#people are free to disagree or dislike the ship regardless (but i would appreciate it if you did not do that directly on my post)
lanshappycorner · 5 months
I'm here to defend Pacciofinn's honor here is my essay and breakdown as to why pacciofinn is actually a banger ship
(*ummm going back after writing this entire thing, this ended up becoming mainly a carpaccio character analysis with some additional yaoi on the side but please by all means read it anyways)
(**Also disclaimer this is my own interpretation of the characters and their relationship. If you don't agree then you're wrong it is what it is 😔 I'm not the author so I can't tell you that I am completely right either even if I am. Additionally, warnings for spoilers in this essay)
I think to understand pacciofinn you'd have to understand Carpaccio as a character because I do think that people do like to paint him as just a Bad Guy or a bully and I'm not going to say he doesn't have his flaws because. He does. He's first presented as an asshole who hurts people weaker than him but his character isn't as simple as just "a bad guy"
To start off with, Carpaccio was born and immediately chosen by the Healing Cane. As such, he's basically been held to a pedestal his entire life, always doing what he wants and always being allowed to do what he wants because of his potential.
In addition, it's important to note that he can't feel pain. He has never felt pain a day in his life and idk how else to tell you this but clearly this has fucked him up greatly although he may not be aware of it
In order to understand Carpaccio, you'd have to understand his relationship with pain. Essentially, Carpaccio does not know what pain is. He knows what it is in theory, he knows that people can feel it and it is allegedly bad and painful, but how could he understand what "painful" is if he never felt pain?
To Carpaccio, pain is nothing more than a weapon. He is aware that others are hurt because of it, but he can't make the connection as to why this pain is so bad that they can't stand it, because he's never felt it himself.
It's likely he underestimates how pain feels, and this creates some sort of mentality in which he views others as inherently weaker than him because pain to him is truly not that bad. Because he can't feel it. He can't empathize
On the topic of empathy. You hesitate to hurt others because you know how it feels to be hurt, you understand the basic feeling of pain—there is basically almost no one on earth that hasn't felt pain because pain is a warning from your body to avoid certain things.
But if someone has never felt pain before, not only will they be reckless with their body, they will be reckless with other's safety. To them, there is no consequence to injury, and they cannot fathom the pain of others to care enough to take it into consideration.
Simply put, Carpaccio has never had to face the conquences of his actions. He's never felt the pain of stabbing himself, and due to the fact that he's chosen by the Healing Cane, he likely does not face any normal consequences for the trouble he causes others either due to his actions
This has in turn greatly stunted his emotional capabilities, however that doesn't mean that he lacks them. Carpaccio knows to respect people that he acknowledges are stronger than him, he knows his place. He's divided the world into the weak and the strong, and the only way he can "empathize" with the world is to empathize with the strong.
He understands the feeling of having power over others, he understands the feeling of superiority, of arrogance and confidence. These are the only emotions he Can connect with because he's never been on the side of the weak, he's never felt threatened or hurt.
Also, you have to keep in mind that this society is heavily focused around the concept of the weak and the strong.
The magicless are weak and should be rid of, the strong are ranked by their lines and strength. It should be no surprise that Carpaccio's apathy to the suffering of the weak is initially a core character trait of his, considering his own situation and the society he lives in.
So, so far we've established Carpaccio's base character before any character development. But the good stuff comes after
During his fight with Finn, he's made it clear that Finn disgusts him because he assumes that Finn got in due to his brother's influence (which is not the case). He hates people who put in effort knowing that they will never succeed, because he cannot understand their struggles.
This goes back to empathy and sympathy. Carpaccio has never had to put much effort into anything to get to where he is, and it's not that he's never put in effort into anything at all, but it's not quite the same. I'm sure that he puts effort into his research, but in general, he's never been "weak" enough to face a situation where he will fail.
Also, he was "chosen". All his life, he's been told that he was "chosen", and that's why he is where he is. In this world, there's a heavy emphasis on being chosen by magic or gods or whatever. To Carpaccio, the strong and the weak are determined by them being chosen. Those who were not chosen have no chance of being strong because they weren't chosen to be strong, it's simple.
