daftaiyo · 2 years
Looong time ago when I posted about Lion King × 3rd Life thing on Twitter
Somebody asked for Pearl and Lizzie
Secretary bird and pink panther :)
(Think I will redraw Lizzie later)
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confusion-doodle · 2 years
Adore criminal geminitay, just an elven Princess-y, grand castle contruster, deer lady, missing her dwarf and alien friends, committing every crime possible, love that for her
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parad0xm0th · 2 years
IDK how I didn't notice that, but Pearl does say like EXPLICITLY in her ep while she’s up in the clouds at Stratos that she feels at home up there; IE furthering my Pearl Tall Lady Goddess agenda
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cephalopod-truther · 2 years
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Red Rabbits bingo card for MCC Underdogs (bc I couldn't find one)
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hanahaki-disease · 1 year
Haven't I Given Enough?
A Hermit!Tommy HC x DSMP Crossover
Chapter 10 | What a Sight for Sore Eyes
Summary: And though Tommy looks different than the ball of joy and energy he once was, Pearl knows her son is home at last.
Words: 4453
Notes: Chapter title is from "Heather" by Connan Grey
Tommy stormed down the other side of the mountain Mumbo’s base was on, the floating Blackstone creating fuzzy shadows along the grass. He wonders when he’ll be able to see the mustache man. Everything he knows about redstone, Mumbo taught him–through his educational videos of course. Hours were spent hunched over the broken communicator that Martyn had given him on the other side of the portal all those years ago. It was something that could distract him from the cold bed he woke up in at Philza’s place, keep his mind away from the war and bloodshed that flooded the Dream SMP. 
But as he walked down the hill, the furthest thing from his mind was the mustache'd man. Tommy had one goal that day after seeing his uncle: finding his mother.
If Grian was here on the server, the chances of his mother being here were high, it would explain why and how he knew where she was. It only made sense, and if Tommy could fly, he would go straight back to the shopping district and demand the location of his mother from Iskall or Stress. Tommy knew better than to ask Xisuma right now. 
To be honest, Tommy was slightly afraid of the admin. His past experiences with some weren't exactly…pleasant to say the least. Grian–his first admin technically–had been taken by watchers before his eyes, abandoning him in a world with people he didn’t know. Dream has quite literally beat the shit out of him and manipulated his best friend to exile Tommy. Sufficient to say, Tommy’s only hope to learn where his mother is was to ask Doc, Stress, or Iskall. He would ask the other hermits on the server but spending nearly a month in hiding wasn’t the best way to explain to someone where you were in an introduction.
Tommy climbed the dirt staircase on the other side of Mumbo’s mountain, if he could only find a nether portal, he would be set. From the way Iskall talked about the nether hub, it was organized and easy to navigate so Tommy should have no problem finding his way to Iskall’s base through it. The only problem was actually getting there. 
The fake town before him left Tommy in awe. Brightly lit window shops and vibrant flowers lined the clean streets and the sound of theme park music played from somewhere further in the strip. It was very different from what Tommy has seen–granted he hasn’t seen much, but it was still different, a good difference he thought. In one window display, popcorn buckets of all shapes and sizes promoted the savory snack that lay inside the shop. Another had merchandise for the park’s mascot, a gray and white cat named Jellie who smiled beside a man in a tophat and his own wide grin. 
“Oh, um, hello,” Tommy turned around. Behind him was the man in the poster, but his clothes were different. Instead of the tophat and gray-colored suit, he wore a safety vest and a hard hat that was too big for his head. The man was tall, not as tall as Doc or Xisuma, Tommy thought, but he stood near eye level with Tommy. “Are you lost? Where did you come from?”
“Tell me where your nether portal is, tall man!” Tommy didn’t answer his questions. He was still on a mission to find his mum and the mischievous-looking man before him was an obstacle in Tommy’s way. “I have to find someone and the cowardly bitch over there won’t tell me where she is!” He glared at the base of floating rocks behind the theme park. 
“Woah, Woah, Woah, cool it with the cursing, young one!” The man raised one of his hands to try and calm Tommy down. “What do you mean ‘find your mom’? Is she here in hermitcraft or did you get lost in the world hub?”
