteria, okay? I’m sure everyone is wondering where you went.”
Jeongguk nods and starts walking back with them when he speaks up out of nowhere again, causing Jimin to choke.
“What were you and Mr. Min doing in the hallway?”
“You-You saw that?” Yoongi breaths out hoarsely.
“Ah, just, don’t tell anyone alright, sweetheart? If you promise not to tell anyone I’ll bring you a cookie tomorrow to give you at lunch time, okay?”
Yoongi glares at him with a ‘why the hell are you bribing a kid??’ look, but Jeongguk doesn’t notice, or care; he simply perks up and nods excitedly, a big smile on his face.
Jimin smiles back at him, “Good!”
They get back to the cafeteria and sit Jeongguk back at his table, walking towards an empty table afterwards and sitting down with a huge sigh of relief.
“Not to be that person, hyung, but I told you so.” Jimin giggles at his hyung’s affronted expression.
“Yah! Park Jimin you’re such a brat.”
“Mhm but I’m your brat.” He says quietly, a smug grin on his face.
Yoongi can’t help but look at him with that of pure adoration, “That you are.”
The next day at lunch time, Jimin and Yoongi walk into the cafeteria, Jimin with a large chocolate chip cookie in his hand. He’s about to walk over to Jeongguk when he notices that he’s not alone. No, he’s sitting with Kim Taehyung, and the two are talking and giggling and pointing at Jimin and Yoongi. Jimin’s eyes widen and he turns slowly to Yoongi, who’s completely oblivious to what’s going on.
“Um… hyung?” He whispers.
Yoongi turns to him, confusion etched onto his face, “What is it Jiminie?”
Jimin points to where the two boys are sitting and laughing, and Yoongi’s eyes go comically wide when he sees them still pointing at the pair, “You don’t think…”
Jimin nods solemnly, “I think we may have a problem hyung.”
Jimin pulls Yoongi into the hallway right outside the café and starts pacing back and forth, “What are we gonna do? Jin hyung is gonna kill us oh my god hyung, I’m too young to die.”
Yoongi grabs Jimin’s shoulders and turns the younger boy towards him, “Calm down Jiminie, you’re so dramatic, hyung isn’t gonna kill us. We just have to talk to Jeongguk and Taehyung and convince them not to tell anyone else.”
Jimin takes a deep breath and nods, “Y-you’re right hyung! We just need to talk to them.” He breaks away from Yoongi’s grasp and marches back into the cafeteria and towards the table that the two boys are occupying.
“Yah, Jeongguk, Tae, can Mr. Min and I talk to you outside, please?”
Both boys’ eyes widen and they nod robotically.
When they’re all outside, Jimin resumes his pacing for a moment before stopping in front of the two boys, kneeling down to be at eye level with them.
“Ah, Jeongguk, I thought we told you yesterday not to tell anyone, I even brought you the cookie I mentioned.”
Jeongguk looks down sadly, “I-I’m sorry Mr. Park-ssi, I just wanted to tell Tae Tae ‘cuz- ‘cuz we’re best friends like you and Mr. Min! So I thought it would be okay. I didn’t mean to make you angry. Can I still have the cookie please Mr. Park? I promise I won’t tell anyone else!”
Yoongi steps in, “Ah, me.. me and Mr. Park aren’t best friends Jeonggukkie, I- we’re boyfriends. Best friends don’t do what you saw me and Mr. Park doing usually.”
Jeongguk seems to consider this for a moment, “So.. could me and Tae Tae be boyfriends then?”
Taehyung perks up at the words, “Ooooh please pleasee can we be boyfriends Ggukkie?? Then- then I’d get to be both your best friend and your boyfriend.” He holds up two chubby fingers, “That would make you and me extra special because most people only have one!”
Jimin’s eyes widen and he hits Yoongi’s arm, “N-no! You guys can’t be boyfriends.”
Taehyung pouts, sticking his lower lip out, “But, why not? You and Mr. Min are boyfriends and it seems really cool and special! I wanna be boyfriends with Ggukkie too, right Gguk?”
Jeongguk nods excitedly, looking back and forth between Yoongi and Jimin, “Please Mr. Park and Mr. Min?”
Jimin shakes his head quickly, “No! Me and Mr. Min are boyfriends because we’re older. Once you and Taehyung are older like me and Mr. Min are, then you guys can be boyfriends if you still want to be.”
Jeongguk’s frown deepens but Taehyung faces Jeongguk with a bright boxy smile on his face, “It’s okay Ggukkie! We can be boyfriends later! I’ll still be your best friend though, right?”
Jeongguk nods, a small smile beginning to form on his face, “Of course Tae Tae! You’ll be my best friend forever and ever! I can’t wait ‘til we’re older though so we can be boyfriends too.”
Jimin sighs and stands up, taking the cookie out from his backpack, “Good, now that we got that settled, you two are allowed to go back to your table now.” He hands the cookie to Jeongguk, who takes it excitedly, “And remember, no telling anyone, okay?”
“Got it Mr. Park!” Taehyung yells as he drags Jeongguk excitedly back to their table to eat the cookie.
Once they’re out of sight, Jimin turns to Yoongi, a glare on his face, “I can’t believe you told them we were boyfriends! Hyung you could’ve made that so much worse than it was by doing that.” He frowns.
Yoongi rolls his eyes, “But I didn’t, did I Jiminie?”
Jimin huffs, “Well, no, but-”
“Well then we’re okay, they won’t tell anyone, okay?”
Jimin frowns and crosses his arms over his chest, “You better be right about that, hyung.”
Yoongi was, in fact, notright about that. They walked in the next day to see Taehyung and Jeongguk sitting next to each other and holding hands.
Jimin pales and walked over to them, “Ah, Taehyung, Gguk, what.. what are you guys doing?” He’s not sure he’s ready for the answer.
Taehyung perks up and smiles big at Jimin, “After you and Mr. Min left us at the table, me and Ggukkie decided we wanted to tell out mommies and daddies that we were gonna be boyfriends when we were older.” Jeongguk nods excitedly next to him. Jimin pales more.
“What, um-”
“And, and our mommies said that- they cood ‘nd asked why we had to wait, so me and Tae Tae are boyfriends now!!”
