#pecco bagnaia one shot
starkwlkr · 1 year
Hiii,i really really love your work🫀Can you do something with Pecco cuz He’s winner today🇮🇹✊🏻
exist for love | pecco bagnaia
i’m going to do half social media and half written on this one :) thank you for the request!!
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“Y/n! Pecco is on the phone!” Y/n heard her mother say as she started walking away from the grammy stage. She had just won producer of the year and all she wanted was to celebrate with her boyfriend, but he was on the other side of the world racing.
“Thanks, mom.” Y/n said and grabbed her phone from her mother’s hand to see Pecco on the screen. “We did it!” She yelled and held up her award for Pecco to see.
“I’m so proud of you, amore. But that’s your award, you did it.” Pecco replied.
“Francesco! You put up with me when I had the worst writers block of my life. And you did help with some lyrics so don’t discredit yourself.”
Pecco laughed. “So I’m a grammy winner too?”
“Only if I can be the motogp world champion too.”
Y/n heard someone in the background say that Pecco needed to hang up the phone. She understood that their time was limited since the start of the race was soon. It wasn’t long until Pecco and Y/n would reunite.
“I love you more than anything in the universe.” Pecco said.
“Wow, that’s a lot. I don’t think I can compete with that.” Y/n teased.
“I’m hoping one of these days you’ll make me a song with my words.” Pecco said sarcastically. What he didn’t know what that Y/n was already writing a song with words that Pecco had told her on their anniversary. Her songs were always seen as the sad songs that you would put in a playlist and title it ‘crying at 3 am’ so many fans were confused as to why she would call Pecco her muse for sad songs.
“I’ll write all the songs you want, Pecco. Bye, good luck and be safe.”
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Liked by pecco63, taylorswift and 4,273,278 others
y/nmakesmusic week after grammys and we’re back to work 🫶🏼 i even got some guy who drives a motorcycle in the studio and we made a pretty song. ‘exile’ featuring bon iver is out soon! (pecco suggested the bon iver feature🥰)
pecco63 you have a lovely voice ❤️
y/nmakesmusic love you, my muse ❤️
boniver you amaze me! it is truly an honor to work with you!
y/nmakesmusic no, YOU amaze me
taylorswift can’t wait to hear your beautiful voice, y/n!
y/nmakesmusic thanks for the lessons😭❤️
taylorswift ‘lessons’ she says but they were really an excuse for us to reunite and gossip
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Liked by fabioquartararo20, pecco63 and 647,839 others
y/nmakesmusic surprise! i made this song after our fourth date. i knew francesco was the one i would make my first love song about so while he was away, i wrote a little song for him and recorded it and now i want to share it with you all! ‘exist for love’ is my baby and i hope you love her. and to pecco, here are you pretty words turned into a song that you waited for.
pecco63 you’re incredible, amore. i love you forever❤️
y/nmymother imagine being the first person y/n wrote a love song about😭 pecco is winning fr
carolabagnaia love you and your amazing talent❤️
pecco63 what about me?
carolabagnaia did you write the song? no.
pecco63 but it’s about me 😌
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Valentine’s day headcannon
Fabio Quartararo
- Valentine's Day is usually a busy day for the both of you has he has training and you have work so generally you don't get to spend too much time together
- despite that Fabio still likes to do things to make you smile so when he wakes up he makes heart shaped pancakes for you which took him quite a while as you don't have any heart shaped cookie cutters that he could use
- all the effort is worth it to him as soon as you send him a text thanking him along with a picture of you smiling with the pancakes because he just wanted to make you smile
- during the day he stops his training so that he can text you during your lunch break as otherwise you wouldn't hear from each other until the evening and he can't wait that long on any normal day but especially on Valentine's Day as if he could he'd spend all day with you
- he gets home first and has to wait until you eventually get home but the second you do he is at the door giving you kisses all over your face and refusing to let go even for a few seconds to let you take your coat off
- eventually he does let go and he tells you to get changed as he made dinner reservations at your favourite restaurant so you drag him upstairs with you to help choose your outfit as he really likes to do it
- once you are dressed he stands in the bathroom with you with his hands around your waist as you do your hair and makeup and he even helps by curling the back of your hair that is harder for you to see
- when you get there the restaurant is very busy like expected but once you are sat down together it is like no one else is in the room as all you are focused on is each other and enjoying the moment
- the dinner was lovely and you both enjoyed getting to go on a date as those aren't always a regular occurrence but when you got home and collapsed on the sofa together that was when the celebrations truly began as you can relax together
- for the rest of the evening you just lay together talking about anything and everything which is one of your favourite past times as when given the chance Fabio can come out with the most random things and the best stories which is always fun
- only when it's really late do you guys go to bed and fall asleep cuddling like always
Marc Marquez
- Marc doesn't like the traditions that come with Valentine's Day because he thinks that it doesn't hold as much meaning if you just go along with the traditions so the two of you have your own traditions which he much prefers
- something he really loves about you is that you aren't bothered about going out for Valentine's Day and in fact would much rather stay in and spend quality time with him which is exactly what he likes to do as he always thinks it's just so busy that you don't enjoy yourself
- one of the things he likes to do is get your favourite things instead of getting roses and chocolates he will get you your favourite flowers or a little plant for the house and your favourite snacks just purely for you so you don't have to share with him
- after you get home from work he will have everything set out in the kitchen for you along with a little note which as you read he will come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist
- as much as Valentine's Day is about the two of you as a couple Marc likes to make the day about you because he says that you make enough sacrifices for him with racing and everything that he wants to use the day to treat you
- instead of going out for dinner he will make sure he has all the ingredients to make your favourite meal which over time he has perfected with some help from your mum as she gave him her recipe which is the one you love
- while he cooks you sit with him in the kitchen because even if he doesn't let you help you like to be there to talk with him and when he has things in the oven you can dance in the kitchen together the the music Marc put on
- neither of you can dance very well but that made it more fun as you both swayed it the music and tried to avoid stepping on each other's feet or falling over which went well until the timer for dinner went off making you both jump and step on each other's feet
- dinner was lovely but Marc then surprises you again with desert which he made when he got back form training which was incredibly delicious so you had to make him promise to make it again some time or give you the recipe
- after washing up the dishes the both of you lay down on on the sofa to watch movies together which is where you both fall asleep as you were too tired to go up to bed
Alex Marquez
- quite often you don't celebrate Valentine's Day on the 14th as either the both of you are busy or one of you is so usually you just choose a day around that time when you are both free to celebrate properly
- for this reason you often keep things quite relaxed as the both of you are quite chill in general so Valentine's Day celebrations are just whatever you want them to be whether thats laying on the sofa and having a lazy day or actually going out somewhere together
- on actual Valentine's Day you still do something to at least acknowledge the traditions even if you aren’t celebrating that day
- Alex will leave later for training in the morning so that you two can spend some of the morning together and he can make breakfast for you before you have to leave for work
- during the day it's like any other day but when you both get home you are a little more clingy with each other and give each other extra affection as that's all you really need to know that you both truly love each other
- instead of getting on with more work during the evening you put your laptop away and just spend the whole night with Alex which makes a change as usually at one of you gets caught up in work for most of the night so you make a promise to not think about work all evening
- for dinner you don't do anything special but you do make it together which allowed you to spend more quality time together which is what you always try to make Valentine's Day about and luckily this time you avoided any disagreements over stupid things which can happen quite often when you are in a certain mood
- after eating you move to the sofa where you put a movie on which inevitably neither of you will pay attention to but that's all part of the fun of half celebrating Valentine's Day
- while sat down you do exchange gifts as that's something you like to do on the 14th but unlike some couples you never really get each other expensive things you alway set a budget and usually buy gag gifts for each other as that's just the way you are together plus it always makes you both laugh
- for the rest of the night you usually play games together before going to bed like normal but the only difference is that Alex usually holds you just a little bit closer as you begin to fall asleep
Pecco Bagnaia
- he always takes the day off training and you take the day off work so that you can spend the whole day together just the two of you as it's not often that you get to be together all day so Valentine's Day is the day you always try to make that happen
- the two of you sleep in and then stay in bed for a bit longer cuddling which always involves him playing with your hair as he loves to run his hands through it and do different hairstyles on you  
- eventually he gets up but he doesn't let you get up because after a few minutes he comes back with breakfast for you to eat in bed but not just a normal breakfast he brings in some pastries which you can tell he must have ordered from a local bakery
- when you finally get up you just move to laying on the sofa together instead which is when Pecco put the tv on and turned on some cheesy romance movies which he usually hates but on Valentine's Day he will watch them with you
- you two have a very lazy day just laying on the sofa but that was exactly what you both wanted the plan was to relax and spend the day together before the season gets underway and you get very busy yet again
- for dinner neither of you really want to cook so you order a takeaway which is a very rare occurrence as during the season Pecco tries to eat healthy and then he usually does the same over off season to stay in shape
- the two of you eat more than you probably should which is why you decided to go out for a walk to burn some calories and to get out the house which you try to do every day if you can
- when you go out it is really nice out and the sun is just starting to set so the two of you decide to walk to a local park to properly watch the sunset together and use the opportunity to take some nice pictures together
- you spend quite a while sat in the park watching the sun set and then looking at the stars as they were just mesmerising to look at as there was so many visible in the sky but eventually it gets cold and you both walk back home
- once back home you end up back in bed ending the day like it started by cuddling
Jorge Martin
- Jorge likes to make Valentine's Day all about you so he always asks what you want to do before planning anything as he wants to make sure you enjoy the day and don't just pretend to have fun for him
- the two of you always use the day to do something fun together so it's not often that you just go out to dinner because you can do that any other day so you always plan something else to do together instead
- over time Jorge has taken you to do many fun things like going to water parks, riding quad bikes and other things but your favourite days are the ones where you get to relax a little bit as well as your life is usually pretty crazy
- when testing sort of clashes with Valentine's Day he brings you with him and seeing as he has nothing to do on the day the two of you decide to go to the beach nearby which you have been dying to visit as it looks so inviting
- while at the beach you get to relax and read a book for a while and go swimming with Jorge or more like swim for a while before getting into a water fight with each other which Jorge very much won
- in the afternoon Jorge surprises you with a trip out on a boat to go snorkelling which was the best experience there was so many colourful fish and to be so close to them was just amazing and the whole trip back you couldn't stop thanking Jorge for organising it
- once back on land you go back to the hotel and spend a bit of quality time together which involves a lot of cuddles and constant kisses from Jorge on your cheek, neck or lips depending on where he could reach
- in the evening Jorge makes you get changed to go for dinner because as much as it's not something you always do on Valentine's Day seeing as he dragged you out to testing with him he wanted to make the day extra special
- the restaurant was right on the beach and has a brilliant view out to the water as the sun was setting and the night sky taking over and not only was the view amazing the food was too so the both of you made the most out of the trip and ate far too much but it was with it
- once back from the restaurant you stay up until the early hours of the morning talking about fun memories you have together and how you can't wait to make more memories in the future
Joan Mir
- Joan is very sweet in general but on Valentine's Day he is on a whole other level he is constantly complimenting you and making you blush but that doesn't stop him as he wants you to feel glad about yourself
- he always gets up extra early and sneaks out of bed to go and make a nice breakfast which he wakes you up with so that you will still have enough time to get ready and not be late for work
- he also leaves late for training so that he can spend the morning with you which you tell him not to do as you don't want him to change his training for you but he stays anyway and joins you in your morning routine
- while on your lunch break at work Joan will come and visit you and bring you some flowers and some lunch for the both of you so that you can eat together during your break
- Joan stays for the entirety of your break so that you can eat together and then you can show him the things you have been working on as you always talk about it but he can never see exactly what you are doing
- for the rest of the day all your coworkers are coming over and asking where you got the flowers and then telling you how lucky you are to have Joan which leaves you with a big smile on your face throughout the rest of the day which continues when you tell Joan about it back at home
- once back home you and Joan get changed into comfy clothes and then head to the kitchen to make dinner together which you and agreed to do the week before so got all the ingredients in preparation
- you did everything together which involved a lot of Joan standing behind you with his arms next to you waist as you mix ingredients together or he puts his hands over yours to make it seem like he's helping even though he just wants to be close to you
- while you are plating up what you made Joan disappears and only when you bring the plates to the dining table do you realise that he has set up candles and put a bunch of roses on the table to make a really romantic atmosphere
- after dinner Joan ran a bath for you and again lit candles and put some rose petals in the water with a bath bomb which made it extra relaxing but you just wanted to get out and cuddle with Joan in bed which is exactly what you did
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batsplat · 3 months
jorge martin is just an off-brand motogp version of george russell. both incredible qualifiers, hard racers, have issues sometimes keeping their tyres together, have stayed in a satellite/backmarker team for three years begging the big manufacturer to accept them into the main fold and will randomly decide that they are actually done with race by beefing it into the gravel/walls on the last laps.
this is why ducati did not hire martin, he hasn’t done the power point presentation
strong last line but hm... do I agree with this...