“I think she’s here,” Anger still bubbled within Tommy’s chest. How could Grian keep him away from his mother? It wasn’t his choice who he could see or not see and it wasn’t like Grian was his other parent. And, yeah, Tommy thought of Grian as a pseudo-father figure when he was younger, but that naïvety had worn away during the first war on the Dream SMP. “Uncle Grian won’t tell me where she is and I have a right to fuckin’ know! She’s my mum!”
The man looked past him and glanced at Grian’s base. “Okay, okay. I’ll help you. My name’s Scar, what’s yours?”
“Alright, Tommy,” Scar moved to stand next to the younger of the two, a smile etching his way across his face. Tommy couldn’t help but feel wary of Scar. Maybe it was the way he smiled, it felt unnerving like at any moment he would place a spell on him and run with the items in his pocket. Maybe it was the way the scars littered his face and hands that left the cheery man with an unbalanced look; how could a guy with so many scars act as if he was the happiest person in the world? It made no sense. “Can you tell me anything about your mom? Her name, what she looks like, stuff like that. If she is here, it shouldn’t take us long to find her, there aren’t that many of us after all.”
He thought about what he knew about his mother. It had been a while since he thought about what she looked like, trying to only remember her voice and the warmth of her hugs. Surely his mother couldn’t look too different than himself, right? He had to have gotten his looks from somewhere and he was sure that he didn’t look like his biological father, whoever he was. Tommy remembers his mum refusing to talk about him. Why, Tommy never got the chance to ask. 
“Um,” Tommy stammered. “She has blue eyes, I know that.”
“Okay, anything else?” Scar led them to one of the buildings in the keyholes beside main street. It was taller than most of the other structures, with smooth quartz and bright blue accents that brought his attention to the main entrance. 
“Her hair was browner than mine, I think,” Tommy stared at all of the chests lining the back wall, each one labeled with a picture of the contents inside. “But I’m not sure.”
“That’s alright, people change their hair color all the time!” Scar pushed open a door and motioned for Tommy to follow. On the other side, extra props and backup flowers scattered the area, maybe it was a storage area for the main street. “I know for sure that Joe changes his almost every season. I think in season five his hair was like, pink for months, and last season his hair was neon green!”
Below main street was a wall of more chests, they were also labeled but it seemed useless because covering the ground around them were shulker boxes of every color. Scar walked around them as if they had always been there and he had just grown used to the maze of shulkers. Tommy, however, stared in awe at the amount of them. Sure he had his own, Iskall gave it to him and even then he was surprised at how casually he gave it to Tommy, but looking at all the ones Scar had let Tommy believe that shulkers were something of the norm here.
On the other side of the shulker sea, Scar waited patiently for Tommy to make his way through the maze, the same gray cat from the poster lay across his shoulders. “Have you been in the nether hub before?”
Tommy shook his head. “No problem! Everything has a sign so it shouldn’t be too hard for you to understand how it works. Anyway, is there anything else you remember about your mom? Her name perhaps?”
When they reached the central room of the hub, Tommy stared in awe at the artificial void that surrounded them. Four libraries, one in each cardinal direction, seemed to float in midair. Stars twinkled in the void, blinking back at Tommy with a soft assurance that everything would be okay; he hoped the fake stars weren’t lying. Bridges connected the libraries in each corner to make it easier for people without wings, which Tommy was quite glad about, each little landing had desks and opened books as if someone had been studying recently. The tree in the middle wasn’t something to ignore either. It was tall and thin, standing firm in the center with its sturdy gray limbs spanning the ceiling above them. Leaf-like things fell from the branches above them and piled up on the walkways, but it wasn’t messy, it had added to the charm and peacefulness that radiated from this nether hub. A far cry from the hub in the Dream SMP. 
There were no cobblestone bridges that stretched far over lava lakes and crossed at unstable points. Ghasts didn’t shoot them down and kill them in the burning air. Piglins and hoglins didn’t spawn in front of the portals and hunt them down as soon as they got close. It was different.
“Uhm,” Tommy took a hesitant step on one of the floating bridges. Despite Scar standing before him, perfectly fine on the crimson wood, the blond boy was slightly scared that the floor would fall under the weight of them both. “Her name…Her name was Pearl, I think? I don’t remember many people calling her name, I was five-fucking-years old, so what do I know?”
