#pc gets a happy ending for once in their goddamn lives LMAO
bloodpenned · 3 years
Kylar fic anon here.
Decided to write a little prequel to the Kylar fic since it seemed in demand.
You wish you had believed Bailey when they said your kindness would kill you one day. Maybe then you wouldn't have ended up in some psychopath's basement, in a room barely big enough to keep you from suffocating.
You were just trying to be nice, when you helped Kylar gather his things after that fight, and when you seeked him out even after that. He looked so small and lonely, as he sat on that park bench alone. He kind of reminded you before you met Robin. And just like Robin had helped you out of your misery, you wanted to help him too.
And look where that had gotten you.
Your eyes were heavy with unshed tears and your throat felt like sandpaper from all the screaming you had been doing when you still had hope that someone would hear you.
Why did God let this happen to you? Was this punishment for something you had done? Was this some sort of necessarry sacrifice? But instead of being nailed to a cross you were tied to a chair, the ropes eating at your skin, slowly burning into your flesh with each passing day.
You didn't know if it was a good thing that they didn't hurt anymore. In fact you could barely feel them, much like your own body.
He told you he would only sedate you, but you knew in your soul you wouldn't get up from here on your own accord again. The sounds of the television felt too faint, your own limbs too foreign, keeping your eyes open too much of a chore to even entertain the idea that you were doing anything but dying.
You were thinking about Robin as the warm embrace of death enveloped you. You wished you could've seen them once more. Heard the melody of their voice or even allowed yourself to hold their hands in yours.
How cruel that what everyday was once felt like a daydream now. You at least hoped you could carry their memory with you to the other side.
But before eternal sleep had finally taken you, you saw something from the corner of your eye. The turning of your head felt like an eternity, and through the mist of death you met the gaze of a shapeless figure tucked in human's clothes. You didn't know where to look for their eyes, but you felt them burning into your skin.
For a moment you wondered if it was death themselves when it approached. It's hands felt like water splashing on your skin as they undid the binds of your wrists and legs.
'I'm ready.' you said.
'I'm not here to take you.' they responded in a voice that sounded like everything you've ever heard and nothing at all.
'Who are you then? Are you a ghost?'
'I'm here to offer you a deal, child.'
'Are you the Devil then? I heard they do this sort of thing.' your voice cracked from the sudden pressure of speaking so much again 'And what kinda deal you offering me?'
'Like the sort your so-called Devil makes. You get something, anything your heart desires, really, and I receive something in return.'
'Can you make it that this whole ordeal doesn't happen? Me getting kidnapped, I mean. Can you do that?'
'Of course I can. I' m not a charlatan, when I say I can give you anything, I can actually deliver upon my word.'
'Alright. You can work out the details, just do it fast. I don't want to be here anymore.'
'What exactly do you want me to do?'
'I already told you!' you felt like crying. Whether this thing in front of you was just a death-induced dream, or actual reality, you wanted to see the end of this, and fast.
'I need details.'
'I don't know, turn back time or something. Just get me out of here already.'
'Here is what I tell you.' it said as it leaned onto the chair you still didn't have the chance to stand up from 'It takes the human soul about two weeks in your time to leave the body. When your soul leaves, I will turn back the clock.'
'How much?'
'Two weeks before this should do fine for you, right? November 3rd.'
November 3rd. You didn't remember what you did on that day, you don't even know what day of the week it was. It was just an ordinary day for you, one like any other before all this.
It was perfect.
'And what do you want in return?'
'I would ask for your soul, but you have something else you could give me. Something you don't even realize you have.'
'His soul.'
'Whose soul?'
'The one who got you down here. That shabby kid, whatever their name was.'
'How could I give you his soul?'
'Well, he gave it to you. Don't you remember how many times he gave you ownership over himself? His heart, his body, his money. And not to leave out, his soul.'
'It doesn't work like that.'
'Words hold power. It does work like that.'
It extended its hand towards you.
'So, what do you say?'
'Will he be aware that I did this, if I give you his soul?'
'No, but if you choose to give his over yours, I can't erase his memories of what happened here.'
'What will happen to him, if I-'
'Choose now, I don't have all day.'
A long moment passed as you eyed its hand, and then looked down at your own. Ropeburns bloodied your wrists, the red liquid and little pieces of wood stuck under your nails from struggling.
You stared into the shapelessness of its face as you next spoke.
