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soylunaworld1 · 6 years
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ironic-lion · 6 years
psa: i’m now also on ao3 @ solbenson
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theherondaels · 7 years
Oh Baby (A Soy Luna Pregnancy Series)
Hi! Yes, I still live. And I finally managed to finish this hell chapter!!!!! If I have to write "nausea" one more time...
Have fun reading!
3. Morning sickness
"Oh, not again," Nina whimpered as she quickly got out of bed, trying to be as quiet as possible, as Gastón had to get up early tomorrow. Or today. Nina had started to go to bed earlier than usual because her nausea attacks often happened in the early morning and she still wanted to get her normal amount of sleep, as it could happen that she spent two hours (luckily never in one setting) kneeling in front of the toilet. She quickly dashed through the floor that connected their bedroom with the bathroom, noticing that it still was dark outside. She didn't make it to the toilet, throwing up in the sink. Once it was over she opened the water tab, the water washing the vomit remains away. Nina sighed and then started to brush her teeth, studying herself in the mirror. Her mirror self certainly looked like she felt. A few more eye bags than she liked and her hair bun was really messy. A soft knock from the door interrupted her thought process. "Hey," Gastón greeted her, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, "You okay?" Nina nodded meekly, putting the toothbrush away. She then tried to fix her bun, only making it worse. "Yeah, it's already over." Still, her throat burned terribly and she just felt really worn out, but she didn't want Gastón to worry. "You should go back to sleep," Nina muttered. She blinked a few times, trying to blend out the dizziness. He came up to her, hands finding their way to her waist. "We're in this together, remember? You don't get sleep, so I don't too," he spoke tenderly, placing a kiss on her forehead. "I think I get a break for one or two hours," she told him while leaning closer to him. Gastón's eyes were full of concern. "Should I get the green plastic bowl again? You wouldn't have to run every time then," he explained. Nina just shrugged. One time she had forgotten that it stood there, almost falling over it while making her way to the bathroom. Another time she had missed the bowl completely, resulting in a cleaning session at 3am. 
"No, you don't have to," Nina told him. "At least we know the baby is doing fine," she mumbled against his neck, remembering all the morning sickness passages from the parenting books she and Gastón had bought. This was really the only thought that got her through this. "And you can't really blame the baby for being a night owl," Gastón chuckled, a small smile appearing on his lips. Nina returned the smile, feeling a bit better. "Yes, but the parents need sleep," she said, not being able to suppress a yawn. "Alright then, let's go back to bed," he said and took her hand.
Ámbar's excitement about being pregnant faded with the arrival of morning sickness. Ámbar Smith just didn't get sick! During all her school and college years she had always been the one with the lowest - if any - absent days. And this was already the third day she stayed home instead of going to work. What idiot had called it morning sickness anyway? All the time sickness was way more appropriate in her case. It didn't matter if it was morning, midday, evening or even nighttime, the nausea came and left as it pleased. She was currently seated on the couch, eyes closed, the last bathroom break not being too long ago, petting Toppy. The Maltese dog truly had a calming effect on her. Ámbar opened her eyes when she heard Simón sitting down on the creme coloured couch stool across from her. He held a pack of crackers in his hands. She sighed, already knowing his plan. "C'mon, Ámbar," Simón pleaded. The blonde stopped petting Toppy and glared at the crackers Simón held out in her direction. "It will come right up again anyways," she tried to wriggle herself out of this situation. "Please, if not for me, eat it for the baby. You can't just eat nothing, that's not healthy. For both of you," he tried again, hoping he would finally get her to eat something. Ámbar couldn't resist Simón's damn brown puppy eyes any longer and took two crackers from him. He let out a sigh of relief. Still, Ámbar ate the crackers with that facial expression her husband loved to call the "natural look of displeasure". She crossed her arms after she was done, "Happy?" Simón flashed her a small smile. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" he asked. Yes, it had been! The crackers had been completely flavorless and Ámbar could feel the unpleasant feeling in her stomach again. Just when she was about to exactly tell him that, the grumbling intensified and Ámbar quickly put Toppy off her lap, more or less throwing her into Simón's arms, running to the bathroom. All she did think about while emptying her stomach was why they couldn't have just gotten a second dog. She heard the bathroom door being opened. "What did I tell you?" Ámbar asked sourly, footsteps coming closer. "I'm sure it will get better soon. And everything will be worth it in the end," Simón reminded her, hands rubbing soothing circles on her back. It should have warmed her heart that he tried to take care of her, but Ámbar was only annoyed by it. Just let her suffer in peace! And maybe, just maybe, she still didn't fully like Simón seeing her like this. The blonde wiped her mouth and turned her head, glaring at her husband. "Or it completely sucks and you hate having to go through it, despite the reason why," Simón amended himself quickly, removing his hands. "That's more like it," Ámbar muttered, getting up to brush her teeth.
