#pedro scout badges
burntheedges · 2 months
Pedro Scouts 2024
I have once again gotten carried away (with Canva). Anyway here's where I'm going to collect my badges! @pedroscouts
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Update, 6/19: new badges marked with *
Here's a little record of them:
The pledge
Character badges
Joel - I reblogged quite a few fics, but here's one
Frankie - many, but here's one
*Marcus M - Afterword
Activity badges
Friendship bracelet ask
Asknado - I sent (and answered) so many lol
Genre badges
Fluff and smut - I posted and then they kiss 🥰
*Hurt/comfort - Frankie 🥺
*Coffeeshop AU - just blowing Dave kisses in a coffeeshop 🧡
*Slow burn - reread MMITB
*Romcom - this fic
Trope badges
Friends to lovers - with Marcus 🥰
Tumblr life badges
Shared fan art - many, but here's the most recent (see my #art tag)
Sent a dm - so many! lol
Blocked a porn bot - yep lol
Played a tag game - most recent here
*Googled a term - yes lol often
*Got silly in the tags - yep
*Awakened a kink - this fic 👀
Summer camp
To do: Ezra, Jack, Dieter, Max, enemies to lovers, giflet, crackfic, songfic, darkfic, only one bed, sex pollen, romcom, forced proximity
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beefrobeefcal · 30 days
my fellow Pedro Scout 🫡
Beefro, i must know. what is each Chubby P-Boy’s post-full belly ritual/routine? when they simple cannot stuff themselves anymore (impossible, i know)?
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Alright... are we ready? There are 11 - yes, E L E V E N - P-boys in the Bistro and I'm not going to leave a single one out!
Thanks for the ask, @hellfire-state-of-mind - I hope this helps sate your insatiable need for knowledge!
Yours in sin,
Frankie [The Catfish & The Mouse]
He's only hit his absolute, stuffed-to-the-gills threshold a handful of times and at the end of each one, Frankie has found himself on the couch. Mouse is cuddled up with him, offering soothing belly rubs and maybe a lazy hand job to get his mind off of how full he truly is. He can't say he hates the feeling and he likes the fact that Mouse is all over him when he's in this state.
Joel [Joel Miler & his Darlin']
This man doesn't have the willpower to not hit that limit at least once a week. He's obsessed with Darlin's cooking, and he cannot hold himself back for very long. So the routine is this: Darlin' listens to Joel exclaim his regrets while also praising her cooking skills; they go home and Joel complains about how many steps there are to their home and then again to their bedroom; Darlin' gets him a glass of water and piles the pillows so he can lay back but not flat on the bed; Joel complains about how much harder it is to get his pants off and Darlin' helps him get undressed; Joel usually lets out a gunshot sneeze or two before falling into a food coma while Darlin' gives him a foot or belly rub. Joel does not learn his lesson.
Pena [Javier Pena & his Sweetheart]
Much like Joel, Pena doesn't like to admit he can't control himself when the food is just that banging. Unlike Joel though, Pena is completely in denial that his eating habits are the culprit of his over stuffed and uncomfortable belly. HIs lovely Sweetheart can just roll her eyes and and offer a soothing shoulder rub while he grumbles over paperwork while sucking on a hard candy. Until Pena admits this is all his doing, this is how he's gonna handle being too full.
Dave [Dave York & Kitten]
We saw what Dave's ritual is when he has one too many Little Debbie's snackcakes in Play Nice. The man literally just wants to be coddled but still call the shots. Luckily for Kitten, Dave is a creature of habit and that isn't about to change any time soon.
Dieter [Dieter Bravo & Cookie]
Sex. He just wants to bump uglies when he's overly full. He once mentioned to Cookie that the increased heart rate and body heat makes the food digest quicker... or something scientifically inaccurate, but she's not going to complain. If Cookie isn't around to get on all fours for him (or ride his face, dick, where ever...), he's completely fine with putting on a b-grade porno version of one of his own movies and beat off into a pocket pussy. Dieter enjoys this too much to ever take on anther role that has a weight limit.
Joel [the BEEF | #1: Joel Miller]
Why are you here? So what if he ate a whole box of Wal-Mart brand waffles and several pizza pockets? What do you want? Oh you want to... to help Joel? No. He's busy trying to keep his mind off how full he is by watching the garage sale across the street through his blinds. No matter what, this man is not going to admit he's too full and he's gonna double down on who ever asks - even Sarah - and say to GET OFF HIS LAWN.