I don't entirely disagree with the profile of racer, though jorge's a bit more in the flame bright and early mould (partly also just because of the different rhythms of those two racing series). he cut his teeth not just on being an exceptional qualifier but also a starter. even though this year, you do kinda have to say pecco's just?? uh?? he's never been a BAD starter but I swear he didn't used to be this good? some of his starts from the second or third row this year have been genuine works of art. this isn't relevant, just needed to mention it. that's part of why jorge does so well at sprints... he's really good at that abbreviated format, where it's just all out from the very start. mr russell was considered quite a poor starter in his williams days (though lbr that may have partly been car characteristics) - the qualifying's very strong and very consistent, but for a while the question was of capitalising off the line. he's got a few more drives that are about working his way through the field... like qatar last year. I just don't really associate jorge with that?
the bottling thing is debatable and we could get into that debate, but like, never mind that. we're leaving sports analysis now and getting back into vibes territory. the thing about jorge is that he has had a competitive bike from the word go. mr russell, whatever you think about how clutch he is or isn't, did not set a foot wrong in terms of making the mercedes case for himself. what happened with him was basically just... a series of unfortunate events that got him stuck in a spectacularly uncompetitive car for three years. got one shot in a good car in said three years (sakhir 2020) and delivered the perfect performance. but jorge!! jorge had 2022!! he blew it!! he did get unlucky with the gp22 vs the gp21 comparison early that season and how bastianini was able to take advantage of the early stage factory spec malaise, and he's far from the only gp22 who was struggling early on (cf one 'pecco bagnaia'). but still, some of his rides that year were. truly horrendous. and the way the whole thing played out left him with a massive chip on the shoulder.... that's the thing, right, I think what's so key about jorge is that sense of grievance, the fact that he was rejected for that factory seat and we're now several years on from that. and it's a really thin line between that being a good thing and a bad thing. like, anything that's a potential source of motivation fundamentally can be helpful, right? in 2007, casey showed up at ducati as not their first choice, kinda a stopgap, and also after yamaha had pulled the plug on a potential contract not once but twice. he has spoken again and again how yamaha and honda's behaviour towards him made him want to show them exactly what they were missing out on. he used that! it was good for him as a competitor that he had something to get worked up over! he's done it throughout his career! but on the flip side, if you're so busy feeling victimised that you're kind of already... primed for failure, then you've got a problem. like, if the takeaway is you're probably screwed anyway because you're being sabotaged by the factory, then even if that were true you're fucked before you start competing. you've already lost in your own head, you've made excuses before you've even started. it's a thin line! thinking the world is out to get you can either be a good way to get yourself to going, or it can be a loser mindset
quickly circling back to georgie boy, my main feeling is that they kinda have a different type of malaise. one is an overthinker and the other is at times very much an under-thinker. grussy actually shares the overthinking trait with his fellow 63 more than anyone else... all three kinda have this fun meeting point of a lot of cockiness and a lot of insecurity - they just balance them in other ways. and russell reminds me more of pecco in that kind of... being constantly thrown up against a Big Legacy of someone you admire, being in the shadow of greats and having to make your own name... you're very much part of a succession plan that leaves you with massive shoes to fill... (though admittedly grussy has also gone through the unenviable experience of getting to work closely with his hero and eventually having most of said hero's fans absolutely despise him. can happen, I suppose.) jorge is a bit more baggage-free. he's very much the main character in his own story, not so much faffing about with the narrative implications of all this shit. more straightforward! if jorge wins, it's about him. if he loses, it's also about him. ducati has been his world for the past few years, to the point where he's gotten a bit parochial about the whole thing. early this season, he was talking like - sure, the championship lead is important, BUT this is also giving him power in contract negotiations!! which... yes, that's true, but also that should be way down the order of priorities my man. jorge martin might be the only person in this universe who... genuinely might be more obsessed with beating pecco than marc? like, beating the marc marquez would be great and all, 8x world champion bla bla, but pecco is his personal antagonist! he's known him for years! that's ducati's golden boy! he needs to beat pecco so badly! there's something really fun about a rivalry where it feels like at least one side's feelings towards the other... kinda go beyond a personal relationship, like at a certain point it becomes about what the other guy Represents. jorge isn't worried about legacy and the shoes he's got to fill and can he truly live up to all those expectations as much as he's worried about himself and also occasionally pecco bagnaia
anyway, I've been thinking about the bottling thing... what jorge said about it earlier's been rattling around in my head since I saw the quote
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man, it must be really tough, right? like, you don't know why it's happening... it's not just cockiness - though there is an element of someone who's kinda used to bulldozing his way through problems with sheer obstinacy and stubborn self belief (another distinction with the 63's, who are more introspective and prone to self-flagellation following mistakes). but it's also just... you can't figure out why it's such a fundamental shortcoming of your game! today, from the way pecco and also luca (apparently) were talking about it, it seems like there was something noticeable about how jorge was gradually losing a bit in his control and precision as a result of how the tyres were going off, as a sort of precursor of the fatal error. which... well, it's at least a somewhat understandable mistake, because it comes from pressure? it's not just the tyres going off each time - the mugello sprint crash was lap four, jerez was lap ten. but an interesting thing about his big errors this year is that they have all come as a result of serious pressure - as a result of pecco directly behind him in the case of jerez and sachsenring and like... in anticipation of the massive points damage he knew he was probably going to take in mugello. it sounds obvious to say pressure is more likely to generate mistakes, but of course that's not always true of our title contenders! pecco only really wakes up when he's already dug a hole halfway to the centre of the earth - but when he faces actual pressure, his track record is mostly very strong. his biggest howlers this season, portimao + catalunya sprints, both came when he was leading comfortably. martin has also made these pressure-light mistakes in the past, most memorably indonesia last year but... well
one of the most fascinating bits of sports are like... limits and ceilings and how your build-up as an athlete kinda determines what's possible for you. like, sports is sort of where you experiment with notions of fate and inevitability and all that, where you question whether it's possible for anyone to ever really change. is it once a choker, always a choker? if you know that you have this problem, this flaw that is always just there in the background, waiting to be actualised - what can you do? does it give you more or less hope that there's not a clear root cause? how debilitating that must be for confidence too, always knowing that you could cause everything you've worked for to crash down in a moment.... this is where. y'know, the thing with pecco, right, is that he's now gotten to a weird place where psychologically he has to be wary of the mistakes he himself makes - but he knows that he can also bounce back from them. he has that muscle memory, because he's done it before. he chucked it down the road in india and he won the title! jorge did it in thailand and he didn't! and the problem is that it becomes a self-reinforcing cycle of sorts, because even though the margin between the two of them at the end of last year ended up being relatively slim... one of them still won and one of them still lost. which actually means that even though pecco and jorge both have made serious mistakes this year (though pecco's track record is cleaner - in portimao the points punishment didn't quite fit the crime and in the jerez/le mans sprints he was kinda just unlucky), only one of them knows they can do this shit and win the title anyway
and now jorge has an entire summer break to go away and think about that. can be a good thing, get some distance, and it's easy to slip into a run of bad form that you can't escape if there's no interruption. can be an awful thing because you're sitting with your mistakes for weeks on end with no chance to rectify them. I'm naturally a pessimist on the 'can any athlete ever really change' question because life has very much worn me down on this topic over the last few years (aka some sports results made me really sad). but I always want to be optimistic! I want to believe athletes can fix their fatal flaws! I want to believe they can get better at managing their tyres and not folding under pressure. and pressure works weirdly... sometimes it's not really a test of 'mental strength' as much as it is of what kind of in-built margin an athlete has (btw this is my best guess for what goes wrong with martin). sometimes it's beneficial in sharpening the mind and erasing the possibility of you just... not being sufficiently concentrated (which is my best guess for what happens with pecco when he's not being pressured). can you truly get better at dealing with that? or at a certain point, have you already accumulated so much mental scar tissue that you're always going to get in your own way? who knows! maybe we're all doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past forever and ever. who knows
anyway. in response to this ask. I do think it's more a case of 63's aligned in being too stuck in their own head, too concerned with legacy, and walking a very thin line between arrogance and insecurity. all three of them, though, have a bad case of 'coming through the ranks in an era of greats they'll always be disparagingly compared to'. what's new can never be as good as what came before, right? and they're constantly struggling to manage or maybe even overcome basic flaws that seem to be embedded in their make up as competitors... maybe they'll make it, just a little. maybe they never will. but it sure is fun to watch them try!
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yeastinfectionvale · 7 months
Question about vale single mom au. Once cele is born, who’s last name do they give him? Does he have the Rossi last name like pecco? Or do they decide to make him a marquez and have 1 and 1? Or do they go with both and add marquez to peccos name once the adoption goes through leaving them both w two last names in Spanish fashion?
(If they go with both last names I can imagine pecco correcting reporters who only call him Francesco Rossi instead of Francesco Rossi Marquez. He’s all like “um actually I have two last names, one for each of my dads, don’t forget the second one!)
Its a bit of a funky situation. Once they get married, both Vale and Marc decide not to take eachothers name, not that they didn't want to. But the paperwork was hard enough without the media making it seem as if one was forced to take they others name. They had briefly discussed the idea of taking a completely different third name but that was shot down pretty quickly. (Bez being the little shithead he is, jokingly told the couple that they should take the last name Bezzecchi instead. Pecco promptly threw a pillow at his face).
Pecco and Cele however have the double hyphenated last name Rossi-Marquez. When the adoption papers were being signed, the lawyer asked Pecco is he wanted to change anything, Pecco added on Marc's name. When Cele was born, it seemed only natural for the boy to have both names. When introducing himself, he always uses his full name and there are complications on YouTube of him correcting journalists of both his and his little brother's names.
When they started racing, both Pecco and Cele use their middle names, Bagnaia and Vietti, just so nobody could label them as nepotism babies and so that they could show their talents off without being held to their fathers legacies.
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sbknews · 1 year
Martin smashes lap record for magnificent Misano pole
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Bezzecchi and Bagnaia lead the resistance as qualifying sets the stage for some spectacular showdowns. Qualifying laps don’t get any better than that! Jorge Martin (Prima Pramac Racing) will start the Gran Premio Red Bull di San Marino e della Riviera di Rimini Tissot Sprint and Grand Prix race from pole position after setting a phenomenal 1:30.390 – a Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli all-time lap record. Key rivals and home heroes Marco Bezzecchi (Mooney VR46 Racing Team) and Francesco Bagnaia (Ducati Lenovo Team) join him on the front row on their home turf after stellar efforts in qualifying, despite riding through the pain barrier.
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Q1: APRILIA RULE As the first hot laps were slammed in, Miguel Oliveira (CryptoDATA RNF MotoGP™ Team) led by a healthy 0.3s over Fabio Quartararo (Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP™), with Aleix Espargaro (Aprilia Racing) 0.6s adrift in P8 – as younger brother Pol Espargaro (GASGAS Factory Racing Tech3) suffered an early crash. Quartararo improved his time to a 1:31.678 to get a tenth and a half clear of third place Michele Pirro (Aruba.it Racing), but Pirro's fellow wildcard Stefan Bradl (HRC Team) then pounced to P2. Pol Espargaro’s session was then over as he went down unhurt for a second time, as Aleix Espargaro shot to P1 by 0.021s. Could Quartararo get himself back into the top two? Not quite. The slimmest of margins cost El Diablo – 0.038s to be precise – as Oliveira returned to P1 on his last lap, heading through with Aleix Espargaro.
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Q2: LAP RECORD OBLITERATED After a brief pause in proceedings, the fastest 12 riders fired up their machines as we got set for the San Marino GP pole position fight. After the slower banker laps were set, the rapid times started to come in as Bezzecchi’s 1:31.027 handed the Italian a tenth advantage over Martin, with Bagnaia’s first lap placing him a brilliant P3 – 0.152s off Bezzecchi’s time. Martin then went for another time attack and it was a new all-time lap record – a 1:30.832 saw the Spaniard rise to P1, 0.195s clear of the chasers. As the pack peeled back into pitlane, Martin led Bezzecchi and Bagnaia, with Brad Binder (Red Bull KTM Factory Racing) P4 and Aleix Espargaro P5 – the leading quintet in the title race setting the pace in the opening part of Q2. An absolute barnstormer then came from Martin on fresh rubber, a mind-blowing 1:30.390 putting the #89 0.6s clear on provisional pole. Dani Pedrosa (Red Bull KTM Factory Racing) was the rider in second, but briefly, as elsewhere Pecco climbed onto the front row again. Bezzecchi responded to return to take over in second, but the #72 was a mighty four tenths adrift. On his final lap, Pecco was giving it all he had. A red split came through Sector 2 but time was lost in the latter half of the lap, as the Championship leader improved his time but stayed P3 – 0.039s away from Bezzecchi. In the end though, no one could get within touching distance of Martin’s absolute stunner. A first pole since the 2022 Valencia GP was clinched by the title-chasing Spaniard, and what a time to do it!
