#people always say mun looks 12
missallanea · 2 months
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TAGGED BY: stole it off the dash TAGGING: steal it yourself you cowards !!
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1. FIRST NAME: Missa
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: My mum once ripped off my fingertip with the strollers... like, sun roof? You can't tell though, they reattached it with no issues.
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Potato. Love potato. So versatile. I return to my Polish / Ukrainian roots. Potato.
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Cilantro, and anything overly soft / mushy. Also mango because how dare you taste so fucking good when you make my mouth hurt.
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Trash reality TV. We're talking like... Catfish. Garbage TV.
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Not a whole helluva lot, and not in a cute sexy way. In an "I have sensory issues and overheat easily and wake up crying in agony" way.
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Serious relationships for myself. For other people, do what makes you happy. uwu
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: I wouldn't get my first tattoo when the artist fucking mocked me through the whole damn thing. Fuck you, Jason. My tattoo looks like shit and you blew out the lines so fucking badly.
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: Atlantis: the Lost Empire. Beauty and the Beast. Carrie, specifically the 2013 one. Yes, yes, inferior remake. I know. I'm aware. But something about it just tickles my brain.
12. FAVORITE BOOK: Carrie by Stephen King. I'm not going to say it's a good book, but it is a book that brought me a lot of comfort in a hard time in my life.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]:Rumbelle, Raeda, Lumity... Romy annnnd... idk man.
15. PIE OR CAKE: Yes. The answer is always yes.
16. FAVORITE SCENT: About to be hyper specific here : Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab's Snake Oil perfume.
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Carla Gugino.
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: Japan! There are so many things I want to do in Japan, but I want to be able to speak the language at least conversationally before I go.
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Definitely. Despite this, love me some good horror.
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: I do! I've been playing Dreamlight Valley but I recently have been wanting to start a new playthrough of BioShock. I also need to finish Killing Harmony.
23. DREAM JOB: Scare actor for a haunted house attraction and / or an student educator for a zoo or an aquarium.
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Pay off some debts, buy Mal and I our wedding rings, get us into a new apartment, and then set the rest aside for my inevitable move to the US.
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: Gonna cheap out and choose one you're supposed to hate : Terra Snapdragon. Woman gets under my skin in the worst of ways.
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: Once Upon a Time. I wrote in that fandom on tumblr for... years. Still has a soft place in my heart but I don't think I'll ever go back.
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fablesuntold · 3 months
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🪓 Biography. Joel Miller 🪓
Most of this is made up by the mun— do not steal or reblog as I’ve put a lot of thought into this. Also do not copy this layout.
Basic info:
Name: Joel Miller.
28 years old. (pre-outbreak)
48 years old. (part 1)
53 years old. (part 2)
Birthday: Born September 26th.
Zodiac sign: Libra.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Nationality: American.
Born in: Austin, Texas.
Currently resides in: Jackson City, Wyoming.
Morality: Morally grey.
Carpenter (former/pre-outbreak)
Hunter (former)
Smuggler (former)
Height: 180.3 cm/5’11”.
Weight: 91 kg/14 stone.
Hair: Brunette/Greying.
Eyes: Greenish Brown/Hazel.
Scars: A deep scar across the bridge of his nose and multiple smaller ones loitering his body head to toe from years of surviving in a world riddled with infected and dangerous people alike. His most prominent scar sits on his side where he fell from a height and landed on a metal rod which impaled clean through his abdomen. If not for Ellie, Joel would have certainly been a goner right then and there.
Other: Joel is often covered in grime and dirt from days of hardship— the dried blood under his fingernails basically stained. On bad days his face looks more weathered, the stress of living in a world where the dead freely roam the streets causing his wrinkles to appear more visible. The bags under his eyes have quickly become a common sight too.
Psychical appearance:
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Mother: Bonnie Miller.
Status: Deceased.
Relationship: Growing up, Joel was close to his mother as it was only the two of them and Tommy. He helped her take care of Tommy until she developed early onset dementia— which she later succumbed to and passed away in the nursing home she was placed in. It’s safe to say that Joel was devastated when his mother passed.
Father: Travis Miller.
Status: Unknown/presumably deceased.
Relationship: Travis left after Joel’s younger brother, Tommy, was born and decided to cut all ties to his family. Leaving Joel to be the man of the house, he grew bitter and indifferent toward his father. He can barely remember anything about the man, and doesn’t wish to either. It’s why he vowed to be a better father than he ever was when Sarah came along.
Siblings: One younger brother named Tommy. Given their father’s absence, Joel acted as both an older brother and a father to Tommy growing up. The two always did have a close bond, but once the virus broke out and Joel felt as though he’d lost everything.. their relationship soured to the point of psychical fights and they eventually parted ways, only to meet again years down the road.
Spouse: Joel got hitched pretty young (18) to a girl named Carla (18) after she fell pregnant due to a one night stand. Unfortunately the two could never make it work, and given the fact that Carla disliked motherhood, she packed up her things and left Joel to be a single father— never to be seen again, cutting both her husband and daughter out of her life.
Kids: One daughter named Sarah (12). Being a single dad, Sarah only had Joel to depend on and even though he worked most of the time to provide for her, the two were close. They often went to soccer games together, zoos, museums, coffee shops and hung out at the movies whenever Joel wasn’t busy. Unfortunately on outbreak day, Sarah didn’t stand a chance when she hurt her leg during a car accident upon trying to escape from the city. She was later fatally shot by a solider who was given the order to shoot anyone who approached in case they were infected, and she tragically died in Joel’s arms from blood loss. Joel has never recovered from her death.. though he does start his journey to healing when happening upon a young girl named Ellie who he takes under his wing over time and ultimately ends up adopting— a found family he didn’t know he needed or wanted.
Pets: Joel never had time for pets, but he promised Sarah he’d get her a hamster or a Guinea pig. The outbreak occurred before he could fulfil that promise, just another thing Joel looks back on and regrets.
Friends: Due to trust issues and the fact that it isn’t smart to trust anyone in an apocalyptic world, Joel doesn’t consider many people as friends. Although he developed a somewhat deep connection with Tess, another weathered survivor who shared the same morals and beliefs as him. The two partnered up in a quarantine zone, and ever since they met they were inseparable— Joel would even go as far as to say he likes her— and their occasional hookups. Nothing serious. Not that he’ll ever admit it, but he’s also close to Bill who he knows he can count on when in a sticky situation.
Personality: A hardened survivor, Joel can come across as cruel, cold and hostile to those around him. Some of the choices he makes can be seen as ruthless, reckless and selfish.. but he does what he has to do in order to survive. With the mind set kill or be killed, Joel isn’t very merciful to those who stand in his way and when provoked, he can be a very dangerous man, reverting to torture tactics and violence if need be. Deep underneath all that gruff, there’s a man with a big heart. He’d do anything to keep his family safe, and his overprotective nature can often land him in heaps of trouble.
MBTI type: ISTJ. Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. This MBTI type is practical, realistic, and dependable and are often seen as the strong protector or leader in a group.
Any mental illnesses: After Sarah’s death, Joel fell into a deep depression and even tried to take his own life because he saw no point in carrying on. In his mind, he failed to save his own daughter and he had nothing else to live for. Luckily, he changed his mind last minute and when holding the gun under his chin, his hand jerked away just before the shot could hit him, the bullet narrowly missing his ear by an inch. This failed suicide attempt left him deaf in one ear.
Weapons: Joel has a vast range of weapons which he’s collected over the years. Ranging from hunting rifles, pistols, bows, sub-machine guns and various melee weapons. His favourite is his trusty old revolver though— something he started the apocalypse with and reminds him of home.