When Jim woke up she was still sprawled out on the big king-size bed she and Nico owned. While she still felt horrible, her nap had at least taken the headache away. Jim wriggled her body around, trying to make herself more comfortable, smiling into the pillow at the absent throbbing in her head. The smile quickly turned dull as she felt a new wave of nausea rush through her body. Worry loomed over her face now. She still didn't feel well enough to get up. The nausea got worse and Jim quickly closed her eyes, hoping it would prevent another bathroom break. Surprisingly, it somehow did. Jim breathed a sigh of relief and turned to her left again, eyes still closed. She was in weird state of being between awake and sleeping when the light was suddenly switched on. Jim blinked a few times, adjusting to the now bright room. "Hey, how do you feel?" Nico whispered, setting down on the end of the bed. "Terrible," she groaned, feeling dizzy. The blond frowned when he saw now empty water glass on her nightstand. She had felt too dizzy to actually stand up and refill it. "Let's get you some water. It's important to stay hydrated," he murmured. Jim only nodded, the dizziness so bad that she had to close her eyes again. She heard Nico collecting the old glass and leaving the room. A few minutes later he was back with a new glass of water. Jim sat up slowly, still scared that any sudden moment would worse her situation. Nico handed her the water. "Thanks," she muttered, only took two small sips of the water, as she really didn't like still water. It just tasted dead. She suppressed making a face. Sadly, sparkling water still messed with her stomach too much. Nico had retuned to his earlier sitting spot. "At least we know everything is okay. I was kind of worried that would never show up," Nico admitted. Jim snorted, putting the water glass on the nightstand next to her. At first she had worried too, as her friends had started a few weeks earlier with morning sickness than her, but now it was here all she wanted was the morning sickness to disappear as soon as possible. When the nausea had started, the redhead had thought nothing of it. Only after the throwing up had shown up, she realized that this was indeed the long awaited morning sickness. "I'll check on you later, okay?" Sighing, Jim nodded in agreement. Nico send her sheepish smile before getting up and switching the light off, the room going dark again. Jim closed her eyes and turned on to her right, hoping sleep would find her again soon.