'His soul.'
'His soul.' it repeated as you shook its hand.
It all faded to black within a second. Warmth surrounded you.
For a moment you suspected you died and the mysterious entity was a just a desperate fragment of your imagination. Wouldn't have been the first time life gave you useless hope.
But then the warmth shifted. You could feel it snuggling into your side, it's long, bony hands wrapping around your abdomen.
Then it felt as though every joint and cell in your body had burst open at the same time, a painful firework of emotions flooding into you as you sat up, heaving like an animal, grabbing onto anything to was around you like a madman.
Something fell to the floor, and light blinded you.
'Did you have a nightmare?' the person asked as they stood up from the floor, hands leaving the burron of your nightlight.
'Robin?' you asked, not daring to look at them 'Is that you?
'Yeah, sorry I startled you. Should've came in when you were still awake.'
You were speechless for a second, when you finally dared to look at them. You had never seen someone so beutiful in your life before.
'It's fine. Everything' s fine.' you said as your gaze fell to your lap, tears slowly beginning to gather in the corner of your eyes.
The bed shifted as they climbed bad onto it, their arms embracing you, hands pulling your head to their chest.
'Did you have a nightmare?'
'No, nothing like that.' you smiled up at them 'Or maybe yes, I don't know anymore.'
'Alright. But if anything is wrong you should talk to me. Always.'
You pulled away only when your sobbing subsided and your heart calmed down enough that its hammering stopped hurting your ribs.
'We' re barely past midnight. Let's get some sleep.'
And the two of you settled bad onto your bed, with their arm over you and your head buried in the curve of their shoulder.
'What day is it?'
'No, the date.'
'November 2nd, I think. No, that was yesterday. It's the third now.' they said 'Why, was there an assigment due nowadays that I forgot about?'
'No, you're fine. Everything' s fine.'
A smile was plastered onto your face as you drifted off to sleep.
well, here's your answer, anon!
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glacierbash · 3 years
dragon age for the fandom asks :)
 t h i r d  t i m e ‘ s  t h e  c h a r m
first time I did it on mobile, it crashed, and it didn’t save, the second I went to go hang out with my partner after i /thought/ I hit post but Apparently Didnt, so here goesssss
prefacing this with saying I played the games out of order, haven’t even managed to play da2 (haven’t been able to buy it yet :pensive:) so my opinions might not be informed as a more intense fan. Buut, still love the games and still have Opinions:tm:
First character I fell in love with: 110% Josephine. When I first saw her, I was like “If I can’t hold her hand this world will be unfixable and I will have no purpose in living anymore” and then I saw the flirt option when talking to her and lost my goddamn mind. It was so nice to see a story where there was just. No Tragedy (to an extent), no dying, it felt like I got to live out my sappy romantic dreams :’) she was my first romance in a DA (or bioware game in general) and she’ll always have a special place in my heart,,
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Honestly? Wynne lmao, I thought she would just be “nagging old lady” but she grew on me and to this day I still love her. Even when she was trying to keep me from doing the horizontal tango with Leliana smh /j
Character everyone loves that I don’t: Surprise Surprise, Cullen. When I first started playing Inquisition (since. again, out of order,) he was just slightly annoying to me, if a bit offputting. I didn’t wanna be around him that much, felt some of comments were. strange, so say the least, but then... Then, I played Origins. 
And I fucking hated him.
I can get why some people might like Cullen. I am not one of those people. After doing the circle quest and having to deal with his “kill all the mages” bullshit, I just... Look, I felt bad for him, but still. In my grand opinion, he shouldn’t have. Uh. Wanted to kill all the mages <3 he’s in my top 5 least favorite characters (and yes, I am aware of his addiction story, and while I still feel bad about that, I just... That doesn’t exactly “redeem” his prior actions, for lack of a better term).
Character I love that everyone else hates: I’m not sure if she gets a lot of hate, but Sera. Seeing a lesbian character who will get a happy ending made me really happy. Sure, you can... Dismiss her at any time, there’s almost no interactions that I can remember where you can be nice/understanding with her (even if the interaction gains approval) and sometimes her “my way or the highway” is really shitty (again, for lack of a better term) but still. I love her, I really do. One of my first times seeing an openly, quite unapologetic lesbian in games, and it’s still kinda important to me. I dunno. I was still trying to figure out who I was, I only recently really embraced “lesbian” as my own label, and I guess you could really attribute part of that to her. But, if she isn’t really hated, then disregard this. I’ve just seen some really nasty things people said about her.
