#pcy blurb
decantingstxrs · 2 years
#4 + #7 w/ loey pleaseee <3
hello anon! thanks for sending a request, i hope you enjoy <3
#4: “no panties?”
#7: “please don’t stop”
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chanyeol has you on his lap all evening. you know tonight is an important night for your fiancé; he has important deals to close with potential business partners. but, you being you, can’t help but want to tease him.
he’s hyper-aware of how horny you are the moment his thigh starts to feel a little wet.
“no panties? you’re really asking for it, darling.”
more like begging for it.
the evening ends with chanyeol between your legs, determined to leave you absolutely satisfied from his tongue and fingers alone.
“yeollie, please don’t stop.” you moan through and through. he doesn’t, of course.
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pesiko · 3 years
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unhealthyforexo · 4 years
In which Chanyeol pushes your buttons on vacation, but you are as stubborn as him.
Pairing: Chanyeol x reader; Genre: Fluffy fluff; Word count: it’s short; A/N: I finally sat down to write this idea I had for weeks. It’s kinda short but the amount of fluff makes up for it, because it’s like... a looot of fluff. I also wrote this while listening to “Daydreamin’” by EXO-SC; I don’t know if you’re into that kind of reading, but if you are, I think it really fits the scenery. Anyway, I hope it’s not tooo much fluff and hope you really enjoy reading it. Xxx
The hours you had spent swimming in the sea and exploring the narrowed streets around the city start to take its notice on your body, as you feel it getting heavier. Your can’t even find the strength to lift your legs properly to walk, causing you to lazily slide your bare feet across the cold kitchen tiled floor. After gathering a few ingredients on the counter, you look out the window. Even though you already need the lights on to prepare the dinner, the warm colors of the sunset still shine through the windows of the rented apartment. Your eyes feel slothful from the intense contact with the salty water and the sun. You take a deep breath, briefly closing your eyes, before moving your head from side to side, trying to relax your muscles, feeling every drop of water fall from your damp hair against the fabric of your boyfriends t-shirt, that covered your torso down to your thighs. Even though you showered just minutes before, your body still feels warm from how much sun you had been getting in the past few days. You open your eyes and take in the silence as soon the water from the shower stops running.
Summer always felt different with Chanyeol. His skin would taste better whenever you were on vacation, his hair would also be a lot messier and curlier due to how much he swam in the ocean. He always looked good, but it would take your breath away to watch him on the beach and kiss his salty lips whenever he came back to you, while you would be laying in the sun, or even when you went swimming with him. Your favorite part of your vacation’s days were the sunsets. It would either be under an orange or a pink kind of sky, but his cheeks and toned chest would always match whatever color the sky had, wether it would be tanned or slightly burned. He would always had his arm around your shoulders as you left the beach and went back home. Although the wind became cooler as the sun started to set, his bare arm would always be much warmer against the skin of your shoulders. You would make your way back home, taking slow steps and discussing what you would have for dinner. It didn’t matter if you went out for dinner or cooked at home. You would aways rent an apartment somewhere around the Mediterranean cities’ coast, so it would feel cozier. You also liked those kinds of vacations because you could take your time to wake up in the morning, especially if the night was longer than usual, but mostly because it would surely be just you two, not thinking about work back home, but still feeling like home somehow, even if it were just in each others arms.
Your thoughts vanish quickly once you hear his heavy footsteps approaching the kitchen. You look up to watch him lazily walking towards you with a big smile. His hair is wet and, as he comes closer, you notice there are a few drops sliding down his naked torso, while he tries to adjust it with his hand; his other free hand quickly reaching out for you. You feel his fingers sneaking around your waist, his body hovering yours once he stands behind you. You smile, feeling his torso pressing against your back as he hugs you from behind.
“Do you need help?” He asks. His voice sounds soft, almost sleepy. You nod in denial.
“No babe, I’ll take care of it tonight.” You assure him, speaking quietly.
You feel him kiss the top of your head before his nose brushes against your hair, down to your neck, to place his head in the crook of your neck. You giggle, shrugging at how his nose tickles your skin so softy.