“Mommy said that boyfriends hold hands ‘nd kiss on the cheeks ‘nd stuff too.” Taehyung says proudly and kisses a giggling Jeongguk’s cheek.
“So now we get to be super ex- extra special!” Jeongguk grins proudly.
Jimin feels like he’s gonna pass out, and Yoongi must sense that, because he comes and stands next to Jimin to take over, “Your- your parents… toldyou that you guys could be boyfriends?”
Taehyung nods, boxy smile taking over his face, “Yep! They cood and told us that it was super duper cute that we wanted to be boyfriends. They seemed shocked at first so I told them that I just wanted to be super best friends with Ggukkie cuz’ it would be more special ‘nd they started smiling and cooing ‘nd calling us cute!”
Jimin sighs in relief and smiles softly, “Well then I’m happy for you two then!”
Jeongguk blushes, getting shy all of a sudden, and hides his face in Taehyung’s neck.
Yoongi nearly dies at how cute the scene in front of him is and turns to Jimin to see his reaction, only to see the younger looking at him with love and adoration in his eyes.
Yoongi gives him the same look back.
The moment is ruined, however, when Yoongi sees Jin out of the corner of his eye, looking between Jeongguk and Taehyung and Jimin and Yoongi with an irritated look on his face.
Yoongi taps Jimin on the shoulder, “Uh, Jiminie, we might have a problem.” He points to where Jin is standing.
“Hm, what is it hyu-” He turns to look where his boyfriend is pointing and freezes when he sees his hyung’s expression.
“Oh God we’re so fucked.”
Once all the kids have gotten picked up, Jin silently motions for Jimin and Yoongi to follow him into his office, vlosing the door once all three of them are inside.
“Do either of you want to explain to me whyexactly Jeon Jeongguk and Kim Taehyung were holding hands??”
“A-ah, well you see Jin hyung, me and Yoongi may have possibly sorta gotten caught making out in the middle of the hallway by Jeongguk, who then told Taehyung. Then they uh… we- Yoongi explained to them that we were boyfriends but that they could be ‘cuz they’re too young, so uh, they told their parents that they were gonna be boyfriends when they got older, but they think that being boyfriends is just being best friends that hold hands and kiss each other on the cheeks, so they um… they got their parents blessing to be “boyfriends” and now they hold hands and stuff…”
Jin’s gaze softens and he lets out a sigh of relief when he hears that they aren’t actual boyfriends, which would be obsurd anyway since theyre 4 and 6 years old, but rubs at his temple anyway, “Aish, what am I supposed to do with you two?”
Yoongi grins sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck, “Not fire us, hopefully..?”
Jin rolls his eyes and shoos them away, “Get out of my office before I actually dostart to consider firing you two.” He says jokingly, chuckling to himself when the two boys’ eyes widen and they rush out of the office.
It’s the end of the summer, and the four couselors are sending their campers off to their parents sadly.
Jeongguk and Taehyung are two of the last campers to get picked up, Jeongguk sitting next to Taehyung, obviously tired, as the young boy is resting his head on Taehyung’s shoulder.
Jimin “aww”’s softly and watches them for a moment before Taehyung perks up and shakes Jeongguk awake when he sees his and his best friend’s parents walk through the door.
The two run to their respective parents and give them a hug.
They’re all about to leave together, when suddenly there’s two small bodies running towards Jimin and Yoongi, small arms trapping the two of them in a group hug.
Yoongi’s eyes widen in surprise before his face morphes into a soft expression and he’s hugging them back.
“I’m gonna miss you and Mr. Min, Mr. Park.” Taehyung sniffs, “We’ll be back next summer though, right Gguk??”
Jeongguk nods, a huge smile on his face.
The hug is over much to soon for Jimin’s liking. He’s gonna miss the two rascals a lot, no matter how much stress they gave him in the beginning of the summer.
Taehyung is running off again but Jeongguk stays a moment longer, staring at them with a look of indecision.
Yoongi is about to ask what’s wrong when Jeongguk opens his mouth to speak, “Thank you Mr. Min and Mr. Park.”
Then he’s running back to where his mom and Taehyung are, and the four of them walk out of the building and towards their cars, leaving Jimin and Yoongi staring after them in silence.
They both have soft smiles on their faces.
They return their name tags to Jin after the last kid leaves, then walk out to Jimin’s car, hands intertwined.
Neither of them can wait for the next summer, already excited about what the three months of camp will bring them.
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monunilight · 6 years
Counselors Can(not) Date
Reader x Taehyung (BTS)
One Shot | Camp Counselors 
Word Count: 5,163
A/N: This is for the Pretty Boys Network project Secret Summer Love! Please go check out this stunning moodboard created by @btsaeipathy based on this story! Enjoy!
You had decided to take the job as a camp counselor after graduation because you really weren’t sure what you wanted to do with your life and it was a way to escape that decision for at least the summer. You had expected to have some fun while spending time outside all summer long. What you hadn’t expected to get out of it was a summer worthy of a Hollywood romcom.
Counselors arrived three days before the campers for training and planning. The first day was learning and playing ice breakers and other games. The second was when you would actually get assigned your partner and your group for the camp and get to plan out the days that you needed to. The third was an extra day for planning and setting up.
On the first day, you were super nervous. Ice breaker games had never really been your favorite. You felt especially anxious considering you didn’t know any of the other counselors while everyone else already seemed to have friends.
Instead of jumping right into the games, the owner of the camp had a lecture to give about rules and what was expected of the staff. You were to be role models for the kids, have fun but also act appropriately, wear your uniform of the camp shirt and either shorts or capris, blah, blah, blah. Weekends off would rotate amongst the staff, otherwise you had to remain within the camp grounds. Staff were forbidden from dating during the camp because it had only lead to major trouble in the past. Phones were to remain in the counselor’s cabins, they were not responsible if you didn’t listen and it ended up at the bottom of the lake. The rules seemed to be never ending.
About a half hour into the rules, you found yourself completely zoning out. You understood the necessity of having rules like this, but you were all adults here and it seemed a little ridiculous.
As you zoned out, you glanced about at the other counselors, about 15 in total. Two were in the back on their phones, two girls off to the side were whispering to each other and giggling, and one of the guys had had the audacity to fall asleep, drooling and all. You scanned so fast across the room that you almost didn’t catch the gaze of the guy watching you back. You just barely let your eyes meet his playful stare before focusing back on the woman in the front of the room.
