#pcy au
theluckyyyoneee · 2 years
antipode | pcy
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pairing: park chanyeol x reader
contents: high school!au, soccerplayer!chanyeol with like 1% actual inclusion of the sport, lots of inner turmoil, sad!chanyeol to happy!chanyeol, smooching, fluFF, yn gets hit with another soccer ball oof lmao
word count: 10,4k
summary: AlternateUniverseAU! When the guy you hate—and who you’re certain hates you—becomes your boyfriend after you swore he kicked a soccer ball at your head. 
part 01  /  part 02  / part 03:finale
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“No, I really—”
“Oh come on, just try it!”
“No, I don’t think...”
Placing the guitar in your hesitant hands, you sighed in defeat at the look of pleading Chanyeol sent you, his pout changing in an instant to a smile of victory. He gingerly sat you down, then began directing your hands to the proper placements, a look of concentration as he attempted to fix the stiff joints in your fingers. 
The more time you spent with this man, the less you were finding yourself able to defend yourself against any wishes he had. Whether it was going out shopping, to the movies, restaurants, random drives along the town, arcades, or in this case; impromptu guitar lessons. 
Apparently you’d been receiving guitar lessons from Chanyeol for a few months now, and he was convinced that you two had practiced enough that maybe muscle memory would kick in and it could maybe trigger a long lost memory of some sort, or be able to play a short tune. 
Which, yeah, it might’ve worked if it was you who had been receiving the lessons. But you weren’t. 
Little did he know you weren’t the Y/n he knew and you were one hundred percent sure that this was going to go very badly considering you knew absolutely nothing about the guitar, just looking at the instrument filled you with tremendous anxiety and impending doom, not wanting to accidentally damage it with your inherent clumsiness. 
Not that going to his house and meeting his parents for the first time didn’t twist your stomach into knots, either. 
Chanyeol had mentioned when he’d first informed you of the guitar lessons that his parents really wanted to see you again, and that they wouldn’t stop bugging him about it, if you wanted to meet them, to which you agreed without much mulling over. 
You didn’t see why not, even though you felt the nervousness build in the pit of your stomach at the mere thought of it. If you and him were going to spending a lot more time together, it was only right to meet his parents... ‘again’.
It was a bit intimidating walking up the porch steps to his impressive looking house, barely having set your feet inside and started to look around the room in wonderment for a tiny fraction of a second before you were suddenly being engulfed in a tight embrace.
“Y/n! We missed you so much, how are you doing now, dear? Are you feeling okay, you wanna sit down?” A comforting warmth enveloped you and felt yourself instantly and subconsciously relaxing entirely. “Are you sure you’re okay, honey? Remember, try to take it easy—” 
She was cut off and pulled away from the heartening (she was highkey suffocating you) hug she’d cocooned you into by who had to be Chanyeol’s dad. “You’re gonna scare her away, relax a little.” He laughed charmingly to his wife, a mild expression of embarrassment graced her features as she gave you some space.
“Oh, I’m fine, please don’t worry. I appreciate the heartfelt welcome, I was a little nervous so it made me feel better,” you awkwardly got out, suddenly very shy with all the attention on you.
“Oh, you’re still so cute—”
Chanyeol quickly moved you to stand in front of him by the stairs, cutting his mother off in her move to gather you into what you guessed would be another smothering hug. “Alright, we’re gonna go upstairs now, you guys can talk to her another day, let’s not overwhelm her. I’ll leave the door wide open, don’t worry,” his voice was notably more hushed for the last thing he got out at the subtle look his mom sent his way. 
Relief flooded you, you weren’t completely sure you could handle being alone in an enclosed space with him just yet. You sent an agreeing nod at his words, placing a polite smile on your face as you sneaked a glance at his face, daring you to think he was a little... embarrassed?
He was pushing you lightly up the stairs in front of you the next possible second, always making sure his eyes were averted away from you and to maintain a respectable distance your bodies. A soft smile came to your lips as you noticed this fact, his parents murmuring to each other with hidden smiles look how cute they are, glad that their son seemed to be happier lately and knowing just who was the reason for that.
The two of you rounded the stairs where he just as quickly took his hands off your shoulders, looking at you with an apologetic smile. “Sorry if my mom scared you, it’s just—you two were really close and she just misses you, I think. And, the—” Chanyeol paused to clear his throat, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked elsewhere, “the keeping the door open is one of my mom’s rules.”
He gestured to the closest room to you with pink cheeks. “Um, this is my room. I cleaned before you came over, I promise—and I’ll keep this open the whole time, okay?” He pushed the door completely open, but he made no further move, as if waiting for your permission. 
“Thanks.” You shyly smiled up at him as you passed, silently examining the room you had just stepped into. It was very... him. You didn’t know why, but it felt like him. To the cool color of his bedding, the amount of soccer items adorning the room, medals adorning the walls. It made you smile at the strangely soothing scene in front of you. “It looks cozy.”
The words had slipped right out of your mouth on their own, not realizing until it was already too late. Silence surrounded the two of you and you graciously accepted his invitation to sit on the bed, turning around to grab something. Your heart raced in your chest as you tried to calm yourself down and willed yourself to act normal. 
Back to the present, Chanyeol was still knelt in front of you as he finished the finger placements. Once he was satisfied, he hummed as a grin popped on his face, stepping away to stand in front of you. 
“Alright, now try and see if you remember how to play an A Chord.” He reached for something behind him on his nightstand by his bed and turned around again, placing a plain dark blue pick in your hand.
“How would I even—” your attempt to dismiss this whole thing falters as you catch the hopeful glint in his eyes and took note of his feet that he had been shuffling back and forth in what seemed a nervous habit. He was peeking down down at you from under his hair as he chewed on the nail of his thumb. “Okay, let’s see...” 
You were becoming a total softie for Chanyeol and it wasn’t something you knew how to stop.
You had no idea what chord he was talking about, and you had no idea where you were supposed to place your fingers on the coarse strings, but you shrugged and slowly placed them in a way that felt most natural to you and ran the pick softly along the strings, the resulting sound not at all an appealing one. Somehow you applied too much force and the pick ran down the strings very roughly, both of you cringing away at the sound, looking at him apologetically for possibly damaging his instrument.
“No, huh?”
“No,” he sighed, his shoulders slumping forward from their tense lock that he had them in. His face which was somewhat a mix between hopeful and expectant also fell, but he masked it quickly. A carefree smile adorned his lips as he shrugged off the weird mood that had rose between the two of you, coming to plop himself down right next to you. “It’s okay, you can learn everything again. No worries.”
“Wow, lucky me.” You joked, nudging him with your shoulder in a way to lighten up the mood, relieved when his grin turned more genuine, his eyes softening as the two of you stared at each other, your once calm heart began to pick up pace the longer you looked at him.
It was when you looked away and saw a picture of you and Chanyeol, framed, on his nightstand. Well, the other you. The original you. 
You startled when you felt his fingers on yours, glancing down to see him rearranging your fingers into what you assumed was the correct placement for the A Chord, his lips forming words but you couldn’t hear him, your mind becoming the tiniest bit fuzzy as you were enveloped more in his warm embrace and the starting to become familiar scent of his cologne. 
“You probably don’t remember, but the first time you came to my house, you...”
It was at times like these where you felt yourself feeling sorry for the man who was determined to keep you by his side. Feeling sorry that he was left to remember all these treasured memories alone. 
You would study the wide and nostalgic smile that would appear on his face when he told you story after story of your many adventures and experiences the two of you embarked together. That smile would always vanish whenever he returned to the present and see you staring at him with a guilty expression that had in some way found its way to your face. 
“Don’t feel sorry.” He would always respond to your remorseful apologies, gracing you with an ever kind and patient smile. But him smiling at you like that only made your mood worsen even more, knowing the only reason he was so understanding and sanguine was because he fully believed you were the woman he fell in love with, the woman he so desperately wanted back.
But you weren’t.
It was obvious from the countless tales you heard and watched him fawn over.
The Y/n in this universe was much more outgoing, brave and endearing than you ever considered yourself to be, people worried about her to an extent you really didn’t understand. 
No matter how much you wished you were the person he fell in love with, the person that held his heart—that wish only growing stronger each day you spent with this charming and lovable human being—you could never be her. 
You feared you wouldn’t be able to live up to his expectations. 
Strange to think you’d ever be jealous of another version of yourself. 
Chanyeol was a good teacher, he made you feel at ease as you fumbled and struggled to make a pretty sound out of the wooded instrument, reassuring you whenever you would retreat into yourself and hyping you up when you actually did something right. 
Eventually you relaxed and was able to joke around with him somewhat, though the feel of his fingers covering yours was something you couldn’t get used to no matter how many times he helped you (he totally didn’t need to help you that much he just wanted to hold your hand).
Your phones vibration pulled you out of your thoughts and you reluctantly detached your fingers from his to find a message from Junmyeon, not realizing just how long you’d been here for. "Oh, I gotta go. I'm having dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Kim's house." Junmyeon had told you that his parents were worried about you, and how they too kept pestering him about inviting you over dinner, and he had finally caved and asked you yesterday to which you agreed.
You loved his parents almost as much you loved your own in your last universe, and you can only hope that they were the same as you remembered them, and they hadn’t changed as well.
“Oh, okay.” He hopped up from your side and you were instantly cold when you felt like you were burning up a few seconds ago. He placed the guitar back to its place in the corner where he kept it as you, too, stood up. “Um, so I’ll text you later?” Chanyeol scratched the back of his head and he stared at you with a hopeful expression, the tone of his voice giving away of how unsure he really felt despite the brave face he’d been putting on for you.
It was your fault he was suffering, you thought to yourself glumly. You told him you’d try and get to know him again, the word again giving an illusion that maybe he’d get back the relationship with the girl he loved and thought that you were again.
Filled with the false hope that things would go back to normal as he smiled at you so sweetly and comforted you. Here you were, liking him more and more each day as you were subjected to the past memories of his real love, which wasn’t you.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" Chanyeol eyed you with worry etched onto his face as you had just suddenly zoned out. It was discomforting but it was also a regular occurrence. He so desperately wanted to find out what was in that head of yours, but didn’t want to overwhelm you any more than you already were. If only you trusted him as you did before. 
"Huh?" Blinking, you regained your senses to find him staring at you in worry. You backtracked to what you two were saying before you got all lost in your thoughts and smiled at him as convincingly as you could, "yeah, we should figure out what to do later, let's do anything you want to do." As retribution, to ease this smothering feeling inside you.
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You rang the doorbell, and it was as if they were just waiting by the door because it didn't even feel like two seconds later when the door swung open and Junmyeon was ushering you inside by the arm, a look of joy on his face. All you got out was a quick greeting to his parents and sister—who very excitedly ran up to you as soon as you entered the house and enveloped you into a big hug—who you acted a bit awkwardly around, because after all, this was your first time ever meeting her. 
You were meeting a lot of people today. She was absolutely gorgeous, but of course that came as no surprise. Also you were still getting used to the fact that Junmyeon had a sister in this universe, fully expecting to see Minseok bound down the stairs and give you one of those big brotherly hugs you were missing at the moment. 
“Let me talk to her first. Hey Y/n, glad you could make it, how are you?” Junmyeon spewed out the question after dragging you to a secluded area of his living room, not giving you the chance to even answer because after he took a quick breath, he was immediately continuing his rant, “there’s something that I’ve been curious about, and I was hoping you could answer it for me. I would’ve texted you but I knew you were coming over for dinner tonight, so I figured I’d just wait."
It took everything in you to not burst out laughing at his unexpected manic behavior. “Okay, what are you curious about?”
Have you found any substantial new evidence that would somehow be able to explain the possibility of parallel or alternate universe? Have you found out why you were sent here?
These were the types of questions you fully expected to be hit with from Junmyeon, ever the rational and inquisitive guy—
“In your universe, was I just as attractive and sophisticated as I am in this one? No, right? I’m the better Junmyeon, right?” He took extra precaution to make sure no one could possibly hear your conversation, lowering his voice down to a whisper and his eyes were wide with curiosity as they tracked your expression for a reaction.
You blinked at him for awhile before you choked out a laugh. Somehow with his insane question he managed to strangely rid the worries you had running through your head. You looked up at him and nodded, patting his shoulder as his eyes lit up in anticipation to your response. “You know, that’s a very Junmyeon number one thing to say.”
"Wait, is that how you've been referring to me in your head? Junmyeon number two?" It was funny how offended he seemed, even pointing at himself in disbelief, brows furrowed and mouth parted open.
"I mean, it is the number that comes after one, and I knew the other one first, so naturally..." You pursed your lips and shrugged nonchalantly, prolonging the teasing.
“I refuse to be known as a number two.” His face scrunched up in disgust as he said those words, shaking his head at you. Just then, you two were told that dinner was ready and you two started making your way to the table, but you couldn't help but tease him some more.
“You’re more annoying, though, number two."
Dinner was a bit bizarre for you to say the least. In the spot you clearly remembered Minseok occupying, now sat Jooyeon. You smiled fondly as you watched Mr and Mrs. Kim piling meat and more vegetables on her plate, speaking to her in the most adoring way.
It was a tender scene to gaze upon.
You’d always remembered Mrs. Kim telling you just how much she wished she had a daughter, and if you wanted to be the daughter she never had, that she’d treat you well. You didn’t doubt that for a second and it was nice to see they loved each other so much.
Jooyeon had taken hold of your hands after you helped bring the dishes to the kitchen and after you were refused in your offer to help clean and took you upstairs to her room. You figured you two were close from that action alone. 
The standard interrogation about your health commenced and after you managed to ease her worries enough she switched the conversation over to Chanyeol with a gentle stare.
"So, how are you and Chanyeol doing? I can't imagine it's easy now that you lost your memories of him."
You nodded slowly, sat on her bed with her and you kept your eyes on your sock clad feet as you swung your legs softly, pondering on how to answer her question. “It’s still a little weird. I just feel bad, he’s trying so hard to get back the love he had with her...” you hadn’t noticed you had referred to the other Y/n in third person, as a separate person, out loud instead of in your head like you usually did.
“Unni,” she whined, eyes narrowed as she scolded you quietly. “Why are you talking like you’re another person?” You couldn’t help but look away from her intense gaze, only to whip around to face her again when she suddenly took your hand in hers, expression earnest and sincere. “Is that how you’ve been feeling lately?”
You sighed, “Chanyeol... is still in love with the me of the past....” Literally the Y/n of the past. Before you arrived here.
Jooyeon giggled, breaking your solemn state to gape at her in surprise, wondering what was so funny with your words. “Unni, the you of the past is you. The only thing that’s really changed about you is you losing six months worth of memories. But you gaining them back or not doesn’t affect who you are. Nor is it going to affect his love for you.”
His love for you... wasn’t meant for you.
“Chanyeol and me aren’t close at all,” Jooyeon started, glancing at you with big eyes that became the shape of crescent moons when she smiled after your prolonged state of silence, “but I do remember before you guys started officially dating, he approached me one day and asked what would be the best way to officially ask you to be his girlfriend. He wanted to impress you so bad, something you just couldn’t say no to."
She nodded enthusiastically, laughing a bit. “You would not believe how he wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend. He had this great idea—of course you know what I mean by great. Anyway, he obviously wanted something to do with soccer...” she started to tell you the specifics of the story but you got sucked into your own inner turmoil instead, a normalcy for you. 
You were sure it was a nice story and all, probably very sentimental and affectionate just like him, but you really weren’t in the mood for a story right now. You weren’t any closer in figuring out why you were sent here, and was just racked in guilt the more time you spent with Chanyeol trying to find it out. 
Jooyeon gave you a warm hug before you left, as did the rest of the Kim family. It was a nice break from your worrying and headed home feeling a little better than usual.
But it still didn’t stop you from further distancing yourself from Chanyeol.
You avoided answering his calls and texts, not knowing what to say to him at his sweet and excited offer of a picnic, managing to dwindle your guys’ interactions down to nothing more than a stranger you saw everyday.
Once again it was Saturday night, alone at home after telling your parents to take the night to themselves for their health and stress levels.
Just you and the night, you and the house to yourself, preparing to re-binge The Good Place for your stress levels. Or maybe you’d rewatch Shrek for the thousandth time. Who cares, you had no plans and nowhere to be besides your couch.
Which is why the knocking on the front door had scared you as much as it did. Your survival instincts about turned on as you sneakily looked out the peephole to slump against the door in relief, which turned into guilt. 
You opened the door quietly, the two of you staring at each other for a few moments before you sidestepped to let him in, wordlessly asking him to talk. “You’re gonna let the bugs in, with you just standing there. You gonna come in or not?” 
Hoping that your awkward teasing could ease this tension to being relieved about the small smile that had erupted on his lips at your words, following your lead. 
He stepped towards you and you backed away instinctively and he entered your living room swiftly and you could only shut the door behind you as you and he eyed each other. “Why are you avoiding me again? Did I do something, I thought it was going well, I...”
It was his frustrated expression giving way to that sadness you’d also learned to associate with him, the ambivalence in his voice tearing you up inside. 
“I’m not the person you fell in love with—” you ended spewing the true reason to ease his worries that it had anything to do with him. Just his happiness. “—and... and every time I look at you I just feel so guilty, and I’m really sorry.” You didn’t dare look at him and instead focused on the cuticles of your nails, your heart thundering in your chest as you heard footsteps coming closer. 
Warm fingers wrapped around your wrists to gain your attention gently, the words being spoken as equally soft and tender. “What are you talking about? Of course you are.”
“No, I’m not.” You frowned as you said that, not knowing how to get him to understand that you were but a replica of the true Y/n he fell in love with, is in love with. 
Chanyeol’s concerned face came into view before you were pulled into his embrace suddenly, his arms wrapped securely around you to hold you tight against him. “Sure, it’s taking a little longer for you to let go and trust me, and you’re a little more shy than I remember,” his words were spoken with a small laugh, an easy grin on his lips as he glanced down at you. Averting your eyes as you listened to him list the differences, he sighed softly before continuing, his arms tightening around you, “but you’re still the same unbelievably charming and adorable person. And besides, they’re just new sides of you I got to fall in love with. It was like falling in love with you all over again.”
Your breath caught in your throat and you pulled back enough to stare into his eyes in surprise, feeling so... happy.
