penwaonline · 2 years
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With the TOMBOW pens relative to other promotional gifts, it is no wonder why they seem to be everybody's favorite promotional material. So if you are wondering where you can buy Pens, the only place where you are sure to have what you need is through buying them from online dealers.
Shop Now - https://www.penwa.com/tombow2/
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bachno2 · 4 months
bought a squeaky packer from @plushenby (worth it please consider getting yr own) and my brothers review: if you squeaked that in front of my dog she would turn your penis into a penwas
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5 facts about your ocs! (This is spacekrakens)
Ghet enjoyed the court performances as much as the next dwarf growing up, but he was actually a pretty awful storyteller when Bassil first took him on as an apprentice.
Penwa and Behl are technically princesses by birth, being the daughters of one of the "giant" (human) chieftains to the northwest of the dwarven lands. However, one of their clan's religious beliefs was that twins are the incarnations of evil spirits, which is why they're slaves by the time we meet them.
Speaking of those two, "Penwa" and "Behl" aren't their original names; they're new ones based on the local dwarven language which they received after their liberation and adoption into the court. "Penwa" has the same in-universe root as the word for "pinky/little finger," which Ghet lost as a result of trying to free them. "Behl" shares an in-universe root with "silver" (or more literally, "white" or "shiny.")
I'm currently leaning towards Jinni (name pending) being perpetually invisible due to jinn not existing 100% in the physical world, but the effect doesn't extend to whatever she's wearing or carrying.
Tonic (name pending) always wears an unadorned iron ring on his right hand. Most mages he encounters assume that the ring is specially linked to Jinni. They would be entirely incorrect in that assumption.
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saytrrose · 2 months
Do you ever just be straight jorkin it
Don’t speak to me or else I’ll turn your penis into a penwas
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guiltiest-gear · 11 months
If there's a penis does that mean there's a penisnt
Well there's also penwas and penwasn't
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gsirvitor · 18 days
Hey bro, you better be nice to me right now or else I'll take that penIS and make it into a penWAS
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the-lumpfish-king · 4 months
sends your penis back in time to turn it into a penwas
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Happy lesbian week if I see any penis I’m turning it into a penwas
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patosduck · 10 months
Quinn Hughes
Ice Spice
Sad Teletubby
Sad Cowboy
Scared Driver
Confused Teletubby
What a day
"Never give up"
Sad Quinn
Troy Colton
NOT Ice Spice
New hair who dis?
Tiny Quinn
Back blown out
"Save a horse, ride a cowboy"
Quinn and his new girl
"What if i'm not swag at all?"
Justin Bieber
"idgaf war"
"Does it look like im fucking okay"
"Show me where I asked"
Fist in your ass
penIS into penWAS
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fates-pet · 10 months
me to myself bc i talk to myself out loud a lot when im gaming: i gotta get outta here before uh [forgets all of what i was going to say] before hollow's lantern turns my penis into a penWAS
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chuuyas--boo · 2 years
Giving transfems bottom surgery to make that penis a penwas
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penwaonline · 2 years
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Worried about buying AURORA PEN online from your home? Worry not because most online dealers shoulder the shipment charges depending on your location. On the other hand, some companies add the shipment cost to the pens, which is actually better because the rise is hardly noticeable.
Shop Here: https://www.penwa.com/aurora/
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elfeledettendre · 3 months
Haven't had sex in so long, my penis is now a penwas
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Who are some of your OCs?
Let's see, we've got Ghet Nine-Fingers, who's a royal guard-turned-thief-turned-storyteller in the court of a dwarven king. And then we've got his two basically adopted human sisters, Penwa and Behl, who he got away from a traveling merchant/slaver (which is also the story behind why he's called "Nine-Fingers") when the two were children. Those two grow up to become lesser ladies of the court, with Penwa being more of an adventurous and outspoken sort and Behl being more refined and tactful. Ghet's master in the art of storytelling is a political advisor named Bassil. He's a cool dude.
For a different story we've got Jack Rider, a human who's wound up as a Fairy Prince on account of fairies having no inborn defense against bald-faced lies and him being physically incapable of not digging himself in deeper. Also from that story is Honeyscotch, a low-ranking fairy guardswoman and the first fairy Jack ever met, making her indirectly responsible for this whole mess. She's very nice and earnest. Sometimes I feel bad for tormenting her.
I do have a few other rough character ideas that aren't a part of either of those stories. One's a street urchin "apprenticed" to a conman. She might or might not wind up with the talent to mold wood like wet clay, haven't quite decided. There's also this middle-aged prophet dude who, in a twist of the usual formula, sees only futures that will not come to pass. He manages to make it badass anyway, both due to his religious order managing to piece together a very rough roadmap of the future through process of elimination and the fact that he can do things like step into the space where he knows a sword is not going to be in the next two seconds.
And also apparently Jinn & Tonic, but all I've got for that so far is the pun, one being a genie, and the other being a postgraduate chem dropout who accidentally figured out how to make an Elixir of Life.
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displeasedfrog · 1 year
We've all heard about the penis and the penwas but does that mean people getting bottom surgery have the limited edition penwill-be?
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qnfpanel · 1 year
ill turn a penis into a penwas
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