#peeta melark imagines
wreckofawriter · 5 years
See you around One.
Pairing: Marvel x reader
Word Count: 3,866
Warnings: Swearing? Implied smut?
Request: Hello! I have searched everywhere, trying to find an imagine or fic for my boi Marvel. When I came across your blog and finding out you could write about him, my heart- I thought of a x reader insert where the reader is from another district and she catches Marvels attention, the other careers tease him about his crush and the night before the games they meet up and kiss or sumn else 👀 Thank you :)
A/n: ok so. All of this might not be accurate from the books but like idc. Umm sorry this took so long to come out, hope you guys like it.
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Marvel had never been a very romantic boy. He had never liked a girl past the thought of her being hot, he had never wished for a girl in more than a sexual way and he sure as hell never dated a girl. 
He stuck to himself in the academy and focused on training, it was easier that way. But here he was finding himself staring helplessly at you again and again, his eyes tracing over your body as you twirled a knife in your hand before thrusting it at a target, as always lodging itself into the red circle on its head. 
"Marvel!" Cato yelled clapping his hands together to gain the boys attention. 
Marvel tore his gaze away from you and glared at the other boy. 
"What?" He asked sharply, visibly annoyed with the other careers. 
"Can you please at least try and focus on something besides Four's ass?" Glimmer scoffed, "It makes us look weak." 
"Please Glimmer the only thing making us look weak is your poor attempt at a shot," Marvel mumbled, "Now hand me that bow so you know what hitting a target is." 
Glimmer rolled her eyes handing the boy the bow before walking off to talk with Clove. 
Once she left he took a few shots before letting his eyes wander back to you. He knew it was wrong, but he could help himself. 
He had first seen you in person just before the chariot parade and he had felt his breath leave his body. 
You had been dressed in a maroon strapless bikini with a fishnet dress hanging loosely over your body. Your hair had been half up half down, curled slightly at the ends. 
The boy had been in a daze the whole parade, he couldn't focus when he could run his eyes over so much of your smooth y/s/c skin. It was definitely true what they said, district four had the most attractive tributes.
Marvel was snapped from his daze when you began to head towards him. He quickly turned his gaze from you and back towards the targets attempting to ignore the color trickling up his neck. He knocked  another arrow, pulled back the string and released. It wasn't a perfect shot but it was okay.
You were now beside him and he felt his cheeks rise in temperature. 
"You almost done with that?" You asked, your voice strong and sharp. 
Marvel turned towards you. Your hair hanging in a Dutch braid a few strands falling into your face. The tight shirt and pants you were wearing brought attention to your curves, your y/e/c eyes shining dangerously. Your eyebrows were raised in anticipation, arms crossed, waiting for an answer. 
"Almost." Marvel shrugged causing you to roll your eyes impatiently. 
The tribute grabbed a final arrow all to aware of your judicious eyes watching him carefully. He once again knocked an arrow, pulling back the string and releasing smoothly.
You snorted quietly, trying to control your laughter.
Marvel turned back towards you his intense hazel eyes narrowed, "What?"
"Your doing it wrong." You laughed biting your deliciously pink lips. 
"How would you know?" He asked scornfully. 
"Well just from looking at one shot I can tell you're not floating your aim, your trying to pin-point it, which wont work well. You need to follow through mentally and focus in more in the smaller range your trying to hit" You smirked, "Also your grip is way too tight, you need to relax your hand." 
Marvel attempted to mask his embarrassment with annoyance, "Is that all?" He drawled sarcastically despite his cheeks flashing crimson. 
"Nope," You popped the 'p' in your lips. "You also should only use two fingers to pull back the string, you may feel like you have more power when you use three, but it fucks with your aim." 
You laughed again, Marvel had never heard such a sweet sound. "Can I have the bow now?" 
He nodded handing you the weapon, his face red, ego damaged. 
You knocked an arrow pulling back the string and releasing, hitting the target square in the chest. 
The embarrassed boy turned to leave but was stopped by you voice, "It also helps if you focus on your shot instead of on the girl throwing knives across the room."