“Are you sure?” He hums against your neck, pecking its skin slowly.
“Hmm-mm.” You nod, smiling, taking the ingredients, that are in front of you, in your hand and start cutting a few and season the others.
His arms hold you firmly, tucking the t-shirt you have on, causing its wide collar go lower, exposing a bit of your shoulder and your collar bones. You feel his lips move slowly to the side, now pecking your shoulder. You let out a small chuckle at the feeling, causing him to smile against your skin, which is easy to tell, even though you don’t take your eyes off of what you are doing. Chanyeol breathes in, his chest rising and falling against your upper back, and crosses his arms over your stomach as he holds you. You feel his cheek rest against your shoulder, his breath on the skin of your neck assuring you he has his lips parted, probably in a pout.
“Are you sure you don’t need help?” Yep, it was definitely a pout. You rise your shoulder as if you are shaking his head away, causing him to raise his head, and look at him in the eyes. You part your lips to talk only to be interrupted by a cheesy peck. You smile and roll your eyes. “What?” He whines. You know he can’t stand still, not even for a second, but you also promised him you would cook the recipe you had to cry for, to a chef, at one restaurant you went on the first day of your vacation.
“Go pick a movie for us to watch later.” You tell him, but he always has an answer on the tip of his tongue.
“I don’t want to watch movies, I want to watch you.”
You stare at him, biting the inside of your cheek, watching his messy hair sway as he moves his head to the side, giving you the cheekiest smile. You let out a chuckle, looking down afraid you’re going to give in just too easily if he kept giving you that look. He knows too well, so he lowers his head again, pecking your shoulders, up to your neck as you try your hardest to concentrate on what you are doing, before you cut a finger instead of a pepper.
“Hmm…” He breathes. “…you smell so good.” He hums against your skin. He isn’t leaving a trail of pecks on your skin anymore, instead, he has his nose against your hair, just over your ear as his lips brush on it while he speaks. It tickles on your skin, but you don’t think it further, since you know there is nothing but tenderness in his attitude.
“I just showered you idiot.” You giggle, earring a chuckle from him, causing your body to shift against his. He adjusts his arms around you and you press your back comfortably against his torso.
“I know…” He says almost in a whisper, kissing your temple softly. He looks down at your hands as he watches you prepare the dinner. You feel the wet ends of his hair brushing against your ear once he leans in again, now resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“It’s the lotion you use. It smells really good.” He compliments you.
“Thank you.” Your voice comes out almost childishly. You smile like the spoiled girlfriend you are, because you know your lotion has a very common fruit sent and it is not at all special. “I didn’t know you like it.”
“Hmm.” He hums, nodding against your shoulder, his chin pressing against your skin as he spoke. “ I love it…” He pauses, his eyes always following your hands, watching you attentively. “… but only on you. It smells so much better on you.” He remarks.
You chuckle at his words, giving him a small thank you. You feel your cheeks burning but you aren’t sure if it is because he still manages to make you blush after so much time together, or because you can’t stop smiling.
You extend your arm to get some condiments for the meat, and he consequently lifts his chin from your shoulder, not to put so much weigh on it as you move. He stands straight, uncrossing his arms from over your stomach, slowly letting go of your waist. He lets his arms fall on each of his sides, watching you slice the meat now. You can hear and feel him breathing calmly, the air hitting your shoulder’s bare skin.
It doesn’t take too long before his hands are on you again. First, you feel his torso press firmly against your back again, his fingers coming to notice after as he slides them through your forearm, quickly reaching for your hand, his long fingers caressing your thumb, wrapping his hands over yours, one around the knife and the other trying to take your hand’s place to hold the meat.
“Chanyeol.” You warn. He lets out a small chuckle against the back of your head.
“Wha-a..” He laughs as you try to push him back with your shoulders, only to fail completely, since he is obviously stronger than you and resists easily. You give up trying to push him back and start moving your arms, shaking his hands away from you. You start to giggle, your body language failing your tone when you try to scold him.
