#pennywise x reader commission
clownsgobeepbeep · 7 years
A ship that's yet to sail(Pennywise x Reader NSFW Commission)
Commission made by @heavens-light-hells-fire :) If you’d like me to fix something, do not hesitate in telling me! Btw, this is based off of a silly AU idea I had in mind, I feel as though this sucks because I kept on trying to fit whatever I could without writing too much T-T
Words:3595(Whoa I wrote a little too much haha...)
"Goodbye Miss (L/N)!"
You waved at one of the children who gave you a toothy smile, making you smile back at him as his mother held him by the hand and walked away with him as she held an umbrella in her other hand to conceal them from the heavy rain. You let out a small sigh, then turning to look behind you to check on the other children who waited for their parents to pick them up from your class.
Walking back inside the class, you walked over to your desk and sat down on one of the nearest desks to then pick up a book that you had left on it. Opening it up, your eyes skimmed through the words which made you grin when you read a lovely little part, although your thoughts were interrupted when you not only felt a small hand tug at your sweater, but when you also felt a throat clear itself.
You looked away from the book and rather than seeing one of your students, you noticed familiar brown eyes that were concealed by a yellow hoodie that was attached to a slightly wet raincoat.
"Hiya Miss (L/N)!"the owner of the coat exclaimed with an eager wave, and you giggled once you realized it was a student that frequently visited your class, though he was not one of your own.
"Hi Georgie."you called out as the young boy removed his hoodie and shook his body like a puppy to remove the water drops off of him which made you giggle again because some of it had gotten on you. "What's got you here today? Isn't Billy going to be upset because he can't find you?"
 "Well, he already know that I'm here! I told him I was going to come here because he's too busy doing a project with his friends."
You nodded in understanding, but then snapped your head to the side when you heard somebody step in through the door and you saw one of the student's parents. Georgie watched as the student happily ran over to you and hugged your legs before letting out a 'goodbye', then running off to their parent who opened their umbrella to walk outside.
"If Billy and his friends are busy, and they're not watching you...then who is going to pick you up honey?"
"Penny?"you asked in confusion, never really having heard that name before which brought some concern to your expression before Georgie's features turned into panicked ones.
"I mean...Bobby!Bobby is picking me up!"he quickly blurted out before you noticed that he let out a small and nervous chuckle, then making you squint before you spoke up.
"And who is this...Bobby?"
"Oh!He's my best friend! Besides Billy of course, and he's also Richie, and Eddie, and Stan, and Mike, and Ben, and Beverly's friend!"
"Do your parents know about him?"you asked, feeling a it bad that you were practically interrogating the young boy. Though it was mostly out of concern and being slightly alarmed that you had not heard of any other person that could at least be considered his guardian.
You stared at the boy for a moment with a slight pout, then smiling in a a bit of relief before you once again heard another parent walk into the class.
"Thank you (Y/N)!"the mother called out before you waved to each other, and you once again turned  your attention to the Georgie who smiled up at you. Although, his eyes quickly darted to the doorway before his smile turned into an open one with a gasp.
You looked at him in confusion before you heard the mother from before let out a semi loud 'Oh!' which made you look at the doorway, and instantly, you felt your eyes widen when they landed on a man you had never seen before.
"Bobby!"Georgie shouted out which made a few of the leftover students flinch, so you pressed your finger to your lips before he slightly shrunk down in embarrassment. "Sorry!"
You smiled at him before you both turned back to the door and noticed that the mother had not left, but instead decided to strike a conversation with the man who you now knew was 'Bobby',though you noticed that the man was not even paying attention to her.
He was looking at you.
And you had not realized it, but you were staring back at him while Georgie looked at him, before turning to look at you, and then looking back at him before it became a pattern.
It continued this same way, because neither of you were able to look away from each other. Your (e/c) stared into his baby blue ones, and Georgie let out a small, childish smirk when he noticed that there was something in between.
"Bob!"You instantly snapped out of your gazing and the man had done the same, and you both realized that the mother was still in his presence and had the intention on talking to him.
"Yes?"he asked after turning to look at the woman who smiled up at his tall figure.
"I said that you should bring Georgie over to our house, so he can play with my kids of course."
"Oh,I'd rather not. It's best that you ask his parents, I only take him home and take care of him when needed."
"Yes,and I of course am willing to take care of him. You can always come to my house, Bobby-"
"It's Robert."he plainly and strictly said before silently excusing himself and pushing past her to walk over to where you were, though it was because Georgie was next to you. The mother obviously looked offended and she walked away after giving you a glare which got you confused, but you shook that out of your thoughts to look at the ginger man that now approached you.
"Hiya Georgie!"the man exclaimed with an joyful expression that quickly replaced his former serious one, and you saw that be squatted down to be face to face with the boy.
"Hiya Bobby!"Georgie replied before he he wrapped his arms around the man's neck who held onto him before easily standing up as Georgie happily clung onto him. "Hey Bobby, this is Miss (L/N)!"
You gulped quietly before the man turned to you and extended his long arm towards you as the other one securely held onto Georgie who grinned innocently. You lifted your hand as he surprisingly smiled down at you.
"I'm��(Y/N) (L/N), sir."
"My name is Robert Gray, miss. But you can call me whatever you'd like."he said with a wink, and you were a bit shocked when your hand was lifted to his lips before he pressed a gentle kiss and let go of you.
Right when you were about to speak up, you were interrupted by another mother that walked into the class and you excused yourself with a quick goodbye to Georgie before walking over to greet and give her her child.
"Aw,don't be sad Penny. You'll get to talk to her soon."Georgie whispered before he slightly felt the man's grip tighten around his tiny body, though it was out of slight flusterment.
"Don't say such things little one, your teacher is of no importance to me. Now, let's go home."
"Oookay! You better thank me when you marry her! And when you have little clow-"
"Alright Georgie, time to nap."
It was about two weeks after your encounter with Robert, or Bobby as everybody loved to call him, and you quickly learned that most of the women of Derry were head over heels over him.
You were surprised to have not know about him, since he practically was the talk of the town: especially because there was the rumor that he was originally a clown that was loved by every single child.
You shut your eyes and shook away the thoughts, right before opening your eyes again to look ahead where you saw only your empty classroom.  With a quiet sigh, you pushed your chair back to then stand and walk away from your desk, then going over to the door to go out. Thankfully it was lunch time, so you could take a small break from chasing after the little kids.
You opened the door and then slightly jumped back when you were instantly met up with the small figure of Georgie Denbrough once again.
"Hiya Miss (L/N)!"The boy grinned up at you as he held onto a small paper boat that you had been introduced to quite a few times prior to your latest meet, though you realized that it(or she)was now slightly worn out despite the wax coating it had. "I need to ask you something very important!"
"Do you like Bobby?"
You remained silent and stared down at Georgie with slightly widened eyes and a dropped expression, knowing exactly where this was going.
"Um,no...I don't...no of course not."you told him, doing your best to not sounds nervous nor flustered, but the little Denbrough looked up at you with a sly smile.
Both of you turned to the side and soon your eyes landed on the small group of friends that contained Georgie's older brother, who had a slightly worried expression which made you smile before the teens approached you.
"What's wrong Billy?"the younger sibling asked right before you noticed that one of the other boys, named Richie, leaned in to whisper to another one, who you knew was Eddie.
"Hey Eds, isn't that the teach Robs' been wanting to put his wang-"
"Don't call me Eds!"the smaller and much fragile boy exclaimed, and usually you would have let out a giggle but you instead wore a confused expression because you knew what Richie would have said if he was permitted the chance to finish that sentence.
"Billy?What was Richie going to say?"Georgie asked, which soon brought obvious panic to everybody's faces, though  you cleared the situation by slightly bending down to reach the boy's height.
"Hey Georgie, I think that lunch is almost over. How about you get ready to go to your next class,huh mister?"you asked before poking his stomach which made him giggle.
"Oh,right!But first I need to give you something!"he eagerly said, then slipping off his space themed backpack to bring it forwards before unzipping it. He handed his 'S.S. Geogie' sailboat to Billy who gently grabbed it before Georgie reached into the bag with one hand as the other made sure to not let the backpack fall.
"Here you go Miss (L/N)!"Out of the backpack, he pulled out another paper boat that had its obvious differences from Georgie's own. He anxiously lifted it towards you befor you slowly grabbed it, noticing that rather than being the old "white" color like the other one, the boat was a beautiful crimson color and clearly had 'S.S. (Y/N)' written on the side in a quite elegant cursive font. And inside of the boat, was a freshly cut and short sunflower that had obviously not been allowed to grow for too long.
"Wow...did you make this Billy?"You looked up at said boy before he shook his head, then stopping to talk.
"N-no. Our f-f-friend made it, just f-f-f-or y-you."he stuttered out, then bringing some more confusion to your face.
"And who is this-"
"Bobby!Bobby made it because he really likes you, and he wants to marry you someday!"
The hallway that you all stood in was absolutely quiet, and you felt even more uncomfortable when you felt your face heat up as the teenagers and Georgie all had their eyes on you.
"Ha!I was right! That is Rob's girlfriend!"
"Shut the fuck up Richie!"
"Miss (L/N) you love him too,right?"
You shook your head with a slight blush now tinting your cheeks, letting out a small smile remembering the day little Georgie asked you such an absurd question: such an absurd question that he asked every day.
The questioning continued and got 'worse' after you had much more of a proper introduction with Robert,and it increased after the 'Loser's Club' realized that you had been spending quite the time with their adult friend.
"Do you feel anything for Robert?"
"Are you the one who's going to marry him?"
"Wouldn't kids with Robert be adorable?"
Your answer was always no, because you knew that you were nothing like those other women who practically threw themselves at the poor man, or thing. After knowing everything there was to know about Robert, the man revealed to you his true form and truth be told, you weren't exactly afraid which you knew brought joy to his little eldritch heart that many said beat only for you.
"Robert obviously likes you!"
"I'm so jealous, but you'd be the perfect wife for Robert!"
"Do you love him the way he loves you?"
Your life was just full of questions and interrogations, and it obviously got quite irritating. Although, some of the asking came from Georgie who was just making innocent little questions filled with curiosity and hope, almost as if he wished that you ended up with his clown friend.
You fidgeted with your remote control at the moment, not realizing that you had accidentally been pressing the mute button several times. Just the slightest thought of Robert,or Pennywise, and your mind wouldn't let him out until it thought of him long enough.
And speak of the devil: your thoughts were interrupted right when your doorbell rang and when you went to open the door, the first face you were met up with were the ginger man's own as he let out a toothy grin.
"Hiya (Y/N),hope you're not too busy my dear."
There it was: my dear, one of the very nicknames he gave you which made no sense to you, but you shrugged it off before shaking your head and received a silent thank you after you had invited him into your house.
You both walked until reaching the living room, and you both sat down on the couch before you casually turned to look over at him.
"So, Bob. What are you doing here so late?Won't Georgie miss you?"
"Georgie? Oh no, kiddo is already asleep by now! I just felt like visiting his sweet teacher friend."
You slightly giggled as Robert turned into Pennywise, then shaking his hands that caused the bells on his body to jingle before you let out a giggle and noticed that he was now staring at you intensely.
And just like that, the clown had grabbed your face before pulling it towards his, then pressing his lips against yours which greatly surprised you. He realized that you had not kissed him back, so he immediately pulled himself away.
"My apologies darling, but-"
Soon enough, you turned to the side and without thinking you had your lips pressed against Pennywise's before he immediately kissed back. You unconsciously climbed onto his lap and straddled him as he placed his hands onto beneath you, holding you in place as you continued to kiss each other passionately without signs pointing towards neither of you letting go of the other.
Pennywise slightly clawed into your bottom right before you felt him stand up and lift you along with him, then clearly walking away to what was most likely your bedroom because you soon had your back pressed against your bed,
The kissing continued before Pennywise pulled himself away from you, then pressing his lips on your neck before trailing down to your collarbone as his hands moved up to slide under your tank top.
You slightly flinched at his touch, realizing that despite wearing a glove, he had an icy cold touch that only grew colder with the claws that slowly started to protrude out of his fingers. He realized this and tried pulling his hand away, but you quickly grabbed and placed it inside your blouse again.
Pennywise slightly smirked to himself, then allowing his hand to slither deeper into your blouse before his claw went up and ripped it open to leave your chest exposed. Especially because you had not been wearing a bra which brought an instant blush on your face, and it only grew when you noticed the clown's yellow eyes look down at you hungrily.
Before you could say anything, he leaned down and placed one of your breasts into his mouth which resulted in you moaning out a bit loudly when he began to suck on it. Although, you released a slight whimper when he quickly detached himself, but you bit your lip once you felt him lay his lips on your lower abdomen.
His hands went up and slipped off the shorts you were wearing right before your underwear came off, and you then found yourself bare which made you even more flustered.
"Oh ho ho...I see somebody is already wet for Penny,and oh so soon my dear."The words rolled off of his tongue so perfectly, and it was in such a teasing manner: especially because rather than doing anything in your nether regions, Pennywise went back up to meet your lips.
"Penny..."you whispered after slightly pushing him away, then making a confused expression appear onto his features before he noticed your arousal that was too tempting not to give into. "Please...just fuck me already, I can't wait."
Pennywise smirked to himself before he straightened his back, then reaching down to open his pants before he stopped and you saw his eyes widen.
"What? W-what's wrong?"
"We...we can't do this,my...I can't conjure up what would satisfy you at the moment."
You glanced down at his crotch area and raised a brow when you saw that he clearly had a bulge, so you didn't understand what the problem was. Although, his erection appeared to be...moving?
Pennywise didn't move from his spot, and he made sure to stay still when he saw you crawl over to him to poke at his bulge obviously still confused. Rather than keeping yourself shut out, you lifted your hands to open his costume right before one of your hands had something quickly wrap itself around it.
"Is that-"
"A tentacle? Why yes, yes it is."Pennywise responded in a slightly sarcastic tone, but then felt his eyes go wide again when your free hand slid a finger across the tentacle that securely held onto your hand. "I-I...I'm not able to conjure up something more human life, because I've been denying my urges and...this is the result."
You stared at the tentacle for a moment, but shrugged before laying back down and technically pulled on Pennywise who moved along with you. He looked down at your hand, and felt himself drool when he realized that you brought your tangled hand down to your womanhood which easily made the tentacle unwrap itself.
On its own, the tentacle poked at your entrance which made you take in a sharp breath, right before it rubbed and then inserted itself inside of you.
You let out a gasp not only because of its cold texture nor its length, but because the tentacle practically thought for itself and it started to wiggle and slither inside of you once it was completely inside.
Pennywise leaned down to hold himself up while you gripped onto his costume, and soon enough he unconsciously began to thrust into you with a slow pace.
As he did so, the tentacle only made strange motions that increased the pleasure you were feeling. You were filled with ecstasy as it touched every piece inside you while Pennywise brought it in and out of you.
His thrusts were slow and gentle, but the tentacle inside you made it feel a lot different as it continued to do its own treatment inside you. You bit your lip to not let out a moan, but finally released it when you felt the tentacle hit your sweet spot, which Pennywise realized. This made his body loosen up, and he now gained some more control over himself.
He quickened the speed when the tentacle no longer moved and became stiff, and he gripped onto your hips as you felt your climax near. Pennywise began to let out grunts that soon turned into low growls, and if your eyes hadn't been shut, you would have seen that his eyes now had blood red rings that looked down at you with teeth that were beginning to grow.
"Ah..ah,Penny..."you moaned out which made him lean down, then placing his head next to yours before you turned and spoke into his ear."Come inside me, please..."
On command, Pennywise shut his eyes before his hips now pounded into yours and he soon felt his tentacle release a grand amount of his seed that spurted out right after you had done so, with him still inside you. And he decided to remain that way as he lifted himself to look at your tired figure, smiling softly when he saw your peaceful smile that looked up at him.
"Imagine how happy Georgie will be after he finds out his...um,ship has sailed!"
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slasher-catcher · 4 years
Anywhoo, I'm on Tiktok and I draw shit, and I'm doing cheap chibi commissions for $15 and $10 for extra characters. This is for the lovely TrashPenny on twitter ❤
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cum-a-calla · 5 years
this one's a doozy :))) commission for a cannibal lover. thank you so much for letting me take my time with this one
inside: cannibalism, dismemberment, implied death threats, knotting, fearplay, bloodplay, licking, pain, biting, too many teeth, and a some body horror
Work must be done.
Silas drives through the quiet, dark night. No stars – full dark. It brings a familiar thought loop to the forefront of his mind, occupying him through the same tired route he drives all too often now, cruising through the quaint neighborhoods of Derry. It’s so white-picket-fence, so stuck in a period long gone. Frozen in time. It feels slower inside the city limits, like the place is oozing along out of some strange spite. Refusing to die, refusing to acclimate to… what? To time, to reality?