Scar stopped in his tracks causing Tommy to bump into his back. “Oi, big man, why’d you stop?”
“Pearl?” He said shocked. “As in Pearlescentmoon–Pearl?”
“Yeah! That’s her name!” A smile widened on Tommy’s face. Finally! One of his questions was answered. “You know her? She’s here on this server?”
“She joined hermitcraft last season,” Scar continued his path down the bridges, pivoting into the first major hall at the end of the path. “Her and another young lady named GeminiTay. They’re both such good builders, like, last season your mom built an entire mountain to put her megabase on top of, it was insane and the terraforming was very much Scar-approved.” He laughed as they walked along the andesite path. “Sometimes I think she might be better than me!”
The side hall Scar walked in was a short forest-like tunnel, rocks, and soft moss covered the ground with small bushes of flowers dotted here and there. Towards the back of the hall the floor split in three. One path led up to a quarts-lined portal, gold and warped wood details broke the earthy colors of the tunnel and brought Tommy’s attention to it. Under the portal, the second path in the tunnel, was another, this time it had deepslate over it. Jagged edges and gilded Deepslate made a clear way through the rocks. The last, the one Scar was standing next to, had alien foliage creeping up the obsidian. Blue mushrooms and purple flowers, much larger than lilacs or peonies, glowed in the dim light. 
There was a sign on one of the mushroom stems, ‘Pearl’ it read. “This is her portal, it should take you to her storage room in her base.” Tommy stood in front of the swirling purple magic, scared of what lies ahead. “Would you like me to go with you?”  Scar went first, his body fading away in a flurry of magic, he gave a smile and a wave before he disappeared. 
On the other side of the portal, chests lined the walls much like Scar’s, but these were all organized and proper. And while Scar’s had labels, something told Tommy that they weren’t exactly filled with the items the chests were labeled with. The floors were the same warped wood color as the mushrooms that covered the portal on the other side. Scar was standing to the side of the storage room, leaning against the wall by the stairs that led up to the first floor.
“You can take a tour of her base later,” Scar walked up the stairs, Tommy in tow, as they made their way up to Pearl’s bedroom. “But from what I’ve heard from Gem and Impulse–you’ll meet them later, Impulse is so funny and his beard is magnificent this season, though this is the only season he’s had a beard but compared to the beard Cub had a while ago, I prefer Impulse’s. And Gem is a treat, I tell you. But don't let her looks fool you, she is ruthless when it comes to a fight, though she got her butt kinda kicked when she went up against False –anyway, this is her room. I’ll be downstairs.”
Tommy stared at the door, the older man’s footsteps fading into silence in the background.
Years he wondered if his mother was alive. If she was still walking through servers after her disappearance, looking for him. Maybe she stayed in one place and mourned him, ridden with grief at the possibility that she would never see him again. Or could she have found an empty world and stayed until he found her, patiently waiting till either her death or the disappearance of the world. 
He knows that a part of him fully believed his mother died all those years ago. When the figure in the sky grabbed his uncle, who was now not dead but still a traitor for not telling him where his mother was, and his mother that at some point died. That the reason for her not finding him, for not saving him from everything that had happened in his old server, was because she couldn't. How many times did he wake up from nightmares about that night with a small part of him hoping his mother would be there to make him feel safe, to brush his hair from his face away and tell him it was all a dream. 
Carefully, as if the wood would shatter, Tommy knocked on the door. “Not now, Gem.” He heard his mother say from the other side. “I don’t feel like talking.” Tommy didn’t heed her wish. He had come too far to step away now. 
When he opened the door, he couldn’t see much in the dark but he could vaguely see the form of a person lying across the bed. They faced the only open window, their back towards him as he stepped inside. It was hard to tell but something was attached to their back, like wings of some sort. They lay behind them, spread across the empty part of the bed, mostly hidden beneath the blanket that wrapped around them.
“Gem, I said I didn’t want–” She sat up and faced Tommy. Her hair was noticeably disheveled a bit, it frizzed up beside her head and clung to her face. The wings drooped down when she saw him, the light green becoming brightening up in color from the sun. 