"Please make it stop," Yam mumbled against the cool porcelain. She felt like a truck had hit her. Sure, she had heard from her friends that morning sickness wasn't exactly a walk in the park, but until today it really hadn't been that awful. While the obligatory sprint to bathroom after waking up wasn't the most pleasant thing in the world Yam had always managed. But it had never lasted this long. She had been at it for an hour now and there were no signs of it stopping any time soon. Yam could practically see Matteo telling her that she deserved it, after committing such a serious crime as eating cold pizza. Her and Ramiro had ordered pizza yesterday and she had thought that it would a good idea to have the remaining piece for breakfast. The baby didn't think so. Yam swore that she would't eat cold pizza during her remaining pregnancy again. She sat down on the floor, her legs hurting from all the kneeling. "You're still in there?" Ramiro peered into the bathroom. Yam made a face. "Yes, still here," she replied bitterly, waving her hand dismissively, as he walked over to her. "I told you to not eat the pizza," he said, sitting down next to her. "I had a craving, ok?" she tried to justify herself. "You're sure everything is alright? It never was that bad," Ramiro worried, a hand running nervously through his curly hair. "Yeah. The pizza is just messing with me." She shut her eyes as her stomach grumbled again. "How do some women deal with this for all nine months?" Her eyes widened, head turning to her husband. "If I have morning sickness for the entirety of this pregnancy, this will be our only child," Yam warned. Ramiro only chuckled. "If you think this is bad, wait till you're in labor," he remarked. Yam wanted to answer, but, luckily for Ramiro, another wave of nausea hit her. "This baby better be cute," Yam groaned, after she had emptied her stomach once again, Ramiro awkwardly patting her back. "Of course, it will be cute. It's half me!" She craned her head in his direction. Upon seeing Yam's angry look he quickly added an "And you, obviously." Good save, Yam thought. Still, she wanted to be alone. "Out. Now." Her words had come out a little harsher than she had intended. Ramiro held up his hands in defense. "Okay, okay, I'm leaving!" he told her while getting up quickly, the door shutting not soon after.  All Yam did was roll her eyes, praying she could get out of this place shortly too.
Seated on the couch next to her husband, Jazmín stared at the popcorn in front of her, wondering if the food was responsible for her sudden nausea. She hadn't eaten anything else out of the order today. Maybe the chicken she had for lunch had been bad? Normally she loved evenings like these, as they were pretty seldom with their working schedules, but today both had the weekend off. However, she could barely follow on the movie. They were only 15 minutes in and she already had lost the thread. She tired to concentrate on the movie again, but after a couple of minutes she gave up and tuned out the words being spoken. She leaned closer to Arcade. "Are you scared? This isn't a horror movie," he laughed amused. He stopped when he noticed her how pale Jazmín's face was. "You don't look fine." His expression was worried now. "I don't feel fine," the redhead told him, pursing her lips. Her stomach grumbled and, from one second to the next, she was on her feet, hurrying out of the living room. Jazmín reached the bathroom just in time. She bent over the toilet, losing what little she had eaten earlier. Once she was sure that it was over she flushed the toilet, got up and started to rinse her mouth out. While doing that, she noticed with relief that  her clothes were still in the condition they were before. She spotted Arcade in the mirror, turning around. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry you had to see that. I must look terrible," she realized to her utter horror. All Arcade did was chuckle. "It's fine. I'm still living. And I'm sure crouching over the toilet isn't a good look for anyone." Jazmín frowned a little his comment. "Well, we might as well start the movie over," Arcade changed the topic, "I forgot to pause it." Upon seeing his wife's less than enthusiastic face he suggested to finish the movie another time. "Another time sounds great," Jazmín agreed. "God, I think I'm dying," she complained as the nausea returned. "I think that's morning sickness," Arcade pointed out, walking over to her. "It may be night but..." he trailed off, shrugging his shoulders. That would actually make a lot of sense. How hadn't she thought of that? "Yeah, the name is confusing," Jazmín assured him. She knew from Ámbar that morning sickness didn't care about the time of the day. It especially liked to appear at the most inconvenient times. Just like now. "I'll switch the TV off then and you..."  he looked at her questioningly. "I'll stay here," she sighed, the nausea still present. If this was really what she thought it was, she would spend a lot of time in here.