Marvel blushed deeply and looked at anything but you, his gaze landed on the group of three who were now laughing and giggling behind their hands at him. His eyes were brought back to you when he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. 
"I'm kidding you know, I don't really mind the staring, its refreshing." You shrugged. 
"You don't get stared at often?" Marvel said in disbelief. 
"I do, just usually by men twice my age or slimy creeps, not…" your voice trailed off as your eyes traced his body, "attractive young men." 
"Oh." Marvel repeated his face warmer than it had ever been before, he noticed a bit of color in yours as well. 
You knocked another arrow firing at the target to the left, "Also, I've seen you with a spear, your really good." 
"Thanks." Marvel mumbled scratching the back of his neck. 
"You'll have to give me some tips some time." Another arrow, this time at the target to the far right. "I can't throw a spear for shit." 
"Y-yeah, sure." Marvel stuttered feeling his heart rate pick up at the idea of talking to you again. 
"It's been fun talking to you Marvel, it's nice to know not all of the careers as assholes." You murmured nodding your head at the group of teenagers laughing at a young girl on the climbing wall.
"You too y/n." He paused before adding, "Good to know I have someone besides assholes to talk to." 
"See you around One." You smiled before setting down the bow and heading over to a rope climbing section. Marvel watched you leave in a daze a small smile twitching on his lips.
The smile disappeared quickly when the group of three began to make their way towards him. 
"How was your little chat lover boy?" Clove sneered. 
"None of your business Clove." The boy murmured walking towards a rack of swords.
"Oh he's all bitter now that his girlfriend left." Glimmer pouted humorously. 
"She's not my girlfriend." Marvel grumbled angrily, picking up a short Dao sword with leather handle. 
"Oh but you wish she was." Clove snickered. 
"Trust me your going to be happy that she isnt when were in the arena and I drive a knife through her pretty little ne-" Catos words were cut off when a sword was suddenly thrust centimeters from his neck. Glimmer gasped Clove room an instinctive step backwards.
"I'd watch what you say if I were you." Marvel hissed his voice low and dark, "Wouldn't want to get hurt now would we?"
Cato leaned forward, almost touching his neck to the sharp blade, "You need to get a hold on your emotions One, or you'll get yourself killed over some stupid girl." He spat. 
Marvels eyes darkened with rage but before any action could be taken the boys were pulled apart, the blade pushed from Marvels hand. 
You watched from your perch in the netting strug along the ceiling. You hadn't heard Marvels words but you couldn't help but smile as you watched a blade was put to Catos neck. You hoped you would be the one to get him in the arena.
The next time you and Marvel spoke was the day after the fight as you stood in line waiting for your turn to throw knives. 
You nodded your head sending silent respect to Clove. She may have been a complete bitch but she definitely had some skill. 
"You're better than her you know." Marvel stated, suddenly appearing next to you. 
"I don't know about that, but I do know I'm better than you." You smiled, turning to face the boy. He had been the first to throw, they were on target but the rotation was off causing the handle to hit the target instead of the blade. 
"Well, you are definitely better than Clove, she can hit some but she misses quite often as well. I've never seen you miss." 
"I've never seen her miss." You shrugged taking a step forward as the boy from three reached for a knife. 
"Well I have." Marvel smirked, "How did you get so good with knives? I thought tributes from four were supposed to be good with tridents and spears?"
You snorted, "We all know that spears are your thing One." 
"Well, why are you so good with knives and a bow? We all know that not fours thing." 
You sighed, "My dad cleaned fish for a living, I have been around knives my whole life. They are definitely different types but once you get good with a blade, it's easy to pick up another. I started throwing when I was nine, my dad got me a set of throwing knives for my birthday." 
Marvel nodded, he wondered what it would have been like if he hadn't trained in an academy for most of his life, what would he be good at then? 
"And I'm good with a bow because I have always been terrible with a spear. I used to use arrows with fishing line attached to fish instead. I got really good at it." 
"Cool." Marvel nodded he opened his mouth to continue the conversation but was cut off.
"District Four!" The trainer shouted. 