Growing up in Texas, it was only Joel, his mother and his younger brother after his father left one evening and never came back. Joel supported his mother the best he could in taking care of the family until she developed early onset dementia and died a couple of years later.
It was hard to grieve her death with Tommy to take care of, and as a result Joel began drinking heavily at the young age of fifteen. This bad habit drove him to make some risky decisions and by the time he reached sixteen, Joel got the news that a one night stand of his (Carla) had fallen pregnant— and that’s when Sarah came along. Despite being young and scared out of his mind about parenthood, Joel dropped out of school and got a job as an apprentice carpenter so that he could provide for his young family— vowing to be the best father he could be.
Over the years Joel tried to make it work with Carla, even going as far as to propose to her when they were eighteen.. but sadly the two never could see eye to eye, wanting different things in life, and by the time Sarah was three years old, Carla was out of the picture after leaving in the middle of the night with little to no explanation— deciding that family life just wasn’t for her. This was the start of Joel’s deep distrust toward people.. but at least he still had Sarah.
Being a single father wasn’t at all as difficult as Joel anticipated it would be though, and over the years him and Sarah became best buds.
On the night of September 26th 2013, Joel’s birthday, a global pandemic broke out— one that quickly ravaged the world and tainted it with the undead, the Cordyceps virus, Joel would later discover. Unfortunately after trying to escape the city at the start of the outbreak with Tommy and Sarah, the trio got into a car crash which ended in Sarah’s ankle breaking. Joel carried her as far as he could, promising that he’d get her somewhere safe.. but tragically he failed to keep that promise when coming across a solider who had been given strict orders to shoot anyone who approached him on sight in fear of the civilians in the city being infected.
Before Joel could do so much as shield his daughter, she was hit and passed away in his arms from blood loss. After losing Sarah, Joel became cold and hostile to the world around him, developing an even deeper distrust toward everyone— soldiers in particular. It was this exact same hostility that lead to him and Tommy parting ways after many arguments and psychical fights broke out between them.
With no one to rely on and a world populated with infected, Joel saw no point in continuing on. He soon attempted suicide but ultimately decided against it when the watch on his wrist, the one Sarah gifted him for his birthday, halted him in his tracks before the bullet could make contact.
From there on out, and a few reckless decisions later with groups he briefly ran with, Joel spent most of his days in and out of quarantine zone camps looking for a new purpose, and that’s when he took on the role of a smuggler. A role that would unknowingly change his life for the better.
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shankhachil · 2 years
How did u do 10th grade not even 1 week in and im so tired fuck this shit !!!
Oh nooo 😭😭😭😭 personally I coped with the first half of 10th by immersing myself in all my extracurricular competitions like MUN, quiz and debate and all. After that it's a 12 inch stick up your ass though, regardless of what you did till September
10th is absolutely tiring I agree 100% with you like especially the chemistry, maths, English language and literature in the beginning is SO DRY and for what. I assume you've started An Angel in Disguise, the GST chapter, periodic table and such but if you haven't then it's probably something else similar because they always start with all the dry stuff here for some reason. And when it gets interesting then it also gets heavy so !!!!! never a positive moment in class 10 !!!!
My request to you is Please Do Not Slack in the first half and them cram like anything before exams while wanting to jump off a roof, most of my friends did that and they did not enjoy, instead just keep revising and stuff. It's boring work definitely but in the end it'll ward away the suicidal thoughts before preboards and boards and you'll feel lighter then
But whatever anyone else says, don't fucking study 6 7 8 hours a day just to keep people happy. 2 to 3 is enough. Enjoy life it was made for your pleasure not for your pain. Go out with your friends and read books and watch movies and Netflix and eat good food and stuff, 10th does not equal nose-to-the-grindstone until December/January and even then you should keep time for yourself (look at me blogging in the middle of my boards)
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velvetineblue · 7 months
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NAME?: winter~
PRONOUNS?: any! agender hoes rise up
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: telepathy ( but seriously: i'm really bad replying sometimes, but i do appreciate im's whether on tumblr or discord ajdjj. my discord is open to any mutuals!! )
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: overall, this gremlin, by far. i have periods where i'll write a different character a lot for a couple days/weeks (mostly on discord) but tai-muse always eventually demands that the bulk of the attention be back on him u . u
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: i've been roleplaying on tumblr since like....... 2011ish??? (DO NOT @ ME, I KNOW THAT'S INSANE) and i was roleplaying elsewhere even before that...
BEST EXPERIENCE?: I'm seconding what ferre said and screaming: PLOTTED GROUP VERSES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but rly, anytime we do in-depth plotting that you get really engrossed into, and go crazy world-building & expanding the lore and plotline.... that's the besttt.
RP PET PEEVES?: hmmmm........... tbh nothing is really coming to mind at this moment, probably because my dash is so small & curated to only blogs who i really like seeing on my dash, so i think i've temporarily forgotten about the annoying parts of rp??? LOL. check back with me next time i go out looking for blogs to follow; then i'm sure i'll have much to say kjhkjh
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: I like all of them !! angst is prob my fav of those genres, but if i wrote too much of it, i think it would get tiring for me because it may feel less impactful/geuine?? IDK. but fluff is definitely needed sometimes. and smut can also be fun, in moderate doses! fluffy smut and/or smutty fluff tho... 👌that's good shit, LMAO
PLOTS OR MEMES?: again, both are fun! i think a balance ( maybe not 50-50, but a balanced amount ) is ideal. as much as i do love plotting, it does require a lot of energy and social battery. so meme's are perfect for times when you are running low on that, but still want to rp~ ( and i'm going to do the ones in my inbox soon I PROMISE )
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: my replies usually end up being long. but for starters or meme's, short sometimes makes the most sense... I know the fact I often write novels might seem intimidating to people who aren't novella, but I don't mind short replies . . . lengthy replies is just more of my personal 'writing style', but I don't require partners to adapt to it?? yOU DO YOU
TIME TO WRITE?: NEVER, APPARANTLY. ( jk i have time but i spend most of it rotting and watching 5 hour long video essays about pointless shit ajsjaj )
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: hmm... I don't know! but compared to my other muses, I'd say, I guess Tai is one of my characters who is more 'similar' to me in some ways. I think because he's one of my oldest; his very first incarnation as a character I wrote goes back to when I was like 12. so he does have a lot of personal touches-- things that are probably quite specific to mE & my personal tastes. as I got older, I started to make a wide variety of characters, some of which I have nothinggg in common with... but Tai isn't one of those ajsja. we're not extremely similar, but we're not complete opposites either ? I think I partially fear saying that because I don't want anyone to think he's a 'self-insert', but... meh. I would hope it's pretty obvious that he's not :sob:
tagged by: @stillresolved thank you for tagging me and thinking of me, ferre!! 🥹 tagging: UMM whoever wants it tbh, i don't know whose done it while i've been MIA !!!
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roleplay-abiogenesis2 · 10 months
11 and 12 for BOTH mun and muse (Cyno) >:D
Best Questions Ever || Always Accepting
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11: What is the strangest thing you have in your room? (You are not allowed to explain why you own it.)
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"Strangeness is awfully subjective. It is not something I can easily answer for myself, for the beholder is the real stranger. I am well acquainted with all that I own. Let me think..."
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"I suppose I do have a Genius Invokation TCG card in my room. Why is that strange? Because I already own one and it is in my Casket of Tomes. You cannot play two of the same character cards, so having more than one has no practical point to it. In that sense, it is weird that I have it. As requested, I won't say why."
12: What is a weird habit you have, or people have told you have. (Weird, not bad. No nail biting or any of that nonsense.)