You drop the knife and let go of the food, taking a few steps back, which he mirrors, walking backwards as if your back is glued to his chest.
“Stooop!” You whine. He lets out a giggle, extending his arms trying to reach for the counter, but you quickly hold him back. You turn around, facing him. You press your body against his, forcefully pushing him back. You succeed, getting him to take a few steps back, but he is still trying to fight back and walk around you. His giggles are precious and you know he is trying to push your buttons and also enjoying it, as always. You take your hands up and place them on his bare chest, trying to ignore the feeling of his muscles tensing under your touch, and start pushing him away. “Go sit down!” You try to warn him, but have to turn around, not being able to contain your smile as he keeps chuckling, obviously appreciating your whines a bit too much.
“I want to help you!” He tries to excuse himself. Of course he does. He always has to be doing something, it is inevitable and sometimes even annoying, because so do you.
“No!” You insist. You extended your arm as you turn your back at him again, walking to one of the kitchen cabinets to get the pan. “If you touch that food I will shank you.” You tease.
You feel his hand on your back, gripping the t-shirt, trying to hold you back, but you keep walking. You hear him mutter something you can’t understand along with his footsteps as he follows you around the kitchen. You bite your lip, trying to hold back your laughter. You stop by the kitchen cabinet, opening it, looking for what you needed. You can feel him standing beside you, still not letting go of the t-shirt you have on and once you think you have shut him up, he teases you further.
“But I do it so much better…” He watches you turn your head to the side to face him. He can’t help but smile once you raise your eyebrows at him. You bite the inside of your cheek trying not to laugh. There is no way someone can have the energy to be that annoying after a day of swimming and walking around under the sun. You stand up straight, turning to him, already raising your hand to point a finger at him and answer back, but he is quick to pull you by the fabric of the t-shirt, taking a few steps closer to you, giggling as you speak.
“You just earned yourself fr…” You try to speak but his arms are quickly around you, only giving you time to turn your back at him again, failing to escape. Your fingers sneak around the forearm he has wrapped across your chest, trying to detach his hold from your skin, quickly feeling his other arm wrap around your waist, pulling you against his chest again. Chanyeol’s giggles suddenly grow into a laugh at your words. “… free nights on the cou…” You can’t finish your sentence, his fingers tickling your skin make you throw your head back in laughter. He leans down, laughing at how you shift under his touch, still trying to escape.
“You’re…” He tries to answer back, not being able to control his giggles either, feeling your body brush against his as you desperately try to move away from him. “… baby…” He chuckled.”… s..stop!” He giggles, leaning his head down. You can feel his giggles close to your ear and his arms holding you firmly while he keeps tickling you. You let out a desperate cry in between your laughter once you feel his teeth against the skin of your neck as he nibbles it playfully.
His fingers find your unsteady ones as soon as your nails brush against his arms, holding you back from moving his touch away from your body.
“Yeol!” You cry as you feel his playful nibbles go down your neck and to your shoulder, his hair now tickling you as you breathlessly laugh.
I really need to learn how to finish these ahaha
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privebbh · 3 years
so, uh… anyone got any blurb suggestions?
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baekhyunsdelight · 4 years
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200702 Chanyeol update !
Caption: 🐥‘어메이징 듀오’ #세훈 & #찬열, 첫 정규 앨범 타이틀 곡 ‘10억뷰’ 흥 넘치는 ‘반복재생곡’ 예고!🍒
🎶 트렌디한 힙합+중독적인 디스코 리듬+재치 있는 가사로 취향 저격!
💿 밀리언마켓 소속 보컬리스트 MOON이 피처링한 타이틀 곡 '#10억뷰' 외 8트랙! 7월 13일 오후 6시에 함께 들어요!
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mayrubyy · 5 years
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hope I wasn't the only one who wanted to yank that yellow robe off Chanyeol and feed him grapes and worship him on the yacht whilst jamming to what a life.
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softyeoll · 5 years
[10:21PM] chanyeol relaxes as you start to paint the night sky onto his back.