And this is Silas’ reality. He glances furtively in the corn fields, knowing he won’t see anything worse than where he’s headed – namely, who he’s off to meet. Something kind of like him, something rotten, a thing that makes its way furtively into the night to hunt, to eat. It’s a lonely business, the feeding; Silas tightens his grip on the steering wheel and swallows past the throbbing lump in his throat, exhilarated and scared absolutely shitless.
The turn on to Neibolt Street is like looking down the barrel of a gun. He pulls up to the old house, the eyesore of the town, and kills the engine. He lingers suspended between two worlds, like he won’t be able to budge from the front seat; it feels impossible, tethered between his hunger and his fear. Garbage bags wait quietly in the backseat, promising him everything he wants the most. Hunger always wins.
It takes three trips, but each run gets a little easier, a little more natural to traverse the decaying structure, to be a little less startled by things hiding in the corners. Sometimes he does that. Does it to test him, he assumes – strange faces behind doorways, running shadows. Garbled languages that make his ears burn. He avoids two Things this time, a slimy, creeping thing in the hallway that he has to steel himself for, staring straight ahead. It won’t hurt me. Just an extension of it. Just him, just a trick. The thing cackles at him in clicks, slithering around his ankles before bounding off in the opposite direction, limbs crackling.
Silas’ voice echoes down by the mouth of the well. Peering down there offers nothing in the way of the clown’s location, and after a few moments of shifty waiting, he decides to begin opening the bags. The smell is strong. It hits him and he weathers the initial recoil, patient as his noses adjusts and his stomach aches for it. His heart beats a little faster, blood rushing through his veins hot as the twitch between his legs. It’s the headiest scent of all, the smell of somebody once they’ve been opened up. That deep, dark scent, the wildest game. Not so wild in several pieces. Not so wild at all.
Silas pulls limbs, innards, a torso. A badly damaged head and a head he’s been storing in a freezer, the body already used up and done away with. It still feels cold. Silas strokes the ratty, blood-crusted hair, the frozen lips. It almost feels sad to set it down, to complete the cycle of that relationship, knowing exactly what Pennywise is going to do to it. Fingers trembling, he removes his hands from the head, forces himself to pay special attention to the damaged one. The jawbone hangs by threads of mangled meat, fine chunks of bone stark in their whiteness. It was an accident. He doesn’t like to damage the heads too much; it feels… disrespectful. Not a true form. He runs the pad of his finger along the teeth, poking into several of the gaps.
He spreads things out in piles – things to be worked on, things that are easiest to prep for consumption. Things he keeps special for himself. There are parts he saves specifically for Pennywise, now, things he largely considers inconsumable – bones, gristle, parts with lots of fat or cartilage. Nothing he feels like wrapping up for home.
He rises up from the floor, already feeling those strong stirrings in his gut. The sensation of all that dull, chilled flesh under his hands makes him throb, and he steadies himself against the edge of the well on the way to grab his tools. They rest in their new home, in the relative safety of this cursed house, knives, cleavers, a hacksaw, clips. Scissors. Butcher paper, twine. A bevy of instruments dedicated to his desire, just as important as the people they part open for him. One big, warm, blissfully wet cycle. Ouroboros. He drags tools back to the parts arranged lovingly around the well, the thrill of his busy night flushing his cheeks.
It boils down to pure, naked effort and routine. There’s an art to it, a beauty in order, in realizing the big picture as well as the tiny parts that make it all up. There are sinews and curves and angles, tricks in which to properly trim the meat. Slowly, he builds stacks of cuts. There’s a pile of offal for the creature. He arranges it closest to the well, next to various other undesirable parts. It takes the better part of hours, takes diligence and every last nerve to survive the dimness, the anxiety of waiting, wondering.  
When Pennywise shows up, he peeks from over the edge. It startles Silas, rips a gasp from his lips as he locks eyes with it.
“Scared the fucking shit out of me,” he mutters. He stays silent, stays behind the lip of the well where he watches intently. Every single move Silas makes, he feels the weight of Pennywise’s gaze, the sheer focus laced with hunger. At least he’s not alone in this hellhole. At least the wait is over, the growing panic like fire licking up through his guts. The clown sits (floats. It floats) in the well and hums occasionally, as if in approval, in excitement. It awakens that spark again in Silas, heat prickling just under his skin. The combination of the heads, the loving way he handles each parcel of cold flesh, the blinkless gaze of a monster who allows him sanctuary, who wants to watch… it’s intoxicating. He draws a shaky breath and continues his task.  
Out from the well, one long, long arm reaches out. Fingers sprawl like a spider, huge, five pale legs skittering around until they close over a jawbone, the jawbone, barely attached to the rest of the head. The newest head. A pang of anger makes his throat close up – but not before a single, stern syllable leaves his lips.
Silas licks his own fingers off and rolls that flavor around his tongue as Pennywise rises up like some demented god from the well. The glow of his eyes lights up the room, orange as a sunset in hell. Isn’t that where he is, anyway? Those eyes ground him as the creature towers, hulks over Silas’ seated form on the filthy ground. He snatches the head up, fingers hooked through the jaw, and unhinges his face until the flesh pulls back, tight and shiny and white as clay, and sinks his sharkteeth into the parietal and occipital lobes. Skull fragments shoot from his mouth like shrapnel and soft, pink, gelatinous meat dribbles down his face.
Pennywise grunts as he sends the remainder of the skull sailing to the ground, where it explodes. Flecks of gray-pink meat spray over Silas’ shirt, over the other cuts of meat, limbs ready to be stripped and treated with care. He bows low, nostrils flaring, nose crinkling into a snarl, and those teeth multiply by the second. They jut out of his face as he licks his lips, swallows.
The clown smiles, eyebrows lifting. He gives Silas a jaunty little shake, tiny bells jingling in the ruffles.
“Sorry, Silas, I don’t think I heard ya! Go on… say it again.”
Silas falters, mustering all his focus on keeping still as the creature looming over him comes close enough to rub noses, and he does. He nuzzles slowly into it like they’re lovers, and he clucks his tongue as Silas chokes on his own voice. No words come, and again the clown laughs.
“Oooohhh, sweet Silas, are you jealous?” It chuckles and Silas tastes the thing’s breath, rancid, spoilt over centuries. It’s intoxicating, it feels like tasting death itself, and Silas almost leans into it, curious about a flavor of death and decay he hasn’t tasted yet. “Don’t like me playing with your toys?”
“They’re not toys, they’re people.”
“Food.” He comes away from Silas with a grin. “Not people. Just meat. Do you like to fuck the meat, Silas? Do you love the meat?”
Silas reels, anger black as the night racing up the column of his spine, indignant, mingling with his fear like acid in the back of his throat. Cheeks burning, he takes a breath, tries to contain it before it gets him killed. Pennywise snatches the other head and Silas reaches out, tries to snatch it back.
Pennywise howls, keeping the body part easily out of his reach, like a child’s game. He runs his tongue over the face and sips Silas’ shaking rage like a cocktail.
“It’s not just meat, it’s – I don’t fucking know, just please… can you just –”
“– be nice?”
Silas huffs, up on his feet. Nothing can save him if Pennywise decides he’s being disobedient or meddlesome. He stands in the face of that knowledge, limbs seized by his immediate sense of danger, and he wonders faintly if this is it, if this is really fucking it, and buried underneath absolute existential dread is the disappointment that he didn’t get to truly taste his last victim.
Pennywise opens his mouth and his face comes apart. Bones crackle as they rearrange and grow new paths, marrow knitting itself over and over, teeth chittering into being, and he sends the entire head down into his glowing gullet. It’s like snakes eating eggs. The morbid lump travels down the throat, distending his flesh and bulging it through with veins, until it’s absorbed and crushed inside his ribcage, and finally those awful jaws come back together. It crunches, grinds against itself until he’s wearing that familiar, dripping sneer, face unbearably whole again. He comes so close, but this time he doesn’t bow. He’s solid, radiating heat and frothing pink-red at the mouth.
“Do you want me to be nice, Silas?” His voice comes, like the whisper of dry leaves on asphalt, like creaking hinges. His lips remain still. “Do you want me to be so nice?”
“Yeah? Want me to be as nice as you are with these… things?”
“They’re not things –”
“Do you like the feeling of them inside you?”
Silas can’t remember how to breathe. His lungs simply quit, too stunned, stomach lurching like he’s been punched. The clown giggles, dropping to its haunches and rocking on his feet. He clutches a fillet knife like it could ever harm the creature in front of him. His mouth works up and down several times before his brain sends the correct signals, misfire after misfire, and, finally, Silas utters a pained yes.
Pennywise pushes a long, gloved finger between Silas’ lips. The whine that surrounds that finger is enough to set his guts on fire, and there’s a shift in the light deep in those endless pits. The light back there dances. It’s calming, it makes his eyeballs tingle the longer he tries to find it in there, to see it a little more, see if it changes.
“You like them?”
The fabric of the glove presses down on Silas’ tongue. Pennywise grasps him there, fingertip digging into the fleshy center, thumb up under the shelf of his jaw, and he tips Silas’ head back until his throat is vulnerable, a landscape waiting to be explored by teeth. No teeth come; instead, Pennywise leans in, nose tickling over his pulse, and inhales. He sniffs at Silas like an animal, like Silas is a meal, and the prospect is not only horrifying but irresistible. He all but leans into it.
“I like you, pretty boy. Like your scent. Like the stink of you here.”
The clown’s other hand cups Silas between the thighs, engorged cock trapped under his palm. The pressure is sharp, it makes Silas jump and whine.
“Oh, you like it? You want me inside of you, sweet boy? Are you hungry for me, too?”
Oh my god. That’s what he says, but it comes out garbled, clipped off, caught around Pennywise’s fingers. The clown titters and there’s a sound that makes Silas’ stomach clench and roil, a sound not unlike ripping meat. It’s wet and violent, and then there are teeth on his throat. They sink slowly, so slowly that he can hear the little pops as they break skin and razor under his flesh. They settle for barely a moment before there’s a sickening squelch and Pennywise rears back, licking the blood off his lips, and his brow knits together. He cocks his head and pouts, smiles, pouts again.
“Poor creature. I know it hurts, hurts so much. Heeere…”
Impossibly long, slithering over his throat until it wraps all the way around, Pennywise’s tongue drags over the wounds. It’s like a worm, like a writhing pink leech. It pulses and squeezes and soaks in his blood, the creature behind it moaning, eyes rolling wetly up into its skull. There are veins there, too, tiny spiderlike trails that thread his eyeballs as well as his thick tongue. It contracts around his neck until Silas is wheezing for air. The constriction sends a wave of electricity down between his legs, and he rocks into Pennywise’s outstretched palm like he’s offering himself, offering everything up, anything, just to keep feeling this.
His tongue slides back behind his teeth and Silas keeps rocking, burying his hands into the ruffles at the neck of the alien’s costume.
“I know what you need, Silas. I know you’re hungry.” He smooths his gloved hands away from where Silas is burning hot, digs his fingers into the fabric of his pants and RIPS. The force of it pushes him back, makes him prone below the towering clown. “So wet already. Messy, messy boy. Does it feel so good, taking apart your little friends, your meals? You want me to take you apart, S i l a s? Nice and slow, turn you inside out.”
“Fuck.” Silas allows the clown to spread his legs, push his thighs apart til they burn with effort, til he’s shaking, whimpering, arching up to try to catch Pennywise’s lips against his. He wants to taste his own blood, taste the fatal chasm of the monster’s mouth. “Please. I… I want that, all of that, anything…”
“Mmh, eager, aren’t you? Wanna be touched so bad. Wanna be fucked. Tell me. Tell me, brave little thing, tell me what you need.”
Silas begins to speak, but the words falter and tremble into more of those little, pitiful whines, watching Pennywise shift and change and buck his hips forward with an unmistakable bulge inside the pleats of his outfit. It throbs like a heartbeat, like Silas can somehow feel it inside his body, intimate as his own blood pressure. His body works overtime to get the blood anywhere but that engorged place between his legs, screaming for attention, slick and parted and exposing how swollen he is. Pennywise nudges with his fingers, teases. Nothing is enough.
“I didn’t hear that. Try again.”
Pennywise is less clown and more creature. He shreds his own costume, sheds it like a skin that’s grown too tight, too restrictive, and the scarred flesh around his ribcage ripples. It grows lumps, disgusting masses of flesh that squirm between muscle and bone until the structure is different. They split his skin and blood like tar pours from the open wounds, black and viscous, bones shredding through stark-white until there’s meat wrapping around them, lengthening, whipping mindlessly around until their form becomes clear. Rubbery flesh chases up the newly formed limbs, extra arms, fingers sprouting from the stumps of raw sinew until there are more hands to use, more fingers to dig into Silas’ yielding flesh. They go to work immediately, sliding up his shirt to touch his belly, his chest, between his thighs where he’s so painfully ready.
“Please be inside me, l-like the others, please… let me… taste you.”
No sooner does he admit his need does Pennywise comply. Freshly formed fingers shove past his lips and teeth and near the back of his tongue, ready to make him gag. Silas holds out til his eyes water, til his throat itches to swallow and sputter, but if there’s anything he’s good at, it’s handling things in his mouth that shouldn’t be.
“Oh, I will be. I’ll be inside you, big boy. You’ll thank me, oh, you’ll SING for it. You’ll SCREAM and BEG for me to leave you empty again, yes you will!”
Incoherent curses drip around Pennywise’s new fingers, stuffed so neatly in that obedient mouth, and his prehensile dick comes free. It wriggles against Silas, nudges at his own wet cock and the secret, tight place underneath. Pennywise watches Silas drool around his fingers and he matches him, jaw hanging open a little too wide, a little too toothy, like his entire face might split in a mess of bleeding gum and teeth, and Silas wriggles down. He pushes against a cock too big, too molten hot to ever be able to actually fit inside of him, and yet, with each soft rut of Pennywise’s hips, it seems a little more tangible. The alien cock writhes just like Silas does. It’s textured, lined and grooved and covered in tiny bumps that don’t seem to stay fixed to any one area. Everything changes as it pleases. It curves up over where Silas wants him without actually pushing inside – until he does.
Searing. His eyes fly wide open and they’re almost as wide as the clown’s, glowing like dying embers back in his massive skull, and Silas wonders if he can’t just burst into flames like those dancing lights. Might just fly with them, might float into Pennywise and become weightless, become eternal. There’s a continuation there, a loop of thought as the monster traces the places behind Silas’ teeth and thrusts between his thighs, that he wants to be the one inside of somebody else, wants to sink into Pennywise much the same way as Pennywise sinks into him, but more. The call of the void screeches through his head like tinnitus.
“Look at you. Look at you spread open, like a treat, a treat just for me.” Claws slash at him, into his belly, across his thighs, and Pennywise makes a sound deep in his frame that awakens a fear previously dormant in Silas’ blood. It courses through him like a warning through time as Pennywise makes those sounds, like clicking, like broken radio transmission and scuttling leaves, like snapping mandibles. It sounds like it’ll burst out of the beast’s body and then it’s everywhere, in the walls, vibrating up through the ground, leaking out of each pore. The clown moans, he drags that nasty tongue up Silas’ belly and seeks out all those shiny new gashes. “Let me take care of that – oh, you hurtin’ for me? Good boys hurt. Good boys let me fill them aalll the way UP!”
Pennywise bottoms out into Silas. His squirming, shifting cock practically spills out of him, there’s just nowhere else to go. Silas’ body aches, it clenches down on the monstrous thing inside of him until he can feel the butterfly pulse of his own climax creeping toward the surface. Above him, jaws come apart, snap together inches from his face, and he shudders with boiling heat. Everything is wet. Each little jerk and throb strikes an exquisitely primal fear in Silas that maybe he’s serious this time; maybe he’ll finally take what’s his and then consume him. Maybe he’ll slide into the tight, hot squeeze of the thing’s gullet, feel all that trembling flesh and meat closing in around him, like he’s done so many times himself with others’ bodies. The mental image is made all the more vivid by Pennywise’s gaping maw, studded far too full of teeth. They jut out from his bleeding ridges of gum and the back of his throat seems to stretch forever, to some unseen point where there’s a glow not unlike his eyes. This one’s a little prettier, though. This one makes his guts squeeze down, and for a moment, it feels like the cock inside of him is a little thicker.
“Feeling a little afraid? Been so good at taking it that you’ve forgotten what I can REALLY do to you.” Fingers crawl all over Silas, crawl over his ribs and at his waist and at the apex of his thighs, right above where he’s slowly, agonizingly fucked apart. Fingers stroke. He’s so slippery already that it’s barely begun and he can feel the wringing of pressure in every single nerve, the last, final tensing before he feels like he might lift weightlessly off the floor. “Doing so well, sweet boy. Show me just how much you need it, come on. Show me you can take it all.”
“I am,” Silas grunts. He’s panting, delirious with it, bouncing down mindlessly against the clown til he’s flush. The pain seems like an idea, existing and not existing at all. “I am, I can, I am… can – fuck! – can feel all of you.”