Character I used to love but don’t anymore: Solas... And no, not because of his dreadwolf reveal. I enjoyed that! I like the thought of him as a villain! But, like... Lots of stuff started to wear on me, like... It’s been a while since I last played but he always felt quite condescending once I talked to him a bit more, just a bit “I’m superior to you haha.” I was playing a lavellan for this first playthrough, and... I dunno. I don’t hate him! I just don’t really love him. He’s worn on me, and not in a good way.
Character I would totally smooch: You want a list? Sera, Josephine, Leliana, and Qunari lady from the da4 trailer.
Character I want to be like: I don’t think I have a character I’d particularly wanna be like! If I had to choose, I’d pick Dagna, because I respect her dedication to. Learning. JDFKSD (can you tell I’m tired of doing this for the third time?)
Character I’d slap: Cullen <3 I would say Meredith too but even though I know she’s. uh. kinda fucking bad I’ll wait until I play DA2 to say so with Confidence
Pairing I love: Merribela, Leliana/Josephine, and really most pairing between pc/npc, save for a few exceptions, such as...
Pairing i hate: Cullen/Mage. Any mage. Mage Inquisitor. Mage Warden (hghg). Mage random character on the street you yoinked up. Just... No. Nope. Nuh-uh. Usually I’m very “do your own thing, idc if I don’t like it :)” but that’s like... Major nope. Ya know... Kill all the mages in the circle. (Plus, his feelings for a mage warden? When he’s in a position of power over her? :////////////) But! no hatred for anything else, really!
Thank you for the ask!
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criedw0lfe · 7 years
1-100!!! Sorry I had to be THAT person :)
Is a kiss considered cheating? Answered!
Have you ever faked orgasm? Answered!
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Shapeshifting! It could solve literally all the problems I’ve ever had. LDR’s? Turn into a dragon or some shit and cover the distance. Guy breaking into your house? Grizzly bear time. Someone stole your pool noodle? DUH NUH TIME.
Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? With happiness, I hope. 
Tell us some funny drunk story. Answered!
Why are you no longer together with your ex? Answered!
If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be?  Most days I want it to be peacefully at an old age. Unfortunately, some days I want it to be of my own doing. I think that’s most people though.
What are your current goals? Answered!
Do you like someone? Answered!
Who was the last person to disappoint you? Myself.
Do you like your body? Same as # 70!
Can you keep a diet? Yeah, I just don’t need to. I’ve been regularly going to the gym 5 days a week pretty much the entirety of the past 4 years.
If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? Aren’t you tired? Aren’t you done with all the bullshit, the cruelty, the pettiness?
Do you work? I am currently a full time Tire and Battery Technician.
If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? Anything bread.
Would you get a tattoo? Yep! I have one already and want a full blown sleeve.
Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? Plane tickets and fine dining! 
Can you drive? Yep, both automatic and manual. I actually bought my car before I knew how to drive it.
When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? Last night.
What was the last thing you cried for? We had to put down my cat of 14 years on monday.
Do you keep a journal? Does tumblr not count? 
Is life fun? 90% of the time it’s a Goddamn blast.
Is farting in front of people irrelevant? Life’s too short, man.
What’s your dream car? 1968 Shelby Mustang.
Are grades in school important? Depends on the degree you’re seeking! I have a BFA so no.
Describe your crush. She’s me.
What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? I watched Get Out and it was phenomenal. 
What was your last lie? Just one more gusher....
Dumbest lie you ever told? Telling myself I was straight for 23 years.
Is crying in front of people embarrassing? I feel embarrassed but its not. Feelings shouldn’t be embarrassing. 
Something you did and you are proud of? Changing my life.
What’s your favourite cocktail? It’s not like a super cocktail or anything but I’ve always loved Southern Comfort and coke.
Something you are good at? Embarrassing myself and not giving a fuck while I do so.
Do you like small kids? Yeeeees, and I can’t wait till I have some.
How are you feeling right now? Tired as fuck.
What would you name your daughter/son? Amelia for a girl, undecided for a boy.
What do you need to be happy? A good view and a good partner in crime to share it with.
Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? So many people I would be jailed.
What was the last gift you received? My friend bought me a video game so I would play online with him... but my internet is so fucked up I can’t even download the updates for it.