It also goes to show his logic. Carpaccio's view of the world is so black and white and simple, that he comes off as almost childish. He doesn't have any grasp on how his actions may affect others, and even if he's told so, he can't...connect the dots.
If he hurts someone, then he hurts them. He can't make the connection as to why it would be bad because he was chosen and they were not. He's strong, so he has the right to disregard them.
Because his worldview is made up of the weak and the strong, he thinks that effort is wasted on the weak, and they should stay where they are. He doesn't understand what it means to feel helpless, he doesn't understand why the weak would want to be strong, and he's happy with the status quo he's created in his mind.
This is also why he directly states that people who never succeed and still try their hardest bother him the most. Why does it bother him? Why is someone trying to overcome the position they were born in bother him the most? We can only assume that it is because he views them as a threat.
Someone that challenges his way of thinking and all of his ideologies is something he despises because it is a hit at his own status as someone who was chosen. There's also the fact that he probably just finds them pathetic, because he knows that they'll never amount up to him, and he doesn't want to risk thinking about if they could.
But also, when it comes to pain, Carpaccio does want to feel it. How could he not? It's the one thing in his life that he's never felt, it's his greatest weapon, and yet he doesn't know what it feels like. He can't imagine what it feels like.
Being able to feel pain is the one thing that he cannot understand, so of course he'd want to know about it. However, he's split the world into the strong and the weak, and he's deemed those who are strong to be the only people capable of giving him the pain he wants.
That is why he doesn't like dealing with people he considers weak--they basically don't exist to him. They can't help him get what he wants, and as far as Carpaccio is aware, they're basically a waste of space. Which is a really fucked up and a detached view of the world tbh but on that topic...
Carpaccio himself says that he sees the world as a haze. There is no one he can connect to, no one he can understand completely, and no one who understands him. What he seeks is pain, but beyond that pain, perhaps he doesn't realize it, is a want for connection.
When Mash finally beats the shit out of him, he's finally able to empathize with the weak for the first time in his life. Or rather, perhaps he's beginning to understand that his worldview was kinda fucked up, and the world is not nearly as black and white as he thought.
When Carpaccio is hurt, for the first time in his life he instinctively knows what "hurt" is. This phrase—"it hurts"—repeats in his mind over and over again, and it's really just proof that he's still human as much as he's come to think of himself as above that.
He's reminded of his own humanity, and along with the pain that he can instinctively recognize, comes feelings of fear. He describes pain to be awful and frightening, and for the first time in his life, he can finally empathize with his peers, with everyone that he's ever hurt, because he now understands feelings of pain.
Carpaccio's apathy stems from a place from lack of empathy, but now that he can empathize, the first thing he thinks about is how much he put Finn through. Carpaccio is barely just learning how to understand other people, and the first thing he realizes is how severely fucked up it was that he did all of that to Finn.
These feelings turn into ones of disbelief—because he can't comprehend how someone can endure something so frightening for someone else's sake. As far as we know, Carpaccio is a very selfish person. He does things for his own interest and his own gain.
To endure things for others is unfathomable, and to endure pain, which he now knows to be awful and frightening, is probably just...baffling. Finn is enduring all these terrible things, and it's not even for himself.
Finn has outmatched Carpaccio in terms of endurance and character, and even Carpaccio himself admits to it at the end of the battle because as arrogant as he was, the moment he felt his first taste of pain, he had instantly lost. Like, he didn't even try to get up
He could not continue to fight, even for his pride, simply because...pain was scary.
So what I feel like a lot of people miss is that Carpaccio is the way he is because of the circumstances that he was born in that led him to have a twisted view of the world, but the moment he's able to feel human, when he's able to feel pain and fear, he becomes a lot more normal than you'd think.
(It's not an excuse for his behavior of course, but it is a huge part of his characterization that I feel like people tend to forget.)