“Oh! Can you?”
Under Pennywise’s cruel laughter, under the dripping, toxic drool, the teeth crowding his sneer, Silas bucks against him and against his talented hands, stroking even after the waves are coursing outward from his belly all the way to his toes, the backs of his eyelids gone a horrible shade of bright orange before they’re white. It’s like being washed in stars. His muscles ebb and flow, constrict and contract, and through it all, Pennywise feels painful.
Each second lends to the explosion of his climax, dick pulsing with each aftershock. Underneath that, the clown grows. He barely moves, content to grab at Silas and tease him well past the peak of his orgasm, as deep as he can safely go, but… he inflates.
The base of his cock grows, stretching Silas out until it aches. It swells up against a particularly sensitive patch of flesh and forces a new, miserable kind of pleasure into him. It’s too much too soon. It hurts, it feels like fucking fire, it feels like he’s in a (sunset)
“Guess you can take it all, big boy.”
He rocks his body only slightly and then his eyes roll up to the threaded whites, blood welling in his lids and leaking down over his cheeks like the very vessels in his face can’t stand to hold it in, either. He erupts inside of Silas, fills him, pumps his cum into him with his cock knotted nice and tight inside. Trapped. Every single nail digs into Silas as Pennywise cums, growling, gasping, grunting like an animal. He leans down to nuzzle his bleeding face into his captive’s throat, tucked in the nape of his neck, and he breathes a giggle and smells him, licks him.
“Gunna keep coming back? Come a’callin?”
He nips at him, licks the soft little wounds like candy. He jerks his hips back and mocks the pitiful sounds coming from Silas.
“Poor thing. Pooooooor thing. Here. Let me make it better.”
Pennywise tugs against the lock of their bodies, pulling until Silas is nearly sobbing and incomprehensible before he opens his jaws and that tongue pours out of him like some monstrous new organ, slimy and dripping and hot as it slides around his captive’s dick. It feels far too soon. It feels like an impossibility, even with the delicious feeling of all that seed seeping out of him, coating him, body covered in a sticky film of saliva and blood and cum. That tongue brings him off again so quickly it leaves his head spinning, ears plugging up and voiding out until it feels like there are thick wads of cotton in them. It comes back slowly, returning on the edge of a high-pitched whine.
Finally, there’s a sense of relief, of deflation, and the eventual removal. The satisfaction of being so empty again is almost as good as the act itself. He lay spent on the floor, sprawled out and enjoying the near-doze of recuperation. Distantly, he knows there’s a job to finish. Things to take apart, to package. Things to feed the monster above him, whose limbs crack and snap and twitch as they’re absorbed back into his body. He looks like a spider, some psychotic arachnoid going through a reverse molt.
“Was it nice, Silas?” Pennywise smirks, lapping blood from his mouth, from his fingers. “Nice and full?”
He laughs low, under unsteady breath like winds through the gallows, and the room gets a little colder, a little darker. The clown nods at the piles of meat, the spare parts. He winks, taking a bow, and perches on the edge of the well. Waiting. Watching. Expectant and free of distraction, free of the growing tension. Silas squirms where he sits, perversely happy to feel it there, feel the parts of him painted thick with its seed. Those parts tingle, they warm him and make his skin crawl in the most pleasant way.
Back to work.
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datauthorress · 5 years
Commissions are Open!
Hey ya’ll. I’m taking commissions.
-100 Words or less
-1000 words or less
-1000 Words -1500 words -2000 words -2500 words -3000 words
-$10 -$15 -$20 -$25 -$30
-$5 extra for every 500 words.
Two Shots
-3000 to 5000 words = $45
-5000 to 7000 words = $65
Good Omens
Final Fantasy VII
Kingdom Hearts
Assassin's Creed
Blood Blockade Battlefront
Detroit: Become Human
Dragon Ball Z
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
Left 4 Dead
One Piece
Teen Titans
Sleepy Hollow (Show)
Sleepy Hollow (Movie, Tim Burton)
It (1990 and 2017)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Alien vs. Predator
Criminal Case
Big Hero 6
Red Dead Redemption 2
Resident Evil
Rise of the Guardians
Sherlock (BBC)
Silent Hill
The Evil Within
The Walking Dead
Thief (2014)
xReader Stories
Pairing's I'll Do
Blood Blockade Battlefront
Klaus Von Reinherz x Reader
Zapp Renfro x Reader
Detroit: Become Human
Connor (RK800) x Reader
Cyberlife Tower Connor-60 x Reader
Hank Anderson x Reader
Gavin Reed x Reader
Upgraded Connor|RK900 x Reader
Dragon Ball Z
Cell x Reader
Vegeta x Reader
Bulma x Reader
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
Robert Small x Reader
Joseph Christianson x Reader
Final Fantasy VII
Cloud Strife x Reader
Tifa Lockhart x Reader
Aerith Gainsborough x Reader
Sephiroth x Reader
Genesis Rhapsodos x Reader
Zack Fair x Reader
Good Omens
Aziraphale x Crowley
Aziraphale x Reader
Crowley x Reader
Jim Gordon x Reader
Harvey Bullock x Reader
Oswald Cobblepot x Reader
Edward Nygma x Reader
Kingdom Hearts
Xemnas x Reader
Xigbar/Braig x Reader
Xaldin/Dilan x Reader
Zexion/Ienzo x Reader
Saix/Isa x Reader
Axel/Lea x Reader
Demyx x Reader
Marluxia/Lauriam x Reader
Roxas x Reader
Xion x Reader
Axel/Lea x Xion x Roxas
Saix/Isa x Axel/Lea
Left 4 Dead
Hunter x Reader
Smoker x Reader
Tony Stark x Reader
Loki x Reader
Steve Rogers x Reader
Doctor Strange x Reader
The Batter x Reader/The Player
Teen Titans
Slade x Reader
IT (1990 & 2017)
Pennywise x Reader
Alien vs Predator
Predator x Reader
Alien x Reader
Criminal Case
David Jones x Reader
Any others will be welcomed!
Earl Bassett x Reader
Big Hero 6
Alister Krei x Reader
Terminator x Reader
Sleepy Hollow (Tim Burton)
Hessian Horseman x Reader
Gabriel Reyes/Reaper x Reader
Jack Morrison/Soldier: 76 x Reader
Red Dead Redemption II
Dutch Van Der Linde x Reader
Arthur Morgan x Reader
Resident Evil
Albert Wesker x Reader
Mr. X/Tyrant x Reader
Rise of the Guardians
Pitch Black x Reader
SCP: Containment Breach
????? x Reader
Sherlock (BBC)
Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head x Reader
Valtiel x Reader
Other Monsters x Reader
The Evil Within
Sebastian Castellanos x Reader
Stefano Valentini x Reader
Ruvik x Reader
Monsters x Reader
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes x Reader
Negan x Reader
Thief (2014)
Garrett x Reader
????? (Let me know which character you want, and I'll either know them, or have to look them up. I'm familiar with most Transformers characters though.)
Rules and Guidelines:
I will not, absolutely will not, write about rape (Non-con), pedophilia, underage characters, beastality (with animals, such as dogs, cats, etc.).
18+ ONLY. You have to have your age on your blog or profile, otherwise I will not accept your commission.
If you want me to write about your character, please send me a description of them and a brief summary of their personality and their connection with the canon character.
Please take this as a reminder that I am a human being, and I will need time to write out the commissions.
I will be taking payment first, and then I will write out the commission. For longer commissions, I will write out an outline and make sure that is what you want.
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clownsgobeepbeep · 7 years
Precious Thing(Pennywise x Reader NSFW Commission)
Commission made by @heavens-light-hells-fire :) If you’d like me to fix something, do not hesitate in telling me! Btw, this is a Labyrinth AU :D
Pt. 1
With a small flutter of your eyelids, you finally opened your eyes widely for a moment when your ears caught the beautiful sound of music, besides the melodic laughter that surrounded you.
Right before your eyes, you saw what appeared to be hundreds of person with partners either laughing to themselves or waltzing with each other. Although what stood out the most from them was their attire, which you immediately noticed had a circus theme. Looking around, you realized that most of the crowd stared at you, almost envious as others gazed at you with wanting eyes which made you look at yourself out of confusion.
Once your eyes landed on your own outfit, you let out a quiet gasp when seeing that on you was a grand ivory dress that was obviously made from the finest of fabrics and the jewels that not only adorned it but your neck as well were just beautiful.
Looking up from it, your eyes immediately met up with unfamiliar blue ones that somehow seemed to resemble Pennywise's own golden ones. Although, these eyes belonged to a completely different and elegantly dressed man that held onto a mask that he slowly removed to reveal his far more than appealing looks. Besides the fact that he was the only one not dancing along to the music,he clearly stood out because of his height that also was similar to the clown's. And after a while of just staring at him, the man gave you a charming smirk that had a hint of slyness in it before a couple danced in front of him and once they moved away, he was gone from your view.
There's such a sad love deep in your eyes 
  A kind of pale jewel           
 Open and closed within your eyes  
 I'll place the sky within your eyes
Now filled with curiosity, you took a few steps before entering the rowdy crowd that now did not pay much attention to you and instead minded their own business with their dancing and joyous laughs and giggles. You pushed through the people who did not make it any easier for you to pass which brought a pout to your face, though you were highly set of finding the man that had vanished without a trace.
There's such a fooled heart, beatin' so fast    
In search of new dreams
 A love that will last within your heart
 I'll place the moon within your heart
Turning to look behind you, you were immediately met up with a group of people holding a medium sized box that sprung open with a jack in the box that made you slightly jump back, then creating an uproar of laughter from the people. You turned to go a different direction, then being surprised by another of the dancers who purposely intended on spooking you as you were closely stalked by the man from before.
The man chuckled to himself as you turned to your left, unknowingly walking away from him as he pulled himself away from one of the women he had been dancing with temporarily, then sneakily walking after you as you looked for him.
As the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you
 Every thrill is gone,wasn't too much fun at all,
 But I'll be there for you, As the world falls down
 Falling down
 Falling in love
As he slowly followed after you with a dark smirk, you barely stood on your toes to have somewhat of a better view that not even your heels could aid you with. Your eyes glanced to every side almost in a frantic manner, and you snapped your head to the right when you swore that you saw a flash of blue eyes before they instantly disappeared into the crowd yet again.
Your persistence on finding the mysterious man lead you to walk a person who held a fan to their face, concealing themselves which immediately erased them from your mind. Not hearing the chuckle behind you, you continued to walk away and search for the man who revealed himself from behind the fan and only grinned when he saw you leave.
You continued on your journey as the man moved away from his former spot and instead stood on an area where he remained, watching you with those eyes whilst waiting for you to notice him again.
Rather taking any other steps, you also stood in place before spinning in a slow circle to find the man, and soon enough you stopped turning when your eyes landed on him as woman surrounded him. He paid no attention to them and intensely stared into your own eyes, right before he gently pushed the woman away to step over to you.
His eyes now had the same determination your own possessed as he made his way over to you, never tearing them from your figure until he finally stood right before you. He instantly lifted his arms before placing them on your waist and hand, and almost as if on instinct, you did the same before he brought himself closer to you to then sway to the music.
I'll paint you mornings of gold
 I'll spin you Valentine evenings
 Though we're strangers 'til now,
 We're choosing the path between the stars
 I'll leave my love between the stars
You felt as if you were in an entrance, never being able to look away from the man who did the same and only moved his body that resulted in you dancing along with him. As you continued to do so, you sensed that something was off: the man seemed far too familiar yet too unknown to even begin to judge him.
The waltzing still kept going as you looked at the man's smile, then feeling his hand holding your waist slide to the behind of your back before pushing you ever closer to him. You could tell that the man was more than satisfied when you did not pull yourself away and instead continued to follow his lead.
With this, he only neared you more and more until your chests were now slightly pressed against each other, just as your faces were practically inches away.
As the pain sweeps through,makes no sense for you
 Every thrill is gone, wasn't too much fun at all,
 But I'll be there for you,
 As the world falls down
The man's breath was right on your lips as he leaned down to press his own against them, and you soon found yourself slowly closing your eyes as you also leaned in towards him.
Right when you had completely shut your eyes and were sure that the man could feel your breath against his lips, you heard the chime of a bell which made you stop moving towards him and open your eyes in a bit of confusion. Though you continued to spin with the man, you turned frantically to see where the sound was coming from before you realized that the chiming came from a grand clock that was hung against a wall. You instantly felt your eyes widen when you noticed that it read 12:00, meaning that there was a mere hour left for you to…
Not being able to remember what it is you were even doing in the first place, you felt yourself panic and you glanced at the man holding you as he continued to dance without a care. Although, he immediately noticed that you were now feeling negative emotions rather than entranced and he tried his best to hide his growing smirk.
Right when you looked back at him rather than at your surroundings, and you released a loud gasp when not only you saw his smirk, but you saw that his face had begun to turn white almost like...a clown's painted face.
You pulled yourself away from him as his hair turned into the fiery orange one you recognized just as his elegant outfit had sprouted red pom poms along with his boots. Everything about his attire altered as his now white face grew red streaks across his cheeks besides the now painted lips he had. You shook your head in somewhat of a terror and turned to run off as you ignored all the eyes that were now on you, though you were thankful for the fact that the people had surprisingly left an open space for you to go through.
Although, you skidded to a complete stop when you found yourself in front of a mirror before you looked around and realized that there was absolutely no exit anywhere. In a hurry, you picked up a nearby chair before shutting your eyes and hurling it at the mirror, and after opening your eyes you heard the blood curling screams of each and every one of the guests at the ball before you felt yourself float off of the ground, but the feeling then turned into the one of falling down.
You waved your arms in fear of falling to our certain death, trying to latch onto whatever possible so that you could at least remain up. Although, there was nothing to hold onto which caused you to shut your eyes again before a moment passed by and you gently landed on the ground without a scratch. Opening your eyes, you looked around and realized that you were seated on the floor with no harm nor fancy ball gown, it was only you sitting on the ground with your original clothes in front of a circus tent.
"Wait a minute!"you exclaimed before scrambling up to your feet to have a better look at what was in front of you. When you had dusted off your clothes, you realized that a circus tent was indeed right in front of you, though your purpose for being there was not.
You glanced at the tent and then behind you, noticing that there was only more tents that were then followed by a dark forest you were sure you did not want to go into.Looking back at the tent, you took a deep breath before entering it, noticing that it was the largest one of them all.
Once you were inside, you noticed that the only source of light came from the opening that you had just gone through, but soon enough you had nothing to help you see which brought panic to you instantly. With a single and small gulp, you took a short step forwards before you realized that there was nothing to step on.
Right when your foot was about to land, you felt yourself fall down rather than forwards thankfully. Although, it still was not a good situation to be in considering how you immediately fell down what appeared to be a slide from a children's playground.
After a while of of sliding so many curves and possibly loops, you slid right off of the tube before landing on the ground with a thud as you noticed your new surroundings. Rather than being in a total abyss, you were in something much worse: a house of mirrors.
Your large eyes now looked at every side, wondering where it is you would go next, but truth is you had not the slightest idea what was even the reason behind all this, until you heard a giggle somewhere near.
As you looked to the front, you saw the color yellow crawl into the mirrors' images before you realized that the hue belonged to the onesie worn by a baby that happily cooed as he continued to crawl.
"G...Georgie?"you asked just as it all came back to you: you were in the insane labyrinth looking for your baby brother. You stood in place right before you saw the baby crawl out of the pictures before you noticed that he was now sitting right across you, just a few feet away. Immediately, you dashed towards him not caring about anything else in that moment.
Although once again, you had fallen through a trap door that you had not noticed right below you. You were thankful for the fact that you did not go down another slide and had instead fallen right onto the ground, a bit painfully.
"I see you've finally found your way to me, my dear."you heard behind you as you noticed that you were in a room that did not appear to be underground, but instead high up which brought confusion to you. Either way, you turned to look behind you before you saw Pennywise sitting on a throne with his legs over the arm rest. He looked almost dramatic as his arched back was on the other while he had a hand over his head right before he properly sat on the seat to then stand from it.
"Give me the child."you demanded while you stood up, then seeing that he took a single step towards you.
"(Y/N),beware..." the clown started with a threatening tone."I have been generous up until now but I can be cruel."
"Generous? What have you done that was generous?"you interrogated in between grit teeth which made him back away a bit, almost in fear before he let out a huff and stood his ground confidently.
"Everything! Everything that you wanted, I have done." he yelled at you, and you realized that his blue eyes had now turned into the golden yellow you initially saw him with in the beginning. "You asked that the child be taken:I took him.You wanted your parents gone: I took their lives!You cowered before me:I was frightening.I have altered time.I have turned the world upside down and I have done it all for you. I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Is that not generous?"
"No!I..."you closed your mouth for a moment before looking down at the ground, not realizing that Pennywise had stepped closer towards you.