Had he been staring at you for long by the time you looked at him? And what was with that look he had given you?
The lecture finally came to a close, snapping everyone’s attention back to the front as the head counselor took over. He explained that your first game would be the classic Two Truths and a Lie with a partner. You waited awkwardly as everyone who knew each other paired off, searching for someone who was on their own like you.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and whipped around, thankful you probably had a partner. But your stomach did a little nervous flip when you cam face-to-face with the guy who had been staring at you earlier. He had the same playful twinkle in his eyes and a boxy grin across his face.
“Want to be my partner?”
“Sure.” You shrugged, a little nervous but there weren’t many other options than to say yes. You two walked over to the side of the room to sit and begin. “You go first.”
“Ok.” He hummed in thought as he stared off in the distance to come up with his truths and lies. “First, I own a little fluff ball of a puppy. Second, I play the saxophone and sing. Third, I am an only child.”
You stared him in the eyes for a second, trying to read anything off of him that might help you pick out the lie. He only smiled goofily while meeting your stare. “You’re not a singer, so the second one.”
“Nope.” He said it proudly.
You huffed. “Then sing for me.”
“Maybe sometime later.” He said this with a wink. “Are you going to guess again?”
“Then you don’t have a little fluffy puppy, you seem more like a big dog guy.”
“Wrong again, you’re bad at this.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “I have two younger siblings.”
“Fine.” You rolled your eyes, trying to come up with your own truths and lies. You wanted to make them especially hard since he had laughed at you for being bad. When you rattled them off, he watched you intently.
“The first is a lie.” Right on the first try.
You pouted a bit, “How did you do that?”
He laughed at this. “You scrunched your nose up cutely when you lied.”
You caught his use of the word cutely but chose to ignore it. You were about to make a smart comeback when the head counselor yelled that it was time to switch partners. As you got up to leave, he grabbed your wrist for a split second to get your attention again.
“My name is Taehyung, by the way. I’ll see you later.” And with another wink, he was off again.
You didn’t even get the chance to tell him your name.
With your next partner, you found yourself distracted thinking back to that quirky grin and impish light in his eyes.
The rest of the morning, you swore Taehyung was seeking you out for every game. You were either partners or he found some reason to talk to you. But, you were content with that fact. He was fun to talk to and was making the day much more interesting for you. And at least you may have found a friend here.
They gave everyone a sandwich for lunch and let you wander as you pleased. You decided to take a break from the group and go eat by the lake. It was especially warm out today, so you had to seek refuge under the shade of a large tree.
As you were contemplating whether the sandwich was actually worth attempting to eat, the cheese looked like it was plastic poorly disguised as cheese, you heard footsteps approach you.
Unsurprisingly, it was Taehyung who was approaching when you looked up.
“Mind if I eat with you?”
“Go ahead.” You said, deciding to take a bite of the questionable sandwich. It could have been worse.
You thought he was actually going to let you eat in silence, but when you looked over at him you could see the gears turning in his head, something funny brewing there. Finally, he blurted, “You understand we have to be best friends now, right?”
You choked a bit on your sandwich. After a few coughs, with a handful of pats on the back from
Taehyung, you were able to speak. “What does that mean?”
“Obviously fate thinks we should be friends. We’ve been talking almost all day now.” He explained, as if it were the most apparent thing in the world.
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t call you following me out here to the lake fate pushing us together.”
Taehyung just laughed, a whole-hearted and lively noise. You found yourself smiling in response to his laugh. “Oh, just you wait and see. It’s fate.”
You just shook your head, nibbling on the rest of your debatably edible sandwich while Taehyung chomped on his own.
The rest of the first day passed by in a flurry with playing more games than you had ever wanted to play in your life. By the time it was over, you were thankful to crash in your bunk for the night.
The next morning, you made yourself get up early enough for breakfast. Not necessarily because you wanted to eat, but more because they were posting counselor pairings and you were curious who you would be with.
Unsurprisingly, most people have forgone breakfast to get more sleep. There were only two other people here, and one of them was Taehyung. You weren’t sure what your stomach was doing in response to seeing him, but you didn’t think you liked the feeling.
“Hey, partner!” He called once he laid eyes on you, smiling his big, boxy smile.
“Why are you calling me partner now?” You sighed, going over to the buffet to pile food on a plate. The other counselor looked annoyed at you two talking across the room, but you didn’t care.
“Because we’re leading a group together.”
You went to sit with him since there was really no other option. “What age did we get?”
“Sixth graders.” He looked happy at this, but you certainly were not. You were hoping for cute little kids, not bratty, awkward middle schoolers. “Come on, don’t look so down. We’re going to have fun!”
“I sure hope so.” You sighed, starting in on your breakfast.
“Hey, fate put us together again. Of course it’s going to be great.” He smiled, but you just rolled your eyes at his goofiness.
The first week flew by in a flurry of helping kids unpack, introductions, trying to break the quiet kids out of their shells, trying to keep the rowdy kids under control, and falling into bed exhausted but happy every night. Oh, and dealing with Taehyung, which was basically like having another kid to watch after. A kid who liked to flirt with you whenever he could.
You knew the day you got paired up as counselors that Taehyung was trying to make a move on you. You wouldn’t be opposed to this under any other circumstance, but you were a rule follower. And the rules were very clear: counselors were not to date each other.
So, whenever you noticed him making some sort of advance on you, you deflected it or changed the subject. Sometimes you even just walked away. You were aware this wasn’t the best way to handle him, but you knew that if you used any other way, you would probably give into him. Because, if you were being honest with yourself, he was really cute. And funny. And anything you could want in a guy.
But there was no way. You weren’t going to give in.  
That weekend, you and Taehyung were both one of the few counselors stuck on duty. Kids were allowed to rotate through several activities during the day and you two had chosen to be in charge of the boats at the lake.
Midway through the afternoon, there was a lull in kids coming to boats, so you and Taehyung sat on the edge of the dock with your feet in the water. You were just staring off at the horizon, not really paying attention to anything in particular, when you suddenly felt something brush up against your hand. You looked down and saw Taehyung’s hand was now overlapping your own. When you finally looked up at his face, he was smirking down at you.
“Can I help you?” You asked, looking back down at his hand.