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spicyexo-archive · 5 years
( 10:00 pm ) chanyeol grabs your thigh to pull you onto his lap on the couch after a simple kiss turned into late night makeout session.
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hardstans · 5 years
chanyeol growling in your ear while he takes you from behind.
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real-pcy-exo · 5 years
The deep brown eyes of Chanyeol stared right back at you. The eyes that once held love for now emotionless. Once made you feel at home now makes you feel like an outsider. You didn't know when or how you lost Chanyeol, but you did.
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7hyuns · 5 years
I've been thinking a lot about Chanyeol and having his fingers in my mouth lately...
ok but chanyeol KNOWS how hot his hands are and he also loves how much he can do to you with them ((bad wording but you get what i mean)) and one day he’d just be kinda sat there lookin at your lips when he starts thinking, ‘my fingers would…perhaps look very nice…in their mouth…’ so. 
he really would just be like, “hey come sit on my lap i miss you!!” and obviously you would because uwu he’s so cute and then when you’re sat down and comfy and everything he’d start placing lil kisses on your neck while you’re like :)) hehe this is very nice but then! he’d tap his fingers against your closed lips and so you’d open your mouth to see what he was getting at. and he’d just really slowly push his fingers to really just rest inside your mouth and you’d probably look a lil wide eyed because even if you weren’t expecting this it’s not a bad sensation. and the corners of his mouth would start to turn up in this really cocky grin and then he’d just go back to watching the tv like his fingers weren’t deadass in your mouth :)
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heonythighs · 5 years
The water shimmered in the dingy light of the bathroom. Your cheap apartment never felt at home to you. You watched at the faucet dripped, creating ridges on the surface of the otherwise still water. Steam crept up the off-white tile walls. You don't know how long you stood there, in your nakedness, mesmerized by the water, until you felt thick arms wrap around your waist. A soft kiss was placed on your neck. 
"You mind if I join you?"
a low timbre that echoed around the small room. you chuckled, the sound tinkling lightly through the fog that was starting to fill the small room, the door having been shut behind him. 
"Yeolie, I don't think we're both going to fit."
he scooped you up bridal style, stepping into the water, breaking the gentle surface. 
"It's us, we can do anything."
you giggled at his corniness as you pulled closer to his firm chest. Feeling the water sting your backside, you flinched unexpectedly, but not in displeasure. The heat lapped at your body as he laid you down on top of him. He wrapped his arms around you once more, making you feel safe, content. Until he broke the peaceful air with,
"Damn, babe this water's really hot huh?"
Lightly slapping his chest, water droplets scattered, splashing both of you gently. 
"Not as hot as you"
taking a bath with chanyeol
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bbyunc · 3 years
exo masterlist
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| (f) - fluff | (a) - angst | (t) - timestamps | (b) - blurbs | (☁) - threads |
last updated: 5/1/21
*I do not write romantic fictions about Jongdae because he has a wife and a kid. I will be writing about Jongdae for other genres. :)*
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김준면 kjm:
→ [3:43 PM] (f) (t)
→ [3:51 PM] (f) (t)
→ [7:21 AM] (f) (t)
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김민석 kms:
→ [11:56 PM] (f) (t)
→ [9:41 PM] (f) (t)
→ [3:59 PM] (a) (f) (t)
→ [4:49 PM] (f) (t)
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张艺兴 zyx:
→ [1:27 AM] (f) (t)
→ [11:31 PM] (a) (f) (t)
→ [1:17 AM] (a) (t)
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변백현 bbh
→ [1:36 AM] (f) (t)
→ [1:44 PM] (a) (t)