"I ask for so little;just let me rule you and you can have everything that you want my doll."he walked even closer to you, now standing in front of you with his blue eyes once again and he had gingerly placed a hand on your waist. "Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave."
"All I want is to go home, with my baby brother!"you shouted as you pushed him away, then making him flinch back. Pennywise didn't know what else to say, so he clenched his fist and gave you a glare as you did the same to him.
He gave no response and only walked away which surprised you greatly yet still kept you on edge. You noticed that he stepped over to the throne he had been previously been sitting on, and he reached behind it before turning back to look at you with a straight face.
Instead of conjuring up something to take you back to the beginning of the maze or get you lost somewhere, or even throw another giant monster art you...you saw that he only instead held a small bear in his gloved hands.
"Oh my-...Bobby?"you asked with a now softer expression that looked at the gray bear he always referred to as Mr. Gray. You carefully stepped towards Pennywise who now held the bear out to you, and he looked almost so innocent. Without hesitation, you took the bear from his hands before looking down at it and then bringing it to your chest to hug it.
"I thought I lost you Bobby!"you exclaimed, never realizing that you sounded like your younger self which only made Pennywise chuckle to himself.
"Hee hee...I actually took Mr. Gray my dear..."he giggled out before you stopped hugging your bear to give him yet another glare."Just like I took you...because just like this little teddy bear, I adored you since the moment I saw you. And I desperately wanted you for myself, so I did whatever you asked of me while you had no idea of it."
Once again, your facial features created a soft expression before you looked down at the bear that smiled up at you just as Pennywise warmly did so at you. You noticed that your teddy bear looked exactly the same way it did when you lost it, practically looking new without any kind of harm done to it. And if Pennywise liked 'Bobby', you were sure enough that he did his absolute best to keep it in the best of conditions which for some reason made your heart flutter for a moment.
"If...If I give in to you, will you let me take Georgie go back home?"
"Anything that you ask for, I will do it."
You kept quiet for a moment as you unconsciously pat your bear's head, then feeling each of the pom poms before you let out a sigh and shut your eyes.
"Alright...where is my baby brother?" With a flick of his wrist, Pennywise changed the scenery so that you were no longer in the circus tent but instead in Georgie's room. Your eyes instantly caught sight of him, peacefully sleeping in his crib as he let out small breaths. You smiled to yourself and then looked down at your teddy bear, releasing a sigh before placing the Bobby in Georgie's arms before turning to look at Pennywise.
"And...now what?"you asked before feeling his hand carefully hold your chin just as he pulled your face up to look directly at him before he leaned down and pressed his red lips against yours to give you a long awaited kiss.
Seeing your interactions with Georgie only sparked something in him as his eyes flash yellow.
"I make you mine, completely."he whispered after pulling him face away from you. He then led one of his hands to the back of your knee as the other wrapped itself on your back. You were immediately lifted and carried out of the room before Pennywise took you to your own room.
After entering, Pennywise was careful when setting you onto your bed where he began to remove your clothes which you helped him with. You knew where this was going, and you whole heartedly went with it because after the stress and frustration, you realized that this was the one who you wanted as your partner for life.
The clown climbed on top of you, leaning down to plant kisses on your neck before leading down to your collarbone where he sucked on, thus emitting a slight whimper from you. He then pressed his lips on your now exposed breast to lick around your nipple, then sucking on it as his hands worked themselves at your crotch.
You released a moan when you felt him rub at your entrance that was only covered by your underwear, and he had soon slipped them off with that single hand which had soon inserted a finger inside of you. Pennywise realized that you began to squirm, so he took one of your thighs into his hand to hold you in place as the other inserted another finger into you before sliding them back out, repeating the process.
"My precious doll..."Pennywise muttered out he slid his fingers out of you to lick off the juices he had collected, and when he had finished, he lowered his hand down to his pants before opening them and releasing his lenghty cock. "You're all mine..."
Before you were able to respond, Pennywise grabbed your other thigh with his free hand to then insert himself into you in a single motion. He made sure to go as gently as possible, giving you just the slightest moment to adjust to his large member before he leaned down to hide his face in the crook of your neck, then begin to slide out before thrusting back into you.
With yet another moan, you grabbed onto his shoulders as Pennywise continued to slide in and out of you, being sure to never go too fast nor rough. You felt his hot breath right on your neck as you shut your eyes, feeling that he had a difficult time not clawing right into your thighs.
After a few moments, you felt that Pennywise was twitching inside of you which made him unconsciously increase the pace which fortunately brought you closer to your climax. And with some more thrusts and grunts from him, you felt the clown released a plentiful of his hot seed inside you as he bit into your neck to not let out a loud animalistic growl.
He then removed his teeth from your skin to lick up the blood that dripped out, then pulling himself out of your entrance to lay at your side with you on his chest, chuckling as he heard you pant out loudly.Pennywise gently laced the fingers of one of his hands with your own as he pressed a soft kiss on your cheek, letting out a quiet content purr.
"Monsters...You are now their Queen..."he said before his hands caressed your abdomen that now had a bump."Their mother...and mother of this precious little thing..."
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clownsgobeepbeep · 7 years
The Music of the Night(Pennywise x Reader NSFW Commission)
Commission made by @heavens-lights-hells-fire :) If you’d like me to fix something, do not hesitate in telling me!
After a long and exhausting day of work, you swung the door of your room open before throwing your bag towards the chair that stood next to your desk. Your hands trailed up to your blouse which you removed after a bit of a struggle as you easily slipped off your shoes, then discarding it to the side not caring where it landed. Next came your jeans which you unbuttoned but did not immediately remove them.
Instead, you turned and plopped your back onto your bed, then lazily slipping off the pants that then fell to the ground. Laying in just your undergarments, you shut your eyes when you yawned and stretched your arms up. Eventually you dropped them and splayed them at your sides as you let out a sigh, just thinking of how much peaceful sleep you were about to have, until your thoughts were instantly interrupted with a creaking sound that obviously came from the wooden floor of your house.
Without looking to the source of the sound, you let out a small smile before another creak was heard, but this time from your bed as the mattress sunk down. Out of instinct, you slightly widened your legs before feeling a certain and familiar presence crawl in between them, then causing the bed to sink even further at your sides.
"Hiya Penny."you whispered as you tall clown held himself up on his hands and knees, his appearance matching your own exhausted one."What's new?"
You raised an eyebrow in confusion, then realizing that Pennywise was slightly panting and did not look too well.
"Pennywise, is everything okay? What happened-"
"Sewers...now..."he demanded, then gritting his teeth before you sat up and looked into his eyes that were a golden yellow, meaning that something was going on. Without hesitation, you began to get up and he crawled off of the bed to allow you to do so. You walked around the bed and reached down to grab one of your jackets and a pair of pajama shorts. As you eventually slipped on some slippers, you wondered how the clown was actually managing to not force you out of the room: he was actually being patient for once.
"Sewers...now..."he repeated before walking over to you, then grabbing your waist before throwing you over his shoulder as you yelped in surprise.Soon he began to walk out of your room before eventually getting out of your house and slamming the door behind him.
"Penny the door needs to be locked!"
"NO...sewers..."he growled out with a quite ferocious tone which made a shiver go down your spine, now having a slight idea of what it is he was currently going through. Based on the short phrased and demanding responses, messy look with yellow eyes and the look of a desperate animal...you knew he was going through his heat.
Rather than making any movements or saying anything at all, you made sure to keep quiet and let things flow how you knew they would as he took you to the sewers.
Once there, Pennywise walked through the opening of his lair before walking again through the greywater to then climb onto his stage box. He stepped over to the nest he had made specifically for this situation much earlier, besides the one he usually placed you on. When he had reached it, he removed you from his shoulder to then gently set you down onto your back.
Pennywise bent his knees so that he could stand in a squatting position, merely staring at you with intensity for a moment before he finally pressed his gloved hands on the wooden ground. He crawled over to you slowly, almost predator like as his mouth hung open with his tongue hanging out with obvious drool that dripped down.
The clown climbed into the nest to then lay at your side and pull you towards him while making sure that your back was facing him. When he had you pressed against him, he shut his eyes to inhale your scent before you felt his crotch rub against you from behind. His hands went from your hips to your abdomen which he slowly stroked as his rubbing turned into small thrusts.
You let out a quiet moan when Pennywise's other hand traveled down and began to play with your clit, furthering his excitement which then caused him to completely let go of you before standing on his knees and pulling you up so that you were in a similar stance. With such carefulness, he pressed his hands on your back to then push it down before you were on your hands.
His hands then slid to your shorts which he easily slipped off before doing the same with  your underwear. Next was your jacket which you unzipped and removed, then feeling him grab your bra and rip it before it was thrown elsewhere. With you now bare, the clown pressed his chest against your back as he hid his face behind your neck, sliding his palms down your breasts to your abdomen which he caressed once again. Despite not having any sort of foreplay, you felt the tip of his cock press against your entrance before it slid inside you.
Surprisingly, it entered quite easily and smoothly, and you guessed that was because of the drool he used to lube himself. Either way, you flinched in pain which caused his nuzzle into your neck in an affectionate manner to at least comfort you.
After giving you a moment to get used to his length that you could tell was larger than usual, you heard Pennywise grunt before he began to slide out of you in a slow manner before going back in the same way, almost as if we were teasing you.
You let out another moan before it turned into a whimper as your hands clutched onto the ripped blankets beneath you as Pennywise continued his treatment, never increasing the pace which made it difficult for you to reach your end. Although, the feeling was still very pleasureable as he slid deeply into you and bettered the situations with his stroking at your abdomen.
With every thrust that he gave, he let out a loud and hot breath that sounded in your ear quite clearly  along with your own pants and whines.
After quite the while, you were finally starting to feel your climax which made you bite your lip in satisfaction right before you arched your back into Pennywise's chest when you released. Although he himself was satisfied by hearing your own pleasure, he was not full with just that.
"Penny...are you done?"
"No...more..."he growled out, then letting you know that he wanted something else. Especially because you never felt him cum inside you which now increased his desperation in seconds.
He pulled himself right out of you which made you let out a moan. Pennywise slightly squeezed your stomach before he removed his hands from that spot, then sliding them to your hips which he also squeezed. Eventually he made them travel to your waist which he gripped onto a bit too roughly, but he still maintained his gentle manner when he lifted your body so that you were just on your knees again.
Pennywise then turned you so that you were facing his panting expression, and he leaned his head down so that his lps pressed against yours. You shut your eyes and kissed him back, soon entangling his arms in whatever it is you could grab of his hair as his large hands now went to the lower of your back and behind your neck.
As he continued to kiss you and wrap his tongue around your own, he slowly began to lower you down once again, never letting you go. When he had finally pressed your back against the scraps of blankets, he made sure to have your legs open as the hand behind on your back went in between them. The other hand that was behind your neck traveled to the front, holding your cheek in a way Pennywise never really held you unless he was feeling caring.
"A-ah! Penny..."you moaned out when you felt the silk of his gloves enter your hole, starting with two fingers that did some scissoring motions inside of you. His mouth now trailed down to your jawline before going to your chin and neck, leaving red stains from the paint on his lips. Besides those marks, he made his own with nibbles that followed down to your throat and then collarbone where he made sure to suck on.
His hands down below continued to move in and out of you whilst also opening and closing up, right before he pulled them out and caused you to let out a gasp that then turned into an upset whimper.
"My...mate..."Pennywise snarled out as he brought his head back up to meet the side of yours, breathing intensely right into your ear."All...mine..."
And in that immediate moment, he inserted his entire length inside you without giving you a moment to get adjusted to it. Without any time to spare, he brought the hand that had been previously inside you to his face and traced his own lips with the fingers before he stuck them inside his mouth. As he pounded mercilessly into you, he opened his mouth a bit so that you could see him lick of all the juices off of the glove he collected them on while his free hand had been placed at your hip.
Once he had finished slurping it all up, both of his hands lowered down to your thighs before he slid them down to the back of your knees,pulling your body closer to him. After a few more thrusts, he leaned down so that he could then lift your legs and place them on his shoulders.
"Ow...Penny,that hurts!"
Pennywise's eyes slightly widened which surprised you, especially because he gave you no response that was mocking your complaint. Instead, you felt him grab the back of your knees again before he lowered them and placed them at his sides, then gently wrapping them around his waist before his hands released your legs and went back to your hips.
Even though he was trying his best to be careful with you, his hips bucked into yours quite intensely as you grabbed onto his forearms and let ous breathy moans along with pants, feeling your climax near you much faster than the first time. You dug your nails into Pennywise's sleeves as he pounded roughly into you, growling and grunting at the pleasure he felt, then sniffing your neck to then sense that your arousal matched his own.
At the same time, he was able to sense that you were close to reaching your end which egged him on further and increased his own excitement. Pennywise then increased the pace, much faster than he ever had done before which also made his force a lot more powerful. Soon enough, this had you screaming out his name in ecstasy.
"Pennywise! God,Penny please slow down!"
"No...can't...almost,done…."he said in between grit teeth and grunts that vanished and were eventually replaced by only loud animalistic growls. "Mate..."
Out of instinct, you tugged at his arms which gave him a sign that you really were in pain and getting to exhausted at this point, but he couldn't stop now when he was so close to achieving his goal.
He lowered himself so that your chests were pressed against each other, and his arms went behind your arched back so that he could press you even tighter against him. The growls were terrifying as they sounded in your ear, but you ignored them and wrapped your arms around his neck before you let out a scream and felt yourself release.
In that moment, Pennywise shut his eyes even tighter as he let out not a growl, but a roar that obviously sounded throughout all the sewers when he finally let himself cum all the way inside you. When he finally quieted down, he let out pants and pulled himself away to look down at your tired form.
He sniffed the air and hummed contently before leaning his head down to your stomach, pressing his ear against the bump he created with his seed that poured out of you.
"My mate...and my offspring..."
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clownsgobeepbeep · 7 years
Piece of Cake(Pennywise x Reader Commission)
Commission made by @heavens-light-hells-fire :) If you’d like me to fix something, do not hesitate in telling me! Btw, this is a Labyrinth AU :D
"What do you want? Do you want a story?"
The words replayed themselves in your head as you walked through the lone forest, having remembered the anger you felt once you heard your baby brother Georgie's cries throughout the entire house. Or more like, your baby stepbrother.
"Once upon a time there was a young girl whose stepmother always made her stay home with the baby.
You walked over to the crib where he lay, then reaching in to grab him and cradle him in your arms as his wails only got louder and made you groan. "The baby was a spoiled child who wanted everything for himself, and the young girl was practically a slave."
The baby's cries were now ringing in your ears which caused a headache to come into your mind, so you held onto Georgie's small hand to try to at least bring some comfort to him.
"But what no one knew was that the Clown King had fallen in love with the girl and given her certain powers."
Rather than quieting down, you felt the baby tear his arm away almost as if in anger.
"So one night when the baby had been particularly cruel to her, she called on the toys for help."
You knew that the cries were not going to stop any time soon, so you rolled your eyes with a loud huff. You were not sure what else you could do in the situation, so you leaned down to place Georgie back into his crib before you turned and walked away. Right before you exited his room, you slightly turned your head to the side to barely glance at the crib with a glare.
"I wish the monsters would come and take you away...right now."
And when you had turned off the light of the room, you remembered the fear that crept up your back when the crying immediately stopped.
"Georgie?...Georgie are you alright? W-why are you not crying?"
You were interrupted when you heard a 'thump' on the ground, so you turned to the side and noticed that a toy from Georgie's shelf had fallen off. As you worriedly squinted your eyes to have a better look, you noticed that it was a miniature jack in the box which had begun to play itself, then allowing you to hear a soft tune come from it.
Slowly, you took small steps to near it before the music stopped and the lid of the box immediately opened to reveal a small clown doll that popped up with a tiny laugh.
With confusion and fear, you took a gulp and walked over to the box so that you could grab it but heard another laugh that was almost identical to the doll's. You stopped on your tracks and noticed that in the shadows behind the jack in the box were two bright yellow eyes that belonged to a figure that held out a gloved hand to the doll.
The toy was soon swept away before the dark figure took a step forwards, revealing a boot that was worn by a leg concealed by a gray costume. Eventually, the shape in the darkness displayed itself and your eyes soon met with the yellow ones that were on a clown's face.
"Gah!"you yelled out when you felt yourself nearly trip over a log that was lazily splayed on the ground, then holding onto your foot for a moment because of the pain you now felt.
You brought your hands up to your head and gripped at your hair, then tugging on it before finally letting it go and releasing a loud sigh.
"I hate this labyrinth!I hate everything about it!"you shouted out as your foot kicked yet another rock that skipped itself all the way to the nearest tree, and you did the same before you huffed and stomped at the ground with a grunt. "And I hate that clown too..."
You stood in place and crossed your arms, then biting the inside of your cheek before looking up at a tree in front of you instead of the dirt below. With a sigh and a shut of your eyes, you stepped over to the trunk after opening them and turned so that you could lay your back on it. You threw your head back to once again let out a breath, then looking up to see the leaves on the tree rather than the sky.And once again, your mind went to when you finally and regrettably met the Clown King who introduced himself as Pennywise.