He chuckled and you could see out of the periphery of your eyes that he shook his head too. “Does it bother you?”
“Well, no.” You forced out, not sure how else to respond to this.
“Perfect.” He said with a smile as he fit his fingers more firmly between yours.
“I am curious why you’re doing this, though.”
He shrugged. “I thought it was pretty obvious.”
“Just humor me and explain it.” You insisted. You had a few conclusions you could jump to in your head, but you didn’t want to assume anything and be wrong. That would just be awkward.
“I like you.”
He said it so suddenly that, at first, you weren’t sure how to respond. Even though you had kind of expected the confession, you had suspected it for a while now, you really didn’t think he’d be that upfront about it. When you met his eyes, you could see the playful dare in them, amused at himself for having put you in this situation.
Before you could formulate a response, he was talking again. “And I think you like me too.”
“I never said that.” You snapped immediately, which made him laugh. “I’m serious. And even if I did like you, it wouldn’t matter. Camp counselors can’t date.”
He rolled his eyes. “You really think people follow that rule?”
“I don’t care about everyone else. I’m not trying to lose this job just because my co-counselor is a shameless flirt.”
“Hey, I have a little bit of shame!” He mocked looking hurt, but couldn’t hold back his goofy grin for long. “Come on, I’m good at keeping secrets.”
You shook your head. “Not going to happen.”
“If I kissed you right now would that change your mind?”
You could feel your eyes grow five times in size and your face heat to a bright shade of red. “Why would you do that?”
He chuckled, already leaning forward a bit. “Because I’ve wanted to since I saw you the first day.”
He was getting closer, so painfully close. You began to panic a bit. You really wouldn’t mind kissing him, but you knew if you let yourself cross that line there would be no going back. You wouldn’t want to go back.
With only an inch left, your panic took hold. You grabbed his shoulders and threw all of your weight sideways. Straight for the water.
The shock of the cool water made you fully realize what you had just done. Not only had you rejected Taehyung, but you had done so by throwing both of you into the lake. You wished you could just let yourself sink to the sandy bottom instead of treading up to the surface.
Taehyung was already up by the time you got there. You were thankful that he was smiling and laughing and not fuming angrily. He got to the dock and hauled himself up, then held out his hand to help you too. You took it, not quite able to meet his eyes from embarrassment at your own behavior.
“I have to say, that is the most interesting way I’ve ever been rejected.” He said this with a smile.
You were going to say something back, at the very least an apology, but there were kids running down the dock yelling, “Y/N, Taehyung, Y/N, Taehyung!”
“Why are you guys wet?” The first girl to reach you asked.
“Well,” You began, trying to formulate a proper lie, “Taehyung fell into the water, so I had to jump in and save him.”
The kids chuckled. “Really?” This was directed at Taehyung.
He just nodded, giving you an exasperated look as he responded, “Yes, that is what actually happened. I’m not the best swimmer.”
The kids started laughing hysterically. You joined in with them, noting when Taehyung’s face finally softened after a minute and he chuckled a bit too.
As the kids were finally loaded into the boats, Taehyung leaned over to you and whispered, “I’m going to convince you to give me a chance.”
You just rolled your eyes in response.
You were expecting the next day to be painfully awkward between you and Taehyung, but, it was just a normal day. Taehyung still talked to you like normal and  joked around with you. There was nothing even mildly out of the ordinary until lunch time.
When you went to sit at your normal spot at the counselor’s table, there was a Twix bar sitting in front of your seat.
“Is someone else here?” You asked, mainly to Taehyung, who was across from you.
He shook his head. “That’s yours.”
You raised your eyebrows as you set your tray down to eat. “Where did it come from?”
“I just thought you could use a little bit of a treat. Twix is your favorite candy, right?”
“Well, yeah.” You said, letting your voice trail off. When you finally met his eyes, Taehyung just winked at you. This had to be in reference to yesterday. What exactly he thought he was going to accomplish by bribing you with candy, you didn’t know. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t enjoy the gift.
The next day was a big hiking day. You were paired with another group, so you and Taehyung took up the rear of the group while the other counselors led. Most of the kids kept up with the group pretty well, except for the one big child by your side. Taehyung.
He kept stopping you to point out flowers or trees or clouds that he thought were really pretty. And he just had to take pictures of them all. There were so many stops that it got to the point where you couldn’t even see the rest of the group anymore.
“Tae, can we pick up the pace a little more?” You asked, pointing at the now empty hiking path ahead of you.
He smiled, shaking his head. “This was just what I wanted.” He then threw an arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him.
You looked at him, lowering your brows. “What are you doing, Taehyung?”
“Getting some alone time with you in this beautiful piece of wilderness.” He explained it as if you were crazy for not just knowing what his motive was.
“Okay, but why are you doing this?”
He chuckled. “I told you, I’m convincing you that you should give this, me, us, a chance. I can be very persuasive when I try.”
“Is that why you left a candybar at the lunch table for me?” You sighed, rolling your eyes but giving into the fact that you were going to have to walk slowly with his arm around you. Which, you didn’t necessarily dislike. But you were not going to break the rules.
He smiled his big, boxy smile. Obviously proud of himself. “That candybar was to show you that I listen to everything you tell me, even the small things like your favorite candy.”
You were shocked into silence by his explanation. That was actually really sweet.
“Don’t look so surprised.” He nudged you gently. “I’m serious about getting you to give me a chance.”
“So, what’s the significance of this hike then?”
“Oh, this,” He chuckled again, “this is just me selfishly wanting to spend some time with you. But also, I would like you to notice just how easy it would be for us to sneak around.”
You shook your head and chuckled. But he did have a point.
The next day you were helping a group of kids with some drawings of the landscape when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
You turned to see one of the younger girls standing and smiling at you, her arm extended with a fistful of flowers in it. Your face immediately split into a smile when you saw her.
“We picked these for you!” She pushed the flowers even closer to you.
“Who helped you?” You asked as you gently took the bunch from her.
“Taehyung.” That’s when you noticed him standing a few feet back from the girl, smirking at you. The girl seemed satisfied with the interaction and started skipping off, now focused on whatever her next task was.
Taehyung walked over to where you were sitting, still smirking cockily. Before he could speak you said, “That was sweet of you to help her pick flowers.”