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"I was just talking to the Traveler about this the other day. They think it's not a bad habit, or weird, but I absolutely do."
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"You see, sometimes I end up crossing paths with Alhaitham while at the Akademiya. And when it happens, on occasion I get the strange impulse to stop and engage into conversation with him. With no rhyme or reason for it. Like he's just another normal person."
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"I know. It creeps me out too when I realize what I'm doing. I'm working on it, trust me."
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Below are the mun's answers!
11: What is the strangest thing you have in your room? (You are not allowed to explain why you own it.)
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I have a row of rubber unicorn ducks on my top shelf. They're unicorns. They're rubber ducks. They're in my bedroom. That is all you will know.
12: What is a weird habit you have, or people have told you have. (Weird, not bad. No nail biting or any of that nonsense.)
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My housemates think I'm a massive weirdo for heating up my milk in the microwave. I don't drink cold milk. I also don't put cereals in the bowl first, but AFTER the milk. I like to watch the cereals float and push them down in the warm milk with a spoon before I eat it. Drown all the cereals!
Without fail, every time I have milk and cereals I have to deal with very funny looks and headshakes.
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; Well now is as good a time as any to get my thoughts all out on proverbial paper.
Warning, this will be a long post and all screenshots I have are grabbed from here.
Millions Knives and Mun’s Thoughts on Stampede
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It’s easy to say Knives is just a bad guy. The evil twin scenario, as Roberto points out from the get go, but it is definitely more than that. Millions Knives was definitely not always so evil. I know based on chats with friends that Knives -- Nai -- was the soft one. He was the one who was excited to see humanity. I only bring this up because I know we don’t really see that here in Stampede, at least not at face value. I think the shots we see, apart from one particular one in Episode 12 (which I will touch on later), are all snippets around the 1 year mark of the twins ‘birth’ and Nai’s subsequent downfall. I think we just haven’t had the chance to see him be an excited kid.
I’m going to start with my feelings and thoughts about their childhood.
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From episode 11 we see there’s tension between the twins, and even in episode 8 when we see them celebrating their birthday with Rem. Nai makes offhanded comments that he doesn’t need to eat like Vash does. Theoretically, Nai doesn’t need to eat, drink, or really sleep because he’s a Plant. An Independent, but he is more plant-like. Vash, on the other hand, needs all of those things. He is more like Rem and the other human’s in cryo sleep. This is very important. It shows us their differences and right away puts a huge gap between Vash and Nai.
We have to remember that Nai is a kid as I point these things out. A fast growing kid, but still a kid. He looks at his brother and Rem and he seems himself as other from both of them. He can’t even bond with Vash over powers because Vash’s power doesn’t manifest when they are with Rem. As far as they are aware, Nai is the only one out of the twins with powers, therefore putting him at an even further distance from his own brother. 
In Episode 11, we see a conversation where Rem reminds Nai that he needs to eat and drink when the other human’s come out of cryo-sleep. He has to pretend to be like them. This wouldn’t have bothered me so much if it weren’t for his reaction. Nai visibly looks annoyed and kind of done with the conversation. Clearly this is something they have discussed on other occasions, and it’s something that Nai is tired of hearing. It puts an even bigger gap where he feels even further separated from the people there.
I think this was what emotionally stunted Nai.
He was a happy kid, we know he was! How do we know this? That shot in episode 12 I mentioned earlier:
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At the very beginning of Episode 12 we get a different view of Knives as a kid. We actually get to see him happy about something. We do see him happy about the piano in episodes prior, but here it’s more of a goofy happy. He’s joking about cowboys. He’s having fun with it, which is a very different perspective than we have seen so far. Every other time he has seemed lonely, distant, almost sad. But here he’s happy and excitable. And where do they go next? I have a strong belief that this takes place before it’s hammered into him that he needed to pretend to be normal. Until I’m shown otherwise, that’s where my mind sits.
The constant reminders that he can’t be himself, that he has to hide who he is, broke him emotionally to the point where he thought he couldn’t express himself. We see him happy at the piano because it’s the one thing he can use as a form of expression, and we see him get annoyed at Vash for interrupting that. Sure, they play together. It’s a bonding moment, but to Nai, I think it’s the only thing he’s been able to use to direct his feelings. Vash is accepted, Vash gets to be himself. He’s actively encouraged to eat, drink, play. Something we see that starts to annoy Nai when they’re kids. He’s always commenting on how he needs to eat and such things. 
All of this build up, being told he couldn’t be himself, locking away his emotions, and then discovering Tesla. Tesla was definitely a breaking point for Nai. After that all he could see was the bad that the human’s did. He couldn’t focus on the good anymore, and when Vash comes to him in the garden while he’s reading and they talk, he quickly realizes that Vash doesn’t get it. Because Vash was immediately accepted as human-like from day one, Vash has been naive to everything. He doesn’t see the harm that the human’s cause and he doesn’t seem to grasp the gravity of the situation. Because Vash doesn’t see it, Nai feels like he has to protect his brother. He fears that, if he doesn’t, Vash will end up just like Tesla. Pulled into experiments, torn to pieces. He won’t let that happen to his brother. How could he? Vash is the only thing he has. They were born together and they have a connection, despite their differences.
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Nai believes that when they arrive at their destination, things will turn out horribly for them. Especially for Vash. So what is he supposed to do? How does he ensure their safety? He can’t just convince Vash to jump into an escape pod with him. No, that wouldn’t work.
Again, I will remind you that Nai is still a child at this point.
A child who has been thrown into this us VS them scenario.
So he does the only thing he can possibly think of. Crash all the ships. Kill the human’s and make it quick. He can save his fellow Plants, he can save his brother. Maybe even save Rem. He has this need to protect because he is the only one who can. Vash is blinded, he can’t trust Rem, the other plants are trapped in their containment. He is the only one who can make sure the Plants are free and his brother is safe.
I do have to point out that I don’t think Rem meant any malice by telling Nai he needed to act more like Vash and pretend to eat and drink. I genuinely believe she was trying to protect him. She didn’t want Nai or Vash to be used by anyone like they had done to Tesla. She wanted to ensure that they were kept safe and sound, and how else to do that than to encourage them to be human? She loved them, and for as much as Nai suspected her and knew she was hiding something from them, I believe that he cared for her too.
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When Nai offers his hand to Rem, inviting her to come with them, at first it seemed to almost be thought as a way to stop her from helping the other human’s. But that idea never sat well with me. I believe Nai, even older as Knives, has a small soft spot for Rem. She raised them. She was the one who found them and took care of them. I think, in that moment, Nai was convinced that his plan was going to go off without a hitch. He did it, he won. He crashed the ships and now he just needs to get those he cares about off the ships. Rem was safe, even despite her lies. Besides that though, Vash needed her. He was always lost without him or Rem. This would have just made his transition easier.
But Rem doesn’t come with them.
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I know that people will probably say this kid laughing the way he was, looking all insane as the ships crash, is Nai being the bad guy. Like he knows what he’s done, and maybe he does. Actually, I would say that, as the ships are falling, the gravity of what he’s done is setting in. That’s the reason for the laughter. It’s an emotional response. He thinks he’s done it. He’s saved them. He saved his brother, the Plants. Not yet realizing that more human’s survived than he had wanted. In this moment, I think he feels a wave of emotions come over him and laughter is just his response to it because he doesn’t know what else to do with those emotions.
But almost immediately after this, Vash is running away from him. Vash abandons him. I think it hurt him to have his brother run off like that, but I also think, in a way, Nai understood why he ran away. Vash was scared. He needed time, he needed some distance, but he believed that he would come back. He always did after they had a fight before. They never left each other for long.