"See you around One." You smirked before stepping and forward grabbing the set of knives, standing on the platform to wait for the targets to light up.
 You could feel four sets of eyes boring into you, you turned to see all four Careers staring at you. Cloves mouth twitched into a sneer her eyes narrowed. 
You glared back before turning back to the targets.
You took a deep breath in and waited. The second the target lit up red you sent a blade into its chest where it landed with a thump. The next target lit up and a knife lodged itself into its head. Another target and you released a blade with perfect aim.
 You took in a deep breath, the last targets were two at once. Clove had to take one shot then the other because she couldn't throw with her left but you were used to throwing with your left hand. 
Both targets lit at once and you released a knife from each hand, hitting both in the head. You smirked looking back at the careers, Clove shrugged raising her eyebrows, Glimmer rolled her eyes and Cato was glaring at Marvel who had a lopsided smile plastered on his face. 
"You were right." You said as you descended from the platform. "I am better than Clove." 
The next two weeks were a constant flirtatious banter between you and Marvel. You would tell small stories to each other about your family's or your interests. Just quick things while you were waiting in line or practicing side by side. You would both sprinkle suggestive remarks and various complements into your conversations making the other blush as well. 
You could still feel his eyes locked on you when you spared with a trainer or climbed the wall, but it's not like you didn't stare. You had found your self following his movements as he thrust a spear into a target or admiring his muscular form as he pinned a trainer to the ground, he sure as hell wasn't ugly. 
Marvel got into one more fight before the games. It was four days before the game, the boy from district eight had been hovering around you all day, chatting and training with you. Marvel had been on nerve since he had seen the boy graze his hand along your arm that morning. 
"Somebody's jealous." Glimmer cooed as Marvels jaw clenched watching as the boy from eight showed you how to grip an axe. 
"I am not jealous." Marvel scoffed reaching for the next spear angrily and thrusting it at the target. 
"Oh please," Glimmer snickered, "a blind man could see it, your jealous because another boy is flirting with your girlfriend." 
"She's not my-
"Yeah, yeah we know, we've been over it." Clove interrupted rolling his eyes. "Catos right you know." 
"Never heard that sentence before." Marvel jeered grabbing another spear and thrusting it at the target. 
"Well he is, you need to get your emotions in check before they check you." Clove stated looking back up at Marvel who's eyes and attention was elsewhere. 
The girls followed his gaze to you and Eight just as you bent over to pick up an axe you dropped. Eights eyes danced over you hungrily before reaching out and grabbing your ass. Marvel dropped the spear he was holding with a loud clang, the two girls glanced at each other knowing this wasn't going to end well.
You spun around anger radiating from you, your eyes dark and dangerous, fists clenched. 
The boy put his hands up in surrender "Sorry." He scoffed, "I just thought you were an easy fuck." 
Your fist connected with his jaw wand he sprawled to the ground,his hand flying to his jaw. You were about to advance on him once more but Marvel beat you to it. 
He grabbed the boy off the ground lifting him by his shirt into the air, "You touch her again and I will kill you before you even get a chance to look at the arena." Marvel snarled his eyes narrowed. 
He threw the boy to the ground and began to advance on him but was pushed back by a man in white body armor. 
"Step back! I said step back!" 
"Yeah, yeah, I got it, I'm back." Marvel spoke harshly backing away his hands raised. His gaze softened when he turned to you only to be met with anger. 
Your eyes were set in an icy stare but much to Marvel's surprise it was directed straight at him.  
"Y/n?" He asked softly, taking a step towards you. 
You scoffed turning and walking away from the tribute. 
You had effectively ignored Marvel for two days, and he had no idea why. 
It made him angry, confused and  heartbroken. You wouldn't even look at him, the feeling of your eyes lingering over him disappeared completely after the fight. 
Cato and Glimmer tried to convince him to forget about you and move on and he tried, he kept telling himself it was stupid to start to like you anyway, you would be trying to kill each other in a matter of days. He thought if he had time away from you it would be easier in the arena. 
