charliejaneanders · 9 months
The story of car bloat—the continually expanding size of the typical American automobile—is one of carmaker profit, shifting consumer preferences, and loophole-riddled auto regulations. It is also a story of hidden costs: to the planet, to taxpayers, and to the American families whose lives have been shattered by a crash that could have been avoided, or at least mitigated, with a smaller vehicle.
How Cars Turned Into Giant Killers
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prettylewiss · 8 months
It is now 14:00 GMT merc team meeting is probably starting and all we can do now is just wait until a couple hours from now for whatever announcement they're making
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15millionfireflies · 5 days
I could never be a woman
Then people tell me that they see me as a woman
And I'm just like wtf is wrong with you???
I love you but... seriously?
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fizzytoo · 6 months
fizzy’s top 10 things to cry about!
going to work
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ratinthevoid · 10 days
looks like my old friend back/torso pain is back :')
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domesticated-whores · 12 days
I don't think a medical bill should be 1k+ if they didn't do much anyway, but I REALLY don't think a hospital should charge you if you have to go to the er over something that very much feels like an emergency and they do maybe 2 tests before telling you that it's probably your depression (it's not), that you're dramatic and the er is for real emergencies (maybe, but I was also like passing out and needing to sit before I fell all day and my mother found me on the floor having to crawl to the door to let her in and it was a Sunday so normal doctors weren't open and my mother said that since I was having heart palpitations it would probably be cheaper to go to the er than the walk in because sometimes if they hear it's heart things they'll send you there anyway and you pay both and I had to do SOMETHING because every time I almost lost consciousness I had such an intense feeling of "NO" that I kinda can't describe and it felt really not natural or good, so I wanted blood work and such RIGHT THEN), and that they couldn't even recommend anything basic because they didn't know what was wrong with me. Like, I feel like I didn't walk into a medical place and beg to know what was wrong with me just to literally be told "it's probably the depression that you had before but swear is at the most manageable it's ever been, you dramatic fuck. also, we don't know or care what the problem is. have fun being too fatigued to stand for more than a half hour for the next week and having dizzy spells and random fading vision maybe forever (those haven't gone away yet, it's been a few months)?? cunt, lol" and then be charged a month's pay. But whatever, guess I'll start starving myself fr this time instead of in cycles and also fucking hope I can put at least $100 into savings every other week for the next 60 weeks minimum (over a year, btw) while affording rent and cat food and maybe energy drinks. Fucking hell, dude. I know I've HEARD medical shit is expensive, but I stopped going to the dentist and doctor the second I turned 18 because I knew I couldn't afford it and this is the first time I've had something feel bad enough to need to pay a medical bill. And they didn't even do shit. So I know that's like an adult milestone and, like, no fuck hospitals are way too expensive and kinda worthless half the time, but I'm still mad about it.
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wizardsgirl25 · 3 months
Gotta love the "were those fireworks or gunshots?" Game 🙃 When everyone stand and stares in a vague direction and waits to listen for the next report so we can see if it echoes or not. 🙃 Just 🙃 Gotta 🙃 Love 🙃 That! 🙃
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dysfunctionalnerd · 1 month
honestly what's most frustrating about ai is that it has so much potential to be such a powerful helping tool
like. heres technology that could be used to detect and fix bugs in data protection software. or aid doctors and scientists with elaborate sequences, finding miniscule anomalies that could help detect otherwise fatal diseases early.
it could be used to translate a phone conversation in real time for people who live in a place where they dont speak the language. Heres something that could really help in the pursuit of knowledge by directing you to new sources and providing data you may not have considered, given you cross-reference to make sure what you have is real and relevant.
but no we insist on using it to make shitty memes and replace hard working writers and artists with extremely garbage quality souless image or script generation. uhg.
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dreamlanddoll · 9 months
"wHy dO yOu hAtE Men?!" babe incels literally exist
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rewritingcanon · 10 months
noooo way we gotta throw the whole security council away this shit is not working no more 💀
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dangraccoon · 10 months
I'm sorry I've been so absent. I'm really trying to post more for you all.
more info under the cut
i think ive mentioned that i have various health issues and conditions before
the big ones affecting me right now are seasonal affective disorder, fribromyalgia/chronic pain syndrome, and plantar fasciitis in both feet and on top of all that, i am currently transitioning.
theres a lot of financial strain on me at the moment; my fiance's income is the only one we have. i'm too disabled to work a regular job but not disabled enough to receive disability income. thanks america. but yeah i owe over $1400 to various medical offices in addition to the ongoing copays for my various meds (a month's worth of t is $60), thanks america, AND i'm about to turn 26 next month, after which i will no longer be able to be on my parents' health insurance, thanks america.
all that to say that if i continue to be somewhat absent I'm very sorry
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lesbiantrish · 5 months
never wanna front again but i have to
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not-actually-human · 3 months
i walk into the coffee shop my friend works at, hoping shes working, but really just wanting a drink. i see a girl who broke my heart without knowing it in middle school. shes already seen me, so i cant bail. i walk in
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idioticsky · 3 months
Brain is hating me since I haven't been able to write in months let's GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
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mimocrocodilelol · 1 year
Unfinished doodles, am I right?-
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bungerc0re · 1 year
i try soooo hard every day and noone appreciates it
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