Delfi checked her outfit in the mirror. Her mother had invited her and Pedro to a spontaneous family get-together. Since her grandmother and aunts loved to criticize everything, she wanted at least her outfit to be spared. Pleased with how she looked, Delfi turned away from the mirror, walking over the wardrobe she and Pedro shared, wanting to pick a bag that matched her outfit. She stopped midway, the all too well-known feeling of nausea crashing down on her. Delfi waited for it to go away, but that didn't happen. "Really, now?" she huffed. That kid already had excellent timing, Delfi's thought was full of sarcasm. She walked of to the bed with a grim face and sat down on the edge. Her stomach made those dreadful noises and she left herself fall on the bed, her right arm covering her eyes. She laid like this for a while. "Delfi, are you ready?" she heard Pedro's voice echoing through the house. She lifted her arm and laid it down next to her. By the time she had opened her eyes, he stood in the doorframe. "What are you doing?" he wanted to know, expression amused, but still a little confused. "Nausea," was the only thing Delfi said. "Do you think it'll pass soon?" Pedro asked. Delfi sat up, crossing her arms. "I don't know. It's never really consistent." Sometimes it would only happen once or twice, other days she and the bathroom were inseparable. "Then, it would be better to call and say we can't come." Delfi glared at him. "And what would your excuse be?" Her husband shrugged. "I'd tell them you have the flu or something." Arms still crossed, Delfi raised an eyebrow. "At this time of the year? Pedro, my parents aren't stupid." Pedro sighed. "It would be certainly better leaving them guessing than you throwing up in front of them," he tried to explain. "Okay, call them," Delfi finally decided. Pedro nodded, leaving the room. "And think of something believable!" the brunette yelled after him. "You really don't want to go there, huh?" Delfi thought aloud, as her stomach grumbled again, trying to distract herself from the nausea. "That's okay. Really. I don't like the majority of them anyway," she kept on saying, trying to see something good in this situation. Secretly, she was glad that she didn't have to go. They didn't want to tell their families just yet and having to hear her two cousins talk about their pregnancies would have driven her up the wall. Footsteps interrupted her thoughts. "So what do I have?" she asked Pedro, their stories had to match after all if they were asked during the next meeting. "I've told them I tried to cook again..." Delfi chuckled lightly at her husband's words. "They'll definitely believe that. What did they say?" she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Well, they're very sorry that we can't come and hope you feel better soon," Pedro answered her question. Delfi sighed. She hoped that too.
Luna was woken up by her churning stomach. She desperately tried to free herself from Matteo's tight grip. She managed to roll over just in time, still wrapped in the bed cover like a butterfly in its cocoon, the dinner from last night splattering all over the light parquet floor. Luna still tried to even her breathing when she felt Matteo's hand on her duvet-clad shoulder. "Luna, are you okay?" he asked, the worry in his voice unmissable. She turned to him again. "I'm so sorry," Luna whispered, trying her best to keep the tears at bay. "Hey, no, everything is fine," Matteo assured her, "You just started with morning sickness." Wait, was he smiling? "Matteo, why do you sound so happy?" Luna asked confused. She felt terrible, that wasn't a reason to get all giddy. In fact, Luna felt like she could repeat her earlier action any second so she quickly freed herself from the duvet, kicking it at the end of the bed. Matteo eyed her skeptically before he spoke again. "It's a sign that the baby develops like it should," he pointed out, making Luna smile. Ever since they had found out that a little one was on the way her husband had become an expert towards all things baby. Luna thought it was very sweet. Suddenly, she was leaning over the edge of the bed once again, letting it all out. Matteo's hand had found her back again. "I'm so sorry you have to go through that," he mumbled. "It's fine," Luna stammered, rolling over to her right. "How about I clean up while you brush your teeth?" he asked with an apologetic smile. Normally, she would have argued that she could do that herself, but Luna felt so weak and tired, so she simply nodded.  "You can do that, but I need another five minutes," she said. Matteo sighed. "Thank God, I cancelled that skating event." Luna sat up straight. "You did what?" she asked a little angry. "You're not putting on skates," Matteo said in that firm tone of his and she knew that this was final. "I should vomit on your t-shirt for that," Luna grumbled. He winked at her. "If you want me shirtless you can just ask." She crossed her arms. "Oh no, this is what got me in this situation in the first place," she stated, earning a chuckle from Matteo. "I'll clean then," he informed her. Luna quickly got out of bed, washed out her mouth in the bathroom and returned to their bed (from Matteo's side though). She dragged the bed cover towards her, closing her eyes. After a while Matteo joined her again. "Thanks for cleaning up my mess," Luna said, opening her eyes slowly while her cheeks turned bit pink. "Hey, it's the least I can do," he mumbled, propping himself up on his left elbow. Luna moved closer too him. "I'm not mad," she wanted Matteo to know, "I mean, you're right. The baby is draining all my energy." And she didn't want to put their baby at risk in case she fell. Now Luna was a very good skater, but everything could happen. She finally understood Matteo's reasons of cancelling the event. "She's going to be a little whirlwind then," Matteo said, lips forming into a smile. "She?" Luna grinned. The Italian's smile faltered upon realizing his mistake. "I said what I said." The look he gave her was defiant. "We'll see about that," Luna laughed.