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Let’s move on to this. Episode 9 where Nai -- Knives now -- is playing the piano. We don’t have much context as to what happened between that crash day and this moment, but we can see that he still plays the piano. This is important. It’s a way he copes, it’s his tool to express himself, and it’s a memory that connects him to his brother. His one and only brother, who he loves and wants nothing more than to protect. This scene is beautifully crafted, especially with the flash back of the twins playing together. It is one of their shared passions, something that connects them, and despite his annoyance as a child, Knives still thinks of playing with his brother as a fond memory.
Let’s switch gears a bit.
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The last run. His facial expressions, the way he’s so damn emotional in this moment hurts me. After what he did to crash to ships, to free the Plants, it didn’t work. Human’s survived. Human’s are doing the very thing he strived to stop. And now they’re killing his sisters by the hundred, and for what? An extra month of power for the city?
I think, although Knives can’t heal the plants, I think he can still hear them crying out. He can hear them and feel their suffering, and it hurts him because there’s not much he can do to save them at this point. He can slaughter a few human’s, but then what? He’s still at square 1. He’s still without a means to free them.
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Knives power isn’t to heal. Knives power is destruction. Destruction doesn’t work when it comes to saving. Not now, not in this moment. And I think he knows that. He’s too helpless to save the Plants here, and the Last Run happens. I think that makes him hate human’s more. Especially since, in the English dub, the worker makes an offhand comment, something like ‘I’m sure they were just happy to serve us’. Which, to Knives, is just further clarification that human’s do not see Plants as anything more than tools. If the human’s really needed them, they wouldn’t be so quick to discard the Plants like this.
And then Vash arrives a little too late.
But because Vash is there, there is this new found hope in Knives. He knew his brother would be back. Now that Vash is here, he can go forward with him. He can have Vash help him in his plans, they can work together and finally set their sisters free. He genuinely believes Vash came running to find him for this reason. That he wanted to be reunited, that he was tired of running. He is so excited, he even gives Vash a gun. He wants to include him in the killing. Especially when Luida shows up.
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Basically telling Vash “You’re useless without me” as he takes the gun to turn it on this woman. Someone Knives doesn’t know, but clearly there’s some connection between her and Vash. At first he’s smiling, fully prepared to show Vash exactly what he feels he needs to see.
But then his brother is fighting him. They’re on the ground, tumbling as if they were kids again. Vash is telling him no, telling him he won’t let him take away another person from him.
To which Knives realizes, once again, that Vash has fed into the lives of the human’s. To Knives, his brother is being played. He’s being lied to and used. There is no other explanation. Human’s use the Plants all the time, and they will use them if they get the chance. So Knives wants to free his brother from his proverbial prison and kill this reflection of Rem. This false motherly figure that has poisoned his brother. And he tries to choke her, with every bit of malice he holds.
In this moment, Knives is channeling his feelings about Rem. His anger and utter betrayal he feels over her. She saved the human’s and doomed the plants. How could she ever be a mother to them if she would doom them to suffering? He still loves her, he still has a place for her in his cold heart, but right now all he sees is Luida resembling Rem and pulling Vash away from him. She’s dragging him away and keeping him from him. Vash won’t return to him because this woman has given him a false hope that won’t come true.
He just has to kill the witch and it will all be over.
But he doesn’t get the chance to.
Vash’s powers go berserk, and in a quick act, Knives has to save him. Knives cannot lose Vash. Like I said, Vash is all he really has. He’s the only other Independent, and he’s the only one he really holds any emotional attachments for anymore. Rem is dead, Conrad is a pawn not an attachment, and anyone that comes later is also a tool. Vash is all he has and he will do anything to protect him.
And he does. He cuts Vash’s arm and saves him. But Vash doesn’t see it that way.
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You can see the moment Knives breaks. You can see where he considers his options as his brother is pointing a gun at him. His brother is genuinely threatening him, where as Knives never threatened Vash. Not directly, at least. He doesn’t want to hurt his brother, and yet his brother wants to hurt him. And for what? That witch next to him. I believe this is where Nai dies. Knives says in the last episode that Vash killed him a long time ago, I think this is what he’s referring to. He may not have pulled that trigger, but just the very act of pulling a gun on him was enough. Nai was never coming back, Millions Knives was all that there was from that point forward.
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Let’s go ahead to Jeneora Rock and this scene. Where in Episode 9 Knives was upset that his brother pointed a gun at him, here, Knives isn’t even phased. Nai would have been surprised, but Nai was dead. That little sliver that was still Vash’s loving, soft brother, was dead and gone and the only thing that remains is this angry independent, who still feels the need to protect his brother. He still feels Vash is lost. He still feels he needs to pick a side. But I think Knives knows that Vash won’t pick his. The way he defends the human’s, helps them, Vash will never be free of their corruption. Vash needs to be forced.
That’s what Knives plan is. Vash won’t come willingly, so he devised a plan to free both his brother and the Plants, without Vash’s say. Knives believes this is the only way. He doesn’t see another path forward because to Knives, there isn’t one. He cannot see the Plants being able to coexist with the human’s. They can’t live together because that means the Plants have to die. That means the Plants have to remain a slave.
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Knives enlists Conrad’s help because he was the one who dealt with Tesla. He was part of their demise. And the man is very familiar with Plants and how they work as a result. So if the human’s have to exist, Knives is going to use that to his advantage. Conrad’s not allowed to die. Not until Knives dream comes true. He has to live to push towards the future. A future where Plants are free and human’s are dead.
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Together again. One last shot for Vash to try and convince Knives, but he knows it’s futile. Even so, I think Vash hoped that some part of the Nai he knew was still in there. That he would be able to pull him out and make him finally realize.
But there’s no reasoning with Knives. Vash is about 150 years too late to reason with him now.
He was a broken child, but now he’s a broken murderer. He would commit genocide to see his people set free. Plants deserve better, and this is the better that Knives can provide.
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He genuinely believes doing this to his brother is saving him. Knives has been at this so long that he can’t see passed his ideals. He can’t see the world like Vash can. That part of his brain? It’s broken. It’s broken and blocked out from any other semblance of hope. His only hope is using Vash’s gate to his advantage. Because Vash’s gate is life. Vash’s gate can also be destructive in the wrong hands, but it’s not like Knives who can’t do anything for the Plants. Where Knives can’t pull the Plants out of containment, there is potential with Vash. His gate can make them Independents. He can set the rest of the Plants free and then they never have to worry about the human’s hurting them again because there will be more than just him and Vash to push for the future. And to Knives, it makes sense that the Plants want to be free. Why wouldn’t they?
I know it ends badly for him, I know this is wrong, in quotations, but I understand where Knives is coming from. Humanity has done so much bad and human’s never agree on anything. Even if Vash managed to educate people properly, people will still abuse the Plants. So then it becomes a question of ‘Do we still let them sacrifice the few to save the many?’
To Knives, there is no more sacrifice. He’s witnessed enough of that.
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And he even tries to sacrifice himself to make his future a reality.
I am still struggling with the results of episode 12, so maybe I’ll do a separate analysis of that later. But Knives believed with every fiber of his being that the human’s were rotten. That they would never love or accept either of them. That they would always be monsters. To Knives, he was always seen as a monster, he wants Vash to realize this. But instead, Vash just seems to accept it. Accepts it and say he doesn’t care. He will always fight for the human’s. He will fight for the human’s over the Plants, and that breaks Knives. Breaks him to the point where he is literally torn apart trying to stop Vash from being naive once again. But it doesn’t work.
He doesn’t get to finish what he started. He gets snuffed out by the one thing he wanted to protect...
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Wheee....I need some tissues.