He... was falling in love with you? 
He stared back at you in full earnestness, his sure expression telling you a thousand words in the silence between the two of you. 
You couldn’t tell which one of you started closing the distance between you two, maybe both of you, but all you were able to concentrate on was his whisper as he leaned in closer, “I only hope you can say the same.”
“I can.” The words left your mouth unthinkingly in response to his own words, your heart thump thump thumping in your chest as you bravely pressed a small kiss to his lips, leaning up on your tiptoes using his shoulders for support as Chanyeol gazed at you like you had hung the stars in the night sky. 
Reaching up and tenderly pushing fallen strands of hair behind your ears, Chanyeol leaned down the rest of the way and enveloped your lips in another kiss, a proper kiss, cradling your face and softly caressing your jaw in a manner that matched the way his lips met with yours, careful yet you could feel the yearning and longing. Incredibly soft and a bit hesitant at first, the kiss slowly grew more passionate though still maintaining that slow burn that did exactly that.
His hands slowly made their way down your shoulders and sides to settle at your hips, squeezing your flesh gingerly as he pulled you closer to him. You felt him smile into the kiss as your fingers slowly ran along his broad shoulders to feel the soft locks in between your fingertips, your lips mirroring his in an instant, subconsciously. 
Suddenly wrapping his arms around your middle, he picked you up off the floor so your feet were dangling in the air, he pulled away from your lips as he swung you around like the two of you were the main characters in a cliche romcom—which you’d never admit out loud you enjoyed just a little bit. 
“Will you please go on a picnic with me tomorrow?” He still had that tight grip on you, not seeming the least bit tired from holding you up as you clung to him for dear life, pouting at you from a few inches away.
Your lips still tingling with the lingering sensation of his on yours, you felt your heart about melt in your chest. Remembering the position you were in, being pressed up against him had your face flushing and you tapped his shoulders to wordlessly signal you wanted to be let down which he did without question and immediately, you taking a couple steps back as you sobered up a little, your past actions coming back to you. 
“You sure you still wanna... be with me after how I’ve been treating you all this time?” You mumbled the words to the ground, shame enveloping your entire being at your behavior and you couldn’t find it in yourself to meet his eyes.
“Do you need me to declare my love for you again to get through that thick head of yours? Or maybe another kiss?” His tone turned playful his last four words he spoke, your eyes flicking from your dining room table to him in response, that cheeky smirk you were used to seeing adorned on his lips. The confidence in his stare making you almost choke on your spit as you hurried to look away, cheeks and neck warming up comically fast. 
“I love you, and I think I heard you tell me you love me, too?” His gaze switched to a much softer and genuine one, an encouraging smile on his lips that replaced the smirk as he waited for you to agree with his words, a pleased look on his face, shrugging casually as he reached over to envelop your hands in his. “Then everything else doesn’t matter, not even your lost memories—oh, as long as you promise to not run away anymore and talk what you’re feeling out with me before pushing me away. Deal?”
Feeling completely at ease for the first time in a long time, you smiled and nodded at his words. “I can do that.”
“Good.” Chanyeol all but collapsed onto your couch, never letting go of your hands as he did so, situating himself as close as he could possibly sit next to you without one of you ending up on the lap of the other person, the mere idea of sitting on his lap had your cheeks on fire. He pinched your cheeks, his tone back to teasing along with a wide smile as he asked, “What are you thinking about that’s got your face so red?”  
Glaring at him, you removed his hands from your face but kept the contact as you faced the television that was still going on, clearing your throat. “I’m not thinking about anything, it’s just hot in here. It’s basically summer and you’re sitting so close to me, scoot over there.”
“Okay, okay, I won’t tease you anymore, just don’t make me move. It’s so nice to finally be able to be with you like this again.” He clung to you like a koala would cling to a tree, which was funny because it seemed like a tree clinging to a koala with how different you two were in sizes. Though maybe you should compare him to a kitty or puppy with how he was rubbing his face along the fabric covering your shoulder.
Chanyeol squeezed your hand tighter in his before relaxing and laying his head on your shoulder as he realized what show was playing. “Oh, I like this show. Especially how Eleanor and Chidi kept falling in love with each other even after getting their memories erased.” His head shot up from your shoulder to shoot you a sweet grin. “Kind of like you. Which I can’t say I blame you or that you really stood a chance, I am pretty charming.”
Rolling your eyes, you playfully began detangling yourself from his hold, to which he clung to you tighter, not knowing just how much his words resonated with you but didn’t let it show. “Yeah, yeah, I just can’t escape you, huh?” His smile turned a bit puzzled at your little inside joke but before he could ask you about it, you smiled down at him and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before patting your shoulder for him to lean on again, heart racing in your chest at your brave actions and at his words as he relaxed into your hold again.
“If it was me who lost their memory, I think I’d still end up falling in love with you, too. Even if I was somehow transported to another world, and I had the extreme luck to find you wherever I was, I don’t think I could help but fall for you over and over again.”
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Soccer was more difficult than you’d previously believed it to be. You thought it was just kicking a ball around a field in knee high socks, not ever having paid attention to the intricate and tedious footwork that needed to happen immediately during a match.
You honestly didn’t think it would be this hard to make a fucking goal, an as wide as the ocean goalpost, and no one was even blocking you, at least not anymore. 
“Park Chanyeol! This is cheating! You’re not even on her team, you can’t just help her because she’s your girlfriend!” You snickered to yourself as your boyfriend’s lanky form happily and all too eagerly blocked the annoyed younger man as you struggled to keep the ball rolling in front of you while running like a maniac towards the goal, having tripped over your own feet more times than you’d like to admit.
Ignoring Sehun’s irritated voice as it rang in the air all the while he attempted to escape Chanyeol’s hold to steal the ball from, Jongin was so unconcerned, cackling beside him as he aided in keeping him further from you. Quickly approaching the goal, you kicked the ball into the net a few moments later, as uncoordinated as possible. It was only then that Sehun was released, his lethal glare aimed at all three of you, which you were shielded from as Chanyeol rushed over to excitedly embrace you, arms wide.
The excitement about having scored a goal came back to you and you jumped into his waiting embrace, Jongin’s cheering and Sehun’s it doesn’t count! faded into the background as you melted into his arms, not even minding the fact that the two of you were sweaty from running around in this hot weather. 
“Thank you for helping me score a goal, but I feel bad you guys lost, even if it was just for practice.” You propped your chin on his chest as you looked up at him, your lips forming a subconscious pout. He leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to your mouth, smiling down at you so softly that you knew he wasn’t upset about losing at all, this extremely competitive guy.
“It was Sehun’s idea in the first place, having a mock two vs. two match. He makes us practice everyday, and now you know that even the weekends aren’t safe from him hounding us. I know it’s not the most fun for you to just watch us run around the park, so I’m glad I could assist you in having some fun. Don’t worry too much.” Chanyeol tried easing your worries as you snuck another glance at a grumpy and sulky Sehun who had his arms crossed over his chest as Jongin seemed to gloat about something you couldn’t hear. 
He really was upset. 
Seeing where your gaze led, Chanyeol turned his head to glance over at him as well, Sehun scoffing and turning around as he did so. “Eh, he’ll get over it.” Chanyeol turned back to you with a cheeky grin on his face. “I doubt he’s upset at losing as much as he is that he lost to Jongin. Those two arranged a bet before we started playing, Sehun thinking it was an easy match to win since you, uh... play as well as a toddler does.”
Choosing to disregard the way he’d laughed as he dissed your soccer skills because they were true, you really did not play well, you tsked mockingly at him. “Wow, betraying one of your best friends for me. I didn’t know you liked me that much.”
You were sure the two of you were about to have an incredibly sappy moment, but before it could happen it was interrupted by a shout in your guys’ direction.
“Alright, she’s not allowed at practices anymore, our star player keeps getting distracted at practices.”
He rolled his eyes at Sehun’s words, stepping away but keeping an arm around your waist and kissing your temple, silently urging you not to take his words to heart. “Chill out. You’re just mad you lost.”
“I lost? We lost, you traitor.” At that, he decided he was done talking and began walking back to the center of the field, and you knew he wasn’t too mad or upset when he waved you guys over to him. “Well, what are you guys doing? The game is a week away and we need all the practice we need! Let’s go!”
Jongin had warmed back up to you pretty quickly after your relationship with Chanyeol improved, treating you warmly and it was like meeting a long lost friend, feeling weirdly comfortable around him and getting along surprisingly well when you hadn’t expected it to be so easy.
Sehun on the other hand... well, it wasn’t as if his distrust came from nowhere. He still regarded you with suspicion, something you completely understood. Responding in five words or less to anything you asked or said to him, fighting a smile at any joke you would crack, he was unrelenting. 
He was locked onto your every action and word, every expression that crossed your face, especially whenever you interacted with Chanyeol around him. His intense stare daring you to break his bestfriend’s heart again on his watch. A nonverbal warning: I’m watching you.
It stung, oddly enough, but you knew you deserved it, so you didn’t push it. 
As if sensing you were getting lost in your thoughts, Chanyeol squeezed your hand in his and led you to the blanket he’d laid down on the ground for you earlier. Sitting you down and placing some food, drink and your book you’d brought in front of you, he kissed your cheek sweetly and ran back to Sehun and Jongin before he got yelled at again.
Jongin shook his head at the lovesick puppy heading towards him while Sehun just eyed the two of you sternly before initiating some drills. Chanyeol made sure to get your attention from your book every now and then with excited calls of your name, shooting you wide smiles with a big wave and you would smile and wave back just as happily. 
Things between you and Chanyeol were going amazing. You had no idea that you’d ever like someone this much, and you still thought you didn’t really deserve him. But he always made sure to let you know how happy he was with you, and who were you to argue when he looked at you with that smiling face?
Maybe it was because you were ridiculously happy with how things were going, but you were even branching out and willingly initiating conversations with people around you, something you’ve never done in your life past age ten. 
Even your tense relationship with Sehun seemed to improve over time. You were a regular at soccer practices now, lazing around reading and yelling out encouragements from the bench. The big match was set just a few days from now, and you were handing out waters to the heavily sweaty and exhausted players and Sehun took the water you offered him with a small thanks and a smile. 
Chanyeol’s answering grin matched yours as he saw how excited you were, playfully tackling Sehun to the ground, the latter fighting his laughter as he fought the other giant off him. 
“Listen, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for being so hard on you, especially when you lost your memories and all.” Sehun shocked you as he sprung you with this heartfelt apology out of nowhere. “I just saw my bestfriend hurt and took it out on you. But you make him happy and I’m glad he has you. You’re okay in my book.” His expression was warm as he playfully punched you on the arm, the two of you sharing a laugh as he suddenly straightened and warned in a more serious tone, “I’m still watching you, though, and if you hurt him, you’ll be answering to me. Got it?”
You saluted him and shouted a, “Yes, sir!”
Yeah, you were happy where you were right now.
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“I don’t think we’re supposed to be here after hours!” You whisper-yelled after Chanyeol’s jogging figure, trying your best to stay quiet and follow his fast pace, paranoid as you looked behind you every other second.
He led you through the fence with an easy smile, bringing you closer as he adjusted his gym bag over his other shoulder. “Come on, look, the lights are on and everything. It’s like they wanted us to sneak in. I just want to practice my aim before the big game tomorrow. It’ll help calm my nerves. Please? Hmm? Please?”
“Ugh, no fair. You’re too cute for your own good.” You grumbled your answer after he stretched out the last please, looking down at you with those wide eyes and that pout you could never say no to. 
Grinning and laughing in victory, he set his bag down on the empty bench and brought his hands up to run through your hair. “That’s my line.” You shooed him away after his cheesy line, smiling to yourself as he ran to the field with the soccer ball he’d brought from home. 
Graduation was coming up right around the corner and here you were, still stuck in this alternate/parallel world, whatever you wanted to call it. You still had no idea how or why you were here, but you were done complaining or contemplating.
You honestly had no idea if you would ever go back to the world you came from, but decided not to stress it too much. Things were great—more than, beyond great—here and it just felt right—
“Y/n! Look out!”
Heart rate elevating at the sudden warning, you shook yourself out of your daze and realized with impending doom that the soccer ball was very quickly and very accurately making its way right towards you. 
Oh shit.
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Experiencing major deja vu, gazing at the same beige walls and sat in the same stiff twin bed in the nurses room, your left temple throbbing and the now familiar feeling of an ice pack being placed on your head made you freeze. 
Oh no. 
You knew by now who was your company by the smell of his laundry detergent and cologne. You kept your eyesight fixed in front of you, flinching slightly as Chanyeol adjusted the ice on your bruise, afraid of the reaction he would make once you made eye contact with him. 
What had changed now? What kind of life were you living now and what role did he play in your life this time? And would he play a major character no matter what life you lived?
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” his words were breathy and rushed as you flinched again as he pressed down a bit harder than he meant to, his anxious expression coming into view as you finally gathered the courage to turn your head in his direction, not liking how distressed he was.
What did you say, how did you react? Did you snap at him or tell him that everything was alright and that you were okay?
“Please say something.” Chanyeol practically begged from beside you, only growing more and more uneasy as you continued in your silent staring contest.
“Can you hand me my phone?” You asked slowly and awkwardly, watching him nod quickly and quickly hop up from his seat to where you saw your bag lay on the floor by the door, heard some rummaging and before you knew it, your phone was being carefully placed in your hand. “Thank you.” You mumbled quietly, heart racing at the possibility of either seeing his face on your screen but were instead met with familiar album cover you remembered setting.
Were you back?
It was then you noticed several messages waiting for you, your passwords being seen as correct now and you saw it was from Junmyeon, a sense of relief you so wanted to believe blossoming in your chest. 
Did you give the notebook to him?
I’d rather be tutoring tbh my grandma has fed me at least 20 of those disgusting peppermints already. save. me.
also i barely managed to escaped minseok’s wrath by a few seconds lol
“We have Ms. Lee’s class together, right?” You waited with bated breath after asking that question, watching Chanyeol’s brows furrow in confusion at your odd question, studying the way you casually responded to Junmyeon’s texts, sending back yes, but come over when you can, we need to talk
“Um, yeah. Yeah, we do.” Chanyeol nodded as he answered you to which you sighed in relief at his response. So far so good. 
You were back. You think. 
Swinging your legs around the stiff bed, you slowly stood to your feet, eyeing his helpful hands on your arm with a bit of uncertainty. You continued to eyed him strangely as he gently offered you your bag and held the door open for you. 
“Are you okay?”
“Are you dizzy?”
Jongin and Sehun surrounded you as you two exited the nurses office and you shrank back a bit from their sudden proximity and intense inspections, this scene also very familiar... yet not at all. 
“Guys, give her some space.” Chanyeol emerged in the middle of you, pushing them back the tiniest bit to give you space to breathe. 
“Oh, sorry. We haven’t introduced ourselves yet, huh? I’m Sehun and this is Jongin.” Their observant expressions changed in an instant to cheeky grins as they waved to you in a casual manner, like you weren’t currently sporting yet again another head injury. “We’ve seen you around school a lot, but we’ve never actually talked.”
You blinked at his words, your eyes transitioning from one to the other, remembering just how close you three got in the other world... or wherever you were. But you just nodded a little in silent greeting and turned to walk away. Like last time, you really needed to go home and make sure you were really home now. 
“H-Hey, are you sure you don’t need to go to the doctors? I can help you—”
Shaking your head, you flinched slightly and told Chanyeol quickly when you saw him start to make his way over to you. “I’m fine, really. I can go by myself.” Not that you really felt you needed to go, the last time you went to the hospital for this, they just did a bunch of expensive tests that came back normal and gave you an ice pack and some painkillers in the end. 
But you had a feeling you’d be going whether you wanted to or not.
“Are you sure? I just...” he offered again, a guilty expression clear as day on his handsome face, you having the strong urge to grab his hand in an effort to calm him down, but knowing you couldn’t or shouldn’t. “I just feel really bad.”
“You should.” Sehun piped up from behind him, to which you sent an amused glance to. 
“As long as it wasn’t on purpose, it’s okay.”
“I swear it wasn’t.” 
You nodded at his words, your previously belief of him kicking the ball at you on purpose long gone now as you stared at the transparent distress adorning his face. “I believe you, no worries. Just be careful next time.”
���She’s surprisingly laid-back for just getting knocked out. Maybe she's still out of it? I thought for sure she’d at least rip an arm or leg off,” Jongin murmured to himself after you left, eyeing the door you’d calmly exited from. 
“Way to go, Chanyeol. Knocking your crush out with a soccer ball you kicked because you were trying to impress her. Might as well give up now.”
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“I told her everything was fine, that I didn’t need to go to the hospital.” You sighed to Junmyeon on your bed, throwing yourself back with another sigh, placing the extra strength painkillers and your ice pack down on your nightstand after your long hospital visit, Junmyeon having rushed over once he heard the news.
“Y/n, obviously she’s gonna take you to the hospital, what if you got amnesia and lost your memories, or something? Plus you asked something weird as soon as you saw me...”
That was true. As soon as you saw your long-lost bestfriend, you asked, “How many friends am I lucky to have?” To which he answered with a confused expression, “...three?”
You erupted into laughter at that, laughing more as you saw the same confused expression spread across his face at your reaction. “Why are you laughing? This is not something to laugh about, young lady!” 
“Sorry, I just thought you’d find it funny.” 
“Why would I find this funny?”
You just shrugged as he stared you incredulously, as if you had lost your mind, a secret smile on your face as you thought about Junmyeon number two. 
"Well, I’m glad that you’re okay, but didn’t you say you had something you wanted to talk about?"
Pursing your lips in thought, you debated telling him about the whole strange journey you’d been on, but decided that maybe it’d be better to leave it in the past, as a strange memory; a dream, nothing less and nothing more than that. “Nothing, I just missed you, best friend.” You leaned over and wrapped your arms around his middle—or at least attempted to.
“Ew, what are you doing?” Junmyeon evaded your touch at the last second, jumping up and created some distance between the two of you, pressing himself against your wall as he stared at you in obvious disgust, you glaring back at him after you regained your balance. “What do you mean you missed me, we just saw each other a few hours ago before you ran into a soccer ball.”
“Fine, I didn’t miss you. And I did not run into a soccer ball, I got hit with a soccer ball, there’s a difference.”