After the battle, you can see he's now on good terms with Max, who he formerly beat up. Although it's not explicit, it's kind of implied that he's changing for the better, because Carpaccio is someone who categorizes the weak and the strong, so he would never become friendly with those he considers "weak".
However, by hanging out with Max who he formerly beat up, it goes to show that his perspective is changing. Perhaps his viewpoints haven't instantly changed, but he's seeing strength in those he considers weak, and he's able to properly start forming connections.
In the Mashle fanbook, in Carpaccio's relationship chart, it's pretty hard to translate but there is a specific note towards Finn that basically is him admitting to being impressed with Finn. Like yes Mash did beat him, but he acknowledges that it was Finn's victory as well. Even in the actual battle, his last thoughts regarding the situation were not of Mash, but of Finn and how Finn beat him.
SO WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY AFTER THIS WHOLE GODDAMN ESSAY IS THAT pacciofinn would not be toxic okay 🥺</33 Carpaccio has changed for the better and he actually views Finn positively !!! He did not come out of that fight as a static character, he's had growth !!
It is unfair to his character to say that he'd treat Finn badly or he'd continue to be an asshole even after everything because the thing is that Carpaccio has finally solved his biggest issue. He's finally able to understand people around him, and his research about pain only goes to show that he is interested in people around him now.
He is interested in knowing people and understanding pain in a way that does not mean hurting them and he just happens to be really emotionally constipated and awkward while he's at it </333 like really have u seen him. get a load of his guy
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not a damn thought going through that brain of his does he look like he can express normal love and affection and care in a not weird and cryptic (affectionate) manner to u. the last time we saw him smiling it looked wrong on his face.
it looked so wrong that I swore the entire fandom collectively wiped it from their brains and forgot he knew how to smile hence they write him off as a cold asshole incapable of expressing joy as if he isnt like 16 years old and learning emotions for the first time in his life like a newborn deer but anyways whatever im not salty about that why would you think that
This was supposed to be a pacciofinn defense essay but I feel like 90% of the reason why ppl hate pacciofinn is because they don't get Carpaccio's character. Im so okay with ppl hating the ship but I get so petty when its because they mischaracterize Carpaccio like if you can admit that Carpaccio wouldn't mistreat Finn if they got into a relationship and still dislike the ship then okay youre good idc but to EVERYONE ELSE its on sight
Okok but besides from the character analysis, can we take a moment to think about how. Carpaccio's magic allows him to transfer his pain to others and his whole deal is that he can't feel pain and also he's like confident and the top of the grade or whatever.
And meanwhile Finn is unconfident and barely made the cutoff for Easton and his magic allows him to switch places of stuff he wants but MOST IMPORTANTLY his magic has the ability to heal !!!!! THEY R LIKE...FOILS.....YEAH...SO REAL
It also makes it more thematically better that they ended up going head to head and it was Finn(ft. Mash)'s victory like Finn is just living proof of everything Carpaccio doesn't believe in and now he's forced to believe in it.
I also think it's important to consider that Carpaccio acknowledges it to be Finn's win instead of thinking further abt Mash because here's the thing: Mash is the main character. He's magicless, yes, but he also possesses a large amount of power already.
He is, in all sense of the word, "strong". He doesn't let his status as someone without magic deter him from his goals (and that's what makes him so good but this is not a Mash appreciation essay so I'll have to leave that for next time but I love Mash)
Finn on the other hand, is what really embodies Carpaccio's perception of someone "weak". He's not particularly strong in magic, and he's also not physically strong either. He gets scared easily, and he's not so brash that he can confidently jump into battle like the rest of his friends. He needs help, he can't win on his own. But despite this, he had the courage to stand up to Carpaccio.
And by the end of the manga, Finn has acquired 2 lines. The person Carpaccio had considered "weak" went far beyond his expectations and now they have the same amount of lines. However, Carpaccio's respect for Finn did not begin after he acquired 2 lines, but before that when he still had only 1 line and that is so important to me
I don't know where I'm going with this um sorry but to conclude I think you guys should care abt pacciofinn they r so silly to me theyre just two little guys i want them put into a blender
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astormofships · 8 years
Pick Your Darling: Jenna
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“Love me, love me. Say that you love me. Fool me, fool me, go on and fool me. Love me, love me. I know that you need me! I can't care 'bout anything but you..“
Ship name
Prior Hogwarts, when your parents wanted to be steadier acquaintances with the Malfoys.