He was terribly wrong, your complete absence made things worse, he found himself imagining your touch and taste more than ever now. He had dreams about you, they varied from kissing you to killing you. Some gave him relief when he awoke, others made him wish he had stayed asleep. He missed your small chats, your cunning smile and your sweet laughter desperately. 
You sat in the private sessions waiting room running the plan you and your mentor had made over and over again in your head. He had said if you got a nine or over he could get you some sponsors. So that's what you were going to do.
You were tapping your foot nervously when the door at the front swung open to reveal Marvel, a thin layer of sweat made his face shine his dusty blonde hair was a tousled mess he glanced at you his hazel eyes locking with your y/e/c ones for just a second before yours darted away. 
The next time you saw each other was before your interviews. You were adorned in a white and blue top that reached just before your belly button with a matching skirt that had two slits in the fabric where your legs were, making the skirts material fall around your skin. Gold painted swirls twisted around your arms and legs paired with golden dots at the corner of your eyes and a golden tiara to match. 
It took everything in Marvel not to slam you against the wall and kiss you right there, but he kept his composure and calmly made his way over to you much to the other careers amusement. 
When you saw him coming you turned to leave but were stopped by his voice. 
"Please y/n, just listen to me." He begged making you turn to face him. Marvel was in a blue and yellow tux, his hair combed back neatly his eyes desperate and longing. 
"What?" you snapped harshly.
Marvel smiled a bit, he hadn't even expected you to speak to him. "You look amazi-" 
"Don't attempt to flatter me Marvel, what do you want?" You hissed despite the color rising in your cheeks. 
He leaned in close to you, his breath on your neck making you shiver. "Meet me near the elevator on the second floor at midnight tonight." He whispered, "Please." 
Marvel then walked back to the front of the line. He heard giggles from Clove and turned to face her. When he turned Cato got down to his knees in front of Clove. "Oh please, y/n please talk to me, I'm so desperately in love with you please." He mocked.
Clove responded with, "Don't attempt to flatter me!" Before bursting into a fit of giggles Cato mimicking her actions. 
"You two are childish." Marvel scoffed rolling his eyes. 
"Well at least we're not in love with a girl they are going to have to kill." Cato pointed out causing Marvel to flush.
"I'm not in love with her dumbas-
"District 1!" A voice called and Marvel rolled his eyes before ascending the stairs to the stage.
You debated meeting Marvel for a long time. On one hand you were pissd at him, on the other you really, really wanted to see him, run your hands through his soft hair and kiss his boyish pink lips.
 Finally after two hours of pacing and debating you slipped into the elevator, heart racing. You pressed the button next to the number two and listen to the soft hum as it dropped you three levels. 
The doors opened with a soft ding and you were met with a relieved pair of hazel eyes. 
"I was beginning to think you wouldn't come." Marvel said softly, reaching for you hand and pulling you through the penthouse his district was staying in. 
He lead you to a bedroom shutting the door softly before turning to face you. 
"Why are you so mad at me?" His voice was kind yet melancholy when he spoke. 
You sighed walking over to the window where you could see the people of the capital partying below. 
"I barely touched that guy I don't understand." 
"It's not about how much you hurt the guy." You huffed in annoyance. 
"Well then what is it?" Marvel asked joining you beside the window. 
"It's the fact that you stepped in, you made me look weak." You explained looking down at your hands. 
Marvel stood silently, unsure of what to do, he was slowly realizing how him stepping in to save her could appear on her end, especially in front of the gamemakers. 
"I-im really sorry, y/n I didn't mean to." The boy stuttered, "I just got so mad when I saw him touch you. I wanted to help you." 
You glared up at him, "I was fine by myself. I was handling it." 
"I know, you were, it was stupid of me to step in I just…" he exhaled loudly not exscatly sure what happened himself. "I got so angry I couldn't stop myself."
"You should try to keep your emotions in check." You scoffed. 
"You think I haven't tried?" Marvel seethed.
"Try harder." You hissed back.
"You make it very difficult!" He defend quietly, not wanting to wake the other people in the apartment.
You sighed looking down again. 