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THE GRID Behind the Martin, Bezzecchi, Bagnaia front row, Maverick Viñales (Aprilia Racing) was able to set his personal best time on the final lap to climb to the front of Row 2 in P4. He has wildcard Pedrosa – the leading KTM! – and Aleix Espargaro for company behind the leading trio. Binder fronts Row 3 in P7, with Luca Marini (Mooney VR46 Racing Team) and Marc Marquez (Repsol Honda Team) claiming P8 and P9 respectively. Oliveira, Alex Marquez (Gresini Racing MotoGP™) and Raul Fernandez (CryptoDATA RNF MotoGP™ Team) round out the top 12. Find the full grid below! The stage is set for some serious action on the Rimini riviera. Don't miss it. For more MotoGP info checkout our dedicated MotoGP News page Or visit the official MotoGP website www.motogp.com Read the full article
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meaningofmotorsport · 3 years
Red Bull fight back! - Saturday Racing Round Up
Any feeling that Mercedes was taking control of the season have been washed away, as Red Bull seemed to have a few tenths on Mercedes in Qualifying today. It was Verstappen who put it on pole, pulling out a superb lap when it counted. In the race tomorrow, if he can stay ahead of Lewis on Lap 1, he should have the pace to win. However, we could see drama into Turn 1! Perez did brilliantly too, and if there hadn’t been rain at the end of Q3, he could have joined Max on the front row. It looks as though he has got the hang of doing his own set ups, which are rather different to Max’s, so there are promising signs for the team.
On what we thought was a Mercedes track, they have been bested by the better team. They just didn’t find as much improvement as Red Bull overnight, possibly helped by the hotter temperatures. You could see the chronic understeer in Lewis’ car, which caused him to consistently lose time in the last sector. I imagine the race pace will be close with Red Bull, so the race start is key, I wonder how aggressive Hamilton will be, to try and get some points back on Max! Bottas was where he needed to be today, a tenth or two behind Lewis, but with the penalty, it could be hard for him to get back to 4th tomorrow, as we know he isn’t a great overtaker.
Almost perfect day for Ferrari, as they were the 3rd best team, and have a great chance to gain on McLaren tomorrow. The only downside was that Sainz qualified on the softs in Q2, that wasn’t planned, they just expected to improve on the 2nd run, which didn’t happen. Unless Ferrari have one of those weekends where they have terrible tyre wear, it will be hard for McLaren to beat them. Ricciardo and Norris weren’t too disappointed with how qualifying went, Lando thought there was a bit of time on the table, however he may not have beaten Charles.
Having had a mediocre Friday, AlphaTauri actually had a rather good qualifying, with both cars reaching Q3, although only just! It seems that Albon is an effective driver coach for Tsunoda, as we are seeing signs of improvement from him. In the race it will be all about trying to keep the Alpine’s and Aston Martin’s behind.
With Vettel at the back, and Stroll out in Q1, there is a great chance for Alpine to gain more points on Aston Martin with Ocon. They actually did a rather effective tow with Alonso; however, it wasn’t quite enough to reach Q3. Russell once again performed well on a Saturday, despite having a lap time deleted.
Apparently, we are set for a 2 stop race tomorrow, due to the higher temperatures we are seeing in Texas. That means there could be plenty of cars coming and going in the race, which will be great for us to watch. More than anything though, we just can’t wait for the run to Turn 1 between Max and Lewis!
If you thought that the title fight was over, today the racing gods gave their best shot at reviving the battle. As expected, Ducati was almost dominant in the wet conditions, and locked out the front row, but most importantly, it was Bagnaia who came from Q1 to take the pole. It was a remarkable showing by him, as he mastered the conditions, and never really looked as if he could be beaten. His chances of winning tomorrow have gone way up!
It is an all Ducati front row, with Miller barely missing out on pole, he just made a few too many mistakes, and got caught out by yellow flags. It is hard to say what his race pace will be, especially if it is dry, he would do well to bring home a podium. The only person to near Pecco in terms of greatness today, was Marini, who on a two year old bike, very nearly got his first ever pole! It has been a difficult year for him, being outperformed by Bastianini for the most part, but this was another chance for him to show how good he is. A top 6 or 7 result would be excellent for him tomorrow!
Once again, in cold tricky conditions, Pol was able to outperform the bike really, and head up the 2nd row. Much like for Marini, it was a chance to remind people that he is a good rider, he is just in a tough spot at the moment. The race could still be hard for him though. In fact, the whole 2nd row was riders coming back from difficult periods, as both Olivera and Morbidelli have been struck with injury in the 2nd half of the year. The KTM clearly does work well in the wet, which helped Miguel, however Franky pulled that lap out of nowhere, as the rest of the team has been nowhere all weekend.
You would have expected more from Marquez in these conditions, although you have to bear in mind it was nearly completely slick by the end. With some bikes out of position ahead of him, a podium is definitely on the cards for Marc. The Tech 3 squad had a solid run in the end, after a very disheartening year, some solid points tomorrow would do them well.
Pramac would have hoped for so much more today, bearing in mind how well the rest of Ducati did, but the riders kept having issues. It seemed to dry up too much for Aleix, as he fell back, but should come forward tomorrow! Rins and Alex Marquez were unlucky to miss out on Q2, there were just too many strong riders in Q1. Suzuki look as though they will have another trying weekend, with Mir down in 18th.
You couldn’t write this stuff! As Quartararo just couldn’t put a lap together in the wet conditions to advance to Q2. Even if his final lap had stood, it wouldn’t have been enough, the Yamaha just doesn’t work in the rain really. He can take solace in what should be a dry race tomorrow, so from 15th, he should be able to reach at least around 7th or 8th, and likely higher. Bastianini will be following him through most likely, after going so well here last time. He couldn’t match the other Ducati riders in anyway, which will hurt him.
Nakagami did find some pace in the end, but it only got him to 17th, as the Honda pain continues. Vinales was never a fan of wet conditions, so combine that with a new bike and personal issues, and 19th doesn’t look too bad. He just needs to use every race as a test session for 2022! Binder may be the most disappointing rider of the day, as we saw all his teammate fair quite well, but he was nowhere.
Thank you very much for reading this article! To keep up to date with when they go out, and to see my reactions to races and other news, follow me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MeaningofMotor1
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Hello! I'm your 2nd motogp anon 😂 I would like maybe an IG au with pecco bagnaia? Maybe like friends but now becoming more than this and the soft launch and finally him winning the championship?? 😭😭 Love your imagines ❤️
king of my heart | pecco bagnaia
hello motogp anon number 2 <3 sorry for the wait, but I’m finally posting this lol also i made them childhood friends because I’m a sucker for that trope
faceclaim paola cossentino
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Liked by pecco63, fabioquartararo20 and 67,108 others
y/n.l/n last day in Italy before i see my best friend win the championship 🤍
pecco63 I’ve already got my championship, her name is y/n
y/n.l/n 😐 you’ve got the whole room laughing
pecco63 I try
motogpwags just announce you’re dating 😍 it’s not that hard
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Liked by Pierregasly, y/n.l/n and 368,984 others
pecco63 Thanks to all of you, for believing in us until the end!
y/n.l/n il mio campione 🤍 ti amo per sempre
pecco63 ti amo di più ❤️grazie per essere al mio fianco
Fabioquartararo20 congratulations!
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Liked by isahernaez, motogpwags and 23,488 others
y/n.l/n if he can hold a trophy he can hold my heels
peccofan63 PECCO??
motionbitchness maybe they finally got together ABOUT TIME
fabioquartararo20 😏😏
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y/n.l/n has added to their story
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Liked by marcmarquez93, felipedrugovich and 564,398 others
pecco63 my number one always ❤️ y/n.l/n
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Liked by itselenaberri, florencepugh and 56,839 others
y/n.l/n time flies when you’re in love 🤍
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lucy90712 · 1 year
Hi, I saw that your requests were open and wanted to ask if you could write a fluff where you are Pecco Bagnaia's daughter (or wife, whichever one you're more comfortable with) and you are sick but he doesn't want to leave your side at all and it's just really cute.
Instead of my alarm waking me up like it would any other morning today it was the pounding in my head. The last few days I haven't been feeling the best but clearly I'm more sick than I originally thought. I really wanted to go back to sleep but my headache was keeping me awake along with the fact that I felt so incredibly nauseous and the room was spinning slightly. If I had any ability to get up I would've gone to get myself some medicine to make me feel a bit better but I know that as soon as my feet hit the ground I will fall straight back down as I feel that awful. So instead of getting up I just sat myself up in bed I'm hopes that maybe I'll start to feel a bit better and be able to either sleep or get myself some medicine. 
After just sitting and staring at the dark bedroom wall for a while I felt movement next to me in the bed which couldn't be anyone other than my wonderful husband Pecco. This whole time he had been sleeping peacefully next to me and I wasn't going to change that as he's not long got back from a few weekends away racing so he's still a bit jet lagged and who am I to deny him a full nights sleep. Despite me not moving at all as it simply takes too much effort Pecco still stirred himself awake and began staring up at me as he came back to the real world. I could see a mixture of sleep and confusion in his eyes it was like he was trying to grasp whether he was still dreaming or if I was actually just weirdly sat up in bed staring into the darkness. Realisation seemed to hit him all at once as he bolted upright and moved closer to my side of the bed now with a look of concern. 
"Love are you ok what's wrong?" He asked 
"I'm fine just go back to bed" I replied 
"Baby you're burning up are you feeling ok?" He pressed while moving his hand around my forehead 
"I don't feel great but I'll be fine just go back to sleep" I said 
"Thats not happening lie down and I'll go get you some medicine" he said while leaving the room before I could stop him 
It wasn't long before he was back with a glass of water and various pills to tackle all of my symptoms. He made sure I took all of them before heading to the bathroom to get a cold towel to put over my forehead. It's times like these that I truly get to appreciate how wonderful Pecco really is, he is always putting my needs first and making me his top priority which is what most people long for in a partner. He is always so caring and somehow knows exactly what I need at all times even if I can't communicate it which in situations like these when I'm not quite in my right mind is useful. After the towel wasn't as cold anymore he took it off my head and back to the bathroom before coming back to bed. Pecco opened his arms once he had got settled in bed signalling me to cuddle with him but I was hesitant as I don't want him to get sick as he has more races coming up soon. The longer I waited the more he began to pout thinking that I didn't want to cuddle. 
"Why don't you want to cuddle with me?" He asked 
"I do but I don't want to get you sick" I said 
"Forget about that I just want to cuddle you and make you feel better" he said 
He didn't need to do any more to convince me so I pretty much threw myself into his arms which he quickly wrapped around my waist to pull me as close as possible. I was quick to settle in with my head resting on his chest as his hand ran up and down my back in a soothing manner trying to help me fall back asleep. At some point he moved on from rubbing my back to playing with my hair which always puts me to sleep and this time was no exception as I could feel my eyes finally getting heavy as sleep began to take over. 
By the time I woke up again it was definitely light outside as the sun was shining though the curtains which were still closed. As my eyes began to open I went to turn and look at Pecco but I only found an empty space next to me. The space next to me prompted me to find my phone which quickly told me that it was nearly the afternoon which calmed my anxiety as it meant Pecco and probably just gone out training and hadn't mysteriously disappeared. As he's gone it means I have to drag myself out of bed to get myself something to eat and some water. 
Getting out of bed was a big ordeal as I'm still feeling really tired and all of my muscles hurt so I had to do it step by step until I was eventually on my feet. Once out of the warm bed covers it was a bit chilly so I grabbed one of Pecco's hoodies that was sat on the side which instantly made me feel better as it smelled like him and I love to wear his clothes when they smell like him. On any other day I would wash my face and brush my teeth before going to eat breakfast but today I didn't have the motivation so instead I trudged towards the stairs very slowly. I took each step one at a time like an old lady because it hurt to go any quicker but eventually I made it downstairs. When I started to make my way to the kitchen I could smell something cooking, then I heard humming which couldn't be anyone else other than Pecco. 