“Chanyeol kicked the ball at you, right? I thought he liked you and was just awkward expressing it, but maybe not if he’d do something so despicable. I’m gonna get revenge for you, Y/n, don’t worry.” Junmyeon began ranting at high speed and all you could do was stare in both mild shock and terror as the glint in his eyes grew more and more calculating. “What should I do—I know! I’m gonna give him all the wrong material for the finals so he’ll fail and—”
“Oh my god, remind me to never get on your bad side.” You grew more alarmed as more words escaped his mouth, the expression on his face growing more and more passionate as he worded his plans out loud and you hurried to stop him and clear the misunderstanding. “But I don’t think he did it on purpose anymore, so there’s no need. You can reign in your inner psycho again, please.”
“You’re even sticking up for him now? What the hell, what brought on this change, did you get hit harder than I thought?” 
You smacked his hand away that was slowly approaching with narrowed eyes, before sighing. “I don’t know, just call it a random change of heart and leave it at that.”
“I’m gonna keep a close eye on you. You say you’re fine but you’re acting really weird, you know that, right?”
Simply nodding at his words, he sighed and exhaled as he made his way to your door. “Alright, well I’d better go and let my parents and Minseok know you’re okay. Call me if you need anything, but you probably won’t. You’re a big kid, you got this. Fighting.” 
You snickered at his lackluster encouragement and also at him trying to slip in his support for you before insulting you; something that happened every time you got hurt. “Tell them I said hi and that I’ll visit soon. And go already. You’ve stayed too long and I didn’t have the heart to tell you to leave when you’re this worried about lil ol’ me.”
The finger is the only reply you received before you heard him yell from the staircase below moments after he left your room, “By the way, I gave Chanyeol your number! Bye, love you!”
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The slight rustling of the leaves in the trees from the cooling wind mixed with the warm sun hitting your face calmed your nerves a little. You were sat on a bench located in a park close to your house, gazing up at the clouds in the ceaseless blue sky. 
You’d gotten a text from Chanyeol almost immediately after Junmyeon told you he’d given him your number. He’d apologized repeatedly and to let him know if there was anything he could do for you.
Replying back that you were fine and not to worry, you’d asked him to meet you at said park after soccer practice on Friday if he had time, which was today. He’d texted back not even ten seconds later, agreeing and that he would see you there.
You remember smiling to yourself and thought that maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. Now that you were back, you just didn’t want to waste anymore time. You wanted to hash things out, clear things up... and maybe, you missed him just a little bit.
“Y/n!” The sound of your name being called by that oh so familiar voice had your head turning to the right, eyes widening as you saw Chanyeol sprinting full speed in your direction. He was still dressed in his soccer uniform, barely managing to stop himself from running into your perched figure at the last second, drenched in sweat and trying to talk through his panting. “Sorry... I came as fast as I could... you weren’t waiting long, were you?”
Shaking your head, you scooted to the left a bit, patting the bench next to you for him to take a seat to rest. “Did you run here straight from practice?” He took a seat with a grateful smile, nodding to your question. “You could’ve taken your time, it’s really nice, I don’t mind waiting a bit. I feel bad for rushing you.”
“Nah, don’t worry, I’m used to running. I just didn’t want you waiting alone long.”
Chanyeol’s words had your skin warming and you were sure it had nothing to do with the weather. He was still trying to catch his breath and you eyed his matted hair and that drop of sweat that was beginning to run down the side of his face. 
Knuckle gingerly meeting the skin right above his eyebrow, you froze the next second in alarm, screaming to yourself what the hell are you doing. Wide eyes staring at each other, the two of you stayed in that position for a short while before you averted your eyes and cleared your throat awkwardly, letting your hand fall back into your lap. 
He wiped the sweat off his face as best he could, scooting further from you a bit. “Sorry if I smell like sweat, I should’ve showered quick before meeting you. How’s your head?”
“I’m good. My doctor said there’s nothing to worry about as long as I take it easy the next few days.”
“That’s good to hear, I really am sorry about... everything, again.”
It was a bit of an awkward silence between the two of you and you took in a deep breath, deciding to just get straight to the point when Chanyeol spoke up before you could. “I think I know what you wanted to talk about... I-I heard from Junmyeon, when he gave me your number, that I might’ve said and done some things to make you think that I don’t like you. But I swear that’s not it and I can explain, if you let me.”
You were taken aback by his words, and you tore your eyes away from your lap to look up at him in shock. He became more nervous the longer you took to reply, hearing the gravel beneath his feet as he began shuffling them a bit. “So you don’t... hate me?”
He shook his head at your question, completely earnest as he rushed to reply. “I could never hate you! It’s just the opposite! I’m just... not good at this flirting thing...”
Eyes going wide at his admission, you felt your heartbeat thunder in your chest. “F-Flirting? This whole time you’ve been... flirting with me?”
An embarrassed look crossed his face at your question, nodding slowly. “Yeah... or at least I was trying to.”
You felt bad that that was all you could say, but your mind was going a trillion miles a second trying to process the information you’d just learned. It was like your brain was correcting old incorrect flashbacks of when you thought he was out to get you, but now that you knew he wasn’t, you could now see clearly in your mind just how purely happy his smile always was whenever he saw you.
Then that time when he’d asked if you and Junmyeon were dating... And here you were thinking he was a giant jerk when really he—
“Remember when I asked you if you had any friends in class all those months ago?”
“Of course, I do. I was so embarrassed...”
“What I uh, what I actually meant to ask that day was if I could be your friend.”
“I’m serious...”
You stared at him, not totally believing him, still remembering the humiliation you felt that day clearly. “So you asking me if I had any friends...” you trailed off and looked at him expectantly, needing to reassure yourself, to hear his side again to really determine if you believed him or not. 
“I really didn’t mean to embarrass you, I promise. I just really wanted to become friends—I still do! You just... you kind of intimidate me, and I thought... that you’d be less likely to reject my offer of friendship if I did it publicly and it came out like that...”
“What about the, ‘Nice hair, sleeping beauty!’ comment?”
Chanyeol blinked at you, pink dusting his cheeks and the tips of his ears as he averted your eyes, gaze falling briefly on your tendrils dancing softly in the wind before quietly answering, his gaze glazing over a little as a soft smile crept up on his lips. “Well, you do have nice hair. It’s really pretty and I’ve... always liked it. But that day was the first and only time I’ve seen you with your hair up, so I was able to see your face—” he abruptly cut himself off as he felt himself begin to ramble, eyes widening as he shook his head to get back to the question at hand, he finished abashedly, “—and the sleeping beauty comment was because it was also the first and only time I’d ever seen you not show up early to school from oversleeping, so I just blurted it out... maybe I shouldn’t have done that...” He met your stare again as he offered a sheepish smile. 
Your poor heart couldn’t keep up with the words you were hearing leave Chanyeol’s mouth. He was too cute. Pure. 
Not a malicious thought in that brain of his. You were having trouble fighting back the smile that wanted to show itself. 
“...and the, ‘What’s up, nerd? And knocking the books out of my hands?” You couldn’t look him in the eyes but when he straightened suddenly, you glanced at him, not expecting the adorable clumsiness of a reason for the incident. 
“I knocked your books out of your hands when I tripped?”
It was your turn to blink at him. “You’re saying you fell?”
Chanyeol nodded slowly, a laugh escaping him. “I’m actually really clumsy. I can’t go a day without tripping on my own feet at least once. I’m really sorry I knocked them out of your hands. I was trying to get your attention so I called you nerd as a kind of a nickname of sorts, ‘cause you’re always studying hard and reading a new book every time I see you, and I remember tripping right when I was walking past you and I... got embarrassed and sped out of there... sorry.”
The more you listened to him, the harder it was to keep a neutral expression in order to not make is apparent embarrassment any worse. You didn’t want him to think you were laughing at him, but he was just so... cute. How could you have ever misunderstood him so badly?
Seemingly oblivious to the smile almost erupting on your lips, he continued without a pause. “My friend told me that girls like the confident, bad boy type. That I had to pretend that I had no interest in you whatsoever, but I still wanted to talk and see you so I just...” he trailed off, his features scrunching up as he ruffled his hair with a quiet groan. “Okay, now I see it.”
You couldn’t keep the full-blown grin anymore and burst out laughing. “Which friend told you all that? It was Sehun, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah! How’d you know it was him?” Chanyeol was smiling in response to your smile but also in amazement at how you immediately guessed right. 
“Just a guess. But I don’t think he’s the best person to be getting advice from, for future reference.”
He laughed with you, breathing out a big sigh next to you. “Did I... answer all your questions?”
“You really didn’t mean to hit me with the soccer ball, right?”
“No, of course not!” He was quick to defend himself, shuffling his feet and awkwardly fiddling with his fingers as he muttered softly, “I was trying to impress you by making a goal, not realizing that you weren’t even paying attention and it somehow hit the goalpost at an angle and... I’m really sorry.”
Nodding at his answer, you ducked your head for a few seconds before interlacing your fingers into his, sending his shocked self a smile. “Okay.”
“I can see now that I’ve misunderstood you this whole time, and I’m really sorry for that. And... if it’s okay with you, I’d like to get to know you and see where this takes us.”
It was a sensation of deja-vu; 
     the way he absolutely beamed down at you, his grin wide, eyes formed into crescents... 
     down to the way your insides felt all warm just from looking at him. 
     even down to his reply:
“That sounds great.”
Maybe it was worth taking a risk on people sometimes, especially when someone you least expected to becomes so special to you, becomes the first person to make you feel this way, that someone who smiles at you like that. 
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tag list: @rashidamesrur @totallynerdstuff @organic-hemp @etaerealboy @yasmini24 @imlonelysometimeshappy @rpavlxk @sebootyforlife @arinamesari @xxluckydreamsxx @delightpcy @buttercupbbh @coffee-prince-kyungsoo​ @aarohadream​
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i was planning on going into more detail, but it just felt right stopping it there and i really like this ending lol. no excuses yall, i’m so sorry this took so long. i’ve not had the will to write ANYTHING but here it is!! i hope yall like it as much as i do after writing for the first time after a bit. much love! ty for everyone who stuck w this series T.T ♥ ♥ ♥ 
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jongupscrookedteeth · 3 months
Exo ,Chanyeol -
werewolf super power moodboard
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Please note that I created the collage but the photos are not mine credit to original owners.
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wolveswithblackpearls · 7 months
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Angel!Au - Chanyeol as your guardian angel
“You nearly died after being stuck in an elevator last year.”
You swallowed thickly, glassy tears pooling on your bottom lids. “How did you know that?”
“I’m your guardian angel,” he said. “I was there.”
Rather than giving him thanks, you scoffed. “Then why didn’t you get me out of there sooner?”
“Who do you think was holding up the cables?”
Angel moodboad no. 5 for our dear @marshmallow-phd and her beautiful oneshot Crash Course. (i loved it sooo much *-*)
~ Admin S
Original date of publishing:  July 1st, 2019
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mgg-81 · 2 years
Late Night Tender [P.CY]
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NOTE 2: I’m so sorry for being inactive. A lot has happened that made me halt a pile of WIPs. Here’s a birthday gift for our giant and for everyone else! This was inspired by a scene from The King: Eternal Monarch about getting the plushy.
Genre: Fluff, little angst.
Ratings and Warnings: None
Characters: Park Chanyeol X Female!Reader
Word Count: 938
Date of Publication: 27-11-2022
“Jagiya!” A shout to welcome her rang through the house once she took off her shoes, coming home from work. She wasn’t surprised as two long limbs came running clumsily toward her until they stopped directly in front of her. Sighing, she gaped up to see puppy eyes matched with an endearing smile that should’ve made her melt. But no, an unamused expression was visible on her face.
“What?” She tossed her shoes to the side.
"Come cuddle with me," Chanyeol said, opening his arms to embrace her.
The twinkle in Chanyeol’s orbs began to dissipate as his lips turned into a pout. “Why? I need my cuddles, jagi.”
“Why don’t you hug the Rilakkuma I’ve bought you from the amusement park?” she said as she whizzed past him, not even taking a single glance at his form, which looked down on the floor as if he hadn't been given his favorite candy.
As she walked toward their shared bedroom, not even an inch of warmth flowed through her as she took a shower, brushed her teeth, and changed into comfy clothing. However, from the back of her head, memories of when she took home the bacon for Chanyeol came to her.
"Is this the place?" she wondered as she looked around the amusement park, which was almost deserted except for a few people who were still enjoying themselves in the middle of the night. The two of them found themselves in front of a booth that was filled with bottles and plushies. Chanyeol gazed at her and twisted his body left and right while nodding.
"All right," she said, pulling up her sleeve as they were greeted by a man with whom Chanyeol had a falling out. Sort-of.
“Well, you’re here again!” exclaimed the man, nodding at Chanyeol and then bowing at her. "This is your wife?”
"Yep," she said, giving the man a small salute as she finished fixing her sleeve. “I’m the wife.”
"And she'll win that Rilakkuma for me," Chanyeol says proudly, rubbing her shoulders.
The man scoffed and waved his hand playfully. “Well then, suit yourself.”
And suit the couple did.
The man’s jaw dropped as she hit every target there was. She didn’t hesitate to shoot until there was none left. Even Chanyeol, as evidenced by his grin, was taken aback. He crossed his arms at the man in a smug manner as she made sure that there was not a single bottle left to shoot.
“Well then,” she mimicked the man. “How about that Rilakkuma plushy for my husband, kind sir?”
She chuckled at the memory as she scuffled her hair to dry it as she came out of the bathroom. But while her spirits were lifted for a while, putting the name of the Rilakkuma as related to tonight’s occurrence plummeted her inner being. Once remembered how her reaction to Chanyeol was earlier, she reflected and felt bad upon knowing she had hurt her husband’s feeling like she had dumped a bucket of ice over him. She hadn’t intended to snap at him, but it wasn’t an excuse for her to be cranky and irritated.
She shuffled her way toward the kitchen and decided to drink some warm milk. And while she scraped her slippers against the floor, her breath took hold once she saw Chanyeol lying down on their sofa, not far from where she stood, hugging the Rilakkuma as he slept. While she was still a few feet away, she took a close look at his features; his pouty lips and squishy cheeks were mushed against the plush, his nose was scrunched adorably, and his eyes were fluttering due to their largeness. Letting him sleep, she decided to proceed to the kitchen to boil some water and pour some milk powder into her mug.
As she waited for the water to simmer, she jumped an as little bit as a raspy voice from behind her came about. She immediately turned around to see Chanyeol holding the stuffed animal to his side, all the while rubbing his eyes. She couldn’t help but find him adorable, like a child that had just woken up.
“Jagiya?” he asked as he dragged himself towards her and plopped half of his weight on her. A sigh escaped her lips as she softly ran her fingers through his hair, which made him nuzzle further into her neck.
“I’m so sorry about earlier, darling,” she said, holding him up to look into his eyes, which were droopy but noticeably red, which alarmed her.
“Are…are you crying?” she hesitantly asked. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. I just had an awful day, but it wouldn’t mean I should give you a cold shoulder.”
Chanyeol giggled as he looked at her worried face. “I’m not and it’s okay. I understand,” he shook his head. “I was…uh….” He stopped all the while suddenly looking like he was about to sneeze. She immediately grabbed a tissue box from the kitchen counter and handed it to him, before he let out a loud, “ACHOO!”
Turning sheepishly to face her, Chanyeol shyly rubbed the back of his neck, to which she shook her head, all the while snorting to herself.
Soon enough, shared sentiments and laughter rang throughout the house as the two of them chattered over their shared hot lemonade and milk as Chanyeol hugged the Rilakkuma tighter to his arm. She gave him a lopsided smile as if it was an item Chanyeol would treasure and would never let go of.
The plushy that she got and won for him on his birthday.
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defloey · 1 year
happy is me 🥰
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behold my album collection
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v small sidenote; i have no idea how i'm meant to move this entire thing to the states w me lol
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aqupistau · 1 year
— ☕️ⸯⸯ : unexpected help﹙pcy﹚
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warnings: profanity
genre & trope: fluff and strangers!AU
pairing: park chanyeol x f!reader
word count: 0.78k
synopsis. chanyeol races against time as he attempts to tie his necktie for the millionth time for a job interview that would start in a few minutes. he’s trying his best not to break down in the middle of the busy street, then comes you, a stranger, offering a hand to tie his neck tie. 
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Twenty-three minutes left.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit," Chanyeol mutters to himself as he repeatedly knots his necktie and cursing with another failing attempt.
Everything was going well last night, you know. He practiced possible questions for the interview, ironed the newly bought suit, drank tea that was good for his throat, lighted up his favorite incense, and conditioned himself well for a good night's sleep—which was too good to the point that he slept through his alarm. 
It was his fault, really. He acknowledges that he treated himself so well yesterday that it's not going well today.
"I don't think I'm going to make this. Please let this knot be right." Chanyeol pleaded to himself. The growing tension worsens with the endless repeats of please, his voice cracking as he almost broke into tears. 
"Uhm, excuse me?" someone taps on his right shoulder, interrupting him from his internal struggle of making his tie right and the anxious reminder of the interview starting in a few minutes. Chanyeol turns toward the stranger, eyes glossed from the unshed tears.
"May I help you?" Chanyeol managed to ask. A question more likely directed at himself.
"If it's okay, I can tie your necktie for you. Are you here for the interview at the company down the street?" 
Chanyeol nodded, like a lost child being asked if they were lost, not even being able to say thank you for this kind gesture, focusing entirely on not breaking down in the middle of the street. "Yes."
"That's a very good company you chose," You praised to help him lighten up, but Chanyeol answers with a rather defeated thank you, still stuck in a slump.
"Could you please lower yourself a little? You're quite tall." he obliges, lowering his legs to adjust to your height, and you go about to his tie, relying on your muscle memory to the ups and downs steps of tying a perfect necktie.
"Is this your first job interview?" You try to strike up a conversation, and he nods in an almost robotic way, the topic about the possibilities of his job interview failing clouding his mind. It didn't even matter if there was a stranger offering to tie his tie. May this stranger be a pickpocket or whatnot, just please tie the necktie perfectly.