It was then Tommy felt like he couldn’t breathe. For so long he wished, prayed, and hoped he could see his mother again. Wished upon every star in the sky like Phil told him. Prayed to Lady Irene and Kristin to help him find her or to learn to move on. Hoped that one day she’d appear before him and bring him into a bone-crushing hug. And here she was, a little different than what he remembered, her hair longer than before and the blue of her jacket darker than the original, sitting on the bed staring at him in disbelief. 
She walked over to him, her eyes never once leaving him, afraid he’d fade into the air like her dreams. She was scared, Tommy noticed. There was an arm's distance between them and she kept her arms close to herself, scared to touch him and see him vanish into nothing, but she took a breath and cusped his cheek with one hand. It was instinct how Tommy leaned further into his mother’s touch, having been starved from it for so long.  
“Tommy?” She whispered, eyes welling up with tears as she pulled him into a hug. He had to lean down to bury his face into her neck. His tears stained her shoulder as he cried like he did when he was little. His arms wrapped around her with a reassurance that she wasn’t going to leave, she wasn’t going to disappear when he opened his eyes. 
How long has it been since he’s felt safe? Since he could truly feel as if everything was going to be okay? Tommy didn’t know, but here, being held in his mother's arms, he felt like he was home.
“Oh my god,” Pearl said. “My baby.” She kept repeating the words like a mantra as she cried. If Tommy could, he would say something, anything at all, but there were too many questions and feelings going on in his head that he had a hard time even thinking straight. Somehow, Pearl managed to pull away, her arms still holding his shoulders as she looked over him. “My god,” She chuckled with a sad smile. “You’ve grown.”
He gave a small chuckle. “Come, sit,” Pearl guided them to her bed, the single open window let Tommy see his mother more clearly. There were dark circles under her eyes as if she hadn’t been sleeping lately, and there were faint lines of smile wrinkles on the outer corners. But his mother’s smile had stayed the same after all these years. That was the one thing that hadn’t changed. “I bet you have questions.”
He nodded, still trying to sieve through all the questions he’s accumulated over the years. Pearl sighed and brushed some hair behind his ear, “I’ll answer as many as you want, okay? You deserve the truth.”
Tommy thought about it for a second, how could he choose just one? Should he ask why she hadn’t come back for him? Ask her if she was happy without him? It was hard to decide. Still, Tommy took a breath and looked at his mother, “What happened?”
“We have to start at the very beginning for that,” Pearl said. “Before Evo, I had been a mistress for a powerful politician in another world. His command could kill thousands, a wave of his hand could tear down mountains, and yet, of all the women in that world, he wanted me. Eventually, I found out I was with child and he tried to keep us in secret for as long as he tried.” Pearl sighed, this was a part of her life she tried so hard to forget, but it was an important part of their lives. Even if Tommy didn’t remember any of it. “One day, shortly after your first birthday, his wife had learned of us.
“And instead of telling her the truth,” Pearl’s eyebrows furrowed, angry still at what he had done. “He turned against me, using his power to say that I was using him to ‘gain access to government secrets,’ that I was committing the highest form of treason that world could declare.”
“That’s not fair,” Tommy said.
“You’re right, it’s not,” Pearl agreed. “But I was able to escape that world before any punishment was enacted, too afraid of what they could do to you because you were my son. So, with nowhere to go, you and I lived in the hub for nearly a year and a half.” She confessed. “Servers wouldn’t let us in because an admin marked us as criminals of sorts, murderers I think is what we were labeled as. So we roamed the hub and eventually, Grian found us.”
Tommy cocked his head. When he was young he was told that they wandered into the city of Evo. That they were on one side of the world and Evo was on the other side and they had just walked there. “What do you mean “Grian found us?” You all told me we just walked there.”
She shook her head. “I don’t know what he was doing in the hub that day, but he had saved us, essentially. He gave us food and invited us to Evo. Grian gave us a home.”
“Okay, but how does all this explain why you and Uncle G were taken?”
“I’m getting there, have patience.” Outside the sun had begun to set. The bright blue sky turning into the dark blue that twinkled with stars, Tommy wondered how long they had been talking. Oh, and Scar. He couldn’t still be here, right? If he was, the man would clearly have something wrong with him. “In Evo, there were challenges given to us by the watchers. If we could complete the challenge, we would be allowed to jump through the portal and the world would update around us. That’s what they told Grian when he made the server, what he told me when we joined, but it wasn’t until after we were taken that I was told the truth about Evo: It was a test to find the most worthy.”