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silveranchor · 7 years
Pelfi, Pedrelfi... however you want to call them; I love them and I miss them
(Delfí’s smile at the end, though)
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shewantsina · 7 years
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Pelfi | Soy Luna 2 Trailer
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deliverydefresas · 4 years
do these soy luna couples have rights to you? lutteo, simbar, neric, yamiro, pedrelfi, nijim?
yes, oui, no, on probation, sí, nel
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alexa-luana-blog · 7 years
SoyLuna 3
Cap1 ~ La Última Semana En Cancún ~ [Narra Luna] Ya En Vacaciones, Estaba En Mi Querido Cancún! Con Mi Mejor Amigó, Simón. Matteo y Ámbar También Estaban Aquí.. La Pasamos Espectacular, Ámbar No Se Sumó Mucho Que Digamos… Simón Debes En Cuándo Dejaba Que Matteo Y Yo Estuviéramos Solos, Otras Veces Se Sumaba. Ámbar Se La Pasaba En La Mansión De Cancun, Cómo Por Ejemplo Hoy! Qué Hace Todo Él Día Allí Sola..? Esa Pregunta Era La Que Más Rondaba En Mi Cabeza, Cuándo Estaba Con Simón Y Matteo. Habíamos Vuelto De Una Salida A La Playa, Matteo Y Simón Fueron A Cambiarse. Yo Quería Sorprender A Ámbar… — Holaa, Ámbar Que Haces..? — Preguntó Entrando En La Sala Estaba Con Una Chica, Ambas Estaban Comiendo Y Habían Dos Pares Patines Uno Y De Ámbar.. Y Él Otro Debe Pertenecerle A La Otra Chica.. — Lunita, Hola Ya Volvieron De Su Salida… — Pregunta Levantándose De Su Lugar — Estas Mojada.. No Te Cambiaste? — No, Quería Sorprenderte… — Digo Sonriente — Hola Luna, Soy Emilia Un Placer.. Ámbar Me A Hablado Mucho De Ti! — Dice La Chica, Cuyo Nombre Era “Emilia” — Hola Soy Luna.. Aún Que Ya Sabes Eso.. — Al Decir Eso, La Rubia Ríe — Si Bonita Lo Sé… Eres Mucho Más, Linda De Lo Que Pensaba… — Dice Acercándose A Mí — Gracias, Tu También Eres Muy Linda.. — Digo Con Una Sonrisa — Lunita, Porqué No Te Vas A Cambiar..? — Agrega Ámbar — Si, Creó Que Va A Ser Mejor… — Digo Caminando Hasta Mi Habitación, Ya Que Dormíamos Los Cuatro Allí Al Subir, Matteo Y Simón Bajaban. Simón No Me Prestó Mucha Atención, Solo Bajo. Matteo Me Miro Sonriente Hasta Que Subí, Se Quedó Mirándome Desde Abajo De La Escalera. [Narra Ámbar] Luna Cómo Siempre Arruinando Las Cosas, Matteo No Sirve Para Nada! Le Dije Que Me Avise Apenas Lleguen. — Matteo, Porqué No Me Mandaste Un Mensaje Apenas Salieron De La Playa..? — Le Pregunto Cruzada De Brazos, Esperando A Qué Terminen De Bajar Las Escaleras Con Simón — Porqué Quería Conocer A Emilia.. — Dice Acercándose, A Ella Y Besando Su Mano — Matteo Balsano, Un Placer Eres Emilia Cierto..? — Si Esa Soy Yo, Él Placer Es Mío.. Tu? Eres… — Pregunta Dirigiéndose, A Simón — Hola, Soy Simón.. — Dice Besando Su Mejilla — Tu Eres Su Ex Novio? — — No, Ese Soy Yo.. — Dice Matteo Entre Risas — Él