He smirk melted away quickly, exactly what you had wanted to happen. You knew he had gotten her to do that, and giving her the credit had him miffed. It took a minute, but he finally muttered, “It was my idea.”
You burst out laughing, loudly enough that you drew some of the kid’s attention from their drawings. “Are you really butthurt over that?”
He was still obviously pouting, especially since you were laughing at him. “I’m a man on a mission, Y/N, don’t laugh at me!”
“How can I not laugh at that adorable face?” You said, reaching over to pinch one of his cheeks.
After a second, this got him break into the slightest of smiles. “You called me adorable.”
You groaned and rolled your eyes. “I give you an inch, and you try to make it a mile.”
By the end of the week, you had to admit that Taehyung was chipping away at your resolve. All week he had been making small, cute gestures like the candy and the flowers. He also made sure to spend time with you alone almost every day.
And he was really growing on you. His goofy jokes, that wide smile he got whenever he did something cute, and the twinkle in his eyes whenever you two were joking around. It was all getting to be too much to resist.
At the end of the week, the counselors who had the weekend off decided to go see a movie together in a nearby town. You were at least excited to see something other than the campgrounds for the first time in what felt like forever.
Taehyung made sure to tag along closely to you, riding in the same car, sitting next to you, and keeping by your side as you approached the theater. You were trying to act like you didn’t notice all of this, but it was hard to ignore when he made sure to brush his hand up against yours or lean into you more than was necessary on a turn.
When you walked up to the kiosk to buy your ticket, Taehyung quickly cut you off. “Let me buy your ticket.” He said it with a swift wink.
“I can buy my own ticket.” You protested, trying to push him out of the way. He easily kept you at bay with his hips.
“I know you can.” He was on the seat selection screen now. You had seen where the other counselors had bought their tickets in group of available seats big enough for everyone. Taehyung was selecting two seats as far away from that as possible.
“What are you doing? There’s two open by everyone else!” You whined, trying to poke at the screen but he still blocked you.
With a couple more touches, the tickets were purchased. He turned around to you, smiling broadly. “Oops, too late.”
“You are a devil in sheep’s skin, I swear.” You huffed, snatching your ticket from him. You walked over to the rest of the group milling by the ticket podium. Taehyung went with a couple of the other guys to buy popcorn and drinks instead.
“Well, that was real cute.” One of the girls, Mary, chuckled when you got there.
“What do you mean?” You snapped back quickly.
“All that flirting and what not.” She said, waving her hand vaguely in your direction. “You two need to just date already.”
“Counselors can’t date.” Was your immediate response. It had basically become your manifesto at this point.
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, that’s worked so well. I mean, look at Johnny and Dani.” They were off from the rest of the group, sitting on a bench and holding hands while leaning closely and whispering about something. Everyone knew they had started dating just days into camp, but they hadn’t gotten caught by any of the higher-ups as of yet. “And numerous people have just been hooking up. So, it’s possible if you want it.”
Before you could reply, the guys from the concessions stand came back. Then the group was heading into the theater. You let Taehyung drag you by your elbow to your seats near the back of the room.
“Have some popcorn.” He offered as soon as you sat down.
“Thanks.” You mumbled, absentmindedly taking a few pieces. Really, your mind was still stuck on your conversation with Mary. People were getting away with dating and hooking up left and right, and they weren’t even being very secretive about it. So, why couldn’t you if you were just smart about it?
Before you even knew it, the movie started playing while your mind was still reeling. Should you just give it a chance? And even if you did give it a chance, it’s not like it would be serious. The summer could only last so long. So what if you got in a little bit of trouble to have some fun?
“Hey, Tae.” You whispered, coming to a snap decision. He looked back at you with wide eyes, ready to listen to whatever you were about to say. “I uh, think I want to give you that chance after all.”
His eyebrows knit together in confusion, trying to riddle out what your vague words meant. When it finally hit him, his lips crept into a giant grin and his eyes lit up. “I knew you would break eventually.” Before you could stop him, he leaned in and gave you a swift peck of a kiss.
You batted him away. “We still have to be secretive!”
“I know, I know. I was just too excited.” He chuckled at the look you gave him that said you were not buying his lie. “I promise, I’ll be the best secret lover you’ve ever had.”
You had to chuckle at this. You were ready to just continue watching the movie like normal, but slowly you found yourself leaning closer and closer to him until you were cuddled up against his side with his arm wrapped around you. And you were pretty content with breaking the rules.
You had to admit, deciding to give into Taehyung was probably one of the better decisions you had ever made. He was already sweet and went out of his way to make you happy before you gave into him. And with your previous experiences, that went away a lot soon after you actually started dating someone. Not that you two were officially dating, you hadn’t really outlined exactly what you were. But it was close enough. Anyway, him doing everything he could to make you happy actually increased after that day at the movie.
Now, he would surprise you by having your normal breakfast already at the table for you in the morning because he knew you hated waiting in line for your food.
Or he would grab you on the way back to your cabin at night and sneak over to the barely crackling campfire to watch a movie on his laptop together. The chirping of the cicadas background music to whatever movie he let you pick out. And he was always excited for your pick whether it was a sappy romance or action-packed superhero movie, both of which you loved.
He always made sure to take care of the difficult situations with the campers that came up, not because you couldn’t but because he knew you hated handling other people’s conflicts. And, no matter the situation or who was involved, he found the best way to resolve it without you having to play any part.
Or he would wake you up in the middle of the night, which scared you half to death the first time he did it, just to sit and watch the stars while talking about life with you. These were the moments where you saw his deeper side, the one who feared being alone and leaving this world not being remembered, which he never offered to show anyone else.
So, even though it was just a summer camp fling, it ended up being better than most of the actual relationships you had had. Even if you did have to sneak around and hide like you were 14 again.
That’s why, as the end of the camp approached, you started to savor those little moments as much as you could. You tried your best to remember the way he smiled whenever you were talking about yourself. You appreciated the way his hand felt in your own. And savored the look in his eye that he got right before he would lean in to kiss you. You wanted them all ingrained into your memory.
And you really didn’t want to face the inevitable end it would come crashing down to.
It was the last day of camp. You were both sad and nervous about leaving. But most of all, you were worried about the conversation you were on your way to have with Taehyung. You had finally decided last night that you were just going to bite the bullet and end whatever it was that you two had. It was better than trying to make it work when you lived two hours away from each other and it would be less painful to just do it now.