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deathdxnces · 1 year
❀ Share a headcanon you have not shared. ♡
the mun's interpretation
— @deathfxnds
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hard bc i'm constantly shouting all my thoughts about her at the dash
hm....... irelia was with the brotherhood from ages 11/12 to 16ish, and despite the trauma and tragedy, i do think the sense of community and union in purpose would have brought her closer to people there. there were likely adults she looked up to, as well as other kids around the same age who also lost everything. i like to think she had friends there, but i don't think any of those friendships ended well. many of them died at various points during the war. and, among those who didn't, many of them came to resent her for not wanting to be the leader they expected her to be.
niche headcanon i guess because it doesn't really ever matter in interactions with other people unless someone eventually gets her to talk about it, but because i enjoy making her suffer, the first person the brotherhood sent to kill her was one of her past friends. they felt betrayed by her decision to not be a leader and volunteered for the task. irelia refused to fight back, at first, only really defending herself. she never wanted to kill her own people, much less someone she cared about. they didn't really give her a choice if she wanted to live. it's one of the kills that weighs most heavily on her and it definitely plays a part on how she feels about killing any of the assassins the brotherhood still tries to send after her; she understands their feelings and frustration and disappointment, and she has since that first attempt against her life. it's also part of why she's always so much more careful with those victims than she is with other people she kills. irelia always makes the effort to give them a proper burial, as she did for her friend.
i do think there's an element of purposefully haunting her and psychological destabilization behind the assassination attempts tbh. stains on a name suggests the one guy they sent for her could've been killed in an instant, so it feels more like... it's a purposeful reminder. they know how haunted by it she is. they keep sending people who genuinely believed in her and now resent her to make sure it hurts. they probably figured it out pretty easily with how she'd have dealt with that first kill (of one of her own). i'd say it happened when she was around 17ish.
and i don't think after leaving the brotherhood she actually made that many friends. all the loss and guilt and grief made her too closed off. all the people looking at her like she's a savior were kept at a polite distance. it's rare for her to feel comfortable enough around someone to feel free to be herself.
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ariadnasdiary · 11 months
Diatober - Day 12: Mother/Father
Mun Ari: jk! xD
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Here are some headcanons about Ari's parents:
Let's remember their names: Daisuke Koizumi and Morena Martínez
Daisuke is Japanese but has been living since he was "3 years old" in Mexico. He came from Japan with his mother Aura Koizumi and older brother Kai.
Daisuke is a full blood founder and he escaped with his family from Japan, but specifically from the Makai.
I'll tell the story next in Diatober prompt "haunting" before they could be sentenced to death due to their parents crime. They were the product of an adventure between his father Carsten Kobayashi (a married man) and Aura.
They flee just in time before being killed and the begging of Endzeit's epidemic (and the fall of the Founder's realm basically)
Now! Back to Daisuke and Morena: they met while Morena worked in a local cafeteria where she was college of Kai. Kai wanted to present Morena to Daisuke, but she didn't take him seriously.
Morena was 18 when she met Daisuke and he was "21". Daisuke feel in love at first sight for Morena, while she wasn't THAT impressed (Kai was more her type because he was taller lol).
Daisuke tried to conquered her with gifts and taking her everywhere he could think of. Morena belonged to a middle-lower class while Daisuke was more of the middle-upper class.
He had a great job, almost finished with college and had a car (this happened in the 80's-90's) which was impressive.
Yet Morena wasn't an easy catch~ and Daisuke liked that~ (could say it stimulated his predator nature~). And took him 2 years to get her to date him 🤭.
They dated for 2 years and finally married! They married young: she was 22 and he was "25".
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A year later they had Akane and 2 years after that Ariadna was born.
Let me describe now this two as individuals, while dating and as parents~
Daisuke is generally described as: charming, funny, hard working, responsible, patient, love language gift giver, witty, good negotiator, ambitious and overall mysterious. He never told his wife about his nature not even to his daughters. As a father, he sadly was absent: he became a workaholic and spent of the time traveling to attend his various businesses. He never failed to provide, but Morena was left with the raising by herself. He was closer to Ariadna. He became even more absent and distant when he visited his brother Kai and caught the Endzeit from him. Kai didn't survived and now Daisuke had his days counted due to the illness that he perfectly knew took the lives of his people and had no cure apparently. So he went to Japan (Makai) to find it, which caused as a result Ari looking for him and... well she ended up where we are now~. Finally, he always told his story and his roots through "fairytales" to his daughter and Ari didn’t fully get it until she met the Tsukinami (on the tiny note and as you saw in the previous post: Ari is technically a long lost cousin to them 🙊)
Now Morena: a sweet yet strong lady. She was cautious, social and nice. She did study a career, but always wanted to be a housewife, which she did. As a mother she was in charge to raise her daughter by herself. She was highly efficient, responsible, understanding and wise. Not to mention she was very loving and a perfect balance of strict and easy going. She was closer to Akane, but always tried to approached Ari. She is a great mother and always knew how to motivate and love each one of her daughters. It's sad to think that it was due to a discussion/fight that she lost Ari when she escaped home to look for her father. They didn't deserve to end things like that and I really don’t like to think what happened to Morena after she lost both her husband and youngest daughter... is so heartbreaking 💔 🥺.
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Daisuke appearance: brown hair, he dyed it at certain point to add some strands of Grey hair in order to hide his immortality and show time "did" passed on him. He was really handsome, he wasn't tall: 1.54 m (did you see that coming?), striking gold eyes and white skin.
Morena's appearance: long brown hair, white skin more like beige(?, dark brown eyes, 1.56 m (also not too tall, but lucky for Ari she got her height lol), a sweet smile, she was slightly chubby after becoming a mom and she had a great sense of style~ she was very feminine and had a good taste overall 🥰.
*Note: pictures aren't mine, I got them just for illustrative reasons and I got them from Pinterest
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
For science, I had to do this xD, especially cause of a dumb thing on Twitter with Kezzie
What ABO type are you
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"Eh I always knew I had Top dog Energy after all"
Mun kind of hates this result XD but also? it makes for to much sense when reading the descrption Raph in a way is always trying to prove himself to be an Alpha not liking to take orders, questioning authority mainly Leos XD and of course he is very protective of his friends and family. Raphael even himself soon falls into seeing that being his role and job to fill for his loved ones. Even if he often fears not being able to protect everyone. And though I say he is a switch he truly enjoys the top role.
and for fun why not the rest of my raphs, orginally done from phone why 12's is a screen shot but the rest I did at my computer after deciding I wanted to do my other raphs.
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Alpha-Passing Omega
Congrats, you're an alpha-passing omega. Listen, we all have issues with how people perceive us. Deep down you're a soft little bitch, but you would die before admitting that to anyone who hasn't unlocked at least level 5 friendship with you. In social situations requiring someone to step up and take a leadership position, you will do so, but only if nobody else does first. Your public demeanor makes most people think that you're an alpha, but when you're around people you trust, you can admit that you need to be taken care of sometimes and be vulnerable. Just remember that it's okay to ask for help king.
"Pft whatever maybe i'm a little soft what of it?"
Considering his more laid back behavior this dose fit well. Raph when he needs to be can give of a more aggressive air when need be or when he dose get worked up. Raphael can be pretty bad about going alone on things and not often speaking up about when things upset him lole feeling he failed his detective course. That only Splinter found out he was taking. But Raphael can't even bring himself to fight a robot lool alike of his brother he's a soft bitch deep down especially when it comes to his baby girl uwu
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True Alpha
Congrats, you're a True Alpha. Either you were actively trying to get this result to prove to your friends that you're not a little bottom bitch, or you're a true and proper Alpha. You're what most people would call a top, and you probably consider yourself a protective member of your friend group. You're the 'he asked for no pickles' kind of motherfucker, and I salute you for that. Thank you for your service to the bottom community.
