#people can break canon and say fuck it if they like but theres a substantial amount of people who when making ocs for an existing thing
rassicas · 1 year
Saw you reblog your ROTM/Mr Grizz post and yea- I think the main issue with Splatoon lore is just how hard it is to access if you aren't in Japan. Nintendo of America does a REALLY bad job of making things obvious, and so much worldbuilding is either mistranslated or just never makes it over here. I don't want Splatoon to become super lore-heavy and ignore the fun parts it currently has, but I do want Nintendo to make things more explicit so we avoid things like the Octoling mind control or all mammals being extinct.
yeah it really sucks that its how it is. i remember in 2018, when i started getting more deeply interested in understanding splatoon's canon, i would see people making up everything about salmonid culture, or making mammal characters for their splatoon oc worldbuilding, and id say to myself "am i the only one who has tried going through these developer interviews with google translate to get info???" and it turned out the answer was. yes sometimes i hate to say it but. facts. ever since i started making videos consequently getting more people curious about splatoon's lore, ive noticed a huge improvement in the splatoon community's overall understanding of the lore and worldbuilding. we cant change how NOA handles splatoon, but i do what i do to try and get people to understand my favorite game series better and i think its paid off
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twunkhector · 7 years
1, 2, 4, 5, 9, and 10. go off 👀
 okay im gunna mostly tick to the dctv universe for this but i may stray
me: “dctv universe” its mostly legends and some flash lbr bc its late and i have alcohol in my system what is other tv 
salty ask list (answers under the cut, obviously)
#1 what otps in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
okay theres a lot of little crackships where i just yeah that can stay in the far depths of the sea over THERE bc wyd with that 
one i will get into is c*ldatom i just,,,,,,,, i do enjoy their interacts i think theyre entertaining and what not but i just dont really see the romantic link between them at all its p puzzling to me really. like i can see them being tolerated teammates at best but thats about as far as that relationship branches in my eyes. len was ultimately willing to let ray die at the oculus and i think that speaks for itself
#2 are there any popular fandom otps you only brotp?
i don’t know that its popular persay but captain canary??? i just really dig them as bros gaying it up throughout time no need for this unnecessary romance forced into it like begone demon
also vixenwave. is that popular again? im not sure. like its not that i would have hated if that actually became canon but i just think they are better suited as friends i hope they develop that bond a lot more in season three
um all of team flash basically (excluding iris + barry). but yeah everyone else like romance is just….i dont see it. theyre great friends and they care about each other but without the romance involved. 
not dc related but personally for me i only brotp like all of the fellowship i dont care if other people ship them like you do you (depending on that particular ship…….no frodoxgandalf nastiness out there ya hear) but yeah personally i just view them as friends i.e. the hobbits and the three hunters etc 
#4 do you have a notp in your fandom? are they a popular otp?
im not sure that they are popular i dont really know how to gage that but???? i guess a few actually lmao like that i havent mentioned already c*ldflash and sn*wbarry is that even the name??? also shipping either cisco or caitlyn with mick or len like nah that has crossed a line goodbye
#5 has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
yeah so when the fandom uses a ship to demonize other characters for really shitty and fucked up reasons that actually dont even make sense in addition its like HA okay yall are fucked and you cant stop associating that one ship with those shitty connotations and thoughts and its like :/ i literally dont ever wanna see these characters ever interact again like yall nasty smh
#9 most disliked character(s)? why?
oh boy all of the legends like bye yall
okay stein,,,,,,,,,,,,its not that i HATE him but,,,,he really fcuking gets my goat. especially since legends started hes just OVERLY cocky and really doesnt learn from his shitty behaviour often enough and will revert right back to it after he does learn from it and its like wyd u old dick take a nap like GOD stop talking down to everyone 
rip really ticks me off like 99% of the time there were points in season 2 where i didnt MIND him but most of the time im like,,,,,,yeah bye 👋 he also has an ego issue and Never Forgot “IQ of meat”
eobard can choke i genuinely find him boring af and he was useless imo
carter? also garbage dont go near me or kendra ever again (mon el is in this category as well nasties im not even getting into these)
um i can honestly say ive never found a version of HR that i didnt find annoying Noah Fence but he just isnt funny to me or endearing i just i could live without him 
to jump away from legends, tbag???????? like no. HARD NO. i hate him. ill always hate him. i can understand the purpose of his character in a show of that nature but i will never give a fuck about him or his redemption. 
i dont wanna say lj but,,,,,,,I DONT HATE LJ HE JUST EXHAUSTS ME 
jacob can also Die if for nothing else but that kiss in 5x07 where he shoved his tongue repetitively into sara’s mouth im still gagging from that
#10 most disliked arc? why?
oh boy its prison break time 
FIRST OF ALL veronica donovan dying like that? i know its not an arc but it was stupid and i hate the writers for essentially deciding only one of the females could live and that they were interchangeable like FUCK you and FUCK you again 
second all of season 4? no. dumb. the whole theyre not actually brothers plot line with how Shitty christina was i hated it and it exhausted me and i just thought it was a plot twist that didnt need to happen also did i mention i Hate her
third any redemption arc for tbag like i said hes fucking dead to me and i think hes way past the point of redemption and i just really am not interested in seeing that happen whatsoever (i.e. s2+ like bye)
also i wont lie i am quite side eye at the arc for snart in legends season 1 (and 2 if we are being honest but i dont wanna get started on doomworld it is LATE – one small thing, len calling mick a dog? bye 👋), as well as micks. i dont really like the way theyve developed the characters from the beginning of s1 to the end of s1 i think it was done a little sloppy like they didnt have the time to really do it properly and it was a little bit out of character anyways in some portions 
as well like i said they didnt really have the time to develop that relationship enough to the point to really break it down substantially as they could have it almost reminded me of doing civil war in one mcu movie with only 6 of the avengers present and the shitty mcu writing of them not really seeming like they like each other a whole lot for most of the time like show us SOMETHING MORE that would suggest this could happen
flash point. i dont like this. i am, for the most part, not a fan. i think its negatives way outweigh its positives, the few it has. 
julian? i also found his whole,,,,,,,,,existence for more than a mere few episodes redundant and uncomfortable. also like p much everything with caitlyn has been pretty,,,no……. like why 
must i even touch on mon el entering our lives and james olsen being viciously side swiped? probably not. 
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