On the first try, you fail, and you can feel how Chanyeol's heart drops from his eyes with the unsuccessful attempt, whispering an oh no. Then you try for the second time, and this time, you finally succeed.
"Oh my god—Thank goodness," Chanyeol gasps in relief, almost dramatically dropping to his knees, and you catch him on time, worried about how his next problem would be the dirty stain on his slacks if he kneels on the concrete.
"Thank you very much. You've saved my life." 
"Literally—oh my god, thank you, really," he pulls you into a hug, sobbing and being grateful for his unexpected savior. You pat his back awkwardly, trying to comfort a pitiful man you just met who was failing to tie his necktie in public, uncertain how to receive such effusive praise.
"No problem?" you responded.
"It's already 8:19! I must go now," he declared, breaking the hug and bowing a ninety-degree bow, and you're startled by the overwhelming gratitude. 
"Please, there's no need for formalities," You muttered. 
Chanyeol looks up at you and breaks out into a smile, revealing the hidden dimples on his cheeks, and you're caught off guard, shocked by the unexpected smile that was concealed all along. Who knew he could smile like that?
With the remaining time left, Chanyeol dashes to the opposite street from yours before you can process the image of his dimples, smiling directly at you.
As his broad back and towering figure gets smaller from your vision, he stops, looking back at you, and waves his hand enthusiastically, mouthing the words "thank you." You smile back at him with a wave and go about your day as you walk to your street. 
You look back at him once, relishing the good feeling of helping a stranger to upstart your day—in resolute to walking to your office with your head held high because you can help people tie their neckties for company interviews in the future. 
"What a crazy superhero I would make," you chuckled and hummed your way back to your office building, the lingering thought of the stranger you helped smiling so radiantly, his prominent dimples that seemed to greet you a good morning. The sky never looked so blue today, and were the leaves of each branch of trees so pleasant to look at ever since?
Without you knowing, Chanyeol steals one—then two more glances at your departing figure, remembering how the most basic etiquette, which was asking for your name, was forgotten. For Chanyeol, it's comical how this morning feels so much like a drama. A stranger stuck in his petty little problem in the middle of the street then comes someone who does it so easily—I mean, doing it with just two attempts.
Despite not knowing your name, he marks you in his mind with the lingering scent of your perfume, still clinging to the right side of his neck from the hug earlier.
He wonders, "Does she work nearby here? She probably does." and he's now resolved to accomplish this interview, determined with the prospect of asking your name this time, hopefully meeting you in this same street again.
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© aqupistau. all rights reserved. ↬ masterlist
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bunnyjunmyeonie · 1 year
Blog Navigation and Fic Recs Masterlist
Note:- All of the works listed below DO NOT belong to me. Credits to the talented authors who wrote them.
Groups:- EXO
Kim Junmyeon / Suho
The Book Of The Dead By @marshmallow-phd
Case File 01 By @xiubaek-13
Not Without Her (Series, Smut) By @myeoning-call
Drabbe Prompt By @decantingstxrs
Kinktober Day 31, Junmyeon (Smut) by @itstheoneshot
Hard Enough (Freinds to lovers, suggestive) by @writemekpop
Snowed Up (Smut) By @bluenereid
Day After Day By @chaecchi
Doctor's Orders (M) by @prettywordsyouleft
Junmyeon Smut By @bluenereid
A Pleasant Way To Beat Boredom, a Junmyeon Drabble by @seawitch62
One Week
Junmyeon Drabble By @kpop---scenarios
Junmyeon Drabble By @itstheoneshot
Junmyeon Request Prompt (Smut)By @yeoldontknow
The Pact by @gamerwoo
Stranded By @noona-clock
Halloween Rumors By @noona-clock
Junmyeon Smut Drabble By @gamerwoo
Junmyeon Request prompt By @biaswreckingfics
Junmyeon Request Prompt By @biaswreckingfics
Junmyeon (Exes To Lovers) Request Prompt By @biaswreckingfics
Replay (Smut, Mature Themes) By @yeoldontknow
Park Chanyeol
The Greatest Gift (Smut) By @wonderlustlucas
Business favours (Smut) By @itschanyeolfic-blog
Free Spirits (Series, Smut) By @exoheadspace
Police Officer AU (Smut) by @seungcheolsthighsss
Dating Park Chanyeol Headcannon By @you-can-be-the-moonlight
Chanyeol Prompt by @lustbile
Bitten By a Spider (Smut) by @byunbhyunz
Oh Sehun
Do Kyungsoo
Chen / Kim Jongdae
Providence (Fake Boyfriend! Chen, a little smut) By @xiubaek-13
Tinted Lips AU (Series, Smut) by @myeoning-call
Kai / Kim Jongin
If Only By @iridescentxstars
Brat By @sinnerforexo
Byun Baekhyun
Let Me In By @xiubaek-13
Heartless By @soujougeurilla
Blindly In Love by @myeoning-call
Xiumin / Kim Minseok
Case File 99 By @xiubaek-13
Far, Far Away by @mrkswrld
Lay / Zhang Yixing
Lu Han
So Handsome (Implied Smut) by @xiubaek-13
Masterlist Posts Of Other Fic Writers:-
Mobile Masterlist Of @marshmallow-phd
Masterlist Of @pesiko
Masterlist Of @hobicomeholla29
Lost In Translation Masterlist By @xiubaek-13
Masterlist Of @oh-beyond aka @myeoning-call
Reading List Of @baekxytocin (Baekhyun fics)
Masterlist Of @byunstation
Masterlist Of @iibonniee
Turn Masterlist (BBH, KJM, KJI, PCY) by @kpop---scenarios
KJM and ZYX by @bluenereid
Kinktober Masterlist Of @mint-yooxgi
Masterlist of @chanyeolsbiggestfangirl
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kjmcotton · 1 year
What we did in the library | Pcy
Park Chanyeol x fem!reader
Enemies to lovers!AU
Plot:you and your academic rival,the hot and smart Park Chanyeol,meet at the library by accident,but none of you could’ve predicted what happened
Warnings:smut,dom!Chanyeol,daddy kink,nicknames,unprotected sex (don’t do this at home!!),18+
Tumblr works with reposts:if you enjoyed my story please repost and leave a feedback! Help me growing!♡
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“I craved you so much that I ended up hating you”
Term time,also known as the period in which students lock themselves in their dormitories and spend nights studying. Literature,latin,metric,composition:your brain was jumping from a notion to another,all at once,while walking to the library. You did not have a single second to take a break from studying and revising,not that you wanted to. You were behind on your studies for your standards,and you hated it since you had semester finals.
With a fast movement of your hand you opened the door of the library and walked towards the so called “oldie”,the former area of the building in which no one used to study anymore. Your colleagues loved the new wing more:it was fresh and brighter.
You sat at your usual spot,putting your books and pens on the table before analysing the passage from Apuleius’ Metamorphosis that you were preparing for your latin test.
You loved the “oldie”:silence used to rule there,and the smell of aged books relaxed your mind,helping you focusing.
Nothing could go wrong there,you thought,it was a kind of safe place for you;so you didn’t expect to meet there the last person you wanted to see.
That one who,out of all the students of your well known college,gave you hives:Park Chanyeol. But there he was.
He opened the door and stood on the entrance in all his cocky magnificence and nauseous overconfidence. His eyes immediately set on you and a smirk of amusement appeared on his lips.
“Y/l/n,what a surprise” he talked
You glared at him:“I’d call it misfortune more than surprise”
The tall boy laughed “Never missing a chance to get on my nerves I see”
“Never missing a chance to get on mine”
“That’s how things work I guess” he shrugged his shoulders and sat a few tables away from you.
You shook your head and went back to studying,pretending that the boy wasn’t there;which worked for a while,but then,after one or two hours,you realised that his eyes were fixed on you.
Chanyeol’s expression was different,odd you would say:he seemed lost in his thoughts as he kept spinning a pen in between his fingers.
You tried to ignore him,but it was hard,so at a certain point you just called him out:
“Take a picture,it will last longer” you spat out the first thing that crossed your mind,making the brunette smile in amusement
“I didn’t even see you,I was repeating the lesson mentally. You’re not that relevant” he jerked
“You didn’t think the same when I got higher grades than yours during last session”
“I did the same the session before. Don’t brag too much little thing”
A soar expression appeared on your face,but you decided to not give in anymore
“I have no time to waste with you”
“Me neither princess”
A tsk escaped your lips as you went back to reading your textbook,but,suddenly,you couldn’t focus.
“…little thing…”
His raspy voice was suddenly echoing in your head,making your stomach tingle while thinking at those nicknames he had given you earlier. What was going on? Why couldn’t you get him out of your mind?
You hissed nervously,gaining Chanyeol’s attention once again
“What’s up princess? Is Apuleius too hard to study for your bright mind?” he teased you,his chin resting on his hand while the pen was spinning again in between the fingers of his left hand.
You looked at the object moving,licked your lips,and then glared at the boy:
“You wish,but as always it’s just your presence getting on my nerves”
Chanyeol smiled and stood up,abandoning his spot to walk towards you. Your body stiffened,but the brunette didn’t care and just sat on your table,moving your books aside. A pencil fell,followed by a few highlighters.
“Am I only getting on your nerves or am I working you up?” his fingers grabbed your chin,pulling you closer. Then,his eyes chained with yours and he bit his bottom lip,staring at you with such a deep glare that seemed he was investigating your soul.
You didn’t know how to react:you went blank for a second. You felt lost in his dark pupils,and the warmth of his breath took you off,but then you backed up,pushing Chanyeol away.
“Stop distracting me” you mumbled
“Distracting you?”
“Little thing,if only you knew how much distracting you’re to me”
At those words your heart skipped a bit and your lower belly tingled:it was that damn raspy voice;but…why was that idiot suddenly acting in such a way? You were both engaged and confused.
Chanyeol saw your lashes flutter and your face flush as he got closer,brushing the skin of your cheek with his soft lips. You gripped the cloth of your plaid skirt.
“I know you like it” he whispered
“How-how you do?” your voice was trembling and low,even Chanyeol could barely hear it
“If you didn’t,you would’ve already left. But you want it too,don’t you,little thing? his fingers caressed your cheek. You could feel the coldness of his rings sending shivers along your back.
You didn’t answer,you just looked at Chanyeol with deer eyes. It was accidental,but he got turned on.
“Don’t look at me like that” his breath was slowly getting shorter
“Like what?”
“Like you want me to eat you” he said and with that his lips collided with yours.
You startled,you would’ve never imagined that something like whatever was going could happen with Park Chanyeol:there had always been such a strong rivalry between the two of you that you never actually thought about being intimate with him,but…you liked it so,why would you stop?
Chanyeol cupped your face with his big hands,brushing his thumb against your skin:it was his way of telling you to stay calm,he had gotten you.
The fingers nervously holding onto your skirt moved to his thighs,going up to his waist until they grabbed the cloth of his black vest.
You closed your eyes and relaxed into the kiss,feeling your body heating up anytime Chanyeol added more passion;until his hand slipped on the back of your head and the gentle kiss turned into a mess of moans.
The boy’s lips moved to the angle of your mouth,then to your chin,until they reached your neck;he left a few wet kisses,but then,as you pushed him closer to your skin,he started sucking and biting.
One,two,three times:suddenly you had hickeys all over your neck. You moaned again,panting while feeling Chanyeol smiling
“You want me so bad” he whispered to your hear,his hands slid on your hips,holding them tightly. It sent you over the clouds.
“But you want me too…” you trembled while pronouncing those words:if you had never had any problem in biting back when talking to Chanyeol,suddenly you felt unable to do it. You were completely overwhelmed by desire.
“I do babygirl,you can’t even imagine” his hands started unbuttoning your blouse,which immediately fell on the ground.
The boy looked at you with lusty eyes, then he took his shirt off as well and lifted you up. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders,caressing his soft skin with your fingers,before finding yourself sitting on the table with Chanyeol’s waist in between your legs.
You looked at him,he looked at you,and started kissing you again,more roughly this stime:
“You’re so damn pretty” he whispered,biting the lobe of your ear. You could feel the bulge in his trousers:he was completely turned on,and so you were.
Chanyeol’s fingers drew a line along your legs,until they reached your thighs where they slightly squeezed your flash while following their way to your underwear. Chanyeol made the joint of your panties snap a little before touching the cloth covering your entrance.
“You’re already so wet” he smirked,brushing the knuckle of his index up and down,teasing you.
You suffocated a moan,resting your forehead against Chanyeol’s
“I can’t anymore” your voice was so small as you tried to close your thighs,but you couldn’t;all you could do was stroking them against the boy’s hips.
Chanyeol’s hand gently grabbed your face,his thumb resting on you lips while his eyes filled with desire were staring at your flushed face.
“Look at you,all undone for me-he bit his lip-you’re such a turn on. So pretty” and said so he moved your panties aside,sliding his fingers inside you.
A loud whine escaped your mouth before your mind was completely blown by how the boy was pleasing you so well. You threw you head back,holding onto the boy’s shoulders,before he pushed your back against the table in order to tower you.
Your hair all spread on the surface while your moans filled the air,making Chanyeol more and more horny. He wanted to fuck you so bad that he couldn’t hold on anymore.
“Good girl,don’t stop,I wanna hear you” he whispered in your hear,his raspy voice was back at it,but you could now feel how impatient he had become.
“Yeol,fuck me” you whined,eyes shut while his fingers were still moving inside you,hitting the right spot
“What’s the magic word,babygirl?”
“Please. Please fuck me” you repeated,your breath stuck in your throat
“I will babygirl. Your daddy will fuck you so well”
Another moan escaped your mouth before you reached your climax. You breathed out for a second,watching Chanyeol unzipping his trousers.
He grabbed you by the hips,sliding your body closer;he kissed your lips one more time,then,finally,he gave you what you were asking for.
He started thrusting inside you,his head thrown back in pleasure while a moan after another escaped his mouth:what a nice sound to your hears.
“Look at you,taking me so well. Good girl” he panted
“Please. I-I want more,daddy”
“Fuck” Chanyeol’s thrusts became rougher. It hurt at the beginning,but soon all you could feel was pleasure.
The boy left a few more hickeys on your shoulders and collarbone before his movements got sloppier.
He was close and so were you. You moaned again,followed by the boy who reached his climax a few seconds before you.
“Oh God…” your whole body was burning,while Chanyeol was panting.
He looked at you from above,sliding a hand between his messy hair before holding onto the table and rest his head on your shoulder
“I craved you so much that I ended up hating you” he whispered,kissing your soft skin one more time.
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eomayas · 1 year
hihi!! hru hows life generally 😭😭 I just wanted to ask if you’d love to what upcoming works do u have not even the au/plot just the members <3!
hii! i’m pretty good just getting ready to go back to college. how are u?
i have 1 bbh, 1 pcy, 2(?) kai stories in the drafts 😅
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bobohunn · 4 years
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— summary : It was tough for you to trust and open up to people, after all you've been through. When you finally let your walls down, Chanyeol left you hanging. (part 1 of 2)
— pairings : chanyeol x reader
— genre : angst, fluff
— warnings : mentions of anxiety, alcohol, bullying, & gaslighting, hints of sexual assault & harassment, description of anxiety & panic attacks.
— word count : 3.9k words (part 1)
— author's words : hi!!! I'm not really good with titles so this goes untitled for now 😅 I'll add the title when I post the 2nd part 💛 this is not proofread and edited yet pls forgive me. I'd really appreciate it if you tell me your thoughts on this! ☺️
It was a year ago today. The day when you were supposed to wake up with a smile, hearing your family’s thumping steps on the wooden floor on the way to your room. The day when your younger sister was supposed to be running towards you to attack you with kisses, your mom holding out a cake that says ‘happy birthday’, and your father following closely behind them, singing the happy birthday song with his awfully hoarse morning voice, just like the annual tradition. Rather, you woke up to the loud and thunderous knocks on your bedroom door, along with what you recognized as your father’s voice. And the second you turned the lock on the knob, the door flew and a hand met your right cheek.
You were scared, but you weren’t sure what you were scared for. Sure your dad looked scary, his face was blood red, his breathing uneven, and his hands clenched into fists, but you didn’t know what he was acting scary for. You held your cheek, trying to ease up the stinging sensation that lingered. 
“D-dad?”, you managed to stutter out. Your father shut his eyes close and sighed. 
You looked away and noticed your mom and your sister on the wooden staircase behind your dad. Your mom was holding her face in her hands, and your sister was rubbing her back. Only then did you realize that they were both crying.
“M-mom? S-stacy? W-what’s going o-on?”, you choked out, feeling the hot tears that were running down your face.
It was silent again, and you hated it. The silence was deafening and you swore you almost heard the cells in your brain die. You always hated situations like this, it made you feel so anxious and you were about to throw up.
“D-dad, M-mom what’s happening w-why are y–”
“You don’t have to call me dad anymore,” your dad cut you off, and you heard your mom cry louder.
“D-dad w-will you please at least t-tell me what’s going on?”, you said in between sobs, “please?”
Your dad let out another loud sigh, and you noticed his eyes getting misty. “Stacy, give me your phone. Your sister wants to know why, so I’ll show her why”, he said in a firm tone.
Stacy stood up from the stairs and took out the phone from her pocket. She handed it over to your dad, avoiding his gaze including yours. You were practically begging for her to look at you with your eyes while your dad was fumbling with the gadget, but she stood behind him, staring at the floor with her hair covering her face.
Your father handed to you the phone, showing a paused video on the screen. You pressed play, and turned the volume up. You were puzzled to say the least. The video had poor lighting but when the light source hit the surface of a very familiar face in the frame, you dropped the phone, leaving a small crack on the lower left part of the screen.
Your brain tried to put the pieces of information it recently gathered together, but you were about to pass out. Unconsciously shaking, you stumbled on your feet, and dropped to the floor. That was the last thing you remembered before your sight blacked out.
Your life today is a little bit different to how it was a year ago, yet it was still sort of the same. You moved to a different town, a different school, a different environment. It isn’t much worse now, but some people would still look at you and gossip as you pass by the same. Others don’t even stab you in the back, they hit you in the front now.
You moved with your family in the hopes of forgetting everything and starting anew, but unfortunately the news reached your new home too. Your parents insisted that you move places again when people in your school started talking, but you hated the feeling of being an inconvenience. So you did your best to heal and learn how to not a give a fuck to what others say, even if it burnt you out on most days.