What was the last gift you gave? The gift of a good time.
What was the last concert you went to? I was supposed to go to In This Moment, but wasn’t able to. So the last was  Carrie Underwood.
Favourite place to shop at? Online, bitches.
Who inspires you? My parents and their resolve.
How old were you when you first got drunk? I’m a prude, it wasn’t until I was 19!
How old were you when you first got high? Answered!
How old were you when you first had sex? 24. I had plenty of opportunity, just no one I cared to do it with before then.
When was your first kiss? Romantically? I was 13.
Something you want to do until the end of this year? Get a new job and move.
Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? I have many regrets and moments I would like to take back, but I’ve decided long ago that I would stop letting the past effect my future.
Post a selfie. Oh my god I look like trash. I’ll post one later, or post an old one.
Who are you most comfortable around? My friend Kyle.
Name one thing that terrifies you. I struggle with the idea of falling from a considerable height. 
What kind of books do you read? I don’t have a specific genre that I usually stick to, but I do like dystopians or westerns.
What would you tell your 12 year old self? Don’t follow the crowd, and don’t give a fuck what people think. You’ll be someone they wish they were when you’re older. And for the love of god, don’t give into your thoughts. You’ve got to see what you become.
What is your favourite flower? Orchid.
Any bad habits you have? I have a hardcore caffeine addiction that I need to kick bad. 
What kind of people are you attracted to? People who are full of life and adventure.
What was the last thing you cried for? Answered I think?
Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? I absolutely hate cilantro. Keep those bitter leaves away from me.
Are you in love? Answered!
Something you find romantic? Effort and chivalry. 
How long was your longest relationship? 3 and a half years! Marriage was a real concept at the time too. It was a boy though.
What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? We have a tendency to be cruel emotionally. Myself included.
What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? There are so many problems with masculinity don’t even get me started. 
What are you saving money for? Moving and my first house!
How would you describe your bad side? Cruel and walled up.
Are you actually a good person? Why? I don’t think anyone can be a judge of them self in that regard. 
What are you living for? The light at the end of the tunnel.
Have you ever done anything illegal? Okay we all have anon. You will not get me to incriminate myself. Lmao.
Do you like your body? Answered!
Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? Unfortunately I have, and I’m not proud and would’ve taken it back if I could.
Ever sent nudes? All the time. Only when they are wanted though. Never out of the blue.
Have you ever cheated on someone? Nope.
Favourite candy? GUSHERS.
Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! @babesboobsandbbqsauce, @tacos-guac-tequila, @beans4days and @thebootydiaries.
Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? Just console atm. When I get a better paying job I will be buying a gaming pc. 
Favourite TV series? Legend of Korra and Avatar the last Airbender. 
Are you religious? Does God exist? Yes and yes. I don’t care if you’re not though. And I find all other religions fascinating and like to learn about them.
What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? God, all I have time for anymore it seems is fanfiction :/.
What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? It’s not my thing, I love meat far too much.
How long have you been on Tumblr? Answered!
Do you like Chineese food? Hell fucking yes. I eat it at least once a week.
McDonalds or Subway? McDonalds.
Vodka or whiskey? Whiskey.
Alcohol or drugs? Alcohol.
Ever been out of your province/state/country? Yep! I’ve been to multiple states and countries. My favorite country I’ve been to so far is Jamaica. 
Meaning behind your blog name? It’s the nickname my family adopted for me because I was always the outdoors child, climbing trees and catching fish with my bare hands.
What are you scared of? Becoming complacent. 
Last time you were insulted? Yesterday. 
Most traumatic experience ? Answered!
Perfect date idea? Building a pillow fort out in the middle of no where and watching the eclipse! 
Favourite app on your phone? Ifunny because I’m problematic. 
What colour are the walls in your room? Blue with silver dusting.
Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? Markiplier for sure. 
Share your favourite quote. "Wherever I end up after this... in whatever reality... all those moments between us were real, and they'll always be ours." Chloe from Life is Strange.
What is the meaning of life? It is whatever you make it.
Do you like horror movies? YEP! AND HORROR GAMES.
Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? Yeah, when I came out of the closet. It was because she hated how I had to keep that weight on my shoulders so quietly.
Do you feel lucky or special in a way? I should be dead, but I’m not. I’m very lucky I’m still here. Even if sometimes I wish I wasn’t. 
Can you keep a secret? Yep.  
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