Ezra [Ezra & Cricket]
Much like Dieter, Ezra is acutely aware of how much more sensitive he is when he's in a heightened state - like being overly full. He knows the inflated and loquacious string of words to coo at Cricket to signal he's ready to put his serpentine rocket to good use in her winking eye of Kevva. He's not going to change this method, even when he feels over exerted and almost nauseous - it's all part of the thrill for him.
Tim [HeftyThrowaway - And eat it, too]
Unlike the rest of the P-boys. Tim is an enigma. So far, we only know he really enjoys cake. I guess we'll have to see what he's like when he officially joins the Bistro in Some Like it Hot.
Frankie [HeftyThrowaway - Being Neighbourly]
This version of Frankie really enjoys the feeling of being overly full - he just loves food too dang much to not get his kicks from sitting back after a few plates of spaghetti and meatballs to not revel in it.
Marcus [Marcus Pike & Dex]
Marcus is a stats man and he's competitive. He can tell you almost down to the bite of food - before he eats, mind you - how much it'll take to get that full, and if he pushes that limit? all the better. His post stuffing rituals include cuddles and tummy rubs courtesy of Dex, with lots and lots of praise.
BigFish Morales [On the Waterfront]
The chokehold this man has on me... If he found his limit, he'd want to get the upper hand on someone else (considering the shepherd's pie got it on him), and a good old fashioned blow job would be in order. He wants relief without having to do a damn thing, so y'all better get on your knees.
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grogusmum · 6 days
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I have not written for Max yet, but I've read some super ones!!
Vampire Waltz by @wardenparker and @absurdthirst (Eddie is in this one too 🥹)
Light Only Shows You Where the Shadows Are by @oonajaeadira Thee TENSION!
Monster Love by @outercrasis Monster Max is a very good Max!!
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ghostofaboy · 2 months
My Pedro Scout Badges
I love the idea of the Pedro Scouts, so I've put together a place for all the badges I earn.
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Scout Life:
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pedroscouts · 2 months
Scouts! Ready for some fun?
This weekend (weekends start on Thursdays around here because why not), pick someone in the fandom that you don't know yet and send them an ask with a get-to-know-you question and a friendship bracelet.
Don't know who to send an ask to? How about a fellow Scout from the Ranks page? They should be up for some fun!
Need a bracelet? Here's one you can use or you can make your own!
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Aren't sure what to ask? Let me offer a few ideas but please feel free to ask your own question as long as it's work-safe (we save spicy until we get to know each other)!
Who is your favorite Pedro character?
What's your fandom origin story?
What's your go-to Pedro gif?
Have you been in a fandom before?
What's your favorite kind of fic to read?
What piece of Pedro media have you watched the most?
Are you Team Clean-Shaven or Team Facial Hair?
If you got lost in the woods, which Pedro boy would you want with you?
And once you've sent your ask? Claim your badge!
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pedrosummercamp · 19 days
In honor of your brilliant raccoon mascot, please accept this - the first ever Badge of Highest Merit:
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Please enjoy the pun therein. Nice work, friend!
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beefrobeefcal · 1 month
Hello scout Beefro!
Asknado incoming:
Which Pedro boy would you trust to get your McDonalds order correct, with no prompting?
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Love, El
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This is an important question, Scout El!
I'm gonna put my money on...
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Season3!Javier Pena! Why? Because this guy already has enough stress on his plate, I doubt he'd want to add more by messing up my Cheeseburger with extra mustard & onions happy meal, chocolate milk, no yogurt, small - not kids' - fries and yes pls to a toy order.
He'd also know to throw on a Large Latte just for good measure if it's before 2:00 pm.
Thanks for the ask, @secretelephanttattoo!
Yours in sin,
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grogusmum · 20 days
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Oh, I love sharing fanart! And fanart of fanfic is one of the highest forms of flattery!
Pumpkin Picking Time (from A Galaxy Far Far Away) by @literallydontlook
M'dear, I will never be over this! Lookit them, my little earthbound space family!?! With Seamus too!!
Selkie!Ezra funding some clothes of the clothesline (from Seven Tears) by @honestly-shite (art blog @mjpens )
If you knew how much this means to me!! The wind on the grass, the sea spray, the too short pants (hint of happy trail 👀) the twin chimneys... on his way to the village to find you!!