"Course 'm an Alpha, why I take down anythin' 'hat thinks it can deal wit' me."
And then you recall this guy lies on his shell and spreads his legs for casey uwu but I agree he is fully alpha I mean look at how he's always quick to pick fights and prove him self better no matter his opponent loke Trax or even Leo. So yes he very much dose feel a need to prove he ain't a little bitch. Kind if why he tends to get aggressive sexually when Casey decides to call him princess. In a tad bit of sacrifice on his own end he dose sort of bite back on his pride it's honestly his biggest display of love uwu
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True Beta
Congratulations on getting the normal wolf xenogender. When alphas and omegas are doing their intricate horny rituals, you aren't particularly bothered. You're attuned to the feelings of those around you, but you feel like your response on the social dominant/submissive spectrum is determined per situation, not per something intrinsic to you. You'll help out an omega in need as easily as you'll follow the directive of an alpha, and that swiss-army-knife kind of mentality is what we need more of in this batshit insane world. Thank you for your service king.
"I definitely like the Swiss army knife mention."
Honestly this result? I feel fits. In the SF comic and game despite the Fact he fits in with many depictions of Raph, its never him challenging Leo out a need to prove himself better because he disagrees with thie leadership. No this raph seems to have understood something Leo hasn't. They you tend to see later in most Raph's growth. Being a team. That's the only time Raphael tends to get harsh with Leo. And fits with hiw he can go either more Dom or sub with Casey he's pretty chill and relaxed either way. And well despite that whole mess they find themselves in? Raph handled things that happened pretty well for someone with a short temper.
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True Alpha
Congrats, you're a True Alpha. Either you were actively trying to get this result to prove to your friends that you're not a little bottom bitch, or you're a true and proper Alpha. You're what most people would call a top, and you probably consider yourself a protective member of your friend group. You're the 'he asked for no pickles' kind of motherfucker, and I salute you for that. Thank you for your service to the bottom community.
"Fuck ya 'm! Ain't nothin' less mad dog of the team!"
The moment I saw Raphael go for protein powered for muscle build I knew this boy was be a pretty typical jock fill role xD and the fact he loves wrestling and joins the team even? Just tells me more I'm right hmjes rowdy and loud and all about violence he knows he's an alpha and everyone else gonna know it to he gotta use his rage!! I just see this boy ready to jump right into conflict needed or not because it's the best way to deal with anything clearly why he met his bestie and boyfriend uwu by kicking their ass. He's very aggressive in that he's not too hesitant about acting on his choices henjust gose for it.
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-BREAKS DOWN UR DOOR- SO ASK GAME HUH? 1, 5-12, 20-25, 32, 35, 43-46 for Kisa? ok you don't have to do all of them, but I'm thinking about HIM again and he's gently being wrapped in warm blankets and rolled away into my lair.
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Ask Game
What’s the lie your character says most often?
"Don't worry!" You should always worry if Kisa says don't worry.
Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
He can lol. He thinks about the pain of when his arm disintegrated and the tears just well up in his eyes.
What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
His favourite fabric shop. That's HIS fabric shop, grrrr.
What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
Me? Probably just his name. Galin would start yelling in some of the WORST Natlanen? Natlanien? Kisa's native tongue. Lucille strikes me as a petname caller for sure.
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
It started very loose, yk, for the job. But he says it less loosely after dating Luci.
Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Gentle love. But lots of banter! And he likes getting the same.
What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
any and every fact about his girlfriend ever lol
If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
Ask him to make something with leather or a jasmine stitch for crochet. Both are Not Easy and someone pretending to be him would most likely not be skilled enough.
What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
The look of disgust on Decord's face every single time Galin eats hot peppers from the jar.
Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
Kisa has too many fashion opinions for this question. That's the entire industry let's be real here.
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
Keeping your elbows off the table when eating. It's stupid, and uncomfortable. Screw you.
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
Twist cherry stems with a tongue. So much coordination..
What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Uhmmmm, what happened to Lela. Who again I don't think I've spoken about on this blog? Anyways it haunts him. Even though it wasn't his fault.
Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
Yes, he did. And it was a chocolate chip cookie.
What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
His entire job bro, the WHOLE thing??? KISA WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE PLOT! Nobody was supposed to get attached to Razvedka. 90% of the related content of them isn't important to the direct plot I was writing.
If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
Murder and corporate espionage aside, shoplifting lol
What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Well Kisa originally only joined the Fatui for some extra cash so uhm. Oops. It was small at the time.
What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
He reads tone and body language wrong sometimes. He'll think someone is being cocky when they're just really into a conversation. He thinks someone is about to hit him when they lift their hand excitedly. Small stuff like that? He hides it mostly, doesn't react. But his mind RACES for a split second.
What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
Its hard cause I imagine the languages of Teyvat can sometimes translate, but not fully. We decided he speaks the Teyvat version of Spanish, and according to linguists if you can speak Spanish.. The easiest language to learn is Portuguese! So the teyvat version of that?
What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
LOL okay so LIKE CIRINO, if this was a modern OUR WORLD, he'd fucking hate a lot of modern luxury brands. But since we're not in our world. He just really hates dark yellow?? PASSIONATELY despises it. won't use it.
Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Listener! I think most of Razvedka are? Just given the nature of their jobs. He, much like the others, is really good at 'prompting'. He can swing a conversation in the direction he wants with just a couple of words and then just listens.
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misteria247 · 2 years
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I posted 9,248 times in 2022
That's 3,436 more posts than 2021!
1,684 posts created (18%)
7,564 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,901 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
#oli talks - 1,786 posts
#ooc - 1,785 posts
#muns ramblings - 1,785 posts
#mindless ramblings of a madman - 1,780 posts
#tmnt - 1,342 posts
#ops tags - 1,320 posts
#rottmnt - 1,268 posts
#teenage mutant ninja turtles - 1,144 posts
#rise of the tmnt - 992 posts
#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles - 961 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
12 Raph: Ya know you've been kinda babying the other Donnie lately.
12 Leo slightly confused: What?? No I haven't??? I treat him like I do everyone else-
Rise Donnie coming up excitedly: Lee! Leo!! You gotta see the thing I've been working on!!!
12 Leo instantly turns his attention from 12 Raph and to Rise Donnie
12 Leo with motherly pride: That looks amazing Dee, I can't wait to see how it turns out!!
Rise Donnie beaming: You'll be the first one to see it once it's finished I promise!!!
Rise Donnie skips away somewhat leaving 12 Leo and 12 Raph be
12 Raph eyebrow quirked: You were saying.....?
12 Leo:........okay you know what don't talk to me or my son-
1,944 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
12 Leo getting attacked: Someone call an ambulance!
12 Leo unsheathing his swords: But not for me-
Literally the entire group of alternate turtles: LEO N O-!
12 Leo: LEO Y E S.
2,075 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
2003 Kranng: Terrifying aliens.
2012 Kranng: Terrifying aliens who kidnap people to experiment on and mutate them.
2,240 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
What Ace Attorney is supposedly: A game where you play as a lawyer who fights for justice and meeting old friends and new foes along the way, making sure that those who are innocent receive the justice they deserve.
What Ace Attorney actually is: A game where you become a lawyer to find your long lost childhood sweetheart/best friend and along the way you fight for justice as well as awkwardly flirt with your childhood sweetheart/best friend who also happens to be a lawyer and somewhere along the way you end up being basically married with like three or four kids.
