vastwinterskies 2 months
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glad to have you back.
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brainyraccoons 2 months
Got tagged by @croziers-compass aaaaages ago, sorry this took so long & thank you so much for the tag!! 馃挅
Last song: Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac
Currently reading: way too many things, starting from Ross' account of the Antarctic expedition all the way through to Austen's Emma
Last movie: Lilo & Stitch!! went to see it at the planetarium in Greenwich yesterday, what a treat!
Currently watching: Sharpe with friends + rewatching Hornblower
Currently craving: I think liquids in general I might be dehydrated lol, time for more tea
Currently consuming: nothing
Three ships: Rossier, Pellatio, Fitzier (+ a honorable mention to Kylux)
First ship: Johnlock
Favourite colour: green (which you wouldn't be able to tell based on my wardrobe & home decor bc that's mostly white, cream, and navy rn lol)
Currently working on: 2 commissions, some personal kinky Fitzier art, and three knitting projects (a jumper, a vest, and a cowl)
Gonna tag @vastwinterskies @moonwalkingcrab @the-pudding-is-a-lie @aye-aye-captain @zorekryk if you guys feel up for it!!
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vastwinterskies 19 days
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everybody loves a handsome navy man!
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44 notes View notes
vastwinterskies 17 days
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Horn doodles
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vastwinterskies 2 months
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a more casual kind of meeting
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vastwinterskies 15 days
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um, captain?? captain Pellew, sir??? cAPTAIN????,,,???
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vastwinterskies 3 months
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full sketch too bc I almost like it more
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vastwinterskies 4 months
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whenever he passes behind him in that cabin I just,,
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vastwinterskies 4 months
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He has just realised that Horatio is leading. Again. Mister Hornblower! 馃槼馃槧 Thanks @aye-aye-captain for the idea!
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vastwinterskies 2 months
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scandalous amount of bare skin under the cut, open responsibly :)
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vastwinterskies 2 months
pellatio for this prompt: "Sleepy cuddles while listening to their slow breathing and soft hum of satisfaction of being able to finally rest"
It is rare, this. Now more than ever. All the more precious for it.
The exhaustion is pleasant, the kind that weighs on one's limbs like lead and makes the mind slow and sweet, thoughts suspended in a languid sea of molasses.
The captain's hand rests heavily just above his heart: beneath his shirt, calloused warmth against Horatio's skin.
The captain's head rests against his shoulder, his breath warm, damp, in harmony with the gentle waves rocking the ship. Horatio watches the lamp above the bunk sway with it, eyes half closed. He leans to nestle his cheek into silver-streaked hair. Admiral, he ought to think, not captain: but near sleep, and fondly nostalgic, he likes to think that a captain, he will always be to him. That and beyond, but always: his captain, his captain.
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vastwinterskies 3 months
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appreciate your captain day :))
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