“It’s okay, Mom. I’ll be alright, they’re not hurting me anyway,” you said in the softest voice.
“Are you sure? We can just move out of the country, baby. It’s best that we just go, hmm?” she held your hands in one, and caressed your face in the other.
“Yeah. We should just move if you’re uncomfortable here, my love,” your dad added as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“Then we’d have to spend money again. I know you guys had a hard time adjusting as well, especially Stacy,” you fumbled with the fabric of your shorts, “I’m okay, really.”
But even though you’ve learnt to not give a shit and shrug off what bullshit other people— who don’t even know you, by the way— say anymore over the past months, there are still times when you have to endure how painful the words you overhear from conversations of people in your school are. And when you couldn’t, you’d have to run back to your only safe place in school, the comfort room at the back of the school library to turn into a ball and cry. On some days when you think you’re all better and don’t give a fuck anymore, you hear words you tried so hard to delete from your system, and it makes you want to throw up again.
You hate whoever did this to you. However, over the process of healing, you realized that you hate those people who try to act nice in front of you, act like they care for you, act like they support you, but actually talk rotten behind you more. And you hate people who try to control you into thinking that you are the one to blame, the most, because there are times that their words sting too much you begin to doubt yourself again after trying so hard to convince yourself that you were never at fault.
It’s the first day of the semestral break, and you couldn’t be more happy and relieved to be far from society. You don’t have to do anything but lie down in your comfy bed, and binge watch your favorite shows all day. You can read books you hoarded in the past but never really touched after, as well!
“Y/N! Stacy! Come here, give these apples to our new neighbors!” your mom shouted from the kitchen.
You and your sister, Stacy peeked out of your bedrooms at the same time, and when your eyes met you both sighed. 
“I was watching Stranger Things, I was in the good part!”, you whined.
“I was reading a good fic on Tumblr as well! I was in the climax of the story!”, Stacy stomped her feet playfully and you both giggled.
“Y/N! Stacy! Did you hear me?” your Mom shouted again, which made you and Stacy instinctively run down the stairs.
“Good afternoon Mister– uhmm?”, Stacy said to the man sitting on the balcony outside the house your mom sent you to for a quick mission.
“Park. Mr. Park,” the grown man smiled.
“Oh, nice to meet you Mr. Park! We’re from the house next to yours. We heard you just moved in, so my mom wanted you to have this!” Stacy beamed at him, while you stood behind her quietly.
“Oh I see! What are your names? You should come in! We had a feast for lunch, you should help us finish the food!” Mr. Park said while turning the knob of the front door.
“I’m Stacy, this is my older sister Y/n. My mom’s name is Rachel, and my dad’s is Samuel”, she said as she took off her sneakers.
“How old are you guys? I have a son who’s in the 11th grade, and a daughter who’s gonna be in her 2nd year in university.”
“I’m in 11th grade as well, Stacy is in 9th. We’re in Jungwon Highschool”, you said as you took off your jacket
“You should meet my son then! He’s transferring to Jungwon! But he’s not here now, he took the dog out on a walk in the park”, he said while grabbing plates from the kitchen.
After eating a few sweet fruits, you and your sister headed back home with two full plates of side dishes Mr. Park’s family offered. You passed by a tall unfamiliar guy carrying a black dog on the way back, and you figured maybe he was Mr. Park’s son.
It’s the first day of the spring semester, the weather's been really better the past few days and you couldn’t be any happier because it means you don’t have to wear a heavy coat to school anymore.
While walking to the bus stop, you saw a familiar guy crouching down to pet a kitten.
He picked the cat up and moved it to a spot away from the pavement onto the bushes, probably for its safety. The moment he turned to your direction, you realized he was the same guy who you passed by once, on the way home from your new neighbor’s house. He was wearing the same uniform as you, and there you confirmed he really was the Parks’ son.
The bell rang and your class adviser went into the classroom. He was with the same guy you encountered earlier, announcing that your class has a new student to welcome.
“My name is Park Chanyeol. Please take care of me”, the guy said as he smiled and bowed down. He took the empty seat in front of you and settled down.
“Pass your quizlets to the president after lunch. Late submissions will have deductions. Is that clear, class?” the 4th period teacher announced as she walked out the room.
The chime rang on the school speakers, and the lunch break started. All your classmates darted out the room, while you stayed in your seat, resting your head on the desk to take a nap like usual. Except, this time you aren’t left alone in the room. Chanyeol stayed, seemingly finishing the quizlet the teacher gave.
“Excuse me, can I borrow your eraser?” He asked, knocking on your desk to get your attention.
“Ah, sure. Here,” you pass him the black piece of soft rubber from your pencil case.
“Didn’t know they sell black ones. I should get myself one like this too. I actually hate when the white ones get dirty,” he rambled on while erasing whatever he had to erase and gave it back to you. You nod sheepishly as a response.
“I’m Chanyeol. What’s your name?” he pursed his lips while waiting for you to answer.
“I’m y/n. I actually live next to you,” you smile, scratching your nape.
Chanyeol was saying something but you weren’t really listening. Not when you heard some girls at the back door say, “what is she doing? Is she flirting with him?” “I seriously can’t believe her, after all that happened to her she has the guts to flirt with boys again?” “Maybe she thinks she can bait the new guy because he’s clueless” “and attractive, too”
You just smiled at him, and rested your head back down again, wearing earphones this time to block out whatever conversations you didn’t have to hear.
You were sitting on the bench outside your go-to place, the comfort room at the back of the school library, watching whatever random videos youtube recommended in the home section. A video of a band doing a cover of some other band’s song came up, and you suddenly heard someone clear their throat from behind you which made you jump a little bit from your seat.
“So, are you into bands?” Chanyeol asked as he sat beside you on the bench.
If you were to be really honest, you grew scared of meeting people through the past year. You really hate it when people bring up things which they are not in the place to talk about. You’d tell them if you wanted them to know, and if you wouldn’t then they just have to accept and respect it, not be a total nosy ass. And unfortunately, everyone who tried to talk to you in this school brought up things you wished they didn’t. It made you feel like they’re only talking to you to know the tea. So you shut them out immediately, afraid to be hurt by them again if you get attached to them.
Which is why you struggled to let out a response to Chanyeol’s curiosity.
Why does he want to know about that? What will he do with that information? What if he uses it against me in the future? I should be careful with what I say, I might give out too much information.
All sorts of thoughts, running in your mind right now.
“Are you okay?” he asked when he realized you were only staring with a surprised expression at him, “is something wrong?”
“U-uhm, yeah. And, n-no. I’m s-sorry,” you looked away, keeping your phone in your pocket.
Chanyeol chuckled, “why are you getting flustered? I don’t bite!”
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,” you purse your lips.
“You’re a shy one, aren’t you? Don’t worry! I’m good at making people open up to me” he said as he placed an arm around your shoulder, to which you flinched at.
And Chanyeol was right, he was good at making people open up to him indeed. He made you feel at ease with his jokes, but more than that, you felt safe at how he doesn’t pressure you to talk about yourself, he just waits for you to willingly share things with him. He just keeps on going on and on about what he wants to say, but he listens attentively the second you open your lips to talk.
"Oh how I love animals so much! I have a dog, his name is Toben but he doesn't listen to me. So i kinda hate him" he said enthusiastically.
"I think I've seen you once with him, the black one?" you recalled.
"Yes that's him! I used to have a cat too but he ran away from home. His name was Bach"
"I actually have a hamster. Her name is Lilie. You should meet her she's a total fluff ball" you said as you took your phone out and show him a picture of your syrian hamster.
"Oh my god she's so cute!" his eyes grew wider than it originally is.
You chuckled, "You must really like pets that much."
"Oh trust me, I even brought a rat home. My mom scolded me so much," and it's you who has wide eyes now.
You grew close to Chanyeol in a span of a few days. You would walk to school and walk home together with him almost everyday. You learned a lot of things about him, while he was also able to slowly make you open up to him. The both of you would ramble about random things while doing homework or eating dinner at each other’s house, but he never crossed the borderline and asked you about your past. You couldn’t be more grateful that you found a friend like him. It’s the bare minimum, but it’s important to you and no one really does it like that anymore, not for you at least.
“What’s the square root of 441?” He asked, biting the tip of the pen he was holding.
“21, I think? Let me check,” you said as you took out the calculator in your backpack.
“It’s okay I got it aaaand— Wow! You’re right!” He jumped out of his seat and ruffled his fluffy brown hair in amusement. You chuckled and took a sip from the tea his mom made for you.
“You’re amazing, how do you know that? Did you just mentally solve that?” He sat back down again.
“Of course not. I liked maths so much as a kid, I memorized the perfect squares at some point.” you mumbled, redirecting your focus back to the homework in front of you.
“In many years of living, I never once met someone who memorized perfect squares” Chanyeol said as he held his face in his big hands.
“Now you did”
He chuckled, “Yeah, memorable. Anyway, are you free this friday?”
You bit your lip in sudden anxiety, “I-i don’t know. N-not sure. Why?”
“Some of our classmates are going to a party, and they invited me,” he hesitated a little before he continued, “I just wondered if you wanted to come? With me?”
You feel your heart beat faster, “No, sorry. I think I’ll be helping my dad on Friday.”
“Oh it’s okay. Don’t worry about it,” whispered Chanyeol, looking back down to his homework.
Friday came, and you thought it was weird to walk home alone for the first time. You got used to chatting with Chanyeol while on the way home, and now it was completely silent. When you got home, you threw yourself to your bed. You decided to get your laptop and binge watch another series on netflix.
It was around 7:30 pm when your phone rang. You looked at the caller ID and picked up hesitantly when you realized it was Chanyeol’s. “Why would he call so suddenly though?” you whispered to yourself.
“Chanyeol?” You said as you bring the phone up to your ear.
“hey Y/N! What’s up?” he chirped weirdly, probably drunk.
“Nothing much. Are you drunk?”
“I’m wasted. They tricked me, they said it was juice. They tricked me, y/n!” you cringed at how much he was slurring his words. It was obvious that alcohol was already in control of his system.
“How are you gonna get home?”
“I don’t know. Everyone is drunk here and–” he hiccuped, “they’re all nasty. I wanna go home”
You paused for a bit, checking the time on your laptop. “Turn on your location and stay there. I’ll pick you up”
Chanyeol nodded and hummed from the other line. You quickly ended the call to run to your closet to grab a jacket, and leave the house.
You didn’t know if you were dumb or stupid, but you were sure you were either. 
Why would you suggest picking him up? From a house party? Which you avoided so much with all your might?
When you reached the house that showed up on Chanyeol’s location— which took you 30 minutes to find, you had to pat yourself on your shoulders and remind yourself that you were doing it for a friend, and if you were just gonna walk away, this friend might get in trouble. You inhaled deeply before entering, a pool of evidently alcohol intoxicated bodies welcoming you.
It took you only a few seconds to spot Chanyeol, the only giant in the room. But it took you a few minutes to get to him because as he said, the crowd was pretty nasty.
“Alright time to go home now big buddy, let’s go” you tapped Chanyeol on his forearms, bracing yourself in case he’d stumble and fall.
“Goodbye my friends!” Chanyeol screamed over the booming music from the speakers. “You’re leaving already?” a familiar voice replied, and you realized it was one of your classmates, Max.
You only nodded at him after flashing a small smile. “Are you seriously going Chan? It’s too early! We haven’t been to the fun part yet!” Max said before taking a sip of whatever alcohol from his red cup.
“What fun part? I think I’m just gonna go home, Max” Chanyeol replied, seemingly sobering up a little.
“Oh you know, the fun part! When all the chics get wasted!” your mind was getting hazy at what you heard, and you nearly lost your balance. Your grip on Chanyeol’s sweater got tighter, which made him look at you.
But he didn’t answer Max, instead he turned away. You took that as a signal to go. “Yeol, the door is this way” you told him as you tug on the sleeve of his sweater.
The walk back home was messy. Chanyeol was silent but he was walking in zig zags and you had to hold him up a couple of times because he would fall asleep while walking.
“Y/n?” you hummed in response.
“Nevermind” he replied. Honestly you were nervous, what did he want to say? Is something wrong? But you only let it go.
“Yes Yeol?”
He stopped walking, “Why don’t you ever tell me anything about you?”
“What do you m-mean? I tell you about myself too,” you managed to mumble out.
“No, you don't,” he said in a tone an octave lower.
You held onto his arm again and dragged him with you, “Yeol, you’re drunk let’s go now.” He allowed you to pull him and just walked along, still in zig zags.
When you were in front of his house you took your phone out to call his sister, to help you get him in. You helped him sit down on the chair outside while waiting for her to pick up.
“Y/n, you know I’m not one to pry, right?”
You looked at him in confusion, you slowly nodded. You waited for him to continue.
“But I really have to ask this,” he said as he played with the zipper of his backpack in his hands, not looking at you.
“What is it?” you shivered.
“By any chance, were you from Hyundai Highschool?” he finally looked at you, straight in your eyes.
You didn’t know what to do or what to feel. He was sober now, and you could tell he knew what he was talking about. Many questions were popping in your mind, yet your brain felt empty.  You weren’t able to form anything to say. You only backed away from him, and then ran away.
You went straight to your room, ignoring your father’s attempt to hug you. You fell to the floor the moment you closed the door.
Why did he ask you that?
How did he find out?
Were people talking about you at the party?
Did someone gaslight you at the party, again?
Will he judge you too?
You spent the whole weekend locking yourself up in your room, overthinking about the same things over and over again. You were almost sure someone told him from the party, and he will probably think differently about you now. But you are honestly hoping that he wouldn’t. He’s a good guy, isn’t he? 
Monday came, and you were mentally preparing yourself to talk to Chanyeol while preparing your lunch box. You made sure to go out earlier than usual to wait for him so you could walk to school together, but to no avail. There was no sign of your giant friend going out of the house next to yours. You had to run to school or you would be late for the first period.
When you reached the classroom you looked around but Chanyeol wasn’t there. You caught your breath and sat down quietly on your seat. There was barely 2 minutes left before the first period, and you were worried for Chanyeol.
“Hey Y/n, where’s Chanyeol? You didn’t come together?” one of your classmates asked. You shook your head no, but suddenly the back door opened.
There he is
He took his seat in front of you but he didn’t spare you a smile, not even a glance.
The whole day went by with Chanyeol avoiding you and ignoring your attempts to talk to him. He looked at you at some point, but with sad eyes and a small smile. After that, you decided to give up and let him be.
You know—you think you do, why he was acting that way, and you don’t blame him for it. But you at least need to hear it from him, rather than assume things which could be entirely wrong. 
You didn’t expect him to pull you to the school garden at dismissal, though.
“Y/n. I know I’ve been such a horrible friend today,” he paused. He looked down, avoiding your eyes.
“but I don’t think we should be friends.”
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thatsabae · 6 years
Salus - Chanyeol (mafia!au) | Chapter 1
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genre: romance/drama/angst
summary: The thought of being back home always tormented you, ever since you left. You thought about all possibilities, but not one where your ex-boyfriend would want to be your friend again, just like before all that mess, as if it would be easy to ignore how your heart still races just by seeing him.
prologue |
Later that day, you would remember how it felt looking at Chanyeol again. It felt warm, the same as it always were, but it also felt different. You couldn’t explain it with words. The same way that it was good, looking at his handsome face again, it was dangerous. Dangerous because of how much your heartbeat increased. 
Before Chanyeol had his chance to say his own ‘hi’ back, you felt Minseok’s hand pressing your arm, pulling you behind himself so fast that you had to hold onto him to not fall from your high heels. 
“Don’t!” He whispered, pointing his finger to Chanyeol’s face. You felt the world twisting, leaving you sick. “Stay there”. 
Everyone was shocked at his reaction. The last time they all saw each other, that was not the mood. They were all friends, if not, at least friendly. What could have changed?
“Minseok, what’s wrong with you?” You whisper angrily, trying to hold back your tears, these you couldn’t tell if were for embarrassment or the pain on your heart. “Please, stop, you’re making a scene.” You ask him, pulling his arm but not able to move him. He was so angry, you could feel his arm shaking.
“Don’t dare.” He simply said, in the same tone. The guys were confused, Minseok was not the kind to these reactions. They could expect something like this from anyone else, but never him. Never the smiley and sweet Minseok. He was the one to control everyone else’s temper during negotiations. The softest of them all. 
“Chanyeol…” Baekhyun tried to find words. “What did you do?” 
“What are you guys doing?” Junmyeon asked, his face red. You look at the other side of the saloon and find too many curious looks, staring all the scene he was making. And there’s Maria, worried. What a great first impression. You close your eyes, trying to pretend they do not exist. Breath.
Minseok seems to realize that too, so he put his hands down. 
“Chanyeol?” Baekhyun tried again, catching his attention. 
“I don’t know.” His eyes finally leaving you to stare at his friend. He looks confused. Shocked.
Your hold gets tighter on Minseok’s arm, nails craving on it, and you realize only when his hands force you to lose your grip.
Inspire, expire. No tears. 
He didn’t even know why would Minseok react like this. You take another look at his face, to be sure if he’s being honest and really don’t know or if he is just pretending, so the others wouldn’t ask anymore, making the whole situation get worse. What you see makes the pain grows bigger in your chest. Tears back in your eyes. 
Chanyeol is just as confused as the others.
It’s better like this. Breath, please. 
You can feel the salty flavor in your throat, left there by the tears you didn’t allow to leave your eyes. 
“Minseok, please…” 
“I have no idea what happened, but please, not here. Later.” Junmyeon whispered, with the voice that leaves no open space for any other saying. He was not asking. 
“Can we talk?” You almost miss Chanyeol asking, daring, realizing he was talking to you only because of Minseok’s body tensing again. 
You look at Carla, beside you, scared of how Minseok reacted. She never saw him this angry before, not even in their worst fights. You needed to do something, this was all your fault. You felt like a scared cat, that would do anything to take the next flight back home and hide under the bed. Just like you did these last eight years. 
Forcing a smile, you said: “I would love to talk with you, guys. I missed you all so much.” You look at your old friends' faces, pretending. Seeking help while running from Chanyeol.