I must have been making more noise than I thought as before I could actually enter the kitchen Pecco appeared at the doorway to come and greet me giving me a hug which I didn't know I needed. Having his arms around me made feel so much more relaxed and as much as it didn't make any of my physical symptoms better it sure did make me feel better overall. He pulled away from me slightly and kissed my forehead before leaning down and kissing my lips which I didn't plan to let him do as it pretty much guarantees that he'll get sick but he was too quick for me. I let him kiss me a few more times before he picked me up and carried me to the sofa where he put me down and piled blankets on top of me to make me comfortable. 
"How are you feeling this morning?" He asked 
"A little better I think my fever is gone and my head doesn't hurt as much" I replied 
"Good I made you some soup so you stay there and get comfy and I'll bring you some" he said 
A few minutes later he came back with a bowl of soup and some tea which he put down in front of me before settling in to the sofa next to me. As I started eating Pecco grabbed the tv remote and put on my favourite movie which surprised me as he always says how much he hates having to watch it again but I guess there are benefits to being sick. I've watched this film so many times that I can quote nearly the whole thing especially my favourite scene where the two main characters confess their love for each other so I started to say the lines out loud until Pecco joined me. We went through the scene to begin with but then he went off script and started listing the things he loves about me which nearly made me cry but I held it together and even managed to give my own list of things I love about him. I think it was the most romantic thing we've ever done and of course it had to be when I feel like death so the memory is slightly tainted. 
After we had finished being cheesy Pecco laid down on the sofa pulling me down with him so we could cuddle. He then put seemingly every blanket we own over the top of both of us and made sure to tuck me in tightly so no warmth could escape. Pecco truly is the best husband as I know for a fact in a few minutes he will be really hot under all these blankets but he won't move them unless I want him to. He is always so sweet especially when I'm sick he is always trying his best to take care of me which just proves that when the time is right he will be a great dad and I can't wait to see him with our baby one day. 
We watched the rest of the movie together but once it ended I was starting to really get tired again which Pecco could obviously sense as he put on another movie but lowered the volume so it was basically just background noise. I tried watching for a bit but eventually I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore so I let myself take a nap but I made Pecco promise to wake me up in a few hours as I don't want to wreck my sleep schedule. Just as I was falling asleep Pecco started whispering in my ear about how much he loves me which out a big smile on my face as I finally fell asleep. 
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Pecco Bagnaia- I do
It feels like just yesterday that Pecco and I got engaged but in reality it's been over 6 months, the day was just perfect because Pecco had gone all out to make it a special day which he did very well. I often think back to that day and remember the twinkle in Pecco's eyes as he asked me to marry him and the smile he had on his face when I said yes and he put the ring on my finger, it's such a fond memory that I hope to never forget even as I get older. That being said since there has been a lot of stress in trying to plan our wedding because Pecco is often away so we only have limited time to actually go and look around venues and organise vendors which has meant that I've been handling most things while he's away but we always talk through FaceTime before making any final decisions.
Although it's been a lot of work the last few months things are coming together so I can do the things I'm really excited about like finding a dress. I have been to a few dress shops but none of the dresses I tried seemed right even if they were really pretty they just weren't what I had pictured in my mind for my wedding dress. Today seeing as its a Saturday and Pecco is at a race me and a few friends are all going to go dress shopping and as I'm the first friend in the group to get married everyone is very excited probably more excited than I am. They have been sending me pictures for the last week and even all woke me up incredibly early this morning by sending pictures back and forth on our group chat which I tried to ignore but I was well and truly awake so I just got up. The plan was to go in the afternoon but at just after 10am there was pounding in the door despite the fact there is a doorbell right there that scared the life out of me but when I answered it it was just my friends who practically dragged me out the door after letting me grab my keys and shoes.
When we arrived in the nearest city they dragged me through the streets until we got to a small boutique that had some incredibly fancy dresses in the window which were at all my style but they still made me go in just to look around. As soon as we entered a worker came up to us and asked me all sorts of questions about what I was looking for before showing me to a section of dresses that matched the description I gave. There was so many pretty dresses but most of them just weren't my style but there was a few I liked so I picked them out to try them on and my friends picked a few that they wanted to see me in and the worker picked one she thought would suit me.
Trying on the dresses was actually quite disappointing as all the ones I thought would look good just didn't and even the one the worker picked just didn't seem to suit me, it's frustrating because all I want is a dress that I love but all of the ones I try just look awful on me to the point that I'm starting to wonder if I'll even find a dress in time. The last dress I went to try on was one that I picked because I thought it looked nice even though I was convinced it wouldn't suit me but as soon as I looked in the mirror I fell in love. The dress itself was fitted right until my knees where it flowed into a beautiful lace train, at the top the neckline was kind of deep but not too revealing and there was little sleeves with the same lace that covered the rest of the dress which looked like leaves and flowers. Looking at myself in the mirror I almost let a few tears slip down my face as I pictured myself marrying Pecco in the dress which is how I knew it was the one. I still wanted to show my friends just to get their opinion and as soon as I walked out to where they were stood they all loved it and said it was the best one I'd tried on.
I tried the dress on with a veil and everything before getting all my measurements taken so that the dress could be altered to fit me perfectly even though it already fit quite well it just needed to be made a bit shorter. Of course I had to take a million pictures first to send to my family who have been dying to see what I picked out and to keep as memories, Pecco has also been begging me to send him pictures of the wedding dresses I try but I refuse because I want to wait until the day for him to see the dress although it is hard to keep it a secret when I usually tell him everything. Leaving the store I was overwhelmed with happiness thinking about the fact that this wedding was really going to happen and I was going to marry Pecco in the most beautiful dress I've ever seen that I almost forgot about everything else thats left to organise.
Finally it's the big day after 10 months of organising things it's officially the day that me and Pecco are getting married. We spent the afternoon yesterday traveling the few hours to the venue we picked but after having dinner we haven't seen each other as I had to be up earlier to get ready and I still didn't want him to see my dress so I decided to stay with my best friend in a room together. She woke me up quite early so we could head to the venue with the rest of my bridesmaids to start getting ready and just to oversee everything even though my friend is kind of in charge of all that as she's a wedding planner but I just wanted to be there in case of an emergency. The whole car ride I was so exited to see the venue again with things set up as when me and Pecco went to look at it the place was empty but it had the exact vibes we were going for and had such potential that we had to choose it but it will be cool to see it decked out in everything we chose. As we walked through the reception area they were setting up the tables and the decorations on them which looked so much better in real life than I could have ever imagined.
Time went by so quickly and before I knew it my hair and makeup were done and it was time for me to get my dress on which I haven't seen since my last fitting which wasn't that long after I brought it so I'm quite nervous that it won't fit right as it's been a few months since then. The train if the dress was is so long that I needed 5 friends to hold it to allow me to even step in the dress then more people were needed to help do up all the buttons at the back which took a while but when it was done I felt really good as the dress felt like it fit perfectly. I had help putting my heels on before I got to look at myself in the mirror, I was shocked by my own appearance when I got a glimpse of myself because I've never looked this good in my life which I suppose it a good thing seeing as it's my wedding day. The dress fit me perfectly but wasn't tight to the point that I wouldn't be able to eat anything and my hair and makeup were done to perfection in a way that made my features really stand out in the best way possible.
Once everyone was ready we still had a few minutes before the ceremony started and even then I had a few more minutes before I had to walk down the aisle and as much as I was really excited to get married I was also really nervous for many reasons but mostly that Pecco would get cold feet and leave me at the alter. I know its stupid to think that way because we talked so much about marriage before we got engaged and Pecco has been so excited for this day for months so there is no reason that he would leave me but you never know what will happen on the day. My mind quickly went through all the negative thoughts and then straight to thinking about all the jokes me and Pecco had made about being stuck with each other once we are married but they always end with us saying how we can't wait for that day so I know he will be just as excited as I am waiting for me at the alter.
Before I knew it the time came for me to walk down the aisle and my dad came over to walk with me, he gave me a quick smile and squeezed my arm before putting his arm though mine as we walked into the building through the doors allowing me to see inside for the first time. Music was playing as I took a quick glance at all of mine and Pecco's family and friends standing as I walked in but my gaze quickly turned to Pecco himself so was stood at the alter where I had hoped he would be. The rest of the walk I stared into his eyes and the closer I got the more evident the tears coming down his face were which made me want to cry but I held off as best I could as not to ruin my makeup yet but it definitely wasn't going to last too much longer. When I got the the aisle my dad let go of my arm and Pecco took my hands for a second before letting go which I used as an opportunity to wipe his cheeks before the officiant started the ceremony officially. The ceremony itself didn't interest me too much but I followed along just waiting for it to be over and soon enough the time came where we got to say our vows and I had spent ages writing mine so I was ready to say them but Pecco was first.
"Y/n being here with you is really like a dream come true the minute we met I knew there was something special about you and by the end of our first date I knew we were meant to spend the rest of our lives together. From them I always told myself I would take care of you and love you with everything I have and now that we're getting married that isn't going to change in fact I'll do my best to love you even more and I promise that I'll me there for you whenever you need me and even when you think you don't because we're in this together now" he said struggling to say some words because he was holding back tears
"Getting married is something I've thought about since I was little and I've had an image of what that day would look like in my head for years but one thing that was never there was the person I'd be marrying that was until I met you since then it was clear to me that you were the only one I'd ever want to share this dream with. My life only feels complete when you are here to the point that I'm not myself when you are away because its like an important part of me is missing thats how much you mean to me and how much I love you Pecco. Spending the rest of our lives together is about the only way life could get any better which is why I'm over the moon to be stood here and getting to call you my husband" I said well and truly in tears after Pecco's vows
We were both in floods of tears but the time we had finished our vows and the not crying had completely gone out the window but when I saw a few other people in the audience crying too it made me feel less like a sappy mess. The ceremony continued but me and Pecco were barely paying attention as we were staring into each other's eyes as well as wiping the tears that ran down our faces.
"You may now kiss the bride" the officiant announced
Pretty much instantly his lips collided with mine in the most passionate kiss we have ever shared as his arms went around my waist and mine around his neck. After a few moments we pulled away and I quickly pecked his lips again before we walked back down the aisle and out the doors where I finally felt like I could breathe so I let out a sigh, Pecco must have felt the same as I heard him do the same which made us look at each other and laugh at how we had clearly been holding our breath more than we knew. The rest of our guests walked out as we stopped laughing along with the photographer ready to take pictures which is something I wasn't looking forward to too much as I don't really like being in front of a camera or posing but if there was any day to do it it would be today. We posed for photos with families and friends as well as the entire wedding party before we started to do pictures of just the two of us that I was convinced would be awkward but Pecco kept making me laugh and I completely forgot about the fact there was a camera in front of us.
Soon enough we were done with the staged photos and were allowed into the reception but first I put on some flat shoes as not to hurt myself by wearing heels all day. When we walked into the room it was just spectacular everything was set out perfectly and there was even things that I don't remember adding in, there were little glass bowls with little decorations in themand in mine and Pecco's places there were little heart decors with writing on that I couldn't read at a distance. Pecco had hold of my hand and led me over to our families who were talking to each other so that we could talk to them and right away they congratulated us and complimented the decor which I thanked them for but I wasn't responsible for some parts of it. We talked with them for a while before going round and talking to all the other guests to thank them for coming and just to talk to them as some we haven't seen for a long time but eventually we had made it around everyone and got to go and sit down for a moment to be together.
"You look beautiful in that dress" Pecco complimented as we sat down together
"Thank you you look great in this suit too" I said
"I can't believe how good everything looks when we were planning it I never thought it would come together like this " he commented
"I know it looks so great but I don't remember deciding on half this stuff like when did we add those flowers and the table decors?" I ask wanting to try and jog my memory or work out that we didn't plan it and that I wasn't crazy
"We didn't but I did" he replied
"What?" I questioned still very confused
"Well you were really stressed about all of the wedding planning and like getting all the big things organised so I thought I could set up some little things that you'd enjoy on the day plus it was actually really fun and I enjoyed getting everything together to surprise you" he explained
"Aww Pecco thats so sweet of you you did a wonderful job too" I said
We talked a little more before everyone sat down to eat and then people began to make toasts which I was dreading because I knew my friends would embarrass me but to my surprise they were all very sweet and talked about nice memories which I was very thankful for. Pecco's friends whoever weren't so nice and they told stories from the time before we were together when he used to do stupid things in front of me while trying to impress me which I do remember but to hear it from their point of view was funny. Me and Pecco then made toasts to each other which were a little boring as we hadn't prepared anything outside of our vows but no one seemed to notice.
The rest of the evening went by pretty quickly but we had a great time facing and talking with family although we both just wanted to get out of there towards the end so we could have some time alone. Late in the evening people began to leave and Pecco seemed to take that as our chance to get away too as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the car taking us back to the hotel. Once at the hotel he helped me out the car and then just picked me up over his shoulder and carried me up to our room where he put me down in the bed and grabbed his phone and began to play our favourite song. He pulled me up and put his hands on my waist while I put my arms around his neck as we swayed back and forth to the music although that didn't last too long as he started to kiss me and the music was quickly forgotten about when we got into bed to spent the night together.