3,443 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love how in the Tmnt franchise it's always an indisputable fact that Splinter will always take care of the boys. Like he'll literally have his life turned completely upside down by being mutated into a rat and then he'll see these four infant mutated turtles and literally go-
"Babies?? Babies for me?? Babies for me to adopt and cherish and teach??? Yes???? Guess I'm a dad now."
And he just rolls with it, no questions asked he just becomes their dad and honestly it's quite sweet and wonderful when you think about it.
4,512 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mandysxmuses · 2 years
Weirdly specific questions for Kanonier:
2, 7, 12, 13, 42, 49
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
Kanonier is definitely on the stricter side of that spectrum. He scarcely ever uses the word friend unless he's absolutely sure he's on someone's good side. Part of the reason he's so sparing about using the word is that he doesn't make friends easily to begin with, given his tendencies to lock up the Void's main inhabitants.
And that's without most people considering his undead steed creepy, but speaking of--
7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
I would yell "Your horse is creepy." Kanonier takes his animal companion very seriously, and anyone insulting her just because she happens to be undead is sure to attract his attention in the worst possible way. So I'd definitely end up in trouble, but it is a sure-fire way to find him.
A best friend or romantic partner wouldn't need to worry about any such trouble, as if you're close enough to him to be either of those things just saying his name is always enough to bring him to you.
12. What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
The barista's jokes. Kanonier absolutely flirts with the barista sometimes, and part of his flirting attempts are just. Laughing at every joke she says really hard. He's definitely faking it a lot of the time, but it makes her happy.
13. When do they fake a smile? How often?
Aside from the previous example, Kanonier doesn't fake how he feels often. He's most often serious about how he feels, and won't fake a smile if he's feeling miserable so others won't worry. His fake smiles are usually reserved for sarcasm and making his frustration with someone more obvious than even a glare could manage.
Not coincidentally, Schatz sees Kanonier smile the most.
Kanonier does not like him, and Schatz was a little too happy to meet someone with a pet peeve for thieves.
42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
He'd probably give a long and detailed lecture on the history of Sparkleland and the various princesses he used to rescue, and the unusual regularity of Princess No-No in particular seemingly being antagonized by the very universe itself and how he thought she deserved better.
He's not so good with creative titles, though, so he'd literally just call it "Cowboys and Princesses". I'm absolutely sure Jemand would watch with a disturbed fascination as he saw some of the pretend stories he and his friends made up early on looking like real things that happened, but he'd still fall asleep as soon as Niemand's character got brought up.
Todd would sleep through the whole thing.
Niemand would be honored Kanonier liked the character he was always forced to play, though.
49. Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
If he likes the person who made the food, yes. This is one of only a few instances where Kanonier will fake how he feels to make someone happy, because he's a terrible cook himself and knows how difficult it can be to do.
But this is only if he likes the person who made the food. If he has no particular emotional connection to them he won't mind sharing his opinion rather bluntly.
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NAME: Stray
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Just an ask through here is fine, a few people have my Discord and that's totally fine too.
NAME OF MUSE(S): Edward Elric, this is speciffically an AU of a modern universe for the character and is the main, default verse I play off of. Anything else has to be requested or plotted out. I have two other blogs on here for two other muses(Pride!Ed from Bluebird's Illusion and Peter Parker from the MCU) and if you have ever RPed with me on Discord there's probably....10-12 other characters I play as ranging from canon to OCs?
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): On tumblr since 2014, in general probably ....2007 or 2008? So at least 14 years now
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: GaiaOnline, Skype, tumblr, and Discord
BEST EXPERIENCE: After RPing this long, theres no way to pick just one, there's just way too many instances
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: I would have to say the top two would be not reading rules/abouts(they are there FOR A REASON), and just genrally bashing/harrassing someone just because their portrail/ships/verses/whatever just aren't someone else's particular cup of tea. Like the unnecessary being mean and vile just for the sake of it or to make yourself feel better, take it somewhere else. We're here to have fun.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I enjoy fluff because I'm usually mean to a number of muses I play, both on and off tumblr and yes, sometimes muses being tooth rottingly sweet together, platonic or otherwise, is fantastic. Angst is actually one of my favorite "genres" and I love getting to play it, but I can't always find partners that want to do that. Part of that is I've had a lot of partners who take "angst" to just mean relationship angst/pining and that's...not what I'm looking for. Smut I'm fine with but I'm not great at, and it has to be 1) with a muse that my muse is interested in to some level and 2) a mun that I'm comfortable with as well. I've done kinky and vanilla stuff but as someone who's asexual, it's...weird, sometimes? I can do a whole thread of kink and then for the next two months want nothing to do with it while my muse is in horny jail.
PLOTS OR MEMES: I like both! Memes are great for on the fly, ice breakers, or as one of my friends likes to do sending "a challenge"(a.k.a. sending something with no warning or context and wishing the best of luck to figure out something to do with it. Lots of fun). I do also love plotting too, both in depth in one go and just figuring out some basics but then building up on it as we go.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I don't have a preference. Both are great in their own ways, but I need at least something to work with. Two lines is not something to work with usually unless it's like....a crack thread, or similar.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: If I am awake and not busy, it's a good time to write. I'm halfway nocturnal ask anyone who's talked to me at length for a month, and most stuff I reply back to pretty quickly, 1-2 days is my average unless I really need to think out a reply so yeah...if I'm awake.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I think there are a few similar traits, but I wouldn't say I'm just like any one of them.

Tagged by: @protectivemuses Tagging: anyone who’s interested in doing this for themselves!
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hxdrostorm · 2 years
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@masterofthehighgroud​ has sent: Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition 1 | 2 | 6 | 12
Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition [Accepting]
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1. Are there any characters in your fandom or faceclaims you refuse to RP with? Who and why?
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// My rules has a section showing the fandoms/communities I don’t want to interact or rp with! Here’s a reminder to it:
MLP, Homestuck, Undertale, Fnaf, League of Legends (Arcane won’t get a pass), Genshin Impact, Fnf, Disney and MCU (I’m debating on whether or not, I’ll give the comics a pass tho...)
Star wars stuff in specific.  I’m intimidated and iffy about Legends characters, simply because I’m still not 100% knowledgeable about it (I’m learning more and more about it). Kotor/jedi fallen order/any of the SW games... I’m also not well versed in them, so I’ll also be hesitant to interact with them. With all of these things said, here are my straight ‘no’s. Unless I’m well acquaintanced with the mun behind the muse, I’ll not write with any of the sequels era characters (As stated in my muses directory. Although I’ve watched the trilogy, I’m not entirely familiar with it, which contributes to my overall lack of interest in interacting with it). Then there are the Starcruiser hotel, and the theme park attractions which are at the very bottom of everything thus getting the biggest no (I don’t think I have to talk about how the vibes between those things, don’t fall in line with anything else within the SW universe, right? Nah man, y’all can keep and try to excuse the +6k dollar LARP mess [which I heard that Disney is looking to double the prices so Y I K E S])
And as I’m writing this: I also won’t RP with Andor muses, until the serie is over.
2. Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
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// I’m not a fan of those fix-it AUs. No matter what it may be about. ‘No order 66 palpie chokes on a croissant & the galaxy is all fine & dandy uwu AU’, ‘clones are just one big family & jango is their dad uwu AU’. I understand the desire for those types of plots for fanarts and fanfics, but when it comes RP? Killing off the tragedy in SW is the equivalent of, burning down SW’s very essence. Also I’ve noticed that with these plots, they always end up watering down so many things about SW. The name of the series is literally Star wars, the war IS meant to be ugly, I don’t think anyone should sugarcoat that.
6. Is there a character that the rest of your fandom adores that you just don’t like/are indifferent to? Who is the character and why?