"My, little (Y/N)...why don't you go back into your room and have some time to yourself?Forget about little Georgie."
"No...where is he?"
"I have brought you a gift my little one,"he offered before he reached behind himself and pulled his hand back out to reveal a simple yet bright yet balloon. "Here I present to you a mere balloon, and nothing more."
You squinted your eyes which made the clown laugh, because he sensed your confusion.
"Although my dear, turning and looking into it this way...will show you whatever happy thought you want." Pennywise extended his arm so that you could grab the balloon's string while it did just as he said, and when you reached out, he retrieved his hand with a dark chuckle. "But, this is no gift for a girl who takes care of a screaming baby."
"I...I can not just let you leave with my brother!He must be so scared...a-and-"
"Do not defy me,(Y/N)...If you want your little brother back,"and the clown lifted his hand to the room's window where you instantly had sight of a circus tent that was surrounded by much smaller versions of it in the distance. "He is there in that tent and you have to get him yourself."
"Well...that doesn't look too far!It's almost a piece of cake!"you commented after seeing it, then noticing that Pennywise's expression turned into an immediate frown.
"Hmm...it is further than you think, princess and unfortunately for you, time is short. " the clown stated. "You have thirteen hours to solve the labyrinth before your baby brother becomes another one of my precious little toys. Forever."
"I can't believe it...thirteen hours to find Georgie in this amazing labyrinth..."you muttered out before you instantly heard and felt your stomach grumble. "Great,just great...now I'm hungry!I can't stop now though."
You were cranky and tired and confused, not knowing whether this were merely a dream or actually reality which brought a headache to you the more you wondered what was even going on. You furrowed your eyebrows again and groaned, then bringing your head back up so that you could look at the front, and you soon felt your eyes widen when they landed on another nearby tree.
As your stomach let out another loud growl, you licked your lips with intense eyes when you noticed that the tree in front of the one you were on had an oh so glorious variety of fruits. Although, one of them stood out because of its color and perfect, round texture that clearly showed it as a peach.
Quickly, you uncrossed your arms and removed yourself from the tree as your eyes never left the little fruit that was waiting for you to get it. With a few strides, you eventually reached the humongous plant which was actually quite short compared to the rest, and that only made you feel fortunate for the fact that things were actually and finally going well for you.
A dark chuckle resonated throughout the dark room where the king of the bothersome creatures who taunted and tormented you throughout your journey sat on an ancient throne that was surrounded by several, hundreds of children's toys. The clown had his legs over one of the golden arm rests as his back was on the other, his head leaned against his closed fist as his other hand held onto a teddy bear.
A purely and naturally gray teddy bear with a bright red nose and two small red pom poms on its stomach that somehow resembled the clown's own costume. To make it even more believable, on its neck was a fluffy ivory neck ruffle whilst its face had a red dot on each cheek, almost like Pennywise's cheek to eye lines in a way.
"Oh little bear...what am I supposed to do with my dear,hmm?"Pennywise asked as if he were conversing with the plush that could only stare back at him with blue, beady eyes.
"No,no,no...the girl has no trust nor interest in me. At least not yet. How in this whole labyrinth am I to bring that out of her?"
Once again no response.
"Well, those fruits I left for the little darling are more than enough, do you not think?As soon as she gets my present, not only will she be thankful but she will forget about every single one of her problems!"
"Of course that is going to be good to her! My lovely (Y/N) is going to have the time of her life, and as her future mate I deem it necessary to entice and entertain her in whatever way possible. I took her screaming brother away, and now I am going to take all her worries away."
Though Pennywise only received a stare from the bear, it almost appeared as if it were judging his actions.
"You know what?I don't care for any of your criticism Mr. Gray and I will continue as I am doing so."Pennywise then felt himself perk up when he sensed something in. He turned to the side where your baby brother lay fast asleep in a crib. Next to the small bed was a table that had balloons floating about it, and one of them happened to be glowing brightly. Pennywise stood up from his throne and gently set 'Mr. Gray' on the seat before walking towards the balloons and he had soon reached to grab the string of the brightest one. He pulled it down to then look into it, then feeling a smirk creep onto his face.
"Why, would you look at that? My little doll has finally reached the fruit tree and everything is falling into place."
As he looked into the crimson balloon, he was able to easily how you went from being irritated and annoyed to earning yourself a seed of hope when seeing that beautiful fruits hanging from the tree.And that seed slowly grew by the second as it was clearly shown in your eyes that intensely stared at the fruits that you were trying to reach out for.
Without taking his eyes away, Pennywise lifted one of his gloved hands towards the direction that the teddy bear was in, and soon enough it was raised from the throne before it floated towards the clown's hand.
The plushie was then gripped before Pennywise shifted his hand so that it now was slightly pressed against his face as he made sure to not stain the bear.
"Look at that Gray, look at the way that she stares at the damned fruit!"Pennywise exclaimed as your now optimistic eyes remained on the peach while you tried climbing the tree to take the fruit. "Why can't she gaze at me in that same manner,hmm? Have I lost my touch?"
The clown looked at the teddy bear before letting out a loud laugh.
"Oh ho ho! Why you're right Mr. Gray, I could never lose my touch! I am the best there is and sooner or later this girl is going to be all mine."
Pennywise noticed that you were having a difficult time getting the peach that caused you to huff and turn your back to the tree, then leaning against it with your original from which only made him roll his eyes in a slightly playful manner before they landed on the bear.
"Alright, alright. I do believe you're correct and win this round you ol' chap."he said to the bear before glancing back at the balloon as he placed the bear near his chest and held it with the arm that had the balloon. His now free hand pointed at the balloon and he flicked his wrist which had immediately cut the peach's stem. With that, it easily fell from the tree and hit you on the head before it continued to fall.
"God...dammit!"As your hand leaned itself on the tree to hold you up while the other was high in the air, barely even reaching the peach that was attached to the tree right above you.
You let out a groan before huffing in final defeat; you lowered your hand and not longer stretched your body and had instead pressed your forehead against the trunk. Once again, you felt your stomach let out an obvious growl that made you grumble to yourself.
Removing yourself from the tree, you turned your back to it and repeated the same action that you had done before on the other tree. You leaned back onto it and right after you threw your head back, you felt something land on your head a bit harshly.
"Ow!" you exclaimed and when you lifted your hands, you felt whatever hit you fall onto your open palms. You glanced down and widened your eyes when you miraculously saw the peach that you had been oh so desperately trying to grab before.
"Oh,wow."you whispered before a smile replaced your frown as you lifted your hands to have a better view of the small fuzzy peach. You licked your lips before slowly shutting your eyes and then bringing the fruit to your mouth to take a bite of it. After chewing on the piece and eventually swallowing it, you expected to let out a content hum but you instead felt that the peach taste as bit...strange.
You instantly dropped the peach that fell at your feet before rolling away right when you lifted one hand to hold your head whilst the other placed itself on the tree you had just been on. All of a sudden, everything in your eyes became a complete blur as you kept on trying to catch yourself but realized that a simple task like that became far more than difficult.
As you held yourself on the tree, you tried walking away while sliding your hand which only resulted in you to hold onto nothing right before you felt onto the floor. Your breathing became rigid as your blurred vision created a stinging pain in your head that made you look down.
Despite this, you tried shaking it away and looked up before your realized that even with the blur, you could see something in the distance. A shape moved almost so gracefully before another shape appeared, and soon enough there were several figures that moved around almost as if…
"All I see...dancing..."you whispered to yourself, then letting out a breath as you placed both of your hands on the ground to hold yourself up."Everything is...dancing..."
Pennywise smirked to himself even more when his red balloon showed him exactly what he wanted to see and had previously planned out. His hand slightly released the balloon, but he made sure to keep it in his hands while he grabbed the strings of a few other balloons.
With his powers he removed the bear plush from his arm and lifted it in the air to gaze at it for a moment, then making it hover all the way back to the throne where it was once again seated with much care.
When he had done that, he looked to the side where there was a an opening on the tent's side which he looked into with the handful of balloons. Pennywise let out a quiet breath that was more like a pleased hum as his free hand reached for one of the balloons and pulled it away, then leading it out through the gap in which it easily floated away.
The clown did the same with the rest of them and when he was done, he watched them go as he already knew where they were headed.
After a few struggles, you were finally able to move for a moment and had once again leaned your back against whatever tree was nearest to you, though you were now in a sitting position. No matter what, you continued to feel light headed but felt a bit of relief when your blurred vision began to fade away and you were now able to see clearly. Although, you grew confused when in front of you you saw a red dot in the sky before more and more appeared.
"What the…?"You had absolutely no idea what to even think at this point, so you merely gazed at the dots before they grew bigger and eventually you could see that they were balloons that almost appeared to be floating towards you as if on purpose.
Soon enough, a few of them had hovered right before your eyes before one of them glowed brightly and with squinted, tired eyes, you were somehow able to see the figure of a doll twirl like the miniature dancer it was whilst being dressed in a ballerina outfit inside the balloon.
Although, you were sure that it was actually not inside and was instead showing you a picture of the same doll you had inside of your music box and speaking of said box, you could somehow hear the music from it play near you. Almost immediately, the ballerina transformed into you and you were able to see yourself wearing a splendid ball gown as the rest of the balloons held moving images of couples dancing to what appeared to be a waltz.
And in that moment, you shut your eyes for a final time.
"See Mr. Gray, wasn't that just a piece of cake?"
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clownsgobeepbeep · 7 years
Golden Years(Pennywise x Reader NSFW Commission)
Commission made by @heavens-lights-hells-fire :) If you’d like me to fix something, do not hesitate in telling me!
"Your highness, is there anything you need?"
"Your majesty, is everything alright?"
"My Queen would you like a bowl of popcorn?"
It was always your highness this, your majesty that, my queen, blah, blah, blah...Being Queen of the Monsters was not exactly the best task and you knew it for sure. Yes, you were a superior because of the bonding you had with the King who you could now called your husband, and you had all the luxuries you could ever ask for. The only problem was, it was a bit difficult when not only did you have all the little creatures and toys following you around with concern or their faithfulness, and there was also the fact you yourself were carrying a little monster.
The night you had mated with Pennywise and he had "returned" your baby brother Georgie, you had also been impregnated which only enhance the bond you both shared.
Sighing to yourself, you placed your hands on the bed you were on so that you could stand up, but that task obviously proved to be difficult with your now huge belly of seven months. And in addition to that, your breasts were quite sore and had also enlarged which worsened the pain.
You grunted to yourself before sitting back down on the bed, then throwing your head back with a sigh that obviously alerted a nearby presence.
"Your highness? Do you require our aid?"you heard from the doorway, then seeing a small group of either monsters or clown dolls that all looked at you in anticipation with the slight fear of you snapping at them like the other previous times you had.
"No...can you just do me a favor and call Pennywise?"you asked after letting yet another sigh before you noticed that at least three of the little dolls turned to scurry away as the others remained on their spot to stare at you. "Um...that is all for now."
"Ah,yes your highness!"you heard along with other things along those lines, right before the creatures dashed away thus thankfully leaving you alone again.
Shutting your eyes, you slowly leaned back so that you were now laying down. You brought your hands to your stomach, initially laying them on there before you began to rub small circles on your belly. Once you felt a small kick, you let out a giggle right before you heard a thump on the ground right in front of the large bed. Barely looking up with just your head, you immediately shut your eyes in pain when your baby began to kick again, but it happened to be repeated kicks that appeared to be almost excited meaning only one thing.
Thankfully, the uncomfortable kicking inside you had stopped once one of the gloved hands was placed on your stomach.
"My dear, is everything alright?"you heard, then hearing footsteps that neared you just before large hands grabbed at your waist which was now slowly pulled upwards. Soon enough, you were place onto a lap and came face to face with your clown husband who did not look at you with his usual smile.
"Oh Penny,it's just so exhausting having all the creatures come to me-"
"Would you prefer that I get rid of them?"he asked, doing his best to hold back a sadistic smile until he saw your serious face. "Or perhaps,there is something else that you want?"
You slightly shifted on Pennywise's lap and wrapped your arms around his neck before laying your head onto his chest.
"You,Penny..."you whispered with a sigh, then feeling the clown gently pull you away to look you in the eye.
"But I am here now my love, and you know that I always will be."
"No,no,no…what I mean is that, you should take a break from all this ruling business."
Pennywise slightly frowned, though it was in a much more confused than upset manner as you stared up at him with a pout.  The arm that was wrapped around your waist pulled you closer towards him which brought your chest onto is, but you flinched away with a yelp once you felt a tinge of pain in your breasts. Suddenly, Pennywise's eyes flashed golden for a moment as panic and worry obviously stood on his expression
"What is it my darling? Did I harm you?"he urgently asked, eventually seeing that you shook your head and grabbed onto his costume with a small smile.
"It's just the uncomfort I feel in my breasts, and the stress I feel because I don't ever get to see you doesn't make it any better."you responded, then seeing that Pennywise glanced to the side before shutting his eyes and letting out a sigh.
"I see,that I am not as present as you wish me to be."he replied, then holding onto your waist with both hands to remove you from him and place you onto the bed as carefully as he could.
You furrowed your eyebrows in a worried manner, then thinking that he may have gotten upset with that statement. You opened your mouth to say something, but were then immediately shut up when Pennywise spoke up first and he had called onto his faithful monsters. In a quick moment, you heard the pitter patter and clanking of wood that obviously belonged to the marionette portion of the toys.
"Yes your highness?"all seven that had come to Pennywise's aid asked at the same time, slightly fearful over the fact that they barely stood at one foot compared to the giant clown.
"I will not be around to command any of you for the time being."he said which made every one of the dolls' eyes widen, along with your own before Pennywise continued. "You are all to do as you please without creating any sort of ruckus, do you all understand?"
There was then a chorus of "yes your majesty"! but it all grew quiet when everybody had realized that one of the dolls had quietly muttered out a "no sir". Despite having Pennywise's back to you, you were immediately able to tell that he now had his golden eyes glare down at the single toy that denied its understanding.
"I-I mean...what is your reason for d-d-doing so, my k-king?"it stuttered out, and just that question made it obvious that Pennywise was more than upset for being questioned. Before he could do anything to the poor doll, you cleared your throat which made Pennywise snap his heads towards you with his baby blue eyes. You shook your head which made him sigh before he turned back to the dolls.
"Your Queen,my mate...requires my time, especially because in some near future our child will be brought into the world. I have been far too focused on other unimportant matters and denying her my attention, so just do whatever it is you fools usually do and leave us alone. You are to never come knocking at our door nor call either one of us, the only one who you can interact with is little Georgie who still requires to be taken care of."
And right after he had finished giving his instructions, Pennywise stepped away and turned to face you as his hand went behind him to shut the door as he walked towards you.
"Now my dear, where were we?"he asked as he continued to walk to you and smiled when he noticed that you now had a much more relaxed expression, then smiling back at him when he had seated himself next to you on the bed. "I must apologize my dear, for always denying your attention and needs..."
He climbed onto the bed while standing on his knees in between your legs, leaning down whilst being careful to barely touch your stomach with his his body before he leaned down to lick in between your breasts after he had opened your dress. He then slid his tongue towards of them, being careful and controlling himself to not slide his sharp teeth on them nor bite down in fear of injuring you.
Pennywise slowly brought one of his hands to your other breast as his mouth occupied one, gently starting to such on its nipple which he felt harden as you moaned out.
Whilst he continued, Pennywise felt his costume grow tighter as your sounds of whimpers and whines filled his ears and brought glee to him, egging him on to continue sucking on your breast until the first one eventually released the milk he longed for.
Once done with the first and hearing you let out a sharp breath, he placed his hand on the one he finished with before placing his lips on the new one which he easily licked and sucked on before it lactated as well.
Hearing your pants, Pennywise smirked to himself before he removed himself off of you and instead placed his long tongue under your breasts. You looked down at him and felt that as he slid his tongue down, he slowly unbuttoned the rest of your dress until he eventually reached your crotch area.
Pennywise widened your legs as he kneeled down onto the ground and placed his face in between them, eventually sliding his hands down to your crotch area where you wore nothing because of the uncomfort it brought to your body. The clown licked his lips when his eyes landed on your womanhood that had a strong scent emitting from it, just as some juices were already leaking from it.
With a bite of his lip, Pennywise leaned in to press his mouth against your folds which made you gasp and grip onto the bed under you, because reaching for his hair at this point was quite impossible with your stomach in the way. Either way, you shut your eyes as you felt Pennywise remove his lips from your clit to instead release his tongue that he slid over your slit before slowly inserting it into your hole.
You released a moan as Pennywise rew his face even closer to the in between of your legs and not only could you feel his tongue slither deeply inside you, but you felt his painted nose rub at your bud in a somewhat affectionate manner. Even after all these treatments, you longed for more and he was starting to sense this.