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batsplat · 3 days
maybe you know that before pecco first met casey, he said the thing he wanted to know most was how casey felt about vale! do you think they actually talked about it, and how do you think they discussed it with each other?
I didn't have the possibility already to meet Casey, but I know he was in my garage speaking with [Pecco's current and Casey's former crew chief] Gabarrini, but I think I will meet him after the conference. And I will ask him many things because when I was young - it's the first time that I meet him, and when I was young I was looking, him and Vale fighting. And I would like to know what he's thinking about Vale.
well, pecco. probably not anything particularly polite at any given moment, but it's worth a shot
so I did see this at the time but it had completely slipped my mind, cheers anon!! very endearing, pecco truly living my dream (not the being a motorcycle racer bit or winning championships bit, but hunting down gossip on rivalries straight from the source). wants to ask casey MANY THINGS, this man is prepared. a true scholar!! it does make it even funnier how this was their first meeting... pecco really was already fantasising about asking casey about his number one feud before even saying hello. he's just like me fr. I support him in his fact-finding quest
anyhow - yeah it is fun because pecco ofc was enough of a ducati fan that he was supporting BOTH valentino and casey as a kid, which is like... extremely valid of him, he's so me... also, as has been previously discussed on this blog, he does have some credentials in zeroing in on the most interesting bits of his mentor's career, cf him making the enlightened choice at valencia 2021 to pay tribute to valentino with a 'che spettacolo' helmet. just unambiguously the most compelling choice he specifically could have made, I want to sit him down and have him walk me through his thinking (chronic overthinker so you know he did put in the mental miles) AND how he feels about that specific season. this is a man with a healthy interest in feuds I reckon. bringing this up mainly just as an excuse to revisit the photo with his cute sister
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helmet only somewhat ruined by those ugly ass logos
some more key pecco background info is that he wants to visit some famous circuits motogp no longer visits one day, including suzuka AND - crucially - laguna seca. he also says he likes reading sports autobiographies... which, apart from the one from his literal mentor, you kinda have to assume the casey one would be basically at the top of the list? so I'm just gonna go ahead and assume pecco has read that thing. basically all of this is to say that if you gave pecco a free run at this, you can trust him to know his lore pretty well I reckon. he'd have some decent questions to ask
so we've established motive and ability, let's move on to opportunity. do I think they did actually talk about it... maybe! the way pecco talks about it in the presser, it kinda sounds like he wants to have a proper sit down with casey at the very first time of asking to grill him about the valentino feud, which to me sounds like quite a ballsy approach... but you never know, maybe he did manage to have a proper conversation with casey about it in the middle of a race weekend. (incidentally, pecco won that race, so he did manage to take the spoils on both his 'meeting casey' weekend and 'valentino retiring' weekend, fair play.) in the following year casey clearly did take on a reasonably active role in the team, so they had a decent amount of contact race weekend to race weekend. to quickly go through the archives:
from portimao 2021 (suggesting a PAY CUT to get casey lol)
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silverstone 2022 (really is co-parenting, very sweet)
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austria 2022 (poor fabio)
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and phillip island 2022 (feat. the track walk)
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given all that... I mean, idk, you have to hope that pecco with his obvious interest took his shot when he had it. like,, this was a bit of a one and done type deal, pecco had a year to properly exploit this situation... you've got to take that chance, right? I'm not sure I entirely trust pecco to work this organically into a conversation, but you don't have to let that stop you. you gotta get casey's thoughts on... riding a ducati... while fighting other riders wheel-to-wheel... when you're title rivals... and then hope casey doesn't try to start talking about the two times him and jorge overtook each other in the 2011 season, yeah
the way pecco makes it sound in the presser, maybe he did just flat out ask casey about the feud lol. like a real go-getter. I hope he phrased his opening question in the exact same way as he did in the presser quote, like yes please do ask casey what he's "thinking about vale". as for casey's response... my guess is that he probably keeps it cute, stays reasonably professional. there's a few general themes that tend to crop up pretty frequently when casey discusses fighting valentino, but he does mix it up depending on the occasion and the audience - he's capable of modulating the tone. you'll note that around the time of valentino's retirement, casey is considerably more polite about valentino while he's actually attending the race at portimao (where he also first met pecco, yes) than a few weeks later when he's shit talking on his own time. contrary to popular belief, casey can do diplomacy - he just often doesn't want to. in this particular situation, casey would probably opt to start out with all the diplomatic stuff he was actually saying in portimao anyway: about what a strong opponent valentino was, about how his career achievements had been validated through fighting valentino, about how there were some good points and some bad points but casey learned a heck of a lot etc etc etc
once you get that stuff out of the way... as discussed in more depth in this post, when casey's not outright insulting valentino, he does tend to focus on valentino's intelligence as an opponent - clever, cunning savvy, all that - which, yes, was often about all the off-track media shit, but also described valentino's on-track approach. depending on how casey frames it, there may obviously be more negative connotations to valentino's 'cunning', suggestions of the dirty and the untoward and the downright unfair - and there's typically something quite loaded about how casey talks about everything he learned from valentino. but emphasising valentino's cleverness is still probably the most likely starting point for casey when describing that rivalry to one of valentino's direct disciples - it's the compliment casey has long been the most prepared to pay valentino. beyond that... I tend to think that casey wouldn't be inclined to go into massive amounts of detail about the ins and outs of that rivalry with pecco. maybe if pecco catches him on the right day, he can get a little more - it's not out of the question for casey to delve somewhat into how tricky it is to fight against an evil lunatic quite an aggressive rider who is willing to make your life hell out on the track. maybe some talk about the actual nitty-gritty of fighting valentino that I do not have the technical expertise to imagine in any more detail. or maybe give pecco a spiel about how important it is to focus on yourself, just ignore what the other guy is doing, and so on - that'd probably strike a chord with pecco given the similarities between the pair of them in that regard. one of the reasons why casey was such a tricky opponent for valentino at the beginning of their rivalry was how immune casey was to the typical valentino tactic of just harassing rivals from behind. you'd probably want to focus on that aspect if you're casey, something about how it's important not to let your rivals get in your head. casey did say in early 2023 that pecco had needed to "calm a couple of things down" lol, so maybe he feels that's some advice that needs giving
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what I will say is that I reckon casey would probably confine his anecdotes mostly to what valentino was up to on the track. at most a teensy bit about how tricky it can be to face an opponent skilled at putting pressure on you by using the media, but no lengthy diatribes about how valentino wasn't as nice to him anymore when they became rivals or any of that. in general, yeah, hard to see him being all that interested in giving pecco much to work with. casey's mellowed somewhat since retiring, but you probably don't want to push it too much. he's there to give riding advice, after all - not to satisfy the personal curiosity of valentino's prized protege. still, hopefully pecco got something fun out of him. I have to believe he's at least grilled valentino about his side of the rivalry at some point over the years... like I said, living the dream
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batsplat · 3 months
ur post about how vale and peccos sister are lesbian hot made me so leabain horny for them both lol
as a society. it has to be acknowledged. she shows up in those collared shirts she looks cute and preppy she has five existential crises about her disaster of a younger brother she leaves again. who's doing it like her literally who
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they need to finally get rid off misogyny so we can get women in the collared shirts team kit sport. also get them in leathers but that's a different conversation entirely. lumpy collared shirts my belooooooved
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truly incredibly cute smile!! let's talk about it!! she makes ME smile!!
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look at her with the che spettacolo helmet!! heritage!! feat. the monster energy logo which really does ruin the design!! get that shit off it!!
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(side note, this being pecco's pick for his valentino tribute helmet at valencia 2021 shows truly excellent taste you have to say. clearly the best choice, beat the other academy riders' picks by a country mile. plus it's extremely compelling to me that 'what a spectacle' is what he went for, like it's kinda un-pecco enough to come around to being extremely pecco. fellow 2004 appreciator always knew I could trust him)
anyway I'm not big on reaction shots, not big on them interrupting the action, and especially not big on reaction shots when it's not a) team principals or b) crew chiefs. no loved ones. who cares about them. show me the bikes. BUT I am also a born hypocrite and she's part of the team so I will make an exception for her. always happy to see her on my screen. carola bagnaia I am free this thursday are you free this thursday
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Telling them you’re pregnant headcannon
Fabio Quartararo:
Kids weren't something you and Fabio had discussed too much you both knew you wanted them but exactly when that would happen had never been a topic of conversation. You wanted to have kids sooner rather than later so that you could run around with them and give them the best childhood possible but you knew Fabio's career had just got started and you didn't want having kids to affect his potential to do great thing. He also wanted kids but had never discussed it with you thinking that you wouldn't want to have kids too young and be judged by the people around you. So it's safe to say that you were really nervous when you started to feel sick in the mornings and when certain food just made you incredibly nauseous.
You put off taking a test for a few weeks hoping it was just a sickness bug but when the date for your period came and went you knew you had to find out and just hope for the best when telling Fabio. The whole time you were waiting for the results your hands were shaking and you were pacing back and forth not exactly sure what you wanted it to say. When you looked at the test and it was positive you burst out into tears but they were tears of pure happiness knowing you were actually having a baby with the man you loved more than anyone else. The nerves came back when you realised you had to tell Fabio but luckily he was away for a race and left you at home as you weren't feeling well, to try and help reassure yourself you call him mum and told her and of course she was thrilled but first of all she helped you calm down and told you that Fabio had been wanting kids with you for a while which made you feel so much better. When he gets home you hand him the test the second he gets in the door and it takes him a moment to register what was going on but when he does he picks you up and twirls you round which does make you feel sick but you don't care in the moment. For the rest of the day he can't stop smiling and kissing your stomach even though there is nothing there yet.
Marc Marquez:
You and Marc didn't plan on having kids until a few years in the future because his focus was on racing and when you had kids he wanted to be around to help you and spend time with them. At least that was until he got injured and wasn't able to ride for months on end, it was a hard time for him because racing is what he loves to do but it made him realise that it wasn't everything in life. Getting to be with you every day and enjoy your lives together made him reevaluate his plans, he came to the decision that he wanted to settle down and have a family with you while he was still racing and he would just learn to balance his life better. You had wanted kids for months but you knew racing was his priority for the time being so didn't bring it up until he mentioned that he wanted the same thing. Both of you decided it was best to wait until he was better before you started trying but you made it a promise between you which meant there was no going back.
You guys stuck to your promise and the second he was fit enough to be back on the bike you started trying. You didn't put any pressure on it as you guys knew it would happen when the universe wanted it to which made everything much less stressful than you thought it would be. It only took a few months before you started to get symptoms and you started to think you might be pregnant but Marc was away so you waited or him to be home again so you could find out together that way you could share either the happiness or sadness between you. The second he arrives home you explain everything and drag him to the bathroom and he waits outside for you while you take the test. You both wait together anxiously for the result to be ready but as soon as it is neither of you want to look, eventually you decide to look together and see the little plus which meant you were pregnant. Immediately you both had tears of joy in your eyes and hugged each other as tightly as you could without hurting each other. It took a moment to sink in that you two would really be parents but when it did you were both overjoyed and surprised that it had happened so quickly.
Alex Marquez:
Kids had always been on the cards for you two because you were both desperate to have a family of your own as your families were so important to you both. Alex was more keen than you were as he was happy to have kids after you'd been together for a year but you wanted to wait until you both had your lives sorted out and were in your careers for a few years so that your lives were steady. Once he proposed you started to think more seriously about having kids and without Alex's knowledge you were reading books on parenting and pregnancy as well as looking at your job to see if you would be able to care for a child the way you would want to while he was still racing. When you had worked everything out it was clear that if you really wanted it like you did that everything would work out so that same week you told Alex what you had been doing and told him that as soon as he was ready you were.
Alex didn't need to be told twice and after making sure you were definitely ready you guys agreed to start trying. To start with you were both quite strict about it trying to make sure you had the best possible chance but that wasn't enjoyable for either of you so eventually you gave up on that and just let fate take its course. From then it still took a few more months of hoping before finally one month you were late for your period by a few days which was quite unusual. Alex was aware of this but you both decided to hold off on taking a test for a few more days just to be sure that your period wasn't going to happen as you'd been hopeful before only to have it shoved back in your face when the test came back negative. Those few days waiting felt like years but eventually neither of you could handle the wait any longer so went out and brought a test. The wait for the result on the test was nerve wracking for you both but Alex held you close as you waited it out only to be surprised when your timer went off, you made Alex look first as you were too anxious. He didn't even need to tell you what it said as when he came out the bathroom he had tears in his eyes and picked you up immediately twirling you round and whispering how exited he was to be able to have a family with you.