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// I think that the Kenobi series hype is long dead by now, SO I can finally say this, without sb coming out of the woodworks to crucify me for it. Reva was mediocre at best (the actress put on her best, it is just that the script she was handed to was bad. The odds were against her.). She most certainly wasn’t the worst thing that came out of the show, see young Leia (wtf did they do to thIS KID?) and Tala (who? I literally forgot about her 5 secs after her death).
I just wished that Lucas arts hadn’t wasted their time with fan-baiting, hate-baiting its audience, all while using Ingram as a meat-shield for every single criticism towards the show. And instead taken their time to properly iron out this character. BC as she currently stands? It’s bad... That pitiful attempt at a redemption? Yeah, it could use some MUCH needed work, instead of just slapping it on her then calling it a day. But I’ll take what we got, over whatever the drafted one had in it (Cody’s legacy is safe... For now...).
12. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
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// What’s up with all the weird anons me and many of my mutuals have been getting? I’ve never had to deal with anything like it, in all of my RPing years. What’s up with people not knowing how to use the block function, and blacklisting feature?
I’ve received multiple anons, whining about the fact I write cloneshipping. Or even having meltdowns over some of my HCs. I want to believe this is the result of how the search function on tumblr now operates, so it searches with anything that contains the searched words, instead of the tags. So, I’m chalking it up to being just strangers, finding my blog unaware of what this blog is about. But at the same time, there is a part of me that thinks I’ve received hate from actual RPers over that. BC god forbid, blocking sb and moving on with their day, is just too simple.
There is never a bad reason to not block someone. Even if it may sound silly in your mind, just block/filter out whatever is bugging you. It’s a whole lot better than hate-reading, or exposing yourself to shit you know that causes you discomfort.
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reflections-of-mobius · 3 months
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Anonymous asked:
hey!!! for your oc meme, Cinnamon for 7 & 12 & 17 with a Rust, 21, 31, & 41 for flavor
[OC Question Meme. | Accepting!]
7.) What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them?
Gets bowled over by excited cheetah-fox-
12.) What's something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
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The flying pineapple.
I'd use an MHA Abridged Clip, but I don't want my SIs to share that hyperfixation of mine. XD All the same, here's one of my favorites that makes me snicker every fucking time.
17.) What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
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The little tufts of fur coming off their shoulders. The way their eyes are slightly sunken into their head. The bags, just barely visible under the fur. The hints of bloodshot around the edges of their eyes. Hairs out of place. Everything wrong- they see so much,...so much wrong.
And yet others never seem to- they always see a smile. Health. Laughter. Cinn doesn't understand how they can see such nice things. They don't know where the others are seeing these things. But they're grateful for it. Grateful to not be seen.
Maybe they'd fall apart, if anyone noticed.
21.) What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
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Saying 'thank you' after things. If you truly mean you're grateful, you'll say it. If you don't, why fucking bother?
31.) When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?
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For Rust...on any mission where kids are involved. Xey don't like it- having to be around children...the laughter- the smiles...it reminds him--- too much. He avoids it. Shoves it away. Forces the kids to hate him by being brusque and blunt. He doesn't want to. They hate the look of annoyance or hatred children might give him. But it's better than their smiles.
41.) What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone/somewhere else?
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"Good game." Picked up from playing online video games between missions (you can pry my headcanon that he's a gamer hedgehog from my cold, dead hands). However, after enough rage from online games...he's stuck mostly to offline-only. The competition...the inability to win...xey know it would consume it.
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wexarethewalkingxdead · 7 months
WHAT - 7. What’s the first thing we’d see in your fridge? 10. What does your everyday, average day look like? WHY - 12. Do you like having many friends, just a handful, one, or none? Why? 13. If you could live in a movie or movie franchise, which would it be? Why? 14. Think about one of the things you would really like to do, try or learn. Do you plan to do it eventually? Why haven’t you done it? 16. Do you find communication easy or difficult? Why? 20. Why are you really RPing? WHO - 29. Who are your favourite characters? WHEN - 32. When do you usually go to bed? Do you fall asleep immediately? 33. When is the right time to say no? (Choose your topic) WHERE - 42. Where would you go for a holiday if it was your last chance to on this earth? 48. If you could time travel, where and when would you go? HOW - 54. Aside from writing, how do you spend your free time? 55. Is there someone in your life you feel you should be spending more time with? How much time are you spending with them now? 56. How important is getting to know a mun when writing with them? 58. How important is writing to you?
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7. What’s the first thing we’d see in your fridge?
Currently, a large order of cheese dip and salsa from our favorite Mexican restaurant in town.
10. What does your everyday, average day look like?
It's pretty quiet. I get up and eat something and help my Mom with my great-niece whom we babysit while her parents work. When she goes home, I make sure that my husband's coffee is ready for when he gets up to go to work. Then we watch television and take care of our dogs before I get online for the evening. There are other little things here and there but that's the gist of my day.
12. Do you like having many friends, just a handful, one, or none? Why?
I like having a handful because I'd rather be closer to a few than have a lot of not close relationships with a lot of people.
13. If you could live in a movie or movie franchise, which would it be? Why?
It's not a movie franchise but a television franchise. It would be H2O: Just Add Water because I really feel like I was a mermaid in another life. I absolutely love the idea of being a secret mermaid and living in Australia's sunshine and beautiful country.
14. Think about one of the things you would really like to do, try or learn. Do you plan to do it eventually? Why haven’t you done it?
I've been considering learning how to crochet. Every time I have the opportunity to buy the supplies to start, I talk myself out of it because I have Psoriatic Arthritis and my fingers give me so much trouble because they are permanently crippled. So while I'd really love to try, I don't want to make myself hurt worse than they do on their own with just typing and the things that I have to do.
16. Do you find communication easy or difficult? Why?
It really depends on the person. Sometimes personalities make it harder to communicate than it does with others. But I do try as hard as I can to make it work all the way around for both parties. It doesn't always work though.
20. Why are you really RPing?
Because I love collaborating with others and seeing how they play their muses. It's more challenging than solo writing.
29. Who are your favourite characters?
Fox Mulder (The X-Files), Carol Peletier/Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead, and Marcus Kane (The 100).
32. When do you usually go to bed? Do you fall asleep immediately?
I usually lay down around one or two, but it takes me a bit to fall asleep. And I have to have a television going to stay asleep because my brain won't shut off.
33. When is the right time to say no? (Choose your topic)
The moment that it doesn't feel right or good.
42. Where would you go for a holiday if it was your last chance to on this earth?
Disney World. With my entire family.
48. If you could time travel, where and when would you go? 
I would go back to April 26, 2005. I would tell my Dad everything that something was telling me to tell him that night before I went to bed. The next day it was too late, and I never got to tell him that I loved him and that I was grateful for everything that he had ever done for me and my son.
49. Where is your least favourite place and why?
The dentist's office. Because it causes me a lot of anxiety.
54. Aside from writing, how do you spend your free time?
With my family. I also dabble in making jewelry and playing video games.
55. Is there someone in your life you feel you should be spending more time with? How much time are you spending with them now?
My son. I wish we had more in common and could go and do things like when he was little.
56. How important is getting to know a mun when writing with them? 
Honestly, you're not going to be best buddies with everyone that you write with. So being able to reach out when you need to communicate about the plot/thread/etc is always a plus. But there will always be some that you are closer to than others. And that's totally okay.
58. How important is writing to you?
I've always been a writer of sorts. I wrote short stories about horses as a kid and poetry as an angsty teen and twenty-year-old. It is important to me because it helps me to get out of my creativity that is all up in my head. Even if it doesn't always come out the way I planned it.
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