Chico Más Lindo, Que Vas A Conocer Él Día De Hoy.. — Qué Fresa Que Eres.. — Agrega Emilia — Pero No Eres Él Más, Lindo Que Conocí Hoy.. — Dice Mirando A Simón — Bien Emii, Te Vas Tenemos Cosas Que Hacer.. Conoces La Puerta;! — Hablo Con Una Sonrisa —… Vete! — Bien, Nos Vemos Reina! — Dice Saliendo De La Sala — Chau Matteo, Simón.. — Agrega Antes De Salir — Y Saluden A La Hermosa De Luna, Por Mí — Si Lo Voy A Hacer.. — Al Decir Eso, Había Un Silencio Incómodo.. Los Mire A Ambos Y Sonríe Luego Subí Las Escaleras Hasta La Habitación En La Cuál Estábamos Luna Y Yo — Lunita, No Molestes Voy A Dormir! — Digo Entrando Y Cerrando La Puerta. — No Saldrás Con Nosotros..? — Dice Saliendo Del Baño, Ya Se Había Cambiado Y Se Estaba Secando Él Pelo — No Tengo Ganas, Vallan Los Tres Sin Mí.. — Hablo Sentándome En La Cama De Luna — La Pasaran Mejor! — No, Ámbar Tu Vienes! Es “La Última Semana En Cancún” — No Me Importa! Prefiero Pasar La Ultima Semana, Relajada.. — No, Tu Vienes… — Habla Luna, Agarrando Mi Brazo Y Llevándome Al Baño — Maquilladita Señorita, Yo Le Busco Algo Para Ponerse…!!
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natletta · 7 years
things I want to happen in the second part of soy luna 2:
- someone exposing sharon
- yamiro
- luna finding out that she’s sol benson
- ámbar going full rage because of that
- lunina fight (Idk, I just really want one)
- gastina being in good terms
- more open music festivals
- some characters getting their shit together
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reinadelosangeles · 7 years
Soy Luna Headcanons [or Alternative Universe].
Hey there! So, I had these headcanons for a while in mind (that, let’s be honest, are more au than anything) and a couple of people I love told me to share them here wth the #soyluna hashtag... So, here they are! A few explanations before starting:
-The pairings I put in [] are based on the characters’ interests, it’s not like they play a big role in the story, I just needed them for background and storylines.
-I don’t like all the pairings in here, (i.e Jimiro, Jimico, Gasfi and Lumon are paring I completely do not like nor ship) once again, I just need them for the storyteller.
-The pairings in cursive are the ones I’ll be developing.
-It’s gonna be a two parts post, this one has the sexualities and explains the plots a little. The other contains the headcanons in general.
-It’s not a fic or something, these are just some ideas I’ve got, tho if I ever get inspire I could write something but Idk, we’ll see.
-This does not contains s*x stuff, not explict anyway, but the characters do get involve in situations like that, so if that’s not your way, don’t read it please.
-I don’t know if I should advert this but, the majority of the ships are LGBTQ+ as well as the characters, so if you are not down with this neither Do. Not. Read.