Pecco Bagnaia:
Starting a family was something that friends and family had asked you both about a million times and your answer was the same every time. You always told them that you would think about it in a few years but really you've been saying that for the past two years. Both of you wanted kids you just weren't ready, you felt like you wouldn't know where to begin with caring for a baby and Pecco didn't think he would be around enough and he knew it wasn't fair to leave you to care for your child when he wasn't around. Because of this you guys were always very careful and took all the necessary precautions to make sure you wouldn't get pregnant.
This worked for you guys until one week you woke up and immediately felt sick which was very unlike you as you don't get ill like that ever. For a few days you just dealt with the sickness and nausea hoping it was just an illness you had picked up and would go away or at least ease up after a few days but it didn't if anything it got worse. Pecco takes good care of you making sure you rest and drink a lot of water but when that doesn't help at all he starts to wonder if maybe there is something else going on. He doesn't tell you about his suspicions as for one he isn't sure and two he doesn't know how you will react but there comes a point when he just has to tell you. When he does tell you you don't react like he expected in fact you had been thinking the same as him so you decided to take the test you keep in the bathroom incase of a situation like this. When the timer went off you couldn't bare to look at the result so sent Pecco to do it but when he came back with a blank expression you got even more worried than you were before. He showed you the test which definitively said positive your mind filled with questions about how you would cope and what you would do but the second you looked at Pecco you felt a lot better. He hugged you with the biggest smile on his face which made you feel better because you knew he would be there for you. Your thoughts were correct as you both sat down to talk about everything and his words about how actually excited he was really reassured you and made you realise that you were also super happy that you two would be starting a family together no matter how daunting it seemed.
Jorge Martin:
You knew that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Jorge so you were ready to have kids after you'd been together just over a year and a half. Jorge on the other hand wasn't quite ready he wanted to spend a few more years focusing on racing and having fun with you before settling down together and it wasn't that he didn't want the same thing he you did he really did but he just wanted to wait for them when he knew they would bring him the most joy. He knew how much you wanted a family so while you were waiting for him to be ready he made sure that you both enjoyed life and he always took you places and did fun things with you which you told him he didn't need to do as a family was a joint commitment but he insisted on making the most of your time together.
Sometimes you guys enjoyed life a little too much and on occasion when celebrating a win or a podium you guys get carried away and aren't careful in preventing you getting pregnant. The few times that this happened you were lucky until one time your luck had run out. It was a few weeks after he had won a race when you began to feel sick throughout the day and certain foods you loved before made you reach just at the thought of them which is the first thing that made you suspicious but what confirmed it to you was when your period was late. Really you knew what was going on but you still decided to take a test just to be sure and to have something to show Jorge who you were very nervous to tell. As expected the test was positive which you were happy about but you still kept it a secret for a few days before getting up the courage to tell Jorge. You do it one day when he comes back from training by just handing him the test and not saying a word one because you didn't know what to say and two because even if you did no words would come out you were that nervous. The last thing you expected him to do was pick you up in a hug before putting you down and kissing your stomach. Turns out he had actually been rethinking his decision on waiting to have kids and was over the moon that you guys would get to have a family of your own.
Jack Miller:
Jack never wanted kids because to him the idea of raising another human being was stressful and he'd never really seen anyone enjoy being a parent so he thought it just wasn't worth it. You on the other hand did kind of like the idea of having a family but you loved Jack so much that it didn't matter to you whether you guys ever had kids because he was all you needed to be truly happy. No matter how many people told Jack that being a dad was great it didn't change his mind in the slightest in fact you were the one that managed to change him mind and without even meaning to. One day you were visiting your sister and her two kids who you adore and were playing with them like you always do when over there but on this one occasion Jack really took notice of the way you interacted with them and cared for them. Seeing you with them struck something in his brain and it made him want to see you like that with your kids which is something he never imagined himself thinking but there he was picturing himself with you and your child playing out in the garden.
For a while he didn't want to admit that you converted him but the more he saw you with your nieces the more he wanted that to be your kids so one night he tells you how he's been feeling which takes you by surprise but does make you happy. You guys discussed things a little bit so that you could make sure that everything would work out which it would as long as you were both committed to it which you were so that decided it you were going to start trying. It took quite a long time for you to get any symptoms but eventually one month you started to feel a little sick which made you realise that your period was late. You were so excited but waited for Jack to actually find out as he was the one that had been more excited than you over the last few months. When he got home you tell him how your feeling so you guys go out and buy a test which you do as quickly as possible so that you aren't waiting as long to find out. The 5 minute wait after taking the test for the result was agonising but when it was finally over you both went into the bathroom together and looked at the result which was a clear positive. You turned around and hugged Jack as happy tears fell from your eyes, he pulled you closer and even let a few tears of his own fall because he was just so happy that finally you guys would be starting a family of your own.
Joan Mir:
You and Joan had talked about kids for a long time and were both desperate to have a family of your own so as soon as the time was right you began trying for a baby. This turned out to be the worst experience ever as you guys tried for months on end with no success despite you being late on your period a few times nothing ever happened. It was so disheartening as there was some months when you both got your hopes up only to be crushed by a negative test result which as time went on just upset you both more and more and made it seem like you just weren't meant to be parents. There came a point when seeing your friends have kids really hurt and sometimes you would go home and cry to Joan about how useless you felt that you couldn't get pregnant when everyone else seemed to be able to with no struggle. He hated seeing you so upset over it but he would have been lying if he said he didn't feel the same it just seemed like universe didn't want you two to have the family you so desperately wanted which was frustrating.
Seeing as trying was causing you both so much stress and upset you just decided to stop for a while and maybe try again after a few months or whenever you guys felt mentally ready. Although you weren't properly trying neither of you cared about using any form of protection seeing as you wanted a family anyway it didn't seem worth the effort. It was only when you weren't properly trying that one month you begun to get symptoms you hadn't had before like sickness and coupled with missing your period you couldn't help but get your hopes up just a little bit. You started to feel your worst when you were away at a race with Joan and of course he knew how you'd been feeling and your suspicions so when you were throwing up pretty much constantly he went out and brought a test for you to take. Typically it was race day so he was really busy but you waited all day for him to be done and the second he was you went and took the test. There was a lot of nerves and anticipation as you waited for the result but there was also a lot of fear as this was the one time that you guys were really hopeful that you would be pregnant so if the result came back negative it was going to hurt a lot more than the other times when you weren't as sure. When your timer went off it made you both jump as you had been so in your own world with him holding you close to him and staring into your eyes so you had to psyche yourselves up to go and look at the result. You went and grabbed the test without looking at it and took it to Joan who put his hand under yours and lifted your fingers off the part that held the result only for you to drop the test again seeing that it was positive. He picked you up into a tight hug as tears left both of your eyes because you were just so over the moon that you were finally pregnant. The rest of the night you guys celebrated on your own and you took a few more tests just to be sure but you were definitely pregnant and both of you couldn't be happier about it.
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Ooh your requests are open again! I love your pieces and would love to see some more Pecco. Maybe about comforting him after a bad race (ex. Germany with all those frequent DNF’s)?
Pecco Bagnaia-It’s going to be ok
A/n: hey everyone I'm going to be at the Silverstone race next weekend so I have no idea if I will be able to post and I won't be writing so some requests may be delayed so sorry in advance
For Pecco this season has been a nightmare as he went in as the championship favourite and now is trailing by a good chunk of points which are going to be hard to make up as it is so he can't afford any more mistakes. All of this is takings its toll on him as each weekend that he doesn't get the result he wants he comes home more and more disappointed in himself and I've even started to hear him call himself useless on occasion which just kills me each time I hear it. It has also begun to take its toll on our relationship because as much as I want to be there for Pecco he keeps shutting me out and not allowing me to see if there is any way I can help. We barely speak anymore as when he gets home from a bad weekend he doesn't want to talk and then during the weekend he spends so much so much time training to try and be better that I only see him at night when I'm in bed already. 
After Pecco's last dnf in Catalunya which wasn't his fault I decided I had to get some time off work and a go to the next race with him as I haven't been to one this season and it felt like he could really use some extra support. Last season I went to a lot of the last races as I was on a particular task that allowed me to work from home and it really helped Pecco so I'm kind of hoping the same will happen this time and at least if it doesn't I will be there to support him. Part of me is also hoping that if I'm there in person Pecco won't be able to hide away and maybe I can get him to talk to me about how he's feeling but for now that is a secondary thought the main thing is to go and support him. 
Pecco left yesterday for Germany as he had to be there today for media but I didn't as I couldn't get the extra day off as it's our busy time at work but I am going this morning on the earliest flight I could get which means getting up at 4am to make sure I'm through security for my 6:30 flight. It felt so odd leaving the house to go to the airport by myself as I never fly anywhere on my own it's always with Pecco but I managed to get everything organised and get myself into the car in time despite the panic in my head. The actual airport was also very stressful as there was way more people than I expected and the lines were long which made me worry about getting to my flight in time but it all worked out and I got to my gate with a bit of time to spare. Just as I was about to shut my phone off before getting on the plane I got a text from Pecco wishing me a safe flight and saying he couldn't wait to see me again which calmed me down but also put a smile on my face as it showed me that he does still care about me even if things are tough at the moment. 
After Pecco's text I felt a lot more relaxed for the flight and even managed to sleep a bit on the plane which I never usually do but soon enough the plane landed and I was allowed to get off and relax a bit more. By the time I actually made it through the airport and got a car to the circuit Pecco had started his media duties so I spent some time putting my things away in the motorhome before going to say hello to the team as over the years I've got to know them well and having not seen them in ages I wanted to catch up with them. While sat in the garage talking Pecco came in and walked right over hugging me from behind and pressing a kiss to my cheek which made me blush as usually neither of us are big into pda but it was nice to have him be so affectionate after being so distant the last couple months. The team left us alone while Pecco had his free time so we went to the motorhome and talked about my flight and the weekend which Pecco was feeling positive about which was a nice surprise so I did all I could to keep him feeling that way. 
Once his break was over Pecco wanted me to go to his interviews with him so I agreed to tag along as I've not actually experienced this side of things before as even if I've been at the track I always do other things during media. The two of us walked through the paddock hand in hand which we haven't done for a long time and I could see people taking pictures which felt really odd and made me feel very self conscious as I hate people taking pictures of me. Along the way we stopped a few times to say hello to a few people walking past but eventually we made it to where all of the riders were sat for all the media people to ask them questions. To start with I stood out of the way because I didn't want to get in anyones way who was there doing their job but Pecco quickly got me to come over and got a chair so I could sit next to him which I did. For a while I felt a little uncomfortable as I felt like everyone was looking at me but eventually I settled in and just listened to all the questions and Pecco's answers until he was done. 
We went to a few more things together before the day was done and we headed back to the motorhome to chill for the rest of the night. As soon as the door was closed behind us Pecco's arms went around my waist and he pulled me into his chest where he then leaned down and kissed me. This is definitely a different Pecco to the one I've been seeing the last few months which I'm hoping means a change in his mentality or his luck. For the rest of the evening all Pecco wanted to do was lay in bed and watch tv which I was more than happy to do as it means cuddling until we fall asleep. 
Friday was a complete whirlwind and I honestly don't remember everything that happened but Pecco ended the day top and that's all that really matters. Today however is when the times really matter as it is fp3 and then qualifying which pretty much determine your race which is what I've come to learn over my time with Pecco. With today being so important since we got up Pecco has been a lot more focused and serious which is how he usually is but he has still been talking to me about plans for the sessions and things he wants to improve which is a big difference from the last few weeks. All weekend I've really seen a difference in him and so have the team which has been so nice as it feels like the Pecco I fell in love with is back and I'm not having to deal with a miserable Pecco. 
Before anyone could worry about qualifying we had to get through practice which even I was feeling pretty good about and I am always the one expecting the worst from every session. Once in the garage things got a bit more intense like they usually do but Pecco had a smile on his face the whole time he was getting ready and even kissed me before he got on his bike which he didn't even do last year. The kiss left me a bit stunned so I was stood in the middle of the garage for a few moments as the bike left the garage and went down pit lane but when I got myself together I sat in Pecco's chair and watched the screens showing the pictures and the times. That's when my nerves kicked in like they always do as I always worry that Pecco will crash and get hurt even though I know he is incredibly good on the bike and wouldn't do anything stupid I can't help but worry about him. 