"Penny...I want you inside me."you told him, then choking a breath when you felt the clown quickly slide his tongue out to then look up at you.
"I wouldn't want to hurt the precious child, my love."Pennywise mentioned, but he bit his lip when he noticed your needy expression...and you scent made it so much more than tempting. Looking at him, you could see that his eyes turned into their red ones before he shut them to shake his head, then opening them to reveal that they were a mere yellow.
"Please Pennywise, I need this."And just with that, Pennywise stood up from the ground and he walked around the bed to get on it, then helping you up before he had you in his favorite position.
You were now on your knees and elbows with your bottom slightly raised up, and Pennywise was on his knees behind you, licking his lips with a predator look. His hands slowly guided themselves to your hips that were now widened due to the pregnancy, and he gently grabbed them as he positioned his now freed length.
Soon enough, you let out a gasp and clutched at the blankets under you when you felt Pennywise insert himself inside you before he let out a grunt and leaned down to place his face behind you.
As if on instinct, Pennywise slid out of you before slowly entering you again thus making you sigh in relief which made him feel the same way. He continued to softly thrust in and out of you, eventually letting his hands wander down to your stomach as he pressed his chest against your back tenderly.
It was obvious Pennywise was trying to control himself, because besides your moans and whines, you could also hear Pennywise's growls and grunts as he continued to make love to you. He did not bite you, but instead pressed butterfly kisses onto your back that lead up to your neck before you quickly began to feel your climax approach.
Pennywise continued sliding into you before he sniffed your body and sensed that you were near, so he carefully increased his pace so that you were able to finally finish. And after a few moments, you buried your face into the blankets when you finally felt yourself come onto his cock that soon followed after.
With a few breaths, you felt yourself get lifted before you were turned and placed onto your back. Pennywise laid himself at your side before bringing you into his chest, then stroking your hair before kissing your cheek which made you giggle.
"I promise that after this my love, you and our precious little thing will be the only things in my eyes. You both will be my only priorities, and I'll stick with you for a thousand years."
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clownsgobeepbeep · 7 years
Dancingwith the Devil(Pennywise x Reader NSFW Commission)
Commission made by @pommom91 :) if you’d like me to fix something, do not hesitate in telling me!
Robert noticed that one of the most ancient trees was either cut down almost to the ground, or it merely grew old and lost most of its top.
The man groaned, once again feeling a headache come to him and the next thought on his mind was telling him to sit down. Considering how the log was right in front of him, he stepped over to it and gently seated himself without minding the wooden pieces that somewhat stuck out. He placed his elbows on his knees to then place his head in both of his palms before hearing the nearby bushes rustle a bit violently before an eerie voice spoke up.
"Hello, Robert."
Robert snapped his head to the side in a panic and immediately jumped up from his log, ignoring the stinging pain in his head. He frantically looked around for anybody, and had his eyes land on something familiar he had seen before: the two eye like lanterns that were now in the bushes before him.
"What the-"
"No need to be alarmed nor confused my dear boy, for I am merely a presence that has come for two sole and mere purposes,"the owner of the voice obviously also owned the two "lanterns" which Robert now knew were actually eyes belonging to somebody...or some unidentified thing. "I have come here looking for some sort of aid which you can easily provide for me and in exchange, I will provide you with whatever it is you desire."
"Whatever I desire? That can not be true, you are not able to give me anything that I want and besides, who are you? Reveal yourself."
"Oh Robert, I would if I could but there really is no matter of doing that for you see, my form is something you yourself nor any other human could perceive...Although, there is something that I am able to easily do..."
And in an instant, Robert was blinded by a light temporarily before he was able to open his eyes to then look into them. Wait...how was it capable that he was peering directly into his own blue eyes, with them?
"Quite impressive, do you not think?"the voice called out, now sounding far too similar to his own which made him scrunch his face in confusion, then realizing that he indeed was staring at his eyes...and his face...and his body…he were looking directly into a mirror.
"How-...who or what are you?"
"All that matters is that I am here I am with a hunger, for a certain something..."
"H-hunger? You can't possibly be referring to-"
"Oh my dear boy of course not!I do not consume upon human flesh!"the copy of Robert grinned innocently and placed a hand on its forehead in a dramatic way. "All I want…is the feeling of being alive, as a human!"
"Alive?Are you telling me that all you wish for is to...live a normal human life?"Robert received a sad and sympathy gaining nod that made him frown for a bit before he glanced back at his copy-cat. "So I believe that is your first purpose here...and what of the second? The one where you mentioned that you would gift me with something in return?"
"Exactly in that way, my boy! The conditions in the deal have absolutely no downside to them." the other Robert took strutted towards him in a goofy way  before it reached his current location. "And as I mentioned, all I want is one night! One night where I can walk around this beautiful small town."
"Well, why don't you do that right now?You are able to shift yourself into anything you'd like to be!"
"Ah but that is where a slight problem lays, I long be have the taste of life. An actual human's life. Not an animal's or a ransom creature's.Besides, I am not able to shift into my own version of the human species, I can only take after the form of another."
"You...want to take my form to walk around Derry?"
"Yes indeed sir! That is it."Robert bit his lip before looking around, then turning back to his copy who began to take long, high strides around the area before its steps began to circle around the actual Robert. "So tell me sonny, what is is that you want most at the moment?"
"I...what can you give me?"
"Whatever it is you want, and I believe I have an idea of what you want! Though you have to tell me yourself first."
"What-...what in the world could you possibly be talking about?
"Come on kiddo, what will it be? Money? Girls?"
"No, I just-"
" Or how 'bout that (Y/N)?" Robert immediately turned his head to the other him that circled around him in a silly manner.
"H-how do you know about her?"
"Oh Bobby boy...I know all, and I know how much you crave to have that girl run into your arms with smiling lips that will let out those three words you ever so long to hear."The creature stopped its dance when it stood behind Robert, placing its hands on both of his shoulders before leaning in to whisper into his ear. "And trust me, I know how much she desires to do the same."
The real ginger male gently removed the gloved hands from his shoulders so that he could step away while glancing at the ground as his own hands lifted themselves to his suspenders which he slipped off. They soon were hanging at his sides as he then seated himself once again.The creature had done the same, but had plopped itself onto the ground.
After some deep thinking and a final sigh, he placed his arms onto his knees with his back leaned down before he glanced up at the creature.
"Alright, I believe we have a deal."
"Hee hee hee. Now that is exactly what I like to hear, Mr. Gray!" the creature practically threw itself to the ground to then roll and jump onto its feet in obvious glee before it dashed to Robert with a grand smile he had not seen on himself in quite the while. "Now Robert, let's let things go this way: I use your form and take a peaceful little stroll through the streets of Derry. I will visit the circus-"
"At this hour everybody is fast asleep."  
"Yes, yes...but I will still go to the circus and I will visit your little darling, got that?"
"But what is the purpose in doing that?"
"Why, to help you with your little love problem of course! In your form, I will further your relationship with the girl and give you a few characteristics that may actually appeal to her. In the end, she won't be thinking you are far too sweet for her taste after all!"
And without any other hesitation nor thought, Robert let out a deep breath like before nodding in agreement. He thought it was best to not say another word since the being appeared to know every single detail about him which made the task somewhat better. Although, when he was about to open his mouth to speak, the last thing he saw was the the copy of him swing an arm back before its clenched up fist's knuckles collided with his face.
"Or more specifically, she won't be thinking of you, sweet boy."
And just like that, the creature extended its arm to then hear a pop come from its shoulders before placing its hands on the lower of its back to lean back to the ground. Once it had reached, it brought its legs up to then flip and hope back up looking much different, but still like Robert.
Now in his clown form, it shook its body which emitted a jingling sound from its costume. The creature giggled to itself and traced its fingers across the red paint that was on its cheeks, then smoothing out its hair.
"Now this is a much suitable form for me..."It glanced down at the unconscious man that lay on the ground before adjusting its neck ruffles and stepping over him,making sure to not actually set a foot on him. "Nighty night, Bobby boy."
The wind was blowing quietly and you realized that it was not as strong as it usually was on nights like the one you were currently experiencing.
You currently lay on your back that was pressed against your bed, wide awake due to the thoughts that plagued your mind and bothered you to no end. Your mind replayed the discussion you had with Ivan earlier, and how after your small talk with an upset Robert, you had absolutely no idea of where it is he had gone. With yet another sigh, you turned your body to the side and faced your vanity where there was a dimly lit candle.
For a while you ignored the light and shut your eyes so that you would see at least darkness, but instead, all your mind could create was the image of Robert's poor frown that resembled one of a lost puppy. You groaned and pulled the covers over your head before slightly smacking your cheeks a few times to snap out of it.
You removed the covers of of yourself before slipping on some nearby shoes, then walking over to the dressing table before pulling out its ivory seat and sitting on it. Your elbows landed on the wood before you stuck out your tongue and looked at yourself in the mirror.
"Oh Robert...where could you possibly be?"you asked yourself before your eyes caught sight of a silhouette through your mirror. With a gasp, you turned around and saw the dark figure standing at the entrance of your tent.
"Right here,my dear."the figure called out, then stepping closer towards you before you furrowed your eyebrows and saw Robert dressed in his clown costume for some reason."Why is it that you're still awake?"
"I-...I was worried about you, I didn't see you after talking to you and-"
"Oh please, why would you need to worry about little ol me? Is it because I'm too sweet? Or too soft for a town like this one?"Immediately, you felt the guilt settle in as Robert sat down on your bed. "And correct me if I'm wrong, but that also happens to be the reason as to why there could never be anything in between us,yes?"
"No, Robert that's-...wait, you want something in between us?"Standing up, Robert strolled over to you and bent his knees so that he could look up with you and hold your hands in his large gloved ones.
"For so long my dear, you have not the slightest idea."
'You really don't.'he thought to himself with a mental smirk before you smiled at him, though he sensed your doubt.
"And if you think that I don't have a sour side to me,allow me to demonstrate it to you (Y/N) because in all honesty, I have grown such feelings for you that lead me to say...that I love you so dearly."
With your hands still in his own, he got up to lead you towards your bed as you grew curious about his intentions. Although, you were immediately satisfied when you realized what he meant, especially when you lay on the bed and he quickly crawled on top of you, standing on his knees right in between your legs.
As you felt Robert's hands land on your thighs and slide down quite teasingly, you thought of how this was all very out of character for Robert, but you obviously were not complaining.
You felt his hips buck against yours as he leaned down to meet your lips, pressing his own to create a rough kiss that soon had you letting out muffled moans. His hands lead themselves to your crotch where he rubbed a bit too harshly, but it eventually started to feel better when his fingers slipped under your dress and then undergarment.
"A-Ah, Robert!Mmm, God...oh my God..."you said when he detached from your lips and inserted his longest finger inside you.
"How about we make this a little funner...and you call out to Pennywise instead,hmm?"
Despite you semi dumbfounded state, you nodded. Especially since his finger now turned into two that slowly came in and out of you. As you panted out and clutched onto the blankets under you, the clown brought his tongue to your leg where he tenderly slid it up to your thigh before placing his mouth on a spot that made you squirm more after he had gotten off the bed. When realizing this, he immediately bit down which made you yelp and look at him with wide eyes.
"What was that?"
"Just a little love bite...we can't have others not knowing who you belong to,yes?"You slightly chuckled with a flustered face as his treatment went out, then being bettered by more bites and marks that ha gave you all over your legs. Eventually, his mouth went to your groin where he licked and sucked at your clit.
Your continuous moans egged him on further, and he smirked when he emitted a gasp from you after inserting his tongue into your hole.His tongue did the same motions as his fingers did which soon brought you to your climax, releasing all over his mouth which had both of you more than pleased. Once he had licked everything up, he got up and slicked his hair back before placing himself in between your legs again,but rather than opening them some more, he grabbed your arm and forced you to turn entirely so that you were now in a new position.
With that, he grabbed a bunch of your dress to rip it off as if nothing which not only surprised you, but aroused you even more. He then proceeded by reaching down to your womanhood and he held onto your drenched underwear that he gingerly slipped off of your legs rather than tearing it off like the other article of clothing.
Seeing how he now had you on your hands and knees, he grabbed your hips and you hissed in a bit of pain when you felt his nails somehow dig into your skin despite the gloves he was wearing. He guided himself to your behind and then inserted his cock into your womanhood once again, and for some reason it felt larger than before. Ignoring that, you let out a moan when he slid all the way inside until you could feel him hit you deep. The male lowered himself down so that his chest was against your back and his arms wrapped around your waist with his face hidden in the crook of your neck.
"Robert...I love you."
"Uh uh uh, what's my name?"
"P-Pennywise..."you whispered before you felt slide out of you quickly, then thrusting himself back inside you roughly which made you scream out and drop to your forearms which now had clenched fist. Without warning, he slid out again and once he was inside, he pounded into you without mercy which had you a complete mess under him.
"Now my darling....who do you belong to?"he asked as he continued, letting out a few groans and if you were not wrong, growls but appeared to be quite animalistic.
"And what's my name?"
You heard so many more growls come from him as he not only went faster, but a lot rougher as he continued to thrust into you. He lifted his head so that look at your reaction for a moment, then taking it back down so that his lips were on your neck. Once again, he opened his mouth so that he could bite down hard and draw out some blood that he licked up in an instant.
"Scream my name little one..."
"No! Not that one!"He growled right into your ear as you shut your eyes and clenched your fists even more.
"I-...Ah,Pennywise!"you moaned out which emitted a please sound from him, but then that turned into a grunt when he bucked his hips a couple more times until there was a final one that helped you reach your climax again, feeling him release inside of you at the same time.
He remained in you for a moment as you both panted, you being the only one feeling exhaustion. When you gulped and took a deep breath, you felt him slip out of you and get off of the bed.
As you came down from your high, you saw Robert quickly changed into your clothes which had you confused.
"Robert?Where are you going?"
"No...no Robert."
"What? What do you mean?"Your eyes widened when you saw that Robert turned his head towards you with a smirk before his hand reached up to rip off his neck ruffle, discarding it to the side before it vanished. Soon enough, his very own body vanished and turned into a smoke like presence with two glowing yellow eyes that floated over to your location on the bed.
"Robert is...somewhere else my dear.He made a ridiculous deal with me, thinking I would help him toughen up so that you would accept him as the weak and miserable fool he is. Reality is, i've had my eyes on you for quite the while and let me tell you that I have been wanting to make you completely mine, and mine alone. And after this little fun, you're just that."
With a loud cackle and last stroke against your cheek, the creature,whatever it was, disappeared into the air before you realized that you had your lustful moments with it whilst Robert was somewhere, possibly even in danger. You scrambled off of your bed and put the past events behind as you picked up some scraps of clothes and put them on before slipping on your shoes and dashing out of your tent with only one thing in mind:
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clownsgobeepbeep · 7 years
As the World Falls Down(Pennywise x Reader NSFW Commission)
Commission made by @heavens-light-hells-fire :) I you’d like me to fix something, do not hesitate in telling me!
Pt. 1
It was late into the night in Derry where there was nobody in sight, all was quiet and the only sound that could be heard in the entirety of the darkness was the sound of a creature munching into an object that emitted fleshy sounds. The creature bit into the piece of meat that it had obtained much earlier and made to rip off any scraps it believed to be unnecessary and bothersome.
Once it had finished discarding everything to the side and cutting up whatever it deemed most valuable, it kept a large piece in its mouth before it turned to both sides and when seeing that there was nobody in sight, it got onto its hands and knees before scurrying away into the night.
Somewhere else in Derry was the small house belonging to you, where you currently lay on the couch with a bowl of popcorn at your side. Considering how you were fast asleep without a single care in the world, the bowl easily slipped from your grip before it fell onto the ground and spilled all of its contents.
Still in your deep sleep, you merely shifted your body a bit to get comfortable as the TV in your living room continued to play the movie you had been watching earlier, that being Labyrinth. You let out a deep breath and dropped one of your hands that easily hanged on the couch's side while your other arm lay on top of you large stomach that was much more than obviously with a child inside.
Shifting again, you smacked your lips when you felt a bit of hunger scourge through your body, only increasing as time went by. And whilst you peacefully slumbered, you were not able to realize the dark presence that lurked near your house, eventually circling the building before finding an open window you had forgotten to close earlier. The being invited itself before climbing inside the hole, then landing in your kitchen that had the lights off.
The creature maneuvered its body through the area and accidentally bumped into your table which caused it to move a bit too violently, thus making a fragile plate to fall and smash against the ground.
You heard the loud sound and jolted up from your sleep in a panic, looking around to see what was the cause of the sound, but you found nothing. Slightly gulping, you looked down and caught sight of the popcorn bowl you had dropped without noticing. You let out an irritated groan before leaning down to pick up the mess, but it proved to be difficult with your overgrown stomach that prevented you from doing anything.