-I tried to fix my ideas with the characterization that the characters have in the show, so if you find something OOC (more than the pairings) I’m really sorry.
Andddd, that’ll be all, hope you all enjoy my gay mess :’)♥.
LGBTQ+ characters;
Luna {bisexual}.
Matteo {bisexual}.
Ámbar {bisexual}.
Gastón {queer}.
Ramiro {queer}.
Yam {lesbian}.
Delfi {lesbian/queer}.
Jazmín {polysexual/queer}.
Simón {bisexual/queer}.
The Inevitable Straights™;
Pairings and basic storylines;
»Luna is an extrovert, fluffy, kinda silly girl; she used to have a golden life in México until her parents get a job from a rich woman from Argentina and has to move there. That’s the place where she meets Nina, the girl that quickly becomes her best friend, and well, then there is the following thing: Luna likes boys and girls, and although she is not really open about it, she definetely falls for Nina, who is already in love with someone else. Luna also kind of likes this guy Matteo, who is an irritating ass, but really charming and cute at the same time, and because of this she has to fight her feelings in the process of finding herself. [Lutteo/Lunina].
»Ámbar is Matteo’s all life girlfriend, but she’s always had something for girls, reason why she falls for Luna the instant she’s introduced. Ámbar had a pretty rude childhood and is still dealing with family issues, resulting in her always brad and mean demeanor. Her two best friends are the only people that actually like her, so when she meets Luna, she’s exposed to a different view of reality: Luna’s passionate, vivacious and cheerful and Ámbar realizes throught her that not everything has to be a black whole of revenge. [Lumbar/Mambar].
»Matteo is openly bisexual, dates Ámbar and chills sleeping around with boys… Until Simón comes into town. Matteo never liked to feel exposed or attached to no one, and that’s why he and Ámbar never had such a serious relationship. However, Simón is not like the guys he’s used to sleep with; he’s brave and expressive and won’t take any of his shit, so… Things really start to change. [Mambar/Sitteo].
»Yam is a punk-rock girl power kind of girl, she’s free in her own world. She has always known that she likes girls, and if she never came out as lesbian she well knows she is. She used to have a massive crush on Jazmín, but after Jim goes into another heartbreak, Yam helps her so that she doesn’t let herself suffer like that anymore, and in the process of making her independent she realizes she’s in love with her (kinda like Ari and Dante from Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe). [Yazmín/Jimila].
»Delfi is a popular girl with low self-esteem, a lot of sterotypes and prejudices when it comes to POC or LGBTQ+ people, and the belief that she should date Cute Popular Guys™. Thus, she starts with Gastón, but that is until something goes wrong and she ends up kissing Jazmín on a party… Wrong move. Jazmín has been Delfi’s best friend maybe her whole life, and she has always been connected to her better than to anyone else, but never in the world could she like a girl… Right? [Gasfi/Dezmín].
»Ramiro is a loner, an impassioned for dance, rap and skating, he’d got no friends until he meets Jim and Yam, and when Jim starts having feelings for him, he wonders why he never felt something quite like for… Nobody; he deals with the fact that he does not acknowledge his true sexuality, leading him to consider himself asexual for a while, although he’s always thought Gastón Perida is pretty cute while also admiring the way Yam views the world… But Gastón. [Yamiro/Gasmiro].
»Simón is the stereotypical delusional fell-in-love-with-my-whole-life’s-friend kind of guy, reason why he follows his best friend Luna all the way to Argentina when she moves. Once he’s there, he confronts two things: how a guy called Matteo Balsano can either take his girl or take his heart. Simón is a good guy, he has really high expectatives from life, and sees everything in a cheerful, vivid sort of way, and that’s why he thought Luna was the one for him. Little did he know you can reach heaven with the devil. [Lumon/Sitteo].