Psst here is a Art I made of Fae King! Ezra (for She Who Sleeps Among the Trees) by @ezrasbirdie
I love a good Slow Burn! Even if I am too impatient to write on myself.
Me reading someone's brilliant slow burn:
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Me writing my own:
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The slow burn I'd like to spotlight is by @ohforficsake You Brought Me Poison Flowers.
A fantastic TLOU set in Jackson. Joel Miller x Herbalist!OFC Lennie. POC OFC. Age-appropriate age gap.
The Waterpark by @starlightmornings is the one and only crack fic I've ever read, and I just- it is delightful, ridiculous and so much freaking fun!! I may have to reread it, now that I found it again!!
Jack Daniels is a character that I love much more in fic than in canon. That said, I decided to roll one thing back to canon in this smutty little imagine ...
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vivian-pascal · 1 month
guess who's at 10 badges!!!
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this gal!!🥳🥳🥳
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joelalorian · 2 months
hi lauri! i'm here to hand you a friendship bracelet, a hug and also to ask you, with my scout's honor, if you could share a scout cabin with three celebs, who are you choosing?
love @undercoverpena
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Thank you so much, Jo! I love the friendship bracelet 🥰
What a great question! The first celeb is easy. It would be our gorgeous, brown eyed boy Pedro. The other two are harder… maybe Gerard Butler and Raúl Esparza. I have no doubt I’d be hyper focused on Pedge and forget the others were even there 😂😂
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pedroscouts · 1 month
Scouts, do you hear that?
It's....a siren. Uh-oh. I think an Asknado is coming!!
This weekend's Activity is here! Your job? Send 10 asks between now and Sunday evening to fandom folks! As usual, I'd suggest sending at least a few to new faces, but you can do your asks however you'd like! We aren't big on rules around here. 😘
Don't know what to ask? Here are some ideas!
What character is your favorite to write/read?
If you could steal an item of clothing from any character, what are you choosing?
Pedro boys smoking: hot or not?
If you were to recast a role with Pedro in it, what would the role be?
How do you toast your marshmallows - lightly browned or fully charred?
If you went to summer camp, what activity would you most enjoy?
If you write, what is your favorite work of yours?
What song are you playing on repeat these days?
Once you've sent your asks? Claim your badge!
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(Huge thanks to @undercoverpena for making this badge and also for holding my hand a lot and being so lovely and very hot and the best internet wife a person could ever ask for!)
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Today was a very productive Pedro scout day💖 I finished sending all my Asknado asks, replied to the ones I got and finally sorted out my badges😍
Thank you @pedroscouts for organising it and kudos to everyone who helps our scoutmaster!! I’m so happy to interact with my fellow scouts🥰Ready for more fun!🫡
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jennaispunk · 2 months
Jenn! Bestie! I know! I know we’re supposed to send the friendship bracelet to people we don’t know, but I saw you on the Ranks page, and I love talking to you, so… I couldn’t help myself😝, and send you one! It might not be as pretty as the one offered by I’m still learning how Canva works. In any case, I hope it brings a smile!😊 Love you!
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Sam! Bestie! I’m smiling from ear to ear. ☺️ I love talking to you too!!
Thank you for the bracelet and here’s one for you just because. 💜💜
Love ya!!
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beefrobeefcal · 1 month
Greetings from a fellow Pedro Scout 🙋‍♀️
Which Pedro character do you think is the best cook (and actually eats all the good food he makes)?
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Ahoy, scout Ameera!
I would love to say Frankie (given the fan cannon that he was the group's cook), but imho, I think it's...
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Dieter Bravo!
Now wait... hear me out. The guy is an artist who likes to take risks and flex his creativity. You can't tell me that doesn't extend into the kitchen when he's down bad with a rancid case of the munchies. I think he has a private cook because his team doesn't want him weighting out of potential roles by fattening himself up on his own cooking.
And I stand by this. This hill? I'll die on it.
Thanks for the ask, @ameerawrites!
Yours in sin,
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grogusmum · 9 days
Earning my Pedro Scout badges!
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Okay lovelies! Here is the fic that made me follow the dearheart @thewayofthemandalorian ! And I am so very glad I did!!!
All's Faire this link is for chapter one (pero tovar x f!reader) but the forced proximity technically comes into play in chapter 3.
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bitchesuntitled · 20 days
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Pedro Scout badges thus far! 😍
Thank you very much @beefrobeefcal since I cannot seem to figure out Canva myself 😅
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