Instantly you gave up and sat against the couch, taking out a deep breath before the silence, besides that, was broken by the sound of loud breathing behind you. With wide eyes, you slowly turned and let out a gasp when the first thing you saw was a bloody arm that was held in between large, yellow, teeth.
"Aye broth who ginner!"
"Pennywise! A severed arm is not dinner! Get that thing away from me, I swear I'm going to puke now!"you yelled as you stood up from your seat and saw your clown leaning against the couch with a limb that obviously belonged to his latest victim. "Get it away!"
You noticed that Pennywise's drool dripped on the arm before it fell and dropped onto your couch and whatever was near him, but that slightly stopped when his hand came up to remove the limb from his mouth.
"But you have to my dear,the baby requires-"
"The baby is not going to eat any human meat! Especially if it's going to happen with my own mouth!"
"But (Y/N), since the baby contains a share of my genetics, it is obviously going to need to consume human flesh!"
"Pennywise, I said no and that is final. Period."you finalized with arms crossed as the clown sighed defeatedly and swung the bloody arm around before strolling over to the kitchen once again, then going to the window to throw the limb out.
Eventually he came went back to your living room and stepped over to you, kneeling next to the couch where you had seated yourself again. His hands came up to his face level before they landed on your belly to gently caress where it is his child was concealed.
"Oh my darling...you have been such an amazing mother to our child, which is why you must feed it the flesh of my miserable victims that will eventually become their own!"
Pennywise scrunched his face when he felt your hand lightly smack his forehead, but he ignored it to the press his nose against your stomach. He stayed in that position for a moment before you both felt a strong kick which then made him smile widely,and he looked almost insane.
"Hee hee hee!The baby knows I'm here!"he exclaimed gleefully before pressing the side of his head to your belly, as if to give it a hug whilst he sniffed the air and your body. "And if I know something that you don't my dear."
"Oh yeah? And what's that,hmm?"you asked, petting his head which made him purr in delight and lean into your touch. "Are you going to say that they want to eat flesh?"
"Oh...oh no darling..."Pennywise whispered as he removed himself and his hands slid down to your thighs before he carefully parted them open. "I am able to sense...that you want something right now...your body desires something, and what kind of a mate would I be if I did not give it to you?"
"Mmm...whatever could you be possibly be talking about?"you jokingly asked before you felt his gloved hands slide closer to your crotch area before they started to teasingly rub at you which made you bite your lip to prevent a moan from being released.
Pennywise then led his hands to the elastic of your sweatpants that he easily slipped off with your help, then throwing them to the side before reaching for your blouse that was removed after then leaving you completely bare. Wearing too much clothes while being pregnant was not exactly fun, so you decided to not wear very much under which obviously had the clown more than happy. Once he licked his lips, he got onto his feet before gently lowering you down onto your back as he ever so carefully climbed on top of you while making sure to not have any sort of contact with your belly which practically made it impossible to do so.
"Heh, you're going to end up breaking the couch Penny."
"We won't be doing much, so there is nothing to worry about my dear."he replied before leaning down to your chest that now had swelled breasts which he adored. Slowly, he ran his tongue over one of your nipples before he connected his lips to your breast which had you gripping onto his hair as he began to suck on it.
You released a breathy moan as one of his hands held onto the breast that he sucked one whilst the other fondled with the one that was not getting much attention, making you flinch a bit yet also biting your lip in satisfaction. After you let out a gasp, Pennywise detached himself from you quickly with a worried expression.
"Are you in any pain, my love?Did I hurt you in any way?"
"No Penny, it's just that my breasts...they're a bit swollen, so it naturally hurts."With this, Pennywise let out a smirk before he leaned down again and gave a lick to the breast that was only being played with.
"Well maybe...this treatment could help you..."He suggested as he continued licking at your bud, then pressing his open lips at it again before he began to suck on it, much more intensely than he did to the other.
You let out a yelp and clawed at his back which made him hum contently, knowing that he was in for a treat. And after a while, the cat like clown received the milk it had been longing for after a few more suckles that it gave to your breasts.
You released a scream as you lactated right onto his mouth, and he licked off all that you let out. When he was done with cleaning that breast, he continued to the other before he eventually found no trace of liquid anywhere.
Feeling that you were still slightly aroused,Pennywise left on hand on the couch so that he was able to hold himself up whilst the other reached down to the pants of his costume. He easily opened it so that he was able to take out his length that made you suck in a breath and when he noticed, he chuckled before looking up at you with a smirk.
"Oh my darling...we won't take things too far, but I'll give you a small taste for now."
Rather than feeling Pennywise insert his cock inside you instantly, or actually just do that, you felt him place it over your entrance as he lowered his body down to give you a quick kiss. He then began to slightly thrust his hips which created a rubbing motion for his cock which was pretty much stroking your clit and giving it a stimulation you weren't quite used to, but greatly enjoyed.
Although, your body was telling you that you wanted a lot more than that.
"I know that you crave something else...but I don't want to hurt the child." Pennywise whispered with a quite sincere tone that made you let out a huff, so he giggled before he stopped moving and climbed off of you."Get off the couch, I have a better idea my love."
Thinking that his idea may have been the key to reaching your end much faster, you tried your best to stand up, but Pennywise chuckled and helped you up before he layed down on the couch to then motion you to get on him.Without any hesitation, you did that and still had him help you before you sat on his lap and heard him giggle to himself again.
"Do whatever you please, my dear. Just don't hurt that little clown inside you."he laughed out as he placed his arms behind his head and shut his eyes, waiting for you to take action.
With your own smirk, you pressed your hands on his chest before shifting your hips to his erection that stood proudly in front of your entrance. Slowly, you began to rub yourself against it and moaned before hearing Pennywise let out a quiet grunt.
After a while of doing that, you realized that Pennywise was not paying much attention which let your plan fall right into place:you lifted yourself before sliding down onto his cock which made his eyes jolt open.
"(Y/N)?What are you doing? This could hurt the baby-"
"Uh uh, you said I can do whatever I please. And besides, I'll be gentle, just like you were before you got me like this."
Pennywise's expression was a bit dumbfounded, but he shrugged it off with a smirk as his hands traveled to your hips which he grabbed tightly. Nodding at him, you started to lift yourself before going back down and hearing Pennywise let out more grunts as you took control for once.
"Mmm.(Y/N) my darling...where did you learn such tricks,hmm?"he asked with half lidded eyes as you kept a slow pace going up and down which had him slightly shifting in his spot.He began to let out pants as he felt himself swell up a bit inside you, causing a similar reaction in you.
Eventually you began to feel your climax near which made you let out a satisfied moan as you increased the pace just a bit so that it could all end much faster, especially because Pennywise's claws digging into your hips was not so nice in your current situation.
"My love...show me who it is I belong to..."Pennywise mumbled in between grunts and a few snarls before you lifted yourself once more, then slamming yourself onto his crotch before releasing your juices on him.
With this, the clown opened his mouth to let his tongue hang out as he finally came inside you and filled you once again before the excess of his seed fell out of you, especially when he slipped you off of him to hold you in his arms.
"Oh (Y/N)...after you birth our child, I deem it necessary that we try to make a litter of clowns."
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clownsgobeepbeep · 7 years
Bob's Night Out(Pennywise x Reader Commission)
Commission made by @pommom91 :) if you’d like me to fix something, do not hesitate in telling me!
“Alright, get back to your places everybody! This is absolutely not the time to be lolly gagging and being foolish! Chop chop!”
You looked up from your current location, staring at the center of the ring inside the circus where you performed. Despite working with swords mainly, the ringmaster thought it would be best that you work with other kinds of tricks like contortion. That was the reason why you were on the ground, trying to do some splits whilst having your head lowered, though your attention was called by your boss.
“Um, do you expect me to go or stay here and continue the stretching?"you shouted with a bit of irritation in your tone, considering how the ringmaster would constantly shout out random orders like a mother: you would be occupied with one thing that was said and he would shout out another when you have not even started.
"No (Y/N), you are to continue practicing that. We’ll have somebody else work on the daggers for now.”
You shrugged and bowed your head down once more, stretching your arm out so that your fingers touched your foot. Once you had counted about ten seconds, you let out a breath you had been holding in to then go back up and place your hands on the lower part of your back. Right when you did that, you felt a strong gush of wind hit your features before turning and noticing that somebody had passed by you at a quick pace. Eventually, you let out a smile when you the behind of a gingered male’s head.
“Robert!"you called out which caused the person to immediately stop their tracks, taking a quite long moment before you saw them turn around with a smile.
"Hello (Y/N), I see you are practicing your stretching, yes?"the person asked as you placed your legs together and lifted your arms to then jump onto your feet, surprising the man as always.
"Yup!"You now stood in front of him before he slightly fidgeted in place and adjusted one of his suspenders, then doing that again when it slipped off and made him let out a nervous chuckle. "And what have you been up to?”
“Oh, not very much really,"he started before glancing to the side and noticing some of the other circus performers glance at the both of you, some with a smirk as if knowing what was going on in between you two. "I’ve had some problems with the new acts Mr. Smith has been making us do.”
“Oh? And what are those?”
“They don’t really matter, all that really matters is that I am a mere clown that clumsily dances and entertains children. I was not made to breathe fire, or get knives thrown at!"he exclaimed, then shrinking down a bit when he realized he was a bit too loud and only attracted much more attention. "Yes we work in a circus, but I might end up being the reason we lose our popularity, especially since Mr. Smith suggests that I drop the clown act for the time being. He says it grows much more childish as time goes by…”
With a frown that was then turned into a sympathetic smile, you let out a small giggle before gently placing a hand on the side of his arm.
“Well, maybe he thinks that you would be good and skilled with other things! I mean yes, your Pennywise the Dancing Clown persona is pretty popular amongst kids, but maybe they don’t really want any of that anymore?"you asked, not entirely sure what it is you could say to make him feel better about the situation. "Or maybe, you just need to take a break from all that.”
“But I don’t want to take a break, I came to this circus as a clown and I have stayed at this circus because I was and am a clown.”
“Aww Bobby, there really is nothing to worry about. A circus contains many, many wondrous things!”
“When its performers actually know how to put up the act,"he simply sighed to himself before turning away to obviously leave. "And like I said, what does it matter? I guess I will just to get used to the changes and accept them, huh?”
“I believe so…"you whispered and saw that he let out a small smile before he lifted his gloved hand to give you a soft wave that you then returned before he finally started to walk away and was yelled at by Mr. Smith. "And I…believe that you also don’t really feel anything towards me…”
With a deep breath that you sucked in momentarily before finally releasing, you adjusted your outfit before bending down to reach your toes, never being conscious over the fact that Robert had turned to discreetly take a small glance at you with a worried expression.
When he realized that you thankfully yet unfortunately not turned to look back at him, especially due to your current position. He exhaled and thought to himself as his head fell back against one of the tall magician boxes he was currently leaning against. Robert shut his eyes in a bit of irritation because he was not exactly comfortable with his new tasks and already had enough of Mr. Smith’s yelling that could be heard throughout the entire tent. Although, there was a certain feeling in him that he found to be much stronger and bothersome than his annoyed one.
He brought his hand to his face and ran it down his features, practically pulling his face down as his other hand self consciously went to his hair and clutched a handful of it before slightly tugging.
“For God’s sake Robert…you really are an idiot…"he mumbled to himself whilst doing his best to not yell instead. "You can’t just take out your anger at anybody, especially (Y/N)!”
Now both of his hands were practically slapped onto his face in the softest of manners, covering himself because of his fear of even looking ahead. Hands still covering his eyes, he let out small murmurs that were continuously deprecating him and his actions, saying how he could have done so much better.
“Hey Bobby!"he took a moment before quickly lowering his hands which he then hid behind his back, smiling as if he was not having a small breakdown in his head with insulting thoughts.
"Howdy there,Max."he greeted before the intruding male stepped over to him and eventually leaned himself against the same box Robert was on. "Is there…something you need?”
“What,me? Nah. Just came to talk to you…And maybe hide from Mr. Smith who wants me to practice some things with swords."Max tilted his head a bit so that he could properly whisper into his friend’s ear. "In between me and you, just seeing your little darling hold a sharp object scares the hell out of me.”
“Sh-she is not my girlfriend, you already know that there is nothing in between us.”
“Sure thing Bob, but we all know there is some little thing going on in between you two. You guys are practically teasing us with all your flirting and looks that come here and there.”
“Shut it Max, she would never be interested in somebody like me! I’m just too…soft for her.”
It was quiet for a moment as the two men stared at each other before Max felt his lips twitch and eventually turn into a smile he could not hold back, then opening his mouth widely as loud laughter was released.
“Oh Bobby!Haha, god damn Bobby,whoo! You know why I be laughing at this?"With an irritated groan and a facepalm, Bobby shook his head as if he had not known the reason for such a commotion. ” ‘Cause…'cause you really are too soft!“
Despite the anger, Robert kept his mouth shut as his friend continued to cackle at his misery, though he eventually calmed down and took a deep breath. After his last pant and sigh, he placed a hand on Robert’s shoulder, or he at least tried to considering their height difference.
"Alright, alright Bob…look, I’ll make a small deal with ya if you can help me out with my Mr. Smith problem, yeah?”
“What is it that you need?”
“Look look, it’s not really that big of a deal since we just helping each other out! You help me get Smith off my back and leave the sword play for somebody else, and I give you some tips while being your wingman for (Y/N!)” For a moment, Robert felt that it was a good idea until he remembered all the times his friend intended getting some lady friends to talk to him, and eventually getting a smack to the head.
“But Bobby! Come on Mr. Gray, don’t you want to already be with your dream girl? In all honesty without any teasing, we all really do think that you two go together and that she really does have somethin’ for you!”
Once again, Robert remained quiet and crossed his arms as his eyes looked down, but he eventually glanced towards Max who had one of his rare smiles, a quite hopeful and sincere one. With a sigh, the ginger smiled back at him.
“Alright, I believe that we may work on this deal of yours.”
“Max, I am now thinking that this may not really be the best moment to do this.”
“Aw, Bobby! You certainly can not chicken out before you even see your lady friend! You need to at least confront her, then you can run away in fear before the regret settles in!”
“Alright Bobby, just calm it and don’t let your nerves get to ya!"the shorter man slapped a palm to Robert’s arm which caused him to flinch, right before his grin faded away. "Wait a minute…I got it!”
“Wait,Max!"and in an instant, Robert’s friend had fled to who knows where as his previous worry had now began to grow and spread throughout his body. He adjusted his suspenders as he cleared his throat, somewhat hearing Mr. Smith yell at Max who eventually scurried to the secret "hideout” the two males were currently in to avoid the world.
“What is…that?"Robert asked when his eyes caught sight of a miniature box Max ran to him with in his hands.
"Oh,this? Haha…this is what is going to give you that boost of confidence you’ve been needing for so long Bobby boy!"Max reached into the box and pulled out a glass bottle with a dark liquid inside, an old label wrapped around it. "This…is some of the best stuff you will ever find.
"Max, you know that I do not drink any of that. I don’t think this is a good idea in any way. Besides, neither my stomach nor I am strong enough to drink something like this.”
“Would you just stop your worrying? There is nothing wrong with this, it’s just going to help you so that you really don’t chicken out in front of (Y/N),got it? Robert, you know that you can trust me.”
Robert stared at his friend and gave him a look that came quite the many times, but then the man thought to himself for a moment.
“Maybe…maybe I really do need to loosen up,huh?”
“That’s the spirit Bobby! Now here, drink up! You’re gonna have all the other ladies after you too!”
Robert was handed the bottle which Max had previously opened. He brought it up to his face and took a small sniff of the alcohol that was contained inside, thus resulting in him scrunching his face in pure disgust while lowering the bottle out of instinct. He slightly gagged but then gulped so that nothing would come out of his mouth, then bringing it back up to touch his lips momentarily. After a while of hesitation and doubt, he parted his lips and tilted the bottle so that he could finally drink some of its contents.
“There ya go Bobby-”
“Ah!This is disgusting I hate it!” Robert exclaimed as the sleeve belonging to his free arm wiped at his mouth, the other being careful to not drop the drink which would have probably gotten Max upset. “How-how is this supposed to help me? I just feel like vomiting!”
“Well this is practically your first time drinking, so it may take a small while to settle into your system…”
“I do hope it doesn’t take very long…and when it does do so, that it doesn’t last very long…I am having a real headache right now Max.”
“Ah it’s fine, it happens to everyone on their first drink!"Max pat Robert’s back which caused him to let out a burp that was fortunately not loud. "Now come on, tally ho my son!Get in there Mr. Gray!”
Robert nodded as he handed the bottle to Max who gave him a thumbs up, not really taking into consideration the fact the his friend currently had one hand holding his head as his vision begun to blur itself.
“Alright (Y/N), take a break from all the stretching. You’re going to end up exhausted by the time you get to bed missy."Mr. Smith told you with a slightly joking tone.
You nodded with a smile before getting up and brushing off any dust that your clothes may have caught, walking away so that you could shower and then sleep. Although, your agenda was obviously interrupted when one of the circus’  strongmen approached you with a smile you knew all too well.
