#peahen mom: Mineta the hell!? DX
For Mineta: Who had the softest chest out of all the girls you met? :3
"Who has the softest chest?" Mineta thinks a little but looks left and right to be sure he's alone before looking at the anon. "It's hard to say honestly. All the girls had soft pretty boobies." he giggled but thinks.
"Most of them were really cute, and so so soooooo soft. Like Ashley butterfly. Her chest is so soft and snuggly. They were the right size to nuzzle my face in them. Sara has the cutest look on her face when you squeeze her cute butt. Even seeing strong girls like Maggie and Kali being cute! Some of the girls have normal or slightly plump boobies but still nice to enjoy." he giggled doing grabby hands.
"Though, I also love some of the fraction leader female boobies...even Van ink's. Hers is so so soooooo soft and it's like snuggling into a warm pillow." he drools flushing pink with a nose bleed.
"*Sighs* I was in heaven when I got the chance. I bet it's better when I get to squeeze and enjoy. Her bras and panties were soft too." He said to the anon but as he did, the anon tenses to see Mineta confused.
"I'm sorry. But what the fuck did you say about Ink?" said a angry voice to scare Mineta. He slowly turns seeing six angry young men who were the six claws.
"The hell you do to Ink you fucking asshole!?" Rin said aiming the tip of his blade towards him.
"What did I tell you about being a fucking perv Mineta!?" Bakugo cracked his knuckles.
"You know..that's pushing it. We can't let that slide." Ren said pushing his glasses up but he was angry.
"How dare you be a pervert around Ink!" Atsushi said growling.
"I say we beat the living shit out of him! No one touches our Ink!" Denji said.
"Right! That's low for you Mineta!" Midoriya said.
"uhhhhhh..I......." Before long, he begins running away screaming.
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