Still not prepared for talking with them, you force yourself to walk into that balcony. Too much time spent in the ladies’ restroom, gaining time. You had your answers to most of their possible questions, but they were not good enough. They would never be enough to explain. 
“Where are the others?” 
“I shooed them away” Jongdae answered, rolling the cigarette on his lips. “Thought you wouldn’t be honest if they were here”. 
You chuckle, nervous. 
“What would I lie about, Jongdae?” 
Since when does he smoke?
“So many stuff. Starting from the reason about Minseok’s outbreak?” He offered you his cigarette and shoved it back into his mouth when he declined.
Your lungs were burning. Jongdae has always been the closest to you growing up, so you expected him to be the softest with you with questions. To at least try to be comprehensive.  
“How could I know that? Maybe one of the clients that Chanyeol sent him was a problem”. You felt the need to complete it. “You know how he is. He doesn’t like when his clients are too problematic”. 
“I see. Guess I was wrong, after all”. 
You sigh. 
“What did you thought?” You smile at him, trying to see his smile that you were so used to. It would help you calm down and think straight before answering. 
“That you wouldn’t lie to my face”. 
You had no words to reply, feeling like there was a steel knife on your windpipe. You could only face him the moment he passed through you, leaving behind the smell of his cigarette mixed with his favorite colony and alcohol. He still wore the same colony when you were both teenagers. 
“Are we still friends?” He paused at the door, before opening it and thought about your question. You couldn’t see his face, just his back, broader than how you remembered. Jongdae wasn’t a teenager anymore. 
“You will always be my best friend, no matter what, but it doesn’t look like I’m yours, Y/N. And it’s been a long time.” And he left you alone on the outside. Just you and the breeze. 
You couldn’t help thinking he was right. Before the very ending, he was not your best friend. Not anymore. That was Chanyeol’s position. There were things you just couldn’t talk to Jongdae but were so openly shared with Chanyeol.  At least Jongdae never left you. But you did it. You left him before and after, too. When things got too heavy, you didn’t think twice.
Junmyeon would have to forgive you, but it looked like you wouldn’t handle staying until the marriage day. Not that you felt welcome, anyway. 
You left the balcony too, to find Minseok and leave that party that felt like hell on Earth to you. 
“Good morning, Carla”.
Having breakfast was not something you looked forward to, never, and probably the worst part of your days, but living with two other people made you get used to at least sitting there before the work day start. Created a habit. Talk about useless things, interact. 
“Morning.” Her sad look worried you the same amount that made you feel guilty. Carla was always at her most happy state of mind. You would, very often, envy her. “He left just now. Office stuff to do with Junmyeon. I think he’s meeting Yixing after, at the office, contracts and boring conversations. We’ll have lunch alone today”. 
“I’m sorry. About that mess yesterday”. 
She took a sip of her coffee before looking at you, finally. 
“It’s not your fault, I know. It’s totally his”. 
“Don’t blame Minseok, please. He was just mad.” You try defending your cousin, but you knew this would be pointless. His wife was the most stubborn person you knew. 
“Not Minseok’s. He was right. Excessive? Maybe, but he wasn’t wrong”. 
Your mouth went dry, it was good that you were already seated. That was the first time that Carla made clear she knew, at least a little bit, about the whole mess with Chanyeol. You were the one mad at your cousin now. God have mercy on him because you wouldn’t.
You were not that silly to expect that his wife was still on the dark about it all, but you couldn’t help feeling fooled. You couldn’t even open up about it with Jongdae, or Alec, while Minseok simply told her how heartbroken you got after Chanyeol choose Meri instead of you.
“Will you visit your father today?” She asked, breaking your focus on her plate. You were probably staring it for way too long.
“I.” You started, not interested in keeping a conversation, but the doorbell caught your attention. “I’ll answer it”. 
You did not care who was at the door so early, it didn’t matter. You would thank the person for helping you to get out of there. You were hurt that Carla knew and you were not warned about it. How long did she know? Did she know it was very recently that you had stopped crying over it? Not that the night before counted.
Looking through the peephole, you find Baekhyun standing there, looking impatient and sleepy, as always. You were not in the mood to talk, but you opened the door anyway.
“How did you get inside the building?” 
“I’m an estate agent, don’t forget. I showed this apartment more times than I could remember. They all love me”. 
“You’re not that great if you couldn’t sell it”. 
You give him space to enter, but he didn’t move. 
“Is Minseok here?” He sounds tense, trying to look past you. Maybe afraid of the older one. You smiled. 
“Carla said he just left. Why?” Baekhyun seemed relieved and that worried you. 
“Then let’s go.” He pulled your hand. “Didn’t you say that you would love to chat with us?” His smile was ironic but you ignore it. “That’s your opportunity”. 
“Where are we going?” 
“To our favorite place in this whole big city.” You closed the door behind you, waving bye at Carla, that came to see what was taking so long. “Your father’s restaurant. He’s dying to talk to you”. 
You felt bad for leaving Carla all alone, but you were not ready to have that conversation yet. 
The moment you entered the restaurant, you felt silly for thinking that the ‘he’ Baekhyun mentioned was your father. You really had to make your legs work the moment you saw Chanyeol sitting at the most distant table with Sehun, chatting so casually. Like their world was not falling apart. 
While you waited for the waitress move so you could start walking again, you felt Baekhyun’s hands holding your arm. 
“If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me and we leave, okay? Don’t think I’m doing this because I want to.” He whispered to you. “You need to trust me, Y/N. I’ll always be your friend”. 
At that moment, you realized that Baekhyun knew it too. Of course, he would, Chanyeol and him were like hand and glove before. Things like this wouldn’t change. But there was no time to feel ashamed, you had to face something worst. 
Chanyeol got up so fast, the moment that you reached the table, that the chair would have fallen if Sehun wasn’t too quick holding it. 
Sehun, that wasn’t even legal when you moved, was the first to give you a hug. So tight, that you felt hope, you felt like things could get better. Maybe you could all be friends again, probably not like before, but… friendly.
“I’m glad you’re finally back”. 
You smile at him, trying to show you felt the same. 
“Jongdae didn’t want to come, right?” 
“He is…” Baekhyun tried to find a good excuse. “Busy with paperwork, you know, right? Many houses selling.” You saw on the news about how the market was doing terrible. 
Yeah. You understood. 
“Sehun, why don’t we wait outside?” Baekhyun called the younger. 
“What?” You felt the panic grows in you. “Why?” Realizing by their expressions, you add: “I mean, I thought you both wanted to talk to me too.” 
“We will. After.” Sehun just said, and you had nothing else to say, so they just left, leaving you alone with Chanyeol, except for the staff of the restaurant, getting ready for opening at lunch. 
The restaurant here was not very different from the one in China, that you’ve been administrating since you moved. You tried to make yourself worried about how things were going since you left, but your focus still was on the problem in front of you, literally. 
You sit, upset. Only then you realize that Chanyeol was silent the whole time and that you haven’t heard his voice for almost nine years, except for a few words the night before.
“I heard you are engaged. Jongdae told us last year”. 
Your pride didn’t let you deny. What use would it have? ‘Not anymore, seems like I couldn’t forget my first heartbreak after more than ten years’. 
“Yeah. But we don’t have the day yet”. 
“I’m happy for you. He must be a great guy”. 
“Alec is.” You feel a bitter taste in your tongue. “He’s also a lawyer. Works with Minseok”. 
There was no reason to add that, but you felt the need to. Showing off how great you were. Like you were not pitying yourself since he left you to be with Meri, thirteen years ago. Thinking like this, you felt you should seek help. You chuckle of the idea. 
Abroad, most of the times you didn’t even remember you had a different life, a different lover. It was just sometimes, an old memory that would happen to appear, uninvited. You didn’t need help, you need distance. 
“I’m not sure why Minseok is so angry at me”. 
“Neither do I.” You lie. “But you know how he is. When he’s stressed…” 
Chanyeol just nod, and you both stay silent. Not an awkward silence, but one of those that you know way too many secrets of the other one, so there’s nothing else to be said. 
“That’s what you wanted to say?” 
He looks at your eyes and you know your face is hot and red. Damn. 
“Actually… I just wanted.” He sighs. “I wonder why we are not friends anymore. I want it back”. 
“Oh.” You move uncomfortably in your sit. “I don’t know how to answer this. We never really had a point that we stopped being friends.” We just stopped being lovers. “You just… stopped calling. I know you were in a very bad time, but… You didn’t call me and I was mad…” 
“Give me one chance, to be your friend again. I can’t promise I won’t let you down again, but I promise I will do my best.” Chanyeol sighed and rubbed his eyes. “You have no idea how much I missed you these years. Someone to talk to. The guys… They never understood me like you did”.
He missed me. Like a friend.
“If you wanted to talk so badly, you could have called me, like you used to, before. You had my number. I never changed it”. 
“You know why I stopped calling you, Y/N”. 
He was right. You did. 
You didn’t feel cruel for saying it. He was the one being cruel, talking like it’s easy for you because he felt nothing at all. 
“I don’t.” You lied. “When I left eight years ago, I thought we were still friends.” You lied again, just wanting to hurt him, make him feel guilty. “We have grown now. I guess we must face the truth. We are not friends, and it may have been a lie back then, too”. 
Not wanting to face the cruel truth anymore, you left him and went outside, after Baekhyun. You were done talking and he promised to be your rescuer. Before your memories consummated you more, you needed to get out there.
Hi guys! My original plan was to only post it when the story was finished, but... Change of plans! I hope you guys like it and giving it love <3 
Also, I couldn't find the same gif, so I’ll try this one 😢
@jjong-dae77 @portietomednalynn @xcharlottemikaelsonx
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mgg-81 · 2 years
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Dare by @courageouslyfearless
You, Me, and Coffee by @joonyverse
Lazy Sunday by @breakyeol
Different by @x-woozi
Everything I Wanted by @phangirlof
Midnight Confessions by @phangirlof
Cherry Chapstick by @breakyeol
Mistaken Messages by @lustfuldevils
Chanyeol Is Happy To See You by @softyexo
Kairos by @vvae
Train You Right by @dream-velvet
23:57 by @ukiyoexo
I Need It by @prettyboyshownu
Kings and Queens in Our Own Mind by @armystringsexo
Verboten by @lukai-m
148 notes · View notes
defloey · 2 years
updated stash shot
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2 notes · View notes
sweetjekyll · 4 years
25 Kisses — PCY
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pairing: Park Chanyeol x Aquarius!OC / Reader (first pov) 
genre: birthday au, fluff, domestic life, established relationship, one shot rating: teen and up  warnings: slightly suggestive towards the end but it’s nothing worth tagging 18+  word count: ~1k 
summary: Birthday morning with one of your my favorite tall man
A/N: today is my birthday and I’m finally 25! yay! this piece is 1st pov since I’ve been actually struggling to write any 2nd pov fic recently, since it’s also my birthday I thought I’d indulge myself just this once hehe. anyway, I hope you like it! I miss Chanyeol a lot lately, I hope this helps those who miss him too. ps: I’m not a native english speaker, I think I’ve mentioned this before, but there might be some errors, I did not proof read this!
⟶ To my dear readers: feedback is highly encouraged and important! as it gives me motivation to write with more passion, knowing that you like what you are reading. Please LIKE and REBLOG so more people can find this and read it. ❤ My askbox is always open for questions or to chat ❤
Enjoy! ❤
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Mornings with him were my favorite, despite me hating mornings with a burning passion. I love waking up with his arm draped over me, to the warmth of his body pressed against mine and his soft breath tickling the skin on my neck and shoulder. It’s when I feel the most at peace and it makes me smile absentmindedly. Dreamland cannot compare to waking up in Park Chanyeol’s embrace.
The first kiss he gave me was a very sleepy one, pouty lips caressing my shoulder and slowly moving towards my neck, until he attacked with a loud smooch. Chanyeol knew about that spot just below my ear where I’m most ticklish, and he still went for it to watch me squirm and giggle in his arms, trying to get some distance between our bodies but he never lets me. In the end, I’m always pulled back against him under the bedsheets, until I kiss him back and greet him with a good morning.
“Good morning, beautiful.” It should’ve sounded like a whisper, but it was much deeper when he said it as he wore a content smile while looking back at me with those soft, breathtaking, black eyes.
“Had a good night’s sleep?” I nuzzled the tip of my cold nose in the crook of his neck, returning a kiss to his skin, which was much gentler than his.
“I always sleep well with you next to me…” One of his hands reached out from under the sheets to brush back the mess of hair that was covering my face and I looked up at him; my will to sleep was long gone despite having woken up before the alarm went off.
“That’s so cheesy, but I love it.” Huffing a bit ungracefully, I adjusted my position and laid on my belly, partially leaning against him. One arm was folded on top of his toned chest with my chin resting on top of it.
It appeared as if his smile got wider and brighter when our eyes met again. “Do you know what day it is?”
I furrowed my brows and averted my gaze, thinking hard, but my brain was still coming down from dreamland. It took me a long moment before I remembered, but I shook my head instead. “Why don’t you remind me?” A playful grin caught his attention… he knew me too well.
“Okay, close your eyes,” Chanyeol pointed a finger at me as he bit hit bottom lip, eyebrows slightly raised in a warning, “no peeking!” I did as he said and felt his body shift a little, I could hear his hand reaching out towards the nightstand on his side of the bed. I heard him opening a drawer followed by some rummaging a shuffling, his hand was outstretched so far and in an awkward position that I couldn’t help but peek with one eye. “Hey, I said no peeking!” His chest reverberated with a chuckle when he noticed one of my eyes open, looking in the direction of the drawer.
“Sorry!” I sat up on my knees and covered my face with both of my hands, to allow him take whatever he was looking for without being awkwardly twisted onto the bed. “It’s not like I can see a thing without my glasses on anyway!” I whined, yet still felt excited.
“Happy birthday, baby.” I felt his lips press on my forehead and I removed my hands to see what he had been looking for earlier. He held a black velvet jewelry box, but it was too big to hold a ring. Nonetheless, my mouth fell agape as my pupils darted from his eyes to the box he was holding out to me.
“Loey…” I couldn’t help but bring my hands to my chest and pout my lips in disbelief, tears clouded my eyes.
He quickly pouted his lips too at my reaction. “What— you haven’t seen it yet!” He reached out to gently hold one of my hands and brought it to his lips, kissing my knuckles. “Ready?” He opened the little box, making me gasp and giggle at the sight of a gorgeous golden necklace, the pendant had some tiny diamonds encased in an irregular design. “It’s our zodiac signs connected.”
I looked closer at the pendant and noticed that indeed it resembled two constellations, Sagittarius and Aquarius, blending with each other. The sight of such a thoughtful gift made even more tears rush to my eyes. The panicked expression in Chanyeol’s eyes was quickly replaced by a groan, after I threw my arms around his shoulders and held him close in a tight embrace, lulling him left and right gently. “Thank you, Loey, I love it so much!”
“Wait till you get my second gift!” Chanyeol’s words took me off guard and I looked at him with a puzzled expression.
“There’s more?” I shrieked wide eyed.
He swiftly stole a breathless kiss from me thanks to our close proximity and nodded. “Twenty-five kisses for my love turning 25 today…” mischief was back in those dark eyes of his, yet still shining a joyful light, “And so far I believe I’ve only given you six.” He suddenly snaked his arms behind my back and laid me back down in bed, laughter feeling the intimacy of the room at the crack of dawn.
“When did you start counting them?!” Yet the question was long forgotten after his lips found mine once more, but they didn’t stay there for long…
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fantasiesandbooks · 3 years
Hearts Don't  Break Round Here vii
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I don’t own any of the photos.
word count: 5.2k
Chanyeol x Reader x Sehun
Genre: Angst. Fluff. Romance
Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
It was Friday morning and Chanyeol’s birthday. He had woken up earlier in order to get ready since he still had to go to school. He was standing before the mirror fixing his coat as the first rays of dawn had begun to appear through the window. He had never been a morning person unless there was something or someone really important for him to do the effort of getting out of bed. Nevertheless, every day since you two had been a couple, he had woken up on a lighter mood and he even had made the firm conviction of getting ready in record time so he could have a few minutes with you before heading for the institute. Once he finished and took his bag, he bent over to caress Toben’s head.
“Today is my birthday, pal. It’s gonna be the first one you will gonna spend with me”. The puppy seemed to understand him as it started to lick his hand.
Chanyeol chuckled at the dog’s displays of affection “Come on” he said as he picked him up. “I’m going to take you to Jongin”.
They were walking out of the boy’s bedroom when Chanyeol saw his mother approaching. “Chanyeol” His mother said. She was surprised at encountering his son in the hall.
“Good morning mum” He looked at her with a mix of confusion and puzzlement on his face.
“Why are you up so early?” His mother asked.
“I’m going to school” Chanyeol said matter of factly. “It’s Friday, remember?”
“I know” His mother said “I asked you that because you are never up at this hour” she pointed out.
“I am trying to be more punctual” Chanyeol remarked although the school wasn’t the main reason for it.
“Oh! I’m glad for you darling” She said as she pulled her robe tighter around herself.
“Were you coming to see me?” Chanyeol asked as he was stroking Toben’s head.
“I wanted to wake you up and be the first one on congratulating you but I guess Nana won me” Her mother said a little disappointed. Chanyeol smiled at seeing her mother frowning. -A thing she would always do when she was upset.-
He came closer towards her “She hasn’t come over” he said and left Toben on the ground.
“You could still be the first one” Chanyeol offered as a big smile formed on his mother’s lips.
“Oh my boy!” She hugged him as Chanyeol leaned his head over hers slightly. “Happy birthday! I can’t believe you are 18 now” she said choking a sob. The tall boy couldn’t contain his laughter at his mother’s reaction. “Mum, why are you crying?. I have just gotten one year older”.
The woman broke the hug and slapped him in the arm “Don’t laugh at me” she said slightly annoyed “I can’t help but remember the first time I hold you in my arms and now you are so tall and grown up”.
“You have been telling me that since I turned 15” Chanyeol laughed.
Her mother scoffed as she wiped her teary eyes. “Well, you are going to be my baby until the day I die” She said and cupped his cheek tenderly.
Chanyeol smiled widely “Remember that when you want to scold me”.
Her mother laughed at his response.
In that moment, your grandmother was climbing up the stairs. When she reached the upper floor she turned to looked at them surprised.
