#pdb plays gi
paging-dr-baizhu · 4 months
I feel like it's a catch 22. On one hand, I'm disappointed that Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper haven't been given fancy, probably eventually playable, human designs.
On the other hand, I'm happy that they get to look a little older. Playable characters aren't allowed to have wrinkles, Mountain Shaper has them starting under his eyes and on his cheeks near his nose, Moon Carver has creases under his eyes and "smile lines" around his mouth.
I'm terrible at estimating ages of both real people and anime style characters but maybe 50 for Moon Carver, mid 30s and tired for Mountain Shaper? They didn't go full senior citizen like Madame Ping but they didn't go "smooth skinned ikemen" either.
["I Just Think They're Neat" Marge Meme]
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paging-dr-baizhu · 8 months
Do we only get 4 new Melusine, apart from Sigewinne?
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Carole and Kiara from Neuvillette's quest.
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An unnamed (why :C) receptionist
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And Ottnit, who I haven't seen yet but apparently shows up in the infirmary? (Oh hey, pinwheel style eyes again)
I'm not all the way through the new content but I guess I just expected to see a lot more of them?
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paging-dr-baizhu · 1 year
Half the people at Hu Tao's Lantern Rite dinner party @ each other:
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paging-dr-baizhu · 9 months
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My first Fontanian harvest 🥲
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I went with silk flowers for Cosanzeana.
( I thought the flowers from Sumeru were still too local and the asters from Mondstadt were too plain. Silk flowers are faaaaancy)
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paging-dr-baizhu · 10 months
Melusine!! 😭
So danm cute. So far, I have come across Everallin, Siora, Liath, Menthe, Sedene and Aeval
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paging-dr-baizhu · 10 months
I saw a Melusine in the footage that looked like her name was "Meathe". Sounds like an odd name but okay.
I took another look and, that was an N wasn't it? She has greenish hair. Her name is MENTHE. 🤦‍♂️
Edit: Okay, So it's bluish. They make some mint products in blue 🤷‍♂️
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paging-dr-baizhu · 4 months
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Look at stick.
Get chest.
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paging-dr-baizhu · 4 months
Wenhua is an asshole and his sumpter beast probably had absolutely heinous diarrhea.
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paging-dr-baizhu · 4 months
"I need to collect enough crabs for 100 bottles of roe."
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Overshot the mark slightly. I also have 3.5x the bamboo I wanted. Oh well, traveler food doesn't expire.
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paging-dr-baizhu · 8 months
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Dialogue below!
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I didn't screencap it at the right time but saying it's impressive they can move around unnoticed pleases her and she gives you the three lumitoile she found.
Dang, they're drinking milkshakes in there? Maybe the same Sigewinne was trying to offer Wriothesley?
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paging-dr-baizhu · 5 months
I regret greedily buying up the Wanderer's Advice books from the teapot store these past couple of weeks. Now there's all that cool stuff came in with the patch and I'm having to buy it at a snail's pace.
I completed and collected on both sets that Lyney and Lynette like and Neuvillette's indoor set. Think next up will be the desk and bookshelf for Wriothesley's indoor set and then the blueprint for Neuvillette/Furina's outdoor set. I think I actually have everything I need for that last one so it's an easy collect
But...I want it all. Right now. 🥺
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paging-dr-baizhu · 7 months
Mona: Why did you think I was from Fontaine, though?
Idk, girl! Because it was far off and sounded fancy and YOU came from somewhere else and are fancy? 🤷‍♂️
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paging-dr-baizhu · 7 months
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I'm sure your performance will be fine 😏 (But, seriously, I'm kind of banking on you not being an amazing player because neither am I but I still want that card...)
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So now I feel like a bit of a dick. 😅
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paging-dr-baizhu · 9 months
Please just let me kick Apep's ass three times a week, Hoyoverse! 😭
The other weekly boss materials that I'm collecting aren't going to go to waste, but I'm focusing on the newer characters right now and they all need his stuff. I'm so busy with the new talent domain that I don't really get a chance to loop back to Mondstadt to be able to use up some of the Boreas lockets on Kaeya upgrades.
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paging-dr-baizhu · 9 months
The achievement screen says that I have 48 time trial challenges completed but a walk through on YouTube says 52. So I go through them all, checking the locations and don't find any that haven't been completed. Or at least I don't see a red indicator, because they don't seem to do those little pedestals underwater :(
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paging-dr-baizhu · 1 year
So people are saying that there's issues with the English translation AGAIN, this time when it comes to the Alhaitham/Kaveh fight and it's meant to be more light-hearted than it comes off.
People were all "How cute! They fight like an old married couple!" but I was thinking "Well, danm, that got kind of mean, didn't it?"
Why do they do this? They had to go back and fix some of Tartaglia's earlier lines because they made him sound too cruel as well as Ayato's line about Itto having to be redone so it doesn't sound like he hates his ass. :/
Stop making characters more unlikeable than they are suposed to be! My perception of Alhaitham is now colored by him coming off as a guy who is condescending and doesn't makes the extra effort to be polite when it doesn't come naturally because he doesn't care what people think of him.
I don't speak any Chinese. I know just enough Japanese to pick up little differences in lines but not the full picture of a character being presented completely differently. :/
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