There was no need for me to so nervous though as by the end of fp3 Pecco was still top and looking in good form for qualifying although Aleix was very close so he will be the one to watch out for in qualifying. Coming back in from the session Pecco was still feeling super confident and even told me that this is where he is going to turn his luck around and get back on track for a possible championship challenge. As much as I do believe him and hope that he's right I know my job is to get him focused on qualifying and not the rest of the season as a whole as thats when things will start to go wrong as he isn't thinking about what he needs to do now. It felt awful trying to reel in his thoughts but I did it in the best way possible and he didn't seem to take it too badly as he was happy to start talking more about this race. 
Seeing as there was a good bit of time between sessions Pecco and I took a minute to sit together before going out to watch the final moto2 practice and support some of the other academy riders who Pecco knows well and I have become close with in my time with him. This isn't the sort of thing we usually do together at least as just Pecco being there draws attention so I don't generally go with him but today we both stood at the pit wall together watching. To start with I stood at the side kind of out the way as I knew someone would film Pecco stood watching and I didn't want to be in the shot if I didn't have to be. This clearly bothered Pecco as he put an arm around my waist and brought me to stand in front of him where he then put his other arm around me and leant his head on my shoulder. I was still a bit tense for a while but Pecco knew exactly what to do to make me feel comfortable and that was to tickle my sides slightly until I was laughing and had forgotten about where I was. 
"There's no need to be so nervous the fans love you and you look gorgeous" he said to try and make me feel less nervous 
"Well aren't you being cute today thank you" I said 
We stayed out there for the whole session before going to get some lunch and then going to watch the moto3 qualifying or at least a bit if it as halfway through Pecco had to go and get ready for fp4. Fp4 wasn't too eventful which was great for my heart as I don't think I could take one more eventful session over the weekend but once it was over that meant it was qualifying soon which is definitely one of the most stressful sessions to watch probably only second to the race. While I was worried about the session and pacing back and forth Pecco was sat calmly in his chair which really shows the difference between us and how used to all this he is compared to me. Once the session started Pecco was quick to go out to try and get a lap in early just in case there was yellow flags later which meant I was on the edge of my seat the entire 15 minutes when usually I just worry about the last few minutes as thats when the fastest laps are set. My hands were over my eyes pretty much the whole time and I only took them away when I heard the team celebrating which is when I saw that he had done it he had got pole and I could relax a little. 
As the team went to greet Pecco in parc ferme I joined them because I couldn't wait any longer to see him. As soon as he stopped the bike he ran over to celebrate with the team before taking his helmet off and coming over to me to give me the tightest hug I think he could manage as well as a quick kiss on the lips before he had to go and do his interview. I watched him intently as he did the interview as he had such a big smile on his face and talked so passionately about how he felt doing the lap which was so nice to see as I haven't seen that from him in a while. Once his interview was done he came back over and took my hand so that we could walk back to the garage together where he talked to the team for a few minutes before we then went to the motorhome to spend some time together. 
After a long day we both just wanted to chill so Pecco went and showered before coming back and settling in on the bed beside me for a second before he put an arm around me to pull me closer so I ended up with my head resting on his chest. We talked about the race for a bit before deciding to move on and leave worrying about it for tomorrow and instead we watched some tv while laying in a comfortable silence. The silence didn't last too long though as Pecco gave me a cheeky grin before starting to tickle me again like he did earlier but this time it was a lot more intense and I couldn't help but giggle and try and get away from his grasp but he had too tighter grip on me. He kept going until until I was gasping for air from laughing too much so he stopped and instead peppered kisses all over my face as his way of making up for tickling me. We then laid down and actually watched the show that had been playing in the background the whole time. 
I didn't sleep much at all last night because all I was thinking about was the race today and for whatever reason I couldn't shake the thought of it not ending well. It was hard to know whether my thoughts would be right as half the time when I lay awake at night what I think about happens and the rest of the time it doesn't so I'm really hoping that I'll be wrong. As much as I didn't really sleep last night Pecco slept like a log all night so I spent most of my time awake staring at him as he looked so peaceful and calm which was the complete opposite of how I was feeling. The peace soon disappeared when Pecco's alarm went off which meant his eyes opened and his eyes caught mine while I was staring at him which made me blush because I had been caught but he just smiled and pressed a kiss to my nose before rolling out of the bed. He was very smiley as he got ready in his team clothing for the team breakfast and meetings which made me feel a little more confident about today. 
Once he was ready I got myself ready quickly and we headed to have breakfast with the team which we didn't do at all really last year as everyone still had to follow so it was great to see all the team members and be able to chat to them all. While there I also took the chance to talk to Jack as he has been a great friend to Pecco despite being rivals on track and the first few times I came to a race he was incredibly nice to me. We talked about his new contract for next year and he made me promise to still talk to him even though he'll be in a different team which of course I was going to do anyway. Before long everyone had to head to their meeting so I went back to the motorhome and used the time to finish getting ready by doing my hair and makeup so that I looked alright if people took pictures. 
When Pecco came back he got ready and did warm up which was a few hours ago now as since then we watched the other races and now are back in the motorhome for Pecco to get his leathers on before the race. Those thoughts I had all night had dissipated over the course of the day but watching Pecco get ready made them all come flooding back to the front of my head which didn't feel like a good sign but Pecco still seems confident so I know I should just trust him. As soon as he was ready he grabbed my hand and we walked to the garage together where he talked to a few team members as I organised his gloves and other things as they were all just thrown on the shelf and it was bugging me. Once he had talked to the team he had to go out on the sighting lap so I let him go as I knew he would come back to the garage as soon as he could. I was correct and Pecco came back to the garage after a few minutes and did a few things before I finally got to talk to him. 
"How are you feeling?" I asked 
"Not too bad I've got a normal amount of nerves and I feel good on the bike so I'm hoping it will go well" he said 
"It will go well I believe in you plus you are due some luck" I said 
Before he left the garage again we stood at the back together with his arms around me just staring at each other which I don't think we have ever done before but it was nice and calming. We had our moment together before he headed back out to the grid and I sat down to watch the screens intently as everyone got themselves ready and mechanics began to leave the grid. Like usual as soon as the warm up lap started I felt the nerves coming through which only got worse when the lights actually went out. Pecco got a good start and was in front of Fabio for the first lap but then Fabio tried to overtake into turn one which he did but Pecco fought back although it didn't work as Fabio ended up with the place. 
The gap between them opened up across the lap and coming across the line Pecco was already half a second behind but I knew he could catch up as the race went on as he can manage his tyres well. On the straight he already gained a bit of time on Fabio as the Yamaha is much slower and then they went into the first corner which I thought was fine but then the camera angle changed. As soon as they switched cameras I saw a bike sliding out and towards the gravel and I knew instantly it was Pecco before anyone even said it and my heart just broke. I watched him get annoyed at himself as he had no one but himself to blame for the crash and all I could think about was how disappointed he was going to be and how all the progress I had made this week in cheering him up would be out the window. Luckily he wasn't injured in any way so he got on a scooter to make his way back right away but that meant he wouldn't have any time to calm down and would definitely be mad. 
Pecco walked into the garage and walked right past me which I knew meant I was going to have to work hard to get him to start talking to me again. He went and spoke to the team for a couple of minutes before walking out the back to go to the motorhome and I knew I had to follow him but I took a few seconds to get myself prepared before starting to follow him.  As I walked out the team offered me some sympathetic looks as they know what Pecco has been like these past few weeks and months so they know what I'm in for. I opened the door to the motorhome and went to look for Pecco before I said anything but I didn't have to go far as he was sat on the sofa still in his leathers with his head in his hands as he looked at the floor. I've never seen him quite so upset with himself before and it made me feel bad for not putting more effort in to get him to talk things through with me or for coming to a race earlier on but I can't change that now all I can do is be here for him now. 
I walked over and sat down in front of him gently removing his hands from his face so that I could replace them with mine and get him to look at me. There were tears in his eyes which almost made me cry just looking at him but I held it together because I know me crying would only make it worse. He kept trying to look away from me but once I started rubbing his cheeks with my thumbs he held eye contact with me. 
"Don't beat yourself up like I know you are doing mistakes happen especially when you are feeling the pressure anyone out there could tell you that I mean look at Fabio in 2020 these things happen" I comforted 
"Yeah but I came into this season as the favourite and now I might just have ruined my chance of winning the title and if I didn't I don't deserve to win after making to many stupid mistakes" he said taking my hands off of his face and turning away
"No I'm not going to listen to you say that if you can work hard and get back all the points you have lost to win the title you absolutely deserve it and anyone could tell you that and plus all of this should only make you stronger for the next race and the second half of the season you just have to believe in yourself" I said 
"Thank you I needed to hear that" he whispered looking back at me 
what I didn't expect was for him to pull me onto the sofa on top of him and just hug me like his life depended on it but he did. We laid together for a while before Pecco got up and changed out of his leathers only to come back and carry me to the bedroom where we went back to cuddling. I stroked his hair gently as we both talked about anything other than racing which included plans for the summer break and our futures together which we used to do all the time but haven't since the start of the season so it was nice to go back to our old ways. Eventually we both got hungry so we ate some food Pecco probably shouldn't eat mid season but I promised not to tell anyone so we did it anyway. We then just enjoyed each other's company until we both fell asleep completely cuddled up together. 
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lucy90712 · 3 years
MotoGP Masterlist
MotoGP masterlist
Fabio Quartararo:
Best Christmas ever
Valentines fun
It meant nothing
Love hate relationship
Gasly sister part 1
Gasly sister part 2
When in Monaco
Our little family
That time again
Surprise visit
Training injury
Dream come true
Joan Mir:
World champion
New years party
Wishes do come true
There’s two!
Jorge Martin:
Winter wonderland
Adventure time
First race
Hide it
Be mine forever
Marc Marquez:
Christmas surprise
Date night
Beach days
Weekend off
So proud
Sleepless nights
I’ll take care of you
Alex Marquez:
First Christmas
Moving in together
Fake it till you make it
Life’s fun with you
Team member
Jack Miller:
Pecco Bagnaia:
A date to remember
First win
It’s going to be ok
I do
Deniz Oncu:
What are the chances
Tony Arbolino:
Friends friend
Izan Guevara:
Augusto Fernandez:
What a day
Set up
How you meet
-> Fabio, Marc, Alex, Pecco, Jorge, Jack, Joan
First kiss
-> Fabio, Marc, Alex, Pecco, Jorge, Jack, Joan
First date
-> Fabio, Marc, Alex, Pecco, Jorge, Jack, Joan
Telling them you’re pregnant
-> Fabio, Marc, Alex, Pecco, Jorge, Jack, Joan
-> Fabio, Marc, Alex, Pecco, Jorge, Jack, Joan
First I love you
-> Fabio, Marc, Alex, Pecco, Jorge, Jack, Joan
Spending Christmas together
-> Fabio, Marc, Alex, Pecco, Jorge, Jack, Joan
New Years
-> Fabio, Marc, Alex, Pecco, Jorge, Jack, Joan
Valentine’s Day
-> Fabio, Marc, Alex, Pecco, Jorge, Joan
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lucy90712 · 2 years
First date headcannon
Fabio Quartararo:
Fabio invites you to his house for your first date because he knows that you are more of an introvert and prefer not to be around too many people plus he doesn't want anyone to interrupt your date so it works out perfectly. For a while he wasn't sure what he was going to do until he learnt that you like to cook so he gets ingredients in for you both to make dinner together and you to teach him your ways which he pays attention to so he can use on you in the future. You both messed around a little bit throwing utensils around and trying to catch each other off guard which made the process take a lot longer but it was way more fun that way and neither of you could stop laughing the whole time.
After dinner which turned out really good he set up a movie he had seen but you hadn't that he wanted you to watch because he knew you'd enjoy it. Before the movie started he got popcorn for the two of you to share as well as some ice cream which somehow was your favourite flavour even though you've never talked about little things like that before. During the movie he inches closer and closer to you wanting to cuddle with you but not wanting to make you uncomfortable, eventually you notice what he is doing and make the move to sit right next to him. Right away his arm goes around your waist and you rest your head on his shoulder which is the position you stay in for the rest of the movie. Once the movie finishes he takes you home wanting to make sure you get home safe and you both arrange a second date the next week.
Marc Marquez:
For your date Marc shows you around Cervera because you aren't familiar with the area as you didn't grow up there like he did. He thought showing you around would be a good date as he thought it would be a good opportunity to show you the beautiful landscapes as well as telling some fun stories from his childhood so that you could get to know him better. It turned out to be a great idea as the weather was really nice and you got to see some of the best views while touring the city and you really enjoyed hearing a bit more about Marc as although you two have been friends for a few months he doesn't talk too much about his personal life so hearing him talk more about himself made you feel like he was really letting you in.