You found him sitting on the dock, relaxing and watching the falling sun. Wordlessly, you went to sit next to him. You sat like that for several minutes, drinking in the calm of the lake and the peace of the moment together.
But you had to break the silence. “Are you leaving soon?”
“Probably soon.” He finally drew his eyes from the horizon to you. “Are you?”
You nodded. “I was about to head out.”
He cocked his head sideways, looking at you with calculating eyes. “Why does it sound like you’re sad?”
“Well, this is kind of goodbye, Tae.” You started slowly, trying to keep your emotions as in check as you could.
Concern flashed across his eyes. “It not goodbye forever. Is it?”
You couldn’t help but smile at how insistent he was being. You got the feeling that he knew what you were trying to say, and didn’t want to accept it. “We live so far away from each other, Tae. I don’t know how well whatever this is would work at a distance.”
“You’re crazy then.”
You balked at the words. “What do you mean?”
His smile was serene as he began to speak. “You think something as small as driving two hours to see you is going to be able to stop me from taking you on a real date? And be able to not sneak around like pre-teens hiding from their parents.” This was said with a chuckle.
“But-” You barely began before he cut in.
“There are no buts. I like you, Y/N, and I want to give this a real try if you do.”
You couldn’t help the smile that broke out across your face. “Ok, I’ll give it a try. On one condition.” He looked amused as he nodded for you to go on. “You’re going to be the one driving to me.”
“Of course, of course.” He laughed, taking your face in between his hands gently as he pulled you closer. “I would do anything to be with you.”
You couldn’t help the smile that split your face as he finally pulled you in for a blissful kiss, your heart leaping but fully content.
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This is just a reminder to those who are still participating in PBN’s first net project, Secret Summer Love! 
Posting week is here, and we ask that the teams post their work at the same time, both tagging each other and linking to the others work.
Please don’t forget to use the tags #pbnproject1 and #prettyboysnetwork 
Thank you so much for participating, and we’ll have the project masterlist up soon!
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honeykoos · 6 years
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Taehyung as a Scuba Diving Instructor for @taetaetrashhh‘s lovely fic that you can find here!
A/N This is a part PBN’s Secret Summer Love Project! Go check out everybody else’s content here :)
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cherriegyuu · 6 years
The Road That Leads To You | Jungkook
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summary: double dates are bound to go wrong
genre: fluff
word count: 3.7k
part of pretty boys network project. my partner for this project was @hansolstea you can check the moodboard that goes along with this story here
You kept looking at your phone hoping, wishing, demanding that someone would text you, that something would happen and you would have a excuse to get out of that situation. Anything at all would work, you just wanted a way out.
It could be your mom calling you saying that she needed you home but the truth was that she just thought that it was getting late and you should go home, or so she thinks; you wished that your dad would text you asking to have dinner with him but your dad was never one to take the first step; maybe your professor could email you saying that you did something wrong in your assignment and you had to redo it, that was a dream you would probably wake up from by falling off your bed.
School was finally over and you had some time for yourself or as much as work would possibly let you have. The second your boss heard the words summer break he was already increasing you works hours, you could only hope you payment would see the benefits of working extra hours. You could easily hear Jungkook’s voice in the back of your head saying “He’ll increase your working hours and decrease your pay, that’s more like it”
You welcomed the different stream of thought with open arms until it led you to Jungkook. He was the entire reason why you were feeling guilty in the first place.
You were on your way to a date with someone who wasn’t Jungkook, someone who wasn’t your boyfriend. And you weren’t even doing it for yourself. You had no thoughts or intentions to be with anyone other than Jungkook. You were on your way to a double date that would only benefit the other half, your friend Kat, while said date could only cause your problems.
Since Kat started to work as an intern, almost a year before, all she could talk about was Jimin, how handsome he was, how nice he was, how he could be a complete cutie in a second and change into someone dangerous in a span of a millisecond – her words, not yours. Apparently it was the best kind of danger.
After months of pining over him your friend finally managed to score a date with her yearlong crush, but she got cold feet at the last minute and somehow you were the one who ended up in an uncomfortable situation. If the occasion was any different you would have helped her without thinking twice about it, it wouldn’t have been the first time you rescued her.
On top of it all Jimin also thought that it was a good idea to have a double date as a first date and what a better place than a bowling alley.
A double date is fine, many people have had them, you just hated the fact that you were the one who had to sit around and watch and your friend and a random guy from her work made the awkward small conversation of a first date.
You had made plans beforehand. It was nothing much speaking honestly. It included you leaving work the second your shift was over, making a quick stop at the chicken place on your way to the subway station and head straight to Jungkook’s place. Unlike you he had his own apartment so you were always at his place because then you had more privacy than at the dorms.
Let’s stay inside tonight, we can do something else tomorrow if we feel like it. That was your original plan and it sounded so damn good. Cuddling with Jungkook while it wasn’t too warm to do so almost sounded like a dream.
Yes, you could still go to his place after the date but how could you possibly lie down by his side when you had just gone one a date with someone else? Someone who wasn’t him? You knew very well that if you told him the truth Jungkook would just laugh it off, saying that you were too good for own good. He would probably give you that bunny smile of his, the very same one that always melted your heart a little when you saw it, and probably hug you with his lips at the back of your neck until he peacefully went into dreamland.
“Can’t I go home?” you asked Kat.
You already knew her answer, even before she clutched to your hand as if it was her life line.
“No! I need you here, for moral support”
You rolled your eyes at her and leaned back against the extremely uncomfortable seat.
“I could that from home, you know? The moral support thing”
It was her turn to roll her eyes at you.
“Oh please…” she drifted off for a second before her eyes went wide on her face and held even thigher to you hand “Y/N, I’m so so so so sorry for this. I had no idea”
You followed her eyes and soon realized what she was seeing and why she was apologizing. Walking through the door was Jimin but the person walking by his side was the one that really caught your attention. In his usual black hoodie and torn jeans Jungkook walked inside, a lopsided grin on his face as his eyes met yours.
The color drained from your face as you looked around trying to desperately find a way out. That couldn’t be happening to you. Why you of all people? Kat looked between you and Jungkook, a confused look her face. And you knew why she was so confused: you and Jungkook were supposed to hate each other.