“Most worthy? What does that mean?”
“It means the watchers thought us good candidates to become one of them.”
Tommy’s breath stopped in his lungs. He had learned a lot about watchers when he lived with Philza and his sons, learned about their cruelty to the players and merciless slaughter of worlds. How Philza begged Kristin to rid herself of them because they were nothing but “soulless machines that kill the innocent.” She didn’t listen and argued with Phiza about how important they were to the flow of the universe, without them people wouldn’t die and there would be no need for herself or Phil. The older man had stopped pestering her about them after that. 
“Grian, he–he was a watcher of Lady Kristen.” His heart sank. He had spoken some inconsiderate words to him before he came here, and couldn't even remember that Grian was taken as well. Tommy was so focused on his mother that he completely forgot about the man that was practically the only father-like figure in his life. How many times had a watcher come to collect the people of the Dream SMP, was Grian one of them? Had he been the one to take Wilbur when he died? Shlatt perhaps? Himself? 
“What?” Tommy asked in disbelief. 
“Grian became a watcher of Lady Kristen, he had died and came back as someone new, Xelqua was his name.” She spoke. “But his story is something he should tell you himself, it's far different than mine.”
“Who were you the watcher of?”
“Lady Irene.”
Tommy looked at Pearl. There was something he couldn’t name brewing in his chest, a feeling he had never felt before and it was strange. For so long he prayed to Prime–whose name was Irene apparently–for help, she had been his symbol of hope when he had lost his way. She had never answered him, never showed him that she listened to his prayers but it never deterred him. But he had never known that Irene had watchers of her own. The books that he read only wrote Irene as a benevolent goddess, someone who showed mercy to players for she was the one who brought life to players. 
Pearl had taken his silence as a cue to continue, and so she spoke, “After I was taken, I woke up in her dimension, a world of nothing but pure white and a single building–a cathedral, imposing and cold.” She fiddled with her fingers, trying to not meet his expectant gaze. “Much like the people already there.”
“I thought it was only Kristin who had watchers, though,” Tommy questioned. “That’s what Philza told us.”
“Because only those who've seen us, my son,” Pearl confessed. “Are dead.”
It made sense, Tommy supposed, the dead couldn’t exactly tell the living how they died. Kristin wouldn’t allow that, but it still didn’t stop the guilt that began to build up in his chest from how he spoke to Grian. He was just angry that Grian wouldn’t let him see his mom for reasons Tommy didn’t know until now. He just hopes he can apologize to him soon.
“The watchers of Lady Irene are different than those of Kristen’s,” Pearl stood from the bed, the moth wings behind her stretching to their full height as she opened the curtains, letting more light into the room. “Where Lady Kristen’s watchers are the ones who killed, I was the one to tell them who.” His mother didn’t look at him when she said that, afraid of the look she knew painted his face. “Her watchers, myself included, were sworn to an ordinance as soon as we appeared in her world. If we didn’t, I suppose we went to death’s door, and Irene would have to find someone new.
“We were given wings, insect ones to separate ourselves from the others, so that when we arrived people saw us as both an angel and as a catalyst for what’s to come.” Her back was turned towards him and Tommy couldn’t see past her or what she was looking at. “We became– I became a harbinger of disaster, I had to read from her scriptures to know who was to die and when. I might not have been the one who killed, but I still lead people to their deaths. My hands are just as red as Grian’s, though, I think his are worse.”
“What do you mean by that?” 
“That’s his story, Toms, he has to tell it.” Pearl chuckled. “But I don’t know if he will. The only reason I know is because I’ve seen it already.”
“Irene is the goddess of fate, so you already know what’s going to happen,” Tommy said. “You knew because you’ve seen the future.”
“Only bits,” She answered, turning back to face Tommy. “We weren’t allowed to read all of it, only what was necessary for the mission because any more than that we would become insane. We would be cursed to hear the cries of the damned and for the words we’ve read to be marked on our bodies.” Streaks of light faded into view on Pearl's arms as she rolled up her sleeves. They glowed and illuminated the dark room, it was hard to tell but Tommy could see the faintest of words on his mother's arms. It was too bright to read, but she read them as if they were nothing but ink on paper. “We’d be forced to watch every possible future without warning, feeling as if our minds were splitting in half only to be put back together again.”