First impressions, the way it used to be before it became romantic
Awww, two kids meeting for the first time. It was all chic, proper and all. Draco kissed the back of your small hand as you blushed but smiled anyway and said hello. Afterwards you began a conversation as the adults sat to drink a cup of tea. Draco mainly showed off his good manners and knowledge of wizard history but that's how you discovered a mutual interest: sports. Playing mini Quidditch was your duo's thing.  One of Lucius' favourite memory would be seeing his son play “Momma and Papa witch and wizard conquering the world” with you. Slytherin is the most disliked and feared house in the castle. Many stories are told about its students, specially by Gryffindors. Those people seem to believe all snakes are Death Eaters in waiting, which is false. Hogwarts is said to be a second home when you begin your first year, and if there is a house who truly holds this familial atmosphere, it's Slytherin: indeed, fraternity is one of its traits. Otherwise how would Tracey Davis, a half-blood, survive among them? Elitists were presents and known, but not all in the house were like them and that's what mattered. So even though you were growing up and more certain not to share your ancestry's beliefs, the other students of the house did not disown you. Remaining on friendly terms with the blond, he even helped you train to earn a place in the Quidditch team. Hard work rewarded you with the position of Beater although it lasted only a year, but you were not upset. It was a good experience and homeworks kept pilling up so any minute of free time counted to relax and spend time with your friends. Later when the light won against the dark, he did his best to restore his honor and image, to take the just and right path. To say he was more humble than before was obvious. But he bravely faced the world in his attempt of reconstruction. And you were this bubble of... respect. A good example and influence. He was kinder in your company, you made him want to be less of his former self, the one who was proud of his shameful flaws. His confident appearance was something you had always admired, same for his intelligence and wit. Slowly but surely, the bond grew. Affection, care, respect, loyalty, hugs...  if you two could become one sometimes, you'd do it. Whatever happened in life, at the end of the day, solace could be found in the company of the other.
Who took the first step
Both. You were a lover and did not want to conceal your emotions. Draco was more careful but when he was certain, orchestrated a plan to declare his love. Watching movies about stars and wars in your house, comfortable on the couch when it truly clicked that what you were chilling against were not the cushions but Draco himself.
Who approves, who disapproves
Your family and friends would, if the young man did not join Voldemort's ranks. Yes, they could imagine he hardly had the choice to truly decline the offer but it was a worrisome fact nevertheless. They wanted a man providing all the safety in the world. The Malfoys' reputation was tarnished.
Narcissa and Lucius would actually focus on their son's happiness. His mother would like you, truth be told. There would be a special bond between the two of you. She liked that you loved her son very much and would move mountains to keep him safe and happy.
The Purebloods who aren't in Azkaban or dead and are still as conservative as Salazar himself.
The best friend and the one you get along with the least
Maybe Pansy Parkinson, when she isn't spreading her venom in your presence. You have a lot in common if you forget the blood-purity mentality and how you disagreed. Girly stuff, talks, secrets? Together. She is the princess and you are the mom.
If you protect people, who will do the same for you? That is Blaise Zabini's role. *The friend pretending to hate your bad jokes or sincerely not enjoying them one bit.
Difference isn't always bad, therefore I think you and Luna would make interesting but genuine and ride or die friends. *That one pal who will ignore you to death if she didn't get the joke or would just offer her input to make it a decent one.
You and Dean Thomas would bond after the war. You'd have a soft spot for him, seeing that he was the one who later introduced you to music bands like Panic! At The Disco and My Chemical Romance. He was lucky to be a Muggle Born and right to be proud of it. Not only his blood status didn't make him a lesser person than those preaching purity, but at least he got the best of both worlds. You were glad to count him as a friend, and a dear one at that! *The friend who actually likes your jokes and openly admits it, sharing another while he is at it. Polite, fun-loving, respectful, brave, supportive and loyal, smart... that guy is by far the best Gryffindor you have met.