»Jazmín is a goofy, extravagant person, the average popular kind of girl; she doesn’t like to define her sexuality because she doesn’t think it matters that much, or that’s what she told to herself when she liked her best friend Ámbar. Now that that’s over, she obsesses with the new worker in the Roller: Simón cutie-face Álvarez. [Jambar/Jazmon].
»Nina is a bookworm (at least that’s how she gets called at school). She’s smart, shy and likes graphic novels just as much as tea. Luna is the first friend she makes, well, ever, reason why she’s the only one who gets to know Nina’s biggest secret: the pathetic fall she’s got from Gastón, even though Luna thinks Pedro Arias suits her better. Nina and Pedro have been friends for a while, and Nina loves talking to him, but for some reason, she always falls for the losers. [Gastina/Pedrina].
»Gastón is a average teenage boy: he likes sports, girls (especially that girl Delfi, w o w) and music, but he also reads novels and textbooks, likes to dance a lot and watches the constellations every night with a telescope from his balcony. Small things he would never tell in general… But here goes another: The hesitant feeling he gets around Ramiro Ponce. Gastón has never doubted his sexuality before, of course that, he had never hung out with Ramiro either. [Gasfi/Gasmiro].
»Jim doesn’t know what the word “stop” means, and that’s why she gets constantly hurt by guys that does not deserve her, including her best friend Ramiro; after going on hiatus when Ramiro told her he liked her best friend Yam, Jim promised herself she wouldn’t fall for boys again, but good luckk was what she needed when Nico started tutoring her in math… oh Jim. [Jimiro/Jimico].
»Pedro is a smart, decent guy, and smart enough to know that Delfi would never like him, starting from the fact that she’s a Mean Girl™, which actually doesn’t bother him that much, but damn she’s pretty, as pretty as any girl could ever be… Except for Nina. Nina is an angel, he was sure of that. Pedro never wondered if he liked Nina, it wasn’t important, he wanted to have her in his life as much as he could, ‘cause she’s the best girl he’s ever met. [Pedrelfi/Pedrina].
»Nico helps Jim in math after she fails a test and he’s in the band and stuff (idc about him enough to make him a proper stoyline lol sorry, i just need him for Jim). [Jimico].
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luci-hemwin-evanson · 7 years
Simbar, Gastina and Pedrelfi/Pelfi are the reason why Im still watching
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soylunaworld1 · 6 years
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ironic-lion · 7 years
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the gospel truth
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smolfangirl · 7 years
for the fanfiction questions :) 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 44, 50 (wow that's a lot of questions)
I really should start studying, but let’s do this anyway (only for Soy Luna though) :D
14 - Go on, who are your Brotps? Gastteo and Luna x Nina (do they have a name?)
15 - Is there any obscure ship which you love? Simpoo of course, usually you don’t ship a person with shampoo…
16 - Are there any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike? Well, I never liked Mambar (otp and brotp), like I get the appeal as a brotp but my heart just doesn’t go with it.
19 - Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them? I don’t really know if I want to like Mambar? And I don’t really ship Yamiro and Jico, but I don’t care honestly?
20 - Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? I kinda like Ricardo and Mora, although it’s super cliché and sometimes you just want to facepalm watching them but they’re sweet too? 
44 - What ship do you feel needs more attention? I have two answers to that: Simpoo and Pedrelfi. The latter ones deserve an on-screen kiss, and Simpoo is too great to go by unnoticed.
50 - How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction? I can only remember it happened after I read “Ruby Red” and the follow-ups and suddenly I got ideas for my own fics and I just started writing and publishing them online.  
Fandom Questions 
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pedrelfis · 7 years
idk what i wanna do with this blog but i decided that i don't scream about pedrelfi enough on my main blog so here we go
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luci-hemwin-evanson · 7 years
I I seriously do not understand the purpose of Eva and Ada was it necessary to put new characters to fill? Because Im pretty sure everyone would enjoyed Pedro and Delfi back together/Delfi trying to win Pedro back more than that stupid unnecessary twin game
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