"If it's any consolation, you got a higher score than me." Marvel mumbled. 
"That did feel good." You smiled, your happiness was cut short when you were reminded of your impending doom by a particularly loud cheer from the crowd below you. 
You reached slowly for Marvel's hand brushing your knuckles against his. He quickly grabbed your hand, wrapping it in his own. 
"I don't want to have to kill you tomorrow." You mumbled a tear leaking from your y/e/c eye. 
"I know," Marvel sighed sadly lifting your chin with one of his fingers to meet his gaze. "I don't either." 
"I'm sorry." You whispered you voice breaking. 
"For what?" Marvel asked confusion momentary taking over his features. 
"For this." You murmured before placing your lips on his. 
You kissed him softly, feeling his lips dance slowly against your own, he tasted minty and sharp, reminding you of the peppermint candies you used to steal from your kitchen. When you felt his tongue grazed your lips you pulled away. 
"If I do this I don't think I'll be able to kill you." You whispered dropping his hands. 
"We only have tonight." Marvel mumbled tracing your jawline softly, "I don't want to waste it." 
Against your better judgement you slammed your lips back onto his. This kiss was much more aggressive. It was desperate and lustful, so drastic from the first kiss you shared. 
Marvel pushed you roughly against the wall sliding his tongue into your mouth without hesitation, his hands holding your waist firmly. Your own hands found the back of his neck, one of the two sliding up to his smooth hair.  
His lips moved from your own down your jaw to your neck leaving marks that were sure to be bruised tomorrow. You moaned quietly when his lips danced just above your collarbone. 
Marvel lifted you up and walked you over to the bed his lips meeting yours quickly because the truth was you did only have one night. 
The next morning you woke to a shriek followed by muffled giggles.
You darted upward to see Glimmer standing in the door entrance hand clasped over her mouth, eyes wide.
"Oh my god!" She yelled making you flush red when you realized you had no clothes on and was in an equally naked boys arms. 
Marvel quickly jerked awake flashing red before yelling "Glimmer get out!" And throwing a pillow at the girl before turning to you. 
"Sorry, she has no concept of personal space." He mumbled, face a light pink. 
"I better get out of here." You sighed sadly, wanting to stay in bed with him forever.
"Yeah. You probably should." Marvel agreed his voice equally glum. 
You stood up the cold air hitting you in a wave before you gathered your clothes and got dressed. 
The whole time you could feel his eyes following you. You turned and looked at the boy, a small forced smile taking your lips. 
"See you around One." You mumbled before turning and walking out through the door. 
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artsy-hobbitses · 3 years
God, Hound got the Peta Melark treatment didnt he?
I had to look this up because I’ll admit that I’ve never actually read Hunger Games, but yes.
Just worse if you can imagine.
Like if furry Peeta here was responsible for Katniss’ death, even if she managed to break the conditioning hold on him in her last moments and he found the strength in him to fight it for the first time in months (because he knows her voice and it stirs in him something his captor’s daily drill of fear and submission couldn’t snuff out) and never went through with the killing blow he was ordered—on the threat of ongoing agony through a shock collar—to land, as prior damage was already done.
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prompt: “We get into a heated argument over Hogwarts houses in the middle of a store”
with Peeta Melark
"You did not just say that, Peeta Melark." You say, hitting him in the stomach with the nearest book, "Hufflepuff does not suck."
"Well technically..."
You purse your lips, shooting him an angry look while he speaks.So much for a quiet, relaxing day at the book shop. What could go wrong? Well, both of you being a bit nerdy about your favourite books for starters. This conversation was heading in a direction where no one could win and both of you'd end up mad at the other. But it was kinda too late now anyway.
"There's not one single interesting wizard who was in Hufflepuff." Peeta goes on, while you take a breath and glance over to him.
"I could name you ten at the top of my head but please enlighten me, which house would you prefer?"
"Because you're so smart?" You start to giggle and keep walking through the store, leaving him to follow you, "That doesn't sound right, nope not like you at all."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"If you don't get that than...well guess I was right after all." You smirk and quickly run along before he gets a chance to protest.
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