“Why is he looking at you like that?”
It’s the oldest story in the world. From the second the two of you crossed paths you had an instant dislike for each other. As soon you found out that both of you were majoring on the same thing the dislike became a rivalry that even teachers were aware of, something that other students didn’t quite comprehend and neither did you or him. On your part it was probably because he had been a jerk by knocking off your books, not on purpose, and saying “you should watch where you go, this is not the fucking mall!” You hated his guts after that, it wasn’t that you expected to get down and help you but the least he could say was that he was sorry as he rushed off to wherever he went next. He disliked you back because you made a point of always been a jerk to him right back.
Really, it was something so stupid.
Sometimes, while going out with Kat, you would see him with his friends and he looked like a decent person and from the things you heard from people who were knew him he sounded nice but you never managed to overlook that first day.
Until the a night out gone wrong, that was.
Kat managed to drag you a bar on a Friday night because Jimin was there and there was no way she could miss the opportunity to see him. Against your will, and your better judgment, you tagged along. You sat quietly at a table in the corner nursing a drink while everyone around you seemed to be having a blast.
It was one of those days when you just want to stay inside and not do anything, the kind of day that binge watch a random reality show sounds like paradise. Going out, being in a bar with loud music, drunk people and stupid pickup lines sounded like your own personal hell.
You were on your own for about twenty minutes when someone dragged the chair in front of you and sat down. The words get lost were ready to leave your mouth when you looked at who it was. Jungkook sat in front of you, beer in hand while he sported his most famous and used look: white t-shirt and ripped jeans. He smiled at you and his raised his beer before taking a long sip.
“Let’s not do this today, Jungkook. I’m really not in the mood”
Something in the way you said made Jungkook stop. He was ready to say something, anything at all that came to his mind, any sort of nasty comment that would probably leave you fuming but as he looked at you he could easily tell that your not in the mood was much different than what you were letting on. Your eyes were barely focused on anything, the drink in front of you still untouched.
“Come with me”
He suddenly stood up and took your hand pulling you so you could stand up as well. He got your jacket that hanged on the chair, your cell phone and keys from the table before pulling you out the door. You walked by his side quietly wondering just what he was doing but too tired to ask what was happening, his hand on the small of your back brought you warmth and, strangely, comfort.
Jungkook pulled the passenger door of his car open and told you to sit. The second your head touched the rest your eyes fell shut. You could easily hear him softly close the door as he walked around and sat behind the wheel.
“I’ll drive around for a little, get some rest”
Anyone else would probably have felt uncomfortable in said situation, anyone else probably wouldn’t have taken someone they don’t like hand, anyone else probably would have never gotten inside that car, anyone else probably wouldn’t have fallen asleep in a stranger’s car. But the thing is that Jungkook was never a stranger and, despite the fact that you didn’t get along very well, you knew that he would never do anything that could possible harm you in any way. You enjoyed your fights and he wasn’t crazy.
Somehow getting inside Jungkook’s car and driving around became your thing. At times during class you would exchange looks and the next thing you knew you were walking to parking lot and getting inside Jungkook’s car. He would follow you soon after, a bag of sweets and snacks on his hand. You would take turns driving so both of you could rest, or read over your notes for the exam.
At first neither of you said anything; it was enough to just stay inside his car driving to nowhere quietly. At times Jungkook would go as far as hitting the road because it’s quieter here, don’t you think? Soon enough you found yourself looking at him, looking for him. Once when he parked the car and both of you sat on the hood of the car, easy conversation flowing around you would wonder what it would feel like to be kissed by him, what would feel like to have his hand hold yours.
“I want every day to be like this one” you said quietly.
Something sparkled in his eyes, something that he too felt. When you looked at him that day it felt like his emotions matched yours, his feelings were the same as yours. You leaned forward, just a hint of what you wanted to happen. If he didn’t feel the same, if he didn’t want the same thing, then you could pass it as you being half sleep. But Jungkook  wanted it, he had been meaning to talk to you for a while. When he approached you that day at the bar his one and only intention was to talk to you, but when he took a good look at you he knew that he couldn’t do that then and so he waited. He kept waiting for the perfect opportunity and you were finally presenting him with one, one that he wouldn't be stupid to let go.
His lips touched yours every so lightly, slowly. Your hands moved on their own, wrapping around his neck as he pulled you closer.
Every day after that Jungkook’s text was the first thing you read in the morning and his voice was the last sound you heard before falling asleep.
On a day when Jungkook didn’t show up for class you got worried and it got even worse after he didn’t answer your call or texts – not even your email. He wasn’t the kind of person that skipped class, he went religiously even if his body was begging him to stay home and take the day.
It took you a lot of courage to walk up to one his friends and ask for his address. It was hard to understand why you cared so damn much whether or not Jungkook went to class. And it wasn’t just that. When you weren’t with him you kept thinking of him, thinking about what he could be doing, if he too was thinking about you. It made you feel weird about how you went from hating the mention of his name to constantly thinking of him.
Knocking on his apartment door was almost as hard as asking for his address. No, it was definitely harder. Innumerous wild scenarios went through your head but none of them even came close to what was actually happening.
He only opened the door after the second knock. When Jungkook saw you standing outside his door he almost looked relieved, the smile on his face made you smiled back.
“Jungkook, who is that?” a woman said.
Before you could say anything Jungkook pulled you inside and closed the door after you. Sitting on the couch there was  an older couple, their eyes shifted towards you before going back to Jungkook, a curious look on their faces.
“I’m y/n” you waved awkwardly at them “Jungkook and I have a few of the same classes”
At your words the woman’s face lit up and she got up to shake your hand.
“Oh, Jungkook was just telling us about you”
Somehow having his mother, as well as his dad, know about your car rides automatically meant that the two you of you were dating. When his father mentioned it neither one of you tried to deny it or correct him because even though those words were never spoken it was something that you saw coming.
Even so you didn’t tell anyone. You didn’t fight in front of others but you also didn’t interact in any sort of way when there were people around. In class you still sat far apart, but always in each other’s line of view. There was something mysterious and thrilling about dating when no one knew about it. It was also easier to date secretly than to tell everyone that you were.