"Hey there, Ivan. Here to try to woo me again?”
“Ah m'lady, if it were not for the relationship you hold in between you and the clown, then perhaps I would.”
“Oh Ivan, please. We all know that there is nothing in between me and Robert.”
“Is that so? It does not seem that way to me, or anybody really.”
“I swear it.”
Robert continued to groan to himself with the new pain in his stomach that only made his headache feel worse. He limped towards where it was he could hear your voice, obviously discussing with somebody else.
“(Y/N)…(Y/N)?"he murmured out, not being too aware of the fact that several eyes were on him as he waddled over to your location as he leaned on whatever stable object he could find.
"That clown seems to be very interested in you though.”
“No he does not. Besides,"Robert heard you say, finally feeling his head clear up and allow him to comprehend the current situation, noticing that you stood in front of one of the new members. "Even if Robert did feel anything for me…he,um…
With the now able to perceive mind and eyes, Robert felt his own perk up a bit in hope. Maybe you were going to say something about your true feelings?
“He is too sweet for me, he’s just…not the type of man I see myself with really.”
And that was it, that was what made Robert’s eyes widen before he glanced down with a now hurtful chest. He leaned against what he believed what was a box, but was actually a curtain that he accidentally threw down as he left.
Robert quickly dashed out before he eventually found himself outside of the circus tent, realizing that it was quite dark and not much could be seen except the stars in the sky along with some lanterns burning afar. Although, he realized that two of the lanterns that most likely stood together had moved to the side and turned off for a moment, but then the fire was lit once again. It was almost as if they were two eyes blinking which created an unsettling feeling in Robert who squinted his eyes to have a better view, especially when the two “lanterns” turned off at the same time. Though he felt curious and confused, he shook his head with eyes shut before he looked up ahead and noticed that they no longer turned back on.
Robert let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his head before he began to walk again, not exactly having a destination in mind nor idea of where it was he was even headed. He looked up ahead, eventually coming close to a lantern that he turned to, blowing out the wax candle that was held inside it. For some reason, darkness was all he wanted around him in that moment.
Robert bit his lip, not really knowing what else he was supposed to do except think about you. He never realized that a small smile had crept onto his face and replaced his original frown. What he also had not realized, was that there was a presence lurking nearby…sneakily creeping up to him as well.
“Damn…what am I supposed to do…what am I supposed to do with myself most of all?"he asked out loud, almost as if he was asking somebody and awaiting an answer. "I am such a fool…a young woman like that,ha! Somebody like me could never turn her head, I am just the poor dancing clown.”
He kicked a rock that skipped away from him and landed near a bush where two eye like lanterns hid in between the bushes, and Robert had never noticed them. He strolled past the plant that slightly shook, thus resulting in Robert becoming a bit alarmed.
“M-must be the wind…"he whispered to himself, eventually realizing that for some reason there was no trace of wind which he immediately ignored. "Or just…a raccoon?”
There was not very much that he could even think of considering how his thoughts were and would only be filled with you, especially after what he saw. He could only remember all the good times when you willingly talked to him for some reason rather than all the other men in the circus, or even with Mr. Smith himself! He tried to shake the thoughts away, but his mind could only keep on going to those say moments and how he saw you with the strongman. Not exactly the best sight, especially if the silly and absurd words every one of the circus performers told him.
“Aww Bob, (Y/N) is practically head over heels over you!”
“The girl can’t live without ya!”
“She is practically begging that you take and claim her for yourself sweetheart!”
No…no she is not, and she never will. Not with him at least, not with the Dancing Clown that only children admire and gets made fun of by all kinds of adults. The Dancing Clown who has only made her laugh because he’s a clown.
Robert soon found himself at the end of Derry, or at least what could be considered the civilization portion. In front of him was the forest that not many dared to go into at this time, but in the moment he really gave no care and just needed to isolate himself from everybody. Taking one last glance behind him, he frowned before he walked into the woods and was soon completely surrounded and concealed by old and new trees.
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cum-a-calla · 5 years
commission info
short n sweet!
taking on a few commission slots! since i sometimes work on multiple commissions at one time (finished in order) and i'm a grownfolk parent, delivery can take anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks! i typically post on both my tumblr and ao3 account, but can avoid this if you want it for yourself!
i charge around $10/1000wds. i am somewhat flexible. i will never charge for going over an agreed price/word count! i enjoy getting wordy and anything extra is a bonus to you, dear commissioner
i write a lot for Pennywise and other Bill-related roles, but will write anything i'm familiar with! just shoot me your ideas and i'm happy to see what i can do!
i will not write underage/losers club, scat, or bestiality (this does not include terato shit). i will write almost anything else
i take payment through paypal or venmo!
i also have an amazon toy wishlist and will 100% write commissions in exchange for toy gifts, especially IT related! toy commissions will match the dollar value!
if you'd like to see examples of my work, scroll the blog or check my ao3 @ cuntoid!
if you'd like to tip me, my venmo is also @ cuntoid, or i'd be happy to share my wishlist or provide a PO Box in which to send gifts to! 🤗
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cum-a-calla · 5 years
so, decided to open up a few commission slots if any clown/roman/the kid fuckers are still schemin and dreamin
three slots for now. self-insert horrorfuck is my specialty, but i'll write virtually anything you want with virtually any character(s)
i will NOT write underage romance/porn or bestiality or anything i find particularly uncomfortable (which is barely anything)
my rate is basically $10/100 wds. come at me with ideas and budgets and i'll fit you in!
1. filled up
2. open 4 love
3. open 4 love
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cum-a-calla · 7 years
Could you do a cute little imagine/ blurb with either penny. The reader loves makeup and penny doesn’t fully understand why she uses it and why she puts it on. So he asks her lots of questions
“Pen, stop. Stop! Holy shit, have you even once obeyed a command in your entire life? God,” you snap, slapping his hand away from your face. Four long, slender fingers and one thumb recoil from your touch like it burns him. You wish it would - maybe he’d stop fucking up your makeup routine. You glower at your reflection, a smear dragging at the previously flawless tip of a wing. Great. “That was my good eye, too, Pen… this is bullshit. This is gunna take forever.”
“Trivial,” he hisses. “This is bullshit.”
You tilt your head and watch him in the mirror, one hand poised near your face with more liner prepared. The corners of his lips draw down, full bottom lip pouting out like a child. It’s usually endearing, but now that he’s interfering with your daily rituals - nay, taking on a cosmetic witch with pots and brushes instead of cauldrons and brooms - you find it infuriating.
“If you don’t like it, you can flush yourself down the fucking toilet and go home.”
Pennywise’s frown dissipates like unsteady fog, brow lifting in momentary shock before he regains control of himself and snarls. His cannibal-teeth chitter into rows and his lips curl back in a display of dominance, spit-slicked and ready to tear through your jugular if he sees fit to do so. The sight of them puts ice in your veins and serves as a reminder that above all things, Pennywise is a powerful and cunning predator. He’s a creature, a Thing that lives in the infinite void between realities, an enemy of the beams. You’re nothing but a few seconds of amusement in the vast timelessness of his existence.
“You belong to me. Home is nowhere - home is where I choose to take us.
Pennywise reaches out for your face with claws extended, the frayed edges of his gloves stark, crisp white against his lifeless non-flesh, a tone that you suspect isn’t a tone at all. Yet another mystery of his form and how you can comprehend it at all. A razored nail brushes past your hair and you don’t think. You simply act.
You slap his hand even harder than before, whirling around to face him for the second time and watch the shock bleed over his own painted face, makeup that would never smear even if you’d landed the slap across the striped apple of his cheek.
“Let. Me. Do. This, Penny.”
You hold your ground and match his glare, even as it supernovas into a roiling array of sunset colors, yellow and blood-red and deep, disquieting orange, the color of spewing lava, a color you wouldn’t want to face alone in a room. You steel yourself when he huffs, rough breath ripping from his chest in a growl, but the shifting fire in his eyes calms into a soft, buttery gold, and he retracts his teeth.
Still mumbling under his tongue, he holds his palms up in a gesture of defeat and pouts, eyes drifting off-kilter once the tension drains out of him. In true Pennywise fashion, he snatches the last word like a well-loved security blanket.
“Very well… still bullshit.”
(sorry this turned into not what you asked lol, this is what came forth and i couldn’t stop it)
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clownsgobeepbeep · 7 years
Carnival Of Love(Pennywise x Reader)
You have a carnival date with Pennywise.
Sorry if this is complete trash, this week has been very stressful and I was too focused on trying to finish my commissions on time :(
"Pennywise,come on! It's already dark out and I wouldn't want to wait any longer!"
"Oh yes, I would not want to wait any longer to consume the oh so innocent children, my dear."
"Pennywise, we already went over the rules."you mentioned, then being replied with a groan that came from the clown who sat on the ground in front of you. He watched as you slipped on your jacket, then adjusting the rest of your outfit before turning to the feline like clown. You lifted your arms up as if to present yourself which made him shut his eyes before he immediately leaned to the side and you felt the floor shake when he plummeted down.
Your smile slowly died down as you walked over to him, then bending down to press a hand onto his cheek as he looked up at you with angry eyes.
"Penny, please. You promised me you would be a good boy, just this night."
"I only agreed to go to the carnival with you, and nothing more my dear."
"Nooo, you agreed to go with me to the carnival and not create any chaos, because I promised to let you have a night to your instincts.
Pennywise furrowed his eyebrows before he turned and laid on his back, then sighing loudly as he remembered the exact deal. Rather than arguing with you any more, he adjusted his hands and raised his legs into the air to then hop onto his feet and shake his body which jingled.
"Well hurry it up then!"he exclaimed after twisting his torso to look at you, his legs then doing the same before he placed his hands on his hips in a sassy manner. "Because if you don't, I'm going to take each child and feast upon their flesh!"
"Pennywise no!"You shouted right as he got onto his hands and crawled out of your room with a silly cackle, you then chasing after him with the fear of him actually harming somebody.
After a while of chasing Pennywise, you bent down to take a breath because you had absolutely no clue where the clown had gone.
As you had your hands on your knees and took a few breaths, you wondered where it is the clown had gone; though you shook your head and stood up to look ahead, seeing that the carnival entrance was just a few feet away.
With a sigh, you fixed your clothes before casually walking over to the line that had already been formed and grew by the second. Right when you stood behind the last couple in line, you slightly jumped when you felt a long arm wrap itself around your waist as you were brought towards a strong chest.
"Hey darling, sorry I'm late. "You heard which made you turn to the side before you saw an all too familiar man that only appeared when he wanted to. "This line seems a bit too long, how about we cut through,hmm?"
"Pen-Robert...we are not going to cut in line, these people have been waiting and now we-"
"Alright alright, I got enough of your yapping. Let me handle things sweets."The man leaned down to press a somewhat rough yet quick kiss on your lips before he released you and walked away, adjusting the collar of his long coat.
"You just...damn this clown..."you muttered under your breath, then looking back to the front and seeing that it had decreased, so you walked a little further before reaching your what could the considered the end of the line for you.
You kept staring up ahead, but then turned back to see if maybe you could catch sight of "Robert", though you saw nothing except the people who kept on coming to visit the carnival. Looking at the entrance, you then felt your eyes widen when you instantly heard a loud banshee like scream come from that same direction.
"Oh no..."
Soon enough, the people in front of you all turned pale before some more screams and cries were heard, and everybody was now in a panic trying to run off. You were in a way unfazed, because you expected something like this to happen because why wouldn't it?
You stood on your same spot, not moving anywhere nor anything but your hand which you brought up to your forehead and it concealed your obviously disappointed expression. Although, it was altered when one of the fleeing people bumped into you and you widened your eyes again before you felt yourself land onto the dirt beneath you.
"Ow!"your bottom immediately stung with pain just as your wrist did, because you had landed a bit incorrectly which took your thoughts away from the loud, terrifying roars that were sounding from ahead. The people continued to scurry away while you held onto your hand and pouted.
You decided to remain on the ground before realizing that everybody was now gone, and you were sitting alone in the middle of the path until you heard some distant growling that made you glance up. Right in front of you, you felt a hot and heavy breath on your face as you looked at the creature in front of you, though it quickly shifted into its clown form.
"My love, are you alright?"Pennywise asked, and you saw that he had a sincerely worried expression as he leaned down to wrap his arms around you, then picking you up while one of his hands somehow let go of you to grab your injured wrist.
"Yeah...I just got pushed and fell down.Maybe we should just go home-"
"No!"he said a bit too loudly, then placing a gentle kiss onto your hand before wrapping his arm around you again as he began to walk towards the carnival. "I did not make such an amazing and dramatic entrance for nothing. These foolish idiots were ruining our night and I of course had to get rid of them."
Well, at least he was doing something bad for a somewhat good cause.
"Alright, I guess we can go in since we'll be all alone."you said, knowing that there really would be no way out of this situation. Just like that, Pennywise let out a toothy grin that made you giggles as he walked through the entrance of the carnival, and you were looked up at the strings of bright lights that were hung all over from what you could see.
Pennywise walked for a little more before stopping to set you down in front of a stand that was a throwing game, and he giggled to himself before reaching up a grabbing a small plushie that he then handed to you.
"Here you go (Y/N)! I won it just for you my dear!"he grinned a buck toothed grin which made you laugh, but you then made that go away.
"Did you really win it? Or did Ol' Pennywise cheat because he can't do something that simple,hmm? Is he perhaps, a sore loser?"
You noticed that his expression immediately turned into an angry pout right before he easily discarded of the toy and slammed his hand against the wooden counter. His other hand had reached to a nearby basket that contained a few baseballs, and he grabbed one before stretching his arm out as he now looked at the front with a determined look. He looked so ready to throw that ball and break the empty glass bottles that were standing on their shelf, and he felt as if they were mocking him and his abilities.
"I'll show you a real sore loser!"
You licked at the ice cream you had gotten while one of your hands held onto a giant teddy bear because Pennywise had been holding a few others. Although, he was not exactly content at the moment and dug his claws into the plush toys he was carrying for you.
Pennywise had his angry face which only brought a smile to your features, especially after all the carnival games you convinced him to play.
So far, he had only gotten prizes from the coin toss game and the shooting range sans his powers or advantageous abilities. You on the other hand, had won far more than he did which angered him to no end because how was it possible that a "mere, weak, mortal human beat him at games that he mastered since the beginning of time"?
"Penny, are we going on-"
"We are not going on that idiotic ride, no matter what you say."
"Ha! Come on Penny! We can ridicule the ride while we're on it! And it'll add on even more to our little date!"you said after finishing you icy treat, knowing that a suggestion of yours would tick him off.
"No (Y/N)!"
You let out a laugh and placed your now free arm on the bear to hold it tighter, then letting out a small yawn before talking again.
"I thought you would have wanted to go on the Tunnel of Love! Don't you just love it all? So, so romantic! Just your thing Penny."
Pennywise stopped walking which then caused you to do so, and you stared at his angry expression before letting out a quiet laugh that made him huff and turn to walk away from you again. You giggled and nuzzled into your bear, realizing that it was quite lonely with just the two of you, and the giant "Beary-wise".
Although, you soon enough heard your clown let out an excited gasp which made you turn your head to the side, then letting out a small smile when your eyes landed on the huge and colorful ferris wheel that was moving, but had stopped when Pennywise made it do so.
"Get inside my dear! We would not want to miss out of the ferris wheel, yes? This is a much better option that your absurd tunnel of love! And the others will get to-"
"Pennywise, we're the only ones here."
"Eh,so what?"he grabbed your wrist and dragged you into the basket before tearing away the bear from your hands, and you had realized that he had dropped everything he had been holding as well without a care.
Pennywise entered himself and sitting down next to you. He shut the small door and peeked his head out of the box, then winking at the machinery before it all began to move.
The basket you were in slowly followed the next, and had soon reached the top which made Pennywise flick his wrist which then resulted in the entire ride to stop. You looked ahead and let out a small smile, noticing that Derry wasn't always a horrible place, and that even with its several flaws, there was beauty like the one you were looking at now.
"Wow...when has Derry been so quiet, and at ease?"you asked with a small chuckle, and since you were so entranced with all the lights and the darkness, you had not noticed that you were only replied to with silence.
While doing that, you had never realized that Pennywise gazed at you with his mouth agape, but he then closed it when he gulped and then cleared his throat which caught your attention.
You felt Pennywise grab your face and you stared at each other intensely for a moment before he leaned in, then gently pressing his lips against yours before you slowly shut your eyes. You brought your hands to his chest, clutching onto his costume as your lips moved against each other in a passionate yet surprisingly slow manner, right before the both of you pulled away.
You were in a slight daze as you felt the clown's fingers caress your cheeks before he rubbed his red nose against yours, then giving you a sly smirk.
"You're staying up here until I decide to move this machine."
"Alright...how about we go into the tunnel of love to have some fun?"
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