→ [10:42 AM] (f) (t)
→ [7:45 AM] (a) (f) (t) 
→ [3:03 AM] (a) (t)
→ [8:07 AM] (f) (t)
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김종대 kjd:
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박찬열 pcy:
→ [1:13 PM] (f) (t)
→ [5:02 AM] (f) (t)
→ [9:29 PM] (a) (t)
→ [11:47 PM] (f) (t)
→ [2:52 PM] (f) (t)
→ [9:13 AM] (f) (t)
→ [9:23 PM] (a) (t)
→ chanyeol boyfriend pictures (☁)
→ chanyeol soft hours (☁)
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도경수 dks:
→ [2:52 PM] (f) (t)
→ [8:29 PM] (f) (t)
→ kyungsoo boyfriend pictures (☁)
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김종인 kji:
→ [9:07 AM] (f) (t)
→ [8:44 AM] (f) (t)
→ dating jongin (☁)
→ jongin soft hours (☁)
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오세훈 osh:
→ [3:46 PM] (a) (f) (t)
→ [11:06 AM] (a) (t)
→ [10:36 PM] (f) (t)
→ [12:34 PM] (f) (t)
→ sehun boyfriend pictures (☁)
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rmqmflsk-blog · 7 years
random thoughts = park chanyeol is an amazing man with the biggest heart but sometimes i feel like a lot of people take him for granted i feel like he is constantly giving his best while other might not do the same to him but my boy deserves the bestest i hope he is happy
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privebbh · 3 years
30 questions tag game
tagged by @lucandescent ✨
1. name/nickname: raisa! i don’t have a specific nickname, only personal variations from different friends
2. star sign: cancer sun, scorpio moon
3. height: 4’11”...
4. birthday: july 8
5. favorite band: exo ♡
6. time: 11:11 p.m. — i just had a wonderful dinner w/ 3 friends going to the same college as me 🥺🥰🥰✨💐🍢💘
7. favorite solo artist: probably yerin baek!
8. song stuck in my head: “paradise” by exo
9. last movie i watched: i watch movies a lot but i can’t remember the last one i watched for the life of me 😩
10. free space: daydreaming 24/7 or listening to a song on repeat
11. last show: monk 🔍
12. when i created this blog: during the summer of 2020, but i finally started using it may of 2021
13. what i post: my fave aesthetics, exo, my own blurbs, and whatever else i find romantic... i would like to reblog more genshin art tho!
14. last thing i googled: pygmalion — i remember reading it when i was younger and got curious
15. other blogs: no sideblogs here, but on my other tumblr i have @cancervenus (astrology) and @suadong (dreamcatcher), both that i have to update... 
16. do i get asks: here not really, but i love the ones i get
17. why i chose my url: i love baekhyun’s fashion brand privé alliance! i added the bbh bc i want his initials, but it’s nice bc the brand is sometimes referred to as privé by bbh 🥰
18. following: around 50
20. average hours of sleep: 8-9 hours
21. lucky number: 7’s my fave and 4’s also lucky
22. instruments: violin
23. what am i wearing: pink sundress
24. dream job: this is hard bc i have various dream lives?? but maybe a fashion designer 🪡 or a perfumer
25. favorite food: cherry cola’s my constant fave if that counts 🍒 oh, i also love meat!!
26. tea/coffee: tea! i love adding lots of milk in my tea so it has a light, creamy appearance
27. nationality: american
28. favorite song: “sunset” by davichi, “sunrise” by gfriend, “consume” by chase atlantic, any exo song + solo, and so many more!! 💖💖
29. last book: i reread howl’s moving castle by diana wynn jones ♡
30. top 3 fictional worlds i’d like to live in: any world that’s magical and full of love and flowers, preferably one where baek’s my cheeky wizard bf 😅 or my own slice-of-life urban fantasy au! 🌷🪴✨🧚‍♀️
tagging: @sooibian @litttlestars @kyoonqs @svtclub @baekpedia @pcys-l @hunniedae @chanyoel
💌 ~ i want to get to know my mutuals and any of my followers!! tag me, i’d love to read yours!
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baekhyunsdelight · 4 years
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200702 Chanyeol update !
Caption: 세훈&찬열 EXO-SC
The 1st Album [‘1 Billion Views’]
🎧 2020.07.13. 6PM (KST)
👉🏻 https://t.co/LMJwL9kf7d
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