That’s was six months before. Even after so long you didn’t have the courage to tell people about it and being completely honest it wasn’t as if they had any input in either of your dating life. You weren’t going out with Jungkook just to please someone and the same went for him. Your dating life belonged to you and you only. You didn’t quite understand why you had to tell other people about it.
By choosing to keep a secret you still had to face situations like that, like your friends trying to set you up with someone because they thought that you were lonely – actually no other friend did anything like that, it was only Kat who went out of her to try and make you go out with someone.
“There’s something I should probably tell you” you said to Kat but it was already too late, the second the words left your mouth Jungkook and Jimin got closer to you.
While Jimin made an effort to try to talk to you, though his intentions and why he was even there in the first place were very clear, Jungkook didn’t even look at Kat. He simply sat in front of you, his eyes on you the whole time while you tried to think of something to say, anything that could possibly get you out of the mess you put yourself into but nothing came to mind.
Instead of paying attention to her date, trying to focus on the conversation Jimin was clearly trying to have with her, Kat kept giving you questioning glances and nugging your feet trying to get you to look at her.
“Okay! Someone needs to tell me what is going on, right now!” Kat said hitting the table and shaking the drinks
The game had already been over, you even played twice, and the four of you sat at a burger place next to the bowling alley.
“I also would like to know, since Jungkook was the one who invited himself over”
At his words your eyes went wide and you immediately turned to Jungkook, who had an apologetic look his face as if he was saying I’m sorry but he was also trying very hard now to smile.
“You are the actual worse, did you know that?” you threw your remaining fries at him “I was actually feeling bad about coming here today while you had this plotted?”
Jungkook laughed as he tried to block the fries from falling in face. He was laughing alright but it was out of pure nervousness, he knew in just how much trouble he was. He was the only one who knew just how long it took him to get you to talk to him again after he said a stupid joke you didn’t think it was funny. He should have known that by doing something like that he was getting himself into major problems. He just couldn’t help himself and the face you made when you saw him was priceless and totally worth it.
“Why would you feel bad about going on a date with your boyfriend?”
“WHAT?” Kat all but screamed.
You wanted to hit your head against the nearest wall and maybe do the same with Jungkook while you were at it.
“Fine! You really want to know? Jungkook and I have been seeing each other for months now, since the first time we went to the bar because Jimin was there. You left me all alone when I could barely keep my eyes open and this idiot” you point a finger at Jungkook “helped me. We’ve been stuck to each other ever since”
You forced a smile towards her as you leaned back in your chair. Jimin looked at you like you like you were borderline crazy while Jungkook looked like he couldn’t be more proud of you. It was actually the first time you ever talked back at anyone, except Jungkook.
“That was eight months ago! As soon as we got back from summer break!” she screamed as she mimicked you actions from a few seconds before. When she ran out of fries she used her hands.
“Okay, that's enough!” Jungkook pulled you up and away from the table “We don't have to get aggressive”
Kat scoffed at him but didn't make a move to leave her seat on the table.
“Would you rather for me to hit you?”
Jimin sighed and he took the last sip of his soda.
“How about we keep our hands to ourselves and call it a night?”
You still were angry with Jungkook and he was well aware of it, even so you got in the car with him and let yourself be taken to his place. He didn't try to sweet talk you, he just held your hand as if he was silently apologising. Maybe you were even a little more angry because just being inside his car with him holding your hand was enough to make you feel less angry at him.
“I'm sorry” Jungkook said, his fingers drawing little circles on the back of your hand “I didn't think it would come to that. It's just that I don't understand why we have to keep lying to people"
You should have known that it would come that, that ultimately that was the reason why Jungkook did something like that in the first place. He was always one to like playing pranks but that one just went too far.
“We're not lying, Jungkook, we're just living our own lives" he gave you a small smile and looked out of the window “You think that I'm ashamed of being your girlfriend? Of being seen with you?”
For as long as you gave known him, or of him, Jungkook was always one to be surrounded by his friends. It was rare to see him on his own, to not see him talking to anyone. And that was something that you couldn't understand. You weren't a loner, you had friends and people you liked going out with, but you also didn't share your life with those people. You weren't used to letting people know where you were going, what you were doing and who you were doing it with. In your family no one ever did that, it wasn't something that was nurtured in you. But it's something Jungkook is used to.
With a sigh you unbuckle your seatbelt and reached for your phone at the bottom of your purse. You placed a kiss on Jungkook’s cheeks at the same time that you took a picture with your phone. Jungkook looked over your shoulder as you quickly uploaded the picture.
“Oh, you tagged me"
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the pictures for a second. You had your eyes closed as your lips touched his cheeks while Jungkook had the biggest smile of his face. It was a picture he liked, one that he would probably use as is home screen.
You pulled his hand down so he would look at you.
“Don't you ever think that I'm embarrassed or ashamed of you. When I say that I love you I'm not saying it to merely inflate your ego, I'm saying because that's how I feel”
You leaned forward and let your lips linger over his for a moment enjoying the feeling of having close to you once again. Being apart from his during the last week of exams had been exhausting for more reasons than one.
“Also, if you try something like this again im cutting your balls off"
Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows at you and grinned.
“Sounds kinky. When can we try that?”
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• PBN’s Secret Summer Love Masterpost •
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A big thank you to everyone who participated in PBN’s first net project! Below you will find the teams and their work! 
Team 1: Ayla + Sharon
 @kookiie-bear​ + @infinitestarsss​
Summer Heat & Ice Cream Kisses: writing + moodboard
Team 2: Sara + Ela
@willisyehet + @hansolstea
The Road That Leads To You: writing + moodboard
Team 3: Momo + Lainey
@taetaetrashhh + @daisykookz
What Gets Me Wet: writing + moodboard
Team 4: Charlene + Sharon
@chari-a​ + @infinitestarsss​
Adoration: writing + moodboard
Team 5: Kait + Momo
@yeaimfishboi + @taetaetrashhh
The Rose: text au + moodboard
Team 6: Daniela + Kait
@wonwonnies + @yeaimfishboi
Sun & Moon: writing + moodboard
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untitledseesaw · 6 years
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Summer Heat & Ice Cream Kisses
Your neighbour, Jongin, breaks his air conditioner and annoys you for yours. When you finally cave, you both realise that you’ve fallen into a routine that you neither of you can explain.
A collaboration with the talented @kookiie-bear , go read her amazing story here
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