Merlin's beard. Can you imagine yourself having a conversation with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger? Hurt feelings, annoyance... yep, they'd all be mutual. Ouch.
If somebody else fancies one of you
Pansy was interested by Draco during your Hogwarts years.
Blaise might have fancied you for a year but got over it.
The best and the worst
Being childhood friends
Playing Quidditch or going to see a match together
Eye and hair colours are opposites but you reciprocally adore those differences
He doesn't mind that you are not a chatterbox, if there is something important you need to share he knows you will speak up
Draco enjoys being fussed over
All the gifts
Being each other's first true love
It's so cute and deep
His family and yours are friends
Narcissa is Draco's favourite person in the world, so It warms his heart to know you get along
You're similar, both childish so none gets really put off by this although arguments happen
Teaching him new ways, showing him how tolerance is actually a great thing
Exploring the muggle world together. When you finished your seventh year, you felt the need to get away from the wizarding world for a while which explained how you were familiar with this one too. He'd not be very enthusiastic but it would be a distraction and knowledge gained
He loves listening you play the piano, for music soothes the soul does it not
He can be secretive, it would be a source of doubt and feed your insecurities
Draco appreciates his alone time and vital space, and occasionally you might grit on his nerves by being too present
Different types of humor
This young man is too cold and/or aloof, honestly
He knew he was not worthy of you
Hogwarts Houses
Malfoy and Black are ancient and proud Pureblood families of Witches and Wizards. All  (okay, almost) were sorted in Slytherin, and Draco was not an exception. Cunning and power, he was and longed for.
That was hard to chose, honestly. The most difficult part. I admit seeing one of your request on another blog and it said that you were a Gryffindor xD But I'll go with Slytherin. You seem to know what you want, especially when it's in your hands already and would fight for the people you love or possessions you do not want to lose. There is a determination to you. Losing a battle doesn't mean you lost the war, and you know it. Slytherins know it.
Seven Deadly Sins and Virtues
Draco? Well, duh. Pride, of course. The way he speaks of his name and family legacy is no mistake. There's Envy too, how he often resents Harry for all the (un)wanted attention he gets. But this guy is intelligent, knows how to behave in society and got more than correct results at Hogwarts. Not to mention the mission given by Voldemort in 6th year, how he tried to make the Vanishing Closet work and all. All of these could refer to Diligence and Patience.
Jealous, craving affection, childish, always wanting more and more... you, dear Jenna, are Lust. Informations said that jealousy was a characteristic of wrath, and being childish could lead to tantrums and not reasoning calmly. Therefore we can add Wrath to the list. But being a ball of affection, care and protection as well as good intentions gets you the virtue of Kindness.
Who is the sun, who is the moon
An evidence! Warm, loving, protective and inclined toward music, you are the sun. Yes, that and the piano mention was a subtle reference to Apollo in my head, so it helped making the choice although it wasn't difficult to begin with. Moody and nurturing might as well be the moon however... but not this time.
Elegant, cold, boastful, mysterious and fretting, Draco is the moon.
Endgame or not
No. War changes people. Your relationship begun after that but I don't think he'd be patient enough to deal with your jealously and highly emotional moods. Giving a solid chance, sure. But time was valuable, the Slytherin alumni was aware of that. He didn't need a second mother and never was he fond of people clingling to his arm. Usually, the best prevailed the worst. But in the end, I think that sometimes people just fall out of love and that's what happened. Do not fret! He knows you are a great person yet simply not the one he belonged with. To say your heart was broken is an understatement.
Who I truly ship you with regardless of the request’s details
At first I didn't know when this ship was in progress. But you know what? A pairing including Luna seems intriguing, now that I dwell on the possibility. And now, I don't know if Dean should only be a platonic option or not. He'd be a wonderful partner. But he might be in love with Seamus, so yeah. Maybe Blaise, after all! Yes, yes. Totally Blaise.
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