After the tour he takes you to lunch at his favourite place and it really lived up to the hype he created as the food is delicious and you two really enjoyed your meal especially as the place was quite quiet because it was a weekday. Once you were done with lunch and argued about who would pay for a good 5 minutes before he walks back to your car with you but doing so he makes the mistake of walking past the fan club which means a lot of people come up to him to ask for pictures which makes the walk take a lot longer. You watch on at the way as he talks to fans for a little while and afterwards he apologises about a million times but you don't mind as it was nice to watch him interact with fans and to see the people who support him endlessly.
Alex Marquez:
Alex is determined to make your first date perfect in every way so that you will always remember it and so he puts a lot of effort into researching places near you that he could take you to that would be good for a first date. It takes a lot of going through way too many restaurants and cinemas before he finds more interesting places some of which he knows you won't enjoy but eventually he decides on taking you bowling as it allows you two to talk but also gives you the opportunity to something to do. He doesn't tell you his plans and leaves it as a surprise which you try and guess but you don't get it right until he turns into the road with the blowing alley and it becomes much more obvious where he is going.
The both of you are quite competitive which makes it a very tense bowling game but in between goes you two let it all go and talk to each other as if you were just trash talking one another trying to mess the other up as they threw the ball. As much as you were both being very competitive neither of you are great at bowling so your scores aren't very high but in the end you each win one game which left both of you satisfied. After leaving the bowling alley he takes you to an ice cream parlour where he takes a guess at your favourite flavour based on what he knows about you and gets it spot on which leaves you very surprised but also impressed. The whole date was a lot of fun and you both enjoyed it to the point neither of you wanted it to end even though it had to but you do arrange to see each other again the next weekend he's free.
Pecco Bagnaia:
Your first date with Pecco is more of a last minute thing as you two meet while you are in Italy for a few weeks on a work trip. He wanted to take you on a date before you had to leave so there wasn't much time to plan anything properly like he would have wanted to do to make the date one to remember. Instead of trying to do get things prepared last minute he decides just to show you around some of the stunning landscapes which you haven't been able to see as you've been busy in the city you have been working and he can't let you leave without getting to see the scenery. The only time you have some free time is on your last day in Italy and Pecco is determined not only to make it a good date but to make your last day enjoyable and make up for the stress of your trip.
He meets you by your hotel but right away takes you out of the busy city and through the smaller towns nearby to the more rural areas which are incredibly stunning. You two take a walk along the paths in the hills which went past some small vineyards and other fields filled with huge towering trees. He told you a little bit about the places you went past and gave you some history of the area which was really cool to learn about as you knew very little about Italian history and it turned out to be super interesting. The whole time you both were smiling ear to ear because you just enjoyed being around each other which is how you both knew there was a special connection there despite only knowing each other for a few weeks. After a while you walk back to his car and he drops you back at your hotel but he doesn't leave without setting a date to see you again.
Jorge Martin:
The date was a little spontaneous as although you two had set a date and time on the day his plans went out the window because it was just so nice out and he wanted to take you to the beach to make the most of the really nice weather plus it's too hot to do much else. You both meet at the beach and he compliments you endlessly on how gorgeous you look which makes you feel a whole lot more comfortable and relaxes you into the date making it less awkward. The two of you sit and talk on the shore for a while getting to know each other on a deeper level because despite being friends for a few months you guys were never incredibly close.
Eventually it got too hot to be sat just sat on the beach so you both went in the water to cool off and swam around for a while which was harder than it looked as you had to keep up with Jorge who was able to swim faster than you. At some point you both stopped swimming and began splashing each other which started out gently but slowly it turned into more of a fight and you two really went for it but you were laughing the whole time. You both stopped eventually calling it a draw but Jorge wasn't done and picked you up over his shoulder and threw you back in the water which he laughed about while you came back up to the surface and pushed him in the water which left you laughing this time. This time you really call it quits and go back to the shore to dry off before you he walks you back to your place and kisses you goodbye.
Jack Miller:
Jack didn't want your first date to be the usual boring first date you are used to so he spent a while thinking of something that would be different that also wasn't too much. In the end he decided to teach you how to ride a motocross bike because he knows that you will be safe with him and it's something interesting that's also part of his world which you are very unfamiliar with. Naturally you are a little skeptical as it seems dangerous but you trust Jack so you agree to it despite being very nervous.
He teaches you the basics first and you practice getting used to the way the bikes work which you pick up pretty quickly and it's not long before you are feeling more confident. Once Jack is satisfied you are able to ride the bike well he lets you out on the track along with him which makes you kind of shaky but you soon get the hang of it. You have a lot of fun and Jack loves watching you because you have a huge smile on your face the whole time and he can hear you laughing as you go past which only fills him with more joy. At some point you stop and he lets you get on his bike so you can ride around together, he had you sit in front of him and he kept his arms tight on the handle bars so that you were safe. The whole date was so much fun and you completely forgot about how nervous you were at first and ended up really enjoying it.
Joan Mir:
As your first date was in winter it was a little cold to do some of the other things he would want to do on a first date so instead he invited you to go skiing instead as he thought you would enjoy it. You hadn't been skiing before so you have to get him to teach you what to do which he does but only once your moving which means you have to pick it up pretty quickly but luckily for him you do and make it down in one piece. From then he teaches you things while you are stood still or on the ski lift which meant you weren't screaming the whole way down like you were the first time.
To be fair to Joan your fear made you learn how to ski very quickly and actually became quite good managing to do a small jump with him which you were very proud of. It was going so well until you made a silly mistake and fell over not hurting anything but getting covered in snow. Joan helped you up after laughing for a moment which he did apologise for but you didn't mind as you can only imagine how funny you looked. You had the chance to get him back when he fell over but first you had to check he was ok but once you knew he was ok you helped him up and laughed at him. The rest of the date you two managed to stay on your feet but we're still laughing and smiling the whole time because you were both making jokes which was a nice distraction from the cold.
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lucy90712 · 2 years
First Kiss headcannon
Fabio Quartararo:
He waits a little while to kiss you because he wants the time to be right and he wants to know that you like him for him and not just for the fame he has as he's been in that situation before and regretted moving too fast. After going on a few dates and spending more time with you he realises that you aren't like some of the other girls he's been with and you actually like to be around him no matter what which is a relief. Once he knows you are genuinely into him he vows to himself that he will properly let you in by telling you how he feels when the time is right.
That right time doesn't take long to come around as he invites you round to his for dinner which he makes himself and he even puts a lot of effort into setting up, he puts candles out and has music playing lightly in the background. After dinner you both go and stand out on his balcony looking out at the stars and the night sky while his arm is around your waist gently holding you to his side. It takes him a few minutes to work up the confidence but when he does he gets your attention and asks if he can kiss you and when you agree he leans in and kisses you gently for a few second before pulling away leaving you both with smiles on your face as you go in for another kiss.
Marc Marquez:
Marc is a bit more confident about it and would much rather spend time getting to know you as friends so that you both get along and he knows he can trust you before he even asks you on a date. By doing that it avoids the awkward part of a first date where you have to get to know each other and talk about his job which he hates to do as he much prefers to talk about other things. It also makes him feel better about making a move on you because he knows you well enough to know when you are uncomfortable and where your boundaries are which he thinks makes it go smoother and he's right it makes the date a lot less awkward.
He takes you on a casual lunch date to a place that luckily wasn't too busy but a few people still came up to him but thats just part of going anywhere with Marc and you are used to it after being friends for a while. To make up for all the interruptions he takes you on a walk to the spot he goes to all the time to get away and showed you the view as well as taking the opportunity to talk with you a bit more without anyone else being able to overhear you. The two of you hang out for a while before he walks you back to your house but before he lets you go inside he grabs your wrist and pulls you closer leaving you staring into each other's eyes. That lasts until he leans forward closing the gap between you both taking you slightly by surprise but you kiss him back and deepen the kiss for a few moments until you both pull away.
Alex Marquez:
Alex waits the longest because he is just too worried about you rejecting him as he likes having you around and doesn't want things to change if he tells you how he truly feels. He is just so clueless to your hints that you have feelings too and whenever anyone tries to tell him that he shrugs them off which means no progress is ever made. Eventually there comes a point where you are all he thinks about and he can't take it anymore so he gets Marc to hype him up and help convince him to tell you how he feels which takes him a while as Alex is so stubborn and very worried about how you will react.
To make it slightly easier he waits until he sees you again so that he doesn't make himself too nervous by inviting you round especially to tell you. That doesn't seem to help though as the longer you spend together the more nervous he gets to the point he almost backs out until he gets a text from Marc telling him to just go for it. He takes that as a sign and begins to tell you how he feels but then begins to ramble on about how he would understand if you didn't feel the same which starts to annoy you as you just want to tell him you feel the same. You just can't get his attention so you quickly put your hands on his jaw and pull him into a kiss and he kissed you back pretty much right away. The both of you pull away and he just smiles at you before kissing you again.
Pecco Bagnaia:
The two of you have been friends for a while and he has had feelings for you for quite a while but he just doesn't say anything because he doesn't know if you feel the same and he sees no point in risking your friendship if he isn't sure you feel the same because he values your company. It's hard for him not to tell you how he feels and to see you go on dates with other guys who always seem to upset you which makes it even harder as you often turn to him for comfort and he has to listen to you rant while thinking about how much better he would treat you than all of the assholes you seem to date. There comes a point where he just can't take it anymore and after talking with his friends they tell him to just go for it because they know that you like him too and they are sick of hearing you both pine after each other and not do anything about it.
He invites you to a race weekend and he goes the whole time without saying anything but when you go to give him a pep talk before the race he decides to take the opportunity and kisses you which is a surprise but you kiss him back right away. There is no time for you to talk about it but he promises to discuss everything when he gets back. The race he brings you to happens to be the first race he ever wins so you go out to celebrate with him and when he climbs over the fence he comes right over and kisses you again in front of everyone which made you both so happy.
Jorge Martin:
Jorge isn't one to hold back his feelings so if someone annoys him he'll tell them but coming to terms with his feelings is a different story. That's why it takes him a while to admit to himself that he has feelings for you even thought to the people around him it's obvious based on the way he acts when you're around. Eventually one night when he hangs out with you and some other friends it hits him like a ton of bricks that he actually has feelings for you which he realises when he catches himself smiling at you just sat down talking to someone else with a smile on your face.
Once he comes to terms with the fact he has feelings for you he doesn't hold back he lets that night go by but the next time you two see each other he is determined to tell you how he feels. When he next sees you he waits until a conversation naturally occurs and when it does he lets you talk for a while before admitting his feelings which catches you off guard and it takes you a moment to tell him that you feel the same way but he gives you that time without freaking out too much. Once he knows you feel the same he asks if he can kiss you and he doesn't need to be told twice once you agree and he presses his lips against yours in a passionate kiss which after a few seconds he deepens before you both pull away smiling like idiots.
Jack Miller:
Jack also doesn't mess around because he sees no need to hold back because he just thinks that if things don't work out then it wasn't meant to be. That's why when you two meet he makes an effort to get to know you because he thinks you're incredibly attractive and he doesn't want to let you go because he waits too long. He isn't stupid and still spends a little while getting to know you before asking you out on a date because he doesn't want to move too quickly for you or make a mistake by letting you into his world without being able to trust you.
In true Jack fashion the date is a lot of fun and not your regular date he wants it to be an experience instead of just sitting down at a restaurant. He really makes it a date to remember by doing things you've never done before and you two have a lot more fun than you would have going in a normal date. The date ends with you guys walking to the beach after being close by and you take a bit of time to talk before you both have to get back to your regular lives. He takes the opportunity to ask if he can kiss you which of course you let him do so he pulls you in and kisses you as you are both stood in the middle of the beach as the sun starts to set which ended up being very romantic even though it wasn't his intention.
Joan Mir:
You and Joan have been friends for years and both have feelings for each other but neither of you ever say anything as you have such a good friendship and the thought of ruining it and it not being the same stops you both. The longer time goes on the worse it gets for the both of you because you are both doing things to try and stop yourselves giving away your feelings which makes spending time together very hard and no where near like it used to be which upsets you both. It gets to him that his feelings are causing you both to drift apart so he considers telling you in hopes that you either feel the same or your friendship is over there and then getting it over with instead of having to watch it happen slowly and not being able to stop it.
One weekend he invites you to a race in hopes that the adrenaline will push him to say something but it doesn't seem to work as the whole time he's still too nervous but you do both have a lot of fun and act like the way you did before. The race was a really good one for him and he got a podium and you were so happy for him and you went to greet him in parc ferme with the team. He is really feeling the adrenaline when he arrives in parc ferme and so he celebrates you giving you a hug and without thinking he kisses you. When he realises what he has done he freaks out until you kiss him again allowing him to enjoy not just his podium but the fact that you feel the same way he does.
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