“Ah! Mrs. C/m/n, Mr. Chanyeol. What are you doing here?” Nana asked them.
“He was on his way for school Nana” Chanyeol’s mother said.
“So early?” Nana looked at him curiously. “In the past few days I have noticed that you are leaving for school earlier than you used to. What is the cause of that?”.
“I’m trying to be a better student” Chanyeol shrugged. His mother and Nana exchange glances, wondering if that was the only thing behind the boy’s behavior.
“Ok then” Nana said as she walked towards him and stood slightly on her tiptoes to squeezed Chanyeol’s cheeks “Happy birthday my sweet boy!”.
“Thanks Nana” Chanyeol mumbled as he was looking at the old lady smiling in front of him. She let go of his face and embraced him in a tight hug.
“You still are quite strong” The boy said to the older lady as he released a breath and hugged her tiny frame.
“Well, I have to. Otherwise, you and my grandchildren would have me in a grave already” Nana said playfully.
“Oh!” Chanyeol feigned being hurt by her words as he clutched at his heart dramatically “I could never do that”. Your grandmother and Chanyeol’s mother laughed at his antics.
Chanyeol grinned and picked up Toben again “Well, if you will excuse me. I will leave Toben with Jongin and then head out for school”. He said and proceeded to rush down the stairs.
“Be careful!. And don’t forget to be here after school for your celebration” Her mother said loudly, looking at him from the railing.
“I won’t. See you” Chanyeol yelled as he turned over the corner and disappeared.
You were standing next to a tree near the forest. The cold breeze was blowing against your face and the remnants of fog and mist from dawn were slipping through your legs causing you to shiver. From that spot the garden and the kitchen’s back door were still visible. You were looking around, trying to caught a glimpse at the other possible roads Chanyeol could have taken in order to meet you without getting caught. -there weren’t a lot of places in which you and him could go around hand in hand, mainly due to the fact that your relationship was a secret. -
The last time you checked the hour on the clock before leaving the manor it marked 07 am, which meant that you could only be with your boyfriend for 15 minutes or less before he had to go to class and you to get ready for work. Boyfriend. Even after five days since you and Chanyeol had started dating you were having a little bit of trouble with getting use to call or think of him like that. Only five people knew about it; Baekhyun, Junmyeon, Jongdae, Kate and your brother of course.
Jongin was having trouble with coming to terms with the idea that you and his best friend-almost brother were dating. When you and Chanyeol told him about it, he didn’t seemed upset but he wasn’t ecstatic either. You could notice that every time the three of you were in the same space and Chanyeol wanted to display his affection towards you, whether it was holding hands or putting his arm over your shoulder to pull you closer, your brother will look the other way or walk a few meters away from you, which in all honesty, made you uncomfortable as well.
You even had to talk to Chanyeol about refraining from doing such things in front of him. He didn’t like the idea much but once he saw his best friend on the threshold of having a mental breakdown after he gave you a kiss on your cheek, he decided to stop torturing him.
Why is he taking so long? You thought as you rubbed your hands together to keep them warm.
You were looking at your feet when you heard the bark of a dog and lift up your gaze only to see Chanyeol running in your direction with Toben in his arms.
“I’m so sorry” He said panting when he stood in front of you.
“It’s ok” You said. “What took you so long? And why you bring Toben with you?” You stretched out your hands so he could handed you the puppy. He put it in your arms and the dog started to sniffled your hair.
“My mom and Nana” He said between breaths “They wanted to congratulate me and I was on my way to leave Toben with your brother”.
“Ah, That’s right.” You said “Happy birthday!”.
“What?! Just like that?” Chanyeol said indignantly “I have expected a hug at least” He frowned at you and you laughed.
“Well, I could have given you one if it wasn’t because I am holding your dog in my arms” You retorted.
“Leave him on the ground” Chanyeol said. “If you told him to sit he will listen to you. He listens to everyone but me” The tall boy said bitterly as the puppy barked at him.
You snorted at his comment. “Ok Toben” you said as you put the puppy down. The little dog was looking at you with full attention “Sit” You signaled him and he put his back legs and tail on the ground.
“Such a good boy!” You cooed at him as you stoked his head.
“See? I told you” Chanyeol pointed at him.
You laughed at your boyfriend’s grumpy face. “Ok, come here big boy” You smiled widely at him and opened your arms to hug him.
You couldn’t do it properly though since your arms weren’t as longer as his.
“I am not a boy” Chanyeol complained “I’m a man now” He stood as proudly as he could since you have him caged in between your arms.
“You should act more like it then” You said teasingly.
“You are quite mean, you know that?” Chanyeol squinted at you.
You chuckled “And yet you have said you love me”.
“Yeah, sometimes the choices I make are not the right ones” Chanyeol said teasingly and you smacked his chest. The tall boy laughed at your reaction as you released him.
“You are so rude. Toben and I will go now since we are not really appreciated here”. You said indignantly and hold the puppy in your arms.
“You started it” Chanyeol snorted.
“It was a joke” you pointed out.
“Mine too” He said.
You frowned at him. He was looking at you with his big and expectant eyes when you came closer to him and stood on your tiptoes, giving him a peck on his lips.
Chanyeol got startled at your action but a smile appeared on his lips. “What was that for?”
“Only because it is your birthday” You stated and he laughed.
“Have a good day at school” You said and strode back towards the house.
“Are you going to be present at my birthday dinner?” Chanyeol asked out loud.
“Maybe” you yelled without turning to look at him.
The boy scoffed and ran towards you. He snaked his arms around you, making you yelp in response.
“You better be” He said in a low voice. He crashed his lips against your cheek and took off running in the direction of the main entrance without given you the chance to reply.
You smiled in amusement “Your owner is crazy” you said to the dog and he barked in response as if confirming what you just have said.
You entered the house through the back door of the kitchen and saw Jongin coming your way with a bisquet in hand.
“Morning Jong” You said as you closed the door behind you.
“Morning” he muffled, the corners of his mouth decorated with crumbs. You put Toben on the floor and took off your cloak. The puppy went straight towards your brother and he crouched down to pet the dog’s head.
“Are you going to stay for breakfast?” You asked him while you were hanging the cape on the coat rack.
“I had breakfast already” He said. “Mom served me first”.
“Do you have a lot of work?” You turned to look at him.
“More or less” He answered and stood up straight. “But I need to finish it earlier since Chanyeol wants me to be on his dinner celebration”.
You hummed in understanding “Well that makes two of us. He was very clear when he told me he wanted me to be there”.
“Yeah, guess he can’t let his girlfriend out of it” Jongin said nonchalantly and you looked at him baffled.
“Shh...” You urged him. “Don’t say that here. Someone could listen” You said to him angrily.
“Calm down. There’s no one here” Jongin said dismissively. “Anyway, I have to go now”. The brown haired boy walked pass beside you and headed for the door.
“Wait!” You said as he turned around to look at you “Take Toben with you. Mrs. Patmore is gonna go crazy if she finds him here”.
“Fine” Jongin said. “But tell Chanyeol his debts are accumulating”.
“You can tell him yourself when you see him” you said as you were putting your apron..
“Come on Toben” Jongin called him and the puppy went after him without a second thought.
As you saw them leaving and closing the door behind them, you began to feel the stress for all the things you’ll have to do before 07:00 pm. It’s gonna be a long day you thought grimly and you decided to get down to work.
“So, what are we going to eat?” Baekhyun asked Chanyeol as they were walking through the manor’s gates.
“Pasta and Nana’s special fried chicken” The tall boy answered him as he was rummaging through his bag in search for his keys.
“Uh! Sounds good to me” Baekhyun said enthusiastically. “Could you get hurry? I’m starving”.
“Seriously?. It has only been two hours since the last time you ate something” Chanyeol stated.
“Yeah, that’s a lot of time” Baekhyun pointed out. “And it was just a package of cookies”. The other boy shook his head disapprovingly and opened the door, letting his friend going in first.
The boys walked across the vestibule and found Mr. Carson coming out of the dining room. “Ah! Mr. Park” The old man said as he looked at the boy and his companion.
“Hello Carson” Chanyeol greeted the man and his friend followed him.
“Mr. Byun”. The man bowed his head slightly.
“Let me congratulate you for your birthday Sir” Carson smiled and opened his arms to gave him a hug.
Chanyeol grinned at him and walked towards the old man.
“Thank you Carson” The tall boy said “Don’t forget you owe me a domino game for my birthday”.
“Like every year Sir” Carson remembered. “I hope you have improved those skills”.
“You’ll see” Chanyeol smirked at him and the man laughed.
“May I have your coats and backpacks?” The man stretch out his hands so they could give him the things.
“Is there anyone in the dining room?” Chanyeol asked as he was taking off his coat.
“No. Your mother had already eaten and your father left shortly after you.” Carson answered. Chanyeol nodded.
He and Baekhyun handed their belongings to him.“Thank you Carson” Both boys said at unison.
“A pleasure gentlemen” The man said. “I will tell Emy or one of the other girls to fetch your food”.
“Carson, is Y/n in the house?” Chanyeol asked him.
“She is in the kitchen” Carson said. “Do you want me to call her?” He looked at the boy with a weirded out expression. “No no. It’s ok” Chanyeol rushed to say “I just thought she might be going out. You know, to do some errands and stuff”.
He cleared his throat and Baekhyun looked at him quizzically.
“I believed Mrs. Patmore said no one could leave the kitchen today. They have been working since morning, preparing for your birthday dinner” The man explained.
“Ah well, thank you for letting me know” Chanyeol said.
“If you will excuse me” Carson said and walked out of the room.
“So, how are things with you two love birds?” Baekhyun asked teasingly.
Chanyeol nudged him “Don’t say that here!” He urged him.
Baekhyun grimaced and rubbed his chest “Why?. There’s no one here except for us”.
“That doesn’t matter. There’s a lot of people walking around this house. If someone find out about y/n and...” Chanyeol was saying when your grandmother came into the room with Emy following her footsteps.
They were carrying two strays with food for the boys.
“Y/n what?” Nana asked, her eyes landing on Chanyeol.
The black haired boy and his friend looked at the women in shock. “What?” Chanyeol stuttered.
“You were say something about her” Your grandma insisted as she walked across the room and set the plates on the table.
“Ah Nana! I’m so glad to see you” Baekhyun cut in and threw his arms in the air excitedly.
“Hello Mr. Baekhyun” Your grandmother said and smiled at him. Baekhyun walked to her and embraced her in a big hug.
“Oh!” Your grandma squeaked as she felt his strong grip and tapped his arms so he could released her.
Emy suppressed a laughed as she looked at the scene standing next to Chanyeol.
“Sorry Nana” Baekhyun apologized.
“It’s ok boy” She said “Just next time please contain your enthusiasm a little bit”.
The brown haired boy nodded and Chanyeol tried to divert the conversation rapidly “Ah Emy! So sorry we didn’t greet you properly. How rude of us.”
“It’s ok Mr. Park” the girl said and gave him a shy smile.
“This is my friend Baekhyun” The tall boy said “He’ll be joining us for dinner too”.
“It’s a pleasure lady Emy” Baekhyun said and bowed slightly at her.
She looked at him amused “Likewise Mr. Baekhyun”.
“You don’t have to call me Mister. Baekhyun is just fine” The boy said and smiled widely at her.
“Thank you. I’ll remember it next time” The girl said.
“Enough chatting both of you!” Your grandma said “You should eat now before the food gets cold”.
The old lady walked towards the entryway as she was saying some things to Emy, who didn’t listen as she stood on her place looking at Baekhyun.
“Emy!” Nana yelled “Come on girl! We still have lots of things to do” she hurried the girl to follow her.
“Sorry Mrs. Y/L/N” She said embarrassed “Excuse me” she said to the boys and walk out the room quickly. Chanyeol shocked his head in amusement.
“What a lovely gi...” Baekhyun started to say when his cut him off.
“Don’t start” Chanyeol warned him.
“What? She’s pretty” Baekhyun countered back. “Looks like it is a requirement to be beautiful in order to get a job around here”.
The tall boy snorted. “As I told you before, I don’t think the employees appearance is something I have the right to comment on”. He said and took a seat. “Let’s just eat, shall we?”.
Baekhyun mimicked him and started eating.
A few hours later the guests started to arrive. The majority of them were grown-ups, friends and acquaintances of Chanyeol’s parents. Some had brought their sons and daughters so they could justify their presence at the event.
“I don’t know half the people that are here, do you?” Baekhyun whispered at his friend when he approached him.
Everyone was wearing their best suits and dresses. Chanyeol and Baekhyun not being the exception. The tall boy was feeling very uncomfortable at seeing all of the things and people gathered around. -At first, he had insisted to his parents to call off the party, saying that he didn’t want to spend his night with a lot of strangers and that he would prefer to use the money spend on it to pay to the hole household employees for another couple of months. Maybe his father’s businesses could get better and they wouldn’t have to move. - Obviously that idea was immediately dismissed by them saying that it was Chanyeol’s grandmother the one who was paying for it and also that it was important for him to get to know some of the doctors they had invited if he wanted to escalate in his career quickly.
Most of the night Chanyeol had been dragged around the big room greeting every person his parents would consider “interesting to talk to”. It wasn’t until his grandmother arrived that he could find a way out of those hedious conversations and making up that he was going to greet her.
“Me neither” Chanyeol said quietly “and the ones that I have met are as dull as a wall”.
“Didn’t you say Jongin and y/n would be here?” Baekhyun asked him. “I don’t recall seeing them all night”.
“They were supposed to” Chanyeol said “I haven’t look for them since my parents don’t give me a break”.
In that moment Jongin appeared through the doors of the hall. He was wearing the same suit Chanyeol had given him for the ball and had his hair flawlessly done. He spotted the other boys and went to join them.
Baekhyun greeted him and Chanyeol asked him “Are you just arriving?”.
“Yes. It is a mess down there and Mrs. Patmore went frantic when someone told her there would be 20 more people at the dinner. Nana told me to help them and I could barely escape”
“And have you seen y/n?” Baekhyun asked your brother.
“She’s still helping the others” Jongin answered “Mrs. Patmore said that none of the kitchen staff would leave until the party is over”.
Chanyeol sighed in frustration. He wanted to see you and by the looks of it this people weren’t planning on going anytime soon.
Emy and you were walking among the guests gathered around the hall. You and the rest of the other staff members were already tired from going back and forth between the kitchen and the ballroom with trays of food and drinks. You could see Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jongin at the other end of the room.
All night you haven’t seen your boyfriend until now due to you being busy attending the guests.
As much as you wanted to be with them you were also dreaming for this night to come to and end as soon as possible.
“I can believe they are still here.” Muttered Emy next to you. She was carrying a tray with wine glasses and looked as exhausted as you probably look too. “It’s 11:30 pm and look at them!” “I know” You said tiredly. “But what can we do?. Mrs. Patmore order us to come and help the boys up here”.
“Hey Miss!” A boy signaled Emy to go where he and a couple of other boys were standing to get another glasses.
“I’m starting to think about how wonderful would it be if someone choked on food or something so they can wrap it up” She said to you in a low voice and started walking. You smiled and shook your head, trying to contain the laugh of it.
“Good evening” Emy said the boys and offered them the tray so they could grab the glasses fill with liquid and put the empties on it.
“You know, I didn’t know the Parks have such pretty girls working for them” The boy that called her before said. He was taller, had blond hair and a smug face that was appealing to punch.
“Maybe you would want to hang out some time?” He asked Emy.
The girl smiled uncomfortably “We aren’t allow to date with the bosses’ friends, Sir. Now if you excuse, I will check on the other guests.”
The boy snorted and grabbed Emy’s free hand harshly making her turn.
“I won’t say anything if you don’t” He gave her a cat-like smile. “Ehemm…” You cleared your throat when you approached all of them.
“Would you like to give me your empty glasses, gentlemen?” You asked with a fake smile.
At seeing you the boy let go of Emy’s hand and looked intently at you. “We are fine” One of the other boys said.
“Seems like you have had enough” You said without faltering your smile.
“He told you we are fine” The blond boy said to you flatly. “I think I have seen you before” He said after scanning you over with his eyes. “Weren’t you the girl that dance with Chanyeol at the ball?”.
Your fake smile disappear and you pursed your lips into a fine line. You were taken aback by his comment but you knew you couldn’t give yourself away.
“You’re wrong, Sir. I could never go to one of your balls” You said confidently.
“What’s going on here?” Chanyeol’s voice sounded behind you.
Everyone landed their eyes on him, Baekhyun and Jongin that had just arrived following his friend’s footsteps.
“Ah! It’s the birthday boy” The blonde boy said out loud, causing some of the people around to stare at all of you.
“Let me congratulate you properly, bud” He said and took Chanyeol’s right hand, pulling from it so the other boy could approach and embraced him. Chanyeol cringed at the action and released himself from the boy’s arms.
“Such a nice party you threw here. Delicious food, excellent music although it’s quite dull for my taste but hey! we can bear it as long as there are a lot of beautiful women around here.” The boy gestured at the big room. “I mean, even the servants you got here are quite a delight for the eyes”.
You gave him a stern look while Emy turned her gaze the other way uncomfortable. Your brother and the others boys seemed as if they were ready to jump at him.
“Don’t bother them! They don’t need to put up with your stupidity, Billy.” Chanyeol said to him harshly.
Billy snorted “Come on Chanyeol, we are all friends here!” He opened his arms widely. “I’m just stating the facts. Isn’t that the reason why you were with this one at the ball?”. He pointed a finger at you.
“You are delusional” Chanyeol scoffed. “And drunk”
Billy took a step forward to get closer to the tall boy and said in a low voice “Am I? What would your parents say if they knew you are hanging out with the service staff?”.
Chanyeol clenched his jaw. His eyes shooting daggers at the boy.
“You know” Billy said to Baekhyun and Chanyeol “You are not very different from us. After all, you also look for fun even if you only can find it with them”. He said the last word despicably.
You were ready to slap his face but Chanyeol’s fist landed first on his face. Everyone look at the scene in utter shock. The people around turning to see what the ruckus was about. Chanyeol was breathing rapidly. Billy was on the ground and his friends were helping him getting up. His lower lip was bleeding and his eyes were livid with rage. He wiped the trail of blood from it and lunched himself forward only to be held back by Baekhyun and Jongin.