“Why did you read it then?”
“I wanted to know what would happen to you,” Pearl brushed his hair to the side. “I was scared that one day I would read your name and find you on the wrong side of a sword, and I–I would be helpless to stop it.
“I’ve already lost you once,” Pearl stepped closer to her son. The lines became clearer until he realized they were Galactic, a language long forgotten by players and used only by higher beings. Admins could read Galactic if they had a cipher wheel to help translate, but his mother stood before Tommy and carefully read a sentence that was seared on the back of her wrist. He watched as she lifted her hands, a startling cold from before and Tommy chalked it up to the watcher magic coursing through her veins, and placed them on either side of his face. “I don’t think I could live with myself if you died.”
Tommy couldn’t help the tears that began to fall, he really thought he had cried enough that day, and yet, here he was. Wrapping his arms around his mother and crying into her shoulder like the day he was born. This time, however, Tommy wouldn’t be letting go. 
So they finally meet, I hope it is to your satisfaction, I am quite happy with this chapter.
As always, thank you so much for reading and feedback is greatly appreciated!!
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remyisme · 2 years
at least once a month the Hermit-gals have a night out
pretty innocent right? well that's what you would think, however, those nights always seem to spiral out pf control. like I mean they've been kicked off every major server at least once crazy. they also wear matching outfits. after that night they just go back to Hermitcraft and pretend like nothing happened. what happens at girls night stays at girls night.
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inyvat · 2 years
@pearlemoon​ liked for a starter
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From the talks around Watatsumi Island Kokomi wasn’t at the shrine. But she knew where she easily could be found. It was only a place that she and Kokomi knew about. She made her way to the secret hideout and smiled upon seeing her friend and commander-in-chief reading from a war stategy book. She walked in quietly as to not disturb her too much. She grinned, “You know Kokomi, I’m thinking of getting a vacation house in every nation of Teyvat.” she called to her. “How much would it cost me to have you over for a homecooked meal and tea if I build something here on Watatsumi Island?”
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unscrptd · 2 years
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❛ have you ever lost someone? ❜
𝑥. @pearlemoon
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ℋow curious.
Lisa fixes her posture — uncrossing legs and elbows off the table. She had gotten too comfortable; inviting a guest (not just any guest, but a general who's successes were topic of conversation overseas) into the library for afternoon tea was rarely a good idea. But the weather was nice and she had an especially good breakfast, what was the harm ?
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"Lost someone ?" She stalls, her tone careful not to reveal a loss of words. To disease or illness: not yet. To her own carelessness: plenty. Though, that was hardly a story she would allow guests to leave the library with.
"You'll have to excuse me, General Sangonomiya, but what brings this on ?"
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reginrokkr · 2 years
◟༺✧༻◞ Let me assign you a love language—    
Violent devotion.
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Everyone seems to think you are faithless, but the thing is you haven’t yet found someone who will bring you to your knees and make you raise your head in reverence. This world has stopped bringing you joy, you want more of the divine. You want to dedicate your entire existence to someone; you want to make them realise they are not something terrible, make them see just how much beauty they are bringing to this world. You want to be the only one for them, the only one they have chosen to love. There’s a god shaped pit inside of you and only they can fit in it. And what if they choose to walk away? Didn’t I say this was violent devotion?
Tagged by @risingsol (Thank you, dear ♥︎) Tagging: @samyavastha @moonichor @cynopclis @iiryoku @diivinavulpes @asteriskheart @narvvhal @ohdoctor @pearlemoon @aalberich @divitaclara @gunnhildred @lumnius @scholarlyblade @fatedevour @lesserden @inavagrant @yoakenouta @galactia​
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hanahaki-disease · 2 years
Working on a DSMP Hermitcraft, Hermit!Tommy fic right now, and I like where it’s going but I’m conflicted on whether or not I should post a teaser or like the prologue.
Let me know if I should because I kinda want to share it but at the same time I’m nowhere near ready to upload it anywhere.
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