“My god! What is happening here?” Chanyeol’s mother said at seeing all the commotion.
“Chanyeol!” She said astonished.
“Let me go!” Billy grunted at the boys.
“Billy!” Another woman came through the circle of people gathered around.
“Oh my goodness! Are you okay?” The woman said as she was grabbing his face. “My boy!” She said in distress.
“Ahg, get off me mom!” Billy said and shook his head.
“What did you do to him?” Billy’s mother looked angry at Chanyeol.
“He got mad because I said he has been hanging around with the servants” The blonde boy accused him.
“Chanyeol?” Chanyeol’s mother looked at him worryingly “What is he talking about?”
“Nonsense, mom” Your boyfriend told her “Look at him! He’s drunk and he has been acting like a jerk the whole night”.
“Ahg…” Billy’s mother scoffed at hearing that “He might have drunk tonight but my son is very well mannered and an example for all young men. Something you should learn from him”.
“Yeah, right” Kyungsoo, who was standing in the circle next to Chanyeol, snorted. “That is why he got detention for two weeks at school”.
Everyone looked at him and Kyungsoo’s mother pinched his hand. “What?” He said to her in a low voice.
Billy’s mother cleared her throat “Lets go son! We don’t need to be around this awful people” She said eyeing scornfully at Chanyeol and the rest of you.
“You are not welcome here” Chanyeol said.
“Chanyeol, be quiet!” Chanyeol’s mother ordered him angrily.
“This is not over Park” Billy said as his mother was dragging him out of the room, his friends behind them.
“I’m so sorry for this scene” Chanyeol’s mother said at all the people there.
“My family and I appreciate that you have come to spend this special day with us and I hope we could just forget about this” She said and turned to look at Chanyeol with hard eyes. “As it is already late, we will end this party hoping that you have had a wonderful evening regardless this incident”.
Little by little the room was getting emptied. Some people approached Chanyeol’s mother to reassure her. “That’s how boys are like” they would said to her whereas others would give her and his son judging stares.
“He totally deserved it” Kyungsoo said in a low voice to Chanyeol. The tall boy gave him one-side smile.
“Kyungsoo!” His mother pressed him as they were walking to exit the room.
Chanyeol’s mother looked at all the mess and sighed. She turned to look at you and Emy, both standing awkwardly in the now almost empty room. “Girls, tell the others to come and clean this mess please.
“Yes Mrs.Park” You said in unison. Emy walked as fast as she could to get of there. You wanted to looked at Chanyeol, see if he was alright although you doubt that. But you knew that would only look suspicious so you refrain from it and walked behind Emy”.
“Y/n” Chanyeol’s mother called you. You turned around to look at her “Please bring me a cup of chamomile tea to the studio” She said as she started rubbing her temples. “And tell Emy to come with you. I want to talk to you two”
You looked at her with some concern but you were trying to seem calmed. “Yes ma’am” You said and exited the room.
“Jongin you should go with them too” The woman said to him.
The brown haired boy nooded and put a hand over his friend’s shoulder as a way of saying him “good luck”.
“Goodnight” He said to Chanyeol’s mother and she nodded at him.
“Baekhyun!” A woman called for him. It was his mother that was entering the room. “I heard what happened in here. I’m sorry for you C/m/n” She said and put a hand over Chanyeol’s mother’s hand. “Thank you B/m/n” Chanyeol’s mom said.
“We should go now. Your father must be waiting for us outside” Baekhyun’s mother said.
“Ok but before that, Mrs. Park what Chanyeol said is true, Billy has always been nasty to people and he was…” The boy got interrupted by Chanyeol’s mother.
“Baekhyun, I understand you want to defend Chanyeol but his actions tonight were awful and they have consequences”.
She looked at his son for the first time since everyone left and sighed “Wait until your father finds out if he doesn’t know already”.
She was visibly mad but also there was tiredness in her voice.
Baekhyun grimaced at his friend.
“Lets go” Baekhyun mother urged him to walk to the door.
“Goodnight” Chanyeol’s mother said to them.
Chanyeol looked at his hands. The nuckles from the one he used to punched Billy were getting swollen.
He knew a lot of punishments and his father being angry at him were waiting ahead but the only thing he could do for now was to let out a resigned sigh and followed his mother into the studio.
Hello lovely readers! Sorry for being absent but I had been caught up with work and school. Thank you for the support and the love.There will be two parts of this chapter since tumblr isn't letting me to publish it fully , this is the first one and I hope you will enojy it.  I’ll come up with the next one as soon as possible . If you have any comments regarding this chapter  feel free to send me a message. It is always nice to read you and it would help me a lot. Take care of yourselves and I hope you are getting ready for the holidays ^^
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kjmcotton · 1 year
Hello I have a Chanyeol reidor you 😅
Okay so you know who the boys volunteer at an orphanage?? Okay so the request is this……..
Chanyeol haves been helping at the orphanage for a few years and he meet some who volunteer there too than they become friends and eventually start dating they both were close to a little boy they both meet when he was a baby and the boy haves always reject meeting people claiming he already have a family telling people who wants to adopt him that Chanyeol and reader are his parents. They both found out that the boy wants to be adopted by them so they agreed and they decide to surprise him. ( you can as the rest of exo if you like) You can reject this request if your don’t like it it’s fine :)
A good action can change your life | Pcy
Park Chanyeol x fem!reader
Plot:Chanyeol loves volunteering at the Nam Children’s Home,but he doesn’t know that it will change his life
Author’s notes:here we go with another Pcy story!! To make it easy I had to use the 3rd person narrator,I hope that it’s not a problem and that you will enjoy this story as much as I did♡
Tumblr works with reposts:if you enjoyed my story please repost and leave a feedback! Help me growing!♡
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“As long as he’s happy,I’m happy too”
With his guitar on the shoulder and a bag full of candies,Chanyeol opened the door of the Kang Nam Children’s Home. As soon as the kids had spotted him they happily yelled his name and ran towards him.
“Chanyeol! Chanyeol!” they chanted,surrounding the boy. Someone even held onto his arms to be lifted up by their favourite volunteer.
The boy smiled as he put down his guitar, giving away the candies he had brought with him.
“Have you prepared the songs for today?” Bora,the most talkative and less shy out of all the kids,grabbed Chanyeol’s hoodie with a witty smile on her lips
“Of course I did! Are you ready for today’s concert?”
“Yay! Concert!” the kids chanted again,sitting around Chanyeol,who started singing and playing a few songs they had requested him during their latest day together.
That was what the sweet guy had been doing for the past years:bringing happiness in the lives of the kids whom,for a reason or another,had been pushed to the margins of the society by unqualified parents.
Chanyeol was a music teacher at the Kyodong Elementary School so he knew how to behave with kids,and loved them;that was why,during his free time,he would volunteer at the orphanage.
In return his beloved babies would make drawings and biscuits for him.
Chanyeol considered all of them his kids,but there was one child who was particularly loved by the brunette.
His name was Ha-Eun,which meant great summer in korean,he was the last one arriving at the orphanage at the age of one,after he had been abandoned by his mother. Growing up,Eun was quiet and shy:he wouldn’t talk to anyone,not the kids,nor the teacher,or the volunteers. He would stay on his own,playing with the same teddy bear he had arrived with. Mrs. Kim,the teacher,was extremely sad because she didn’t know how to integrate him in the community and one day she opened up with Chanyeol.
Since then,the boy tried everything to help the woman;until,by accident,he had found the right key:his guitar. Apparently,Eun loved singing,so,after every concert,Chanyeol would accompany him wit the instrument,letting the kid sing his favourite songs.
Eun started developing deep love and trust for Chanyeol,who lead him into playing with other kids. Now Eun was a happy three year old with a beautiful voice.
However,the guy wasn’t the only one the kid loved and trusted with his dear life. There was also another volunteer,Y/n,who had been able to collect his trust through music.
Just like Chanyeol,she was a musician,a violinist to be precise,so she would play her instrument to the kids. And just like with Chanyeol,Eun would ask her to play with him after every performance.
The most beautiful part of this? The two artists met each other and decided to play together.
She saw Chanyeol for the first time on an Wednesday evening,she had just finished her university classes when she decided to stop by and greet the kids. She didn’t expect him to be there,playing his guitar with a beautiful smile on his lips.
“You’re a great guitarist. I’m Y/n by the way,I volunteer here, just like you” she introduced herself to the boy after his short concert
“Thank you,I’m Chanyeol. Do you play any instrument?”
“I’ve been playing the violin since I was five. If you’d like you can watch me playing here next week”
“I’d love to” the boy smiled,shaking her hand
A few days later Y/n saw him there,watching her playing with shiny eyes. She couldn’t imagine it,but right in that moment she collected his heart.
The boy thought he was witnessing a rare event:an angel fallen from heaven to brighten up the life of those kids.
His eyes were fixed on her gentle features:lashes shut as her chin was resting on the violin,while her hand was caressing its chord through the arc. The melody spreading in the room was a lullaby to Chanyeol’s years,a work of kind art…as kind as Y/n’s soul.
Everyone clapped at the end of her performance and the brunette stood up to compliment the girl:
“You’re amazing,I’d like to play with you sometimes” he smiled,excited
“I’d love to” she replied
That was how they exchanged their phone numbers and started chatting. At the beginning all they talked about was the concert they were organising for the kids,but after that they simply talked,getting more and more intimate with each other.
They started meeting after work or classes,they would sip a cup of coffee together and play at Chanyeol’s studio. They even wrote a song for the kids,who obviously loved the performance.
Mrs. Kim was extremely happy:the orphans kept asking for Chanyeol and Y/n everyday,so their visits at the Nam Children’s Home increased,going from once a week to two or three.
They even held the “Out of town day”:once a month they would take from two to four kids out from the orphanage to spend some time together.
The first time they drove four children to the seaside,the second three to the pool and the third time four at the amusement park. During that trip Ha-Eun was there,same for Bora.
“I want cotton candy! I want cotton candy!” the little girl pointed at the small stand in front of her
“Okay,okay-Y/n smiled-anyone else wants it?”
“Me!” Minhyuk and Jieun exclaimed at the same time,so Y/n nodded and walked with them towards the nice woman who was selling the sweets.
“Don’t you want some cotton candy?” Chanyeol bent down to reach Ha-Eun’s eight,but the kid shook his head
“I don’t want it” he replied,while the brunette fixed his orange jacket with a gentle movement
“And what do you want then?”
“That” Eun pointed at a giant dinosaur hanging on a shooting stall
“Oh…well we can give it a try” Chanyeol smiled,holding Eun’s hand to walk towards the stand
“How do I get that dinosaur?” he asked to the man already preparing his air gun
“Seven lines of cans shot without missing one bullet”
The guy and the little kid exchanged a look,while Y/n reached them with her other little friends
“What’s up with you boys?”
“Gotta haunt dinosaurs” Chanyeol gave a look to the giant stuffed animal
“I don’t even know if that fits in the car to be honest” she blinked confused
“But I want it!! It’s so cool!!” Eun grabbed the sleeve of her jacket
“We’ll use the trunk I guess. As long as he’s happy,I’m happy too” he said,starting shooting
Y/n’s heart melted at those words. No one in that world loved Eun or any other kid like Chanyeol did. His family will be lucky,she thought.
“I wanna see him-Eun stretched out his arms asking Y/n to lift him up. She did so,holding Bora’s wrist with her free hand-Minhyuk please give a look to Jieun,you’re the oldest. I trust you” she smiled at the ten year old kid,who nodded
“Yes ma’am!” he exclaimed,staying with the four year old girl while Y/n was busy with Eun and Bora.
In the meantime Chanyeol’s eagle eye wasn’t missing a shot
“Yeol is amazing!!” Eun clapped,looking at the boy who was half into his mission.
A few minutes later the giant dinosaur was dragged here and there by Eun,whose lips were curved in a proud smile.
“You’ve got so many hidden talents. I wonder what’s next” Y/n said,making Chanyeol blush
“Who knows” he shook his shoulders,holding Eun’s dinosaur by the tail:when he had said that they would’ve needed the trunk to bring that stuffed animal home he wasn’t lying. It was taller than any of the kids.
“I wanna hang out with you again!!” the child jumped,hugging his new toy
“We will,don’t worry sweetheart” Y/n smiled.
Later on,a few kids left the orphanage. Minhyuk’s adoption process had reached its end,so he was sent out by Mrs. Kim. The same happened with Bora and a few more children:Kyungmi,Sanghun,Shin,Yoora and Dungyul. New kids arrived and just a few of the old ones remained,one of them was Ha-Eun.
Y/n had just said goodbye to one more adopted child when Mrs. Kim asked to talk to her in private
“What is it?” the girl demanded,interweaving her arm with one of the old lady while walking along the beautiful garden of the children house
“I didn’t want to tell you,but there’s nothing else I can do. The situation it’s getting serious”
The volunteer was now worried
“What is it?” she furrowed her eyebrows
“A few families wanted to adopt Ha-Eun,but he rejected all of them. I tried to convince him to leave,but he wouldn’t stop crying and screaming saying that he wants to stay here with you and Chanyeol. He claims you two are his parents,the only ones he wants”
At those words Y/n’s heart shattered:how could that be possible? It couldn’t. Ha-Eun was already five year old,so he had to find a family and live a beautiful life away from the orphanage.
“And…what am I supposed to do?” the girl demanded,holding back her tears
“I think you and Chanyeol should talk to Ha-Eun and convince him to leave. There’s a good family who wants to adopt him:the woman is a teacher at kindergarten. She can’t have children but she loves them,while her husband is a lawyer. They live in a beautiful house outside Seoul and they have a sweet dog. I’m sure Eun will live an happy life with them”
After the chat with the teacher Y/n promised her she would’ve fixed everything,but it wasn’t that simple to have such a talk to Chanyeol.
Y/n was so hurt that it took her days before confessing what was going on to the guy,whom,on the other hand,had something else to confess.
It had been years since he had fallen in love with Y/n so,one night,while walking her home after a day spent together,he decided to confess his feelings.
Once they arrived in front of her house,the boy took a deep breath:
“We need to talk” he said.
“What is it?” at the beginning Y/n was scared:last time she had heard those words she had found out that Eun didn’t want to leave the orphanage.
“It’s…hum…well…” the brunette mentally cursed himself. He wasn’t ten anymore,how could he be so embarrassed?
“With your own words” Y/n joked,smiling. Chanyeol melted in front of that sight. She was so dreamy,he must had been privileged to know her.
He gulped,stepping closer to Y/n;she could feel his warm breath caressing her skin in that cold night of November.
“So?” she asked again
Chanyeol didn’t reply,he simply cupped her face with an hand and kissed her. Her lips were soft. Shivers went along his body while the guitar slid down from his shoulder.
On the other hand,Y/n’s heart was beating so fast she thought it would leave her body. She had never realised how much she loved Chanyeol before that moment.
“I love you. I didn’t know how to tell you,so I preferred showing you” he whispered
Y/n couldn’t take off her eyes from him. Without even thinking twice she grabbed the cloth of his jacket and kissed him again.
What to Chanyeol seemed a mountain ended up to be a simple jump;however the worst was yet to come.
The two love birds didn’t even have the time to enjoy the flowers of love blossoming that they had to find a way to handle Eun’s situation.
They both tried to convince the kid,but he was unshakable:he would’ve never left with someone that wasn’t Chanyeol and Y/n,it didn’t matter if they promised they would’ve visited him often.
Chanyeol’s heart became heavy:he spent days thinking about Ha-Eun and the future he refused to live just because of him and his girlfriend. He had never been so sad in his entire life.
“I want him to be happy out from that children’s home” the brunette sighed,resting his head on Y/n’s lap
“Me too babe,but what can we do?”
“We should stop volunteering there. It will be hard but…”
Y/n interrupted her boyfriend
“Forget about it! We would hurt those poor children. They’ve already been through a lot”
“Then what should we do?” Chanyeol lifted his head up,sitting
“Maybe we should try to talk to Eun once again…”
The brunette started walking up and down Y/n’s bedroom,shooking his head. Then,suddenly,he stopped.
“I’ll adopt him” he suddenly said
“You heard. I’ll adopt him. We can’t do it together because we’re not married,but I can do it on my own. Eun will see you anyway. I mean,I have a stable job and a house big enough for a kid to live with me. I think I can do it”
“I think you’re crazy” Y/n stood up,resting her hands on his shoulders
“I’m not. However,I need to talk to Mrs. Kim. I need to check if I’m allowed to do so. There are many rules”
“Babe slow down! Are you sure you’re ready to do such a thing? I mean it’s not like adopting a puppy,which would already be a great commitment”
“I am ready. Who would be ready if not me? Think about it Y/n:there’s nothing I don’t know about Ha-Eun. I’ve been taking care of him weekly since he could barely talk,and he’s five now. He’s healthy,and surely not a troublemaker. I can register him at Kyodong,where I work. He would be happy with me and would see you often as well. His dream would come true and he would live a happy life. We love him Y/n,so I don’t see why I shouldn’t adopt him”
“I just want you to be sure about it. If you are,then go ahead. I’d love to help you taking care of him” said so,she kissed Chanyeol’s forehead.
The next day the brunette talked with Mrs. Kim,who allowed him to start the adoption process. Then,finally,after a whole year,Ha-Eun was officially signed as Park Chanyeol’s adopted kid.
It’s useless to say that when he had found out about thesurprise,he was the happiest kind on heart.
His dad would spoil him with gifts and amazing food,showering the boy with an endlessly love. And when her boyfriend was busy,Y/n would take care of Eun. Everything was perfect,Chanyeol thought that only one thing was missing:marriage. He knew that it was another big step forward,but he was ready so…who would’ve stopped him?
Chanyeol asked Y/n to marry him on January and the celebrations were held on September of the year after. Eun had turned 6 by the time,and he had been fully welcomed in the families of both the newlyweds.
The ceremony was held at the beautiful Namsan Art Wedding Hall and Ha-Eun was the one who brought in the rings together with Y/n’s new little puppy:Spike.
By the end of the same evening Ha-Eun saw his dream turning into reality:he was officially Y/n’s and Chanyeol’s kid,and he was surrounded by people who cherished him like they would’ve cherished a treasure.
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